USPS-T-22 BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 Postal Rate and Fee Changes, 2000 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF MICHAEL D. BRADLEY ON BEHALF OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE Docket No. R2000-1 TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL PURPOSE I. II. SKETCH ii AND SCOPE iv INCREMENTAL COSTS ARE ESSENTIAL FOR GUARDING AGAINST CROSS SUBSIDY. THE NEW POSTAL SERVICE METHOD IS ACCURATE, FLEXIBLE, AND CONSISTENT WITH ESTABLISHED COMMISSIONCOSTINGMETHODS ._.............___.._.___. THE CURRENT METHOD FOR ESTIMATING TEST-YEAR ATTRIBUTABLE COSTS. The Method Used for Calculating Attributable A. Cost is Known as “Calibration The Steps Through Which Test-Year Attributable Costs are B. Estimated . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..___.__...............___._. 1 5 5 9 III. THE NEW METHOD FOR CALCULATING INCREMENTAL COSTS. 14 The Steps Through Which Test-Year Incremental Costs are A. Estimated. . . . . . . . . . . . . .._............_.............. 15 The Relationship Among Incremental Cost, Volume Variable Cost B. and Attributable Cost.. 18 Comparing the Old and New Methods of Calculating Test-Year C. Incremental Costs. . 24 IV, THE ANALYTICAL STRUCTURE OF INCREMENTAL Calculating Base Year Costs. A. The Role of Product Specific Costs B. Calculating Test Year Costs. C. V. HOW THE NEW METHOD OF INCREMENTAL COST CALCULATION ADDRESSES THE CONCERNS RAISED BY THE COMMISSION IN DOCKETR97-1. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...42 A. B. COSTS A Discussion of the Three Deficiencies In the Calculation of Incremental Costs Cited by the Commission. A Discussion of the Three Additional Concerns about the Incremental Cost Calculation Cited by the Commission.. I 26 27 33 38 42 44 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL 1 My name is Michael D. Bradley and I am Professor of Economics 2 3 George Washington 4 have published 5 Postal economics 6 research at various professional conferences 7 both universities agencies. 8 extensive experience 9 served as a consultant 10 _- SKETCH associations, University. at I have taught economics there since 1982 and I many articles using both economic theory and econometrics. is one of my major areas of research. and government investigating my and I have given invited lectures at Beyond my academic work, I have real-world economic problems, as I have to financial and manufacturing and government I have presented corporations, trade agencies. I received a B.S. in economics with honors from the University of 11 12 Delaware 13 Omicron Delta Epsilon for academic achievement 14 earned a Ph.D. in economics 15 graduate 16 have won both academic and nonacademic 17 Irwin Distinguished Paper Award, the American Gear Manufacturers 18 Award, a Banneker Award and the Tractenberg and as an undergraduate was awarded both Phi Beta Kappa and in the field of economics. I from the University of North Carolina and as a student I was an Alumni Graduate Fellow. While being a professor, I awards including the Richard D. ADEC Prize. I have been studying postal economics for about fifteen years, and I have 19 20 participated in many Postal Rate Commission 21 R84-I, 22 .and in Docket No, R87-1, I testified on behalf of the Postal Service concerning I helped in the preparation proceedings. In Docket No. of testimony about purchased ii transportation 1 the costs of purchased 2 testimony 3 remand, I presented 5 presented 6 costs. 7 econometric 9 10 11 In Docket No. R90-1, I presented in the area of city carrier load time costs. testimony concerning I returned to transportation 4 8 transportation. testimony the methods of city carrier costing. There, I of a distance taper in postal transportation In Docket No. R94-1, I presented both direct and rebuttal testimony on an model of access costs. More recently, in Docket R97-1, presented In the Docket No. R90-1 costing in Docket No. MC91-3. on the existence rebuttal I presented three pieces of testimony. both direct and rebuttal testimony I also presented in the area of mail processing testimony on the costs of purchased I costs. highway transportation Beside my work with the U.S. Postal Service, I have served as a expert on 12 postal economics to postal administrations 13 Of particular relevance to this testimony, 14 decade on their incremental 15 for their incremental 16 them with methodological 17 serve as Canada Posts in North America, Europe, and Asia. I have worked with Canada Post for a cost system. I provided the original analytical basis cost model when it was first constructed and have provided advice as the model has been refined. External Methodological III Advisor. I currently - PURPOSE 1 2 is to present and explain the Postal 3 Service’s new method for calculating 4 method improves upon the previous method and I demonstrate 5 consistent with the established 6 estimating test-year attributable 7 the calculations. 8 9 F. The purpose of my testimony AND SCOPE It is my goal to encourage place of attributable incremental costs. Postal Rate Commission costs. I describe how the new that it is methodology I also provide the mathematical the Commission costs in its costing analysis. to adopt incremental Incremental for basis for costs in cost is a more 10 accurate measure of the total cost caused by a product and in the postal context 11 incremental 12 analyzing 13 cross subsidy. 14 cost will exceed attributable cost. It is thus a better basis for if a product’s revenue is sufficient to cover its cost when testing for There are no library references 15 testimony. 16 by witness Kay, USPS-T-23. Application or workpapers of the methods described iv directly associated in this testimony with this is presented 1 2 3 4 I. INCREMENTAL COSTS CROSS SUBSIDY. THE ACCURATE, FLEXIBLE, COMMISSION COSTING 5 ARE ESSENTIAL FOR GUARDING AGAINST NEW POSTAL SERVICE METHOD IS AND CONSISTENT WITH ESTABLISHED METHODS. In Docket No. R97-1, the Postal Service presented 6 known as incremental 7 concept of incremental 8 cases, Docket No. R97-1 was the first time actual incremental 9 calculated.* 10 cost, for the Commission’s a new cost measure, consideration.’ Although the cost had been presented to the Commission The Postal Service introduced incremental in previous costs were costs in Docket No. R97-1, 11 because of their essential role within the regulatory framework 12 firm. As is well known, incremental 13 product. 14 ensuring that a products 15 calculated for a multi-product cost measures the total cost caused by a It is therefore the ideal cost measure for testing for cross-subsidy or for revenue covers its cost.3 Because there is no properly total product cost measure that can exceed a products incremental 1 a, Direct Testimony of William M. Takis on Behalf of the United State Postal Service, Docket No. R97-1, USPS-T-41 and Direct Testimony of John C. Panzar on Behalf of the United States Postal Service, Docket No. R97-1, USPS-T-l 1, 2 For an early discussion of the concept of incremental cost and its role in the regulatory framework, see Direct Testimony of William J. Baumol on Behalf of the United States Postal Service, Docket No. R87-I. 3 The incremental cost of a product is the total additional cost caused by adding that product to the existing product mix. For example, suppose that a firm produces two products, X and Y. The incremental cost of Y is the total cost of increasing the output of Y from zero to its current level, Y’, while holding the level of X constant. Note that the incremental cost of Y depends upon both any fixed cost devoted to producing Y and the current level of production of X. 2 1 cost, any test of cross-subsidy 2 subject to error, 3 “attributable 4 below its incremental 5 that does not make use of incremental For example, it is possible for a products cost” as measured revenue to cover its by the Postal Rate Commission, but still be cost. In the last rate case, the Commission 6 incremental 7 of certain perceived deficiencies a Commission 9 of the Postal Service’s incremental endorsed the effort to calculate cost but did not accept the Postal Service’s measurements in the method of calculation. made clear that is was interested because Nevertheless, the in receiving an improved version cost calculation:4 Witness Takis’ attempt to develop the incremental costs of postal services directly responds to Commission interest expressed in Docket No. R94-1, PRC Op. R94-1, Appendix F, paras. 167 and 170. It clearly represents a serious effort to examine an extraordinarily complex and difficult problem. In reviewing this testimony, the Commission has had to bear in mind how the line of inquiry represented by witness Panzar’s theories and witness Takis’ applications might develop into a useful tool for identifying cross-subsidy in future proceedings. Would a future Commission wish to be alerted to the possibility of a cross-subsidy as identified by a more acceptable and applicable successor to witness Takis’ incremental cost test? Clearly, the answer is “yes.” 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 cost is The Postal Service has produced such an improved version in this case 27 The Commission 28 method of calculation. This clarity permitted the Postal Service to modify its methods of calculation so that the new methods are consistent 4 was very clear in describing See PRC Op., R97-1, at 246. the concerns it had with the old with established 3 1 Commission methods of product cost measurement. 2 concern that the Commission 3 was that it would have been forced to use incremental 4 dependent voiced about the Postal Service’s previous effort costs that were critically upon untested (and ultimately rejected) costing studies? 5 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia For example, the primary In witness Takis’ own words, “it is imperative that any approach to estimating incremental costs starts with, and ultimately is consistent with, the analyses that determine volume variable cost in BY 1996.” Id. at 8. Since the Commission has rejected the model proposed by witness Baron with respect to load time cost variability, and that of witness Bradley with respect to mail processing cost variability, it would be inconsistent for the Commission to depend upon evidence supplied by witness Takis that rests upon these rejected models. While I concur with witness Takis’ admonition 19 volume variable costs and incremental 20 consistency 21 new method of calculating 22 of attributable 23 the cost studies themselves. 24 method it will be quite easy for the Commission 25 any set of variabilities/cost 26 costs are predicated 27 the Commission’s about the consistency costs, I would point out that such does not require reliance upon untested cost studies. incremental of costs, like the Commission’s costs, relies upon only the variabilities Thus, as I demonstrate studies it chooses. In fact, the calculation from such cost studies, not below, under the new to calculate incremental costs for The objection that incremental upon a specific set of cost studies is no longer a barrier to use of incremental costs. ?, 4 The Commission 1 2 97-1 because the calculated 3 Service’s proposed incremental cost in Docket No. costs were related to the Postal rates, not the rates the Commission ultimately chose? Also, the Commission’s recommended rates differ from those requested by the Postal Service in this proceeding. Consequently, the Commission makes no use of witness Takis’ estimates of incremental cost and relies instead on attributable costs, as it has in past proceedings, to demonstrate that its recommended rates are free of cross-subsidies. 4 5 6 7 a 9 IO .- also rejected the use of incremental 11 This concern is also alleviated by the new method of calculation. 12 Because the new method requires the same information to calculate test-year 13 incremental costs that are required to calculate test year attributable 14 incremental cost test can now be performed on any after-rates 15 volumes. 16 attributable costs in the past, it now can check its after-rates 17 incremental costs. Just as the Commission has checked its after-rates test-year revenues against revenues against In sum, the new method of calculating test-year incremental ia 19 flexible and entirely consistent 20 same information 21 the concerns the Commission requirements To understand 22 23 understand, 24 works. with established costs, the costs is costing methodology. as test-year attributable It has the costs and it addresses raised in the last case. the new method and how it works, we must first from a macro perspective, That is accomplished how the current costing methodology in the next section of my testimony. The 5 1 subsequent section explains and discusses the new method for calculating 2 year incremental 3 presented 4 about how incremental 5 discussion costs. The analytical structure of the cost calculations and the testimony ends with a review of the Commission’s costs were calculated test is then concerns in Docket No. R97-1 and a of how the current method addresses those concerns. 6 7 a 9 10 11 12 13 II. THE CURRENT ATTRIBUTABLE A. METHOD FOR ESTIMATING COSTS. The Method “Calibration.” The current method of calculating 14 “calibrated” 15 model has its parameters 16 calibrated 17 some estimated ia and some established 19 Use for Calculating Attributable attributable estimated econometrically econometrically, In the calibration determined cost model.’ as upon a An estimated ? from a single set of data. A from a variety of sources, with some determined from engineering studies, by judgment. approach, the structure of the model is first determined 20 and then the models is “calibrated;” 21 populated with chosen values for the parameters. 22 can than be solved (or simulated) for the desired variables. 7 Cost Is Known costs depends cost model as opposed to an “estimated” model has its parameters TEST- YEAR that is, the structure of the model is After calibration, the model In the case of the For some introductory discussions of calibration, Pagan, “Calibration and Econometric Research: An Overview,” Applied Econometrics, Dec. 1994 or Danny T. Quah, Business Calibration and Estimation: An Introduction, Economic Journal, p 1594-l 596. see, Adrian Journal of Cycle Empirics: November 1995, - 6 -~ 1 attributable 2 keys from a variety of sources and is then “solved” to calculate both base-year 3 and test-year attributable The calibration 4 and distribution costs. methodology can be illustrated through a simple example. 5 Suppose that the postal costing structure had three products: Class A, Class B 6 and Class C and four cost pools: Pool l(Retail), 7 (Mail Processing), a in this simple case can be envisioned 9 representing 10 ,-. cost model, the model is populated with variabilities and Pool 4 (Delivery). Pool 2 (Transportation), The structure of the product cost model as a 4 X 3 matrix with the rows the cost pools and the columns representing matrix can be represented Pool 3 the classes. Such a as: 11 Product A 12 13 Retail cost 14 15 Transportation cost 16 17 Mail Processing cost :i Delivery cost WC, Product B VVCRB Product C WC,, 20 For each cell, the volume variable cost for the individual class is given by the 21 product of the cells accrued cost, (C), its variability (E) and the class’ share of the 22 distribution 23 by the product of accrued cost for retail, (C,), the variability for retail (&s) and key (8). For example, Class A’s volume variable retail cost is given 7 1 Class A’s share of the retail distribution 2 variable retail cost for Class A is given by: vvc, = key (8,). Mathematically, the volume CREReRA 3 The product cost model, in this case, can be represented 4 for each of the cost pools. The first equation 5 second the transportation 6 the fourth represents by four equations, one represents the retail cost pool, the cost pool, the third the mail processing cost pool and the delivery cost pool. (4 7 The structure of the model is determined a definitions. 9 pools but the model must be calibrated by selecting the values for the variabilities keys (the 8ij).* 10 11 by the cost pool breakout and product The Postal Service accounting (the &j) and the distribution system typically provides the cost The above model provides volume variable cost, but can be easily 8 There are instances in which the cost pool definition depends upon systems other than the pure accounting system. For example, in mail processing, cost pools may in part be defined by MODS data or IOCS data. -- a 1 augmented 2 costs for Class B in transportation 3 attributable to provide attributable cost. Suppose that there are specific fixed and for Class C in delivery. The analogous cost model is given by: (3) /- 4 In this set of equations 5 transportation 6 F,, represents the specific fixed cost for Class B in and F,, represents the specific fixed cost for Class C in delivery. To be more precise, we will review the current method for calculating 7 attributable a calibration exercise. 9 addressed. 10 calibration 11 structure of that model. That is, there is general agreement 12 of the cost components and there is a common overall method for calculating 13 base-year costs. 14 costs and then consider those methods though the lens of a Before pursuing that detail, however, a final issue must be Although the Commission and Postal Serve have differed on the of the cost model, there is generally little disagreement and test-year The differences between the Commission about the about the structure and the Postal Service have 15 typically arisen because of divergent views over the choice of the variabilities 16 and distribution keys required to calibrate the model. Once those choices are made, however, a common method is used to calculate test year costs. that the Postal Service calculates calculates “attributable” “volume variable” costs and the Commission costs. The difference between these cost measures is only specific fixed costs, so there is no fundamental Commission It is true conflict in methodology; the simply takes volume variable costs and adds specific fixed costs to them to calculate attributable costs.g In what follows, therefore, I can safely refer only to “the” cost model without reference to whether it is “the Commission’s model” or “the Postal Service’s model.” 9 10 B. 11 The established 12 The Steps Through Estimated. can be described 13 14 15 16 methodology Which Test-Year for estimating Attributable Costs are test year attributable costs in five steps Step 1: Data collection The process starts with the collection data by the Postal Service. 17 In some cases, this is an ongoing process in which the same systems are ia used to collect product and cost data on an annual basis. 19 instances, 20 parameters. 21 example of a special data set is HCSS. 9 In other special data sets are collected and used to estimate new Examples of ongoing systems are IOCS and TRACS. The term “specific confusion in the past as it may fixed. As I explain below, there variable but should be included An fixed” cost may have been the source of some have been applied to some costs that were not are some cost that are neither fixed nor volume in a products incremental cost. IO 1 Special studies to update model’s parameters. and improve 2 3 Step 2: 4 Postal Service analysts, intervenor analysts, the and Commission staff 5 produce special studies based upon the data the Postal Service collects 6 These studies typically produce either estimates of variabilities 7 estimates of distribution a 9 Step 3: keys for the various components. Commission selection the parameters. During the ten-month 10 or of its preferred values for period of the rate case, the Commission 11 select specific values for the parameters 12 It will chose its preferred values for specific fixed costs, variabilities 13 distribution keys from the studies presented 14 intervenors, or it will rely upon parameters 15 consultants.‘0 16 parameters. 17 ia Finally, the Commission will required to calibrate the model. and by the Postal Service or produced by its own staff or may choose to retain the old It is important to note that this process does not require including the new studies in the cost model 10 - it only requires including the values For examples of the Commission choosing a set of parameters produced by the Postal Service see the adoption of TRACS distribution keys in Docket No. R90-1 (a PRC Op., R90-1 at 154). or the adoption of new variabilities for purchased highway transportation in Docket No. R97-1 (a PRC Op., R97-1 at 205). For examples of the Commission choosing parameters estimated by its own staff or consultants see the adoption of purchased highway transportation variabilities in Docket No. R87-1 (a PRC Op., R67-1 at 314) or the choice of city carrier load time variabilities in Docket No. R90-1 (See PRC Op., R90-1 at 111-85). for the parameters (and analytical that have been produced. structures) underlying explicitly used in the calculation calculation of attributable from an engineering This means that the studies the chosen parameters of attributable costs. cost whether the estimated study, from judgment, are not It matters not in the parameters came or from an econometric study using a linear function, a quadratic function, or a translog function. Step 4: Calculate 7 a 9 base- year attributable costs Once the model’s structure has been populated with the chosen 10 parameters, the model is used to calculate base year attributable 11 The first step is to calculate base-year volume variable costs. This 12 requires combining 13 elasticity to determine the pool of volume variable costs. These costs 14 then are distributed 15 Total volume variable cost for a particular subclass is found by summing 16 the component with the relevant to products based upon the chosen distribution - keys specific volume variable costs for that subclass. A products 17 the accrued cost in each component costs, total base-year attributable cost is calculated by first ia identifying any specific fixed costs for that product and then adding them 19 to the products total volume variable cost. Unit base-year attributable 20 (volume variable) cost is found by dividing total base-year attributable 21 (volume variable) cost by base-year RPW volume.” 11 A review of these steps may leave one with the question of how the Postal Service could calculate volume variable costs before culmination of a rate case. Yet, the Postal Service requires these costs before proposing new rates. - 12 ~~- Calculate test- year attributable costs. 1 Step 5: 2 The cost model estimates or forecasts the test-year attributable 3 costs by a process known as “rolling-forward” the base-year attributable 4 costs. To calculate the test-year costs, the base year costs are adjusted 5 for anticipated 6 and the test year. These anticipated changes include volume changes, 7 input price changes and productivity changes. a the base-year 9 effects, non-volume changes expected to take effect between the base year In roll-forward terminology, costs are adjusted by applying volume effects, cost level workload effects, and special program effects. 10 adjustments 11 base year volume variable costs are adjusted upward or downward, 12 multiplicative 13 are applied in a specific manner. manner, for the anticipated For example, in a component In most components, These the in a change. that gets a volume effect, each 14 products volume variable (and thus the volume variable portion of 15 attributable) 16 product. 17 base year and test year, this calculation would produce test year volume cost is multiplied by the expected volume growth rate for that If this were the only change in cost circumstances between the The Postal Service’s proposed volume variable costs differ from the volume variable costs calculated by the Commission solely in the choice of the parameters used to calibrate the model. Thus, if one replaces “the Commission chooses” with “the Postal Service chooses” in Step 3, the same process applies. In this way, the Postal Service determines its proposed rates before the case is filed. As the Postal Service does not calculate attributable costs, it is my goal to compare the Commission’s calculation of attributable costs with the Postal Service’s new method of calculation of incremental costs. 13 - variable cost. This also means that the ratio of test-year to base-year attributable cost would be equal to the growth rate in volume. of the parameters test-year of the model are held constant during the calculation calculated however, whose test year costs are externally to the cost model. I am informed, for example, that test year workman’s compensation costs are not determined roll forward process but are determined The established methodology costs using parameters through the outside the model. is thus based upon constructing a model of IO attributable 11 Commission’s 12 Once that structure is put into place, it is used to calculate both base-year 13 test-year costs without reference to the special studies. 14 costs are consistent 15 costs are just transformations 16 changes 17 projects. ia of costs. There are some components, 9 Note that all from special studies to embody the beliefs about the relationships with the base-year between products and their costs. Moreover, the test-year of the base-year costs based upon anticipated workload, and special programs or As we will see in the next section, the new method of calculating incremental 20 therefore 21 by the Commission 22 incremental costs directly replicates this established methodology test-year and is entirely consistent with it. In this way, it mitigates the concerns costs. and costs, in the sense that the test-year in volumes, input costs, non-volume 19 4 Docket No. R97-1 about the old method of calculating raised - 14 1 2 Ill. THE NEW METHOD FOR CALCULATING To ensure that the calculation of incremental 3 information 4 method of calculating 5 methodology, 6 identical to the first three steps in the attributable 7 I begin the discussion a 9 10 beyond that required for the calculation incremental cost does not require any of attributable In fact, the first three steps of the incremental of incremental method, and attributable COSTS. cost, the new cost relies upon and parallels the established cost calculation cost calculation cost calculation. cost calculation The similarity between incremental are Consequently, with step 3. cost calculation, even under the old has already been acknowledged by the Commission:” Witness Takis works within the same cost accounting framework as the Commission. It is the same accounting framework that is followed by the Service in its data collection and cost reporting systems and that is used by Postal Service witness Degen whose cost pools and attributions have been largely accepted by the Commission. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 INCREMENTAL At the subclass level the approach is identical in many of its assumptions and calculations to the Commission’s calculations of attributable cost. Specific fixed costs are identified and used in the same way. Other information such as the singlesubclass stop information is also used in the same way. The approach taken by witness Takis parallels the Commission’s calculation of attributable cost in many important respects. The concordance 12 that the Commission has already recognized See PRC Op., R97-1, Vol. 1 at 249 has been 15 maintained in the new method of incremental cost calculation. Postal Service’s modifications the consistency between the methods of incremental established A. to the incremental cost calculation 9 have increased cost calculation and the methodology. The Steps Through Estimated. Which Test-Year Incremental The steps required to calculate test-year incremental a Indeed, the Costs are cost are described below: Data collection Step 1: 10 11 Same as in the Commission’s attributable 12 13 14 15 16 Step 2: 17 ia Step 3: 19 Same as in the Commission’s attributable 20 Step 4: Calculate incremental 21 Incremental Special studies to update model’s parameters Same as in the Commission’s attributable Commission selection the parameters. base-year cost calculation. and improve the cost calculation. of its preferred values for cost calculation. costs. costs are calculated from the same base-year 22 as attributable costs. There is an essential difference 23 calculation, 24 last unit produced, 25 of the units produced. however. Attributable whereas costs incorporate incremental model in the method of only the cost of the costs incorporate the costs of all 16 To see how this works, consider the purchased 1 highway 2 transportation cost pool. There are no specific fixed costs in this cost 3 pool, so attributable 4 this cost pool is cubic foot-miles 5 if found by multiplying the variability of the cost driver (CFM) times 6 accrued cost. Mathematically, 7 cost of the last CFM provided times the total number of CFMS.‘~ The a attributable cost is then distributed 9 distribution key. Incremental 10 cost equals volume variable cost. The cost driver in (CFM) of transportation. cost this is the same as multiplying the marginal to products with the TRACS cost, on the other hand, recognizes 11 CFM cost the same amount to produce. 12 multiplying 13 the last CFM.14 Incremental 14 marginal cost changes over the range of the products Incremental the fact that not all cost is found by each CFM times its own marginal cost, not the marginal cost of costs thus allows for the fact that the In any cost component 15 Attributable output. for which the variability is less than one 16 hundred percent, like in purchased 17 cost of the driver (CFM) declines with increases in the driver (CFM). ia other words, the cost of obtaining an additional CFM falls as the number 19 of purchased 13 calculations 14 CFMs increases. highway transportation, the marginal This means the cost to the Postal Service The mathematics of the volume variable and attributable are provide in the next section. The mathematics the next section. In of incremental cost calculation cost are also given in 17, 1 of providing the last CFM of transportation 2 previous CFMs of transportation. 3 incremental 4 variable purchased purchased It also means that a products highway transportation highway transportation More generally, 5 is below the cost of providing cost will exceed its volume cost. this means that for any cost component 6 variability less than one hundred percent the incremental 7 in that cost component 8 component. 9 percent then the products 10 with a cost of a product must exceed its volume variable cost in the If the variability in a cost component incremental equals one hundred cost equals its volume variable cost as the driver’s marginal cost is constant. 11 To understand the calculation of incremental 12 consider the structure of the product cost model. 13 calibrated 14 product cost model is used to calculate attributable 15 year or the test year, the elasticity parameters 16 example, the same elasticity parameters 17 year and test-year attributable 18 elasticity parameter 15 cost, we must Formally speaking, the model has a “constant elasticity” structure. That is, when the cost, in either the base are held constant. For are used to calculate both base- costs.‘5 As was explained above, when the is less than one, then the model implies that the A bit of care in terminology is essential to avoid confusion here. Typically the terms ‘elasticity” and “variability” are used interchangeably but in this instance they should not be treated so. Although the model has a “constant elasticity” structure as described above, it does not have a constant variability structure. A component’s overall variability is sometimes calculated as the ratio of volume variable costs to accrued costs. A divergence between the two concepts occurs in the roll-forward process, where the variability ratio will change with volume changes, even within the model’s constant elasticity framework. _ 18 ~C 1 marginal cost of producing 2 produced 3 calculate incremental 4 advantage 5 aspect that the attributable 6 the calculations 7 cost. increases. another unit declines as the number of units This characteristic is exactly what is required to cost and the incremental cost calculation takes of this aspect of the constant elasticity form of the model, an cost calculation that incremental ignores. It is at this point in cost begins to exceed volume variable 8 The calculation 10 -~ Calculate Step 5: 9 test-year incremental of test-year incremental parallels the calculation 11 test-year attributable 12 effects, non-volume 13 used to roll forward attributable 14 incremental 15 methods used to calculate test-year attributable 16 calculate test-year 17 18 B. 19 costs. of cost. The same set of volume effects, cost level workload effects, and special program effects that are costs are also use to roll forward costs. This means that the same set of assumptions incremental and cost are now used to costs. The Relationship Among Incremental Cost and Attributable Cost. Cost, Volume In this section, I discuss the relationship among the three widely 20 used postal cost measures, volume variable cost, attributable 21 incremental 22 Postal Service and attributable cost. Volume variable and incremental cost is calculated Variable cost and costs are calculated by the Commission. To by the 19 1 understand 2 there are eight different types of cost pools in the cost model. 3 pool types are defined by the nature of the cost generating 4 costs to arise. A cost pool can be assigned to one of the eight types by 5 answering 6 decision tree relating the set of questions 7 8 the relationship a series of questions I first observe that The eight cost process causing about the nature of the costs in the pool. The is presented in Figure 1. The first question to be asked is whether or not the costs are fixed or variable. A fixed cost is one that does not vary with the level of output:‘6 A good example of a fixed cost is the fee a government charges for a firm to incorporate and conduct business. Whether the firm produces a lot or a little, it must pay the fee. Another example is the monthly rent that a lawyer must pay for an office after signing a one-year lease. The monthly rent must be paid regardless of how much business the lawyer does. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 among these cost measurements, In contrast, a variable cost is one that does vary with the level of output. 18 If the costs in the cost pool are fixed, then they are clearly not volume related 19 and the volume related causality link can not be applied to calculate incremental 20 cost. Instead, the nature of the costs must be examined to find out if there are 21 any specific-fixed 22 but are associated 23 that product and that product alone; they are thus included in that products 24 incremental 15 Orqanization, costs. Specific-fixed costs do not vary with the level of volume with only one product. They are caused by the provision of cost. Fixed and common costs neither vary with the level of volume a, Jeffery M. Perloff and Dennis W. Carlton, Modern Industrial HarperCollins, 1994, at 51. 20 1 nor are they caused by the provision of single product. 2 the incremental 3 They are not included in cost of any product. When a cost pool contains variable costs, the choices, in terms of tracing 4 cost causality, are more extensive. Consequently, a series of questions 5 required to determine 6 the series asks whether on not only one product is handled in the cost pool. If 7 so, then the entire cost in the cost pool is incremental 8 handled. 9 only remaining the correct cost allocation method. In fact, incremental are The first question in to the product being cost equals the accrued cost for the cost pool. The issue is whether or not incremental cost equals volume variable 10 cost. If the variability in the cost pool is equal to one, the two are equal. 11 variability is less than one, incremental 12 cost pool. There are no specific fixed costs in this cost pool, by definition, 13 attributable 14 than one, then incremental 15 If the costs exceed volume variable cost in the so cost will equal volume variable cost. Thus, if the variability is less cost will exceed attributable cost. For many cost pools, there is more than one product handled, so cost 16 attribution 17 answered to determine 18 not there are any intrinsic costs. An intrinsic 19 sense that it varies with the level of output, but it does not vary at the margin.” 20 By that, I mean that these costs are not increased 21 product. 17 associated is not so straightforward. Nevertheless, In these cost pools, two questions proper cost attribution. must be The first question is whether or cost is a variable cost, in the by additional volume of the the are caused by the provision of the entire volume of Intrinsic costs would include things like the premium costs with an expedited air transportation network. 21 1 the product and are thus incremental 2 costs in a cost pool, then both the volume-related 3 are attributed to the product that caused them to arise. Other products in the 4 cost pool will cause volume-related 5 intrinsic costs. 6 to that product. incremental When there are intrinsic costs and the intrinsic costs costs but will not generate An example of this type of cost pool is given by the manual Priority Mail 7 cost pool. All costs are labor costs and are variable costs. However, the cost 8 pool arises because of the intrinsic characteristics 9 exist but for that product. of Priority Mail and would not If there were no Priority Mail, this cost pool would 10 disappear. The volume variable costs for non-Priority 11 disappear, but both the Priority Mail’s volume variable cost and all of the 12 institutional 13 Mail so the incremental 14 Mail’s volume variable cost and all of the institutional 15 institutional 16 cost would disappear. Mail products would not This latter set of costs are intrinsic to Priority cost for Priority Mail in this cost pool is the sum of Priority cost. In this instance, the costs are intrinsic costs. The final set of cost pools include variable costs, include more than one 17 product, but have no intrinsic costs. In these cost pools incremental 18 all volume related. between incremental 19 costs depends 20 equal to one incremental 21 cost as the marginal cost is constant. 22 these cost pools will exceed both volume variable and attributable 23 the same) when the variability is less than one because incremental The relationship costs are costs and attributable upon the estimated variability for the cost pool. If the variability is cost will be equal to volume variable and attributable On the other hand, incremental costs in cost (they are cost will -_ 22 account for the fact that some volume is produced at a higher marginal cost. Table 1 presents the eight cost pools, the characteristics relationship between incremental, volume variable, and attributable case. That Table shows that in all instances incremental cost equals attributable 10 cost Pool 11 Type 1 12 Type 2 13 14 17 18 in which the variability is one, cost exceeds attributable cost. Table 1 Cost Pools and The Relationship Among Cost Measurements 8 9 16 costs in each cost and in all instances in which the variability is less than one, incremental 15 of each and the Cost Types Fixed and Common Cost Relationship IC=ATRC=WC=O Fixed and Specific IC = ATRC > WC Type3 Variable, One Product, Variability = 1 IC = ATRC = VVC Type4 Variable, One Product, Variability < 1 IC > ATRC = WC Type5 Variable, More than 1 Product, Intrinsic Costs, Variability = 1 IC = ATRC > WC Type 6 Variable, More than 1 Product, Intrinsic Costs, Variability < 1 IC >ATRC = VVC Type7 Variable, More than 1 Product, No Intrinsic Costs, Variability = 1 IC = ATRC = VVC Type t3 Variable, More than 1 Product, No Intrinsic Costs, Variability < 1 IC > ATRC = VVC 24 the Old and New Methods Costs. C. 3 The old method of calculating 5 functions from the special studies used to estimate the variabilities 6 using the parameters 7 to estimate test-year attributable 8 studies but not the underlying functions. 9 means that the roll-forward First, the old method used the underlying from those studies. inherent in the underlying To understand in two ways. Test-year cost deviated from the established 11 methodology incremental of Calculating 4 10 instead of just Recall that the roll-forward costs applies only the parameters From a methodological model used from the perspective this model does not embody the structural assumptions studies. what this means, consider the following example. 12 Suppose that the variability for a particular component 13 a generalized 14 from that special study had been found to be 74 percent. 15 after several years the study was updated, with a new set of data and with a new 16 translog functional form. The new variability was found to be, say, 81 percent. 17 The only change that would be required in the attributable 18 be the substitution 19 functional 20 structure of the model. 21 -. Comparing Incremental 1 2 quadratic econometric had been estimated with function and that the estimated variability Then suppose that cost calculation would of the new variability for the old. The fact that a new form was being used to estimate the variability would not affect the In contrast, the old method of incremental 22 the underlying 23 that the old incremental cost calculation functional form. From a methodological explicitly used perspective, this means cost model did embody the structural assumptions 25 1 inherent in the underlying 2 model embodied 3 incremental 4 the structure.” 5 by following the established 6 studies. 7 flexible.lg 8 9 10 special studies. Because the old incremental this structure, it was difficult for the Commission cost calculations methodology alleviates this potential difficulty of using only the parameters In this way it makes the calculation of incremental The second deviation from the established fear incremental 18 to accept the without accepting the special studies that created The new method of calculation old method of calculating cost incremental cost far more methodology cost was its technique cost. The old method first calculated, from the contained for calculating inf the test- for each subclass, the See PRC Op., R97-1, Vol 1. at 248. 19 Unlike the established methodology, if one would make the assumption that the true structure of the cost model was described by the functional forms underlying the special studies, then the new method of incremental cost calculation would have to be considered an approximation of the “true” incremental costs. Recent research has shown, however, that for the Postal Service’s cost model, this approximation is quite close and the increased ease of calculation would justify it use. (See Michael D. Bradley, Christopher S. Brehm, Jefferey Colvin and William M. Takis, Empirical Estimation of Incremental Costs for the US. Postal Service, in Emeraina Competition in Postal and Deliverv Services, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1999 at 89, and Michael D. Bradley, Jeff Colvin and John Panzar, “Issues in Measuring Incremental Cost in a Multi-function Enterprise, Manaaina Chanae in the Postal and Delivery Industries, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1997 at 3.) More important is the fact that the underlying equations could be used only for calculating base-vear incremental costs, not test-vear incremental costs. When the equation-based approach is used (as in the old method), an approximation must be applied to transform base-year incremental costs into test-year incremental costs. There is no basis, therefore, in asserting that the equationbased test-year incremental costs are more accurate than the cost-model-based test-year incremental cost. 26 1 simple ratio of subclass’ 2 variable cost. It then multiplied this aggregate 3 calculated 4 approach 5 changed proportionately 6 avoids this drawback 7 does so by using these same factors, when going from base year to test year, 8 that are used in the test-year 9 IV. 10 base-year incremental cost to base-year volume ratio times the previously test-year volume variable cost. The Commission “has the unappealing noted that this property that both variable and fixed costs are from the base year to the test year.“” The new method and applies separate factors to variable and fixed costs. THE ANALYTICAL attributable cost calculation STRUCTURE OF INCREMENTAL To promote a better understanding of how incremental and to show their correspondence costs are calculated 12 I present the analytical structure of the incremental 13 will make more sense, however, if we first describe the analytical structure 14 underlying 15 present the analytical structure of base year volume variable, attributable, 16 incremental 17 the same three cost measurements volume variable and attributable costs. Calculating 19 As discussed Base-Year costs, in this section cost model. That structure Consequently, cost. This is followed by a presentation A. 20 to attributable COSTS 11 18 It in this section I and of the analytical structure of for the test year. Costs above, variability and distribution See PRC Op., R97-1, Vol I. at 250, key studies are used to 27 1 calculate the parameters 2 components, 3 the description 4 permit construction 5 variable costs of component needed for calibrating the cost model for the cost but the underlying of the base-year studies themselves calculations, of the analytical structure. are not used. To organize we need some notation that will Let us start with the volume j: vvcj = Ej cj, 6 where C, is the accrued cost for the component 7 elasticity. 8 and is not an explicit function of volume. 9 constant with respect to volume changes. *’ At the component and Ei is the components Note that once the model is calibrated, this elasticity is a parameter That is to say that the variability is level, the effect of 10 volume changes on cost is captured through the response of a cost driver to 11 those volume changes. 12 volume in broken into its two components, 13 the cost driver and (2) the relationship 14 15 In the cost model, the relationship between cost and (1) the relationship between cost and between the cost driver and volume. As a result, the volume variable cost will be distributed to individual products based upon the products’ shares of the cost driver in the component, 21 -.. For example, a set of elasticities for purchased highway transportation were selected by the Commission in Docket No. R87-1. These elasticities were applied in both Docket No. R90-1 and Docket No. R94-1 despite the fact that volume changed. It is in this regard that the elasticities are “constant.” This is not to say the calibration of the model is never changed. In Docket No, R97-1 the Commission selected a new set of variabilities and the model was recalibrated. -4 28 1 D,. A data collection effort or special study is required to determine 2 distribution 3 the product cost model. 4 can thus be expressed keys and each volume’s distribution these share becomes a parameter in The volume variable cost for product i in component j as:: D.. vvc.. = I’ E.C.A J (5) JD’ i 5 With this notation, we can express both the components 6 cost as well as the products 7 8 -~ 9 10 total volume variable overall volume variable in cost simple formulas: vvcj = 2i=l ‘j’jjf’ D..j vvci = E.C.2. (6) and, D.. j=l J JD We can be more formal by constructing embodies the essential characteristic (7) i an explicit cost function that of the model that the elasticity does not depend upon the amount of volume or the cost driver. We can also use the explicit cost function to highlight the difference defined by the Commission, Specifically, between attributable cost, as and volume variable cost. we recognize that the total cost in a component is the sum of the variable cost, which is related to the total amount of the driver and any fixed costs that occur in the component. These fixed costs might be associated with individual products or they might be common to all products in the component. We can express total component Cj accrued cost, Cj as their sum: Fv + cij Djef , = z (8) i=O 9 where the new notation in this formula includes F, as the specific fixed cost in 10 the component for product i, F,as the fixed and common cost in the component, 11 and ai as a measure of the cost of inputs. With this structure, 12 volume variable cost for product i in component j as: VVC.. ‘I = D.. e.u.D.‘i’. I I we can define the J (9) ,, i 13 We can also define the attributable ATRCij cost for product i in componentj = Fij + e. Dij e.a.D.‘-. I I I (10) D j - 30 .-~ 1 2 3 where F, is the specific fixed cost for product i in this component. Lastly, we can use this function to define the incremental cost of product i. It is the cost that is caused by the inclusion of product i in the output vector. lCi, = Cj - Cj(Dj - DJ = Fji + ajDjcj 1 (11) Fji - Fq + aj(Dj - Dq)ej - i=O 4 5 6 A little algebra leads to a simpler expression: lCii = Fii + ajDjej(l 7 where 8, = D, I D,, the product’s proportion 8 the relationship 9 will exceed attributable between incremental - (1 - e,)‘i), (12) of the driver. We can now examine cost and attributable cost. Incremental cost cost when? (l-(l-8JJ) > 1 EjO, 10 We can see from this expression 22 that the ratio depends upon only two things, the This result can be derived by setting the conditional inequality such that IC > ATRC, subtracting the specific fixed portion from both sides and dividing through by remaining, volume-related, part of ATRC. Cancelling like terms yields the above expression. 31 1 elasticity of the cost component 2 product in question, 3 volume in the component 4 make use of the values of the parameters 5 boundaries 6 and the proportion -, of the driver caused by the This means that the ratio depends only upon the mix of and not the absolute amount. It also means that if we from the cost model, can put on the size of the ratio and understand what makes it change. In particular, we know that generally? 0 < Ej < 1 ($4) 0 < eij 5 1. I. 7 These limits put bounds on the ratio. 24 For example, it is clear that under these 8 limits, the ratio is never less than one. 9 denominator IO Under the conditions listed above, the of the ratio can be no larger than one, and will be less than one in the typical case that either the variability or distribution key is less than one. 23 The elasticity for a cost component would be greater than one if there are decreasing returns to scale. However, I am informed that there is only one such cost pool in the Postal Service version and no such pools in the Commission version. The cost pool with a variability greater than one is the RBCS cost pool that has a variability of 100.5%. Because this variability of 100.5% is virtually the same as 1OO%, this de minimis violation of the above condition has no measurable impact on the relationship between incremental and attributable cost. The distribution share is always between zero and one by definition. 24 If the parameters are zero, the ratio is undefined. If either the elasticity or the distribution key is zero then incremental cost and attributable cost will only be defined if there are specific fixed cost. If so, the two will be equal. 32 -~ 1 However, the numerator 2 As the distribution key cannot exceed one, the parenthetical expression in 3 the numerator 4 negative, the fraction is raised to a positive power, the outcome of which can not 5 exceed one. Thus the largest possible value for the parenthetical 6 less than one. This means the numerator 7 numerator a one, then incremental 9 relationship 10 11 12 13 26 is between zero and one. Morever, as the elasticity is non- is is never less than one. If the is never less than one and the denominator is never greater than cost can never be less than attributable is highlighted expression cost. This in Table 2 which shows the calculation for the ratio for the range of values for 8 and & between zero and one. Ratio of The Volume-Related Valuesfor Epsilon 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% - is bounded from below by one. Table 2 Portion of Incremental Values for Theta Cost to Attributable Cost 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% 1.05 1.04 1.04 1.03 1.03 1.02 1.02 1 .Ol 1 .Ol 1 .oo 1.10 1.09 1.08 1.07 1.06 1.04 1.03 1.02 1 .Ol I .oo 1.17 1.15 1.13 1.11 1.09 1.07 1.05 1.03 1.02 1 .oo 1.24 1.21 A.48 1.16 1.13 1.10 1.07 1.05 1.02 1.00 1.34 1.29 1.25 1.21 1.17 1.13 1.10 1.06 1.03 1.00 1.46 1.40 1.34 1.28 1.23 1.17 1.13 1.08 1.04 1.00 1.62 1.53 1.44 1.36 1.29 1.22 1.16 1.10 1.05 1.00 1.86 1.72 1.60 1.48 1.38 1.29 1.21 1.13 1.06 1.00 2.29 2.05 1.85 1.67 1.52 1.39 1.27 1.17 1.08 1.00 10.00 5.00 3.33 2.50 2.00 1.67 1.43 1.25 1.11 1.00 The base year volume variable, attributable and incremental 27 products is found by simply summing the component 28 the base-year components: cost for specific costs across all of 33 ATRCi + c.a.D.‘-. I I I = ICq = Fq + tLjDjej(l D (15) iI 1 - (1 - OJef) . 2 B. 3 An important part of the calculation 4 product specific costs. When considering 5 cost can be calculated 6 summing those marginal costs over the range of production 7 measured. a augmented. Product-specific 9 incremental cost framework, 10 The Role of Product e. Dii Specific Costs. of incremental cost is the role of only volume related costs, incremental by finding the marginal cost of each unit produced When there are product-specific Before discussing (1’3) for the product being costs, this basic procedure costs are treated in a consistent but their treatment and must be manner in the bears further discussion. their role in the incremental cost calculation, we should 11 probably be clear as to what product specific costs are. Product-specific 12 are incurred if any amount of a the product is provided, but they do not increase 13 at the margin with additional 14 15 costs units of that product. There are two types of product specific cost in the Postal Service cost structure: specific fixed costs and intrinsic costs. Specific-fixed costs do not vary - 34 1 with variations 2 the products 3 just one product and would not exist if the product was not part of the Postal 4 Service’s output vector.25 5 in the products volume; indeed, they would be incurred even if volume fell to zero. However, they are caused by the provision of The other type of product-specific costs can be called intrinsic costs. 6 These are variable costs that arise because of the particular characteristics 7 product but do not vary at the margin. a in the postal cost structure: these instances occur in the Priority Mail distribution 9 operations and in network air transportation. 10 operations exist for the purpose of expediting the handling of Priority Mail. They 11 can and do sort other classes of mail, but without Priority Mail, those classes 12 would be sorted in other operations. 13 not to provide Priority Mail, the institutional 14 exist. These costs thus are part of Priority Mail’s incremental 15 Consider two instances of intrinsic costs The Priority Mail distribution Consequently, if the Postal Service decided costs for these operations 16 expedited 17 exists for the purpose of providing air transportation 18 air transportation 19 additional 25 mail. For example, it is my understanding is more expensive than commercial in the case of the Eagle network, would not cost. In similar fashion, the network costs exist for the transportation expense, of a of that the Eagle Network for Express Mail. Network air transportation and this is caused by Express Mail. Note that producing a product at zero volume and eliminating a product from the output vector are not the same thing. Product-specific advertising expenses are incurred before the fact and exist even if no units of the advertised product are sold. On the other hand, if the firm did not plan to sell the product at all, no advertising would be incurred. 35 Regardless of what mail is actually carried on the network, the intrinsic costs exists because of the characteristics of Express Mail. The roles of specific fixed costs and intrinsic costs in the incremental calculation - can be illustrated analytically. cost The total cost in a cost component be divided into fixed cost and variable cost.‘” This is described can analytically cj = Fq+&+vcj. as: (17) i=l 6 Note the two types of fixed cost F, and F,. The former represents 7 common cost, which exist for the provision of all product and are not part of the a incremental 9 costing structure, 10 cost of any. The F, represent specific-fixed fixed and costs. Within the postal variable costs are well defined and this equation can be rewritten as: + ajDj ‘j 11 To see the correspondence with familiar Commission 12 break down these costs into their “institutional” 13 defined by the Commission, (18) costing terms, we can and “attributable” portions. As the first two terms in the following equation 26 Variable cost is not the same thing as “volume variable cost.” In fact, volume variable cost is a subset of variable cost found by multiplying the total variable cost times the relevant “volume variability” or cost elasticity. - 36 1 represent “institutional” cost and the sum of the two terms in the parentheses 2 represent “attributable” costs. 3 Cj = Foi + (1 - cj)ajDjei + (19) 4 Recall that the incremental 5 that product, and is calculated 6 the total costs of producing 7 “decrementakalculation a i, is part of its incremental 9 equation 19, above, one obtains the expression 10 by the difference between total current costs and all products but product i. This highlights the fact F,, the specific-fixed cost. When the decremental cost for product calculation for incremental is applied to cost for product i: ICii 11 cost for product i measures the cost caused solely by = Fij + ajDjcj (1 - (1 - CI..)‘~) (20) The first of our two instances of intrinsic costs arise in the Priority Mail 12 distribution operations. As explained above, 13 in these operations, 14 Mail. That is, the operations 15 Mail and would not exist otherwise. but they are designed other classes of mail are handled primarily for the handling of Priority were created because of the existence The incremental cost calculation of Priority reflects 37 1 this. From the base-year 2 the individual products 3 identifies the institutional 4 Mail operation 5 institutional 6 one of these operations handled in a Priority Mail operation. a 9 cost. The incremental is thus calculated costs. One also then cost for Priority Mail in a Priority as its volume variable cost and the total Mathematically, IClj 7 cost model, one obtains the volume variable costs of the incremental cost of Priority Mail (lC,J in is given by:” = ajDjej(l + ~~(0~~ - 1)). (21) where 8,j is Priority Mail’s share of the driver. The other instance of intrinsic cost is for dedicated transportation. In these cost components, the volume variable cost is found by 10 multiplying the amount of the driver (pound-miles) 11 cost of commercial 12 function for the dedicated air transportation, air network times the (constant) marginal (pi). In product cost model, the cost air network is thus given by: C= aiDi, (22) 13 where the bar on the driver indicates that its amount is fixed with respect to small 14 changes 27 in volume and aj represents the cost of a pound mile of dedicated Note that there are no fixed costs in these components. - 38 ” One can express the volume variable cost for 1 network air transportation. 2 Express Mail as the product of the cost of a pound-mile 3 transportation times the number of pound-miles VVClj 4 The incremental 5 to the volume variable cost: = Calculating = pjD, pj Dy . Test-Year + (aj- air required? (23) cost of Express Mail in this component IClj of commercial adds in the intrinsic cost p,)fij. (24) 6 C. Costs 7 When moving from the base year to the test year, the product cost model a must forecast the volume variable and attributable 9 with the volumes extant at test year rates. costs that will be associated In similar fashion, the incremental 10 cost model must forecast the incremental costs associated 11 The forecast must take into account four factors: with those volumes. 28 It is my understanding that the air network is sized for a minium scale and more capacity exists than is required to handle just the Express Mail. Thus marginal increase in Express Mail volume do not affect the capacity of network. 29 The volume variability of commercial air transportation is one. 39 6 A. Changes in volume B. Changes in cost levels C. Changes in non-volume D. Special programs. The factors are distinguished 7 or they affect a product. a accrued cost in a component, 9 In contrast, changes because they either affect a cost component For example, changes in cost levels would affect the based upon the resource mix in that component. in volume are product specific and the volume growth for 10 each product is the same regardless 11 Depending 12 workload 13 accrued test year in a component 14 methods, or productivity. 15 workload of which component on the nature of the activity, some components is being analyzed. receive a non-volume factor while others do not.” Finally, special programs affect the reflecting a change in technology, We can examine these factors more closely by considering production the formula for 16 test year volume variable cost. Test year volume cost for product i in cost 17 component 78 variable cost, Test year volume variable cost (WC,,) 30 j is found by applying the relevant factors to base year volume is thus given by: For example, I am informed that both the Postmasters EAS 23 and Below Cost pool and the City Carrier Access Cost pool receive a non-volume workload adjustment 40 vvc.. = [ejajLp,l(l+&)(l 1 where 2 by rrj, non-volume workload 3 special programs is captured by @y. 4 5 volume growth is represented Test year attributable + nj)(1+4j)(l+rll). by gi, cost level changes are represented changes are represented by Qj, and the effect of cost include test year volume variable costs, but also include test year specific fixed costs: ATRCij, = FijT + + xjl (l + +i) U + Ilj)’ (26) 6 7 We can now determine the formula for test year incremental 8 calculated 9 methodology. roll-forward The test year costs would embody the volume, cost level, non- 10 volume workload 11 which is consistent 12 incremental 31 .- in a manner that is consistent with the established cost and special program effects, but would do so in a manner with the actual generation costs would n,&t be calculated of cost. Specifically, test year by applying a simple ratio test year Special programs are not necessarily implemented in terms of percentage growth or decline in cost. However, a finite cost change can always be expressed as a percentage change. That is, the amount of the programinduced cost change can be expressed as a percentage of base year costs. The same is true for non-volume workload changes. 1 volume variable costs. Rather, to the level of detail supported 2 cost model, test year incremental 3 component basis according %jr = [ICq - F$(l costs would be calculated by the product on a component by to the following formula: +gi)(l + srj)(l + qi)(l + t$tj) + FiT (27) 4 where F,, is the test-year product specific costs for class i in cost componentj.32 5 One obtains the test-year incremental cost by adding across the components: 6 IC,* = 2 [ICY - F$ (1 + gi) (1 + n j) (1 + qi) (1 + 4 ,, + FijT. (26) j=l 7 Note that the volume growth rate (gi) is the same for all components, a that term can be extracted from the summation, 9 non-zero volume effect) get the same volume growth rate. as all components so (that get a 10 32 Note that in the incremental cost calculation we must allow for both specific fixed costs and intrinsic costs. Thus, F, in equation 27 refers to product specific costs. The test year values for product specific costs may be directly available from the roll forward or may have to be calculated. Either way, they will not receive a volume adjustment. 42 1 2 3 4 V. HOW THE NEW METHOD OF INCREMENTAL COST CALCULATION ADDRESSES THE CONCERNS RAISED BY THE COMMISSION IN DOCKET R97-1. In its Docket No. R97-1 Opinion, the Commission 5 deficiencies and discussed 6 concerns are each presented 7 new method of incremental A. three other concerns. described three Those deficiencies in this section, followed by a discussion cost calculation and of how the address them. A Discussion of the Three Deficiencies In the Calculation Incremental Costs Cited by the Commission. of 1 4 The incremental cost calculations were based upon cost studies that the Commission had reiected:33 1. 2 3 The most important deficiency that the Commission 5 that the Postal Service’s 6 models that the Commission 7 not calculate a is flexible enough to allow calculation 9 Service’s choices of variabilities incremental incremental had rejected. were based upon cost Consequently, the Commission costs. The new method of incremental 10 of variabilities 11 to the calculation of incremental 12 greatly facilitates calculating 13 preferred parameters 33 cost calculations identified was the fact and distribution of incremental or distributions costs with either the Postal The new method costs, as one must only enter the to calculate the costs. See PRC Op., R97-I, at 246 choice is thus no longer a barrier costs by the Commission. incremental cost calculation keys or the Commission’s keys. This deficiency could 43 A “simple ratio method” in which both volume variable and specific fixed costs were chanaed bv the same orooortion was used in aoina from base-vear costs to test-vear costs.34 1 2 3 2. 4 The Commission also cited the deficiency that the calculation of 5 incremental costs by the Postal Service in the last case relied upon a “simple 6 ratio” that changed 7 proportions. a consistent 9 costs. The incremental cost calculation IO used in the attributable cost calculation. 11 separates 12 factor for each. It does not apply the same simple ratio to volume variable and 13 fixed costs and this objection is removed. both volume variable and fixed costs by the same The new method of calculating with the established methodology 16 The Commission then are and uses the appropriate roll-forward the incremental cost observed that although the Postal Service calculated incremental costs, it never performed the formal incremental ia deficiency was remedied as the incremental 19 testimony cost test. This cost test is now presented of witness Mayes. See PRC Op., R97-I, Vol. 1 at 250. u. test-year attributable Moreover, the new method explicitly 17 35 for calculating The Postal Service never performed tests.35 3. cost is entirely uses no more assumptions volume variable and fixed,costs 14 15 34 incremental in the -, 44 B. A Discussion of the Three Additional Concerns about the Incremental Cost Calculation Cited by the Commission. 1. 1 2 Not all DOSSibte combinations could be tested.36 of oroducts were tested or 3 In writing its Opinion, the Commission 4 the issue of whether or not all possible combinations 5 tested?’ 11 of products must be In principle the approach should consider all possible combinations of subclasses and services for crosssubsidy as required by the theory. In practice this is neither necessary nor likely to be entirely feasible. 6 7 a 9 IO indicated that it has contemplated Moreover, the Commission beyond calculation commended the Postal Service for going of only subclass incremental costs? In addition to the subclasses taken singly, witness Takis has actually considered only six combinations of subclasses and services. This small set was selected by identifying “groups that share operations” and “highly competitive groups of products” according to criteria provided by Postal Service witness Baumol for Docket No. R90-1. See Tr. REM211 040-2. Although six combinations fall considerably short of the theory, and may even be short of all of the combinations suggested by witness Baumol’s criteria, it is still a more inclusive application of the incremental cost test than a simple subclass-bysubclass application. 12 13 14 1.5 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 36 37 See PRC Op., R97-I, Vol. 1 at 249 u. 45 1 In this case, the Postal Service extends even further this approach by calculating 2 the incremental combinations. 3 These new combinations 4 combinations calculated 5 combinations shows the flexibility of the new method of incremental 6 calculations. 7 a 9 10 11 costs for a large vector (twenty-six) 2. are being calculated of two-product in addition to extending by witness Takis. The calculation of these addition cost When econometric functions were used, the incremental costs depend uoon the accuracv of the underlvina cost functions over “considerable ranaes.“3g Under the old method, incremental costs were calculated 12 surface of the underlying 13 caused by a particular product and then calculating 14 The Commission 15 calculation 16 forms beyond the ranges of the data use to estimate them. 17 the along the cost function by removing the amount of the cost driver the reduction in total cost. raised the concern that there might be cases in which the of incremental cost required extension of the underlying The are two main responses First, the new method of ia incremental 19 cost surface; it just uses the elasticity derived from the function. 20 new method does require assuming constant elasticity over the range of analysis 21 but previous research has shown that incremental 39 cost calculation to this concern. functional does not depend upon moving along the estimated See PRC Op., R97-I, Vol. 1 at 250. It is true that the costs are not sensitive to this -- 46 1 2 Second, it is important to keep in mind that the incremental cost 3 calculation 4 terms of the amount of the driver analyzed. 5 each product begins at the current level of the driver and then removes only that 6 part of that driver associated 7 cost calculation a level of the driver which is up to 50 percent below the current level. This range 9 of variation would typically be within the range of data in the analysis data set. IO does not generally require going beyond the range of experience The incremental in cost calculation for with the product. This means that the incremental typically involves recalculating Table 3 presents the cost components costs.4’ total cost component in which equations cost for a are used to It also presents the largest product, as measure 11 calculate incremental 12 by the percentage of the distribution 13 cost components. Finally, it presents the share of the cost driver (as represented 14 by the distribution key) for the largest product. 15 reductions are typically within the range of data in the data sets used to 16 calculated the variabilities. 17 MODS all have variations ia the mean value. key generated by the product, in each of the Table 3 shows that the volume In other words, data sets like HCSS, CCS and in their “volume” variables that exceed 50 percent of 19 40 41 a, Bradley, Colvin and Panzar at 10-l 3 In other components incremental cost is equal to volume variable cost or incremental costs are product specific costs. 47 Table 3 A Listing of the Largest Product in Cost Components Calculate Incremental Cost Largest % of Distribution Key 36.9% that Use Equations to Product With Largest % 5 6 Cost Component 7 C/S 2.5 HIGHER LEVEL SUPERVISORS 37.4% First Class Single Piece a C/S 3.1 MAlL PROCESSING VARIABLE DIRECT LABOR 42.8% First Class Single Piece 9 C/S 3.2 WINDOW SERVICE 53.2% First Class Single Piece 10 C/S 3.3 ADMIN CLERKS - QUALITY CONTROL 42.8% First Class Single Piece 11 C/S 3.3 ADMlN CLERKS - DATA COLLECTION 27.6% First Class Single Piece 12 C/S 4 CLERKS AT CAG K POST OFFICES 58.3% First Class Single Piece 13 C,S 7.3 CITY DELIVERY CARRIERS, LOAD 20.2% 14 C/S 7.2 ACCESS 28.2% 15 C/S 7.1 ROUTE 16.2% Standard A ECR 16 C/S 8 VEHICLE SERVICE DRIVERS 16.1% Standard A ECR 17 C/S 11.1.1 CLEANING 8 PROTECTION 32.4% First Class Single Piece 18 C/S 11.2 OPERATING EQUIPMENT MAINTENANCE 49.4% First Class Single Piece 19 C/S 11.3 PLANT& BUILDING EQUIP MAINT 32.4% First Class Single Piece 20 C/S 14. PURCHASED TRANSPORTATION. HIGHWAY 16.1% First Class Piece 21 C/S 14. PURCHASED TRANSPORTATION, RAILROAD 29.3% Periodicals C/S 14. PURCHASED TRANSPORTATION. DOMESTIC WATER 24.4% Standard C/S 16.3.2 EQUIPMENT SUPPLIES 8 SERVICES 42.0% First Class Single Piece 25 C,S 20.3 EQUIPMENT DEPRECIATION 47.9% First Class Single Piece 26 C,S 20 EQUIPMENT INTEREST 47.9% First Class Single Piece % 24 27 C,S 1.1 POSTMASTERS, EAS 23 8 BELOW First Class Single Piece Standard First Class A ECR Single Single Piece Regular A Regular - 48 1 2 3. The incremental cost aoproach of allowinq no reconfiauration is acceptable for small classes but less tenable for larae classes4* 3 The incremental 4 with its incremental 5 produced. 6 the additional 7 already being provided. 8 “decremental” 9 recalculating In this regard, the incremental cost for product A is best thought of as cost of providing product A, given that the firms other products are Computationally, costs by “removing” total costs. costs of producing 11 A in ways not captured 12 “no reconfiguration it is much easier to actually calculate product A from the vector of products and Implicit in this calculation is the assumption in the incremental assumption” The Commission presented cost calculation. This is witness Takis’ in the last case. noted that this assumption is quite reasonable classes or groups of classes that do not make up an extremely 15 the driver. 16 single combination 17 large proportion 18 assumption However, as the Commission for large portion of pointed out, when a single product or of products that is being “removed” makes up an extremely of the components driver, then the “no reconfiguration” is less palatable. However, this problem may not be as general as it first seems. 20 3 illustrates there are relatively few instances 21 the driver is caused by a single subclass. 42 that the the other products are not affected by the addition of product 14 19 revenue cost, given the existing vector of other products being IO 13 cost test is designed to compare a products As Table in which a very large proportion Moreover, Table 3 shows See PRC Op., R97-1, Vol. 1 at 249. that this of 49 1 2 issue is confined mainly to First Class. Finally, one must recognize that the incremental 3 for the Commission is the examination of cross-subsidy 4 within the current methods of production. 5 argues for maintaining 6 keeping it in mind when interpreting cost test that is relevant among existing products This use of the incremental the “no reconfiguration” assumption the incremental cost test in the calculations but cost test for “large” products. -
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