PB-T-2 WASHINGTON, POSTAL D.C. RATES AND FEE CHANGES, Direct 20268-0001 2000 Docket Testimony Dr. John No. R2000- of Haldi Concerning PROPOSAL TO INSTITUTE A DISCOUNT FOR FIRST-CLASS SINGLE PIECE METERED On Behalf PITNEY BOWES MAIL of INC. Ian D. Volner N. Frank Wiggins Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civiletti, 1201 New York Avenue, N.W. Suite 1000 Washington, DC 20005-3917 Counsel May 22,200O for Pitney Bowes Inc. LLP 1 CONTENTS Page I. II. Purpose ...................................................... Sketch Autobiographical and Conclusions.. .4 .. .; ............................................... .8 ....................................................................... Introduction.. .6 III. Stamps are a High Cost Mode of Collecting Revenues Compared to Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 IV. Rationale for Proposed Discount.. . . .. . . . . . . . . 15 A. The Evolution of Metering Technology Has Dramatically Reduced Costs for Meter Users, Including Small Businesses and Households . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 B. Metering Technology is Now Readily Available to the Average Household .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . . . . . C. The Proposed Discount Simplicity of Execution Would Enjoy .. . . . . . . . . . . . 18 .20 D. Single Piece First-Class Mail Is Still the Postal Service’s Core Product . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 22 V. Revenue Effect of Proposed A. Decrease B. Offsets: in Revenues.. Avoided C. Net Revenue Discount.. ................................. ....................................... Costs and Increased Volume .: .......... 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 24 Effect . . ..___...._._........................................... 2 23 25 CONTENTS Page Appendices A. Cost of Stamps . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..__.... 27 B. Cost of Revenues C. Revenues D. Revenue from Metered from Stamps Mail . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ._.,.._.. 40 and Meters . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..__... 46 Effect of Proposed Discount 3 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .._. 50 Autobiographical 1 My name is John 2 3 an economic 4 Avenue 5 experience 6 and private I legislatures. 8 9 Haldi. consulting a wide variety organizations, including In 1952, I received a Bachelor with a major 1957 and 1959, respectively, 11 economics from Stanford From testimony 14 of the Program 15 I was responsible 16 Programming-Budgeting 17 federal 18 of Planning, United 19 establishing the Office of Planning 20 O’Brien. 21 hired the initial before Congress and state in economics. In an M.A. and a Ph.D. in School of Business. Evaluation at the Stanford of the Budget. implementation (PPB) system During professor In 1966 and 1967, I was Chief Staff, U.S. Bureau for overseeing in all non-defense 1966 I also served as Acting an initial under research While there, of the Planning- States Post Office Department. staff. business University. University I established My consulting and a minor I received 13 government. Inc., of Arts degree from Emory 1958 to 1965, I was an assistant Graduate 10019. of areas for government, in mathematics 10 of Haldi Associates, firm with offices at 1370 New York, New York has covered University, 12 I am President and management of the Americas, Sketch Postmaster program, agencies of the Director, Office I was responsible General Lawrence and screened and for I have written 1 numerous 2 and co-authored 3 that deal with postal 4 Output 5 of Public Output (1970); 6 Private Express Statutes, 7 for Public 8 Mail Delivery,” 9 (1992); 10 Delivery 11 Postal and Delivery 12 “Transaction 13 Systems,” 14 and an article 15 Transaction 16 in Current 17 one book. articles, Items included and delivery Policy Research Settled an article, Merewitz), Rural Areas,” Industries (1997); Costs of Alternative (with John I have testified 18 Docket Nos. R97- 1, MC96-3, 19 SS86- 1, R84- 1, R80-1, 20 comments in Docket Performance “Costs and Returns in Managing an article Customer as a witness Institute Change (with John from in the Schmidt), and Evidencing Services (1999); Postal Retail Access to Postal Products,” (2000). before the Postal Rate Commission MC95- 1, R94- 1, SS9 l- 1, R90- 1, R87- 1, MC78-2 and R77-1. No. RM9 1- 1. in of Postal Delive y Services “Controlling in Postal Reform of of the Enterprise in PostaZ and Delivery Schmidt), Costs and Improving Directions An Assessment Postage Payment Competition “The Value in The Analysis “Measuring and the Nature (with Leonard in Emerging appeared by the American (1974); in Regulation to Sparsely which studies, those publications are an article, a book, Postal Monopoly: published consulting among economics of the Post Office Department,” an article published I also have submitted in I. Purpose 1 The purpose 2 3 new worksharing 4 letters 5 Throughout 6 to include 7 postage 8 First-Class 9 and Conclusions of my testimony discount and private for single-piece post cards, this testimony the term metered both through “letters” The proposal should be understood to adopt a discount metered mail, both letters represents 12 of the avoided 13 transaction cost between 14 Mail would support 15 discount. 16 force the rate for the first ounce of First-Class 17 from 34 to 35 cents. conservative attributable a higher Implementing As indicated stamped be understood stand-alone dedicated 19 piece letters 20 mail can be stamped 21 (iii) parcel cost. passthrough a larger discount and post cards. No discount The difference is proposed 44 percent, in single piece First-Class and a correspondingly larger at this time, however, could stamped Mail, mail to increase to First-Class subclasses (i) Priority post cards, approximately is limited Three other or metered: and the term flats and IPPs. and private and metered above, the proposal both mail should passthrough, transaction mail, of 1 .O cent per piece for single- 11 a highly of a of 1 .O cent per piece. to include piece First-Class post. metered devices and PC Postage meter devices, 10 1s the establishment First-Class in the amount mail that is metered evidencing is to propose single of single-piece (ii) Express in this Docket Mail, retail and for these other 1 2 subclasses because post all are required 1 entered most Priority Mail, host to be entered at a window, Only stamped Priority into a collection box. Mail weighing 7 Express Mail, and parcel * less than one pound can be II. 1 Prior to 1839, postage 2 3 by recipients. 4 deliver for letters In 1839, as a result 6 introduced 7 postage 8 innovation 9 facilitated of efforts the first prepaid stamps postage reduced communications, 10 growth 11 to prepay 12 adopted 13 their 14 the history of postal stamps administration 18 evidence 19 in more detail stamp. costs. Hill, the Royal Mail When printed, they represented costs. of industry prepaid a “technological” This innovation and, coincidentally, were so great that all the world’s post offices rapidly stamps method have played of further of paying a colorful for postage. and important technological developments are now the most expensive of postage. Since role in post office. has for collecting payment transaction to this new technolog\ of every national 17 incentive paid of using stamps As a result was universally a strong by Sir Rowland The advantages as the standard introduction, first introduced, substantial transaction growth systems. postage 16 provided were first introduced, that greatly and packets arrangement the item, but it also created 5 15 This “COD” Introduction revenues method that a postal and enabling As developed below, the Postal Service’s since they were customers in Appendix attributable to A and discussed cost of printing and 1 2 distributing revenues stamps to the public amounts 4 Pitney invented the postage 5 prepay postage and indicate 6 inception, 7 postal 8 convenience 9 and a substantial postage meters administrations, 10 printed 11 increasingly 12 various 13 Examples 14 Personal payment reduction of ,the a low cost method benefits for the average household are introduced low cost dedicated revenue that must be to be and small business into the market devices customer of collecting continue to upon enhanced of stamps Postage meters Arthur Since their on envelopes. substantial in the number stamp, way for mailers secure payment, annually. low cost solutions include thereof have conferred and satisfaction, affordable of the prepaid meter as an alternate including and distributed 15 6.7 percent collected.2 In 1920, 71 years after introduction 3 to about as place. (such as the Pitney Bowes Post) and PC Postage devices. Although widespread adoption of postage 16 extensive 17 borne the full cost of leasing postage 18 when mailers and perform 19 Postal Service costs, postage ,meters probably benefits incur on the Postal Service, expense meters meter users meters. has conferred nevertheless Since worksharing activities that directly represent have occurs reduce the earliest form This percentage reflects attributable costs only, and excludes many of the fuced costs of operating retail counters; see Section III and Appendix A, infra, for further details. 2 9 1 of organized worksharing, 2 recognition 3 testimony, it is proposed 4 recognition by adopting 5 metered long before such efforts in the rate structure. For reasons explained that some of these benefits a new worksharing mail. 10 received discount formal in this now be given formal for single piece III. 1 2 3 4 Stamps The stamp 5 (including 6 transportation, 7 destruction 8 both attributable 9 cost of stamps Are a High Cost Mode of Collecting Compared to Meters program the selection begins with commissioning committee distribution, of unused stamps. Stamps and non-attributable has rarely, 11 service time, including indirect 12 (iii) fees for managing the stamp 13 card purchases, 14 other costs associated 15 items, are classified 16 stamp program window Attributable with costs. miscellaneous Details cost associated paper (iv) fees for credit items. of many All miscellaneous on the total cost of the A. with meters require of windon and accountable of small, in Appendix service time (i.e., meters to (i) clerks’ consist full the exception program, as institutional. are presented with consignment which to incur The Postal Service’s costs, (ii) stamps stamps, and cause the Postal Service costs are limited and (v) a number The attributable fees), then printing, if ever, been compiled, one earlier 18 study.3 of new designs etc., and ends with the return 10 17 and artist Revenues is limited no USPS supplies). to clerks’ All other John Haldi and John Schmidt, “Transaction Costs of Alternative Postage Payment and Evidencing Systems,” in Emerging Competition in Postal and Delivery Systems, edited by M. A. Crew and P. R. Kleindorfer. Boston: Klewer Academic Publishing Co., 1999. 3 li 1 2 costs associated with meters the cost of meters Summary 3 4 stamps 5 The attributable is shown in Appendix data on both revenues and meters during as institutional. cost of stamps was substanti& greater 7 million) in Table 1. Details on B. (Appendix the Base Year, M 6 as shown are classified C) and costs from 1998, are shown and accountable than the attributable paper in Table ($754 million) cost of meters ($6.3 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Table 1 Postal Service Revenues and Cost of Revenues. by Source Fiscal Year 1998 ($. millions) 15 16 17 1s (1) 19 20 Revenues (2) Attributable cost (3) Institutional cost (4) Full cost 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 Stamps & accountable paper 11,181 754.168 791.212 1.545.380 Meters 21,076 6.286 8.989 15.275 Sources: Stamp costs, Appendix A. Meter costs, Appendix B. Revenues. Appendix C: revenues shown here exclude metered postage generated at Postal Service windows. 31 32 33 34 Postal Service costs to collect collected, are shown revenues, in Table 2. As indicated 12 as a percent by the bottom of revenues row of this 1. 1 table, as a percentage stamps of revenues, the attributable 2 from using exceeds the cost of meters 3 The full cost of stamps 4 percent.4 5 from stamps, the Postal Service incurs 6 times greater than the costs incurred 7 meters. 8 declining 9 be incurred Moreover, to the point where in the future. of postage to collect percent meters 11 meters...[which]...involve 12 customer 13 operational 14 such settings.“j each $1 billion to collect relatively Witness in revenue are more than net cost associated insignificant with accounting and the meter manufacturer. 180 from meters is costs will Davis notes that “Currently, an electronic 13.7 the same revenue in use are remote-set over 90 electronic transaction between the licensed The Postal Service has no role in such transactions, Postal administrations, by more than costs which the Postal Service’s 10 4 perspective, cost by more than 6.7 percent. exceeds the cost of meters From another transaction and therefore including incurs no dost for the USPS, recognize that selling stamps through postal counters consumes a far too high percentage of revenue collected, and can be inconvenient as well. Accordingly they have implemented other low cost and more convenient methods for customers to purchase stamps; e.g., stamps can be ordered by mail or telephone, or purchased at grocery stores through a consignment program. Regardless of hoti inexpensively stamps may be distributed through other channels, however, they still represent a high cost form of postage payment. 5 USPS-T-30, pages 15-16 (emphasis 13 added). 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Table 2 Costs of Stamps and Meters as Percent of Revenues FY 1998 (1) Attributable cost (2) Full cost Stamps & accountable paper Meters DIFFERENCE In terms of the 34-cent 24 Class Mail in this Docket, 25 cents.6 6.745% 13.821% 0.030% ____-----6.715% 0.072% __________ 13.749% rate proposed transaction for the !irst ounce costs of 6.7 percent of First- amount to 2.3 For simplicity, the discussion here focuses on the rate for the first ounce of letter mail. In FY 1998, the average revenue from each piece of FirstClass single piece nonpresort letter mail was 40.2 cents, and the projected average revenue in Test Year (after rates) is 43.5 cents. Applying a 6.7 percent transaction cost to average revenue figures instead of the first ounce,rate would increase the average transaction cost attributable to an average single piece of stamped First-Class Mail from 2.3 to 2.9 cents, and reduce the passthrough to 35 percent. 6 14 IV. 1 Businesses 2 Rationale always find high transaction 3 are particularly 4 product 5 declining. Transaction 6 or friction in a mechanical 7 when resistence 8 work more efficiently 9 problematic or service, for Proposed where costs troublesome. the demand costs are like resistence system. when transaction The very high transaction cost from using and evidence postage is an avoidable, 11 following subsections explain, technology 12 postage 13 provides 14 recognize, 15 technology 16 encourage and reward by those who originate In order to survive 17 market, 18 methods to change. reason systems likewise stamps to collect recurring has evolved, expense. causing The evolution As the the in technology should the use of more cost-effective single-piece and remain possible, more efficiently why the rate structure competitive the Postal Service needs to reduce wherever system, costs are reduced. revenue the fundamental work Economic 10 paradigm Mail, is flat or in an electrical Such systems are reduced. The? for the underlying in this case single piece First-Class and friction evidencing Discount and as quickly First-Class Mail.7 in its core business its high-cost ineffidient as possible. The Commission The entire approach to retail distribution of postal services needs to be revamped in ways that take full advantage of the technology that is both available now and is rapidly evolving. For further discussion on this subject, see Haldi and Schmidt, “Controlling Postal Retail Transaction Costs and Improving Access to Postal Products” in Current Directions in Postal Reform, edited by M. A. Crew and P. R. Kleindorfer, Klewer Academic Publishing; Boston, (2000). 7 15 1 should assist the Postal Service to lessen 2 on stamps for postage 3 encourage retail 4 evidencing.* 5 6 7 8 9 10 A. payment customers customers, its dependence and instead to use low cost, automated forms of postage The Evolution of Metering Technology Has Dramatically Reduced Costs for Meter Users, Including Small Businesses and Households This section provides 11 metering technology 12 discount for single-piece pertinent that supports Postage meters, 13 by retail substantially metered which information the rationale First-Class concerning for the proposed Mail. have been a preferred 14 payment by businesses for many years, 15 mailings that receive worksharing 16 presortation 17 efficiency 18 Indeed, 19 the low costs associated modern method of postage are used to meter both large discounts for barcoding and and for single piece mail that pays the full rate.9 and cost-effectiveness the First-Class of metering rate structure already with accepting The are long-established. has discounts and processing that reflect mailings above a 8 The Postal Service has not undertaken any studies or other initiatives to reduce its costs of collecting revenue through the sale of stamps; see response to PB/USPS-Tll-11(c), Tr. 6/2619. 9 Full-rate First-Class metered mail includes both single pieces that may be deposited individually in collection boxes and bulk metered mail (BMM) that is tendered to the Postal Service already faced and in trays. 16 1 2 minimum discount size that are barcoded is proposed and/or presorted. here for such mail. In the case of single piece nonpresorted 3 4 mail with 5 costs are averaged 6 ounce 7 averaging, 8 using 9 receiving 10 high transaction First-Class costs and metered each single piece mailer any recognition Historically, ounce. of this rate the cost of obtaining the Postal Service’s that used meters and cost without to be those firms which tended 12 correspondence 13 with differing 14 a meter was long a significant 15 medium-size 16 volume/low 17 substantially reduced rates to customers. Additionally, 18 in computer, printing and communications technology to justify capabilities generated for single piece mail 11 have different deterrent With recent cost meters a sufficiently the cost of renting a postage large volume meter.lO rates, but the lowest to most smaller advancements are being introduced Postal Service regulations meters. hence all meters are rented. 10 33 cents for the first or benefit. businesses firms. stamped low transaction Because who incurs device helps reduce Mail, mail with in the single piece rate, currently plus 22 cents for each additional a metering No additional in meter Meters . rate to rent and many technology, to the market low at recent advances have provided do not permit firms to own postage 17 of the 1 capability for PC Postage, 2 month, thus providing 3 4 5 6 B. 7 beyond traditional stand 8 enabled postage evidencing which an affordable option for as little through In 1998, Forbes magazine 10 approximately 11 Infomzation 12 of those households, 13 2003, 14 with an internet 15 restricted 16 benefit 17 worksharing IS proposed 19 will encourage postage a personal estimated estimates to business to tens of millions discounts discount discount from the Postal Service. large numbers signal or or 38.8 million connection.12 By homes will have a computer mailers will send the right households, had at least one PC.” It has the potential of individual options and has that 50 million 13 The proposed firms. meters with an internet that some 59.8 million connection. customer that 77.6 percent, have a computer it is estimated of households. computer. one out of every two households, Week magazine per Available of PC Postage has extended alone dedicated as $1.50 for millions Metering Technology is Now Readily to the Average Household The development 9 is available thus is not to provide a direct who otherwise receive Recommending to the mailing public, no the and of people to adopt and use this technology, II Forbes, May 3 1, 1999, page 7 1. 12 Information 13 Id. Week, October 18, 1999, page 97. t8 1 which is a far more cost-efficient 2 the sale of stamps. 3 Finally, 4 a dramatic since widespread increase will help promote 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 President in customer way to collect adoption for Strategic Planning, than of meter technology convenience usage of the mail. revenue Robert recognized while Reisner, through can provide restraining costs. it USPS Vice- this in a recent article:‘-’ In a networked world, entrepreneurs have been exploring the opportuniv to offer digital postage online for a number of years....The potential for these ventures is enormous. When customers do not have to go to the Post Office to fill their postage meters, they may even use more postage simply because the new technology has made it easier for them to do so. New customers may be drawn in. (Emphasis added.) “Strategy and the Posts: the Case of the USPS,” in Current Directions in Postal Reform, ed. by M. A. Crew and P. R. Kleindorfer. Boston: Klewer Academic Publishers, 2000. I4 19 1 2 3 4 The Proposed Discount Would Enjoy Simplicity of Execution c. This is not the first proposal 5 single piece First-Class 6 receives a lower rate in recognition 7 delivery cost, but pays an additional 8 high transaction 9 Mail. cost involved to recognize Qualified cost differences Business within Reply Mail (“QBRM”) of its lower mail processing fee that explicitly in counting and recognizes the pieces and collecting revenue. For QBRM the Postal Service charges 30 cents postage plus a fee of 3.0 cents 10 per piece to cover the transaction 11 exceeds 2.3 cents, the average cost of collecting revenue 12 ounce of single piece First-Class 13 be considered 14 delivery costs. Mail. to include transaction A reduced 15 costs. The QBRM accounting rate for Courtesy costs as well as mail processing Reply Mail (“CRM”) recommended 17 instance IS Among reasons which 19 mailing public (i) would 20 denominations of stamps, 21 amount they put on CRM and non-CRM 22 Service could the Governors which in two prior have declined the Governors for the first dockets, and has been and in each to adopt the recommendation. cited for their action need to maintain and (ii) would have a serious via stamps For retail mail, total system cost should 16 by the Commission fee slightly problem an inventory of two need to be vigilant protecting 20 is that the about mail, else the Postal its revenues. the The problems 1 which 2 CRM do not arise under 3 would 4 denomination. 5 people to quit using 6 metering 7 the Governors the discount not need to maintain proposed any inventory In fact, an important stamps have cited with respect of stamps purpose altogether, here. The mailing to public of any of the discount is to induce in favor of more cost-effective technology. Further, those mailers who opt to continue using stamps 8 pay only one rate for the first ounce of single piece mail, just 9 now. Meter users likewise 10 iirst ounce.15 11 while 12 within providing Simplicity would single piece First-Class as they do pay only one rate (1 cent less) for the of the existing a way to reward would system would and promote thus be preserved, more efficient methods Mail. Mailers who pay postage on their CRM by use of a meter strip would receive a discount under the proposal advanced here. Most CRM is stamped mail which, when stamps are used as the means of collecting revenue and evidencing postage, causes the Postal Service to incur high transaction costs. 15 21 1 2 3 4 Single Piece First-Class Mail Is Still the Postal Service’s Core Product D. Single piece First-Class 5 Service’s most important 6 of USPS witness Fronk, Mail is without single product. question the Postal This is noted in the testimony who states thatI Of the $33.9 billion in first-Class Mail revenue in FY 1998, approximately $2 1.8 billion came from nonpresorted letters, flats and parcels, emphasizing the continuing importance of single-piece mail in the First-Class Mail stream. Cards generated $1.0 billion, or 3.0 percent, of First-Class Mail revenue.. * * * 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 1s The basic one-ounce rate is the most visible and important rate in the eyes of the general public. In 1998, the basic rate (first-ounce only) accounted for about 30 percent of domestic mail revenue, far more than any other rate category in any other class of mail. 19 20 The proposed 15 16 17 21 retain 22 mail highly 23 diversion. discount its core product, 16 profitable, will help the Postal Service single piece First-Class it also is increasingly Mail. subject USPS-T-33, pages 8 and 2 1, respectively. 22 to promote Not only is this to electronic and. 1 V. Revenue Effect 2 3 The proposed discount represents 4 costs. The revenue 5 when 6 averaged. 7 effects are to reduce 8 offsetting of Proposed effects are similar other worksharing discounts One effect is to reduce a de-averaging to those which were implemented revenues, costs or increase effects are summarized Discount while revenues. of transaction have occurred and rates de- the other, offsetting The results of these here; see Appendix D for a full analysis. 9 10 A. 11 Decrease Mailers in Revenues who now meter their single piece First-Class 12 already 13 discount for savings 14 Service. For existing 15 implementation 16 $245 million. 17 engaged in worksharing, that they are already metered of the proposed In addition, generating mail, the revenue discount will receive a for the Postal reduction will amount from to approximately the Postal Service will also lose 1 cent for each piece 18 that converts from stamps 19 Heisler, 20 originating 21 households, 22 from use of stamps PB-T-3, hence these mailers Mail are estimates 3.518 billion originating to metered postage. that about 1.119 million pieces of mail annually, 1.436 billion to metering Testimony small by witness businesses, and 5.3 million pieces of mail annually, if a 1 -cent discount is adopted. will switch 1 Conversion 2 reduction 3 $294.5 of these 4.954 of $49.5 million. billion pieces will result The gross revenue in a further reduction thus revenue amounts to million. 4 5 B. Offsets: Avoided Costs The gross reduction 6 7 (1) cost savings 8 (2) increased As indicated 9 in revenue from adoption volume and utilization mail will convert. 11 per piece, this conversion 12 Service At a savings is conservatively in attributable of metering effects: technoloa, and rate. above, it is estimated stamped Volume is offset by two separate from the reduced 10 $114 million and Increased that some 4.954 in attributable estimated transaction billion pieces of costs of 2.3 cents to save the Postal costs each year. 17 The estimated savings are for attributable cost only, and are based on the estimated savings on the rate for the first ounce of First-Class letters. As indicated in footnote 7 supra, the projected average revenue for letters in the Test Year is about 43.5 cents, and on that basis the projected savings per letter is somewhat greater, about 2.9 cents per piece. Continued substantial conversion to metering technology could, over the long-run, help the Postal Service save some incremental costs as well as attributable costs, but any such additional savings are excluded from this analysis. li 24 Witness 1 Tolley estimates 2 reduce the volume 3 million pieces. The proposed 4 million letters and 16.6 million 5 volume of 197.6 million 6 million annually I here is limited 8 respect 9 increased that the’proposed of single piece First-Class discount letters cards, thereby institutional to the rate effect as analyzed approach. associated 10 in new customers, 11 Postal Service products (section by 386 this loss of an estimated cost. by witness customers and in that previously, technology to increase $24.1 The analysis Tolley, As discussed with metering or lead existing and cards avoiding contributes to the Postal Service’s convenience will will negate the rate effect for 181 pieces, which it takes a conservative rate increase could the draw their usage of IV-B, supra). 12 13 C. Net Revenue Effect The net effect from implementation 14 15 for metered 16 reduction 17 follows single piece First-Class in revenue during letters of the proposed and cards amounts Test Year of $156.5 (millions): 25 l-cent million, discount to a net computed as 1 2 Gross revenue reduction Less offsets: 3 Transaction costs avoided 4 Contribution from volume 5 ($ 294.5) ’ Net reduction in revenue 113.9 24.1 retention $W 6 26 Appendix 1 A COST OF STAMPS 2 The Postal Service’s 3 4 includes 5 stamps 6 destroying 7 revenues and manufacturing stamps, the cost of creating to some 35,411 8 channels: 9 carriers. selling outlets,rs excess stamp For decades In recent introduced 11 by phone, the Postal Service sold stamps 12 utilizes 13 Costs other retail Attributed During distributing and recalling and for distributing channels through stations; only three and (iii) rural the Postal Service has creativel: by mail, and a stamp stamps. These include: consignment program such as grocery stamps that stores and bank ATMs. to Stamps FY 1998, the attributable 15 (ii) stamped 16 these costs, 96.3 percent, 17 alone. envelopes costs of (i) stamps, and cards amounted or $726.6 The cost to manufacture 18 (ii) contract years, however, new channels stamps stamps, from stamps inventory. (i) post office windows; 10 14 total cost of obtaining million stamps Response to PB/USPS-T-11-14, to some $754.2 were attributable was $183 million,20 million. 19 Of to stamps while the Tr. 21/9256. 19 Details on volume variable costs are contained and workpapers of USPS witness Meehan (USPS-T-l 1). 20 For additional information pertaining responses to OCA/USPS-47-50, Tr. 21/9068-9081, 9105; also OCA/USPS-T9-16-17, Tr. 2/359-360. 27 and in the testimony to the cost of stamps, see and 60-62, Tr. 21.9102- 1 cost of selling 2 $358 million 3 piggyback stamps (i.e., window of window costs. service labor .costs) amounted clerk time, and $519 million Details are shown including to indirect in Table A- 1. 4 5 Institutional Cost of Stamps In addition 6 to those stamp-related 7 Table A- 1 that are distributed 8 mail, 9 stamps, a number of institutional to the various are not distributed to the classes 11 institutional 12 considered to vary with volume, 13 on stamps were substantially expenses represent costs shown can be associated to vary with the volume and subclasses incremental but which scaled back. 28 in classes and subclasses costs (i) clearly but (ii) are not considered 10 attributable of mail. of with of mail, hence These costs that are not might be reduced if reliance 1 Table A-l 32 4 5 6 ; 9 ;: 12 13 14 Attributable Cost of Stamps Fiscal Year 1998 ($. millions) 16. 16. ;; 19 16, 18 Artists 18 & 20 ;z 2 29 30 :1 33 it 36 16. --357.730 Supplies/stamps B accountable paper ;z :: 22 23 24 (2) Stamped _--____cost segment ---___ No. Description __-____ --3. Clerks/window service Mgt of stamp consignment 183.398 prog Stamp Advisory Committee Credit card fees 9.123 (3) Stamped Cards _____ 7.098 (4) Total Attributable -__-_ 367.877 195.729 3.208 4.646 4.646 0.306 0.306 0.065 0.065 19.449 .165 20.000 2 565.602 12.329 10.692 588.623 Indirect costs, at 0.45 x clerks/window service costs 160.962 1.368 3.194 165.545 Total attributable costs 726.564 13.697 13.886 754.168 SUBTDTAL Sources: Window service costs (stamps), response to PBIUSPS-Tl l-26, Tr. 6/263; envelopes and cards, respectively, Meehan W.S. 3.2.6, column 4. W.S. 3.2.2, column 8. Cost of stamps, envelopes and cards, response to PBIUSPS-Tl and 29, Tr. 612617. 2634-2635. l-7.28 ii Stamp consignment 2 41 42 43 :: 46 47 48 49 50 51 costs, response to PBIUSPS-Tl l-8, Tr. 612618. Artists and stamp advisory committee, response to PBIUSPS-Tl l-5 & 23, Tr. 6/2615. 2629-2650, using volume variability of 59.8 percent applied to pertinent account numbers, Credit card fees, response to PBAJSPS-Tl l-3 (referred to USPS, revised 3/13/00). Tr. 21/9250-9257, estimated at $20 million for stamps and accountable paper. Piggyback factor for indirect costs, response to PSIUSPS-Tl Tr. 6/2621, I-12, It has not been possible 1 2 associated with creating 3 costs that could 4 Table A-2. and selling be quantified In addition 5 to the dollar Service incurs a number 7 use of stamps, but which 8 precision. Those items marked 9 elaborated on here. Costs mail program, which 12 program 13 forms 14 class permit], 15 use the BRM envelope. 16 and/or 17 filled by clerks 18 represents 19 stamps 20 are reported 21 however, include to postal “n.a.” by mail. order forms, the in Table A-2 are (ii) distributing distributed, for stamps other than window by mail such order and bear a first are segregated To the extent that orders the cost of their stamps. the Postal Service did not explicitly may be time Some costs of the in the Postal Service As indicated 30 that by mail are filled by clerks service clerks, cost of selling in row 5 of Table A-2. by reply mail fees for all customers in local post offices. a net additional with Costs of the stamps (these are widely Orders in here with any degree of (not available) internally. and (iii) the business by mail program costs associated The Postal Service has a stamps it manages customers as shown in Table A-2, the Postal could not be quantified (i) printing supervisors to $79 1.2 million, costs shown cost In Fiscal Year 1998, those of other incremental for stamps 11 every institutional stamps. amounted 6 10 to quantify records, and in rows 6 and 7, record any cost (either the 1 2 rate charged million First-Class order forms via direct Costs 3 for stamps 4 stamps 5 charged 6 net cost of this program 7 by phone 9 transportation mail during TRACS distinguishes 11 First-Class Mail. 12 throughout the country 13 proposition. Registry who order stamps by phone are to the face value of the stamps. Stamps to 35,411 is not charged 10 1998.21 The is not known cost. via truck some 64 The Postal Service also has a Customers fee in addition Transportation transported A mail) for distributing by phone. program. a handling 8 14 or Standard (and accountable postal outlets. to “stamps,” costs. Uncancelled stamps 16 registered 17 a result, 18 Service itself, and much mail, which a substantial provides portion of registered Registered or is not an inexpensive are easily negotiable. the Postal Service the highest whether secure transportation of stamps post offices need to be resupplied, The cost for such from other for billions 15 are and it is not known items such asstamps In any event, providing paper) available When sends them via form of security. As mail usage is by the Postal of that usage is for internal transmission of 21 See response to OCA/USPS-58 and 60 for additional information on saturation mailings by the Postal Service to the general public, Tr. 2 l/9099, 9102. 31 1 stamp stock. Charging the stamp 2 as the Postal Service charges 3 annually, 4 1998 volume program others would but data were not available variable with the same registry result in a significant for the computation. cost for registry fees sum The total FY was $99,336,000. 5 6 Cost of Obtaining 7 Revenues From Stamps In FY 1998 the total attributable 8 paper (stamped 9 revenues envelopes from stamps 10 million. Thus, 11 envelopes 12 $67,400 and cards) amounted and accountable to collect and accountable to $754 million, paper amounted $1 ,OOO,OOO in revenue while to $11,18 from stamps, and cards the Postal Service incurred attributable 1 stamped costs of or 6.74 percent. On a full cost basis, 13 cost for stamps 14 another $791 million 15 of stamp 16 collect 17 the Postal Service incurred the recurring institutional to the cost of stamps. and accountable paper exceeded $1 ,OOO,OOO in revenue Conservatively, $1,545 from stamps, full costs of about 32 costs added million. stamped $138,100 the full costs Thus, envelopes to and cards or 13.61 percent. 1 Table A-2 32 4 Postal Service Institutional Costs Associated with Stamps FYI998 i 7 ; 10 11 Row ___- 12 13 14 15 16 17 la lb ;i 3 2 22 4 ;: 28 29 :‘: 32 33 54 3 Amount ____-_----SALES AND REVENUE COLLECTION Non-variable window service cost Piggyback $417.930.000 188.068.500 USPS stamp vending machines 82.859.143 10 Rural carrier stamp sales 24.853.491 13 Stamp sales at contract stations 24,943,lOO 5a Cost of stamps by mail 36.000.000 5b Management 6 Cost to distribute 64 million order forms n/a 7 Mailing fees to distribute stamps (registry & penalty) n/a 2 ;: 25 cost segment -_---_-_ 2.3,15.20 of Consignment 3.123.414 Program STAMP CREATION 8 16.18 9 15, 16, l&20 Artist costs 217.829 Stamp Advisory Committee 203.893 2 i’s 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 10 18 INTERNAL DISTRIBUTION Stamp Distribution Network personnel 11 14 Surface transportation 12 3 Registry labor cost 13.012.831 n/a cost to distribute stamps n/a $791.212.200 TOTAL Sources for Table A-2 it 2’: la. 1b. Non-volume variable labor cost, response to PWUSPS-Tll-26, Tr. 612631 Piggyback factor, response to PBIUSPS-Tl I-12 (b), Tr. 6/2621. 2. Stamp vending machine costs. 33 Service (Sag. 3. PBIUSPS-Tll-12(a), revised 3/21/00), Tr. 6/2620-2621. Mileage PBIUSPS-Tll-12(b). Tr. 6/2621. Space cost (S.eg.15. PBIUSPS-TII-12(b)). Tr. 6/2621 Depreciation (Seg. 20, PBIUSPS-Tl l-9(b)(referred to USPS), Tr. 21/2621. .Total cost Share assigned to stamps Cost assigned to stamps : 3 4 5 6 s’ $54.245.804 999,973 30.727.971 6.091,966 $92.065.714 90% 562.659.143 1: N.B. Some non-stamp products are sold through vending machines, and the amount of such items is estimated at 10 percent. 13 3. tz 16 17 Time allowance for sale of stamps: 20 Per week/route (Postal Bulletin No. 21952, dtd 6/14/97) 17.33 Per year/route 60.731 Rural routes, Financial 8 Operating Statements, A/P 7, PFY 1996 1.052.671 Rural carrier hours for stamp sales Total rural carrier hours (Nat’1 Payroll Hours 155790,953 Summary Report, 9/l 1198) 0.675694 Percent of total hours for stamp sales $3,678,215.000 Total rural carrierlabor cost, USPS-T-I 1. Exh. W.S. 10.0.1 $24.853.491 Rural carrier stamp sales cost ;i z': 22 23 24 25 z4 28 29 Costs associated with stamp sales by rural carriers are estimated as follows: 4, Costs associated with stamp sales at contract stations are estimated as follows: Total window service costs, USPS-T-l 1, Exh USPS-1 1A, p. 20 Cost of window service stamp sales, response to PBIUSPS-Tl l-26, Tr. 6/2631. Percent of window service cost attrib. to stamp sales Total contract station costs, response to PBIUSPS-Tll-6 (Referred to USPS), Tr. 6/2616. Cost of stamp sales at contract stations, at 37.04% :7 $2.040.353.000 $755..668.000 37.04% $67.348.000 $24.943.100 36 5a. :i 39 40 5b. 6. :: 7. Stamps by mail, response to PBIUSPS-Tll-IO and 12. Tr. 21/9254. Tr. 6/2620-2621. Response to PB/USPS-TI I-8 (revised 3/21/00). Tr. 6/2618. Order form distribution, Response to PBIUSPS-TI l-10. (Referred to USPS), Tr. 2119254 Mailing fees to distribute stamps (registry 5 penalty) are contained in Revenue Segmentl.Account4lll8. 34 minutes hours routes hours hours percent Sources for Table A-2 (con?) 1 -Row 32 4 0. Artist costs, response to PBIUSPS-Tl 2630. 2 7 9. Costs for the Stamp Advisory Committee, response to PBIUSPS-Tl and 23, Tr. 6/2613,2629-2630. 10. Costs for stamp distribution Tr. 6/2613. 11. Surface transportation 6/2626. 12. Stamps are distributed to (and returned from) 35,411 outlets via registered mail; response to PB/USPS-Tl l-21, Tr. 6/2627. i 10 ;.’ 15 14 :z 17 l-5 (revised 3/21/00) and 23, Tr. 612615, 2629- network personnel. PB/USPS-Tl l-5 (revised 3/21/00) l-5 (revised 3/21/00) and 23. is used to distribute stamps; response to PBIUSPS-Tl 35 l-22, Tr. 1 2 Outlook for the Cost of Stamps The costs for stamps in prior years have not been developed 3 this analysis. In absolute 4 have exhibited continued 5 Service costs; see Table A-3. 6 represented 7 costs have grown 8 past experience 9 the cost of manufacturing 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 13 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 a constant least in absolute amount, growth, however, total window service costs more or less in line with If costs attributable percentage of window in tandem with window to the future, it would and selling other to stamps appear stamps Postal have service costs, then service costs. for stamp Extrapolating reasonable will continue to project to grow, at amount. Table A-3 Cost Segment 3, Window Service Costs (Selected Years, 000) Fiscal Year 1980 1986 1990 1995 1998 2001 l ** (1) (2) (3) Total Attributable Percent Attributable $ 296,675 554,667 829.372 1,173.979 9%3,225.* 1.ol39,oo1.** $ 626,049 1,150,209 1,462.003 2.041,047 2vO40.353 2,308.118 Volume variable (actual) Volume variable (projected) 36 that 47.4% 48.2 56.7 57.5 47.0 47.2 1 e L Cost of Sales by Marketing The cost of selling 3 stamps and stamped 4 channels 5 attributable and institutional 6 respectively, have been distributed 7 used to market Costs of creating 8 distribution 9 marketing stamps sold via the various in Table A-4. In this table, costs shown in Tables A-l and A-2, to the appropriate and manufacturing network, paper is shown stamps, are distributed marketing the channel. as well as the stamp according to revenues of each channel. The total cost of each channel, 10 ’ Channel 11 collected from each channel, 12 column 5 reveals 13 stamp consignment 14 little 15 average account 16 versus 17 windows.22 is shown that the lowest program. more than 3 percent in column cost method Revenues (including for about 14 to 15 percent as a percent of sales revenue 5. Mere perusal of distribution collected cost a which’on of the value of stamps via most other methods by far is the via this channel cost of the stamps, 1.7 percent of of distribution, sold), including See response to OCA/USPS76(b) & (c), where the Postal Service estimates a transaction cost (excluding the cost of printing stamps) for Stampsby-Mail and StampsOnline of 11.4 and 9.8 percent, respectively. Tr. 2 l/9 12 1 22 37 In a recently 1 launched experimental 2 Etc., the Postal Service has entered 3 commission 4 channel 5 is still far above the cost of collecting of 5 percent promises 23 program into a contract for all stamp sales.23 LR-I-231, Attachment 4. 38 Mail Boxes; whereby Although to be lower than most methods revenues with it will pay a the cost of this used to sell stamps, via metering technology. it 1 2 - 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Table A-4 Revenues and Costs of Stamps and Stamped Paper By Sales Channel FY 1998 (% 000) 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 77 Source of Sales: Counters (includes rural carriers) Contract stations Vending machines By mail Consignment: Local Amplex contract TOTAL Source: (1) (2) (3) Stamps & Stamped Paper Sales Attributable cost Institutional cost 8,857.771 705,519 641,495 1,347.014 586,210 630.876 325,312 10,281 11,064 8,956 25,647 83,617 36,391 35,929 94,682 45,349 6.1 15.0 13.9 172.971 606,129 3,034 15,312 208 3.854 3,241 19,166 1.9 3.2 11.161.269 754,168 791.212 WE A.4.1 39 (4) (5) Total cost Total cost as % of Sales 1545,380 15.2% 13.8% Appendix 1 Cost of Revenues 2 3 Costs 4 Attributed In FY 1998, window costs, amounted 6 window service costs were primarily 7 meters, but they also included 8 re-set meters 9 remote 11 Metered Mail service costs attributed indirect to $7.7 million, and electronic and, perhaps, to meters, as shown time spent inspecting are phased these window to disappear (volume variable) 13 Directly offsetting 14 collected 15 examination 16 net attributable 24 costs for on-site out entirely $8.8 million of attributable and examinations. costs, in FY 1998 the Postal Service meters. cost of about in favor of altogether.24 in fees from meter users for on-site of mechanical As manual service costs can be expected meter resetting these attributable mechanical meters. In FY 1998 the Postal Service also had $7.5 million 12 including in Table B- 1. These for time spent resetting meters re-set (CMRS) meters, to diminish from to Meters 5 10 B resetting Thus the Postal Service incurred $6.3 million, See USPS-T-30, pp. 15-17. 40 as shown in Table B- 1. and a 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Table E-1 Costs Attributed to Meters Fiscal Year 1998 (millions) No. _-_ 3. ---- Cost Segment --Description ---_-___ Clerks/window service Meters ---_ $ 5.267 Indirect costs, at 0.45 x clerk/ window service costs 2.379 Subtotal 7.666 2 & 3 On-site meter resetting and examination cost GROSS ATTRIBUTABLE COSTS 2 & 3 Less: fees paid by meter users (includes $853.916 for check in/check out service) NET ATTRIBUTABLE COSTS Source: W-S B.l.1 41 7.455 15.121 - 8.835 $ 6.286 1 2 Institutional Costs of Meters The Postal Service incurs (dealing additional 3 expenses with different 4 $9.0 million. These costs include 5 and tracking, and other miscellaneous 6 the information 7 institutional based indicia aspects identifiable of meters) non-attributable totaling the meter approval meter-related program (“IBIP”). costs for FY 1998 are shown approximateh process, programs, Details licensing including of these in Table B-2.25 Costs of the Information Based Indicia Program (“IBIP”) are institutional; see response to DFC/USPS-16(a)-(c) (referred to USPS), Tr. 2 l/8822-8824. Costs of some engineering personnel who assist in meter evaluation and approval process are not tracked separately; response to PB/USPS-Tl l-30, Tr. 612636-2637. 25 42 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 Table B-2 USPS Institutional Costs Associated with Meters FY 1998 cost Segment Meter approval process: RSE personnel costs Other costs: Carnegie Mellon contract; Planning Research Corp. contract; CMLS (Memphis/Minneapolis centers); MATS and IBIP $ 1 .ooo.ooo 7.200.000 789,000 Booz Alien contract $ 8,989.OOO Total Institutional Cost Sources: Cost of Obtaining 2s Costs, response to PBIUSPS-Tl I-30; USPS-T-30, page 18. Revenues In FY 1998, revenues 29 approximately 30 meters 31 meters, 32 about 33 Amount Item From Meters from mailer-operated $2 1.1 billion, were only $6.3 million. meters while net costs attributed To collect the Postal Service incurred amounted to mailer-operated $1 ,OOO,OOO in revenues attributable to from costs of only $300, or 0.03 percent Institutional 34 Service’s 35 (attributable costs of meters cost of meters. added $9.0 million The full cost of meters plus institutional to the Postal costs) came to about 43 to the Postal $15.3 Service million. Thus, 1 2 the full cost of collecting $725, or about $l,OOO,OOO in revenue from meters was or-ii> 0.07 percent. 3 4 5 Outlook for Meter The phase-out 6 re-set/CMRS 7 substantial s Service. 9 dramatically As a result in postage postage 12 customer 13 operational 14 functions) 15 of $2 million, 16 generous meters the outlook an electronic and the meter manufacturer. role in the re-setting and therefore including for the current which incurs for meter costs is Remote transaction in a by the Postal By Test Year 2001, be reset at post office windows. involve in favor of remote This has resulted meter costs incurred from that for stamps. The cost of on-site Table B-l), principally complete.26 of this transition, different 11 meters, is now virtually reduction will no longer 18 of mechanical meters, 10 17 Costs meters re-settings between of the licensed The Postal Service has no direct process (other than audit and control no cost for such settings.2’ the piggyback factor for indirect An estimate costs, seems environment. meter resetting (shown in the fourth is now offset by fees paid by mailers 26 USPS-T-30, Page 15,ll. 9-16. 27 Id. Pages 15-16. 44 (shown row of in the 1 2 penultimate altogether row of Table B-l), should (along with the fees). 45 also diminish and disappear Appendix 1 Revenues 2 3 USPS Revenues From Stamps and Meters By Source Postal Service revenues 4 C 1 contains summary by source 5 Column 6 The Postal Fiscal Year does not coincide 7 (“GFY”), and operating 8 operating revenues 9 revenues to correspond are shown in Table C- 1. data for Postal Fiscal Year (“PFY”) revenues in GFY 1998. with the Government in PFY 1998 were slightly Column 2 adjusts 1998. Fiscal Year less than the PFY 1998 with GFY 1998 total revenues. 10 11 12 Mailer-Applied Meter The revenues 13 distinguish 14 meter strips 15 important 16 from different 17 revenues. for metered between generated distinction, Postage mail shown mail that is metered in Table C- 1 do not by mailers by Postal Service window since the analysis forms of evidencing and mail that has clerks. This is an here seeks to compare with the cost of obtaining 46 revenues those In FY 1998 the Postal Service applied 1 2 metered postage 3 into account 4 follows to mail accepted provides additional by window just over $3.7 billion service clerks.28 detail on FY 1998 revenues of Taking by source this as (millions): $ 24,795.0 5 Total metered postage 6 USPS-applied metered 7 Total mailer-applied postage metered - 3,719.3 postage $ 21,075.7 8 9 Stamp 10 Revenues By Source Table C-2 shows the revenues 11 stamps 12 used by the Postal Service. and accountable that are derived paper through the various from sales of marketing channels 2s Response to PB/USPS-Tll-25 (referred to USPS). Tr. 21/9261Meters owned by the Postal Service can, in theory, be used to evidence postage for virtually any mail accepted by a window service clerk. When window service clerks use a meter to apply postage to a piece of mail, however, it is believed that such mail is usually something other than a simple FirstClass letter, at least entailing extra postage; e.g., certified mail or registered mail, Priority Mail, Express Mail, parcel post, insured mail, First-Class flats or parcels, etc. 4; Table C-l 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 USPS Revenue by Source PFY & GFY 1998 ($, millions) 11 12 13 14 15 16 (1) (2) MD through A/P 13 PFY 1998 YTD through NP 13 Adj’d to CRA Total FY 1998 $24,696.4 $24,795.007 Operating Revenue: 17 Metered Postage 18 Stamps and Stamped Paper 11.1366 11,181.269 19 Permit Imprint 14.741.6 14.800.459 20 Periodicals & Standard A 2,114.5 2.122.943 21 Official Mail 780.2 703.315 22 Presort 1st~Class & Std B/Permit Imprint 23 Box Rents 610.6 613.038 24 Money Order Fees 209.5 210.336 25 Other 1.193.0 1.197.763 67.1 67.368 26 4.283.4 4.300502 Government Appropriations: 27 Revenue Forgone 28 Total Operating Revenue $59,833.1 30 CRA Total Operating Revenue $ 60.072.0 31 CRA Op. Revenue as % of Alp13 $60.072.000 29 100.3993% 32 33 34 Source: Column 1, USPS, Financial & Operating Statements, Accounting Period 13, PFY 1998, Revenue by Source, page 5, Year-to-Date Actual, 4s Table Ci2 1 2 3 4 5 6 I 8 9 Revenues from Stamps and Stamped Paper By Sales Channel ’ FY 1998 ($1 (1) 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 IS 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Sales (percent) Source Of Sales: Counters Contract Stations Vending Machines By Mail Consignment: Local Amplex Contract TOTAL Sources: (2) (3) Distribution Stamps & Stamped Paper 8,598,083.719 569,023.632 612,380,OOO 315.774,590 79.22% 5.24% 5.64% 2.91% 8.857.771.600 586.209,850 630,875,710 325,311.928 167,900.000 590.300.000 1.55% 5.44% - 172.971.083 608,128.828 10,853.461,941 100.00% 11.181,269.000 Stamp Sales Column (I), response to PBIUSPS-Tll-12. Column (3) total from Table C-l, column 2, distributed by percentages in column 2. 49 Appendi.% 1 Revenue 2 Effect D of Proposed For FY 200~1 Before Rates, witness 3 4 of single piece letters, 5 while 6 additional 7 Tables the volume 2.405 D-l Tolley estimates flats and IPPs will amount of single piece private that the volume to 53.2 14 billion cards will amount pieces. 2s These volumes billion pieces. to an are shown in Part A of and D-2, respectively. 8 ODIS data indicate 9 Class single piece letters 10 the remaining 11 of all First-Class 12 metered, 13 distributions 14 Part A of Tables 15 of First-Class 16 million, 17 assumption 18 the proposed 19 $245.0 that in FY 1998 (i) 48.5 percent were stamped, 6.7 percent were permit 44.8 percent or “other;“30 single piece cards were stamped, and the remaining 20.5 percent are used to compute metered letters amounts that every metered discount, 12 million the respective during and cards of all First- were metered, and and (ii) 52.0 percent 27.5 percent were permit D- 1 and D-2, respectively. respectively] 29 Discount were or “other.” volumes, These as shown in The Before Rates total volume (23,839.795 to 24,50 1.2 million and 661.382 pieces. On the letter and card were to take advantage the cost of a 1 .O cent discount would amount of to Test Year 200 1. USPS-T-6, Table 1, page 5. 30 Response to PB/USPS-T33-3. Tr. 21/9264-9265. First-Class single piece permit mail includes Business Reply Mail, Government mail, and residual pieces from bulk permit mailings. 50 For Test Year 2001 After Rates, witness 1 2 volume of single piece First-Class 3 decrease 4 as shown 5 discount 6 would 7 or (ii) for stamped by a combined total of about in Part A of Tables D-l would and private 386 million and D-2. that the post cards will pieces, or 0.7 percent, Since the effect of the be to leave the rate unchanged for eligible pieces, there be no after rates effect (i) on single piece mail that is now metered, Witness 8 letters Tolley projects mail that converts Heisler, a substantial PB-T-3, 9 induce number 10 adopt 11 anticipated 12 from stamped 13 Service a gross savings 14 costs which projects 31 to metered metering million status. that a 1 .O cent discount of small businesses and use more cost-effective that some 4.954 to metered and households technology. status. 31 This shift would it otherwise would See W.S.D.l, Part B. incur In total, pieces of First-Class of approximately 6.7 percent on account 51 will to it is Mail will convert give the Postal of the transaction of those mailers. The revised 1 2 assuming 3 Table D-1.32 4 approximately 5 the proposed 6 assuming 7 Table D-2. 8 approximately volume the proposed discount from implementation is shown in of the discount. for single piece First-Class were to be recommended, cards from implementation to institutional 10 Class single piece letters 11 million, 12 combined 32 were to be recommended, letters, cards. is shown in in part C, the Postal Service will retain The contribution elasticities letters forecast 16.6 million respectively, for single piece First-Class in part C, the Postal Service will retain 181 million As shown forecast discount As shown The revised 9 volume total is $24.059 costs from the volume and cards retained, is computed of the discount. $23.175 in Part D of Tables of First- and $0.884 D- 1 and D-2. million. The volume forecast here is based solely on the data and provided in the testimony of witness Tolley, USPS-T-6. 52 The 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 Table D-l Retention of Volume of First-Class Single Piece Letters From l-Cent Discount for Metered Mail A. Tolley Distri(%I TOTAL Subtotal Metered44.8 Other TOTAL to change change: l-cent discount no discount PW TYAR Volume PO) (000) 48.5 44.8 -6;Z 25.808.707 23.839.795 -3.565~.326 25645.664 23.689.191 ~3.542.803 163.042 100.0 53.213.828 52.877.658 336,170 B. Revised Forecast Stamped Not likely Likely fo With With Reduction I” VOlUn-le TYBR bution Stamped Metered Other Forecast Based on l-Cent Discount for Metered 150.604 22,523 Mail Distribution Volume TYBR TYAR Reduction I” Volume 6) WJ) (000) (000) 39.5 20.855.843 20.988.434 132.591 8.4 0.6 4.486.531 333,741 4.486.531 333,741 0 0 48.5 25.808.707 25.676.115 132,591 23.839.795 23.839.795 6.7 100.0 C. Volume 0 3.565.326 3.542.803 53.213.828 Saved by Virtue Net volume saved: Tolley forecast reduction (Part A) less revised forecast reduction (Part B. 000) 53.058.713 22,523 155,115 of Discount 181.055 D. Contribution to Institutional Costs from Single Piece Letters : 3 4 5 6 Unit TYAR revenue after l-cent discount. first ounce Less: unit TY cost of first ounce. USPS-T-27, Table 1. page 11 FY 2001 Contribution per letter Total FY 2001 Contribution from letters not lost (B. 000) 54 0.330 -0.202 0.126 23.175.1 Table D-2’ Retention of Volume of First-Class.Single Piece Cards From l-Cent Discount for Metered Mail A. Tolley Forecast Reduction Stamped Metered Other TOTAL Distribution Volume TYBR TYAR Volume W) Pm WJ) (000) I” 52.0 27.5 20.5 1.250.614 661.382 .493~.031 1.224.553 647,600 482,757 26.061 13.782 10.274 100.0 2.405.027 2.354.910 50.117 B. Revised Forecast Based on I-Cent Discount for Metered Mail Reduction I” Distribution Volume TYBR TYAR Volume (%I (000) PO) PW 46.4 1.116.814 1.093.541 23,274 5.2 124,469 124.469 0.4 9.259 9.259 52.0 1.250.614 1.227.340 23,274 661.382 20.5 661,382 493.031 0 482,757 10,274 100.0 2.405,027 Stamped Not likely to change Likely to change: With l-cent discount With no discount Subtotal Metered 27.5 Other TOTAL 2.371.480 0 0 33,548 C. Volume Saved by Virtue of Discount Net volume saved: Tolley forecast reduction (Part A) less revised forecast reduction (Part B, 000) D. Contribution to Institutional 16.569 Costs from Single Piece Cards 55 . FY 1998 Contribution per card, Exh USPS 11-B FY 2001 Contribution per card (l/1.2) Total FY 2001 Contribution from cards (9, 000) 01064 0.053333 883.7 56
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