STRUCTURAL CHARACTERISTICS OF COHESIVE GRAVITY-FLOW DEPOSITS, AND A SEDIMENTOLOGICAL APPROACH ON THEIR FLOW MECHANISMS E.K. TRIPSANAS, W.R. BRYANT, D.B. PRIOR Texas A&M University, Department of Oceanography, College Station, Texas, USA Abstract Abundant mass-transport deposits characterize the seafloor of the northwestern continental slope and rise of Gulf of Mexico. Most of the deposits reveal a cohesive nature, consisting mainly of a silty-clay matrix with dominant to rare mud-clasts. Five types of cohesive gravity-flow deposits have been distinguished, based on their structural characteristics, nature of the mud matrix, and mud-clast percentage. Each type of the cohesive gravity-flow deposits implies different rheological behavior for the flows from which they originate, depending on their viscosity, mud-clast abundance, and external factors (e.g. hydroplaning), thus revealing that these deposits have resulted from a wide range of different types of flows. Keywords: Cohesive gravity-flow, debris-flow, mud-flow, self-lubricating layers 1. Introduction Debris-flows are gravity-driven flows of highly concentrated sediment/water mixtures, displaying diverse properties, behaviors, and depositional characteristics (Sohn, 2000). The geometry and internal structure of debris-flow deposits are primarily determined by the type of flow (Bingham vs. inertial grain flow, hydroplaning vs. nonhydroplaning flows, etc.), nature (cohesive/noncohesive), concentration and grain-size of the sediment particles, and the topography of the area in which they evolve and are eventually deposited (Iverson, 1997; Sohn, 2000; Mulder and Alexander, 2001). Deposition of debris-flows is caused by “freezing” of the flow when the applied shear stress falls below a threshold value (yield stress) that leads to en masse deposition, initiated at the front of the flow (Prior et al., 1984; Mulder and Cochonat, 1996; Papatheodorou and Ferentinos, 1996; Elverhøi et al., 1997; Huang and Garcia, 1999). However, many researchers argue that based on field observations and experimental data, it is more probable that debris-flow deposits result from an amalgamation of deposits in successive surges, occurring during a single event (Masson et al., 1993; Iverson, 1997; Major, 1997; Sohn, 2000). Subaerial and submarine debris-flows display very different characteristics and flow mechanisms due to their propagation in different medias, the latter being able to flow faster and for longer distances than the former (Mohrig et al., 1998, 1999; Mulder and Alexander, 2001). Although extensive studies have been conducted on recent submarine mass-transport deposits through seismic data and sediment core collection and analysis, little is know about their internal structure that can be highly variable even in flows consisting of similar sediments. 129 130 Tripsanas et al. The highly unstable sediments of the northwest continental slope of Gulf of Mexico provide an excellent opportunity for the study of mass-transport deposits. This paper presents the results of detailed sedimentological analysis on long sediment cores from the continental slope (Bryant Canyon area), and rise (eastern Sigsbee Escarpment) of the Gulf of Mexico (Fig. 1), in an attempt to provide a better insight into the structure and flow properties of mass-transports. Figure 1. Geomorphologic map of the northwest continental slope of Gulf of Mexico displaying the locations of Bryant Canyon and eastern Sigsbee Escarpment areas. 2. Mass-transport deposits Severe halokinetic processes interacting with sedimentological processes (mainly during low sea-level stands) have resulted in the development of massive and numerous sediment failures on the northwestern continental slope of Gulf of Mexico (Bryant et al., 1990; Lee, 1990; Tripsanas et al., this volume). Fine-grained sediments of the area have contributed to the cohesive nature of the mass-transport deposits, observed in our sediment cores (Tripsanas et al., 2001). According to the existing literature, mud-flow deposits are differentiated from debris-flow deposits by having less than 5% gravel by volume and a ratio of mud to sand of more than 1:1 (Mulder and Alexander, 2001). However, based on this distinction all the cohesive gravity-flow deposits of this study would have been considered as mud-flows. This division leads to confusion considering their differentiation and the determination of the rheological behavior of the flows that led to their deposition. For this reason, we have redefined debris-flow deposits in this study as those consisting of more than 5% per volume of mud-clasts. Seven types of cohesive mass-transport deposits have been distinguished in the cores of this study, and are described in detail in the following paragraphs. 2.1 THIN NORMALLY GRADED LAYERED DEBRIS-FLOW DEPOSITS These deposits are characterized by small thickness (less than 1 m thick), and consist of a uniform and soft mud-matrix with small, soft mud-clasts (usually 1 to 5 mm in diameter), organized in faint, normally graded layers/bands (Fig. 2a). The mud-clasts appear to be more abundant at the base of the layers/bands. The normally graded layers/bands are interpreted as deposition of successive surges, during a single debris- Structural characteristics of cohesive gravity-flow deposits 131 flow event. In addition, the organization of the clasts in normally graded layers, and their abundance at the base of the layers reveals that: 1) these flows were of low viscosity, allowing for a slow settling of the clasts, and 2) the mud-clasts were not only transported as floating clasts in a cohesive matrix, but probably in a bedload mode as well. Large-scale debris-flow experiments support the idea of bedload clast transportation by several successive surges, occurring during a single flow event (Major, 1997). The limited occurrence of those deposits in the sediment cores of this study reveals that are probably local scale events, occurring as thin debris-flow carpets. Figure 2. Image displaying X-ray radiographs (negative) and photographs of: a) a typical thin normally graded layered debris-flow, and b) a typical mud-flow (MF) and mud-matrix dominated debris-flow (MDF) deposit. Note the deformation of the mud-clasts in the lower part (below 426 cm) of the MDF. Bubble-like structures and pillars in image b are interpreted as dewatering structures. HS= hemipelagic sediments, SL= slump deposit, LBZ= laminated basal zone. 2.2 MUD-FLOW AND MUD-MATRIX DOMINATED DEBRIS-FLOW DEPOSITS Mud-flow and mud-matrix dominated debris-flow deposits are examined together in this section, because both of them originate from cohesive gravity-flows with similar rheological properties. Both deposits range in thickness from a few decimeters to several meters and consist of a chaotic mud-matrix, with small to large floated mudclasts (more than 5% per volume) in the mud-matrix dominated debris-flow deposits (Fig. 2b). Lineations and convolute laminae are present in the mud matrix throughout the entire thickness of the deposits, and are more pronounced in their lower parts. The mud clasts in the mud-matrix dominated debris-flow deposits appear to be generally ungraded. In many cases, the mud clasts tend to become fewer and more reworked (shear-elongated) in the lower parts of the deposits. The most interesting features of 132 Tripsanas et al. these deposits is the presence of a basal zone (5 to 20 cm thick), that is characterized by strong lenticular laminations with evidence of “necking” or boudinage, and shearelongated mud-clasts parallel to the lamination. Similar features have been observed by Thorton (1984) and were interpreted as zones of layer by layer shear, produced at the base of the flows where the strongest shearing is exhibited (Hampton, 1975). All of the above observations indicate that remolding and shearing occurred throughout the entire thickness of the mud-flows and mud-matrix dominated debris flows (the applied shear stress was exceeding the yield stress of the bulk material of the flows throughout their entire thickness). However, the shear laminated basal zone and the intensification of lineations and deformation of the mud-clasts in the lower parts of the deposits indicate that the applied shear stress and shear rates were highest at the base of the flows and decreased gradually upwards in the flows (Iverson et al., 1997). Convolute laminations, fault-like surfaces, thrust faults, microfaults, and imbricated slices are interpreted as structures developed during the “freezing” of the flows, thus implying that the solidification of the flows was initiated at their fronts and margins, and was later transmitted backwards and internally into their main bodies (Prior et al., 1984; Huang and García, 1999; Major and Iverson, 1999). Dewatering structures are common in these deposits and mainly occur as bubble-like and pillar structures. 2.3 LAYERED MUD-MATRIX DOMINATED DEBRIS-FLOW DEPOSITS Layered mud-matrix debris-flow deposits are similar to the mud-matrix dominated debris-flow deposits described above, with the difference that they consist of successive inverse graded layers (more than 1 m thick) characterized by: 1) an upper zone of a mud matrix with abundant and large mud clasts, and 2) a lower zone of a dominant mud matrix with much fewer and smaller mud clasts. The contacts between the zones, and layers are gradational and/or uncertain. This information reveals that these deposits have most probably resulted from the deposition of successive surges, occurring in a single flow event, rather than the sudden “freezing” of the entire flow, as in the typical mudmatrix dominated debris flows. The surging of these flows may be related to the hydroplaning of fast moving debris flows. Mohrig et al. (1998) stated that hydroplaning causes the fronts of debris flows to accelerate away from their bodies to the point of completely detaching from the bodies, thus increasing head velocity, producing surging, and leading to the formation of arcuate ridges and amalgamated deposits (Laberg and Vorren, 2000). 2.4 CLAST-DOMINATED DEBRIS-FLOW DEPOSITS These deposits are characterized by the great abundance and dominance of mud clasts. Their thickness ranges from a few decimeters to several meters. They consist of three discrete zones (Fig. 3a, and 3b): 1) an upper plug-zone of interlocked well-rounded to rounded mud clasts that usually preserve their primary syn-sedimentary structures, 2) a middle remolded zone of chaotic mud matrix with more deformed and smaller mudclasts (usually they appear to be inverse graded and more deformed downcore), and 3) a thin lenticular to parallel laminated basal zone, with evidence of “necking” and boudinage, and may even contain a few shear-elongated mud-clasts. The upper plugzone is the thickest one, and usually occupies more than the half of the thickness of the debris-flow deposit. Clast-dominated debris-flow deposits have most probably resulted Structural characteristics of cohesive gravity-flow deposits 133 from the deposition of Bingham flows, consisting of an upper plug zone in which the yield stress was not exceeded, and an underlying zone where the shear stress exceeded the yield stress (Johnson, 1970; Iverson et al., 1997). However, the presence of mud clasts in the upper zone reveals that either episodically, or at least during the first stages of the flow evolution, intense shearing was distributed throughout the entire thickness of the flow, with an upward shear-rate decrease. 2.5 SLUMP DEPOSITS Slump deposits were identified in the sediment cores as accumulated blocks, characterized by a distorted/convoluted internal structure, which are separated from each other by highly inclined to horizontal fault-like surfaces. Dewatering structures are very common in these deposits and occur as dish, bubble-like, and pillar structures. 2.6 SHEAR-LAMINATED, AND CONVOLUTED THIN LAYERS These deposits have a thickness ranging from a few centimeters up to 20 cm thick, and are characterized by structures indicating intense shearing (Fig. 3c, and 3d). Shearlaminated thin layers consist of finely lenticular laminated mud with evidence of “necking” or boudinage, and highly deformed and shear-elongated mud-clasts parallel to the lamination. They usually occur as isolated layers interbeded in relatively undisturbed hemipelagic sediments, without being connected with large overlaying cohesive gravity-flow deposits. Their top and basal contacts are sharp and/or erosional. Convoluted thin layers consist of highly convoluted/distorted mud, with siltier (silty mud) bases that display thin silty laminae. Their top and basal contacts are sharp and/or erosional. They usually occur as successive zones below thick (more than 1 m thick) cohesive gravity–flow deposits. A possible explanation of the shear-laminated and convoluted thin layers is that they may represent deformed seafloor sediments, caused by the over-riding of gravity flows. However, in that case it would have been expected that the distortion of the sediments would decrease with depth; that is not the case in these layers. In addition the sharp bases of these layers, combined with the strong shearing that they have been subjected to, reveal that they were parts of the cohesive gravity-flows, rather than just deformed sea-floor sediments. Cambell (1989), through numerical modelling of slumps/debris flows, proposed the development of self-lubricating layers (thin basal layers of highly agitated particles of low-concentration) over which debris-flows may run for long distances with little or no erosion and distortion of the underlying seafloor sediments (Laberg and Vorren, 2000). In addition, Gee at al. (1999) explained the long run out of Saharan debris-flow by the presence of an undrained liquefied muddy volcaniclastic sand basal layer, produced by the mobilization of volcaniclastic sediments by the passing over of the Saharan debrisflow. The interpretation that we propose for the convoluted and shear-laminated thin layers is that they resulted from the depositional “freezing” of an almost liquefied, selflubricating, basal layer (active layer) of highly agitated and sheared sediments with high pore pressures. The impermeable nature of the cohesive gravity flow deposits, observed in our cores, supports the existence of such basal lubricating/active layers, by sustaining their high pore pressures (undrained conditions). The generation of these layers is most probably related to: 1) water entrained at the base of the flows, due to a possible 134 Tripsanas et al. hydroplaning at the head of the flows (Mohrig et al., 1998, 1999; Mulder and Alexander, 2001), 2) liquefaction and mobilization of seafloor sediments with high water-content (Elverhøi et al., 1997; Gee et al., 1999), 3) a preferential rheological behavior of debris/mud-flows in order to compensate for the strong shearing at their bases (Cambell, 1989; Iverson and LaHusen, 1989; Nemec, 1990), or 4) a combination of the above. In any case, the presence of these layers at the bases of cohesive-gravity flows would cause significant reduction of bottom drag and allow them to travel for long distances. Their deposition is most probably caused by the significant reduction of the shear stress and pore pressures, as they are left behind (due to their smaller velocities compared to the rest of flow), while a new active/lubricating layer is produced (regenerated) at the frontal part of the cohesive gravity-flows. Figure 3. Image displaying X-ray radiographs and photographs of: a) a typical clast-dominated debris-flow deposit (CDF) that is overlain on a sheared mud-matrix dominated debris flow deposit (MDF), b) the lower part of a 3.1 m CDF, c) successive convoluted thin layers (CTL) under a transitional slump/debris-flow deposit, and d) shear-laminated thin layers (SLTL) in relatively undisturbed hemipelagic sediments (HS). Note that even though the hemipelagic sediments are eroded at the base of the SLTL, the preservation of intact burrows indicates that they have not been sheared/deformed, by passing cohesive gravity flows. UPZ= upper plug zone, MRZ= middle remolded zone, LBZ= laminated basal zone, SL= slump deposit, DF= debris-flow deposit, LDF= normally graded layered debris-flow deposit. According to the above interpretation, the presence of the siltier mud bases with silty laminae, in the convoluted thin layers, can be justified by the elutriation of the finer particles by escaping pore fluids. The successive convoluted layers below the debris/mud flows are interpreted as: 1) imbricated slices, generated during the sudden “freezing” of the frontal parts of the flows, and 2) deposition of the basal selflubricating/active layers of successive over-riding cohesive gravity-flows. 3. Conclusions Five types of cohesive gravity-flow deposits have been recognized in the sediment cores of this study: 1) thin normally graded layered debris-flow, 2) mud-flow, 3) mud-matrix dominated debris-flow, 4) layered mud-matrix dominated debris-flow and 5) clast- Structural characteristics of cohesive gravity-flow deposits 135 dominated debris-flow deposits. The first type is characterized by its relatively small thickness (less than 1 m), a mud matrix with small (less than 0.5 cm) and soft mud clasts, and a faint layering. The mud clasts reveal a normal grading and become more abundant towards the base of each layer. That reveals that their deposition resulted from several successive surges/pulses, developed in a single flow event, rather than the sudden “freezing” of the whole flow. The main difference between mud-flow and mudmatrix dominated debris-flow deposits is the presence of small to large mud-clasts in the latter (more than 5 % per volume). Both deposits consist of a chaotic mud-matrix (revealing shearing throughout the entire flow), and a basal shear laminated zone, where the strongest shearing of the flow was exhibited. Convolute laminations, fault-like surfaces, thrust faults, microfaults, and imbricated slices are interpreted as structures occurring during the “freezing” of the flows, whereas microfaults and folds could have also been caused by adjustments (back-sliding) of the deposits. Layered mud-matrix dominated debris-flow deposits consist of successive layers of chaotic mud-matrix with inversely graded mud-clasts, and have probably been resulted from the deposition of surging debris-flows. Clast-dominated debris-flow deposits consist of three zones: a) an upper plug-zone characterized by large interlocked clasts, b) a mid-zone of highly deformed, inversely graded clasts, floating in a mud-matrix, and c) a lower shear laminated zone. The structure of the last type of cohesive gravity-flow deposits indicate that they represent deposition of typical Bingham flows, consisting of an upper plugzone in which the yield stress is not exceeded and an underlain shearing zone, where the shear stress exceeded the yield strength of the sediments. Shear-laminated and convoluted thin layers (5- to 20 cm) with sharp bases, displayed as successive layers at the base of mud/debris flow deposits, or as isolated depositional units interbedded in hemipelagic sediments, are as interesting as they are enigmatic. They are interpreted as basal self-lubricating (active) layers, of highly agitated, sheared sediments with high pore pressures, over which debris/mud-flows were able to travel for very long distances. 4. Acknowledgments This project was sponsored by a National Science Foundation grant to Texas A&M (No. BES-9530370) with supplemental support from Chevron, Mobil, Texaco, Phillips, Marathon, and MARSCO Inc. 5. 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