PHYSICAL REVIEW 8 VOLUME 47, NUMBER 2 1 JANUARY 1993-II NQR study of copper in Lup 9Pro &Ba2Cu307 G. Markandeyulu, K. V. Gopalakrishnan, A. K. Rajarajan, L. C. Gupta, R. Vijayaraghavan, Tata Institute of Fundamental and A. S. Tamhane Research, Bombay 400 005, India K. I. Gnanasekar Indian Institute of Technology, Potoai, Bombay 400 005, India R. Pinto Tata Institute of Fundamental Research, Bombay 400 005, India (Received 13 July 1992) Nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) of copper in Lu09Pro, BazCu, O, at 4.2 K has been observed. The resonances of Cu(II) and 'Cu(II) have been observed at 31.50 and 29. 15 MHz, respectively. These frequencies are the same as those in YBa2Cu30, but not in accordance with the expectations from the decrease of resonance frequency in RBa2Cu307 compounds. v&'/v&' is 1.08 which is the ratio of the eg( 'Cu)/eg( 'Cu), implying that there is uo static magnetic field at the Cu(II) site. The relaxation times T& and T2 at 31.50 MHz have been determined and are found to be 42 ms and 140 ps, respectively. s) in YBa2Cu307 and EuBa2Cu30„ indicating that fluctuating moments T& is much less than that are present in the material. These could be either on Cu ions that are close to Pr ions or on Pr ions themselves. The contrasting behavior of resonance frequency and T& in Luo 9PIO 'jBa2Cu30& with respect to other 1:2:3compounds is commented upon. (-1 num. I. to for 24 h. The sample was then cooled to room temperature. A very fine powder of the material was prepared for the x-ray-diffraction experiments. x-ray-diffraction of The (XRD) pattern Luo 9Pro, Ba2Cu307, obtained using Cu K radiation, is shown in Fig. 1. XRD pattern of the multiphase composite of nominal composition LuBa2Cu307 is also shown in Fig. 1 for the sake of easy comparison. The XRD pattern clearly shows that Luo 9Pro, Ba2Cu307 forms with orthorhombic structure; traces of some impurity phases are present, indicated by the lines marked with asterisks. The lattice parameters calculated from the XRD pattern are a =3. 806 A, b = 3. 8747 A, and c = 11.6014 A which are to be compared with those of PrBa2Cu307 (a =3. 86 A, b =3. 899 A, and c =11.775 A) and of, for example, YBa2Cu307 (a =3.816 A, b =3. 887 A, and c =11.664 24 h. Finally the sample temperature INTRODUCTION at -90 K has been observed in Superconductivity RBa2Cu307 (R = Y, La, Nd, Sm, Eu, Gd, Dy, Ho, Er, These compounds crystallize in orthoTm, and Yb). ' The comrhombic structure with space group Pm pounds with Ce and Tb do not form in this structure. PrBa2Cu307 does form in the same structure, but is semiconducting and antiferromagnetic with T~ of Cu(II) sublattice -285 K and T& of Pr sublattice= 17 K. Recently, Tamhane et a/. have synthesized materials Lu, Pr„Ba2Cu307 forming in the orthorhombic 1:2:3 structure for x ~0. 15. The samples with x =0.07 and 0. 1 also form in the same 1:2:3 phase. However, they Pr BazCu307 contain traces of impurity phases. Lu system superconducts up to a value of x =0. 5. ' As a part of our program of NMR and nuclear quadrupole resonance (NQR) studies in high-T, materials, we have carried out NQR of Cu(II) in Luo 9Pro, Ba2Cu307 at 4.2 K. This paper presents the results of these measurements. & was reduced 450'C and the sample was kept at that temperature A). The sample was further characterized by measuring its resistance R (T) as a function of temperature. Figure 2 shows the plot of R ( T) vs T. It is to be noted t'hat R ( T) varies linearly with T, for 300& T 90 K. This behavior [namely, linear temperature dependence of R ( T) with T] is usually observed in high-T, materials. Diamagnetic response of the sample was observed using ac y(T) measurements. Figure 3 shows the ac y (313 Hz) of the material as a function of temperature. Superconducting of the material as determined transition temperature from these two measurements is 85 K. NQR experiments were carried out, at a fixed temperature 4.2 K, in the frequency interval 28 —32 MHz using a pulsed NMR spectrometer. Spin-echo spectra of Cu(II) ) II. EXPERIMENTS The material was synthesized starting from 99.99% pure Luz03 and Pr60&& and 99.999% pure BaCO3 and CuO, as described in Ref. 10. The thoroughly ground mixture of the constituents was sintered at 900'C for 24 h, reground, and sintered again at 900 C for 24 h. The resulting material was thoroughly ground, compacted in the form of a pellet and heated, in a Aowing stream of oxygen, at 800'C for 1 h; the temperature was then raised to 890 C and the sample was left at that temperature for 47 1123 O~1993 The American Physical Society BRIEF REPORTS 1124 04- M —1 M 0 I U o 6 -Luo. o O. t a "a 7 (b) C9 n o O O I 150 800 300 250 (K) 4 35 5 50 FIG. 1. X-ray-diffraction patterns of (a) a sample of nominal composition LuBa~Cu30„and (b) Lup 9Prp ~Ba2Cu, O7. The pattern of LuBa2Cu30„suggests that the material has not formed in the 1:2:3 phase. The sample LuQ 9Prp &Ba2Cu307 consists largely of 1:2:3 phase. The h, k, l values of the reAections are shown over the peaks. There are impurity phases indicated by peaks marked with +. [as is well known, there are two crystallographic Cu sites in 1:2:3 structure, designated as Cu(I), or the chain sites, and the Cu(II), or the plane sites ] were recorded using the standard vr/2 7. npulse se-qu-e. nce. Figure 4 shows the intensity of the Fourier transform of the echo as a function of frequency, measured point by point at an interval of 10 kHz in the frequency ranges 29. 10—29.25 MHz, and 31.38—31.59 MHz, and at intervals varying from 20 to Each spin-echo spectrum 100 kHz outside these ranges. was averaged over 1000 shots. Spin-lattice relaxation time T, of the Cu(II) nuclei, at was measured using the pulse sequence r m'/2 ro ~ ke-ep-ing r-o fixed (=40 p, s) and varying w. 31.50 MHz, 1.2 The relaxation time obtained by fitting the magnetization recovery to a single exponential is 42 ms. Spin-spin relaxation time was measured (using pulse sequence n/2 r m. to be 140 ps. )--. III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION It is seen from Fig. 4 that there are two NQR peaks, one occurring at 31.50 and the other at 29. 15 MHz. These arise due to the two isotopes Cu and Cu occupying the Cu(II) sites. The ratio of the frequencies of the two lines is 1.08, which is very close to the ratio of the moments of the two isotopes ( eQ/ eQ quadrupole =1.082). Also, their intensities are roughly in the ratio of the natural abundances of the two isotopes. It is to be noted that the two resonance frequencies are the same as The width of the measured in the case of YBa2Cu307. resonance is -330 kHz which compares well with that usually reported in well-formed YBa2Cu307. This provides a microscopic test as to the good quality of the material. We observed Cu(I) resonance as well, in the neighborhood of 22 MHz. The signal was rather weak and therefore was not measured extensively in this study. As mentioned above, the two resonance frequencies are in the ratio of the quadrupole moments of the two isotopes Cu and Cu. This clearly implies that there is no " Lu0 gPr0 25 S Q 4~ 20 ~ 15- g 0.6 ~ I I 100 50 FIG. 3. AC g of LuQ 9PIQ, Ba2Cu307 as a function of temperature. The superconducting transition is a fairly sharp one. OO 28 (Degrees) vr I 0 Temperature 0RO C9 2-OO —3 O O O 0 Lu0 9Pr0 &Ba2Cu30& —2- N Lu0. 9Pr0. 1Ba2Cu3 7 Cu(II) NQR at 4.8K 63 Cu W ~ 0.3 % ~ 0.0 j~ I 0 50 I 100 I I I 150 200 250 Temperature FIG. 2. Resistance of a 300 (K) sample Lup 9Prp &Ba2Cu307 as a function of temperature. The resistance varies linearly with temperature before dropping to zero at the superconducting transition temperature. ~ &065C A O w I. 29 ~ ~ C4 0 28 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ . ~ . ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I 30 Frequency (MHz) FICJ. 4. NQR spectrum 4.2 K. of Cu(II) in Lu09Pro, Ba2Cui07 at BRIEF REPORTS 47 1125 static magnetic field at the Cu(II) sites. However, spinlattice relaxation time is rather short as compared with that reported for YBa2Cu307 or EuBa2Cu307 at 4.2 K. In the two latter compounds there is no magnetic moment occupying the rare-earth site (Eu is present in 3+ state which, in the ground state, has =0). Ti at 4.2 K in both these materials has been reported' to be —1 s. This shows that there is a fluctuating field present at the Cu(II) sites rendering the relaxation much faster than in YBa2Cu307 or EuBa2Cu307. As mentioned earlier, it is known that in PrBa2Cu30~, Cu(II) atoms carry magnetic moment which order antiferromagnetically at -285 K. Thus one may suggest, in the present case, that the Cu(II) atoms in the immediate neighborhood of Pr atoms have a moment. Further, Pr atoms themselves have a magnetic moment. Therefore, the enhanced relaxation rate in this material, as compared with that in YBa2Cu307, could be due to the fluctuating moments associated with Pr atoms and/or the Cu(II) atoms in their vicinity. Further work is being carried out to clarify this aspect. The frequency of Cu(II) resonance also deserves to be commented upon when compared with that in other RBazCu307. ' It has been established that the NQR frequency of Cu(II) in the R Ba2Cu307 system decreases systematically as R goes from Nd to Yb; it is 33.5 MHz for NdBa&Cu307 and 30.5 MHz for YbBa2Cu307. If the material under study is regarded to be LuBa2Cu307, one would have expected the frequency to be less than 30.4 MHz. That the frequency is 31.5 MHz in the present case suggests strongly the inhuence of Pr atoms which modify the quadrupole interaction at the Cu(II) site. This M. K. Wu, J. R. Ashburn, C. J. Torng, P. H. Hor, R. L. Meng, L. Ciao, Z. J. Huang, Y. Q. Wang, and C. W. Chu, Phys. Rev. Lett. 58, 908 (1987). K. N. Yang, Y. Dalichaouch, J. M. Ferreira, B. W. Lee, J. J. Neumeier, M. S. Torikachvili, H. Zhou, and M. B. Maple, Solid State Commun. 63, 515 (1987). J. M. Tarascon, W. R. McKinnon, L. H. Greene, G. W. Hull, and E. M. Vogel, Phys. Rev. B 36, 226 (1987). 4M. A. Beno, L. Soderholm, D. W. Capone II, D. G. Hinks, J. R. H. Heffner, J. D. Thompson, J. E. Crow, A. Kabade, T. 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