DIRECT TESTIMONY OF J. EDWARD SMliH ON BEHALF OF THE OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER MAY 22,2000 ADVOCATE TABLE OF CONTENTS Page I. STATEMENT II. PURPOSE III. INTRODUCTION: VOLUME VARIABILITY OF MAIL PROCESSING COSTS .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . . 5 IV. V. OF QUALIFICATIONS ..,..............._,,,..........,,.,.............,....,,.,.,.,., AND SCOPE OF TESTIMONY . .. . .. . ...__._......................................... 1 2 A. Both Dr. Bradley and Dr. Bozzo Have Presented Analyses of Segment 3 Mail Processing Costs. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . 5 B. The Estimated Volume Variabilities Presented by Dr. Bradley and Dr. Bozzo Differ, but the Variabilities are in General Substantially Less than 100 Percent . .. .. .. . .. .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 C. The Commission Has Identified Criteria and Standards that Can Serve as a Basis for the Evaluation of an Econometric Study. . . .._._...... 8 DR. BRADLEY’S STUDY . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . 10 A. A Review of Dr. Bradley’s Study Highlights Previous and Potential Problems Associated with the Measurement of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . .. 10 Volume Variability. B. Dr. Bradley’s Study Was Criticized as Being of a Short-Run Nature Due to the Use of 4-Week Accounting Periods Coupled with the Lack of Consideration of Capital and Investment. __,................ 12 C. The Database for Dr. Bradley’s Study Was Unreliable . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . 13 D. Dr. Bradley’s Fixed Effects Approach Was Criticized by the Commission . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . . . . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . .. . . . 14 E. Dr. Bradley Extrapolated His Econometric Results to a Number of Other Activities. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . . . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 16 DR. BOZZO’S VOLUME VARIABILITY A. STUDY .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. . . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . . .. . . . 18 Dr. Bozzo’s Revisions of 10 of the 25 Mail Processing Modeled by Dr. Bradley Continue to Have Deficiencies Activities . . . .. .. . .. . . . . . . 18 Docket No. R2000-1 VI. OCA-T4 B. Dr. Bozzo’s Study Needs Substantial C. The Commission Should Recommend Establishment of a Working Group to Resolve the Mail Processing Issues. . . . . . . . . 21 Work for Completion. DR. BOZZO’S METHODOLOGY IS EVALUATED UNDER ESTABLISHED CRITERIA .,,........,.......,.......,.................................................. A. Criterion 1: A Study Should Include the Development and Use of an Adequate Database, Appropriately Verified and Complete.......... 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. B. 19 22 23 The database was not adequately examined and verified for accuracy. .. .. .. .. .. . .. .. . . . .. . . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. .. . . .. . .. . . . 23 Changes in postal investment subjected the investment data trends to changes during 1994-96; previous data may be unrepresentative of operating conditions in the forthcoming rate effective time period. . . .._._.._.._..__........,,..,.,,..., 26 The continued use of the manual ratio is undesirable. _....__._.._._. 29 The QICAP variable has not been demonstrated as appropriate. .. . . . .. ..__....................................................,,..,,,,,,., 30 (a) The presentation of the variable QICAP, used to measure capital usage at each facility, is inadequate. .. .. . .. . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . . . . 30 The variable QICAP appears to be deficient from a (b) computational viewpoint. . . . .. .. . . . . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . . . 31 QICAP is available on a facility basis, not on an Cc) activity level basis; this may lead to meaningless results when including capital investment in the 32 study. Some of Dr. Bozzo’s computations illustrate the (4 nature of the variable QICAP. 34 dubious (e) The approach to equipment depreciation and the failure to consider maintenance efforts also renders QICAP meaningless. . . . . . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . . 34 Capacity utilization is another potentially important variable missing from Dr. Bozzo’s database . . . .. .. . .. .. . .. .. . . .. .. .. . 36 In conclusion, there are serious data problems underlying the foundation of the study. __...........................................,.......,.. 36 Criterion 2: Models Should Be Derived from the Appropriate Economic Theory and Should Fit Correctly Wrthin any System that Applies Them. . . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . ... .. . .. . . . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . . . . 37 1. The economic assumptions and theory for the current study are not clear; in many cases they appear to be wrong . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . 37 OCA-T-4 Docket No. R2000-1 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. C. Dr. Bozzo and Dr. Bradley do not agree on the type of function being estimated; much improvement in the presentation of the labor demand function is needed. . . . . .. . . . . . 38 Dr. Bozzo’s study is short run. The proper approach for examining postal facilities is on a longer-run basis as related to major investment plans and movement along the facility expansion path. ..._...... .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . . . .. . . .. 40 Dr. Bozzo addressed Dr. Bradley’s omission of variables Dr. Bozzo considers in the regression equations. additional variables, but the consideration is still deficient. . . .. . .. . 43 The newly presented information about networks needs to be fully incorporated in the analysis. . . . . .. . . .. . .. .._...................... 44 Dr. Bozzo estimates mail processing activities (e.g., manual processing, OCR, BCS) as independent activities; based on witness Degen’s comments on networks and facilities, serious consideration needs to be given to the simultaneous modeling of activities. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 45 Dr. Bozzo’s treatment of homotheticity appears to lead to incorrect conclusions. ,.,....,,_...._......: _,...,.,..,.,..,..,........................ 47 Dr. Bozzo has raised some important issues about cost minimization; resolution of the issues may affect the cost segment 3 analysis ,..,,._...,,._,.._.......,...,.......,..,....,....................... 47 In conclusion, the theory underlying Dr. Bozzo’s model has not been shown to be derived from the appropriate economic theory. ,.,.,..,.,_.,_._........,.,...,,........................................ 51 Criterion 3: The Study Should Include a Discussion of the Modeling Approach and How It Is Consistent with the Underlying Data. .. . . . .. . . .. . .. . .. .._............................................,..,............... 1. 2. 3. 52 Another problem associated with Dr. Bozzo’s work is his modeling of capital (as opposed to the accuracy of the QICAP variable itself), The use of capital affects future ... .. . . 52 Postal Service costs. . . .. . . (a) Dr. Hsiao has useful guidance on the modeling of capital and investment in economic models. . . . .. . . .. . . . .. .. 52 Dr. Bozzo has not modeled capital in a way that (b) would meet the criteria outlined by Drs. Intriligator, Bodkin, and Hsiao. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. . . 54 Witness Degen’s testimony is a major input to the understanding and modeling of postal mail processing 55 Witness Degen’s testimony is consistent with the application of intuition and common sense that indicates the volume variability for mail processing approaches 100 percent. ,......,.......,.,..,......,,.....,,...........,....,.......................... 66 Docket No. RZOOO-1 OCA-T-4 4. In terms of identifying a major factor driving cost, intuition appears reasonable ,.......................................,,..,................,.,.,.. 68 In conclusion, Dr. Bozzo’s choice of econometric model is inconsistent with the economic modeling of the postal process . . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . 68 5. D. Criterion 4: A Correct Estimation Procedure which Is Suitable to the Estimation Needs at Hand Should Be Used. .. .. . . .. .. . . . .. .. . . . . . . . . 69 1. 2. E. VII. The “between” model is currently the “least bad” model available. .. .. .. . .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . 69 In conclusion, Dr. Bouo has not adopted a correct estimation procedure. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . .. . . 70 Criterion 5: Results for Econometric Equations and Alternative Econometric Analyses Should Include a Discussion of the Information for the Values, Signs, and Other Relevant Variables. . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . . 71 CONCLUSIONS . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. .. . .. .. . . . . . .. .. . . . .._...... 72 A. Variabilities Were Traditionally Assumed To Be 100 Percent. The First Study, Performed by Dr. Bradley, Was Seriously Deficient. . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. . .. . .. . . . .. . . .. 72 B. Dr. Bozzo’s Study Is also Seriously C. The Work that Has Been Reviewed Represents the Latest Part of a Major Modeling Effort. . .. . . .. . . .. . .. . .. . .. . . .. .. . .. . .. . .. .. .. . .. .. . . .. . .. . .. . . .. . . .. . . .. . . 75 Deficient . . ..__.._........................ 73 TABLES Table 1: Mail Processing Activity.. .............................................................................. ....................................................... 12 988-l 999 ...................................................... 27 Mail Volume and Segment 3 Hours.. .......................................................... 29 of Dr. Bradley’s Variabilities Table 2: Summary Table 3: Postal Service Investment--l Table 4: Table 5: Variabilities--Bradley, Table 6: 8 OLS Summary Fixed Effects, Between, Pooled, and Random.. ..... .65 by Selected Activities.. ....................................................... - iv - 67 UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Before The POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON. D.C. 20268-0001 Postal Rate and Fee Changes, 2000 Docket No. R2000-1 1 DIRECT TESTIMONY OF J. EDWARD SMITH 1 I. STATEMENT OF QUALIFICATIONS My name is J. Edward Smith, and I am an econometrician 2 Advocate of the Postal Rate Commission. with the Office of the 3 Consumer 4 variety of economic 5 positions. 6 economic 7 planning; 8 are an A.B. from Hamilton College, and an M.S. and Ph.D. from Purdue University. 9 have testified assignments My experience analysis in industrial, has focused related to forecasting, and rates, prices, marketing, approximately before the Postal Rate Commission 11 R97-1. academic, consulting, on the modeling project analysis, and planning 20 times before 10 I have previously analysis. regulatory on mail processing worked in a and governmental of costs production and revenues; and strategic My economics commissions, volume variability degrees I most recently in Docket No. OCA-T-4 Docket No. R2000-1 1 II. 2 PURPOSE AND SCOPE OF TESTIMONY The purpose of my testimony 3 segment 3 mail processing 4 work was a continuation 5 costs variability 6 percentage 7 ‘measured the variability a the volume of mail, as measured 9 fed (TPF). costs presented the volume variability by Dr. A. Thomas of Dr. Michael D. Bradley’s pioneering presented in Docket of cost, measured the Dr. Bozzo’s variability measures change in volume. has assumed variability is 100 percent, 12 activities and found 13 variability is an important 14 $17 Billion, and the variabilities 15 the activity are used to yield a measure 16 attributable 17 of the costs to various rates, classes and categories. Dr. Bozzo measured ranging that mail variabilities in from 52 percent volume for 10 mail processing to 95 percent. issue, for segment 3 mail processing Volume costs are in excess of applied to the various cost pool costs associated of attributable costs. requiring that the Commission recommend Dr. Bozzo’s testimony appears in this docket in USPS-T-15, Docket No. R2000-1. Witness Bradley’s testimony appeared in Docket No. R97-1 as USPS-T-14. -2- with Costs that are not 19 2 Dr. Bozzo processing 18 1 the in hours worked, with respect to changes 11 become institutional, for in terms of total pieces handled (TPH) or total pieces Commission variabilities Bozzo.’ analysis work on mail processing Volume No, R97-1.’ change in cost with respect to the percentage Traditionally 10 is to evaluate assignment OCA-T-4 Docket No. R2000-1 1 My evaluation 2 following 3 1. A study 4 5 evaluation appropriately include by the Commission the development the study meets the in Docket No. R97-I? and use of an adequate database, verified and complete. 2. The study should consistent 7 3. An adequate 8 4. A correct include a discussion with the underlying of the modeling and how it is data. model and analysis of functional properties estimation approach procedure is necessary. that is suitable to the estimation needs at hand should be used. 9 5. Results for econometric 11 include a full explanation 12 variables. 13 The Commission econometric 15 1. First, the Commission 16 equations and alternative analyses should of the values, signs, and other relevant information for the has also indicated 14 econometric some of the procedures by which it reviews work: reviews the econometric research using the criteria for evaluation. 17 2. Second, the Commission 18 3. Finally, the Commission reviews the statistical properties of the estimates. tries to identify a preferred model to find a result that it can safely rely upon: a result that is stable and robust. 19 In considering 20 21 is based on whether study criteria mentioned should 6 10 of Dr. Bouo’s purposes 3 of providing Dr. Bozzo’s a background study I will first review and context evaluation). Dr. Bradley’s (for I will then discuss the Docket No. R97-1, Opinion and Recommended Decision, Volume 2, Appendix F et 1. -3- study OCA-T-4 Docket No. R2000-1 1 degree to which Dr. Bozzo’s study meets the evaluation 2 meet the criteria cited, the Commission 3 apply volume 4 alternatives, 5 traditional variabilities criteria. If the research fails to may decline to accept the conclusions or apply the best of several and unsatisfactory pending further analysis, My analysis of the database issue focuses 6 adequacy of the variables. 7 economic issues 8 include a variety 9 effects model and possible alternatives. I address the modeling as impacting the modeling of econometric models. I discuss Estimation Although 11 Bradley’s study, many of the problems associated 12 found in the revised study. I also comment 13 concluded could 14 implementation Dr. Bouo’s Dr. Bozzo’s’study choice -A- is a follow-on can of the fixed criteria could work to Dr. with the original study continue to be on how the estimation be satisfactory of a working group. and the procedures I comment on how the evaluation be reviewed by the Commission. that process issues by focusing on the theoretical process. 10 in a way on the scrubbing process to all participants could be through the Docket No. R2000-1 1 III. OCA-T-4 INTRODUCTION: 2 3 A. 4 Volume VOLUME VARIABILITY OF MAIL PROCESSING Both Dr. Bradley and Dr. Bozzo Have Presented Mail Processina Costs. variability for mail processing is defined 5 cost that results from a percentage 6 non-volume 7 of person hours of segment 8 terms of total pieces handled 9 pieces fed (TPF) or in some cases total pieces handled 10 estimated factors constant. Postal Service and distribution Analyses of Segment as the percentage change 3 in change in volume, holding delivery points and other Both Dr. Bradley and Dr. Bozzo measured 3 mail processing effort, operates over 12 processing 13 and delivery. 14 generated, 15 subsequent 16 No. R97-1, Dr. Bradley modeled 25 mail processing 17 mail processing 18 Dr. Bozzo has limited his updated 19 the MODS volume in terms of total (TPH). testimony 38,000 plants, where The econometrically are presented offices, stations, centers providing for mail collection, The mail processing costs in terms Dr. Bradley measured volume in (TPH), and Dr. Bozzo measured variabilities of Drs. Bradley’s and Bouo’s The 11 COSTS branches, processing the segment in Table I. and and sorting, 3 labor costs are prepare the mail, sort the mail to three or five digits, and dispatch the mail to destinations for additional plants (denoted operations. sorting or distribution. In his testimony in Docket and handling activities at the major as MODS facilities) and at Bulk Mail Centers (BMCs).” study to the analysis of ten mail sorting activities in As was well documented in Docket No. R97-1, there was MODS oftices perform the various sorting activities and report costs and volumes through the Management Operating Data System; non-MODS offices tend to be smziller, perform the same types of functions as do MODS offices, but do not report through the Management Operating Data Systems. There are over 300 MODS ofices. The number of non-MODS offices is substantially larger. The 21 Bulk Mail Centers (BMCs) process packages and report their data through the Productivity Information Reporting System (PIRS). 4 -5- Docket No. R2000-1 1 significant 2 with data scrubs 3 estimation 4 and the relationship OCA-T-4 disagreement and data checking, approach. methodology, disagreement There was also concern of the econometric Mail processing 5 with to Dr. Bradley’s including serious problems over the use of the fixed effects about the lack of explanatory variables model to economic theory. costs comprise a significant portion of Postal Service costs. 6 Total costs in the Base Year were $59.6 Billion, with segment 3 costs at $17.6 Billion.’ 7 According 8 MODS 9 Bradley’s testimony to witness offices, Van-Ty-Smith, the segment $0.8 Billion in BMCs, and $4.4 Billion in non-MODS presented the first comprehensive 10 his testimony, 11 for segment 12 variability was based on analysts’ judgments 13 He testified 14 previously 15 16 17 B. 18 The estimated 19 Table 1 are generally 5 6 I 3 costs consist of $12.5 Billion in analysis of volume variability. Dr. Bozzo traced the history of the assumption 3 costs. that limited the econometric In of 100 percent volume- by a task force formed in the late 1960’s.’ computational, analyses Dr. of 100% volume variability He stated that the era of the assumption methodological, facilities.’ and theoretical constraints had of volume variability The Estimated Volume Variabilities Presented by Dr. Bradley and Dr. Bozzo Differ, but the Variabilities are in General Substantially Less than 100 Percent. volume variabilities presented by Dr. Bradley and Dr. Bozzo in less than 100 percent. 8 The variabilities are subsequently used Direct testimony of Karen Meehan, USPS-T-l 1, Exhibit 1lA at 2 and 9. Direct testimony of Eliane Van-Ty-Smith. USPS-T-17 at 24-25. USPS-T-15 at 4, lines 7-18. 8 The discussion is limited to consideration of only those activities for which Dr. Bozzo presented estimated variabilities. In UPS/USPS-T15-9, Dr. Bozzo indicated that he had omitted 24 observations (continued on next page) -6- OCA-T-4 Docket No. R2000-1 1 My evaluation 2 following 3 1. A study include 2. The study should consistent 7 3. An adequate 8 4. A correct the development in Docket No. R97-1:’ and use of an adequate database, include a discussion with the underlying of the modeling and how it is data. model and analysis of functional estimation approach procedure properties is necessary. that is suitable to the estimation needs at hand should be used. 9 5. Results for econometric 11 include a full explanation 12 variables. 13 The Commission equations and alternative analyses should of the values, signs, and other relevant information for the has also indicated 14 econometric 15 1. First, the Commission econometric some of the procedures by which it reviews work: reviews the econometric research using the criteria for evaluation. 16 17 2. Second, the Commission 18 3. Finally, the Commission reviews the statistical properties of the estimates. tries to identify a preferred model to find a result that it can safely rely upon: a result that is stable and robust. 19 In considering 20 21 by the Commission the study meets the verified and complete. 6 10 study is based on whether criteria mentioned should appropriately 4 5 evaluation of Dr. Bouo’s purposes 3 of providing Dr. Bouo’s a background study I will first review and context evaluation). Docket No. R97-I, Opinion and Recommended -3- Dr. Bradley’s study (for I will then discuss the Decision, Volume 2, Appendix F at 1. Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 degree to which Dr. Bozzo’s study meets the evaluation 2 meet the criteria cited, the Commission 3 apply volume 4 alternatives, traditional variabilities criteria. may decline or apply If the research fails to to accept the conclusions the best of several and unsatisfactory pending further analysis. 5 My analysis 6 adequacy of the variables, 7 economic a include a variety 9 effects model and possible alternatives. issues of the database issue focuses the modeling of econometric process. I discuss models. Estimation and the Dr. Bouo’s procedures choice I comment on how the evaluation 10 be reviewed by the Commission, 11 Bradley’s study, many of the problems associated 12 found in the revised study. I also comment 13 concluded could 14 implementation that process I address the modeling issues by focusing on the theoretical as impacting in a way on the scrubbing Although of the fixed criteria could Dr. Bozzo’s study is a follow-on -4- work to Dr. with the original study continue to be on how the estimation be satisfactory of a working group. can process to all participants could be through the Docket No. RZOOO-1 1 III. OCA-T-4 INTRODUCTION: 2 3 A. 4 Volume VOLUME VARIABILR-Y Both Dr. Bradley and Dr. Bouo Mail Processina Costs. variability for mail processing OF MAIL PROCESSING Have Presented is defined 5 cost that results from a percentage 6 non-volume 7 of person hours of segment a terms of total pieces handled 9 pieces fed (TPF) or in some cases total pieces handled 10 estimated 11 factors constant. Postal Service and distribution Analyses of Segment 3 as the percentage change in change in volume, holding delivery points and other Both Dr. Bradley and Dr. Bouo 3 mail processing effort. measured operates over 12 processing 13 and delivery. 14 generated, 15 subsequent 16 No. R97-1, Dr. Bradley modeled 25 mail processing 17 mail processing ia Dr. Bozzo has limited his updated 19 the MODS volume in terms of total (TPH). testimony 36,000 plants, where The econometrically are presented offices, stations, centers providing for mail collection, The mail processing costs in terms Dr. Bradley measured volume in (TPH), and Dr. Bozzo measured variabilities of Drs. Bradley’s and Bouo’s The COSTS branches, processing the segment in Table I. and and sorting, 3 labor costs are prepare the mail, sort the mail to three or five digits, and dispatch the mail to destinations for additional plants (denoted operations. sorting or distribution. In his testimony in Docket and handling activities at the major as MODS facilities) and at Bulk Mail Centers (BMCS).~ study to the analysis of ten mail sorting activities in As was well documented 4 in Docket No. R97-1, there was MODS offices perform the various sorting activities and report costs and volumes through the Management Operating Data System; non-MODS offices tend to be smaller, perform the same types of functions as do MODS offices, but do not report through the Management Operating Data Systems. There are over 300 MODS offices. The number of non-MODS offices is substantially larger. The 21 Bulk Mail Centers (BMCs) process packages and report their data through the Productivity Information Reporting System (PIRS). -5- Docket No. R2000-1 1 significant 2 with data scrubs 3 estimation 4 and the relationship 5 OCA-T-4 disagreement with to Dr. Bradley’s and data checking, approach. methodology, disagreement There was also concern of the econometric Mail processing including serious problems over the use of the fixed effects about the lack of explanatory variables model to economic theory. costs comprise a significant portion of Postal Service costs. 6 Total costs in the Base Year were $59.6 Billion, with segment 3 costs at $17.6 Billion.’ 7 According a MODS offices, 9 Bradley’s testimony to witness Van-Ty-Smith, the segment 3 costs consist of $12.5 Billion in $0.6 Billion in BMCs, and $4.4 Billion in non-MODS presented the first comprehensive 10 his testimony, 11 for segment 12 variability was based on analysts’ judgments 13 He testified 14 previously 15 16 17 B. ia The estimated 19 Table 1 are generally analysis of volume variability. Dr. Bozzo traced the history of the assumption 3 costs. that limited the econometric In of 100 percent volume- by a task force formed in the late 1960’s.’ computational, analyses Dr. of 100% volume variability He stated that the era of the assumption methodological, facilities.6 and theoretical constraints had of volume variability. The Estimated Volume Variabilities Presented by Dr. Bradley and Dr. Bozzo Differ, but the Variabilities are in General Substantially Less than 100 Percent. volume variabilities presented less than 100 percent.’ by Dr. Bradley and Dr. Bozzo in The variabilities are subsequently 5 Direct testimony of Karen Meehan, USPS-T-l 1, Exhibit 11A at 2 and 8. 6 Direct testimony of Eliane Van-Ty-Smith, USPS-T-17 at 24-25. 7 USPS-T-15 at 4, lines 7-18. used B The discussion is limited to consideration of only those activities for which Dr. Bozzo presented estimated variabilities. In UPS/USPS-T15-9, Dr. Bozzo indicated that he had omitted 24 observations (continued on next page) -6- Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 by USPS Witness Van-Ty-Smith 2 Volume-Variable 3 variabilities 4 Bradley would lead to the conclusion 5 In comparison, 6 conclusion 7 volume a attribution proposal 9 institutional costs by a similar amount. Cost. estimated in conjunction with Pool Total Cost to compute Of the segment 3 Total Pool Cost of $5.4 Billion relevant to the by Dr. Bouo, the application of the variabilities the use of the variabilities then $5.4 Billion would would 10 is of such a magnitude 11 the Commission. reduce developed by Dr. that $4.4 Billion of cost would be volume variable. developed that $4.1 Billion would be volume variable. variable, Pool be directly attributable costs by Dr. Bouo would lead to the If the costs were 100 percent assigned.9 by $1.3 Thus Dr. Bozzo’s Billion and increase This transfer of costs between accounting that it will most certainly influence the rates recommended pools by from the data set and reran the estimation of variabilities. However, the changes to the results were very minimal. Since the results were not statistically significant, he did not subsequently refile Appendix E. Accordingly, because the changes are de minimis and since the original numbers are clearly set forth in his testimony and can be considered statistically accurate, I am working with his written testimony as filed and adopted by him. None of my comments would change based on the information he has presented. 9 USPS-T-17, Docket No. R2000-1 at 24, (Van-Ty-Smith). -7- Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 Table 1 Mail Processing Activity Variabilities Variabilities Total Cost Dr.BCS Sorting OCR Sorting FSM Sorting LSM SPBS Non Priority SPBS Priority Manual Flats Manual Letters Manual Parcels Manl. Priority Mail Srtg Cancel. And Mail Prep. Subtotal Composite Variability 0.945 0.786 0.918 0.905 0.469 0.802 0.866 0.797 0.395 0.448 0.654 1 2 C. 3 The Commission discussed the evaluation 5 witnesses Bradley, 6 adequacy of an econometric 7 1. 9 3. 986,430 172,189 956,895 71,282 132,856 66,122 398,302 1.246,479 23,934 116,373 193,556 4.364,418 0.81 934,238 164,522 851,615 75,142 181,579 52,849 355,068 1,149,513 31,630 135,596 162,480 4.094.231 0.76 1.043.841 219,070 1.042,369 78,765 283,275 82,447 459,933 1563,963 60,593 259,762 295,957 5.389.975 0.895 0.751 0.817 0.954 0.641 0.641 0.772 0.735 0.522 0.522 0.549 analysis. I0 The Commission Neels, and Smith. should include that Can Serve as in Docket No. R97-1 the standards and criteria for reviewed comments The relevant criteria for the evaluation by of the study are well understood: the development and use of an adequate database, verified and complete. The study should include a discussion consistent 10 11 A study of an econometric appropriately 2. Attributable Cost per Dr. Bouo LQOQ The Commission Has Identified Criteria and Standards a Basis for the Evaluation of an Econometric Studv. 4 a Attributable Cost per Dr. Bradley UQQ with the underlying An adequate of the modeling approach and how it is data. model and analysis of functional properties is necessary. Docket No. R97-I, Appendices to Opinion and Recommended Decision, Volume 2, Appendix F, -8- Docket No. RZOOO-1 1 4. 2 3 QCA-T-4 A correct estimation procedure to the estimation needs at hand should be used. 5. Results for econometric 4 include a full explanation 5 the variables. 6 The Commission 7 econometric 8 criteria for evaluation. 9 estimates. 10 that is suitable work. equations and alternative econometric analyses should of the values, signs, and other relevant information has also indicated some of the procedures First, the Commission Finally, the Commission by which it reviews reviews the econometric Second, the Commission using the of the model to find a result that it can safely rely upon; that is, a result that is stable and robust. -9- research reviews the statistical properties tries to identify a preferred for Docket No. R2000-1 1 IV. OCA-T-4 DR. BRADLEY’S A. STUDY A Review of Dr. Bradley’s Study Highlights Previous and Potential Problems Associated with the Measurement of Volume Variabilitv. There were significant with Dr. Bradley’s original study. general, to Dr. Bouo’s some detail. the traditional 9 l 11 and estimating problems associated Unfortunately, these problems have carried over, in study, so it is appropriate to first examine Dr. Bradley’s study in Dr. Bradley’s testimony 8 10 data, methodological assumptions There are differences presented two major conclusions that differed from about volume variability: in volume variabilities for mail processing across activities; and . The estimation of mail processing variabilities generally produces a number less 12 than 100 percent 13 Both UPS witness Neels and I disputed the results, focusing on the variety of issues 14 related to databases, variables, model specification, 15 estimation of mail processing 16 processing activity. 17 variabilities. 18 specific cost pools, Dr. Bradley estimated 19 (which he designated was performed Table 2 summarizes and other factors.” at the Dr. Bradley’s Based on total mail processing Dr. Bradley’s level of the individual 25 estimated labor costs disaggregated cost elasticities by modeling mail mail processing into activityhours of labor as a measure of cost) as a function of total pieces handled (TPH), UPS-T-l, Docket No. R97-1 (Neels); OCA-T-500, Docket No. R97-1 (Smith) -IO- OCA-T-4 Docket No. R2000-1 to be a measure of output.‘2 Additional 1 deemed 2 segmented 3 to the sum of all manual letter TPH, mechanized 4 He also used seasonal 5 for the ebbs and flows of mail throughout time trend, and a manual ratio (computed dummy variables explanatory variables included a as the ratio of manual letter TPH letter TPH, and automated to denote the accounting letter TPH). periods to account the year. I2 This summary of Dr. Bradley’s work is not comprehensive or complete, focusing only on the essential highlights of his work. For example, Registry and Encoding were separately estimated. -ll- Docket No, R2000-1 OCA-T-4 Table 2 Summary of Dr. Bradley’s Variabilities Variabilities Estimated by Dr. Bradley Activity Comparable Activities Estimated on the Basis of Proxies MODS Offices Proxy Variability General Support Activities BCS Sorting OCR Sorting LSM Sorting FSM Sorting Manual Letter Sorting Manual Flat Sorting Manual Parcel Sorting Manual Priority Mail Sorting SPBS Priority Mail Sorting SPBS Non Priority Mail Sorting Cancellation and Mail Prep 0.945 0.766 0.905 0.916 0.797 0.666 0.395 0.446 0.602 0.469 0.664 MODS Allied Acfivities Opening Pref Mail Opening Bulk Business Mail Pouching Platform Remote Encoding Registry 0.720 0.741 0.629 0.726 1.000 0.150 BMC Offices Sack Sorting 0.991 0.654 0.969 0.754 0.716 0.672 Primary Parcel Sorting Secondary Parcel Sorting irregular Parcel Post Sack Opening Unit Non Machinable Outsides Mail Processing Support Miscellaneous Processing Empty equipment Damaged Parcel Rewrap System Variability System Variability System Variability System Variability Piece Handlings Unavailable Mechanized Sack Sorting Mechanized Parcel Sorting Bulk Presort Manual Sack sorting Mailgram Sorting Express Mail Sorting ACDCS (Scanning) Business Mail Reply BMC Mech. SS BMC Mech. PS Opening Units BMC Platform Manual Ltr Sorting Manual Pri. Sorting Pouching Manual Ltr Sorting Customer Service Activities Automated Sorting/Stations Mechanized Sorting/Stations Manual Sorting/Stations Box Section Sorting/Stations Express Mail SortingCSOMan Special Service Activities Mist Activities at CSO Mail Markup and Forwarding Business Mail Entry OCR 8 BCS LSM and FSM Activities Man1Lrt. and Manl. Flat Manl Lrt. and Manl. Flat Manual Pri. Sorting Registry Activity Registry Activity Avg. Mech. Activities Platform Activity BMC Allied Activities Platform Floor Labor 0.533 0.605 Data Sources USPS-T-14, Docket No. R97-1. page 9 Dr. Bradley’s Study Was Criticized as Being of a Short-Run Nature Due to the Use of 4-Week Accounting Periods Coupled with the Lack of Consideration of Capital and Investment. 1 2 3 B. 4 The Commission 5 which postal rates has indicated that the postal rate cycle, the period of time over are fixed, is the appropriate - 12- time period for the purposes of Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 determining the relationship between costs and mail volume.13 In contrast, Dr. Bradley’s 2 study focused 3 time frames. There was no longer-run 4 expansion 5 Commission 6 that the relationship 7 periods will reflect, a volume across accounting 9 accounting on 4 week accounting path,” periods along with some consideration consideration which is the relevant indicated periods, approach of longer of costs as related to the facility to the measurement of costs. The that the cyclical nature of mail volume over a rate cycle implied between primarily, input use and mail volume across adjacent seasonal periods variation in mail volume. can occur with little change leading to a low variability estimate. accounting Large changes in in labor hours across I will subsequently show that 10 Dr. Bozzo’s study is also short run: the use of quarterly data, and even a “same period 11 last year” analysis, does not change its short-run nature. The Database for Dr. Bradlev’s Studv Was Unreliable. 12 C. 13 The MODS and PIRS databases provided observations period 14 (AP) and site for the years 1966-1996. 15 continuity, 16 data by site, accounting 17 25,000 16 terms of quantity of data, the major relevant data generated from a field site and used in and adequacy, observations resulting periods, or more.‘* Dr. Bradley scrubbed by accounting in the establishment and activities. Although the data for accuracy, of a database consisting of The data sets were large, with up to the database was large when measured 13 Docket No, R97-1, Opinion and Recommended Decision, Volume 2, Appendix F at 13. 1. The expansion path is the equilibrium point of costs as facility size changes. in IS Data sets were typically in the 17,000-25,000 observations range after scrubbing. A few data sets were significantly smaller. -13- Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 the study (exclusive periods) consisted of information relating to facility identification, scrubbing was necessary. Bradley’s scrubbing scrubbing Furthermore, only of two variables: hours and TPH. the MODS data was substantially criticized. Substantial Dr. Bradley concluded argument concerning appeared to be largely statistically the accuracy that extensive the deficiencies process generally focused on the elimination process review of the data with field personnel. facility characteristics and a variety of other data relevant data of Dr. of relevant data. The Information to on capital, to the analysis of mail were not included in the data set. 10 D. 11 Dr. Bradley Dr. Bradlev’s Fixed Effects Approach estimated the relationship Was Criticized bv the Commission between hours and TPH with a translog 12 function, using a fixed effects approach for the econometric estimation. 13 of a specific intercept 14 account for differences 15 translog 16 choices: 17 l ia of based; there did not appear have been a detailed processing activity type, and time activity, function, he asserted between Dr. Bradley Pooled: If this approach approach would have that the fixed effects In selecting facilities.‘6 considered three had been used, been based on 16 then the was adequate the estimation estimation approaches according assumption In the analysis method for the as possible to Dr. Bradley that to the facility-specific An issue that was not considered was whether some degree of segmentation into data subsets for the facilities would have improved the estimation process. Instead, Dr. Bradley assumed that the fixed effects approach would account for the differences. -14- Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 characteristics 2 pooled model approach 3 (GNR). 4 effects were important 5 were not appropriate. 6 9 Fixed were not important.17 Dr. Bradley for this reason, indicated that he rejected the relying on the Gauss-Newton Regression He stated that in every case the GNR tests indicated that the facility-specific Effects: and that both the pooled and the cross sectional The reasons cited for the differences in hours between models facilities 7 included the age of the facility, the quality of the local work force, and the quality of a the mail that the facility must process.18 Dr. Bradley indicated that his experience 9 studying mail-processing Regression.19 The fixed effects approach attempts to capture 12 facilities not captured in the equations, 13 intercept. However, 14 when the fixed effects never change. Effects: by the variables the approach Dr. Bradley 16 participating party advocated 17 the assumption ia across facilities are non-stochastic. as that there were significant 11 Random facilities suggested non-volume . across strongly 10 15 variations activities indicated works only in measuring rejected such a model. the random by a Gauss-Newton differences as measured between by the fixed effects at a site effects Such an approach that the facility specific characteristics in model, and no would be based on that cause productivity to vary 11 To the degree that data modeling the characteristics of a facility could be developed, such data could be included in the study as exogenous variables. ‘8 USPS-T-14, Docket No. R97-1 at 40, lines 1 through 4. I9 This is a key point. Subsequent testimony will disagree with some of the findings, and this has a key impact on wnclusions, Dr. Bouo also used a fixed effects approach. He appears to have provided inadequate explanation and response to the Commission’s comments on fixed effects. -15- Docket No. R2000-1 1 OCA-T-4 The Commission found that the fixed effects in Dr. Bradley’s study may represent 2 effects that are both related and unrelated 3 the facilities, 4 Accordingly, 5 the computed 6 effects estimating 7 a E. 9 Dr. Bradley included to postal volumes; for example, in the fixed effects, the Commission can be a function the size of of the volume of mail. found that if the fixed effects were volume variable, volume variabilities were incorrect. then Dr. Bozzo has again used the fixed procedure. Dr. Bradley Extrapolated Activities. performed for a limited number Degen’s needs, for Mr. Degen was required to f&m cost pools for certain activities that 12 had no recorded 13 variabilities 14 activities for which he had computed 15 had been unable 16 variabilities for mail handling activities to non-MODS 17 that cost variabilities ia change 19 understanding 20 . could the existence measures. not be measured to compute the The results. did not entirely of 11 workload and BMCs. of mail sortation of Other activities from offices the analysis Results to a Number 10 20 at MODS His Econometric Since workload econometrically. variabilities for mail processing traditional of why variabilities 100 activities percent Therefore, tie extrapolated Dr. Bradley used the results for conclusion are less than one was a major are less than one: of relatively fixed functions within the activity, -16- unavailable, offices.2o Dr. Bradley’s assumption. USPS-T-14, Docket No. R97-1. Section Vat 86-90 were as proxies for activities for which he Finally, variabilities. measures meet witness He commented on his OCA-T-4 Docket No. R2000-1 1 the division l 2 3 l and specialization of labor (leading to the conclusion activities should have increased efficiency), and technological in machine paced activities change, resulting 4 speed having a high variability.*’ 5 He indicated that gateway operated that manual at the same activities (e.g., OCR and platform) would run at both low 6 and high levels depending on the time of day. 7 would tend to have lower variabilities.n 21 USPS-T-14, Docket No. R97-1 at 56. 22 USPS-T-14, Docket No. R97-1 at 58. -17- Finally, he assumed backstop activities Docket No. R2000-1 1 V. OCA-T-4 DR. BOZZO’S VOLUME VARIABILITY 2 3 A. 4 Dr. Bozzo made a number of changes Dr. Bozzo’s Revisions of 10 of the 25 Mail Processing bv Dr. Bradlev Continue ta Have Deficiencies. 5 the approach 6 (1) Dr. BOUO’S approach previous a to volume changes 9 quarterly continues to Dr. Bradley’s methodology; the short study, the mail processing run approach elasticities on an eight weeks basis. Modeled however, to estimation. In the only reflected the response of costs Dr. Bozzo has modified the data to a basis, but the analysis is still based on short run costs, measuring 10 in cost with respect to volume 11 utilization 12 through 13 path in response 14 longer-term 15 expansion path is the hyperplane 16 hours/lPF relationship. (2) There Activities continues to be fatally flawed. 7 17 STUDY and investment--which but not adequately can have a significant their effects on facility expansion. to volume changes basis is less as a result data better. scrubbing, addressing changes issues of capacity impact on longer-run Movements costs along a facility expansion will occur when capital and labor vary on a of the Postal Service’s that should but the be measured, for the data The not the short scrubbing are run not significantly 19 of the data on a site by site basis for data items suspect (unless required to answer 20 an interrogatory). (3) Microeconomic 22 interspersed 23 of other no discussion plans. ia 21 There was apparently rules investment theory related to cost, production, with comments sophisticated on non-cost concepts. -1.8- and factor demand minimization, However, with field based personnel homotheticity, the theory functions is and a variety is not presented in an Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T4 1 organized 2 trivial issue. 3 the conclusions, 4 variable and whether 5 needed. 6 form. (4) Variables There appears to be a number of theoretical The treatment of capital could potentially errors. have a significant but it is not clear whether capital is an exogenous assumed some type of reduced form simultaneous non-volume variable that are actually a be endogenous. realities. 11 and the alternative (6) Dr. There Bozzo measurement 14 (7) The econometric 16 deficiencies (6) There is a major difference incorporated the’model variable: capital in methodology been 17 consideration ia is missing. 19 B. 20 The analysis some of networks. The previously continues when it may in fact the analysis; however, the actual in detail in the previous case. of additional variables, for example, key variable--capacity the utilization-- manual ratio continues to be used. Dr. Bozzo’s Studv Needs Substantial of mail processing by Dr. Bozzo or inapplicable. However, a potentially discredited estimated field to be fixed effects, even though the major were discussed introduction the from Mr. Degen’s testimony. of capital appears to be inaccurate of this approach has between model that can be developed has 13 15 system is theory does not appear to be well tied to the mail processing 10 12 or endogenous volume manual ratio is still present, and capital is treated as exogenous (5) The economic effect on equations 7 9 This is not a Work for Completion. facilities is a complex, 21 issue. The volume variability analysis has consumed 22 five years for the initial work presented intellectually major resources, challenging apparently up to by Dr. Bradley, and another five person years of -19- Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 work for the work presented 2 more limited scope of activities. 3 required to complete the work. 4 Furthermore, 5 variabilities 6 and non-MODS 7 significant 9 additionally variabilities methodological performed which 10 of the previously actually changed 12 data scrubbing have not yet been estimated. Finally, there are that volume variability issues be thoroughly As can be seen from Table 1, the proposed and methodological variabilities that the tone of my testimony testimony of Dr. Bradley and the follow-on 15 been 16 carried to their ultimate conclusions, 17 possible 18 apparently 19 recommending 20 variability to present within require in excess to the Commission is negative, work of Dr. Bozzo. new econometric a four month have due to changes in changes. 14 satisfying and The current estimators over the short course of several years, apparently I recognize 25 In addition there are a large number of MODS explored before being adopted by the Commission. 11 estimated issues in dispute over the work. it is important appear to be tentative. on a much Possibly another five person years of effort would be that Dr. Bradley estimated. 10 13 which was, however, Dr. Bozzo has only estimated Accordingly, 6 by Dr. Bouo, methodologies as related to both the Although it would have and economic I have found that such an accomplishment time frame--particularly of five person years since of work. such -2o- is not an effort would Accordingly, the following approach to a resolution issues. theories I am of the volume OCA-T-4 Docket No. R2000-1 C. The Commission Should Recommend Establishment to Resolve the Mail Processina Issues. The resolution implications, significant and extensions amount atmosphere 9 of the resolved in a non-adversarial technical issues regarding could be substantially recommending 11 intervernors variability and improvements of additional of a working 10 volume effort. group atmosphere. narrowed. major cost allocation to the work appear likely to require a technical issues can be discussed in the and In this way, I believe many of the more of the data and variables Accordingly, that the Postal Service establish and other interested has That effort can best be accomplished in which the handling issue of a Working Group the Commission and the estimators may wish to consider an ongoing working group of interested groups for the review, analysis, and conclusion 12 -2l- of the OCA-T-4 Docket No. R2000-1 VI. DR. BOZZO’S METHODOLOGY IS EVALUATED I have listed, above, the several deficiencies USPS modeling of mail processing 5 the context of an overall evaluation 6 difficult for the Commission 7 laundry list of problems 8 may appear to be concerned 9 of the problem. variabilities, in the context of a full-blown 11 whether 12 my testimony 13 Commission 14 measuring 15 important 16 of Dr. Bozzo’s work in terms of the criteria discussed 17 opinion in Docket No. R97-1. meets generally discussing established “The blueprint criteria. five important as appropriate issues in a That is, certain issues .n23 An econometric application in a format analysis, has stated, way, it may be of individual with minutia, of little overall significance is well-understood... are present in the in a structured to weigh the relative significance of econometrics ESTABLISHED Standing alone, without placing them in 10 recognized that I conclude of the methodology As the Commission it successfully UNDER to the resolution for a successful study is judged by I am therefore presenting criteria similar to that which the for evaluating econometric methodology. Dr. Bozzo’s study against these criteria, I have found the study deficient respects in each of the areas, The following Docket No. R97-1, Opinion and Recommended - 22 - In in sections present an evaluation in Appendix F of the Commission’s Deci.sion,Volume 2. Appendix F at 1 Docket No. R2000-1 1 2 A. OCA-T-I Criterion 1: A Study Should Include the Development and Use of an Adeauate Database, Aoorooriatelv Verified and Complete. 3 4 1. 5 A review The database accuracv. was of the data scrubbing 6 provides 7 The Commission 8 usable 9 identify erroneous issues some insight into the inadequacy concluded data and ineffective 10 a selection 11 not adequately examined associated observations. the rules applied The Commission the estimated indicated that, “It is the Commission’s understanding 12 requires that when data are removed 13 econometrician 14 erroneous.“25 has investigated because for work for both studies. they eliminated in the scrubs did not reliably concluded bias by unduly affecting verified Dr. Bradley’s of the underlying databases that the scrubs were excessive because with and that the scrubs produced variabilities.24 The Commission that good econometric from a sample, they are removed and found good cause for believing practice because the that the data are Dr. Bradley’s initial data review appears to have been based on the application 15 16 of statistical 17 used in the current 18 current 19 inaccuracies; 20 due to a major data discontinuity 21 25 analysis. study The differences between study are actually in lieu of four week Dr. Bradley’s data set and the data set quite minor. accounting Quarterly data are used in the period data in order to smooth out the rejection criteria are relaxed; and the overall time period is changed at the time of the Postal reorganization. Id. at31. Id. et 28. -23- Docket No. R2000-1 1 OCA-T-4 The underlying data bases from which Dr. Bradley obtained the data for the 2 study are unreliable. 3 Inspection 4 unmistakable 5 study apparently 6 have been initially subjected 7 verification appears to be required to provide a sound basis for the analysis. 8 Dr. Bouo’s 9 fact.” As the Commission Service, a conscientious internal evidence continues responses One response indicated, examination of the data of serious errors.“26 sets would to minimal to interrogatories discussed actual appear The data set used in the current data errors due to commingling 11 also discussed 12 facilities or the introduction 13 should be performed data questions field verification. reporting Several of “after the of manual and SPBS at a site.*’ The response related to 13 sites, largely involving reclassifications of new facilities. to Field level data to focus on data checking parcels, and a gap in the manual priority volume This is the type of data verification of that prior to beginning the analysis, In view of the known deficiencies of the MODS data base, as well as the 15 changing nature of the data as verified by questions raised in interrogatories, 16 that the database to substantial 17 accuracy 18 sampling basis to verify the degree of accuracy. 19 with the people responsible 20 gather should and completeness. information disclose to be drawn from the same data source and appears 10 14 “Even without the report of the have been subjected Such verification could for data collection to determine on site specific 26 Id. at 26. 27 UPS/USPS-T15-13, Tr. 15/6387-8. circumstances. -24. field verification be performed Follow-up I conclude initially for on a efforts would involve contact data accuracy as well as to The actual examination and Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 verification 2 been performed to any significant 3 of data from sites with input from field personnel Statistical data 4 verification. 5 items and perform 6 implemented 7 degree. scrubbing A proper approach is not an adequate to the verification for on-site data reliability. Procedures must then be to upgrade the data set if the data prove to be unreliable. 8 segmentation 9 comparisons. the data review, of the database Clusters there into subsets of sites could was no discussion of similar technology 11 clustering 12 similar sites, much of the fixed effects problem identified 13 avoided. 14 statistical estimates; and automation of processing (thereby activities, A smaller number avoiding the meaningless and probably 16 response 17 priority variabilities 18 reasonable 19 and that the conclusions that indicated manual accurate of ratio), the By grouping by the Commission might produce however, the tradeoff might be increased possible by size, degree other classifications. of sites based on clustering An example of the importance of the sites to facilitate have been considered 10 28 substitute of data is to select a sample of data a field check to determine In performing 15 does not appear to have could be less precise accuracy. of the data issue was provided in an interrogatory there were large upward revisions due largely to the application to the manual parcel and of tighter sample selection rulesz8 It is to conclude that the study is deficient in terms of its underlying may be tentative, depending AAPIUSPS-TIS-5, Tr. 1516227. -25- significantly database, on data scrubbing. OCA-T-4 Docket No. R2000-1 2. The Changes in postal investment subjected the investment data trends to changes during 1994-96; previous data may be unrepresentative of operatina conditions in the forthcomina rate effective time period. history of Postal Service investments in Table 3 and the accompanying in mail processing 5 summarized 6 Postal Service’s 7 It remained, 8 previous 9 years included in Dr. Bozzo’s study differ significantly investment in mail processing graph.29 equipment equipment Table 3 indicates changed 1993 through years. 1995. Moreover, Thus, the investment plans Postal Service 10 for the later 11 delineated 12 project a high level of investment 13 that part of the data relied upon by Dr. Bozzo is not representative 14 which the rates will be in effect. According 15 unrepresentative in the annual investment capital plans,” in the three expenditures from the investment for future that the during 1994-1996. on average, at a level much higher than the level of investment years, in the early expenditures investments and the Postal Service continues in mail processing equipment. It therefore 23 30 ANMLISPS-TIO-17, Tr. 21408. 31 OCA/USPS-T15-6, Tr. 196298. -26- to of the period for to Dr. Bozzo, the potential impact data is important: ANMIUSPS-T9-47-49, Tr. 21199-202 are appears My main motivation for employing data over a shorter time period was the desire to balance the potentially competing aims of efficient estimation of the labor demand accurate estimation and functions....However, extending the sample period back in time does not hold other things equal. It raises the possibility of introducing nonsampling errors in the estimates to the extent the earlier data are unrepresentative of current operations.“3’ 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 is of Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T4 in the investment 1 Fluctuations 2 analysis. 3 data irrelevant to current 4 graph derived from Table 3. The investment data may make them unrepresentative 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 of data will impact the values for capital, possibly making earlier practices. The investment data are plotted in the following Table 3 Postal Service Investment-1988-1999 Year for purposes Total Postal Service Investment Mail Processing Equipment Investment 623.9 1,987.5 2,436.4 1.883.1 1,924.8 1.309.6 I,6355 21284.9 3,306.Q 3,202.6 3,947.0 3,817.3 91 .Q 560.0 466.4 397.7 201.1 634.5 326.9 866.8 1,220.5 808.2 1,204.l 1.158.1 Source: ANM/USPS-TQd7-49,Attachment -27- Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 Postal Service + 1 Total USPS Imestment + Accordingly, investment in examining the Investment Investment in Mail Processing Equipment Hours/TPF relationships, series that may be unrepresentative Dr. Bozzo 2 underlying 3 changing 4 aggregate 5 was a major change 6 discontinuity with a dummy variable, but Dr. Bozzo has not addressed 7 conclusions of the changing trends nature of segment 3 data for segment has an of current operations. The 3 hours and total mail is shown on an basis in Table 4 in terms of payroll hours for segment 3 and total mail. There in trend in the 1997 time frame. -28- Dr. Bradley treated a similar the impact on his Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 Table 4 Mail Volume and Segment Cost Segment 3 Payroll Hours Work Volume Total AlLMail 201,578,279 1998 1997 694J45.627 694,686,240 196,904,690 190.888.059 183,439,474 179,932.615 1995 693.945.735 680.293,834 667,448,113 654,575,064 617.449,610 615,041,369 631.555,134 633,771,319 64lB45.471 638,779,872 626,078,466 1778177.362 170,312,972 165,654,138 165,057,806 165,502,505 161,603.263 1993 1991 1990 1989 160.953,625 1987 153.152.758 1461578,077 1985 140.097.958 131,544,622 118,476.588 113,121.664 110,130.400 1983 603,546.949 582,351,682 560,064.472 524,770.256 518,265.Oll 525,640,282 528.221.756 527.506,828 517,087.887 116.451.141 991828,883 96,913,154 1979 1978 1 3. 2 The continued Dr. Bozzo continues 3 automation. 4 nevertheless 5 determine 6 comparable 32 Recognizing maintains the manual 3 Hours use of the manual ratio is undesirable. to use the manual that the manual ratio as a measure of the degree of ratio can be affected by volume, he that the mail processing technology ratio.J2 He maintains that a computed rather than mail volumes manual ratio number is from site to site, even though the size of the sites may range from small to USPS-T15 at 24, line 11 -29- OCA-T-4 Docket No. R2000-1 1 large.‘” 2 mail flows and automation 3 he appears 4 would not affect the manual ratio, other things equal, but since the TPF are likely to be 5 related to network 6 equal.JS However, 8 measures to believe that the size of the mail processing characteristics 9 example, of the degree 4. 11 14 15 The regression for an activity Other need to be developed; for of machines for an activity at a site could be used capability as appropriate. The presentation of the variable QICAP, used to measure capital usaae at each facilitv. is inadeauate. equations, as outlined on pages 117 and 118 of Dr. Bozzo’s 16 testimony, use a variable denoted as “CAP”. 17 referenced in LR-I-107.36 QICAP is denoted as a quantity index for facility capital. 18 value of the capital items at a facility are depreciated, IQ transformed 33 in TPF is inappropriate. The QICAP variable has not been demonstrated (a) 12 13 facility as measured ratio in the analysis of automation of automation Finally, one would expect that other things are not, in fact, the capacity and numbers as a measurement affect local usage, they may affect the manual ratio variable.” In my view, use of the manual 7 10 he also admits that to the extent network characteristics Apparently, this is the QICAP variable adjusted for inflation, and into a capital flow. The details of the procedure were apparently OCAIUSPS-T15-8, Tr. 1516301. 3d OCAIUSPS-T15-11, Tr. 1516305. u OCA/USPS-T15-15. Tr. 1516309. H USPS-LR-I-107, Docket No. R2000-1 - 30 - The presented Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 in the previous case.)’ The derivation of QICAP was discussed during an informal 2 technical conference 3 However, the presentation 4 discussed in Dr. Bouo’s 5 previously presented 6 deficiencies with Dr. Bouo of the derivation testimony, and it is impossible QICAP is not even to determine the relevance of There are a number of with the QICAP variable. The variable computational (b) The use of the variable 9 of QICAP is inadequate; information to the current use of QICAP. associated 7 6 and was also the subject of interrogatories, QICAP appears viewooint. QICAP in a regression equation deficient from a might yield spurious 10 results. 11 to site.” 12 computations 13 QICAP is a cardinal number although on a practical basis it may be possible to perform 14 sufficient computations to adjust the number for adequacy 15 Regression are based on the addition 16 matrices that define the regression 17 when added or multiplied may result in the wrong conclusionsSg 18 be a mathematical 31 ?a Dr. Bozzo indicates that the QICAP numbers to be He indicates that they need to be made. equations are not strictly additive from site are approximately Accordingly, equation. additive, but that additional Dr. Bozzo has not demonstrated under certain circumstances, and multiplication Numbers problem in using QICAP in a regression that of numbers that yield inaccurate Accordingly, in the results there may equation. USPS-LR-H-272, Docket No. R97-1. OCAIUSPS-T15-45, Tr. 1516341-2. 39 A very simple example will illustrate this: if the price of food rises by 3percent and the price of clothing rises by 2 percent, then prices are not up by 5 percent. -31- Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 (c) QICAP is available on a facility basis, not on an activity level basis; this may lead to meaningless results when including capital investment in the studv. The variable QICAP is available only on a facility basis. 5 the capital used at a facility rather than for an activity. 6 various types of automated 7 sorters, optical character 8 parcels or letters), only one number is available: 9 the facility. or mechanized readers) Furthermore, operations and manual QICAP is a measure of For example, (e.g., cancellation, operations (e.g., manual bar code sorting of the overall amount of capital used at capital used in activities that are not even being modeled 10 also included in QICAP as long as the capital is present at the facility. 11 modeling 12 facility, regardless 13 minimally. 14 at a site with Accordingly, is the of any activity at a facility is based on the overall usage of capital at the of whether Dr. Bozzo essentially the particular activity is capital intensive or uses capital maintains that the QICAP variable in its current state is the He maintains that it is not possible to classify 15 best estimate of capital usage available. 16 all equipment 17 level capital measures 18 cost pool would not represent 19 represent 20 pool using the Property 21 space, which he alleges to be an important non-equipment at a site by cost pool. which would According to Dr. Bozzo, the resulting cost pool result from segmenting available data by activity the cost pools of capital per se, but rather, they would the portion of the cost pools capital that could be associated Code Number (PCN). - 32 - with the cost He further notes that data on facility component of a hypothetical Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 cost pool capital index, are not available 2 not obvious 3 primary economically 4 the effect of including 5 demand 6 as the capital services employed in other pools. 7 that a cost-pool-level capital relevant measure the’facility by cost po01.~~ He further maintains measure of capital. would He has indicated 8 the installation 9 level of automation even the that, in his view, capital index is to capture the fixed effect on labor in a given cost pool of the capital services employed An example be the sole--or that it is illustrates the deficiency of Flat Sorting Machines than currently of QICAP. in detail. exists. Witness Kingsley has discussed Such machines Apparently machines will provide a higher of significantly 10 capital value, sophistication, 11 facilities. 12 major mail processing 13 Reader (OCR) and Bar Code Sorter (BCS) machines. 14 FSM’s at a given site, the QICAP variable appears 15 degree 16 activity, one would be using a value for capital strongly influenced by other activities. facilities the investments example 18 considering 19 of how sophisticated have sophisticated, testimonies, the automated Accordingly, Optical Character in any analysis of likely to reflect to a disproportionate a potentially flat sorting machines, one considers it is clear that most high capability in OCR and BCS machines. demonstrates less are currently in use at the mail processing Based on Mr. Degen’s and Ms. Kingsley’s A further 17 and capability in that cost pool as well In analyzing greater mismatch, the flat sorting if instead of the manual casing of mail. Regardless activities of the plant are, it does not appear that 40 Although square feet of space clearly cost money, Dr. Bouo associated space affects hours of labor -33- has not explained how the OCA-T-4 Docket No, R2000-1 1 this investment will have much impact on the manual casing of letters, a technology 2 existence for many years. (d) 3 4 Turning Some of Dr. Bozzo’s computations nature of the variable QICAP. the capital 6 elasticity of manual flats and manual letters with that of a bar code sorter. The capital 7 elasticities 8 OCR. The conclusions 9 and there is inadequate for the manual operations testimony,” the dubious one can compare 5 to Table 6 of Dr. Bozzo’s illustrate in are greater than the capital elasticities for the that one could draw from Table 6 do not comport with reality, discussion of the results. of the results should be provided. At the very least, some extensive 10 discussion 11 capital data are needed at the activity level if activities are to be analyzed. 12 that such data are not available does not suffice as a reason for its non-inclusion. 13 14 15 (e) The approach to equipment depreciation consider maintenance efforts also meaninaless. The Postal Service 16 depreciation 17 mail processing equipment, 18 percent per year; and buildings, 19 of capital for mail processing 20 viewpoint the machines For purp.oses of analysis, it appears rates, by equipment 8.3 percent per year; postal 2.33 percent per year.‘? machines. 41 USPS-T-15 at 119. 42 OCAIUSPS-T1547, Tr. 15/6344-5 -34- are as follows: equipment, 11.5 QICAP is used as a measure Dr. Bozzo asserts have useful value consistent A statement and the failure to renders QICAP category, support that that from an economic with the geometric perpetual Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T4 1 inventory equation.‘3 2 based on internal Postal Service studies; however, these are internal studies based on 3 previous, historical experience. 4 may quite 5 depreciation 6 to be based on accounting data rather than operational 7 that an FSM is 8.3 percent less productive 8 9 be Dr. Bouo different has justified the accelerated The modern equipment from rates meaningless. that installed depreciation rate as being that is currently being installed previously, rendering In addition, the depreciation the historical rates being used appear reality: it is difficult to imagine after its first year on the job. In an industrial setting, various vintages of the same machine may be present on the factory floor. Regardless 10 the machines will typically 11 major difference 12 increased 13 be a relationship 14 age (i.e., depreciation) 15 their operability 16 comparing 17 maintenance the machines From the viewpoint between hours of operation of the machinery as they depreciate through hours, operating increased analysis.U 20 view, one would 43 OCAIUSPS-T15-49. Tr. 1516349. may require based on the Older machines will maintain maintenance. simultaneously Accordingly, to consider OCAJJSPS-T15-63, Tr. 1516376. -35- in maintenance: are strongly interrelated. time is included as a variable in the QICAP is correct from a depreciation need to note that operating The there will usually and levels of maintenance or maintenance Even assuming regression when operating. of activities in factories, hours, and capital equipment no management by the accountants, is that the older machines after a few years. vintages of capital it is necessary 19 ad accrued have the same level of productivity (if any) between maintenance. However, 18 of the level of depreciation and maintenance point of labor is carried in Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-P 1 another account but is a complement 2 is seriously deficient without consideration 3 4 5. 5 to machine operating time. Accordingly, of management Capacity utilization is another potentially from Dr. Bozzo’s database. It is well known that the output, efficiency, 6 operations are strongly 7 knowledge that investors, economists, 8 utilization 9 industrial style process, capacity utilization measure 11 Furthermore, 12 capacity 13 correlated 14 should 15 Accordingly, 16 17 of capacity utilization, hours. important variable missing and resource requirements utilization. For example, of factory it is common and the financial press examine factory capacity and and other economic changes. is a key number.‘5 this is a For an Dr. Bozzo’s study has no potentially serious deficiency. there is no reason to believe that TPF or TPH are approximations utilization. Dr. Bozzo treats with capacity also be obvious them as an output, under certain circumstances, that capacity utilization so while is not measured In conclusion, there are serious foundation of the studv. The data problems associated they of may be they do not measure capacity. It as a fixed effect. the lack of a capacity utilization variable is a major deficiency 6. 18 related to capacity as a signal of price, employment, IO and maintenance the study data problems of the model. underlying the with the current study include data scrubbing/non 19 verification, problems with specific variables (QICAP, manual ratio), the potentially 20 unrepresentative nature of the data series, 45 and issues associated with omitted If capacity utilization were at 100 percent, it would still be possible to increase production in the short run through extraordinary measures, and in the longer run through the addition of machines and/or plants. - 36 - Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 variables. 2 Finally, a potentially key variable, capacity utilization, is missing Dr. Bozzo’s database B. 3 4 1. Both 8 relationship 9 Bradley’s The economic assumptions and theory for the current study are not clear: in manv cases thev appear to be wrona. Dr. Bradley and Dr. Bozzo used of labor hours and TPF or TPH. lack of stated cost theoretic confusion added unnecessary 11 work that Dr. Bozzo has presented. 12 replete 13 underlying 14 it is difficult to follow the logical progression 15 the analysis and the functions being estimated with references microeconomics On a preliminary microeconomic throughout testimony the basis I have identified considered 18 . Statement of the function being estimated; 19 . Selection of variables to be estimated; 20 . Treatment of Network issues; 21 . Variables: Manual Ratio and QICAP; in the following sections: USPS-T-15 at 44, lines 18-20 - 37 - in this proceeding the presentation. the following study also applies to the price theory. of the derivation, 17 46 to estimate for his mail processing A similar statement The econometric are interspersed functions Dr. Bozzo indicated that “....I find that Dr. to the Docket.“* to advanced translog underpinnings 10 16 of reliability. Criterion 2: Models Should Be Derived from the Appropriate Economic Theorv and Should Fit Correctlv Wtthin any Svstem that ADDlies Them. 5 6 7 does not appear to meet the standards properties, problems, However, is the Accordingly, and logic of which will be Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 l Time Frame: Short run and long run; and 2 . Cost minimization 2. Dr. Bozzo and Dr. Bradley do not agree on the type of function being estimated; much improvement in the presentation of the labor demand function is needed. Dr. Bradley estimated the relationship cost function. 8 economists 9 obviously IO highlights 11 assumptions. 12 of hours and TPH, which he denoted as a Dr. Bozzo defines the relationship are estimating what as a labor demand is essentially the same function. The function. cannot be both a cost function and a labor demand function. the absence of a clear economic exposition Both function This confusion of economic theory Dr. Bozzo indicates that his labor demand function is actually a conditional 13 demand function that 14 minimization 15 neither 16 problem of constructing or from a generalized derivation, 18 applicable. 19 cost equation, 20 analyst 21 variables 47 48 from and ultimately the theories underlying comment The Commission a partial non-cost minimization and the reader The Commission’s 17 can be derived equilibrium model. model can obtain almost any desired of cost the Commission are left with the his testimony. 47 in discussing criticism Dr. Bradley’s in Docket variability cost function is again Bradley’s No. R87-1 that ‘an imaginative estimate by carefully and the time period to be used in the analysis’ seems to apply.“q choosing the Dr. Bozzo’s OGVUSPS-T-15-56, Tr. 1516356-g. Docket No. R97-1, Appendices to Opinion and Recommended Decision, Volume 2. at 6. - 3% - labor However, he performs said that, “Given the arbitrary nature of witness the Commission’s and Docket No. RZOOO-1 OCA-T-4 I conditional 2 function 3 appropriate 4 specified 5 mathematical relationship 6 as Shepard’s lemma, provides that if the cost function is locally differentiable, 7 demand function is equal to the partial derivative of the cost function with respect to the a wage.49 9 Shephard’s IO labor demand is defined is open to similar criticism. as xi=xi(w,, w2,,w,, p) for j = l...n. derivations First, a labor demand For estimating purposes, from the production function would yield an estimating in terms of the production It is possible function variables. equation, As indicated by Dr. Bozzo, the between the cost function and labor demand function, that the Postal Service lemma does not apply. non-equilibrium” 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ia 19 function conditions operates Dr. Bozzo responded under conditions known the labor in which to a question about “cases of under which his theory is substantiated: To the extent that the term refers to situations under which the relevant theoretical conditions of the cost minimizing (or generalized noncost minimizing) model do not hold, my results would still represent an empirical analysis of the Postal Service’s demand for labor in mail processing operations, but the mathematical relationship (“Shepard’s lemma”) between the labor demand and cost functions would not necessarily hold.% Dr. Bozzo did not fully explain the applicability 20 Bozzo has also indicated 21 theory and operational 22 the cost functions 23 reason.5’ 49 that he included variables reality. of his labor demand function. to bridge the gap between Dr. generic He indicated that the labor demand models used, and implicitly associated with them, employ additional In order to verify that Dr. Bozzo’s approach OCAIUSPS-T-15-17, Tr. 151631l-2. 50 OCAIUSPS-T-15-59(a), Tr. lW6365-6. 51 OCAfUSPS-T-15-56(c), Tr. 15/6358-g. - 39 - is grounded variables for that in economic theory, ’ Docket No. R2000-1 1 the Commission OCA-T-4 needs an explicit derivation analysis of the endogenous impact on labor demand competition. 5 whether 6 comments 7 8 9 10 or exogenous nature of investment, under conditions of monopsony, This would additional alleviate equations about exogenous 3. of the labor demand function, an additional concerns were monopoly, about variables needed, and endogenous and a discussion particularly and imperfect in the equations in view of the and of Dr. BOZZO’S variables. Dr. Bozzo’s study is short run. The proper approach for examining postal facilities is on a longer-run basis as related to major investment plans and movement alonq the facilitv expansion path. The concepts of the short run and the long run are clear from the viewpoint of (for example, theoretical 12 labor) are variable. In the long run, all of the factors of production 13 Service investments in capital to reduce operating costs indicate a long run approach is 14 applicable 15 labor and volume, the appropriate 16 expansion 17 equipment. 18 facility as incremental 19 economics. In the short run some of the factors of production 11 to the analysis. Instead path that occurs of measuring relationship when the This focus on the expansion In Docket labor or incremental No. R97-1, expansion path. I advocated However, the short run relationship to measure Postal Service between along the invests plant and path reflects changes in new in the scale of the capital are added that a pooled equation could measure the it has become increasingly clear that the labor longer-run 21 hour/TPF 22 at a variety of disequilibrium points, based on varying capacity 23 levels of mail. in a subsequent Accordingly, Postal is the movement 20 data points gathered are variable. based on field data probably -4o- section measure mail processing utilization I advocate and varying that the regression Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 analysis at this time should be performed 2 set of individual 3 the “least bad” approach, 4 Dr. Bouo 5 estimating 6 measure 7 processing. that would be used in the pooled case. even though various statistical deficiencies states that, “Since capital longer-run functions. is treated He is only measuring and management This is probably have been noted. as a quasi-fixed Dr. Bozzo’s approach ‘short run’ functions.“v The Postal Service witnesses 8 9 observations on data means rather than on the larger data factor, I am is wrong; there is a need to transitory changes in mail appear to have a time frame of as little as one year to as much as five years in mind when they discuss the longer run, 10 the period over which capital investment varies, 11 two to three year range. Dr. Bozzo recognizes 12 13 clerk and mail handler 14 fluctuate in the short run: The time frame seems to center on the that there are short-run labor mail processing and longer-run demands aspects and that labor of can My review of witness Moden’s testimony (Docket No. R97-I, USPS-T-4) and discussions with Postal Service operations experts revealed that there are two main staffing processes. One process assigns the existing complement to various operations to meet immediate processing needs, and operates on time scales on the order of hours (let alone eight weeks). However, the longer term process of adjusting the clerk and mail handler complement operates more slowly-our operational discussions suggested up to a year.53 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 52 53 OCAIUSPS-T15-61, Tr. 1516373. USPS-T-15 at 16, lines 6-13. -41- Docket No. R2000-1 1 OCA-T-4 In conclusion, it would appear that there are several time periods relevant to the 2 estimation 3 term adjustments 4 appears 5 Both of these time frames have little relevance to the longer-run 6 seem to drive mail processing 7 capacity utilization, and may represent 8 mode that is significantly 9 which would appear to approximate of postal costs. One time period is a day, the period over which very short- to labor are made on an operational A second time frame to be the 4 week or 3 month time frame used by Dr. Bradley and Dr. Bozzo. 10 neighborhood 11 personnel, 12 capital investment 13 time frame. costs, have little relevance of two years, and equipment decisions without plans that information on unreliable data readings for plants operating in a time period, the length of the rate effective time period in the seems to be the time frame decisions are realized. over which Given the increasing investment, importance of to the Postal Service, this would appear to be the relevant the ongoing length of the investment 15 initial proposal to project completion, 16 new plant on line. 17 take 5-7 years and actual 18 Service sites new plants to adjust to the network on a continuing 19 increasing Site acquisition, Postal flows. expansion different from equilibrium. y Finally, a longer-run Mr. Degen also recognizes 14 basis. it may take anywhere planning, construction Accordingly, for a new plant can easily l-2 years.“” the actual longer-run Y “From from 6 to 9 years to bring a and approval another process: Apparently the Postal basis, in recognition of time frame in which an Apparently, the set of mail-processing plants is under continuous modifications as plants are added, subtracted, and modified in the network. In some cases, the data,generated by the plants may be of a transitory nature and irrelevant to the analysis. 55 USPS-T-16, at 15. lines 4-7, -42- Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 investment decision is made and implemented after a relatively 2 framework appears to be in the neighborhood of two years, 3 recognized that investment 4 deployments 5 is an ongoing indicating planning Dr. Bozzo has also that major equipment usually take more than one year.% It appears that a longer term model would 6 sectional analysis 7 testimony as outlined in his Figure 3. 8 9 10 process, protracted 4. as modeled by the “between” best be approximated model, based by a cross on Mr. Degen’s Dr. Bozzo addressed Dr. Bradley’s omission of variables in the regression equations. Dr. Bozzo considers additional variables, but the consideration is still deficient. 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 Dr. Bozzo indicated that: The problem of which variables 24 major problem in applied econometrics. 25 lacking 26 measurements 27 additive, Since the additional explanatory variables--particularly wages and network variables--are statistically significant, my results indicate that Dr. Bradley’s Docket No. R97-1 mail processing models for the operations I studied were under specified. As a result, Dr. Bradley’s results appear to exhibit omitted-variables biases to some degree. However, since the revised variabilities accounting for these factors are lower, contrary to the expectations set forth in the Commission’s Docket No. R97-1 analysis, the direction of the omitted variables biases in Dr. Bradley’s results were mainly upwards, not downwards.57 in important variables: are to be included in a regression I am concerned a measurement equation that the work presented of capacity utilization, other variables. 56 OCAJJSPS-Tl5-13, Tr. 156307. 57 USPS-T-15 at 127. lines 10-17. The analysis -43- of network is still specific capital relating to activities rather than facilities, capital measurements and possibly is a effects, that are and the Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 variables 2 section of my testimony. considered, 3 4 5. 5 is also, in my opinion, deficient; The newly presented information incoroorated in the analvsis. There are repeated references this is discussed about networks to mail processing networks in another needs to be fully in both Dr. Bozzo’s 6 and Mr. Degen’s testimonies. 7 in regards to segment 8 the literature in at least some form since at least 1986.% Mail processing 9 sites do not stand alone in terms of the network of originating 10 There seem to be three types of network issues. First, there is the intra-plant 11 of activities that feed mail to each other. 12 could change based on a variety of factors, including 13 of network effect is apparently 14 Bozzo measures 15 possible deliveries. 16 processing 17 interrogatory 18 depends 19 Service’s network.59 58 Although networks 3 mail-processing this network have not been previously referenced costs, the concept of the network has been in and destination One gets the impression configuration nodes. network that this network network volumes. the delivery configuration activities and A second type of the service territory. with a variable measuring Dr. the number Finally, the position of the plant in the mail flow between other mail plants also seems to be a type of network response, the size of facilities and their not only on the volume of mail processed, relationship. According mail processing to an operations but also their position in the Postal Laurits R. Christensen Associates, United States Postal Service Quartedy Real Output, Input, and 1982 Quarter 1 Through 1986 Quarter 1, March ~1986; “A Report to Charles Guy, Total Factor Productivity, Director, Office of Economics, United States Postal Service,” in USPS-LR;H-272, Docket No. R97-1. 59 of USPS-T-15 at 26, lines 4-6. -44- Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 The analysis conducted 2 did not address the networking 3 between 4 demand.” 5 length of processing 6 amount of labor required for set up and take down activities, the operation’s 7 gateway 8 variability. 9 concept. plants. by Dr. Bozzo addressed of activities at the plant level or the interchange windows, or backstop, Accordingly, the complexity other indicators The Commission 11 not appear to have been developed processing 19 performed 20 investment. 21 that the operation M schemes, the relative of the level of costs, and the degree networks the role as a of volume an important in the recent past in evaluating and this concept, which is new’to the segment 3 analysis, does adequately. Dr. Bozzo estimates mail processing activities (e.g., manual processing, OCR, BCS) as independent activities; based on witness Degen’s comments on networks and facilities, serious consideration needs to be given to the simultaneous modeling of activities. Dr. Bozzo’s approach 18 appear to determine of mail processing has not reviewed Dr. Bradley’s testimony, 6. with volumes, both Mr. Degen and Dr. Bozzo have introduced 10 17 of mail Both of these types of network effects might have an impact on labor These factors, often in conjunction 12 13 14 15 16 only the possible deliveries; he activities is focused on single activities at a time: he treats the mail- as separable. However, alone; this is partly recognized Based on my experience mail-processing by Dr. Bozzo in his discussion with batch production of one mail processing activities processes activity is not independent USPS-T-15 at 47. -45- are not of capital I would expect of another. Dr. Docket No. R2000-1 1 Bozzo 2 They advocate 3 asked if he considered 4 “Yes. First, to characterize 5 employ 6 equation 7 Second, 8 Bozzo apparently 9 another. 10 referenced OCA-T4 Freight the specification ten equations includes with ten output in his estimation Friedlaender variables; in addition of the Postal Service’s and to piece ‘distribution Spady seem to advocate of processing patterns, key’.“62 Dr. from simultaneous volumes of mail, and the interaction 13 cross-examination, 14 site has an impact on the hours per TPF relationship.63 He maintained 15 the manual 16 measure of the degree of automation 17 possibly even existing) relationship 18 The issue requires additional exploration. appears to be inadequately addressed Dr. Bozzo acknowledged ratio captured the effect. in Dr. Bozzo’s analysis. of During oral that the mix of activities in operation Although at a that the use of the use of the manual ratio as a is subject to serious criticism, there is no clear (or between ihe manual ratio and the activities at a site. Ann F. Friedlaender, Richard H. Spady. Freight Trampod Regulation, Cambridge, MIT Press, 1961. 63 each handling% of each activity as being separable activities 62 results, I additionally, 12 61 When efforts, Dr. Bozzo indicated, for which I report econometric ‘cost drivers’ the operation and Spady.61 in terms of multiple outputs. (piece handling) non-volume is an element by Friedlaender of activities. The relationship 11 of a cost function the set of operations considered However, Regulation such an approach other my analysis consideration Transportation OCAIUSPS-T15-Gl(e), Tr. 1516373-4. Tr. 1516417 -46. Docket No. RZOOO-1 OCA-T-4 1 2 7. 3 In his testimony Dr. Bozzo’s treatment conclusions. of homotheticity Dr. Bozzo asserts that “ 4 identical, in equilibrium, under the assumption 5 cost) functions are ‘homotheW...Homotheticity 6 of the operation will not alter relative factor demands 7 equilibrium 8 with examples of the implementation 9 costs. (and other things equal).‘W appears to lead to incorrect and labor variabilities that the cost-pool-level will be production (or implies that changing the level of output such as the capital/labor ratio, in However, the Postal Service testimony is replete of major investment This concept was further developed programs in the Postmaster designed to reduce General’s recent speech 10 in Nashville.65 The focus is on the elimination of major labor costs via capital investment 11 to achieve 12 homotheticity 13 14 15 an overall assumption a. 16 Dr. Bozzo 17 facilities 18 testimony 19 information M reduction minimize of total costs. Accordingly, appears to be an inappropriate Dr. Bozzo minimization; 3 analysis. has stated in this proceeding of a assumption has raised some important issues about cost resolution of the issues may affect the cost segment that his theory costs and, in support, does not discuss the application is independent cites a publication of whether by Toda.= the Postal Dr. Bozzo’s QICAP and he has provided only a limited amount of useful on the development of the variable QICAP. Accordingly, I USPS-T-15 at 40, lines lo-14 65 Prepared remarks at the National Postal Forum, Nashville, Tennessee, March 20, 2000, See OCWJSPS-96, Tr. 2119152. 65 The article introduced by Dr. BOZZOon the topic of non cost minimization appears to ba by Yasushi Toda, “ESTIMATION OF A COST FUNCTION WHEN THE COST IS NOT MINIMUM: THE CASE OF SOVIET MANUFACTURING INDUSTRIES, 19561971,” The Review of Economics and Statistics, Vol. LVIII, August 1976, 259-268. -47- Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 have relied on the library reference that he has mentioned?’ 2 QICAP are filled with references 3 measurements 4 cost minimizing 5 depend on a measurement 6 appears to use in other circumstances). 7 article would be; however, this is an issue that needs to be reviewed. 8 In 9 associated to Total Factor Productivity. of Total Factor Productivity firms. reviewing Dr. Bouo the indicates of Total associated Factor library of QICAP does not (which the Postal inappropriate measure of the value 12 depreciation 13 not suitable for productivity reference, two potential reported The Moody’s composite National Consolidated of owned Trial capital. deficiencies in the NCTB is based on accounting Balance is an To be specific, the period conventions accounts.68 of average yields on corporate bonds is used in arriving 15 at the USPS cost of capital.69 OCA witness Dr. Edwin Rosenberg 16 indicated 17 of money plus 118 percent.‘O 67 Service with QICAP were found: 11 (2) Productivity for non- It is not clear what the impact of the Toda in the 14 Toda’s article shows that that his measurement reported (1) referencing may be incorrect when computed Depreciation 10 The documents (OCA-T-3) that the Postal Service can borrow from the U.S. Treasury has at the cost USPS-LR-H-272. 68 USPS-LR-H-272. “USPS Quarterly Total Factor Productivity Methodology, A Report to Charles Guy, Director, Office of Economics, USPS,” L.R. Christensen Associates, January 1998. 69 Ibid. at 47. 70 OCA-T-3, Docket No. R2000-1. -40- Docket No. R2000-1 1 OCA-T-4 In discussing operating procedures approach to operations Postal Service cost minimization, one from the point of view of economic and pricing in terms of whether is addressing theory, The Postal Service or not it maximizes can result in a very different situation than one in which efficient competitive 5 certain its output equilibrium is sought. From classical 6 economic theory, an output maximizing company (in comparison 7 to a profit maximizing/cost 8 the equality of marginal cost with demand under different conditions than would occur 9 under work pure competition. IO organizations 11 responsiveness 12 tendency 13 community Dr. William and responsibilities.” to over-invest. He indicated achieving on public charged with public that such an organization has a to note that a refrain in the Postal Service is the need to grow volume and increase investment. of corporate practices has been a major goal in the corporate sector in recent years as companies 16 Witness Tayman, 17 of any benchmarking 18 Also, 19 documents 20 spending 72 pioneering theory for ai enterprise It is interesting 15 71 does not operate efficiently, Niskannen’s provided the microeconomic The benchmarking 14 minimizing company) when in commenting on investment studies on investment requested, prepared have attempted the Postal by or for the Postal by its counterparts, was Service either in other advanced Niskannen, William A., Bureaucracy and Representative Tr. 2600-l. -49- efficient. policies, indicated that he was unaware standards Service to become increasingly relating to equipment unable to produce evaluating in place.72 any internal the level of capital industrial nations or by its major Government, Chicago, Aldine, 1971 Docket No. RZOOO-1 ~CA-T-~ 1 competitors 2 witness Kingsley 3 Service since the beginning 4 compared 5 nations.73 These responses tend to confirm that there are no benchmarking 6 7 in the United States, such as FedEx or UPS. has stated that there are no studies produced of 1998 evaluating to the automation In a response achieved Postal Service by or for the Postal its flat processing by its counterparts to the interrogatory (AAP), the USPS recites Professor 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 Moreover, automation in other advanced of the Association Panzar’s direct testimony as industrial studies. of American Publishers in Docket No. R97-1: However, the efficiency of the Postal Service operating plan is not an issue for the analyst. As long as it is given that postal services will be produced following Postal Service practices and procedures, the relevant marginal and incremental costs for pricing purposes are those calculated based on the Postal Service operating plan.” It is clear that, on occasion, 15 (apparently failing to meet plans) 16 whether 17 introduced 18 function 19 marginal 20 minimization such to this proceeding that is not based productivity Toda’s 21 22 businesses 23 addition, 73 74 an investment pricing the USPS does not achieve and has very limited, budget is efficient. by Dr. Bouo, is apparently assumptions conclusions for the analysis appear to have been operated the industries Accordingly, a very different case. The impact on Dr. Bouo’s work was developed if any, analyses are relevant. on the theoretical its investment Toda’s AAPIUSPS-1, Tr. 21/8611. -5O- comments, The behavior of a cost of cost minimization assumption and from the cost needs further explanation. under an output-maximizing ANMIUSPS-Tl O-27, Tr. 5/l 578 verifying of the Soviet economy. were under various governmental budget regulations Soviet objective. In in acquiring the Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 factors of production, 2 not set on a shadow 3 improper pricing could theoretically 4 an efficient competitive 5 and the prices of finished goods and intermediate price basis. Accordingly, a mixture of operating is a major purchaser 7 specialized 8 services. Therefore, Postal Service may, through 9 operating decisions, affect factor prices. 10 inefficient factor allocation, 11 that result in the distortion 12 prices different from those that would normally occur in a competitive 13 Bozzo did not address the implications 16 and of monopsonistic of goods and services, even has some degree 9. inefficiencies arrive at a situation different from that obtained from 6 14 15 were equilibrium.‘5 The Postal Service machinery products power as well as monopolistic in the purchase competitive input, production, in achieving the USPS may make purctiasing of factor prices, resulting of some types of power in the sale of certain its resource Accordingly, and possibly and an economically and investment in the generation decisions of factor input environment. Dr. for the labor demand function In conclusion, the theory underlying Dr. Bouo’s model has not been shown to be derived from the appropriate economic theorv. In my opinion, the Postal Service has not demonstrated economic theory. I have also noted deficiencies 17 supported by appropriate 18 statement of the function 19 the network, the time frame, and cost minimization. being estimated, that Dr. Bozzo’s model is the selection of variables, in the the treatment of 7s Toda, op.cit at 264. Dr. Toda actually found that some of the Soviet industries operated efficiently (a result he did not expect to find) and that some industries operated ineflciently. Regardless of the empirical findings. the theory is applicable insofar as it applies to firms that do not minimize costs. A partial explanation of Dr. Toda’s empirical findings would be that the Soviet economy actually did, in some cases, operate efficiently. -51- Docket No. R2000-1 1 2 C. OCA-T-4 Criterion 3: The Study Should Include a Discussion of the Modeling Approach and How It Is Consistent with the Underlvina Data. 3 4 5 1. 6 Previous, Another problem associated with Dr. Bozzo’s work is his modeling of capital (as opposed to the accuracy of the QICAP variable itself). The use of capital affects future Postal Service costs. current, 7 Service and are focused 8 projection 9 by the Postal Service: deployment 11 us to increase 12 additional 13 mail.” 76 14 15 and mechanization 18 Econometric 19 Michael 20 econometric 76 throughout The use of capital and the to be created has been highlighted Service equipment barcodes work on fixed effects the analysis Models, lntriligator gains. Techniques, and estimation to the Postal continued its accelerated and software. This allowed on letter mail, while deploying letter, flat, and package Dr. Hsiao has useful guidance on the modeling and investment in economic models. Dr. Hsiao’s pioneering indirectly 1999, the Postal are important to sort the higher volumes of automated (4 17 productivity our ability to place accurate equipment efforts budget and efficiencies “During of automation investment on achieving of the investment 10 16 and future Ronald has been referenced of volume variability.” and Applications, Bodkin, addresses of capital directly or A quote from the textbook co-authored the issue by Dr. Hsiao with of capital in the process: United States Postal Service, f999 Comprehensive Statement on Postal Operations at 50 77 Cheng Hsiao, Analysis of Panel Data, Cambridge University Press, 1986. Another book referenced is Econometric Mode/s, Techniques, and Applications, with Michael D. Intriligator, Ronald G. Bodkin, and Cheng Hsiao, Prentice Hall, 1996, Second edition. -52- Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 IO 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 . ..The inputs should, in theory, be measured in terms of services of the input per unit of time, but such data are generally not available, so they are instead typically measured by the amount of the input utilized or available in the production process. Labor input is typically measured as labor hours employed per year, but it is also sometimes measured as number of employees. Capital input is typically measured by the net capital stock (net of depreciation), but it is also sometimes measured by the gross capital stock and by certain direct measures (e.g., number of tractors in use for agriculture).... Of these variables, the one that creates the most problems is the capital input. While data on output and labor are generally available, data on capital are either not available or of questionable validity. Enormously complex problems of measurement arise with respect to capital as an input to the production process. First, capital generally represents an aggregation of very diverse components, Even including various types of machines, plant, inventories, and so on. machines of the same type may cause aggregation problems if they are of different vintages, with different technical characteristics, particularly different levels of productivity or efficiency. Second, some capital is rented but most is owned. For the capital stock that is owned, however, it is necessary to impute rental values to take account of capital services. Such an imputation depends, in pat-t, on depreciation of capital. Depreciation figures are generally unrealistic, however, since they entail both tax avoidance by the firm and the creation by the tax authorities of incentives to invest via accelerated depreciation. Third there is the problem of capacity utilization. Only capital that is actually utilized should be treated as an input, so measured capital should be adjusted for capacity Accurate data on capacity utilization are, however, difficult or utilization. impossible to obtain.?+ Other problems could be cited as well, but all these suggest that, if at all possible, the use of an explicit measure of the capital stock should be avoided, since it is virtually impossible to find data adequately representing capital stock.78 i: Ei 11 An early approach to capacity utilization was to assume that the percentage of capital utilized was the same as the percentage of labor utilized and thus to reduce the total capital available by the (labor) unemployment rate, as in Solow (1957). More recently, there are various methods used to adjust capital for the degree of utilization which are independent of the unemployment rate, For example, the Wharton capacity utilization rate method assumes 100% utilization at local peaks of the industry output series, with capacity assumed to grow linearly from peak to peak. Capacity utilization is then obtained as the percentage of output relative to the value obtained on the linearly interpolated capacity series. 35 36 :; Intriligator, Bodkin, and Hsiao. op.cit. at 284-85. - 53 - Docket No. R2000-1 1 2 OCA-T-4 Dr. Bozzo has not modeled capital in a way that would meet the criteria outlined bv Drs. Intriliaator. Bodkin, and Hsiao. 0)) 3 Dr. Bozzo’s approach does not meet the criteria outlined in the above quote. 4 Bozzo has no measure of capacity utilization 5 factory batch processing/job 6 capacity utilization 7 important variable omitted from the analysis. 8 is appropriately 9 or as an endogenous in his equations, shop type of process. In analyzing has a strong impact on cost performance. modeled as an exogenous Mail processing In addition, factory operations, This is a potentially it is not clear whether On the subject of the capital variable, Dr. Bozzo indicates that: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 With respect to the capital variable, my inclusion of the capital quantity rather than price is appropriate for a treatment of capital as a “quasi-fixed” factor. While I would expect capital costs to be volume-variable to some degree (possibly to the same degree as labor costs as discussed in USPS-T-15 at pages 3941) I would nevertheless expect that the nature of the Postal Service’s capital planning and deployment processes is such that capital and labor are not simultaneously determined, but rather that the available capital is taken as a “given” when labor work assignments are made.79 situation 23 econometric 79 eo is impossible. estimating that capital is neither exogenous Accordingly, very capital equation system. 10 22 is a variable (as I believe Dr. Bozzo has done), variable in a simultaneous Dr. Bozzo indicates Dr. some model is needed. OCAIUSPS-T-15-56(b), Tr. 15/6359. Tr. 1516414. -54- review nor endogenous;m of the specification such a of the Docket No. RZOOO-1 2. Witness 4 mail processing 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 OCA-T-4 Witness Degen’s testimony is a major input to the understanding and modelina of postal mail processina. Degen presents information on the physical and operational nature of as related to volume variability: . ..I show that the structure of mail processing operations does not support the assumption that volume-variability factors should uniformly equal 100 percent. My analysis of the structure of mail processing operations also reveals that the pooled regression approach advocated by OCA witness Smith and the cross-sectional analysis favored by UPS witness Neels, in Docket No. R97-1, potentially ignores (sic) features of the Postal Service network and operations that are vital to distinguishing the cost effects of volume changes from the effects of non-volume factorsa Mr. Degen raises two important issues in his testimony? 16 l Mail processing operations have cost causing characteristics 17 location, service area, and role within the Postal Service’s 18 change as a result of a small, sustained 19 l For a small, sustained, 20 factors 21 plants. 22 Witness remaining increase in national the same, volume will increase workload 23 processing plants interact-suggests 24 be evaluated 25 activity costs on the mail processing of the postal network--the that volume variability at the plant or inter-plant network that will not increase in volume, and representative Degen’s discussion related to their RPW, all other in all, or nearly all, ways in which the mail should more appropriately facilities network level, rather than in terms of plant floor. In examining the current Postal Service 81 USPS-T-16 at 4, line 23 through 5, line 6. 82 USPS-T-16 at 6, lines 18-23. - 55 - Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 network, he notes in Section 2 of his testimony 2 delivery units are networked, 3 well as other 4 intermediate 5 offices. with mail processing He indicates transshipment In addition, that processing facilities and processing for specialized 7 Standard 8 and also sort outgoing 9 parcel Standard being performed plants can sort mail as well serve (BMCs) constitute Standard parcels to other BMCs. network of BMCs sort incoming The role of BMCs in processing indicates of pallets (no piece sortation 12 addition of nodes as the nation has grown and its population that the network of processing Mr. Degen concludes plants affects the workload in the entire network. 15 increase volume, 16 processing plants, 17 processing labor costs and mail volumes.” 18 additional in national of letters and flats). influenced by the interaction 21 of the relationship between reinforces has changed. workload He continues of mail processing - 56 - growth, of for mail between “...I must conclude mail that the the network.“a3 that postal costs are strongly plants and that the longer-run cost and volume is appropriate-&. USPS-T-16 at 15, lines 9-12 and at 15, lines 20-21 distribution of the relationship my conclusion the that national volume growth and hence of volume-related is a key element of my analysis testimony distribution He states, “The geographic volumes will cause workload growth throughout Mr. Degen’s Mr. Degen is not static, but has involved in Section 3 of his testimony 14 20 non- Mail (A) varies, but it usually involves sack, tray, and bundle sorting 11 83 as Mail parcels to 5 digit ZIP codes for delivery units in their service territories, and the cross-docking 19 a separate Mail (A) and (B). 10 13 in large plants as points for various sections of the network. the 21 Bulk Mail Centers 6 that over 30,000 post offices and other considering analysis volume, not Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 in terms of its behavior 2 volume is adjusted: 3 on total cost. 4 the arithmetic means of cost data appears to be more appropriate 5 approach. 6 costs (the types of costs that would vary as the nodes of the network 7 delineated 8 Bozzo. 10 such an approach Accordingly, Theoretically, plant, but rather on an overall basis as would look at the effect of a change in volume the “between” analysis presented by Dr. Bouo, rather than the short- run cost estimation 5 of his testimony, analysis of the impact of volume growth. Mr. Degen extensively based on than is a fixed effects one strives to more closely attain the estimation by Mr. Degen), In Section 9 in any one processing of longer-run changed presented presents as by Dr. a graphical To quote Mr. Degen: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 In questioning Dr. Bradley on his testimony in Docket No. R97-1, the Commission used a plot of TPH and hours from the manual letter cost pool to imply that visual inspection of the plot indicated 100 percent volume-variability for that cost pool. Dr. Bozzo thoroughly addresses the issue of graphical representation and analysis of the MODS data in his testimony, but I would also like to discuss it here because the pictures succinctly illustrate how ignoring non-volume characteristics of plants can lead to a biased, misleading understanding of the hours-volume relationship. u . 21 Mr. Degen maintains that a graph of hours against volume can result in the erroneous 22 conclusion 23 opinion, is caused by the absence 24 However, the argument 25 be discussed ed that hours will vary in direct proportion to volume. of information on network and plant characteristics. for 100 percent volume variability subsequently. USPS-T-16 at 24, lines 6 through 13 - 57 - The error, in Mr. Degen’s is visually compelling, as will Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 The issue of the correct estimation examining Mr. Degen’s graphsa three techniques of volume variability is best addressed Mr. Degen’s graphs can be used to justify any of the under consideration in this case-fixed As will be shown, the fixed effects approach effects, pooled, or “between.” is unsuitable: a simple review of the data shows that the eye (and economic logic) suggests the fixed effects approach Figure structure “true” 1 of Mr. Degen’s of a mail processing or component “underlying” cost of the hours/pieces by testimony, reproduced operation for a hypothetical structure he means here, shows the the “true” mail processing systematic, is wrong. plant. cost By non-stochastic relationship. Figure 1 The Underlying Cost Structure for a Plant 10 85 I do not imply that Mr. Degen would agree with any of my analysis; I would expect him to disagree. I use his graphs to show that a convincing argument can be made for the possibility of essentially 100 percent volume variability. - 58 - Docket Non R2000-1 1 OCA-T-4 Volume variability is less than 100 percent for the hypothetical plant operation, plant in Figure 1 ,86 2 At some times during the plant will be operating 3 volume (suggesting 4 be at a lower volume of TPH (with a lower level of capacity utilization). a high level of capacity utilization), at relatively high and at other times the plant will Figure 2 Observable Data from the Underlying Cost Structure with Random Noise for One Plant Total In Figure 2 of his testimony, 7 8 same plant generated 9 relationship by adding Piece Handlings Mr. Degen shows random simulated noise to the underlying sample data for the hours and pieces plotted in Figure 1. 86 This is exactly what one would expect, given that this is a short-run diagram relating small changes in hours and TPH. -59- Docket No. RZOOO-1 OCA-T-4 Figure 3 Data for Ten Plants with Similar Cost Structures but Different Levels of Efficiency Illustrating True Cost Structure . : . *...: *..‘.E *: . *. . Ia .‘... .- **-. H . .- . . ..* .* . . .. Total 1 Piece Handlings Mr. Degen’s Figure 3 presents ten plants with cost structures 2 in Figure 2. but with different levels of efticiency.87 3 line analogous 4 ten lines, all of them short run. 81 similar to the plant For each plant, Mr. Degen plotted a to that plotted in Figure 1. Accordingly, there are ten sets of points and Mr. Degen and Dr. Bozzo attribute the differences in efticiency~~to differences in networks and other factors not associated with volume Of mail. Nevertheless, the Postal Service has extensive testimony and comments on investment and efforts to achieve lower costs. Treating these fixed effects factors as exogenous rather than endogenous to the capital investment process seems to be wrong. Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 Figure 4 Data for Ten Plants with Similar Cost Structures but Different Levels of Efficiency Illustrating Misinterpretation of Cost Structure Total Piece Handlings 1 In Figure 4, the lines presented 2 examined 3 suppressed. 4 data as in Figure 3--ten separate 5 combined 88 short-term hypotheses in Figure 3, which of the relationship represented between An overall trend line is added to the diagram. lines for ten facilities--the the formerly hours and pieces, are Instead of visualizing the data are considered on a basis.” Mr. Degen’s title for Figure 3: referencing cost structure is short run. Similarly, the title Structure,” was included in the reproduced figure. structure is the line he has labeled “100% Volume the “true cost structure;” is correct in the sense that the for Figure 4, referencing a “Misinterpretation of Cost but, in contrast to Mr. Degen, I believe that the true cost Variability”. -61- Docket No. R2000-1 1 Whatever 2 lines one looks 3 alternatively 4 that additional 5 inadequate 6 OCA-T-4 interpretation at-i.e. one wishes to give to the data is dependent one could derive a fixed effects on which model from Figure 3; or one could define a pooled model from a review of Figure 4, recognizing variables would be needed and that any two variables approach is insofar as it may omit important information. From a review of the graphs, two distinctly from the underlying determined are possible. The conclusion 6 specified the choice of model; all that then remains is the model estimation. 9 is then the selection Analysis is essentially alternatives ,7 of the appropriate model different line for estimation. Figure 5 of Response to Volume rplHt Total Pg,“, Handli in gs -62. Growth once one has The issue Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 Turning to Mr. Degen’s Figure 5, two plants are examined: Assume that Plant A is designed the mail processing network. and sized correctly, operates operation. Assume that Plant B is designed in the short run, and the line shows TPH, and that the optimal capacity IO 11 designed, these and sized correctly along the line. The two most important operating various levels for a higher level of points in the diagram the real labor costs of processing at plant design capacity--the based on the evolving mail processing mail at each of level for which they were network as described by Mr. Degen. Figure 5 has two types of plots in it. The facility by facility plots (labeled “Plant A” 12 and “Plant B”) are the types of plots that both Dr. Bradley and Dr. Bozzo generate 13 estimate. These are short-term 14 treatment of the data on a pooled 15 would estimate the line AC. 16 data and an underlying 17 of is at point C. Again, on a short-run basis the plant are points A and C. They represent the plants when based on Mr. Degen’s theory of Assume that optimal capacity is at “A”, but that the plant frequently may operate anywhere Plant A and Plant 6. plants, Alternatively, one could allow for the basis or cross sectional basis. In that case, one Such a modeling approach longer-term The mail-processing sized plots of data. capacity expansion would be consistent variously and in a real world 19 properties. 20 plants, but based on confirmed 21 cross sectional 22 generated. 23 accounted A pooled regression regression The appropriate environment line could be generated. data from approximately line based on the arithmetic econometric techniques Accordingly, costs exhibit there are stochastic It would be based, not on two 300 plants. Alternatively, a means of the plants could be and variables for in order to avoid problems of omitted variables. -63. with the path. network consists of over 300 plants. 18 and would need to be The results could be 100 Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 percent volume variable, or some other number either greater than (or less than) 100 2 percent volume 3 variables 4 been performed 5 and “between” 6 the best currently available. 7 variable. were used. sectional in this case. regressions approach 9 are averaged results would not be known until the appropriate Such an analysis correctly using all relevant variables has not yet Of the approaches 8 The However, on a preliminary in Dr. Bozzo’s testimony, presented (i.e., a mean is determined); it would that the cross For each mail processing plant, the data a regression approach, analysis is then performed the sites. 11 appears and based on Mr. Degen’s 12 as plant size varies, based on the plants sized for the postal network. to be superior to either the fixed effects or pooled models. The results from the various 14 Table 5. I have indicated 15 generated 16 data are assumed 17 i.e. all of the cross sectional 18 aspects. 19 documented, 20 the Commission 21 find this to be the “least bad” model. 22 model in view of the underlying 23 adoption models considered that the “between” data-thereby The major statistical problems It examines In general, and longer- term with the model have been well that some action is necessary I do not recommend problems model and the line has all of the plants-- having both short-term associated costs cross sectional However, at this point, it is the only model “left standing.” should conclude testimony, model, a type of cross sectional equilibrium, on by Dr. Bozzo are set forth in by Dr. Bozzo, is the “least bad” of the models. to show a longer-run but also appear IO 13 This is a cross sectional which are unsatisfactory by Dr. Bozzo, may be the “least bad.” basis, there are the pooled Accordingly, in adopting adoption a model, I of the “between” with the data and the study. if I recommend of 100 percent variability until a different approach is shown to be reasonable. Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 Variabilities-Dr. Bradley, Table 5 Fixed Effects, Between, Pooled, and Random Variabilities Using Different Methods Dr. Bouo Fixed BCS Sorting OCR Sorting FSM Sorting LSM SPBS Non Priority SPBS Priority Manual Flats Manual Letters Manual Parcels Man1 Priority Sorting Cancl. And Mail Prep 0.945 0.895 0.786 0.918 0.905 0.469 0.802 0.866 0.797 0.395 0.448 0.654 0.751 0.817 0.954 0.641 0.641 0.772 0.735 0.522 0.522 0.549 1.044 1.101 1.026 0.913 0.889 0.889 0.963 0.906 0.730 0.748 0.845 Random Total Cost 0.916 0.821 0.880 0.918 0.662 0.662 0.803 0.790 0.615 0.627 0.569 1.043.841 219,070 lJ42.369 78,765 283.275 82,447 459,933 1,563,963 60,593 259,762 295,957 0.931 0.862 0.913 0.922 0.724 0.724 0.842 0.845 0.645 0.642 0.643 Total 5,389,975 Attributable Costs Based on Various Fixed Effects Total Cost Dr. Bradley &QaQszQQQ~~m~ BCS Sorting OCR Sorting FSM Sorting LSM SPBS Non Priority SPBS Priority Manual Flats Manual Letters Manual Parcels Man1Pri Mail Sorting Cancl and Mail Prep Total Variabilities Dr. Bouo Between Pooled Random Effects 1,043,841 219,070 1,042,369 78,765 283,275 82,447 459,933 1,563,963 60,593 259,762 295,957 986,430 172.189 956,895 71,282 132.856 66,122 398,302 1,246.479 23,934 116,373 193,556 934,238 164,522 851.615 75,142 181,579 52,849 355,068 1,149,513 31,630 135,596 162,480 1,089,770 241,196 1,069,471 71,912 251,831 73,295 442,915 1,416,950 44,233 194,302 250,084 971,816 188,838 951,683 72,621 205,091 59,692 387,264 I.321549 39,082 166,767 190,300 956,158 179,856 917,285 72,306 187.528 54,580 369,326 1,235,531 37,265 162,871 168,400 5.389,975 4,364,418 4,094.231 5145,960 4.554,704 4J41.106 -65- Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 3. Witness Degen’s testimony is consistent with the application of intuition and common sense that indicates the volume variability for mail processina aporoaches 100 percent. The above analysis of Mr. Degen’s 5 looked at from simply the perspective In addressing 6 testimony is substantiated if the problem is of intuition and common sense. the issue of data and modeling, Dr. Bouo states in his testimony: 7 8 9 During the hearings on the Postal Service’s direct case in Docket No. R97-1, Chairman Gleiman asked Dr. Bradley to confirm the intuition IO 11 12 13 . ..that if costs vary 100 percent with volume, the graph of those costs and the volume data points should resemble a straight line with a l-to-l slope. Docket No. R97-1, Tr. 1115578 at 4-6. 14 15 16 17 18 19 Dr. Bradley agreed, and even added that the line should go through the origin (Id., at 8-9, 11)~~ In my opinion, Dr. Bradley should not have confirmed Chairman Gleiman’s intuition. It has been understood since Docket No. R71-1 that to measure “volumevariability,” it is necessary to hold constant the non-volume factors that affect costsaP Dr. Bradley’s statement that the line should additionally pass through the 21 origin was in error. As a general matter, the cost surface passing through the origin is neither necessary nor sufficient for the 100 percent volume-variability result. 2 24 Dr. Bozzo apparently believes makes the bivariate graphs 25 process 26 compelling 27 contains plots of the number 28 activities studied by Dr. Bozzo. 29 graphs are based on Dr. Bradley’s 89 in showing that hours that the multivariate nature irrelevant. the graphs However, and TPH vary together of hours and TPH for some of the modeling closely. The Appendix of the mail processing Dr. BOZZO has referred to Dr. Bradley’s data. are visually data, so the The graphs are open to the same criticisms USPS-T-15 at 59, lines 4 through 13. -66- Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 voiced in Docket No. R97-1. Only two pieces of data are plotted. 2 information in Dr. Bradley’s data set and which was actually collected 3 from the field operations 4 that data are not denoted 5 data set in order to be consistent 6 concluded 7 even 100 percent 8 conclusion. 9 ordinary actually contained (and remaining after his scrubbing) by accounting period. Data were obtained from Dr. Bradley’s with Dr. Bozzo’s volume variability. This would least squares associated 11 omitted variables, appear comments. I have previously This is a simple and intuitively not consider lack of variables, etc.) has the characteristics OLS Summary A!a!ltY ocs Table 6 by Selected 0.77 0.94 0.97 0.96 0.90 0.90 13 not consider the myriad of issues that contribute 14 relationships. 15 through indefensible insofar as the regression to the understanding the lines do show that a simple visualization a high level of volume variability, The regression runs are provided in Library Reference OCA-LR-I-2. - 67 - of issues Activities RSauare lines are econometrically An in Table 8.% 0.19 1.oi 0.98 1.01 1.05 1.09 The regression initial times series nature of the data, presented 12 the data suggests plausible any of the myriad Rearessor BCS LSM FSM MANL MANF However, possibly to be the case for a number of the activities. line (which does with serial correlation, all of t.he is also present, recognizing that the plots are consistent with a high degree of volume variability, 10 90 However, does of the TPHlhours of a straight line resulting in a high R Docket No, R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 square. 2 or the pooled model. A modeling approach 3 4 4. 5 and TPH. 7 amount 8 scrubbed 9 dummy variables. 10 11 analysis included There is, however, of information presented. model a major factor driving cost, intuition appears a large number of variables a difference between the number in addition to hours of variables and the All of the variables were either derived from the data of hours and TPH via cross products, or were simply time trend or Except for time trend and seasonal information, the actual data show that TPH and hours vary together closely. The issues under consideration 12 appropriate 13 yield 100 percent variability. 14 compelling 15 probably 16 might also reach such a conclusion. 17 18 19 with the data would be the “between” In terms of identifying reasonable, Dr. Bradley’s 6 consistent variables, the underlying and suggest are the correct methodology, and whether of the relationship, such estimation The graphs derived from the application the existence at or approaching estimation 100 percent. would of intuition are of a relationship for high volume variability, A correctly econometric constructed model In conclusion, Dr. Bouo’s choice of econometric model inconsistent with the economic modelinq of the postal process. 5. The level of econometric 20 currently by Dr. Bozzo is clear. 21 work is the inappropriate 22 more appropriate 23 Bozzo’s econometric sophistication evidenced The major concern model at this time. The microeconomic -68- by Dr. Bradley and with their econometric choice of a model for estimation. model are at best muddled. previously is The “between” assumptions estimation model is the underlying Dr. We are faced with analyses of non Docket No. R2000-1 Cost minimizing OCA-T-4 firms, cost functions that have become labor demand state of the art price theory which is not organized Progression. Furthermore, omitted and variables 5 6 D. 8 The deficiencies fundamentally 11 unsuitable 12 The “between” of the fixed effects approach identical to that of Dr. Bradley. in the availability 13 pooled 14 (among other variable deficiencies), model unsatisfactory. Without The use of cross sectional Dr. Bozzo’s overall approach Accordingly, is the fixed effects model is The “between” 17 model is subject to deficiencies 18 number of criticisms of the econometric 19 as outlined by Dr. Bradley. 20 demand 21 relevance based also render an application a measure of capacity, capital, model has data available estimation deficiencies However, the “between” on size of the facilities. In addition to deficiencies need potential available. of the and networks error. of costs as facilities on a cross sectional in the set of variables to the current proceeding the methodology of variables models allows for an analysis vary. 23 to the as it has been applied have been the pooled model is subject to specification 16 22 Is Suitable at this point. Deficiencies 15 which model is currently the “least bad” model available. in Docket No. R97-1, where it was rejected. 10 or logical data are deficient, both in terms of variables Criterion 4: A Correct Estimation Procedure Estimation Needs at Hand Should Be Used. 1. outlined fashion and included (such as QICAP and the manual ratio). 7 9 the underlying in a coherent functions, basis, but the There have been a of the “between” model, model permits an analysis of labor Accordingly, the “between” model has and is the “least bad” model. in Dr. Bozzo’s current models, several major areas of improvement. -69- First, at the activity level, investment Docket No. RZOOO-1 OCA-T-4 1 almost certainly 2 function of TPF or TPH, so in a sense investment 3 handling process. 4 labor hours. 5 each activity as if it were independent 6 plant. 7 requirements, and network a interrelated. This potential 9 workforce, 10 It may be appropriate Dr. Bouo However, one would Dr. Bozzo’s the efficiency, of the ten activities Dr. Bouo’s and model treats labor modeled usage, investment to be significantly or the facilities. It is difficult to imagine that the cost of has not adopted is not acceptable. could be improved, 15 could be stated, one could perform the modeling 16 such an approach 17 “between” case as the “least bad.” ia discussed, I do not view its adoption as appropriate, the appropriate variables is not appropriate developed, a correct Assuming estimation that the data and a clear economic Accordingly, both in terms of the interrelationships 21 estimation 22 of costs as a result of First Handling modeling formations of activities and cost is appropriate. Pieces -7o- I have need to be considered, and whether In modeling but we are left with the However, in view of the many uncertainties 20 theory effort using a pooled approach; at this time. basis, alternative of the of other work performed in the plant. Dr. Bozzo fixed effects approach of investment both investment could be due to some sharing In conclusion, procedure. On a longer-term variable to the mail interrelationship 14 19 Second, is, in turn, a of every other activity in the mail processing expect aspects investment is an endogenous has not examined this area. the management, 2. However, to model simultaneously performing work in one activity is independent 11 12 13 has a major impact on the costs. some simultaneous activities, the incidence rather than TPF or TPH should be Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T4 1 examined. 2 be, but it is clear that there are a number of options that need to be explored. In summary, it is not yet even clear what the best modeling 3 4 5 E. 6 Dr. Bouo approach would Criterion 5: Results for Econometric Equations and Alternative Econometric Analyses Should Include a Discussion of the Values, Signs, and Other Relevant Information for the Variables. on presents a variety of alternative 7 variants his preferred a approaches 9 Bozzo has ignored Criterion methods. econometric Fundamental have not been explored. Accordingly, 5, strictly speaking; analyses, changes 11 be a rework of the economic 12 likely an exploration 13 output and investment, 14 to be a significant 15 to be the application 16 analyses 17 or other relevant information product an improvement production, and an improved microeconomic upgrading have not yet been performed simultaneous analysis. techniques. and any discussion for variables is moot. -71- First, there needs to in presentation of the quality and availability of data. of suitable estimating modeling it is also clear that this requirement needs to be applied to the study after the study has been redone. of multiple new while it is difficult to say that Dr. IO theory-with and but they are all Therefore, and more determination of Second, there needs Finally, there needs the most important at this time of values, signs, Docket No. R2000-1 1 VII. OCA-T-4 CONCLUSIONS 2 3 A. 4 The Commission Variabilities Were Traditionally Assumed To Be 100 Percent. Studv. Performed bv Dr. Bradlev. Was Seriouslv Deficient. costs. has always applied a variability of 100 percent when attributing 5 mail-processing 6 presented a witness, Dr. Bradley, who proposed 7 processing operations to measure volume variability. a the change in the estimated volume of mail processed 9 required In Docket No. R97-1, the Postal Service reviewed the policy and to process that volume. labor hours for mail processing 11 arriving at an estimate 12 variabilities 13 witness 14 percent, and the Postal Service contended 15 than the traditional 16 of volume variability. Dr. Bradley’s objections 18 regressions. 19 Bradley’s approach 20 necessary before the Commission The techniques, 23 in Appendix change that his variabilities change in in the volume of mail, that the resulting volume by Postal were significantly on several to Dr. Bradley’s and his handling Commission’s The Commission Bradley’s hours of labor the percentage cost pools could be applied were raised choice of regression 22 to analyze Service lower than 100 should be applied rather 100 percent variability used by the Commission. 17 21 with the estimated He concluded volume variabilities model for mail That model purported for each percentage for each of the several Numerous a new econometric From this, he calculated 10 Degen. The First recommended grounds and F to the Opinion. decision indicated deficiencies these problems The Commission - 72 - his of the data prior to running his specifically rejected Dr. that additional study was revised its approach to mail processing found fundamental model and discussed model specifications, variability. ins the specifications for Dr. in both its opinion and in greater detail recognized that Dr. Bradley’s model Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 failed to consider the impact of capital. The Commission noted that Dr. Bradley did not base his analysis upon a correctly specified cost function as indicated production. The Commission for analysis, citing also faulted Dr. Bradley’s his several seemingly scrubbing of the data prior to running alternative approaches the fixed-effects arbitrary regressions. and further analysis. model selected models such as the pooled or the “between” in fact, had numerous method of preparing the data restrictions and over-zealous The Commission Finally, the Commission by Dr. Bradley by the theory of recommended clearly indicated in lieu of other possible model was not sufficiently supported and, infirmities. Dr. Bozzo’s Studv Is also Seriouslv Deficient. 10 B. 11 The Postal Service 12 analyzes 13 Commission’s 14 and that of other witnesses 15 Bradley’s 16 Bradley. mail processing has now presented costs, critiques R97-1 Opinion. work were valid. Significantly, Dr. Bozzo’s Dr. Bradley’s testimony study, ia the Commission 19 the 20 Commission. 21 regression 22 opinion. Postal prior Dr. Bozzo in Docket No. R97-1 and found that some criticisms of Dr. In response, presentation continues model that the Commission Dr. Bozzo dresses to the Dr. Bozzo reviewed the work of Dr. Bradley Dr. Bozzo modified in Docket No. R97-1, closer inspection Service’s that further and responds the methodology While Dr. Bozzo purports to present a study meeting the objections 17 regression that has to ground essentially expressed by indicates a startling similarity to been soundly rejected by the the analysis on the fixed effects rejected.‘in the Docket No. R97-1 up Dr. Bradley’s defective cost function, -73- of Dr. renaming it a labor Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 1 demand 2 heretofore 3 has ever been utilized by the Commission 4 Postal 5 Commission 6 variability 7 function. He adds at least two variables affected by volume, “QICAP,” and the unmodeled Service “network” characteristic, model is essentially According in considering Dr. Bradley is faced with continuing to Dr. Bozzo, neither variable segment revisited. 3 costs. Thus, without to apply the traditional The new more, the 100 percent volume to the ten cost pools. The Commission may wish to attribute mail-processing costs for the ten cost a pools on the basis of a variability analysis other than that in Docket No. R71-1 on which 9 the Commission has based its traditional 10 mail processing information 11 appropriate 12 approach. and data supplied by the‘Postal classical economic theories, available, the cross sectional “between” 13 presented, although 14 in costs that are 95 percent attributable; 15 subject to error is, therefore, hardly worth the effort. 16 I recommend, to apply I do not advocate instead, Having independently I conclude model its adoption. Service and applied the that upon the information is the “least bad” variability reject Dr. Bozzo’s continue ia Alternatively, 19 presented 20 which should be modified to reflect a volume variability of 100 percent. by Dr. Bozzo. model results the use of the model, which is known to be 17 I recommend now of the models In fact, the “between” that the Commission the traditional reviewed the the “between” to the ten cost model as the “least I provided OCA witness Thompson - 74 - pools study in the and study. bad” of the models the list of those cost pools Docket NO. R2000-1 C. OCA-T-4 The Work that Has Been Reviewed Modeling Effort. Apparently, approximately Dr. Bradley and Dr. Bouo economic additional on a combined effort involved basis has projected in the completion theoretical modifications spent that there of the work. The in the work as well as the extension a of the work 9 additional and/or improved data, and different estimating to additional I have discussed activities, additional types of mail processing facilities, approaches. the work in terms of some of the criteria for evaluation 11 Appendix 12 work is not yet complete. 13 substantial 14 a final study. I recommend that the Commission 15 establishment of a working group to discuss, 16 data, and modeling 17 Obviously such a group would require the honest and effective participation ia parties involved. 19 have theory is not set forth as clearly as is desired, so it is possible that there would be substantial 10 the Latest Part of a Major ten person years on the issue, and Dr. Bouo would be a significant underlying Represents F of the Commission’s opinion in Docket No. R97-1. Nevertheless, set out in By those standards, we are faced with the distressing the fact that effort as well as significant elapsed time has occurred with no production Whether approaches through evaluate, and comment in an effort to bring these a working 20 deficiencies 21 need to be presented 22 focused 23 nature of the function being estimated. group in the work to be addressed. on assumptions and the Postal Service consider or otherwise, about homotheticity, - 75 - manner, economic the on theoretical, issues to a conclusion. there First, the underlying in a more comprehensible of of all of the are a number economic assumptions with particular efficiency, of networks, emphasis and the Docket No. R2000-1 1 Second, there need to be improvements 2 variables 3 relationship 4 considered 5 meaningless, 6 current state. QICAP, of the manual in the data, particularly ratio, and capacity investment (if the activity approach data to the utilization, activity is pursued). explanatory variables as related to the It is important being estimated that the is carefully Even if the QICAP variable were not it would not measure the level of capital associated Third, additional 7 a OCA-T4 may be needed, with an activity in its particularly in terms of run aspects of the mail the network. Fourth, 9 10 processing 11 longer-run recognizing process, the short-run aspects and longer fixed effects analysis presented is unsuitable; a analysis is needed. Finally, my comments 12 the network 13 work. This is the necessary 14 not adequate 15 Commission 16 in detail. are based on a four-month consequence from a scientific to recommend examination of the time constraints analysis point the establishment -76- of view. of Dr. Bozzo’s of a rate case, but is Accordingly, I urge the of a working group to consider this issue APPENDIX OCR OPERATIONS/ HOURS ON TPH USING ONLY CONTINUOUS DATA FROM 8801-9613 INCLUDING OFFICES @ LEAST 39 OBS/LAG MODEL USES 12 AP DUMMIES TO CAPTURE SEASONAL EFFECTS Plot of HRS'TPH. Legend: A = 1 obs, B = 2 obs, etc. HRS , 25000 20000 ' ! 15000 ! 10000 ! 5000 ! , 0 ^ A A A AA A AAAA AA AAA AAAABRA AA AAA A AA AA A A A C AB A BAA A A AAAAA A AA AABDB BABBC AB B AA BCDFBACABBA AA A A ADCCAB AA A BAA ACECFB ACA B ECCAACDDBAA A A CE CDIDBHACCBBBC AABAB BAAFCCCCAA ADBACDFIONOSHILHGBBCAACFCCDABCCA A AFJliiDCLNTXQVPMYQMICDHBHDHBC A A HLPTXZYYSVZRVQPUQOMNODFBBDB A AACCOZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZSRNECFEBC A BHVSZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZXXIJKEABAB BKLMWZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZVLJCDBAAA KXZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZOEBABA AKZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZTPJGBAABAA FZZZZZZZZZZZZZZHFIA A RZZZZZZZZZZZJFAA ZZZZZZZZTD CZZZA 100000 40000 60000 TPH NOTE: 13796 obs hidden. A A A 80000 Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 Appendix BCS OPERATIONS/ HOURS ON TPH ONLY FROM 8801-9613 USING CONTINUOUS DATA INCLUDING OFFICES @ LEAST 39 OBS/LAG MODEL USES 12 AP DUMMIES TO CAPTURE SEASONAL EFFECTS Plot of HRS'TPH. Legend: A = 1 obs, B = 2 obs, etc HRS , 50000 ! B AA A 40000 I 30000 ! 20000 ! 10000 ^ , 0 ! ABBD A AB A AAAAA A BAA AAA A AA B BBB A ABBC B ACA AA AAFABCAB BBH AB A ADAED B B BB A BHEECB BEE A A A CDAEFBBB BC BC ABBDCDCDIBBDEEC BAD DCEEFCB DBBC A ADHIIIHOPIFHCABFB A AEFINQKQVRTNKEDGECA CEGFLNFQTNMFBDC A ABA ELNHKLWSSHABAE A CAOQPXVZZRLEBCA ADINUWZYZZIDAFFGHA COVZZZZZZNKDCCEFAAA A AGZZZZZZZZQFFFDAB DIZZZZZZZQVACFBBCA A CJZZZZZZZZLNB AAA EWZZZZZZZZJDDAA RZZZZZZZNGIC A NZZZZZZZOADEA A NZZZZZZXDA ECA ZZZZZZDB A AA QZZZZZJA RZZZZB ZZP TPH NOTE: 19005 obs hidden. A-2 A Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 Appendix FSM OPERATIONS/ HOURS ON TPH USING ONLY CONTINUOUS DATA FROM 8801-9613 INCLUDING OFFICES 6 LEAST 39 OBS/LAG MODEL USES 12 AP DUMMIES TO CAPTURE SEASONAL EFFECTS Plot of HRS'TPH. Legend: A = 1 obs, B = 2 obs, etc. HRS , 10000 - AA A 60000 ' 50000 ! 40000 - 30000 I 20000 ! 10000 ! 0 ' AAAA A AA A RA B BA A AD AAAA A C A A A A BAC AAA A AB AAB CBA ABBBA AABBAAA B AA ACA CBB DA C DAAB CB ACBBA ARWlA AAABCBA A ?&AA BA AAB AA RAAAAA BBAAAA A BA AABCDDDCADC ACCDEBDEHBHGFECDA BACCGEFFGDBCBC A BCIMGFFEGEBCBCAA ABFHPUXPMCGAABDACGBB CJSZZZTTHHBBCDC A CHWZZZZZZOLCDA DHZZZZZZZWLIDA A EZZZZZZZZZPGCA APZZZZZZZZZQD GZZZZZZZZZUEA EZZZZZZZZK czzzzzzzv1 ZZZZZZZF LZZZZZD ZZZZP CZA A-3 A Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 Appendix LSM OPERATIONS/ HOURS ON TPH USING ONLY CONTINUOUS DATA FROM 8801-9613 INCLUDING OFFICES @ LEAST 39 OBS/LAG MODEL USES 12 AP DUMMIES TO CAPTURE SEASONAL EFFECTS Plot of HRS'TPH. Legend: A = 1 obs, B = 2 obs, etc. HRS , 120000 - A A A 100000 ! 80000 ! 60000 ! 40000 ! 20000 ! A AAA A B A B AAA A AABAB BAB A AA A AAAAAAABD AA AB BDB AACCAA BAABCAAAA A A AEB AGCDC CAB CBAABAA A AB BAEADAB CA BAACAE A B AABDDCCCDECCBBAD A DBAA A AAC ECDBDBEBCBDDBCADAD B BHCCEHCFBBBADCBBCDB AA AA AA BDAEAFABDHECBBBDAA ABA ADCCCCBGKEADBAAAA AAABB ABCCDEJNCHABBBDA ABAA ADEEEGNKUPIEDGBEE B A BHDLIROUHJEKF B AA B AJHFFSONPSMNCGAA A BBHEHMGOOVXUSNF BACSKOLPVUWXZVOGGEB BGJWVVRZZZZZZOKCAA AACHPYZZWZZZZWTWHB CBBJOZZYZZZWWZTJC CAMVZZZZZZZZZQJA HTZZZZZZZZZLD EKZZZZZZZZZJF JZZZZZZZZZOB APZZZZZZZTC AZZZZZZZI HZZZZZZI ZZZZZZA zzzzz A ZZZT 0 ! zz NOTE: 15313 obs hidden. A-4 A OCA-T-4 Appendix Docket No. R2000-1 MANUAL LETTER OPERATIONS/ HOURS ON TPH USING ONLY CONTINUOUS DATA FROM 8801-9613 INCLUDING OFFICES @ LEAST 39 OBS/LAG MODEL USES I2 AP DUMMIES TO CAPTURE SEASONAL EFFECTS Plot Legend: of HRS'TPH. A = 1 obs, B = 2 obs, etc. HRS , 200000 ! A AAAA A AC A AAABB A A AA B AB BA AAA4A AA BACCA A 150000 ^ A 'A A A A BAABA AABBAC AA AA AA BB ABA BAC B A ARA B A ACA A AAEC B AA AAA BAA A A CDBBEAA A AAA A C A A AAAACCB DAB AAA A A 100000 A A ^ A 50000 CA BC BD BBAA C CB A B AE AEDCACCAABACAA AACBBCEBACBCDDCBACA A AADC AADBADDHGBCBBCCCABA A ABA AAGLDLIOJEECA AA A BAGFFADCJQNLJDCDBCBBA A A ACBGFINIXUQGMFGBFCEB AB A JKMUSTZXXZTULJJFMEBAA A AGMVVYZZZZZZRKLKB EC A DKNXZZZZZZZMTMFFBA A A EZPZZZZZZZZZSLIKCA GZZZZZZZZZZZTLHAAA CZZZZZZZZZZZQCAAAA UZZZZZZZZYZKE ZZZZZZZZZPB ! ZZZZZZWL 0 ! zzzz Sf-fffffffffff~fffffffffff-fffffffffff-fffffffffff-fffffffffff”fffffffffff~fff ffffffffAff 20000 0 120000 40000 60000 140000 TPH NOTE: 21328 ohs hidden. A-5 80000 100000 Docket No. R2000-1 OCA-T-4 Appendix MANUAL FLAT OPERATIONS/ HOURS ON TPH USING ONLY CONTINUOUS DATA FROM 8801-9613 INCLUDING OFFICES @ LEAST 39 OBS/LAG MODEL USES 12 AP DUMMIES TO CAPTURE SEASONAL EFFECTS Plot of HRS'TPH. Legend: A = 1 obs, B = 2 ohs, etc. HRS , 100000 ! A B A AAA A A AA ABA AABAAA AA BB C AA A B AA B ACA B BA ACA AA A B B ACBA 80000 ! A A AAAA A AA 60000 . 40000 ! 20000 ! I , 0 - A BABDAAAAB 50000 CAB BA 20000 TPH NOTE: 20608 obs hidden. A-6 A A A A A A A A AAA A : 60000 AB A AABCEBCBAAAEBAA A AB DEEDIDABBAA CBGEHFA BEBAA DCGDCDDBCCCCCA B AACDBCCECEEFBBABAB A ABGDFGEEEAICCB AA A A DBCDEFFGGAEDAAAB A AABBHADCDHDDCADA ACCAFAFEFDDFE A FHFDGFJOLLIDCA A AEGDKILKTQIKGDFBD CJKJORYYXYJHCCHEDFRA DDIINUZZZZZMIIGLFDFCD ABHJQUZZZZZZQIGEFBBCACA FZRZZZZZZZUMJMGDARRA GZZZZZZZZZZTQGDCC KZZZZZZZZZZNJCB FZZZZZZZZZSG DZZZZZZZZJBA FZZZZZZZA CZZZZZE zzz Sf-fffffffffffff-fffffffffffff-fffffffffffff~fffffffffffff~fffffffffffff-fffff ffffffff^ff 0 10000 A 30000 40000
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