Issue 3

Sherburne-Earlville Elementary School News       
• Principal Mr. Douchinsky • Issue 3 08-09
PARP Theme: Animals
During PARP, 7th Graders, Bridgette Mc. and Jonah D., read to
Mrs. Colf’s Kindergarten students, Mollie M. and Darren L. as
part of a MS community service team lead by Mrs. Howard.
Land of the Dinosaurs
By Harrison D. 3-L
Once in a small town, there lived a
very nice young boy that loved to go
on adventures, his name was Evorite
Minard. The whole story started out
when his mom came upstairs to wake
him up for school. Evorite woke up,
got dressed and bolted downstairs,
he had a bowl of cereal, hugged his
mom and left. While he was walking
to school, he fell into a hole that
appeared out of nowhere in the
middle of the sidewalk. Finally, he hit
the ground and a gigantic raindrop hit
him in the back of the head. Evorite
turned over and realized it wasn’t
a raindrop but it was Tarbosaurus
drool. He stood up and ran like crazy
with the Allisaurus on his tail. He
spotted a cave and darted in. He
stayed in the cave until the Allisaurus
continued on page 4
Poetry Page
Animal Couplets by Third Grade Classes
Buglovsky, Eaves/Barth, O’Connor and Westbrook
Horses are cool.
I would like to see a horse jump into a pool.
-Ashlee H.
There was a very big koala bear.
Ha had no friends because he did not share.
-Zachary M.
I have a cute, fat hamster named Spike.
Sometimes I take him for a long hike.
Harlee P. 5-D
There was a big brown bear.
He had really long hair.
-Lexie J.
I have a little pig.
He likes to wear a wig.
-Jeff H.
My mom is really nice.
She doesn’t like mice.
-Breanna U.
Molly B.
Dallas is my puppy dog.
He always plays with a frog.
-Michael A.
-Katelynn P.
I have a chubby monkey.
He likes to be spunky.
-Bailey S.
Molly B.
How to Make Ants on a
How to Make Ants on a Log
By: Molly B.
Step 1: Take a stick of celery and break into small pieces
Step 2: Take some peanut butter and spread it on the
celery with a spoon
Step 3: Put raisons on the peanut butter
Step 4: Eat and enjoy!!
Writing With Miss Flisnik in Mrs. Moore’s Computer Lab
Star Nosed Mole
By Hailey H.
Star nosed moles are very interesting
creatures. They have twenty-two rays
on its nose. They have a hairless snout
and a starburst looking nose. The rays on
its nose help it feel around in the dark.
Did you know that star nosed moles are
the fastest eating mammals on Earth?
Star nosed moles grow to about four
to five inches long and their tail grows
about three inches long. They eat aquatic
insects, earthworms, mollusks and fish.
Their weight is one and a half to three
ounces. They live in the United States
and southern Canada. To have their
babies, they build solitary burrows and
form small colonies. They have two to
seven babies at a time. They do not mate
for life. The couples stay together in the
winter. As you can see, Star nosed moles
are quite fascinating animals.
Atlantic Hagfish
blood! The Atlantic hagfish feeds on dead or
dying fish. They find their food with their strong
senses of smell and touch. They bite with a
slit-like mouth. The female lays up to 30 toughskinned eggs at one time. They hatch into tiny
adults. When the Atlantic hagfish is not looking
for food, it rests in the mud at the bottom of the
ocean. Atlantic hagfish live along the coastal
waters of the Atlantic Ocean. This eel-like
animal is a very unique creature!
Mustached Guenon
The mustached guenon is a very bizarre
animal. The mustached guenon’s face
looks like it has been dipped in blue paint
and its fur is greenish brown. It lives in
the rain forest in the central and western
part of Africa. Did you know that its tail
is longer than its body? The adult body is
usually one to two feet long and the tail is
one to two and a half feet long. It weighs
six to fourteen pounds! The mustached
guenon usually has one live young. Once
the mom is ready to have more young, the
first baby does more things on his own.
Once the new baby is born, the teenager
may leave the tree. They usually live with
their family for three years. The younger
monkeys usually look just like their
By Parker J. 4-Fl
This monkey’s diet is made up of fruits,
flowers, and other invertebrates. The
What is blind, slimy, and about 30 inches long?
monkey usually drinks fresh palm tree
The Atlantic hagfish! It eats small fish. They
cling to the bodies of other fish, to suck their juice. Perhaps one day, you might see
By Sierra G. 4-Fl.
this animal in its habitat!
Thanks to all the
Molly B. Library & page 1 Bookshelf
Sal M.
left. When he got out, an Ankylosaurus was standing next to the entrance
of the cave. It looked like it wanted him to get on his
back. So, he climbed on and they became friends.
Evorite decided to call him Boneie. Boneie showed
Evorite his favorite secret place. It was a nice shady
clearing in a forest. Boneie’s wife was lying on a nest
Daniel M. 2-Mo
of eggs there. Boneie was happy to introduce her and Evorite
was glad to meet her. Evorite was happy that his
friend’s babies would hatch before the extinction. As
Evorite left, his friend, Silas, fell out of the sky right
next to him. A Saltasaurus about
fifty yards away had whipped
Silas with his tail. Evorite knelt
Sage D. 2-Mo
down and asked if he was okay.
He was, when all of a sudden, a pack of twelve
Velociraptors jumped out of a clump of bushes. They
Riley W. 2-Mo
tried to eat the boys but Boneie came to their rescue. He hit
the raptors with his club-like tail. The fight was easy for Boneie. He only
got a scrape. This was quite a wacko day. Everyone was exhausted. So
they returned to the safe forest clearing for a good night’s sleep.
Kierra F.
Deliah B.
Salvatore M.4
Elizabeth B. 4
Molly B.
Harrison D. 3
Georgina G. 3
Michael D. 3
Ms. Hammond
We try to preserve
the student’s voice
during editing.
Copies online at