Deduced property matrices of domain-engineered relaxor single crystals of [110]L×[001]T cut: Effects of domain wall contributions and domain-domain interactions Rahul Shukla, Kalidindi Kotam Rajan, M. Shanthi, Jing Jin, Leong-Chew Lim et al. Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 107, 014102 (2010); doi: 10.1063/1.3270426 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the American Institute of Physics. Additional information on J. Appl. Phys. Journal Homepage: Journal Information: Top downloads: Information for Authors: Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see JOURNAL OF APPLIED PHYSICS 107, 014102 共2010兲 Deduced property matrices of domain-engineered relaxor single crystals of †110‡L Ã †001‡T cut: Effects of domain wall contributions and domain-domain interactions Rahul Shukla,1,2 Kalidindi Kotam Rajan,3 M. Shanthi,2 Jing Jin,3 Leong-Chew Lim,2,3,a兲 and Prasanna Gandhi1,a兲 1 Suman Mashruwala Advanced Microengineering Laboratory, Department of Mechanical Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Mumbai 400076, India 2 Department of Mechanical Engineering, National University of Singapore, Singapore 119260, Singapore 3 Microfine Materials Technologies Pte. Ltd., 10 Bukit Batok Crescent, No. 06-02, The Spire 658079, Singapore 共Received 1 May 2009; accepted 8 November 2009; published online 4 January 2010兲 Multidomain single crystal properties can be more accurately deduced from measured multidomain data instead of single-domain data, especially for the shear properties and clamped dielectric permittivities, which are strongly influenced by domain wall contributions and domain-domain interactions in the material. Using the above finding, the property matrices of Pb共Zn1/3Nb2/3兲O3 − 共6 – 7兲%PbTiO3, Pb共Zn1/3Nb2/3兲O3 − 4.5%PbTiO3, and Pb共Mg1/3Nb2/3兲O3 − 28%PbTiO3 single crystals of 关110兴L ⫻ 关001兴T 共P兲 cut were deduced from the measured 关100兴L ⫻ 关001兴T 共P兲 multidomain data. The results show that relaxor single crystals of 关110兴L ⫻ 关001兴T 共P兲 cut have 2 2 E E / s11 values, especially for Pb共Zn1/3Nb2/3兲O3 − 共6 – 7兲%PbTiO3 of which d31 / s11 extremely high d31 2 ⬇ 52 nN/ V , making such crystal cuts candidate materials for unimorph actuator applications. © 2010 American Institute of Physics. 关doi:10.1063/1.3270426兴 Over the past decade, it has been shown that relaxor ferroelectric single crystals, notably Pb共Zn1/3Nb2/3兲O3 – PbTiO3 共PZN-PT兲 and Pb共Mg1/3Nb2/3兲O3 – PbTiO3 共PMNPT兲, exhibit exceptionally high dielectric and electromechanical properties compared to state-of-the-art lead zirconate titanate 共PZT兲 ceramics with minimum hysteresis even when driven at relatively high voltages.1,2 With improved growth techniques, large-size high-uniformity PZN-PT and PMN-PT single crystals have been successfully grown by several groups.3–10 High longitudinal and transverse piezoelectric properties were obtained when the crystals were poled in the 关001兴 crystal direction instead of the 关111兴 spontaneous polarization direction.11–13 More recently, Shukla and co-workers14,15 have shown that 关001兴-poled PZN-共6– E 7兲%PT crystals of 关110兴L cut exhibit high d31 / s11 ratio and electromechanical coupling factors compared to the 关100兴L cut. In contrast, 关111兴-poled single-domain PZN-PT and PMN-PT single crystals have extremely high shear properties.11,16–19 These single crystal materials are potential new-generation materials for high performance sensors and actuators. Device design with anisotropic materials is relatively complicated involving the use of property matrices and computer simulation technique. The anisotropic nature of these single crystals thus needs to be properly understood before one incorporates them into devices. These property matrices can be measured experimentally by the resonance and ultrasonic techniques or their combination.20–22 a兲 Authors to whom correspondence should be addressed. Electronic addresses: [email protected] and [email protected]. 0021-8979/2010/107共1兲/014102/5/$30.00 Using the resonance technique, the measured property matrix of 关111兴-poled single-domain PZN-共6–7兲%PT single crystal of 关11̄0兴L ⫻ 关112̄兴W ⫻ 关111兴T cut has been obtained by Jin and co-workers.19 Their results are reproduced here in Table I. The measured property matrices for 关100兴L ⫻ 关001兴T 共P兲 cut of PZN-4.5%PT,20 PZN-共6–7兲%PT,23 and PMN-28%PT 共Ref. 24兲 single crystals have also been determined by earlier researchers and are listed in Table II for easy reference. More recently, the measured property matrices of 关001兴-poled PZN-共6–7兲%PT single crystal but of 关110兴-length cut has been constructed and refined by Shukla and co-workers.14,15 Their results are listed in row 1 of Table III for easy reference. All the above property values are hereafter referred to as the experimentally deduced 共ED兲 properties. Instead of experimental measurements, the coordinate transformation approach can be used to deduce the property matrices provided that at least one complete set of property matrix of a known set of crystal axes is available.25 The relation between the property values with respect to any two different sets of axes is defined by the transformation matrix 关a兴. In Cartesian coordinates 共x , y , z兲 system, this is done by means of three successive anticlockwise rotations in a sequence. These three successive angles of rotation are called the Euler angles 共, , 兲. Several conventions are in use depending on the axes about which rotations are carried out.26 Here we shall use the zxz convention; i.e., the initial set of axes is first rotated by an angle about the z-axis 共via rotation matrix 关a1兴兲, then by an angle about the x-axis 共via rotation matrix 关a2兴兲, and finally by an angle about the z-axis 共via rotation matrix 关a3兴兲. The resultant rotation matrix 关a兴 is a 3 ⫻ 3 matrix given by 107, 014102-1 © 2010 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 014102-2 J. Appl. Phys. 107, 014102 共2010兲 Shukla et al. TABLE I. Measured properties of 关111兴-poled single-domain PZN-共6–7兲%PT single crystal of 关11̄0兴L ⫻ 关112̄兴W ⫻ 关111兴T cut 共Ref. 19兲. Elastic stiffness constants: cijE and cijD 共1010 N / m2兲 cE11 PZN-共6–7兲%PT 18.0 cE12 cE13 8.0 4.8 cE14 cE33 cE44 cE66 cD11 cD12 cD13 cD14 cD33 cD44 cD66 ⫺2.6 17.1 1.6a 5.0a 19.4 8.0 6.4 ⫺2.2 20.2a 4.0 5.7 Elastic compliance constants: sijE and sijD 共10−12 m2 / N兲 PZN-共6–7兲%PT sE11 sE12 sE13 sE14 sE33 sE44 sE66 sD11 sD12 sD13 sD14 sD33 sD44 sD66 32.8a ⫺28.5a ⫺1.2 100.1 6.5 390.4 122.6 7.7a ⫺3.4 ⫺1.4 6.1 5.8a 31.7 22.3 Piezoelectric constants: eij 共C / m2兲, dij 共10−12 C / N兲; dielectric constants: ij 共0兲 and coupling coefficients 共kij兲 PZN-共6–7兲%PT e15 e22 e31 e33 d15 d22 d31 d33 S11 S33 T11 T33 k15 k31 k33 kt 31.7 30.9 ⫺4.6 12.6 6000a ⫺1280a ⫺35a 93a 4222 567 11000a 700a 0.79a 0.18a 0.33a 0.39a a Measured properties. 冤 冥 ayy = − sin sin + cos cos cos , axx axy axz 关a兴 = 关a3兴 · 关a2兴 · 关a1兴 = ayx ayy ayz , azx azy azz 共1兲 where aij are functions of the direction cosines of respective rotation matrices and are given by ayz = cos sin , azx = sin sin , axx = cos cos − cos sin sin , azy = − sin cos , axy = cos sin + cos cos sin , azz = cos . 共2兲 Equation 共1兲 works conveniently for properties of lower rank tensors in nature such as polarization 共p兲, dielectric permittivity 共兲, stress 共T兲, and strain 共S兲. For properties of higher order tensors in nature, it is more convenient to use axz = sin sin , ayx = − sin cos − cos sin cos , TABLE II. Measured properties of 关001兴-poled multidomain PZN-共6–7兲%PT, PZN-4.5%PT, and PMN-28%PT single crystals of 关100兴 length cut, i.e., 关100兴L ⫻ 关001兴T 共P兲 cut single crystal. Elastic stiffness constants: cijE and cijD 共1010 N / m2兲 cE11 PZN-共6–7兲%PTa PZN-4.5%PTc PMN-28%PTd 10.7 11.1b 12.47 cE12 cE13 9.7 10.2 11.06 10.1 10.1 10.91 cE33 cE44 cE66 cD11 10.8 10.5 11.47 5.5b 6.4b 7.04b 6.1 6.3b 8.92 10.8 11.3 12.77 cD12 cD13 9.9 10.4 11.36 9.5 9.5 9.61 cD33 cD44 cD66 14.4b 13.5b 17.15b 6.1 6.7b 7.42 6.1 6.3 8.92 sD66 Elastic compliance constants: sijE and sijD 共10−12 m2 / N兲 PZN-共6–7兲%PTa PZN-4.5%PTc PMN-28%PTd sE11 sE12 sE13 sE33 90b 82b 54.87b ⫺13.5 ⫺28.5 ⫺14.51 ⫺72 ⫺51 ⫺37.81 145 108 80.3 sE44 18.11 15.6 14.2 sE66 sD11 sD12 sD13 sD33 sD44 16.5 15.9 13.07 54.4 61.5 36.71 ⫺49 ⫺49 ⫺32.6 ⫺5.7 ⫺9.0 ⫺2.47 16.8b 20.6b 11.6b 16.4 14.9 13.5 16.5 15.9 13.07 Piezoelectric constants: eij 共C / m2兲, dij 共10−12 C / N兲; dielectric constants: ij 共0兲 and coupling coefficients 共kij兲 PZN-共6–7兲%PTa PZN-4.5%PTc PMN-28%PTd e15 e31 11.04 8.9 9.28 ⫺3.23 ⫺3.7 ⫺4.69 e33 d15 d31 d33 S11 16.1 15 20.47 200 140 132 ⫺1500b ⫺970 ⫺1025b 2800b 2000 2000b 2030 3000 2583 S33 814 1000 835 T11 T33 k15 k31 k33 kt 2250b 3100b 2750b 7000b 5200b 6550b 0.31b 0.23 0.22b 0.54b 0.50b 0.55b 0.94b 0.91b 0.92b 0.50b 0.50b 0.58b a Reference 23. Measured properties. c Reference 20. d Reference 24. b Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 014102-3 J. Appl. Phys. 107, 014102 共2010兲 Shukla et al. TABLE III. Measured 共ED兲 and deduced 共S → M and M → M兲 properties of 关001兴-poled multidomain PZN-共6–7兲%PT single crystal of 关110兴 length cut, i.e., 关110兴L ⫻ 关001兴T 共P兲 cut. Elastic stiffness constants: cijE and cijD 共1010 N / m2兲 cE11 PZN-共6–7兲%PT 共ED兲a PZN-共6–7兲%PT 共S → M兲 PZN-共6–7兲%PT 共M → M兲 15.73 16.3 16.3 cE12 cE13 cE33 cE44 cE66 cD11 2.55 3.4 4.1 9.14 9.6 10.1 9.9 10.2 10.8 5.72b 6.5 5.5 0.46 0.3 0.5 16.1 19.2 16.4 cD12 2.92 4.86 4.25 cD13 8.07 9.5 9.5 cD33 cD44 cD66 13b 14.5 14.4 7.14 7.2 6.1 0.46 2.5 0.45 Elastic compliance constants: sijE and sijD 共10−12 m2 / N兲 PZN-共6–7兲%PT 共ED兲a PZN-共6–7兲%PT 共S → M兲 PZN-共6–7兲%PT 共M → M兲 sE11 sE12 sE13 sE33 sE44 sE66 39.1b 46.4 42.4 31.5b 36.4 34.1 ⫺65.2 ⫺79.4 ⫺72 130.4 162 145 17.5 19.9 18.1 218.8 483 207 sD11 10.8 7.82 6.8 sD12 3.4 0.81 ⫺1.4 sD13 sD33 sD44 sD66 ⫺4.8 ⫺5.7 ⫺5.7 16.1b 14.3 16.8 14 14.1 16.4 218.8 40.1 207 Piezoelectric constants: eij 共C / m2兲, dij 共10−12 C / N兲; dielectric constants: ij 共0兲 and coupling coefficients 共kij兲 PZN-共6–7兲%PT 共ED兲a PZN-共6–7兲%PT 共S → M兲 PZN-共6–7兲%PT 共M → M兲 e15 e31 17.67 33.2 11.0 ⫺5.29 ⫺7.53 ⫺3.23 e33 15.31 18.9 16.1 d15 309 511 200 d31 d33 ⫺1425a ⫺1498 ⫺1500 2721a 3010 2800 S11 S33 T11 1413a 3004 2030 850a 3001 814 3106a 7570 2250 T33 k15 k31 7256a 7561 7000 0.45a 0.44 0.33 0.85a 0.85 0.92 k33 kt 0.94a 0.91 0.93 0.49a 0.30 0.50 a Reference 15. Measured properties. b the complete 6 ⫻ 6 transformation matrix directly.27 Let 关M兴 and 关N兴 be the Bond stress transformation matrix and the Bond strain transformation matrix, respectively. The various transformed properties, i.e., dielectric permittivity 共兲, piezoelectric strain coefficient 共d兲, piezoelectric stress coefficient 共e兲, compliance 共s兲, and stiffness 共c兲 can thus be obtained via the following expressions: or 关⬘兴 = 关a兴关兴关a兴 ⬘ij = aika jlkl , 关d⬘兴 = 关a兴关d兴关Ñ兴 or d⬘ijk = aila jmakndlmn , 关e⬘兴 = 关a兴关e兴关M̃兴 or e⬘ijk = aila jmaknelmn , 关s⬘兴 = 关N兴关s兴关Ñ兴 or s⬘ijkl = aima jnakoalpsmnop , 共3兲 and 关c⬘兴 = 关M兴关c兴关M̃兴 or c⬘ijkl = aima jnakoalpcmnop , where i , j , . . . , o, p = x , y , z, and , 关a兴 关M̃兴, and 关Ñ兴 are the transposes of the matrices 关a兴, 关M兴, and 关N兴, respectively. The unprimed property matrices are the measured properties using the original set of axes and the primed ones are the deduced property matrices with respect to the new set of axes. In the deduction of property matrices using the abovedescribed technique, the 关111兴-poled single-domain properties are important for the deduction of multidomain properties of any coordinate axes of interest, which would otherwise require a fair number of test samples and time to generate the property matrices. Such a technique has been used by Liu and Lynch28 and Damjanovic and co-workers,29 who used the measured single-domain property values to deduce selective piezoelectric coefficients of multidomain re- laxor ferroelectric PZN-PT and PMN-PT single crystals, respectively. The following two assumptions were invoked in deducing the property values from single-domain data; i.e., 共i兲 all the domain variants are equally probable and 共ii兲 domain wall contributions and domain-domain interactions are negligible. In this work, we first deduced the property matrix of PZN-共6–7兲%PT single crystal of 关110兴L ⫻ 关001兴T 共P兲 cut using the single-domain data of Jin and co-workers.19 This was achieved by rotating the property matrices of 关11̄0兴L ⫻ 关112̄兴W ⫻ 关111兴T cut single-domain PZN-共6–7兲%PT single crystal first by 54.73° 共兲 about the x-axis and then by 90° 共1兲, 180° 共2兲, 270° 共3兲, and 360° 共4兲 about the z-axis and averaging the four possible domains to obtain the properties of the 关110兴L ⫻ 关11̄0兴W ⫻ 关001兴T pseudocubic system 关refer to Fig. 1共a兲兴. The electromechanical coupling coefficients k31, k33, k15, and kt, which cannot be deduced directly from the axis transformation technique, are determined 2 S D using the relationships k2ij = d2ij / 共TiisEjj兲 and k2t = e33 / 共33 c33兲. The deduced property matrix is given in row 2 of Table III. They are hereafter referred to as the S → M 共single-domain to multidomain兲 deduced properties. Compared with the ED data 共row 1 of Table III兲, signifiD 共or cant differences are observed in the shear properties c66 D E E s66兲, c66 共or s66兲, d15, and e15, as well as clamped dielectric S S , 33 , and permittivities and their derived properties 共i.e., 11 e31兲. In addition, significant deviation is also observed in free T . Since the S → M transformation techdielectric constant 11 nique ignores domain wall contributions and domain-domain interactions, the present finding suggests that such contributions may be important in shear as well as clamped properties of relaxor ferroelectric single crystals. This finding is supported by the result of Delaunay and co-workers,30 who Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 014102-4 J. Appl. Phys. 107, 014102 共2010兲 Shukla et al. [001] [111] IV erty matrix of PZN-共6–7兲%PT of 关110兴L ⫻ 关001兴T cut using the coordinate transformation technique but based on the measured property matrix of 关100兴L ⫻ 关001兴T multidomain single crystal instead 共row 1 of Table II兲. This was achieved by rotating the latter property matrix by = 45°, = 0°, and = 0° with respect to its own coordinate axes 关refer to Fig. 1共b兲兴. The deduced property matrix is listed in row 3 of Table III. They are hereafter referred to as the M → M 共multidomain-to-multidomain兲 deduced properties. Comparison with row 1 of the same table shows that D D , s12 共and except for a few properties 关i.e., d15 family and s11 D D c12兲, and s13, which are about 30%–40% off兴, the properties deduced from the M → M approach are within 15% of the ED values. This result shows that the M → M approach, which takes account of the contributions from domain walls and domain-domain interaction in the initial set of measured properties, gives better prediction of multidomain properties of relaxor ferroelectric single crystals. The above results indicate that the deduction of unknown multidomain single crystal properties from known multidomain single crystal properties 共M → M兲 has an advantage over deduction from the single-domain data 共i.e., via the S → M approach兲. Although the ED property matrices for 关110兴L ⫻ 关001兴T cut of PZN-共6–7兲%PT have been reported by Shukla and co-workers14,15 the same but for PZN-4.5%PT and PMN28%PT remain not available to date. Inspired by the success of the M → M technique, the elastic, piezoelectric, and dielectric coefficients for PZN-4.5%PT and PMN-28%PT of 关110兴L ⫻ 关001兴T cut are deduced from the properties of 关100兴L ⫻ 关001兴T cuts given in Table II. The deduced properties are listed in Table IV for easy reference. 2 E / s11 is of practical importance in the The parameter d31 design of piezoelectric actuators involving an elastic mem2 E / s11 ratios of the three crystal comber. Table V lists the d31 positions studied, all of 关110兴L ⫻ 关001兴T cut. It is evident that 2 E / s11 ratio, PZN-共6–7兲%PT single crystal has the highest d31 which makes this crystal the choice material for making single crystal unimroph actuators involving an elastic member. III I II SM [1 1 0] [11 2 ] [110] [1 1 0] (a) [001] [001] IV I IV III I II III II MM [010] [1 1 0] [100] [110] (b) FIG. 1. 共Color online兲 Relationships between the coordinate axes 共a兲 of 关11̄0兴L ⫻ 关112̄兴W ⫻ 关111兴T cut single-domain crystal and 关110兴L ⫻ 关001兴T cut multidomain single crystal used in the S → M approach and 共b兲 of 关100兴L ⫻ 关001兴T cut and 关110兴L ⫻ 关001兴T cut multidomain single crystals used in the M → M approach. The solid lines show possible domain orientation states and the dashed lines show the directions of polarization in respective domains. concluded that the effective properties of the macroscopic system with multidomain structures are a function of singledomain properties and extrinsic contribution of domain walls. To include the contributions of domain walls and domain-domain interaction, we have also deduced the prop- TABLE IV. Deduced properties 共M → M兲 of 关001兴-poled multidomain PZN-4.5%PT and PMN-28%PT single crystals of 关110兴 length cut, i.e., 关110兴L ⫻ 关001兴T 共P兲 cut. Elastic stiffness constants: cijE and cijD 共1010 N / m2兲 cE11 PZN-4.5%PT 共M → M兲 PMN-28%PT 共M → M兲 17.0 20.7 cE12 cE13 cE33 cE44 cE66 cD11 cD12 4.35 2.85 10.1 10.1 10.5 11.5 6.4 7.0 0.45 0.70 17.2 21.0 4.55 3.15 cD13 9.5 9.6 cD33 cD44 cD66 13.5 17.2 6.7 7.4 0.45 0.70 sD44 sD66 14.9 13.5 221 139 Elastic compliance constants: sijE and sijD 共10−12 m2 / N兲 PZN-4.5%PT 共M → M兲 PMN-28%PT 共M → M兲 sE11 sE12 sE13 sE33 sE44 sE66 sD11 sD12 30.7 23.4 22.8 16.9 ⫺51.0 37.8 108 80.3 15.6 14.2 221 139 10.2 5.3 2.3 ⫺1.2 sD13 sD33 ⫺9.0 ⫺2.5 20.6 11.6 Piezoelectric constants: eij 共C / m2兲, dij 共10−12 C / N兲; dielectric constants: ij 共0兲 and coupling coefficients 共kij兲 PZN-4.5%PT 共M → M兲 PMN-28%PT 共M → M兲 e15 e31 e33 d15 d31 d33 S11 S33 8.9 9.28 ⫺3.7 ⫺4.7 15.0 20.5 140 132 ⫺970 ⫺1025 2000 2000 3000 2583 1000 835 T11 T33 3100 2750 5200 6550 k15 k31 k33 kt 0.21 0.22 0.82 0.88 0.90 0.93 0.43 0.57 Downloaded 24 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 014102-5 J. Appl. Phys. 107, 014102 共2010兲 Shukla et al. TABLE V. Comparison for 关110兴L ⫻ 关001兴T cut multidomain single crystals of PZN-共6–7兲%PT, PZN-4.5%PT, and PMN-28%PT. Crystal composition PZN-共6–7兲%PT PZN-4.5%PT PMN-28%PT d231 / sE11 共nN/ V2兲 51.9 30.6 44.9 In conclusion, domain wall contributions and domaindomain interactions may be significant when deducing the property matrices of multidomain relaxor ferroelectric single crystals. In this regard, it is advisable to use the M → M approach of axis transformation technique when deducing the property matrices of multidomain crystal of a different cut. Using the said technique, the property matrices of PZN4.5%PT and PMN-28%PT single crystals of 关110兴L ⫻ 关001兴T cut are deduced from that of the 关100兴L ⫻ 关001兴T cut. The results show that PZN-共6–7兲%PT single crystals of 2 E / s11 value than PZN关110兴L ⫻ 关001兴T cut exhibit a higher d31 4.5%PT and PMN-28%PT single crystals and are candidate materials for actuator application involving an elastic member. 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