CT-153 Designing and Implementing a Free Online Textbook for the FYE -2

Designing and Implementing a Free Online Textbook for FYE
Contact Information
Lori Coggins: Southeast Campus, 918-595-7227, email [email protected]
Sarah Stecher : Metro Campus, 918-595-7064, email [email protected]
Adam Brennan: Metro Campus, 918-595-7330, email [email protected]
Process Summary: Free Online Textbook
Christie, Anna, Pollitz, John H., and Cheryl Middleton. “Student Strategies for coping with Textbook
Costs and the Role of the library Course Reserves.” Portal: Libraries and the Academy
9.(2009): 491-510. Project Muse. Web. 15 September 2014.
Delespinasse, Paul F. “One Way to Reign In the Cost of Textbooks: Make Them Free.” Chronicle of
Higher Education 54.23(2008): A38. ERIC. Web. 3 September 2014.
Kuzma, Ann, John Kuzma, and Harold Thiewes. “Student Perception of Traditional Versus
Alternative Textbook Value.” Journal of College Teaching &Learning 10.3 (2013): 183-188.
Stonsteby, Alec, and Jennifer DeJonghe. “Usability Testing, User -Centered Design, and LibGuides
Subject Guides: A Case Study.” Journal of Web Librarianship 7(2013): 83-94.
Summary of Fall 2014 Student Survey
I used it online for readings and activities assigned by my instructor. 68%
I printed the chapters and worksheets instead of reading online.
Indicate approximately how much of the assigned reading you completed.
I completed all assigned readings/activities.
I completed most assigned readings/activities.
I completed some assigned readings/activities.
I did not use the online textbook even though my instructor assigned readings.
How did you feel about not having to purchase a textbook for Academic Strategies?
Good! I appreciated the cost saving.
Fine. The cost of textbooks really isn't an issue for me.
I would rather purchase an actual book than use an online textbook, even if the online textbook
is free.