VOLUME 30, NUMBER 4 PHYSICAL REVIEW C Closed form S matrix OCTOBER 1984 of matter distributions and nucleon-nucleon interaction for heavy ion scattering in terms Department Y. K. Gambhir of Physics, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay-400 076, India C. S. Shastry Physics Group, Birla Institute of Technology and Science, Pilani (Rajasthan) 33303-1, India (Received 20 March 1984) We derive an approximate analytical expression for the S matrix in terms of the parameters of the nuclear matter distributions and nucleon-nucleon interaction in the framework of folding model for heavy ion scattering. The numerical calculations carried out for Ni scattering {E]»=60 MeV), a test case, agree well with the corresponding results of the phenomenological optical model. 0+ Since last decade a great deal of activity in nuclear physics has centered around heavy-ion scattering (HIS) both in theory and experiment. The HIS data are usually analyzed either in the conventional phenomenological optical model (OM) or in the parametrized S matrix (PSM) (also known as closed formalism approach). The parameters of the optical potential are deduced by requiring the best fit to the observed cross sections using quantum mechanical or &KB method. In the PSM, the 5 matrix itself is parametrized in terms of several parameters so as to reproduce the scattering data and the associated physical features. In the OM several attempts have since been made to calculate microscopically the optical potential for HIS starting from the nucleon-nucleon interaction. The most successful attempt in this direction is in terms of the folding model. The folding model discussed by Satchler and Love, ' in spite of its simplicity, has been remarkably successful in accounting for majority of the observed HIS cross section data covering different projectiles incident on a variety of targets, up to an average of 20 MeV/nucleon beam energies. Unfortunately, hardly any attempt has been devoted to correlate the PSM parameters to that of OM. A recent attempt by Shastry2 succeeds in establishing a link between PSM parameters and phenomenological OM parameters us%e in this Brief Report attempt to ing %KB technique. present an analytical expression for S matrix in terms of the parameters of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and of matter distributions using a similar approach. This task is achieved here in two steps. In the first we make use of the recent observation of Goldfarb and Gambhir which results in an approximate analytical expression for the folding potential. This expression which involves the parameters of the nucleon-nucleon interaction and the matter distributions has been shown to yield the results within 5% of the exact folding model results. Starting from this expression we then derive, using %KB technique, an approximate but closedform expression for nuclear phase shifts. It is to be emphasized that we do not aim in this Brief Report to achieve a quantitative fit to the data, instead we demonstrate the feasibility that an analytical closed form expression for phase shifts (or 5 matrix) can be arrived at for HIS involving the parameters of nucleon-nucleon interaction and the matter distributions. %e check the formalism for a test case by carrying out explicit numerical'calculations of ' Ni scattering at E]ab=60 MeV. The folding potential Vr(r) is given by 0+ fO V (r)=J J dr~dr2pt(r~)p2(r2) The nucleon-nucleon sum interaction vNN vNN(r —r~ —r2) is chosen' of two Yukawa interactions so as to fit the to be the 6 matrix of Reid potential. A simple zero range term was added' to account for knock on exchange. Goldfarb and Gambhir chose &NN as v„„(r)= [G)exp( —N)r)/Ntr + G2exp( —N2r)/N2r], MeV, with G)=5642. 8, N)=4 fm 62= —1907, N2= 2.5 fm This vNN yields results within 1% of that obtained with M3Y version of vNN. ' An analytical expression for V (r) can be derived which is accurate within 5% by approximating the matter distribution P~(ri) =Pa [i+exp[(r —R, )/a, ]} as I f = po'(bO(R, —r) + (exp[v;(R; —r) ] — exp[v, '(R, —r) ]}8(r—R, ) ) fm b=0. 55, f =0 45, v;=a; ', v .=2.lvI, and po' [Eq. (3)] is determined through p&(r) with be expressed as sum of ten terms out of which the contributions five terms Vr(r) can be written as [Eq. (4.4) of Ref. 31 5 V'(r) = g O.'I r +gI exp( (4) the normalization. The V (r) can then from five terms are negligible. Therefore, omitting these a;r)— 30 1343 1984 The American Physical Society BRIEF REPORTS where a„ f~, and g& 30 are defined below. A~ = &2= V2, &3=&4= VI', A5= N2 r exp[v2(R1+ R2) ] 41r G2 +2 f2= (G2N2 ) 2v2 1 2 (1) (2) S2(],) +&2S2(1) +2 X2 —u2 2 1 f3= (2~ 1)f2, f4= (2~ 1)f1, g2= (R, + R, ) ] exp [N' S2, 4S2, 2 N22 IY2 = po PO G1N1) f1, 4m2G Si(&) —&2 &2%+2 2 v(R(vi (bv/ —p) —(v/ —v() 4)r G2 exp[v2(R1+ R2) ) g1 ~ (N G)N1)g1, g3= (G2N2 f [R1(vi —v1) —p]+ (v/ —v1') respective fined as (i) J) J('O k b exchanges the index a to the index b. The symbol a The remaining five terms which contribute & 1'/o and are involve with here exponentials arguments omitted v1(R1+ R2), v2(R1+ R2), and N1(R1+ R2). These terms can be included in the present derivation without any problem. With this, the sum over i will then extend up to 10 instead of 5 in Eq. (4). In HIS the partial waves I Io are almost completely absorbed and hence will not contribute to the S matrix. Therefore, the most important partial ~aves which contribute to the S matrix will have one turning point except in the It is therefore special cases where barrier is transparent. reasonable to use %KB approximation as is usually done, for the calculation of the phase shifts. The WKB expression for the nuclear phase shift 5)1t(X) in the presence of Coulomb interaction is given by R pR «] l ao r [k2 —U~(r) R [k' —U,c (r) —U„(r) ]'/' Here rI and r, are the approximate 51v(A. ) =— '" 2pr 2k g c —U, (r) —U), (r) ]' k2 =5 ")() )+5 integrand =, E 2JM U h ( 51'(l(. ) = lim (2~ 1)g2, g4= (1) 2(1) 2 (2~ l)g1 —p]] [R1(v& —v/) I J- PO 2) g5 and u=( 2 U, (r) " = „k U(r) =, (r)= 2p, , (1+iW) VF(r) h 3 —r'/R, ' r for r r The other symbols are de- vanishes. ) = i+ T, R, = r, (A,'/ + A '/ & ' ~Rc = zze2' "", ~, ) Z~, Z2 and A~, A2 are the atomic numbers and the mass numbers of the projectile and the target, respectively, E is the bombarding energy, and p, being the reduced mass. The turning point r, is r, = 1 — [g+ (q2+A2)'/2] provided r, k ~ R, In the surface region ~here the important dr partial waves be- long 1 dr Therefore, one can expand (k2 —U, —U)v —U), )'/2 in powers of U~ in the region r & r, and in the leading order obtain turning points where the j ' g 4 1 f( +g( exp( —0.1r)/ r 2qr — ' 1/2 + k'2 ' [k —U~— (r) —U, (r) —U), (r)]'/ dr 4 (2)() ) . (6) —; For the calculation of 5~(')(A. ) one needs the integrals of the type I (p) = Q r dr r exp( —pr)dr/ r2 —2n r k &/2 k' for m =0.1 (7) From the table of integral transforms4 and using the leading terms5 in the expansion for the K-type modified Bessel function for the argument x [x = (p/k) (A. 2+ n2)'/2] 0, one finally obtains ) I 5„(')() ) =—ao 2k g (exp( —a [q+ (v)'+)12)' 2]/k]) Here ao= 1.253 31414. The calculation of 511 (2)(X) requires the knowledge of the value of r~, the turning point. We note that r] is complex and ~Imrt( ((Re(r)) and )r) —r, 0 as X becomes large. These facts are readily revealed through the explicit calculation of r~ and r, for the partial waves near the surface re- ' (~2 + )( 2) 1/2 f +g [7)+ (g'+)1.')' '] (g) I gion. This then leads to the following iterative procedure for estimating reasonable value of r~. Setting rq =r„with this generating the zero of the function (r), f 1 ~ — „", U(.), (9) BRIEF REPORTS 30 1345 the first iteration gives 1.0— = r, —r, U~(r, )/(k r, +A. —e) (10) rC where 0.5— e = rg d — [r Ujy(r) ] f~fC It has been shown that ri ' is quite close to ri for I & 29 for ' 0+ Ni system for optical model nuclear potential U~(r). With the value of r~ ' rt so obtained for our nuclear potential U~(r), the 5~ '(k) can be simplified to 0 — 8 ~2~(h. ) =0.5r, 3[ —U~(r, )]3l2/(r, 2k2+ —e), A. (11) l 30 25 35 40 FIG. 2. The real part of the phase shifts Rebz(X) for 25 ~ I » 40 0 + Ni ( E]+b = 60 MeV) scattering. The curve OM is for optical model results with parameters of Ref. 7. for where ~ defined above reduces to e= X r, 'exp( —n, r, ) f, l i Finally, the S matrix I rc —1 +g, (2 —n;r, ) is obtained through S (I) =exp{2i[5 %e t'~(h. )+5 ~2~(X)]} (12) would like to mention that a better prescription for evaluating r i for partial waves I& „can be incorporated. As the above treatment is not expected to give good results for the more or less fully absorbed low partial waves I lo [lo is defined through qi = l&w(lo) = 0 &]. I;„& I, ~ I this three point WKB can be used for the calcula- remedy 0 le )i 1.0 tion of the phase shifts. Since the S matrix is almost zero for most partial waves with I & lp, we refrain from giving the three point WKB analysis in this report. For the present we check the present formalism by carry' Ni numerical calculation for ' ing out explicit (E~,b=60 MeV) a typical example of HIS. The calculated reflection coefficients q, Re5~, and Imb~ are plotted as a function of I for 25 I 40 in Figs. 1, 2, and 3, respectively. The calculated lp- 29 for this case. It is to be emphasized that this calculation does not involve any parameter except the value of IV in Uz we choose IV = 0.9 here. The phenomenological optical model results marked OM are also included in the respective figures. The parameters used in OM are ag = ai = 0.5 fm, R& = RI = 7.92 fm, and Vo+iWO= (90.1+ l42. 9) MeV, taken from Ref. 7. It is clear from the figures that the calculated results without the use of any parameter compare well with phenomenological OM results. For I is excellent. The lp the agreement agreement for I around the value of Ip can be further im- 0+ ~ ~ — — ) 1.5— ll) II 0.5 II C 0. 5— 0 I 25 30 I 35 I $0 L FIG. 1. The calculated reflection function q for 25~ I ~40 for Ni (E[,b= 60 MeV) scattering with 8'=0.9. The corresponding OM results with parameters of Ref. 7, also shown are 25~ I ~40 marked OM. model results 0+ 30 25 40 part of the phase shifts Imh~(A. ) for Ni (Ei,b=60 MeV) scattering. The optical are marked OM, FIG. 3. The imaginary for 35 0+ BRIEF REPORTS 1346 30 proved using three point WKB. The calculated results deviate from the OM results for l Io as expected. This can be remedied by adopting a better prescription for calculating the value of rj. On the basis of our results we conclude that it is feasible to write down a closed form expression for S matrix for the HIS directly in terms of the parameters of the nucleonnucleon interaction and the matter distribution of the colliding nuclei. This correlates directly the "observable" cross sections to the intrinsic parameters of the colliding system. ~G. R. Satchler and W. G. Love, Phys. Rep. 55, 183 (1979). C. S. Shastry, J. Phys. G 8, 1431 (1982). L. J. B. Goldfarb and Y. K. Gambhir, Nucl. Phys. A401, 557 and I. A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical Func(Dover, New York, 1964), p. 379. 6C. K. Chan, P. Suebka, and P. Lu, Phys. Rev. C 24, 2035 (1981). 7F. Videback, P. R. Christensen, O. Hansen, and K. Ulbak, Nucl. Phys. A256, 301 (1976). ( (1983). E. Erdelyi, Tables of Integral York, 1954), Vol. 1, p. 139. 4A. Transforms (McGraw-Hill, New 5M. Abramowitz tions
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