rustling a hog.ppt

Rustling A Hog
I Chose this
poem because
my family
butchers hogs
every year.
Jim Altringer
Reasons I liked this poem
#1. Gary Gildner swears in it.
Reasons I liked this poem
#2. He describes it so well you feel like you
are there.
Reasons I liked this poem
#3. He tells how to kill the Hog with one blow
to the head with a hammer.
Reasons I liked this poem
#4. When he describes roasting the pig and
eating it it makes me really hungry.
Reasons this poem is good.
#1. He is very graphic in explaining it.
Pie Graph
Get it
He’s Graphic
Pie graph
Ha Ha
Reasons this poem is good
#2. Gary Gildner explains to you how to
butcher a hog. By just reading the poem
you could do it. Just read and learn.
Reasons this poem is good
#3. I think this poem is good because I love to
butcher hogs.
Oh yes I love this