Accuracy Improvement for CNC System using Wavelet-Neural Networks Shashidhara H.L Suneel T. S. Vikram M. Gadre Elect. Engg. Dept. Mech. Engg. Dept. Elect. Engg. Dept. ' S. S. Pande Mech. Engg. Dept. Indian Institute of *TechnologyBombay, Powai, Mumbai - 400 076, INDIA Abshct- Wavelet neural networks are investigated for learning a multidimensional inputoutput complex nonlinear function. The CNC turning process is modeled using Wavelet neural networks. The error on the component is different from the desired dimensions because of the dynamics of the machining system. The error, ifpredicted, apriori can be used for compensating the same thus improving the accuracy in the part. In this work, wavelet neural networks are employed to predict the e r r o r given the process conditions as the input. Simulation studies are carried out to arrive for the selection of a suitable wav6let function for the CNC turning system in pacticdar. I Introduction The exigencies of modern manufacturing have spawned several CAD/CAM/CIM [l]tools which have helped in automating several tasks in the manufacturing cycle. In this scenario CNC technology assumes a special significance as it provides a means of rapid conversion of design models into physical prototypes. The accuracy and utilization of CNC machine tools is dictated to a large extent by the availability of an error free optimum CNC program(code)[2]. CNC code generation is primarily based on ideal part geometry, disregarding tool/work deflections, static and dynamic compliance and inherent errors present in the machine tool[3]. Accuracy of parts produced on the CNC machine tool can be enhanced if one has an U priori knowledge about the pattern of these errors on the machine tool and the factors causing them[4]. A need therefore exists to intelligently capture this functional relationship ,and use it further in a predictive manner for automatic correction of ideal CNC code. The present research work is an attempt to predict the error on the component using wavelet neural networks. 0-7803-5812-0/00/$10.0092000IEEE At times it is difficult or impossible to model real life functions mathematically. Artificial neural networks are used in such situations since they are very promising as function approximation tools. In recent years there is a considerable advance in Artificial Neural Networks (ANN) for universal function approximation, function learning and classification. Despite its wide applications ANNs are beset with limitations such as determining the number of neurons, their interconnections, choice of proper learning algorithm and poor convergence. Stochastic gradient algorithms are often used during training and the aim of to get to the minimum of the errors. But in doing so it gets stuck in the local minima. More over the approximation class is nonlinear in the adjustable parameters. Of late, Wavelet Neural Networks (WNN) are used as an alternative to ANNs for function learning and function approximation[5][6][7]since they overcome some of the limitations of ANN mentioned above. WNNs can also be used to learn a class of functions, where each function in the class differs from the others in a minor way and all these functions essentially correspond to a single entity[8]. I1 Wavelets Wavelets are mathematical functions that split the data into various frequency bands and analyze each component with a resolution matched to its scale. In wavelet analysis, scale plays a significant role. Wavelet algorithms process data at different resolutions or scales. In order to capture gross features the signal is viewed with a larger window and for capturing fine features of the signal, a small window is selected. Thereby both the forest as well as the trees are seen. Thus wavelet analysis provides both time and frequency localizations of the signal and is better suited to the task of function learning than t he traditional Fourier transform, particularly when the signal has sharp discontinuities and spikes. The sine wave basis functions used in Fourier analysis are non-local and stretch out to infinity and, therefore 341 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 5, 2008 at 01:28 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. , 3 they are not well suited in approximating sharp spikes. In wavelet analysis the approximating functions are contained in a finite domain and thus are well suited for approximating signals with sharp discontinuities[9]. Advances in research and interaction of different fields have led to various new wavelet applications in function learning and function approximation. The wavelet networks proposed by Benviniste[5] overcome the problem of poor convergence and provide a scheme for defining the structure and determining the number of wavelons required in the wavelet neural network[lO]. In the work[8], the ability of a wavelet neural network has been. successfully demonstrated to learn a class of functions as against learning a single function. These encouraging results were the basis for exploring further the abilities of a wavelet neural network in learning a more complex and dynamic system. In the present work, wavelet neural networks are used to model a CNC turning system which is a sufficiently complex, dynamic and difficult system to model[ll]. The motivation for modeling such a system is to improve the accuracy on parts produced during machining. The modeled system will be able to predict the error on the component which can be used for compensating the process to improve the part accuracy. This has been reported elsewhere[l2]. The selection of wavelet functions, number of wavelons etc., in modeling the network is important to arrive at an optimum network design which can further be used for the prediction of profile error in CNC machining. Thus it is important to investigate the effect of variation of wavelet functions, number of wavelons etc., on the performance of wavelet networks. In this paper different wavelet functions are used to model the wavelet network and their suitability for error prediction is investigated. This paper is organized as follows. The CNC turning system modeling and its training is discussed in section 111. Simulation studies of wavelet network using different wavelet functions is presented in the subsequent section. Conclusions are drawn in the last section. cessive memory requirements[l3] and complexity of designing a multidimensional system. The higher dimensional problem is thus reduced to a simple and easily implementable, combinations of one-dimensional networks.' The details of wavelet neural network are shown in the figure 2 . The weights ( k i j , W i j ) and other parameters (translation and dilation) are adapted in the process of training in order that the cost function is minimized. The stochastic gradient descent technique is used for training the wavelet neural network. The training algorithm used is similar to the back propagation algorithm for multilayer perceptrons in an artificial neural network. The network is made to learn the relationship between the input and output by feeding the data samples. The adaptation algorithm is aimed at minimizing the cost function. The translations, dilations, weights of the wavelet neural network and the weights of the linear combiner are adapted as per the following equations. Results of the simulation studies are discussed below. The gradients with respect to various network parameters are: dC - ar: = ei where $I(P)= I11 and System modeling For modeling the CNC turning system with the help of a wavelet neural network, the multidimensional inputs are fed to a linear combiner as shown in Figure 1. These outputs of the linear combiner are then pocessed with the help of combinations of single dimensional wavelet neural networks. In the application viz., CNC machining system, there are 5-inputs (Cutting speed, feed rate, L/D ratio, nominal dimension and tool position) and one-output(error on the component). This is a multidimensional system and any implementation using multidimensional wavelets become impracticable due to ex- IV Simulation studies In the proposed model two-one dimensional wavelet neural networks were used. The learning rate parameter, -y was taken to be 0.001 and the number of iterations used was 10000. Initialization of various adaptable parameters viz., weights, mean etc was carried out as given in [5]. The stochastic gradient algorithm was used for 342 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 5, 2008 at 01:28 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Figure 1: Architecture of the system model for CNC turning system Figure 2: Structure of the wavelet neural network 343 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 5, 2008 at 01:28 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. training the wavelet neural network. 900 training samples were used to train the wavelet neural network. Different Wavelet functions used in the simulation studies are as under: 0 Gaussian first order derivative f(x) = -xexp-+ 0 (7) Gaussian second order derivative Sinc function sin(x) X (9) Number of wavelons (combination of translation, dilation and wavelet function) were varied for all the simulation studies. Table I shows the variation of network prediction error with number of wavelons for Gaussiar? first order derivative as the wavelet function. The wavelet network has two linear combiners and both of these wavelet networks has the same number of wavelons in the simulations conducted. Figure 3 shows the variation of prediction error with number of wavelons for the wavelet function chosen. As it is seen from the figure 3 the prediction error reduces with the increase in number of wavelons. But increasing number of wavelons beyond a certain limit is seen to have no significant effect on the over all performance of the network. This is evident from the table I1 that variation of wavelons from 20 to 25 and 30 has a very little influence on the overall network performance both in training and testing phases. Thus 20 wavelons were selected for further simulation studies. Table I1 shows the effect of changing wavelet function on the network performance. The prediction error for both training and testing error are presented in table 11. Number of Wavelons were varied from 1 to 20, as it was seen in the case of first order Gaussian derivative that increasing number of wavelons beyond 20 did not improve the network performance (Table 11). The plots are shown in Figure 4. It is seen from the table that the performance of the network improved marginally with 2nd order Gaussian wavelet function. Optimum results were obtained for 10 wavelons. 'Figure 4 shows the variat,ion of training and testing errors with number of wavelons. Simulation studies with Sinc wavelet function was also carried out. This however did not improve the network performance significantly as the prediction error (training) was observed to be 211% and testing error observed was 210% with 20 wavelons used. 'Thus a detailed simulation study was not carried out for SiIic wavelet function. TABLE I E F F E C T O F VARIATION OF WAVELONS ON NETWORK PERFORMANCE Number of wavelons 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 25 30 Raining error % (epr) 67.52 65.90 64.61 64.44 63.47 63.21 58.40 47.84 63.02 62.99 63.30 62.78 62.52 63.32 61.37 58.50 62.20 58.60 62.06 62.00 61.92 61.91 Testing error % (epr) 37.44 34.59 32.46 28.65 30.76 28.32 22.26 27.81 27.45 27.45 23.28 21.84 22.29 20.81 20.40 22.56 24.69 22.62 18.09 17.70 16.44 16.09 TABLE I1 EFFECT OF VARIATION OF WAVELONS ON NETWORK PERFORMANCE - Number of Training error wavelons 1 2 64.01 3 63.64 4 63.57 5 62.66 6 62.25 7 61.53 8 75.23 61.42 9 11 61.29 12 61.17 13 61.62 14 63.48 52.56 15 17 52.56 66.10 18 66.29 19 Testing error 37.20 37.54 37.05 26.00 24.43 22.12 19.81 18.75 19.14 18.99 19.87 19.85 19.85 27.93 19.97 39.31 344 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 5, 2008 at 01:28 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. I I 70 10 - I 80 I I e J ~ I I I 15 I Number of wavelons 10 I I e * * c I I I I I . .... . . a . . . . . . . . ...... .... .. . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . .. . ., . . . . . . - Testing .d 40L c0 .l .U L i?2 302 20 I I I I I I I I 10 12 14 16 18 I 345 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 5, 2008 at 01:28 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 20 Thus Gaussian derivatives as the wavelet function can be recommended for the problem in hand. The wavelet function chosen here can be used for other function mapping purposes as the CNC turning system modeling is considered as sufficiently complex and non-linear. The wavelet network can further be used as a tool to predict the error and use the error for correcting the CNC code. This revised CNC code was further used to machine a component. Error on the component was reduced to a significantly. This is reported elsewhere P21. V Conclusions Simulation studies were conducted for designing an optimum wavelet network. CNC turning system was modeled and simulated using various wavelet functions. Gaussian wavelet function performed better than any other wavelet function and thus can be recommended to be used for most of the function approximation problems. The trained network can then be used to predict the error likely to be produced on the component and use it to revise the CNC code. The revised CNC code can then be used to machine the components thus providing a means to improve the product accuracy. Amara Graps, “An Introduction t o Wavelets”, IEEE computational science and engineering, vol. 2, no. 2, Summer 1995. Y.C. Pati and P.S. Krishnaprasad, “ Analysis and Synthesis of Feedfonvard Neural Networks using Discrete Affine Wavelet Transformations”, IEEE lk. on Neuml Networks, vol. 4, no. 2, pp. 73-85, Jan. 1993. Chang W. R. and B. 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