Proceedings of the 20th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society, Vol. 20, No 6, 1998 DETECTION AND CHARACTERIZATION OF EVOKED QUANTAL DEPOLARIZATIONS IN SMOOTH MUSCLE Rohit Manchanda* and K. Venkateswarlu, School of Biomedical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology-Bombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400 076, INDIA, *E-mail: [email protected] a larger evoked depolarization which triggers excitation [ll. In smooth muscle, however, there has been no direct evidence that the quantal depolarization, the spontaneous excitatory The relationship between spontaneouslygenerated quantal junction potentials (sEJP), is the fundamental unit of the depolarizations and the nerve-stimulation elicited evoked evoked EJP (eEJP) produced by nerve stimulation [l], [2]. A depolarizations during neurotransmission in smooth muscle major problem is that the sEJP is relatively brief in duration organs has remained enigmatic. This issue was explored by (50-150 ms) compared with the eEJP (600-10oO ms). studying the effects of a presumptive intercellularuncoupling Secondly, the amplitude of the eEJP is not an integral agent, 1-heptanol, on the synaptic or "junction" potentials of multiple of the s a p . Furthermore, sEJP-like depolarizations smooth muscle, using intracellularrecording. In the guinea-pig have not been observed to occur following nerve stimulation. vas deferens, heptanol was found to suppress the nerve- These incongruities are believed to arise from the fact that stimulation evoked excitatory junction potential (eEJP) smooth muscle cells are electrically coupled to one another in reversibly while the spontaneous EJPs (sEJPs) persisted. a "three-dimensional syncytium" via intercellular gap junctions However, during suppression of the eEJP in certain cells (active cells), relatively brief stimulus-locked depolarizations [31,c41. Evidently, it would be of interest to explore the effects on still occurred intermittently, even though the prolonged the junction potentials of uncoupling the smooth muscle cells depolarization of the eEJP was abolished. Analysis of these from one another electrically. The possibility for conducting heptanol-resistant evoked depolarizations revealed a close such inquiries has arisen recently owing to the discovery of similarity with the properties of sEJPs. Since the sEJP is chemical agents that appear specifically to uncouple smooth thought to represent the quantal unit of neurofxansmitter action muscle cells from one another functionally, leaving other in smooth muscle, the heptanol-resistant depolarizationshave properties unaffected, one such agent being the aliphatic been termed quantal EJPs (qEJPs). Our results show for the alcohol 1-hepranol [5].In recent work, we have studied the first time that the unitary depolarization underlying the gross effects of 1-heptanol on eEJPs of the smooth muscle of syncytial eEJP of smooth muscle is an sEJP-like event. We the guinea-pig vas deferens, using intracellular recording discuss the significance of this fmding in terms of the techniques [6]. We report here that in some cells, the effects electrical behaviour of syncytialsmooth muscle, and speculate of heptanol have allowed us to observe directly the quantal on the possible biophysical effect by which heptanol action depolarizations underlying the eEJP, which we term quantal may give rise to qEJps. EJPs (qEJPs), and to establish the quantal relationship between the eEJP and the sEJP. We discuss the implications KEYWORDS: Electrical syncytium, quantal depolarizations, of our findings in relation to the electrical input-output relations of smooth muscle during neurotransmission and the smooth muscle, electrical uncoupling., heptanol. possible mode of action by which heptanol reveals the quantal evoked depolarizations in this tissue. I. INTRODUCTION ABSTRACT The electrical behaviour of smooth muscle during neurotransmission from autonomic nerves is not clearly understood. One of the most puzzling features of neurotransmission in an electrically syncytial tissue such as smooth muscle is the uncertain relationship between the neurotransmitter-activated depolarizations that are generated spontaneously and those that arise following nerve stimulation. At other synapses, nerve cells release neurotransmitter in quantal packets. Spontaneous release is monoquantal and produces a quantal depolarization in the target cell. Following nerve stimulation, neurotransmitter release is multi-quantal and the summation of quanta produces 0-7803-5164-9/98/$10.000 1998 IEEE II. METHODS Vasa deferentia along with the innervating branch of the hypogastric nerve were dissected out from exsanguinatedmale Hartley guinea-pigs weighing 400-600 g. The vas was pinned out on the silicone rubber base of a Perspex organ bath (capacity 7-8 ml.). It was continuously superfused with Krebs solution (composition in mM: NaC1, 118.4; KC1, 4.7; MgCl,, 1.2; CaCl,, 2.5; NaHCO,, 25.0; NaH,PO,, 0.4; Glucose, 11.1) flowing under gravity at 2 - 3 ml/min. The solution was bubbled with a gas mixture of 95% 0, and 5% CO, to maintain its pH between 7.3 and 7.4. The surface connective 3056 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on February 11, 2009 at 23:49 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. A S B Fig. 1. Emergence of rapid evoked depolarizations(qEJPs, asterisks) in active cells following suppression of eEJPs by 2.0mM heptanol. Three records superimposed in each panel. A: control,B: after inhibition of e E P s to 10% of control amplitude. Filled circle: SEW, S: stimulus artifact. tissue was cut open carefully to facilitate intracellular recordings from the outer longitudinal smooth muscle. A Perspex chamber surrounding the organ bath was used to achieve control of temperature of the inner chamber at 35 37 C, employing electronically controlled resistive heating. The hypogastric nerve was stimulated via bipolar AgAgCl ring electrodes with rectangular voltage pulses of amplitude 2-10 V, pulse width 50-500 ps, at 0.7 Hz. Intracellular recordings of membrane potential were obtained by using glass high impedance micrcelectrodes (tip resistances 20 - 60 M a ) fdled with 3.0 M KCl [6]. Signals were led to an intracellular electrometer (IE201, Wamer Instrument Corp., USA), displayed on a digital storage oscilloscope, low pass filtered (-3 dl3 cutoff 1 kHz), and stored on tape for subsequent collection and analysis on computer using an A/D card (PCL 209, Dynalog Microsystems, Mumbai, India) and customised software (SCAN: S y ~ p t i cCurrent Analysis Programme, kindly supplied by Dr J Dempster, Strathclyde University, Glasgow). O III. RESULTS Depending upon the type of eEJP recorded, smooth muscle cells of the guinea-pig vas deferens could be classified broadly into two types: (i) "Active" cells (10-25%) which probably receive direct input from close-contact varicosities (CCVs), and are the loci in the tissue where neurotrmmitter action induces depolarization directly; (ii) "Passive" cells (7590%) which receive no direct CCV input, the eEJP recorded in these cells beiig picked up passively, mainly by virtue of intercellular spread from active cells [2]. In passive cells, superfusion of the presumptive gap junction uncoupling agent 1-heptanol at 1.0-2.0 mM suppressed eEJP amplitude gradually and fmlly abolished it within 2-3 minutes without affecting resting membrane potential [6].This suppressionwas fully reversible on washing out the drug. In active cells, however, once the eEJPs had been suppressed to less than about 20%of their control amplitudes by heptanol, a different pattern of stimulation-evoked activity emerged. This consisted of short-duration stimulus-locked depolarizations that occurred intermittently, commencing within the same band of latencies as the eEJPs. The emergence of these depolarizations, which we term quantal EJPs (qEJPs) for reasons mentioned below, is shown in Fig. 1. Examples of individual qE3Ps are provided in Fig. 2A, from a cell whose eEJPs were suppressed by heptanol almost completely. Six successive stimulation-evoked records are shown after the action of heptanol (note the absence of the prolonged e m ) . The occurrence of stimulus locked qEPs is indicated by asterisks. Three salient properties of the qEJPs are noteworthy. (i) The occurrence of qEJPs is intermittent, i.e. every stimulus does not succeed in evoking a qEJP (Fig. 2A). (ii) qEJPs identical to each other can occur in the same cell (Fig. 2B). (iii) Selected qEJPs and sEJPs recorded in the same cell were virtually identical in all salient properties (Fig. 2C). This correspondence was corifiied statistically by comparing the rise time, decay time constant ( T ~ ~ and ) , duration of several qEJPs and SEWSrecorded from the same cell (Table 1). Table 1 Temporal properties of sEJPs and qEJPs compared statistically (Student's t-test). Data are mean + s.em. (no. of observations). P>O.1 indicates no significant difference. ~ ~ ~ Rise time (ms) rhar (ms) Duration(ms) sEJPs 11.2+1.1(19) 30.2+1.3(9) 85.1+3.8(16) qE3Ps 13.2t 0.8(14) 28.0+2.9(10) 95.6 5.3( 12) P I 0.178 I 0.508 I 3057 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on February 11, 2009 at 23:49 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 0.111 I B 12mv I..;" d 100 ms Fig. 2. A: qEJPs (asterisks), in a cell different ffom Fig. 1, after suppression of eEJP showing intermittence. Filled circle is an sEJP. B: Identical qEJPs superimposed.C: Matching of qEJP with an sEJP (dotted line). Calibration for B and C common. S : stimulus artifact. From previously established induction, these three characteristics indicate strongly that the qEJPs are quantal depolarizations underlying the eEJPs [21, 171. sEJPs recorded in the presem of heptanol showed no alteration compared with control sEJPs. As shown in Fig. 3A, there was no effect on time cowses of sEJPs. Their frequency of occurrence also did not change, when monitored over longer periods (3-4 min.). Finally, the amplitude histogam of sEJPs was also left unaffected by heptanol (Fig. 3 B). IV.DISCUSSION The effects of heptanol on eEJPs provide insight into the quantal relation between the eEJP and sEJP. The fundamental quantal contributions to the eEJP have been suggested to be identical to SEWS,based on different lines of argument [2]. However, their occurrence has never been directly observed, because they are submerged in the general syncytial depolarization of the eEJP. Our results show that these quantal evoked depolarizations (qEJPs) can be detected following the application of heptanol, a chemical reported to be an intercellular electricaluncoupler [5]. Their observedproperties (stimulus-locking; intermittence; repetition of a particular event) correspond closely to those of evoked quantal release determined by other methods [2], 171. Therefore, qEJPs reflect evoked quantal release events occurring in the electrical vicinity of the recording microelectrode. Since various characteristics of these qEJPs, e.g. range of amplitudes and time courses, are essentially the same as those of sEJPs (Fig. 2), this corroborates the suggestion that the basic evoked quantal depolarization is an sEJP-like event. Therefore this feature of neurotransmission in smooth muscle can be concluded to be essentially similar to that at other synapses [8], and the apparent difference seems to arise from the syncytial properties of this tissue, which endows it with unusual electrical properties [l]. A question of central interest is the mechanism by which heptanol ''unmasks'' the qEJP from the eEJP. Heptanol is suggested to specifically block gap junctional channels mediating electrical continuity [5], thus uncoupling syncytial cells from one another electrically. This effect may allow the resolution of transmitter action at individual neuromuscular junctions as follows. When an active cell has been uncoupled from its neighbows, depolarizations generated remotely, that are normally propagated passively to that cell, may no longer be recorded in it. Therefore the background depolarization of the eEJP m a y be removed, leaving behind only locally generated quantal depolarizations caused by activation of nearby transmitter release sites. However if this explanation is to be accepted it must also account consistently for the observations on SEES in the presence of heptanol, which show no alteration compared with control sEJPs. This is contrary to expectation. Theoretically, sEJPs are predicted to be prolonged when cells are uncoupled from one another [9], since the brief time come of the sEJP Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on February 11, 2009 at 23:49 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. A "n B n a b 60 60 Heptanol Control 40 20 1 0 L3 5 7 9 1 1 1 O 1 Amplitude (mv) Amplitude (mv) Fig. 3. A: sEJPs (3-5 traces superimposed) control (a) and in the presence of 2.0mM heptanol (b). B: Amplitude histograms of sEJPs. Note that the temporal properties and amplitude histograms of sEJPs are not affated by heptanol. relative to the eEJP is thought to result directly from extensive syncytial coupling [9].The amplitude histogram of sEJPs would also be expected to be changed, reflecting fewer low-amplitude and greater numbers of large-amplitude events [lo]. Since experimental observationsdo not match predictions about sEJPs based upon cell-to-cell uncoupling an explanation for the suppression of eEJPs by heptanol, and the emergence of qHPs, on this basis must at present remain speculative. The exact mechanism of action of heptanol at these neuromuscular junctions merits further exploration. One possibility is that heptanol inhibits, specifically, the stimulution-evoked release of neurotransmitter from the autonomic innervation. The results are compatible with this possibility. In this event, a lower net syncytial depolarization would result, explaining the suppression of the e m . Since postjunctional syncytial behaviour still prevails, sEJPs would be left unaffected. Furthermore, at low prejunctional densities of release, there is evidence that evoked depolarizations should also be briefer [111, explaining the rapidity of qEJPs. If conoborated, this mode of action of heptanol would represent a novel, hitherto unsuspected biophysical mechanism of interference, and would merit detailed scrutiny. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS Financial support from the Department of Science & Technology, India,under Project SP/SO/NO6/93, is gratefully acknowledged. REFERENCES [ 11 R. 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