
Melissa Martinez
Breast Feeding, English
• Is breast feeding better
than processed milk?
• Is there a significant
amount of difference?
• What are the pros and
• Is one better than the
Breast feeding is better than processed
formula because it provides a significant
amount of benefits that bottle feeding does
Is breast feeding better than
processed milk?
• There are many reasons to support the
statement that breast milk is better for a
baby than processed formula.
According to John Wilson, M.D.,
“The antibiotics and hormones in most
cow’s milk can be passed to your baby
and might be harmful. For that reason I
recommend a mothers humans breast
milk which carries a lower effect of
passed hormones and indeed a very
higher percent of
Is there a significant difference
between both?
• There are far greater amounts of positive and
important factors about breast milk than processed
According to Kathryn Dewey, Ph.D., a professor
in the Department of Nutrition at the University of
California, “You still need many vitamins that can
be received only through direct contact of breast
To list a few:
*Vitamin D
*Vitamin C ( Immunity)
*Vitamin B6
*Calcium ( Bones)
*Zinc ( Blood)
*Magnesium ( Digestive system)
FYI- The levels of these vitamins in breast milk is
directly related to the amount of vitamins in the
mothers diet.
What is the difference?
Processed formulated milk carries an
amount of vitamins, but it is not as
concentrated and pure as the amount
received through breast milk. Formula does
not provide vitamin B6, magnesium nor
high concentration of immunity ( vitamin C)
Breast milk is natural; meaning it is perfectly suited for
your baby's nutritional needs
Breastfed babies have fewer allergic reactions
Breast milk contains maternal antibodies ammunities
to help baby develop an immune system
Breastfed babies are less likely to be overfed
Breastfeeding is inexpensive; no bottles and formula
Stools are less offensive to the sense of smell
Breastfed babies are less likely to have diarrhea
Breastfeeding provides direct mother-to-infant contact
Breastfeeding often satisfies sucking urges
Disadvantages of bottle feeding:
• Lack of natural vitamins.
• Child carries a lower level of immunity, and this
makes it harder to recover from colds, flu, and
• Need to purchase and the high cost of formula.
FYI- A can of formula is in average price of 4 to 5
dollars. This only makes 2 ½ servings.
• Less one on one time with child.
The Most Important Advantage
of Breast Feeding
If a mother chooses to breast feed, she is
giving the gift of better health to her child. The
child benefits from needed vitamins that will allow
better growth and health in the future.
In conclusion, breast milk in deed is the best
choice between formula and breast milk. There are
many reasons to breast feed a child. The benefits are
far greater and healthier. Moreover, breast feeding
allows a sharing time that is taken away if bottled
Work Cited
• Martinez, Melissa. “Is breast feeding better than non breast
feeding?” Interview with Mayte Camacho. Discussion.
2001. 14 Oct.
• Health-Center. “ Pros and Cons of breast feeding”.
Retrieved October 16, 2001, from the world wide web.
• Williams, Rebecca D. “Breast feeding Best for Babies”.
Retrieved 15 Oct. 2001.
• Clark RN, Lisa. “Breast feeding advice and Breast feeding
benefits for baby”. Retrieved 15 Oct. 2001.