BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20266-0001 POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES, 2000 Docket No. R2000-1 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF SANDER A. GLICK ON BEHALF OF THE ASSOCIATION FOR POSTAL COMMERCE AND MAIL ADVERTISING SERVICE ASSOCIATION Communications regarding this document should be served on Ian D. Volner N. Frank Wiggins Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civiletti, LLP 1201 New York Avenue, N.W. Suite 1000 Washington, DC 200053917 Dated: May 22,200O TABLE OF CONTENTS AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL I. PURPOSE SKETCH . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. ii AND SCOPE OF TESTIMONY II. DROPSHIP DISCOUNTS COST SAVINGS . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. 1 SHOULD REFLECT ALL DESTINATION ENTRY . . . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . 2 A. The Postal Service’s Prooosal Passes Throuoh Onlv About 75 Percent of Destination Entrv Cost Savinss . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. 2 B. Full Passthrouohs Send the Appropriate C. Full Passthrouohs Are Consistent With Recent Commission D. PostCorn’s Proposed 100 Percent Passthrouohs III. THE VALUE OF AUTOMATION THE POSTAL SERVICE Decisions . . .. . . 3 Are Appropriate . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 5 IS MUCH HIGHER THAN ESTIMATED BY .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . 6 A. Incorrect and Inconsistent to Understated Pricina Sionals .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . 3 Assumptions in the USPS Flats Cost Model Lead Cost Savinas . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. 8 B. The Postal Service lanored the Cost Savinos That Result Directlv From Automation C. Barcoded Reouirements Pertainino to Address Qualitv . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . 16 Flats Will Facilitate the Postal Service’s Flats Automation Prooram.. ......................................................................................................... ATTACHMENT A. SUMMARY OF POSTCOM PROPOSED 17 RATES.. ............ .20 1 AUTOBIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH My name is Sander A. Glick. I co-manage 2 3 at Project,Performance 4 Virginia. 5 and public sector clients. 6 Program Manager. 7 economic and cost issues for mailer associations, 6 and the Department 9 Corporation the Economic Systems practice (PPC), a consulting PPC provides economic and technology firm based in McLean, consulting services to private I joined PPC in 1994 as an Analyst and am now a Since joining the firm, I have worked on a number of the Department of Defense, of Energy. In Docket No. R97-1, I testified regarding the fee for Qualified Business IO Reply Mail (QBRM) and the appropriate 11 to mail classes and subclasses. 12 Magazine 13 methods and joint Postal Service/Industry 14 for the Recording 15 appropriate 16 flats and parcels. 17 Advisory Committee’s 16 industry observer on the MTAC Package Integrity Study. 19 I attended the Maxwell School of Citizenship Publishers method for distributing rural carrier costs In this case, I am also testifying for the of America (MPA) regarding the Postal Service’s costing Industry Association method for determining efforts to reduce Test Year costs and of America (RIAA) regarding the the cost difference I am an industry representative between Standard (A) on the Mailers’ Technical (MTAC) Package Integrity Work Group and was an and Public Affairs at 20 Syracuse University, where I received a Masters of Public Administration 21 and Carleton College, where I received a Bachelors Degree, magna cum laude, 22 in Physics in 1993. I am a member of the American Economic Association 23 the System Dynamics Society. ii in 1994, and 1 I. PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF TESTIMONY In this testimony, important attributes. I propose a rate design for Standard (A) with two First, it provides mailers with the appropriate prepare their mailings in a way that minimizes the combined transportation mail processing and cost to mailers and the Postal Service in the Test Year. Second, it encourages mailers to barcode flats, which will facilitate the Postal Service’s automation program. My proposed 9 incentives to cost savings. rate design passes through 100 percent of destination entry This rate design will not only increase the amount of Standard (A) IO mail that is dropshipped, II presented 12 describe in my testimony for MPA, increased 13 of bundles that will break in the Test Year, which in turn will lower Postal Service 14 costs. 15 handle than similarly presorted sacks. 16 but will also increase the amount of mail that is on pallets (see witness Schick’s (PostCorn, et al.-T-2) testimony). Further, as described palletization As I will reduce the number by witness Unger, pallets are much less costly to USPS-ST-43 at 4-5. Second, while I believe that witness Moeller’s (USPS-T-35) discounts for Standard (A) flats are reasonable, proposed 17 automation 16 flawed cost studies. 19 his discounts are understated. 20 considerably 21 them to be. Also, the Postal Service’s flats cost model ignores the value that 22 barcoded flats will provide to the Postal Service’s flats automation 23 large portion of the savings that result directly from automation 24 pertaining to address quality. While these benefits are hard to quantify, they are 25 high and justify a passthrough 26 savings in this case. The remainder of my testimony provides detail to support 27 these points. Specifically, they are based upon the modeled cost savings upon which he bases Thus, the proposed passthroughs are a smaller proportion of costs saved than witness Moeller presents program and a requirements of more than 100 percent of the quantifiable cost 2 1 Section II of my testimony summarizes the Postal Service’s proposed 2 dropship discounts, estimates dropship discounts based on full passthroughs, 3 and describes precedents 4 cost savings. Section Ill discusses 5 understated 6 which the Postal Service understated 7 describes the value that barcodes will provide to the Postal Service’s flats 0 automation for passing through 100 percent of destination entry several reasons why the Postal Service has the cost savings that result from barcoding, quantifies the degree to the value of automation mail, and briefly program. 9 10 II. DROPSHIP 11 COST SAVINGS 12 13 A. The Postal Service’s 14 of Destination 15 DISCOUNTS Proposal REFLECT ALL DESTINATION Passes Through Only About ENTRY 75 Percent Entry Cost Savings In this docket, witness Moeller proposes passthroughs 16 (DBMC) and destination 17 respectively, ia passthroughs 19 for destination 20 Route (ECR) subclass. 21 SHOULD of destination BMC SCF (DSCF) cost savings of 73 percent and 77 percent, for the Standard (A) Regular subclass (USPS-T-35 at 15) and of 73 percent for DBMC, 77 percent for DSCF, and 77.5 percent delivery unit (DDU) entry for the Standard (A) Enhanced Carrier Id. at 27. In contrast, I propose 100 percent passthroughs 22 cost savings because 100 percent passthroughs 23 signal to mailers and, as described 24 efficient mailstream.’ of all destination send the appropriate entry price by witness Schick,’ will result in a more Also, full passthroughs of destination entry cost savings ‘Witness Schick notes that increased dropship discounts will increase palletization as well as the volume of mail that is dropshipped. Data provided by witness Crum (USPS-T-27) further support this point. Specifically, Crum shows that approximately 72 percent of Standard Mail (A) pounds entered at destination BMCs and 68 percent of Standard Mail (A) pounds entered at destination SCFs is prepared by mailers on pallets, whereas only 3 percent entered at origin associate offices, 20 percent entered at origin SCFs. and 38 percent entered at origin BMCs are prepared on pallets. USPS-T-27, Attachment C, Table 6. ‘Increased palletization will reduce Postal Service costs including container handling costs. USPS-ST-43 at 4-5. 3 1 are more consistent with recent Commission 2 (A) and other mail classes. recommendations for both Standard 3 4 B. Full Passthroughs Send the Appropriate Pricing Signals 5 In Docket No. R97-1, witness Bernstein described 6 100 percent of cost savings, an example of efficient component 7 sends the theoretically 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 10 19 20 21 22 23 24 why passing through pricing (ECP). correct price signal: ...any activity that can be performed by more than one agent should be performed by the most efficient (least cost) agent. In the case of postal services, the principle of Efficient Component Pricing can be applied to the establishment of a discount granted to mailers for performing some task that would otherwise be performed by the Postal Service, such as mailer presorting instead of Postal Service sorting. ECP minimizes the total cost of providing mail service, where the total cost is the sum of the Postal Service’s cost plus the mailer’s cost of worksharing (known as a user cost) if the mailer chooses to workshare. Under ECP, the price difference between a non-workshared mail category and its workshared component should equal the difference between the Postal Service costs of the non-workshared and workshared mail category. Docket No. R97-1, USPS-T-31 at 72-73. In those situations where the cost for mailers to perform an activity is 25 significantly different than the cost for the Postal Service to perform it, small 26 deviations from ECP will not have a large impact on mailer behavior. 27 Dropshipping, 26 indicates, increasing dropship discounts will increase palletization 29 dropshipping. however, is not one of those activities. As witness Schick and 30 31 32 C. Full Passthroughs Commission Are Consistent precedent With Recent Commission also indicates that destination 33 higher than those proposed 34 R97-1, the Commission 35 percent for Standard (A) mail. Op. R97-1 at V-431. 36 Commission 37 savings for all but the non-transportation recommended entry passthroughs by witness Moeller are appropriate. recommended Decisions In Docket No. destirration entry passthroughs 100 percent passthroughs Furthermore, of 85 the of destination entry cost portion of the DDU entry cost avoidance 4 1 for Periodicals 2 in that case. Regular mail3 and nearly 100 percent for Standard Id. at V-538 for Periodicals In Docket No. MC951, 3 and V-488-495 the USPS proposed all destination 5 (ECR) subclass and 95 percent for Standard (A) Regular. 6 153. The Commission 7 subclasses. Id. at V-250. 6 passthrough of the transportation 9 estimated for DSCF and DDU entry Periodicals 10 consideration for Parcel Post. 100 percent passthroughs 4 entry cost savings for the newly proposed recommended (B) parcel post Enhanced In addition, the PRC recommended and non-transportation Carrier Route Op. MC951 100 percent passthroughs of at V-l 52- for both a 100 percent cost avoidances Regular mail (again, excluding of the unzoned editorial rate). Id. at V-141-142. Table 1 presents a summary of the Commission-recommended 11 12 passthroughs of destination entry cost savings for the major mail subclasses 13 Docket Nos. MC95-1 and R97-1. 14 cost savings for Periodicals 15 passthroughs 16 mail. Note that except for the passthrough in of DDU Regular mail in Docket No. R97-1, these are all higher than the Postal Service’s proposal for Standard (A) 3The editorial pound rate for Periodicals is flat. Therefore, the effective destination for Periodicals mail is less than 100 percent. entry discount 5 1 Table 1. Recent Commission-Recommended Entry Cost Savings 2 Passthroughs of Destination for Major Mail Subclasses Class/Subclass MC95-1 R97-1 Periodicals Regular DSCF (PC/lb) DDU 100/l 00’ 100/l 00 100/l oo2 1oo/703 Standard (A) Regular DBMC DSCF 1 oo4 100 855 85 Standard (A) ECR DBMC DSCF DDU 1006 100 100 85? 85 85 Standard (B) Parcel Post DBMC DSCF DDU loo8 92 99 ‘00. MC95-1 at V-141-142. ‘6;. R97-1 at V-537-536. 30n the pound rate, passthrough is 100 percent for transportation savings and 70 percent for non-transportation savings. ‘Op. MC951 at V-250. sop. R97-1 at V-431. ‘Op. MC95-1 at V-250. ‘Op. R97-1 at V-431. ‘Op. R97-1 at V-466-493. DSCF discount of 45 cents per piece and cost avoidance of 48.7 cents per piece; DDU discount of 72 cents per piece and cost avoidance of 72.4 cents per piece. 3 4 5 D. PostCorn’s Proposed 100 Percent Table 2 presents a comparison Passthroughs Are Appropriate of the per-piece and per-pound discounts 6 that result from using the Postal Service’s reduced passthroughs 7 entry cost savings and the full passthroughs a demonstrates, 9 the discounts by 0.7 to 0.8 cents on a per-piece basis and three to four cents on increasing the passthroughs that I propose. of destination As this table to 100 percent in all cases increases 6 1 a per-pound basis. Also, it maintains the Postal Service’s proposed 2 DSCF differential 3 presents rates based upon these proposed and increases the DSCF-DDU differential. DBMC- Attachment A passthroughs. 4 5 6 Table 2. Comparison and Passthroughs of USPS and PostCom for the Standard Destination (A) Regular Carrier Route: Piece-rated 73 0.017 0.0235 DBMC 77 0.022 0.0289 DSCF 77.5 0.026 0.0357 DDU Pound-rated 73 0.063 0.114 DBMC 77 0.106 0.140 DSCF 77.5 0.134 0.173 DDU ‘USPS-T-27 at 7: USPS-LR-I-166. wpl~wmm.xls, worksheet ‘drop.’ ‘USPS-LR-I-166. wpl-comm.xls. worksheet “drop.” Entry Discounts and ECR Subclasses 100 100 100 0.024 0.029 0.036 0.007 0.007 0.008 100 100 100 0.114 0.140 0.173 0.031 0.032 0.039 7 a Ill. THE VALUE OF AUTOMATION 9 THE POSTAL SERVICE IS MUCH HIGHER THAN ESTIMATED BY 10 11 In this case, witness Moeller states that the cost studies performed by 12 witness Yacobucci 13 are too large, so a reduction is warranted.” 14 proposes automation 15 order to mitigate the impact and to limit the percentage 16 rate cells, he proposes to maintain these discounts “at nearly 75 percent of their 17 current value.” Id. (USPS-T-25) “clearly indicate that the automation USPS-T-35 discounts at 13. He therefore discounts that are smaller than the current discounts but, in changes for individual 7 1 Witness Moeller’s logic is flawed. Incorrect and inconsistent 2 in the Postal Service’s flats cost model, USPS-LR-I-90, 3 by a significant understate assumptions cost savings amount: 4 . 5 The flats cost model overstates nonbarcoded 6 FSM 881 accept rates for flats. 7 . 6 The flats cost model fails to take into account the lower wage rates that are paid to BCR/OCR 9 clerks as compared to keyers and clerks who manually sort flats. 10 11 . 12 The flats cost model understates 13 secondary 14 the Test Year. the proportion of incoming sorts that will be performed on flat sorting machines in 15 . 16 The flats cost model uses inconsistent assumptions 17 1000 keying and FSM 1000 BCR productivities. 16 data anomaly. regarding FSM This results in a 19 20 Furthermore, as described by witness Lubenow (PostCorn, et al.-T-3), the 21 Postal Service has not quantified all of the cost savings that result from the 22 higher address quality that result directly from automation 23 while Postal Service witnesses 24 have on automated 25 Service has failed to quantify this value. 26 Therefore, clearly understand flat sorting productivity, requirements. Finally, the effect that barcoded flats Unger, Tr. 21/8275, the Postal given these points and the rapidly changing flats processing 27 environment, it is appropriate to maintain automation discounts at the level 28 proposed by witness Moeller. 29 reasons why the Postal Service’s model underestimates 30 automation The remainder of this section discusses the cost savings, models cost savings using a revised version of the flats cost model, and 6 1 discusses additional reasons why witness Moeller’s proposed automation 2 discounts should not be reduced. 3 4 A. Incorrect 5 Lead to Understated 6 and Inconsistent Assumptions in the USPS Flats Cost Model Cost Savings In this section, I first describe the reasons why the Postal Service’s cost 7 model understates automation-related a accurate automation-related 9 flats cost model. cost savings. cost savings using an improved version of the USPS While my corrections environment, I then estimate more are focused on the Test Year flats 10 processing the value of automation will increase further in the 11 coming years as the Postal Service begins delivery point sequencing 12 barcoded flats.4 (DPS) 13 14 15 1. FSM 881 Accept Rates Based upon input from USPS Operations, the Postal Service’s flats cost 16 model incorrectly assumes that the FSM 881 OCR accept rate for nonbarcoded 17 flats is between 80 and 90 percent5 ia These accept rates are significantly 19 read rates that were cited by the Postal Service in its “Strategic Improvement 20 Guide for Flats Processing,” 21 LR-I-193 at 21. 22 Furthermore, USPS-LR-I-90, worksheet “Accept Rates.” higher than the 70 to 80 percent FMOCR which was just issued in September the FSM 881 accept rates for nonbarcoded 1999. USPS- flats used in the 23 USPS flats cost model are similar to the average accept rates for FSM 881s in 24 “BCWOCR 25 nonbarcoded 26 USPS-LR-I-107, mode,” a mode which processes barcoded flats on the BCR and flats on the OCR. USPS-LR-I-90, Yrscrub.xls; worksheet Unger. Tr. 21/8175-8177. “Accept Rates”; Because accept rates 4Delivery Point Sequencing flats will increase USPS efficiency because the unit cost for performing a manual incoming secondary sort for flat-shaped mail is more than four cents white the unit cost of an incoming secondary sort on an AFSM 100 is approximately one cent. USPSLR-I-90. worksheet “Mailflow Model Costs”, column 21, ‘Note that the notation “FSM 661 OCR” in USPS-LR-I-90 denotes an FSM 661 in BCRlOCR mode processing nonbercoded flats. Yacobucci, Tr. 50439. This is different than what “FSM 661 OCR” denotes in MODS. In MODS, “FSM 661 OCR” indicates en FSM 661 in BCR/OCR mode processing all flats. Unger. Tr. 21/6175-6177. 9 1 are much higher for barcoded flats than for nonbarcoded 2 amounts to average accept rates for FSM 881s in BCR/OCR 3 the accept rates for nonbarcoded 4 secondary 5 Institutional 6 average accept rate for nonbarcoded 7 calculations, a FSM 881 BCR/OCR 9 approximately flats is inappropriate. FSM 881 BCR and FSM 881 BCR/OCR Response to PostComlUSPS-ST43-6, which were confirmed mode as proxies for Using actual incoming accept rates for FY 2000, I was able to calculate an flats on the FSM 881 BCR/OCR. by witness O’Tormey, - Incoming Secondary 75 percent. flats, using what My result in an average accept rate for nonbarcoded flats of Tr. 21/8353-8354. Since there is no reason to believe that the accept rate for other sorts 10 11 (e.g., outgoing primary) will be higher than that for the incoming secondary 12 and to be consistent with the “Strategic 13 Processing,” I use this accept rate for all FSM 881 BCWOCR 14 nonbarcoded flats. By increasing the effect of the presence of a barcode on the 15 ’ FSM 881 BCR/OCR 16 Improvement sort Guide for Flats sorts of accept rate, using this more accurate FSM 881 BCR/&R accept rate for nonbarcoded flats increases automation-related cost savings. 17 ia Table 3. FSM 881 BCR/OCR FOut’ Scheme going Primary .AiT .-4 . Incoming Primary Incoming Secondary Accept Rates for Nonbarcoded USPS Flats Cost Model’ 80% 80% 85% 88% ‘USPS-LR-I-90. worksheet “Accept Rates.” 2. Average Labor Rate Flats PostCom Model 75% 75% 75% 75% 19 20 Witness Kingsley indicates that the Postal Service’s flats cost model uses 21 22 identical labor rates for all clerks despite the fact that automated 23 operations are staffed primarily by PS-04 and casual clerks while manual sorting 24 operations are staffed by PS-05 clerks, and FSM keyers are PS-05 or PS-06 25 clerks. 26 FY 2001 average labor rates for each type of clerk.) 27 more likely to be sorted in automated 26 all operations Kingsley, Tr. 5/1803-1804; understates Kingsley, Tr. 5/1840-1841. operations, automation-related (BCR/OCR) (Table 4 shows Since automation flats are usingan cost savings. average labor rate for IO Table 4. FY 2001 National 1 Average Labor Rates’ Level Rate Casual $11.49 PS-04 $27.41 PEG-05(Manual Sorting and Keying) $31.41 PS-06 (Keying) $32.93 ‘Kingsley, Tr. 511941. 2 3 To estimate worksharing-related cost savings, the Postal Service should 4 develop operation-specific wage rates in the next case and use them in their 5 worksharing Lacking such information 6 data from witness Kingsley’s interrogatory 7 operation-specific 6 revised flats cost model (filed as MPA-LR-2) 9 Stralberg (l-W-T-1). 10 cost models. responses in this case, I have used to develop approximate wage rates for flat sorting operations. In implementing this adjustment, I use these rates in the which I developed with witness I generally use PS-05 wage rates for 11 manual sorting, PS-05 and PS-06 wage rates for FSM keying, and casual and 12 PS-04 wage rates for OCR/BCR 13 wage rates to ensure that the weighted-average 14 operations, 15 Service’s model. operations. Then, I proportionally adjust these wage rate for all piece-sorting $28.24, is consistent with the average wage rate in the Postal USPS-LR-I-90, worksheet “Data.” 16 17 16 3. Incoming Secondary Operations The incoming secondary machine/manual factors (IS factors) used in the 19 Postal Service’s flats cost model for FSM 881s and AFSM 100s understate the 20 extent to which Standard (A) flats will receive incoming secondary 21 sorters in the Test Year. Witness Yacobucci 22 percentages 23 secondary 24 flats not actually processed 25 25 at 16. For example, the IS factor of fifty percent in the USPS flats cost model 26 for AFSM 100s and FSM 881s for Standard (A) Regular flats, USPS-LR-I-90, sorts on flat defines IS factors as “the of flats by machine type that flow to a machine for incoming piece handlings that the machine actually processes. on the machine are processed The remaining manually.” USPS-T- 11 1 worksheet “Data,” indicates that the Postal Service performs a manual incoming 2 secondary sort on fifty percent of flats that meet all machinability 3 receive all other sorts on a flat sorter, and are sorted at plants that have 4 machines. On cross examination, 5 requirements, witness Kingsley justified the use of a fifty percent 6 IS factor for AFSM 100s and FSM 881s by first indicating that flats in small zones 7 would not be sorted on machines: “So, for flats, if we already know that they are 6 small zones, we aren’t going to put them on a flat sorter, that automatically 9 percent.” is 30 Kingsley, Tr. 5/l 977. Then she indicated that another twenty percent of flats are not sorted on 10 11 an FSM because they are rejected or cannot be handled by a machine. 12 Specifically, 13 cannot be handled by a machine, for one reason, and the pieces that are 14 rejected by a machine, for some reason, those are going to make up 20 percent 15 of the universe of flats in a test year. You add that to 30 and you get the 50, is 16 that right?” she responded when asked, “So you are projecting that between the things that “Approximately, yes.” Kingsley, Tr. 5/1978. While witness Kingsley’s argument that less than 100 percent of 17 16 machineable flats will receive an incoming secondary 19 reasonable, 20 seventy percent (the percentage 21 routes), not fifty percent, for several reasons. the appropriate percentage for Standard sort on a flat sorter is (A) Regular flats should be of flats that destinate in zones with ten or more First, witness Kingsley indicated that, at the end of the Phase I AFSM 100 22 23 deployment, there will be no shortage of flat sorting machines. Kingsley, Tr. 24 5/1631. 25 reason for manual flat sorting, will be alleviated by the Test Year. USPS-T-10 26 15; Kingsley, Tr. 5/l 691. Her assessment can be verified using evidence on the 27 record. model, there will be approximately 26 billion machineable, Therefore, the capacity problem, which she identified as the primary According to witness Yacobucci’s non-carrier route flats in the Test Year.’ at 13 Excluding witness “This number was calculated by summing machineable flat volumes for First-Class Mail, Standard (A) Regular, Standard (A) Nonprofit, Periodicals Regular, and Periodicals Nonprofit from USPS-LR-I-90. To do this, I used the method recommended by witness Yacobucci during 12 1 Kingsley’s thirty percent of flats that destinate in small zones leaves 2 approximately 3 in zones where the Postal Service plans to perform incoming secondary 4 on flat sorters. 5 nine billion machineable, non-carrier route flats that will destinate sorting The Postal Service will have more than enough capacity to sort all of 6 these flats to carrier route on flat sorters. 7 modification 6 utilization (USPS-T-l 9 approximately In the Base Year, before the OCR to FSM 881~~ and the Postal Service’s effort to increase FSM 0 at IO and 15) the Postal Service performed five billion incoming secondary sorts on FSM 881s. 10 107, Yrscrub.xls. 11 16 billion sorts in the Test Year.’ 12 Kingsley’s confirmation 13 will be to automate 14 that at least half of the savings from Phase I will be from automating 15 secondary 16 AFSM 100 deployment 17 Kingsley, Tr. 5/1782; Tayman, Tr. 21314; Kingsley, Tr. W1660; DMA. et al.-T-l. 18 Phase I of the AFSM 100 deployment USPS-LR-I- will provide an additional Based upon witness Tayman and witness that the primary use of the Phase I AFSM 100 machines incoming secondary sorting and witness Kingsley’s estimate sortation, witness But (DMA, et al.-T-l) incoming calculated that Phase I of the will provide at least six billion incoming secondary The 11 billion Test Year incoming secondary sorts. sorts (6 billion on AFSM 19 100s and 5 billion on FSM 881 s) that will be provided by FSM 881 s and AFSM 20 100s is more than enough to automate the incoming secondary 21 machineable 22 significant 23 the AFSM 100’s capability to combine zones, O’Tormey, Tr. 21/8370, the Postal 24 Service may even want to consider (as it did for the delivery point sequencing sorting of all flats that are not in small zones.g Given the capacity available, the productivity gap between AFSM 100 sorting and manual sorting, and of cross-examination. Yacobucci, Tr. 5/1485-7. These calculations are made in MPA-LR-2, worksheet “Total Volumes.” ‘Witness Kingsley noted that the FSM 661 modification significantly increased the volume of flats that received their incoming secondary sort on a flat sorter. USPS-T-IO at 14. ‘1 calculated this figure using the method described by witness Kingsley. Kingsley, Tr. 511961. I multiplied 166.5 Test Year machine-equivalents (USPS-LR-I-63 at l-12) by 52 weeks/year, 6 days/week, 20 hours/day, and 15,000 pieces per hour. USPS-LR-I-90, worksheet “Productivities,” footnote 7. Also, note that this completely ignores the Phase II AFSM deployment. ‘Even if you use witness O’Tormey’s 13.5 billion Test Year AFSM 100 sorts, O’Tormey, Tr. 21/6371, which is approximately twenty percent less than the figure I developed, there will still be enough capacity to sort all machineable flats that are not in small zones. 13 1 letters) sorting some flats that destinate in zones with less than ten routes in 2 automated 3 operations. Kingsley, Tr. 5/l 980. Second, on cross examination, witness Kingsley’s explanation of the 4 reason why the IS factor is fifty percent, rather than seventy percent, is 5 unsatisfactory. Specifically, she states: 6 I think that Mr. Yacobucci’s models [the USPS flats cost model] take into account most of those situations, where it is too small of a zone, we have reject rates, we have nonmachinability issues, and some of it, again, is coverage factors. We will not have AFSM 100s everywhere. There are only 173 machines, and there are 250 processing facilities. So we know that it is not going to be available to cover every zone with 10 or more carrier routes. Kingsley, Tr. 5/l 979. 7 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 While witness Kingsley is correct that the USPS flats cost model does take 16 these “situations” into account, she is wrong that these situations should reduce 19 the IS factor to fifty percent. Specifically, 20 represents of flats by machine type that flow to a machine for 21 incoming secondary 22 USPS-T-25 23 without AFSM 100s and FSM 881 s do not “flow” to AFSM 100s and FSM 881 s 24 for incoming secondary 25 AFSM 100s and FSM 881 s but, based upon machine-specific 26 explicitly rejected from these machines. “the percentages as discussed above, the IS factor piece handlings that the machine actually processes.” at 16. First, nonmachineable flats and flats that destinate at facilities sorting in the first place. Second, rejects do flow to accept rates, are 27 28 29 4. FSM 1000 Productivities The flats cost model uses actual productivities but assumption-based 30 keying operations, 31 operations. USPS-LR-I-90, 32 Specifically, due to a lack of Base Year FSM 1000 BCR productivity data, the 33 Postal Service assumed that FSM 1000 BCR productivities 34 as FSM 881 BCR productivities. 35 productivity worksheet productivities from MODS for FSM 1000 “Productivities,” The inconsistent and FSM 1000 BCR productivity for FSM 1000 BCR footnotes 4 and 6. are exactly the same treatment of FSM 1000 keying results in a significant data 14 1 anomaly: the incoming secondary FSM 1000 keying productivity, 2 hour, in the USPS flats cost model is higher than the incoming secondary 3 1000 BCR productivity, 4 “Productivities.” 798 pieces per hour. USPS-LR-I-90, 863 pieces per FSM worksheet lo 5 Furthermore, when compared to all other FSM keying operations, 6 incoming secondary 7 high. As Table 5 shows, the incoming secondary 8 is approximately 9 productivities FSM 1000 keying productivity the appears to be anomalously FSM 1000 keying productivity fifty percent higher than the average of all other keying and thirty percent higher than the next-highest 10 treat FSM 1000 keying and BCR productivities II anomalies, 12 881 keying productivities.” consistently I assume that FSM 1000 keying productivities productivity. To and to resolve these are the same as FSM 13 Table 5. PFY 1998 Keying 14 Description Productivities’ FSM 1000 FSM 881 Outgoing 594 664 ADC 543 531 Incoming Primary 599 556 Incoming Secondary 863 488 ‘USPS-LR-I-90, worksheet “Productivities.” 5. PostCom Automation-Related 15 16 17 Cost Savings To estimate the extent that the Postal Service’s incorrect assumptions 10 reduce automation-related cost savings, I estimated automation-related 19 savings using the revised version of the flats cost model, MPA-LR-2, 20 developed jointly with witness Stralberg. 21 related cost savings based upon more reasonable 22 than those estimated by the USPS flats cost model. cost that I As shown in Table 6, automationassumptions are much higher Further, based upon these “This clearly is anomalous. According to MD FY 2000 MODS data, FSM 1000 BCR productivities are about twice as high as FSM 1000 keying productivities. Institutional Response to PostComlUSPS-ST43-6, Attachment 3. 15 1 improved automation-related 2 quality-related 3 percent passthrough 4 passthrough cost savings estimates savings), Moeller’s Basic Automation and his 3/5-Digit Automation (and still ignoring address discount represents a 128 discount is based upon a of 204 percent. 5 6 Table 6. Comparison of Automation-Related Cost Avoidances 7 Rate Category Basic Nonautomation Basic Automation Basic Auto Savings Moeller’s Effective Passthrough’ 126% 3/5-Digit Nonautomation 3/5-Digit Automation 3/5 Auto Savings 8 9 10 Mail Processing Cost Avoidance (Cents Per Piece) PostCorn USPS Savings Model Model’ Difference [I] [2] [3]=[1]-[2] 21.406 19.825 17.901 17.915 3.505 1.910 12.546 12.004 11.221 11.457 1.595 204% 1.325 0.547 0.778 ‘Automation discounts, USPS-LR-I-166. worksheet “regval.” divided by PostCorn-modeled automation cost avoidances. ‘USPS-T-25 at 5, Table H-4. II While witness Stralberg and I made several additional 12 improvements 13 the USPS flats cost model (for a detailed description 14 TW-T-l), 15 avoidances. 16 used in the revised model reduce automation-related 17 reduce the number of piece sorts that are required for presorted mail. As I ia describe in my testimony for MPA, these lower Test Year bundle breakage 19 assumptions, 20 reasonable. to of these improvements, only one of these has a significant impact on automation-related see cost Specifically, the lower Test Year bundle breakage assumptions MPA-LR-2, worksheet cost savings because they “Control Sheet,” are both appropriate and 21 “Another 1000s. option for resolving the anomaly would be using YTD FY 2000 productivites for FSM 16 1 B. The Postal Service 2 Automation 3 Ignored Requirements As described the Cost Savings Pertaining That Result Directly to Address From Quality by witness Lubenow, the high address quality of automation 4 flats results in significant 5 I show that address quality is higher for automation 6 mail; describe why better address quality results directly from automation 7 requirements; 8 explicitly models some of the cost savings that result from improved address 9 quality (e.g., higher accept rates), it ignores many others. IO (although hard to quantify) cost savings. In this section, mail than for nonautomation and explain that while the Postal Service’s flats cost model To set a context for this discussion, (WA) a recent Postal Service study of 11 undeliverable-as-addressed mail, defined as “all mail that cannot be 12 delivered to the person or business at the address specified”, found that the total 13 cost for processing 14 Therefore, UAA mail is about $1.5 billion. USPS-LR-I-82 at 30. address quality does have a large impact on Postal Service costs. 15 16 17 1. High Address Quality Results Directly From Automation Requirements In his testimony, witness Lubenow explains why address quality is higher 18 for automation flats than for nonautomation 19 two additional points: (1) while the Postal Service’s Operations 20 Kingsley) has no data to prove that automation 21 than nonautomation 22 Kingsley agrees that higher address quality stems directly from automation 23 requirements. 24 flats. In this section, I simply make witness (witness flats have higher address quality flats, she believes that this is the case; and (2) witness First, when witness Kingsley was asked to confirm that there is a 25 difference in address quality between automation flats and nonautomation flats, 26 she states, “I would assume yes, but have no data to support.” 27 5118051807. 28 directly from automation 29 bear addresses that are sufficiently complete to allow matching to the current 30 USPS ZIP+4 File and must be matched using current CASS-certified 31 matching software to obtain the correct numeric ZIP+4 code. These are not Kingsley, Tr. Second, when asked whether higher address quality results requirements, she stated: “Automation rate flats must address 1 requirements for non-automation 2 result in some differences non-carrier in address quality.” route presort flats and this could Id. 3 4 5 2. Address Quality Affects Much More Than Reject Rates In his testimony, witness Lubenow explains that the higher address quality 6 of automation flats not only reduces the reject rate on flat sorters, but also 7 decreases a only explicitly modeled the cost savings from lower reject rates, stating that “LR-I- 9 90 accounts for any other mail processing many other costs to the Postal Service. costs caused by address problems via 10 the CRA cost adjustments.” 11 by address problems via the CRA cost adjustments 12 the purpose of determining 13 Yacobucci, The Postal Service, however, Tr. 511481. Accounting automation-related essentially for costs caused ignores them for cost savings. For the vast majority of Standard (A) Regular flats, most of the unit costs 14 added by the CRA adjustment, 15 WORKSHARING-RELATED CRA COST” adjustment, 16 Standard and therefore does not reflect cost differences 17 between rate categories. 18 ADJUSTMENT 19 cent, and this amount accounts for all worksharing-related 20 modeled, not just the cost of poor address quality. 21 “Cost Averaging” 22 poor address quality is unrelated to the reject rate, the Postal Service’s flats cost 23 model understates (A) rate categories 3.484 cents, come from the “NOT For 3/5Digit presort flats, the “PROPORTIONAL FACTOR” increases the automation and “Scenario Costs.” automation-related which is added to all CRA cost savings by less than 0.1 costs not explicitly USPS-LR-I-90. worksheets Because a large portion of the cost of cost savings pertaining to address quality. 24 25 C. Barcoded 26 Program 27 Flats Will Facilitate the Postal Service’s Flats Automation As witness O’Tormey describes in his testimony, the Postal Service’s flats 28 automation/mechanization efforts have been met with mixed results. USPS-ST- 29 42 at 7. As shown in Table 7, these mediocre results can be traced directly to 18 the large decreases in FSM productivity shifted from manual processing that have occurred as more flats have to machine processing.” Table 7. Flat Sorting Productivity (TPH in Thousands)’ Flat Sorting Machine Fiscal Year 1993 746 1994 735 1995 719 1996 714 1997 670 1998 613 ‘USPS-LR-I-263, BY96 variability dataset (unscrubbed). 6 7 a Evidence in this case suggests that this decrease least partially resulted from the challenges presented in productivity by nonbarcoded has at flats: 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 The introduction of the FMOCR presents an additional challenge to the management of flats processing operations. Ideally, all FSM 881 machineable flats should be processed on the FMOCR. However, depending on the mailbase being processed, the reality is that only 70% to 80% of the non-barcoded flats inducted will be read by the FMOCR. which means that 20% tom30% of the flats inducted will not be read by the FMOCR. Therefore, occasionally there will not be enough processing time or equipment available to key the non-reads coming from the FMOCR on a multiposition flat sorling machine (MPFSM) keying sot-l program and still meet service commitments. At times, the high non-read rate of a particular mailbase may make it less productive to process it through the FMOCR and then key the rejects than it would be to key all the flats the first time through. However, the much higher throughput for FMOCR induction versus keyed induction should eliminate the latter consideration in almost all cases. The ideal scenario for each facility is to maximize automated flat processing and reduce keying operations to a minimum. The bottom line, however, is that each facility will need to evaluate FMOCR versus MPFSM processing “Another data set in USPS-LR-I-263 shows that FY 99 FSM productivity was even lower than FY 96 FSM productivity. USPS-LR-I-263, LR263MPAxls. BY96 variability dataset (scrubbed). 19 for each processing operation, taking into consideration site-specific productivities, machine availability, and mailbase readability. USPS-LR-I-193. Strategic Improvement Guide for Flats Processing at 21. 6 While it is possible that the challenges presented by nonbarcoded 7 may not adversely impact the AFSM 100 deployment a have past FSM deployments, 9 even larger impact on the success of the AFSM 100 deployment: flats to the same extent as they it is also possible that barcoded flats will have an 10 II 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 [Dluring the initial deployment of the AFSM loo’s, the potential volume of suitable mail will be greater than the capacity of the machines to be deployed. We expect to prioritize mail for processing on available AFSM 100’s to achieve the best overall results. We have found that bar coded mail generally meets our overall preparation guidelines and processes more efficiently than non barcoded. The AFSM has a throughput that is several times greater than either the FSM 881 or the FSM 1000. By placing the best mail available on the AFSM 100, we will maximize throughput and minimize downtime, including downtime that might result from jams that occur when inferior quality mail is presented... Increasing the volume of bar coded mail is a major part of our strategy for flats, as it was for letters. Unger, Tr. 2118181-8182 30 31 Until we know the extent to which the presence of barcoded flats will affect 32 the AFSM 100 deployment, I believe that it is prudent to continue encouraging 33 mailers to barcode flats with a discount at the level proposed by witness Moeller. 20 ATTACHMENT 1 A. SUMMARY OF POSTCOM PROPOSED RATES 2 Regular Subclass Automation Letters Basic 3digit 5-digit Enhanced Entered at destination: BMC SCF DDU Carrier Route Entered at destination: BMC SCF 0.162 0.170 0.159 0.150 0.156 0.146 0.135 0.126 0.153 0.14, 0.130 0.121 0.146 0.134 0.123 0.114 0.156 0.137 0.131 0.153 0.132 0.126 0.146 0.125 0.119 0.062 0.041 0.035 0.041 0.035 0.062 0.041 0.035 0.062 0.041 0.035 0.564 0.564 0.564 0.470 0.470 0.470 0.444 0.444 0.444 0.411 0411 0.411 0.204 0.197 0.176 0.160 0.173 0.152 0.175 0.168 0.147 Flats (tx-rated) 0.271 Basic 315.digit 0.235 0.247 0.211 0.242 0.206 Flats (lb-rated) per piece 0.135 Basic 0.099 315 digit Non-letters Basic High-D Saturation (pc-mted) 0.162 0.161 0.155 0.135 0.099 0.135 0.099 Non-letters per piece: Basic High-D .sat”retio” (,b.rated, per pound: Basic 3/5 digit presort Letter?3 Basic 3bdigit 0.661 0.661 0.547 0.547 0.521 0.521 Entered at destination: BMC SCF 0.246 0.229 0.222 0.205 DDU per pound: Basic High-D Saturation 0.217 0.200 Residual Shape Surcharge Non-letters Basic Y6digit (pc-rated) 0.315 0.262 Non-letters per piece: Basic 3/5 digit (lb-rated) per pound: Basic 3/5 digit 0.291 0.236 0.266 0.233 0.179 0.126 0.179 0.126 0.179 0.126 0.661 0.661 0.547 0.547 0.521 0.521 Residual Shape Surcharge Barcode Discount DDU L&ten Basic Auto High-D Baturation 0.160 0.030 Revised version of USPS-LR-I-166. wpl~comm.xls. Worksheet “Sum” Revised version assumes 100 percent passthroughs of dropship cost savings 0.150
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