Novel high performance Al2O3/poly(ether ether ketone) nanocomposites for electronics applications R.K. Goyal a,* , A.N. Tiwari b, U.P. Mulik a, Y.S. Negi c,* a c Centre for Materials for Electronics Technology (C-MET), Department of Information Technology, Govt. of India, Panchwati, Off Pashan Road, Pune 411008, India b Department of Metallurgical Engineering and Materials Science, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Powai, Mumbai 400 076, India Polymer Science and Technology Laboratory, Department of Paper Technology, Indian Institute of Technology, Roorkee, Saharanpur Campus, Saharanpur, U.P. 247 001, India Abstract This paper deals with the preparation and characterization of nanocomposites of poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK) containing nanoaluminum oxide (n-Al2O3) filler up to 30 wt% (12 vol%) loading. Nanocomposites showed improved thermal stability, crystallization, and coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE). Thermogravimetric analysis showed enhanced thermal stability and char yield on increasing the n-Al2O3 loading in PEEK matrix. The peak crystallization temperature is increased up to 13 C for the nanocomposites as compared to pure PEEK. The CTE is decreased to a value very close to the CTE of copper at 12 vol% Al2O3 loading. The CTE values obtained were compared with the theoretical equations in the literature. The X-ray diffraction showed that PEEK crystalline structure is unchanged with addition of n-Al2O3. The distribution of n-Al2O3 in the PEEK matrix was studied by transmission electron microscopy and scanning electron microscopy. The results show that the prepared n-Al2O3/PEEK nanocomposites may have potential applications in electronics. Keywords: A. Polymer-matrix composites; PEEK; B. Thermal properties; D. X-ray diffraction; D. Transmission electron microscopy 1. Introduction High performance polymer composites such as poly(ether ether ketone) (PEEK), polyethersulphone (PES), polyphenylenesulphide (PPS) and polyimides reinforced with ceramic fillers result in unique combination of thermal, mechanical and electrical properties, which make them useful for various applications. By introducing suitable reinforcing fillers in polymers, composite properties can be tailored to meet specific design requirements such as low density, high strength, high stiffness, high damping, chemical resistance, thermal shock resistance, high thermal conductivity, low coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) and good electrical properties such as dielectric constant. It is well documented that PEEK exhibits excellent thermal, mechanical, electrical properties, good moisture and chemicals resistance [1]. Recently, its properties have been further improved by incorporating micron size particles such as aluminum nitride (AlN) [2,3], aluminum oxide (Al2O3) [4], CaCO3 [5], and hydroxiapatite (HA) [6] fillers. In the last one decade, polymer based nanocomposites containing nanofillers have been intensively investigated due to filler’s much higher surface area to volume ratio, which results in much higher interface between the nanofillers and the polymer matrix as compared to conventionally used micron size fillers and polymer matrix. Hence, a very low loading (<5 vol%) of nanofillers is required to improve the thermal, mechanical, optical, electrical and magnetic properties in contrast to high loading (>20 vol%) of micron 1803 size fillers. In particular the typical micron size fillers needed for reducing the CTE of polymers are as high as 50 vol% [7]. As a result of high filler loading, the main advantages such as ease of processing and light weight of polymers get lost. Therefore, the use of nanofiller in polymer composites has attracted the attention of materials scientists, technologists, and industrialists for different applications. Nevertheless, the effect of nanofiller on properties of composites depends strongly on its shape, size, aggregates size, surface characteristics and degree of dispersion. In order to improve properties of polymer nanocomposites, a homogeneous dispersion of the nanofillers in the polymer matrix is essential [8–14]. There are a several hundred publications on the effect of ceramic fillers on different polymer properties, but there is rare literature on the effect of n-Al2O3 filler on PEEK. However, recently Kuo et al. have studied the effect of nAl2O3 and n-SiO2 (up to 5 vol%) on PEEK’s mechanical and thermal properties [15]. Moreover, Wang et al. have studied the wear properties of PEEK by incorporating SiC [16], SiO2 [17], Si3N4 [18], and ZrO2 [19] nanofillers up to 20 wt%. Nevertheless, higher loading of fillers is required to decrease the CTE of the polymer to avoid the thermal stresses and to increase the thermal conductivity of polymer to dissipate the heat generated during turning on and turning off the electronic devices. In view of the above, in present paper a systematic investigation of the effect of electrically insulating and thermally conducting n-Al2O3 filler on the PEEK nanocomposites prepared by mixing PEEK and n-Al2O3 fillers (up to 30 wt%) in alcohol medium using mechanical stirring followed by hot compression molding was studied. The density, thermal stability, melting and crystallization behavior, CTE, and crystal structure of the nanocomposites were characterized by using density, thermogravimetric analysis (TGA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), thermomechanical analyzer, ands X-ray diffraction technique, respectively. The dispersion of the n-Al2O3 fillers in PEEK matrix was observed by scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and transmission electron microscopy. 2. Experimental 2.1. Materials The commercial PEEK, grade 5300PF donated by Gharda Chemicals Ltd. Panoli, Gujarat, India under the trade name GATONETM PEEK was used as matrix. It has a reported inherent viscosity of 0.87 dl/g measured at a concentration of 0.5 g/dl in H2SO4. The filler used in the preparation of nanocomposites was n-Al2O3 of density 4.00 g/ cm3. It was used as supplied by Aldrich Chemical Company. Figs. 1a and b are typical SEM micrographs of PEEK powder and n-Al2O3 powder, respectively. As received ethanol of Merck grade was used for homogenizing the n-Al2O3 and PEEK mixture. The particle size of the PEEK determined by GALAI CIS-1 laser particle size analyzer was Fig. 1. SEM micrographs of: (a) PEEK powder, magnification = 2 · 103; (b) n-Al2O3 powder, magnification = 10 · 103. ranges from 4 to 49 lm. The mean size of the PEEK particle was 25 lm. The reported average particle size and surface area of n-Al2O3 is 39 nm and 43 m2/g, respectively. 2.2. Nanocomposites preparation Nanocomposites of PEEK reinforced with n-Al2O3 up to 30 wt% loading were prepared using the method described in our previous paper [2]. Dried powder of n-Al2O3 and PEEK were well premixed through magnetic stirring at high stirring speed using an ethanol as medium and the resultant slurry was dried in an oven at 120 C to remove the excess alcohol. The pure PEEK (controlled) and nanocomposite samples were prepared by using a laboratory hot press under a pressure of 15 MPa at a temperature of 350 C. 3. Characterization 3.1. Density The density of the nanocomposites prepared by taking appropriate amount of PEEK and n-Al2O3 was increased due to higher density of n-Al2O3 (4.00 g/cm3) as compared 1804 to pure PEEK (1.30 g/cm3). Theoretical density (qth,c) of the nanocomposites was calculated by the rule of mixture with no voids and no loss of fillers during processing qth;c ¼ qm V m þ qf V f ð1Þ where qm, qf, Vm, and Vf is the density of matrix, density of filler, volume fraction of matrix, and volume fraction of filler, respectively. Experimental density (qex,c) of the PEEK nanocomposites was determined by Archimedes’s method using: qex;c ¼ ½W air =ðW air W alcohol Þ qalcohol ð2Þ where Wair and Walcohol is the weight of the sample in air and in alcohol medium, respectively. The qalcohol is the density of the alcohol medium used. 3.2. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) The thermal stability of the PEEK nanocomposites was determined on a TGA using Mettler-Toledo TGA/SDTA 851e. The samples were heated from room temperature to 1000 C at the heating rate of 10 C/min in air or nitrogen atmosphere. The maximum decomposition temperature (Tm), was taken as the temperature corresponding to the maximum of the peak obtained by the first order derivative curve. The % char yield was determined at temperature of 1000 C in nitrogen atmosphere. 3.3. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) The melting and non-isothermal crystallization behavior of PEEK nanocomposites was performed on DuPont Instruments 910 DSC. The samples placed in aluminum pan were first heated from 30 C to 400 C at a heating rate of 5 C/min and soaked isothermally at 400 C for 5 min to allow complete melting of the polymer. The samples were then cooled to 30 C at a cooling rate of 5 C/min. Each sample was subjected to single heating and cooling cycles under a dry nitrogen purge. manually ground and polished with successive finer grades of emery papers followed by cloth (mounted on wheel) polishing to remove scratches developed during emery paper polishing. Thus, obtained samples were called as polished samples in the present study. The same polished samples were also etched for 5 min in a 2% w/v solution of potassium permanganate in a mixture of 4 vol. of orthophosphoric acid and 1 vol. of water and were called as etched samples. After polishing and etching, samples were rinsed well in water and dried for examining the polished and etched samples, respectively. The morphology of PEEK and Al2O3 powder was determined by suspending powder in an ethanol followed by dispersing on metal stub. Finally the samples were coated with a thin layer of gold using gold sputter coater [Polaron SC 7610] to make the sample electrically conducting. Dispersability of the n-Al2O3 filler in the PEEK matrix was also observed using TEM (Philips CM 30) operated at an accelerating voltage of 200 kV. The ultra-thin section slice (100 nm thick) of the nanocomposites was cut with ultramicrotome (Leica Ultracut UCT) at room temperature. The slices were mounted on 200-mesh copper grids and dried before the TEM observation. 3.6. Thermo mechanical analyzer (TMA) The out-of-plane (through thickness direction) CTE of the nanocomposites were determined using Perkin–Elmer DMA 7e in thermo mechanical analyzer mode. The detailed procedure of the CTE measurement was described elsewhere [20]. The annealed sample was heated under pressure of 50 mN from 30 to 250 C at a heating rate of 5 C/min in argon atmosphere. The sample was then cooled to 30 C and reheated at 5 C/min to 250 C. The results were reported for the second run and an average value of CTE was determined over a specific temperature range of 30–140 C, i.e. below glass transition temperature (Tg) of PEEK. 4. Results and discussion 3.4. X-ray diffraction measurements XRD pattern of as molded PEEK nanocomposites was recorded on Philips X’Pert PANalytical PW 3040/60. Nifiltered Cu Ka radiation (k = 1.54 Å) generated at 40 kV and 30 mA was used for the angle (2h) ranged from 10 to 50. The scan step size and time per step was 0.02 and 5 s, respectively. 3.5. Morphological examination Morphological analysis of the PEEK powder, n-Al2O3 powder and nanocomposites pellets was conducted with a SEM (Quanta 200HV, FEI). For SEM study of nanocomposites, a small piece of the sample was cut from the pellets and mounted in a block of acrylic based polymer resin (DPI-RR cold cure). The obtained sample surfaces were PEEK nanocomposites reinforced with varying weight fraction of n-Al2O3 were prepared by hot compression molding technique. Resulting compositions were characterized and discussed in details in this section. Table 1 showed the properties of the PEEK matrix and Al2O3 filler. These Table 1 Properties of PEEK and Al2O3 Material Density (g/cc) CTE (·106/C) Young’s modulus (GPa) Shear modulus (GPa) Bulk modulus (GPa) Poisson ratio a b Experimental results. Suppliers datasheet. PEEK [1] a 1.30 58a 3.6 1.3 6.2 0.40 Al2O3 [7] 4.00b 6.6 385 155 247 0.24 1805 4.2. Thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) Table 2 Composition of n-Al2O3/PEEK nanocomposites Al2O3 in PEEK by: Sample code NC-0 NC-1 NC-2 NC-5 NC-7 NC-10 NC-20 NC-30 wt% vol% 0 1.25 2.5 5.0 7.5 10 20 30 0 0.41 0.82 1.67 2.54 3.46 7.46 12.14 properties were used to estimate the theoretical density and CTE of the composites. Table 2 showed the weight % and volume % of the n-Al2O3 filler added into the PEEK matrix. From the given weight fraction of filler, volume fraction of the filler can be determined by using: V f ¼ W f =½W f þ ð1 W f Þ qf =qm ð3Þ where Wf is the weight fraction of the filler. Figs. 3 and 4 show the percentage of original weight remaining as a function of temperature in nitrogen and air atmosphere, respectively. The temperature of 10 wt% loss was taken as the degradation temperature (T10) and tabulated in Table 3. It can be seen from Table 3 that pure PEEK has T10 in nitrogen atmosphere ðT 10;N2 Þ at 570 C and in air atmosphere (T10,air) at 556 C, which is attributed to the decomposition of the PEEK matrix. Pure nAl2O3 powder does not show (not shown in figure) any abrupt change in weight and only a slight (3–4%) decrease at 500 C appears due to the loss of physisorbed water [21]. It is observed that as the n-Al2O3 loading increases in PEEK the degradation temperature (thermal stability) of nanocomposites is improved significantly. The increase in thermal stability by 14 C and 28 C was observed for the NC-10 nanocomposites in nitrogen and air atmosphere, respectively. However, on further increasing the n-Al2O3 loading to 30 wt% decreased the T10 value to below the 4.1. Density Fig. 2 shows the density of the n-Al2O3 filled PEEK as a function of n-Al2O3 content. It can be seen that the nanocomposites density increased with n-Al2O3 loading in a linear fashion due to the higher density of n-Al2O3 (4.00 g/ cm3) than that of pure PEEK (1.30 g/cm3). The experimental density of the nanocomposites is in good agreement with the theoretical density except at 12 vol% nanoAl2O3. This might be an indication of the porosity free samples due to good processing conditions. The experimental density of the NC-30 nanocomposite is about 1.3% lesser than theoretical density. This may be due to the presence of voids, which is resulted from the n-Al2O3 agglomerates. During hot pressing the infiltration of melt PEEK resin, due to very high viscosity, is difficult through the agglomerates, hence results in voids in the final samples. Fig. 3. TG curves of the nanocomposites at the heating rate of 10 C/min under nitrogen atmosphere: (a) NC-0, (b) NC-1, (c) NC-2, (d) NC-5, (e) NC-7, (f) NC-10, (g) NC-20, and (h) NC-30. 1.7 Theoretical density Density (g/cc) 1.6 Experimental density 1.5 1.4 1.3 1.2 0 2 4 6 8 10 Volume % of n-Al 2O3 in PEEK 12 14 Fig. 2. Density of the nanocomposites as a function of the n-Al2O3 content. Fig. 4. TGA curves of the nanocomposites at the heating rate of 10 C/ min under air atmosphere: (a) NC-0, (b) NC-1, (c) NC-2, (d) NC-5, (e) NC-7, (f) NC-10, (g) NC-20, and (h) NC-30. 1806 Table 3 Degradation temperature and char yield of the n-Al2O3/PEEK nanocomposites Sample code NC-0 NC-1 NC-2 NC-5 NC-7 NC-10 NC-20 NC-30 a b Td in air atmosphere (C) Td in N2, atmosphere (C) T10,aira Tm,1 Tm,2 Tf T 10;N2 b Tm,1 556 580 564 567 578 584 567 580 590 590 582 588 588 588 588 590 644 670 642 658 678 695 695 688 664 744 670 692 735 736 715 710 570 578 572 570 573 584 575 580 584 592 590 592 590 594 590 590 Char yield, % 48 49 49 50 53 53 56 62 T10,air is the degradation temperature at 10 wt% loss in air atmosphere. T 10;N2 is the degradation temperature at 10 wt% loss in nitrogen atmosphere. 580 C. As the n-Al2O3 content increased the agglomeration tendency of n-Al2O3 fillers increased, and thermal stability decreased but it is still higher than pure PEEK. Therefore, the incorporation of n-Al2O3 in PEEK matrix improved thermal stability of the nanocomposites in both atmospheres. The increase in thermal stability could be attributed to the interaction between the n-Al2O3 and PEEK matrix, which hindered the segmental movement of the PEEK [22]. Figs. 5 and 6 show the derivative thermogravimetric analysis (DTG) curves of nanocomposites in nitrogen and air atmosphere, respectively. It can be seen from Fig. 5 that there is 6–10 C increase in maximum decomposition temperature (Tm1) in nitrogen atmosphere. The increase in Tm1 did not vary much with increase in volume fraction of n-Al2O3. Fig. 6 shows two decomposition stages of PEEK nanocomposites under air atmosphere in contrast to single decomposition stage under nitrogen atmosphere. The lower maximum decomposition temperature (Tm1) is probably occurred from the degradation of the PEEK molecules due to thermal energy, while the higher maximum decomposition temperature (Tm2) is expected to be the oxidation of the degraded PEEK backbone. As shown in Table 3, there is no significant change in Tm1. However, Tm2 is significantly increased from 644 C for pure PEEK (NC-0) to 695 C for NC-10. This implies that thermo-oxidative stability of nanocomposites is improved by about 50 C. Moreover, the final decomposition temperature (Tf) in air atmosphere is increased by about 42 C from 694 C for NC-0 to 736 C for NC-10. The n-Al2O3 filler, uniformly dispersed within the PEEK matrix, probably interfere with degradation mechanism hence improved the decomposition temperature. Table 3 shows that the char yield of pure PEEK is about 48%, in agreement with a reported value [23]. This char yield was increased to 62% for NC-30 due to the increase in wt% of n-Al2O3, which is thermally very stable at higher temperature. Similar trend of char yield was obtained for micron size Al2O3 incorporated PEEK composites [4]. Fig. 5. DTG curves of the nanocomposites at the heating rate of 10 C/ min under nitrogen atmosphere: (a) NC-0, (b) NC-1, (c) NC-2, (d) NC-5, (e) NC-7, (f) NC-10, (g) NC-20, and (h) NC-30. Fig. 6. DTG curves of the nanocomposites at the heating rate of 10 C/ min under air atmosphere: (a) NC-0, (b) NC-1, (c) NC-2, (d) NC-5, (e) NC-7, (f) NC-10, (g) NC-20, and (h) NC-30. 4.3. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) DSC measurements were carried out to determine the thermal properties such as melting temperature (Tm), heat of crystallization (Hc), degree of crystallinity, onset crystallization temperature (Ton), and peak crystallization temperature (Tc) of PEEK nanocomposites. The DSC heating and cooling curves are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respectively. 1807 Fig. 7. DSC heating curves of the nanocomposites: (a) NC-0, (b) NC-1, (c) NC-2, (d) NC-5, (e) NC-7, (f) NC-10, (g) NC-20, and (h) NC-30. From the recorded heating and cooling curves, thermal properties were calculated and tabulated in Table 4. The crystallinity percentage of PEEK (vc) was calculated with a value of the heat of crystallization for the 100% crystalline PEEK as 130 cal/g [2]. The crystallinity of PEEK constituent in composite was determined by: vc ð% CrystallinityÞ ¼ DH c 100=ðDH 0c wÞ DH 0c ð4Þ where is the heat of crystallization (130 J/g) for 100 % crystalline PEEK, and w is the mass fraction of PEEK in the composites. It is seen from the curves (a–h) of Fig. 7 and Table 4 that Tm is increased by 1–6 C as the n-Al2O3 content increased in PEEK. However, above 10 wt% the significant increase in Tm was not observed. The similar increasing trend in Tm was reported recently for AlN (5 lm)/PEEK [2] and Al2O3 (8 lm)/PEEK [4] composites. However, a recent study has shown that the addition of nano Al2O3 and nano SiO2 decreases slightly the Tm of PEEK [15]. Lorenzo MLD et al. reported that Tm of the PET is decreased with the addition of untreated CaCO3 but increased with the addition of treated CaCO3 due to good adhesion between the filler and matrix [24]. Pingping et al. have not found significant change in the Tm of CaCO3/PET composites [25]. However, the decrease in Tm about 5–6 C of CaCO3/ PEEK composites was observed, irrespective of filler’s surface treatment [5]. It is well known that the melting point of the polymer crystals is a function of lamellar thickness and Fig. 8. DSC cooling curves of the nanocomposites: (a) NC-0, (b) NC-1, (c) NC-2, (d) NC-5, (e) NC-7, (f) NC-10, (g) NC-20, and (h) NC-30. degree of crystal perfection [26]. Therefore, the increase in Tm, in present study, may be due to the increased crystal size, and crystal perfection. Priya et al. reported that change in crystal structure/morphology of composite due to the addition of filler affect the Tm of the polymer [27]. This factor may be ruled out for the present study because the XRD results have shown that there is not any change in PEEK crystal structure. From Fig. 8, it was observed that the Ton, Tc, and half time of crystallization (t1/2) of PEEK was affected by the presence of the n-Al2O3, which indicate that nucleation is inhomogeneous. The addition of n-Al2O3 in PEEK shifts the Tc towards higher temperature by 2–12 C depending on the n-Al2O3 content in PEEK for a given cooling rate in comparison to pure PEEK. This implies that the addition of n-Al2O3 into PEEK enhanced the rate of PEEK crystallization. A similar enhancement of crystallization was reported for AlN/PEEK [2], CaCO3/PP [13], SiO2/PP [26,28,29], clay/PVDF [27], SiO2/PET [30,31], clay/PET [32], and nanocomposites. However, our results are in contrast to the recent study of CaCO3/PEEK [5] and Al2O3/ PEEK [15] nanocomposites, where decrease in Tc was found with the increase of fillers in PEEK matrix. This difference may be attributed to the shape, size, loading, dispersion level, adhesion, and surface morphology of the filler. Never- 1808 Table 4 The melting and crystallization data of n-Al2O3/PEEK nanocomposites Sample Tm (C) Tc (C) Ton (C) DHc (J/g)a vc t1/2 (min) DT (C) NC-0 NC-1 NC-2 NC-5 NC-7 NC-10 NC-20 NC-30 334 335 336 335 338 340 337 336 270 268 276 272 275 273 279 283 284 277 288 285 285 283 289 290 31.83 30.18 27.04 29.19 30.35 29.56 28.73 32 24.46 23.22 20.8 22.45 23.35 22.74 22.10 24.62 2.8 2.0 2.4 2.6 2.0 2.0 2.0 1.4 64 67 60 63 63 64 56 53 a Normalized heat of crystallization of PEEK constituent in nanocomposites. theless the impurities present on the filler’s surface may also affect the crystallization behavior of the polymer. The half time (t1/2) of crystallization temperature of PEEK nanocomposites was determined by using the equation [t1/2 = (Ton Tc)/rate of cooling]. Table 4 shows that t1/2 value of nanocomposite decreases with the increase in n-Al2O3 content in PEEK. The t1/2 for the pure PEEK is 2.8 min, which is decreased to about 1.4 min for the NC30 nanocomposites. The t1/2 for the nanocomposites varies 2.6–1.4 min depending on the nanofiller loading. The decrease in t1/2 implies that the nucleation effect is increased for PEEK with increase in n-Al2O3. For the same rate of cooling, there is enough time for the molecular chains of PEEK to pack into a closer arrangement. Although the enthalpy of crystallization (DHc) for nanocomposites decreased slightly with the increase of n-Al2O3 as compared to the pure PEEK. Moreover, there is not any trend in DHc with n-Al2O3 content. The supercooling temperature (DT) of the nanocomposites decreases with increasing n-Al2O3 in PEEK, indicating that the crystallization becomes easier in the nanocomposites due to the nucleating effect of the n-Al2O3. PEEK nanocomposites. The pure PEEK and PEEK constitute of nanocomposites crystallizes primarily in the form-I [33] with orthorhombic crystal structure which shows diffraction peaks (2h) at about 18.7, 20.8, 22.9 and 28.9, corresponding to diffraction planes of (1 1 0), (1 1 1), (2 0 0), and (2 1 1). In the studied angular range for nanocomposites, there are only two weak diffraction peaks of n-Al2O3 appearing at about 39.41, and 45.815, corresponding to Miller indices (2 2 2), and (4 0 0). Apparently, apart from those of pure constitutes, no new diffracting peaks were observed in the diffraction pattern of the nanocomposites. Moreover, all nanocomposite samples showed the same XRD patterns with varying peak intensity in proportion of the constituent’s volume faction. The absence of new diffraction peaks showed that the presence of n-Al2O3 did not change the crystal structure of PEEK. However, in other polymer nanocomposite system a new diffracting peak was observed which implies new morphology of the polymer [27,34]. 4.4. Crystal structure Fig. 1a shows micrographs of pure PEEK powder at 2000· magnification. PEEK powders have irregular particles of rod like shape of length ranging from 10 to 50 lm. In order to determine the morphology of the nAl2O3 filler, it was dispersed in ethanol for 15 min under ultra sonic bath and observed under the SEM. The fillers are seen as agglomerates in Fig. 1b with sub-micron size of primary particles, which are difficult to be resolved by the SEM. This is due to the fact that n-Al2O3 particles have a strong tendency to form agglomerate due to Wander Wall’s forces between particle-particle. However the same can be observed well separated in composites under SEM due to interaction between n-Al2O3 and PEEK, which results in well dispersion in PEEK matrix. Figs. 10a and b show SEM micrographs for NC-1 and NC-10 after polishing. Due to the nano size, fillers are not distinctly visible. In order to get distinct boundary between the n-Al2O3 filler and the PEEK matrix, NC-1 and NC-10 nanocomposites were etched in 2% w/v solution of potassium permanganate in a mixture of 4 vol. of orthophosphoric acid and 1 vol. of water. During etching amorphous PEEK or loosely bounded PEEK surrounding the n-Al2O3 fillers were etched Fig. 9 shows intensity versus angular position (2h) in the range 10–50 of major crystallographic reflection for the Fig. 9. X-ray diffraction pattern of the nanocomposites. For clarity, scans of NC-1–NC-30 have been displaced upward. 4.5. Morphological examination 1809 Fig. 10. SEM micrographs of: (a) polished NC-1, magnification = 6 · 104; (b) polished NC-10, magnification = 6 · 104; (c) etched NC-1, magnification = 8 · 104; (d) etched NC-1, magnification = 1.6 · 105; (e) etched NC-10, magnification = 8 · 104; (f) etched NC-10, magnification = 1.6 · 105. out, which results in appearance of n-Al2O3 fillers in PEEK matrix. It could be seen from Figs. 10c–f that n-Al2O3 fillers were uniformly distributed throughout the PEEK matrix. However, some n-Al2O3 agglomerates were also seen in the PEEK matrix. Nevertheless, with increase of n-Al2O3 content, the inter particle distance decreases which results in formation of Al2O3 aggregates. As shown in Figs. 10c–f, SEM could not provide good contrast between nAl2O3 and PEEK matrix. For this reason, NC-1 and NC10 nanocomposites were also examined with TEM. Figs. 11a and b show TEM images of pure n-Al2O3 powder. The n-Al2O3 particles are almost spherical in shape and its size varies between 20 and 90 nm. Figs. 11c and d show TEM images of NC-1 and NC-10 nanocomposites, respectively. The most of the n-Al2O3 particles remained individual in NC-1 nanocomposite. However, as the n-Al2O3 content increased to 10 wt% (NC-10) in PEEK, due to the particle-particle interaction some aggregates of about 100 nm size was also observed with individual n-Al2O3 particles. This shows that shear forces applied during mechanical stirring were not capable of breaking and uniformly distributing the n-Al2O3 in PEEK matrix. 1810 Fig. 11. TEM micrographs of: (a) n-Al2O3 powder as received, magnification = 6.6 · 104; (b) n-Al2O3 powder as received, magnification = 1.15 · 105; (c) NC-1, magnification = 3.8 · 104; (d) NC-10, magnification = 3.8 · 104. 70 Experimental ROM Terner Kerner 60 -6 The Tg of the PEEK determined by inflection in the curve between dimension change and temperature was found about 153 C. The average out-of-plane CTE below Tg for the nanocomposites is shown in Fig. 12 as a function of volume % of n-Al2O3 filler. The CTE of the NC-0 was 58 · 106/C and decreased with increasing n-Al2O3 filler in PEEK matrix. The CTE of the NC-30 (12 vol%) nanocomposite was about 23 · 106/C. The reduction in CTE may be attributed to three reasons. First, decrease in volume fraction of the PEEK in the composite results in decreased free volume of PEEK, hence reduced room for PEEK expansion. Second, well dispersion of n-Al2O3 filler results in good interfacial area between n-Al2O3 and PEEK. It is well known that in particulate polymer composites, particles are surrounded by two regions; first by tightly bounded polymer or constrained polymer chain, and second, by loosely bounded polymer chains or unconstrained polymer chain. As the average inter-particle distance decreases with the incorporation of more filler particles, the loosely bound polymer gradually gets transformed to the tightly bound polymer. Hence, the volume fraction of loosely bound polymer decreases [3,35]. Hence formation of increased con- CTE (x 10 /˚C) 4.6. Coefficient of thermal expansion (CTE) 50 40 30 20 10 0 0 2 4 6 8 10 Volume % of n-Al 2O3 in PEEK 12 14 Fig. 12. Theoretical and experimental CTE of the nanocomposites as a function of the n-Al2O3 content. 1811 strained PEEK suppresses the thermal expansion of the nanocomposites. Third, probably due to the much lower intrinsic CTE of Al2O3 (6.6 · 106/C) as compared to pure PEEK (58 · 106/C). Various models such as rule of mixture (ROM), Turner, and Kerner’s models have been discussed in literature for obtaining the CTE of composites. The simplest model for CTE of the composite material is the ROM, which serves as the first order approximation to the overall calculation of the CTE of the composite. This can be expressed as ac ¼ am ð1 V f Þ þ af V f ð5Þ where ac, am, and af represent the CTE of the composite, matrix, and filler, respectively. As shown in Fig. 12, the ROM overestimates the CTE for the composites as compared to the experimental CTE. This is due to the fact that it does not take into account the mechanical constraint created on the matrix due to fillers. However, Turner model takes into account the mechanical stress on adjacent phases in the composites [36–38]. This can be expressed as ac ¼ ðam V m Y m þ af V f Y f Þ=ðV m Y m þ V f Y f Þ ð6Þ where Ym and Yf are the bulk modulus of the matrix and filler phase, respectively. This model predicts CTE lesser than the values obtained from the ROM and the experimental CTE. Turner model estimates the CTE of composite based on the bulk modulus of filler and matrix, but the bulk modulus of the Al2O3 filler (247 GPa) is much larger (i.e. two order of magnitude higher) than that of the PEEK matrix (3.6 GPa). Thus CTE of the composites is closer to the CTE of the filler. Kerner has developed the following expression for the CTE of composite consisting approximately spherical particles dispersed in matrix and wetted by a uniform layer of matrix. Composites were assumed to be macroscopically isotropic and homogeneous [38]. ac ¼ am V m þ af V f ðam ac ÞV m V f K ð7Þ where K ¼ ½ð1=Y 40 nm will have one million times number of nano particles than that of conventionally used filler of 4 lm [40]. Hence, nanofillers are more effective in reducing the CTE of the matrix. Presently commercial glass/epoxy (FR-4) composite is used as packaging substrates in electronics, which have much higher out-of-plane CTE (>60 · 106/C) than that of copper (18 · 106/C) [41]. The CTE of the copper must match with that of the packaging substrate materials to avoid the thermal fatigue failure. In the present study, the decrease in CTE with increase of n-Al2O3 indicates better dimensional stability of the composites as compared to pure PEEK, making them potential candidate for electronic packaging materials. The novelty of the present work is that the desired CTE of the nanocomposites was achieved at much lower filler loading (12 vol%) as compared to the reported filler loading [7,11]. For example CTE of the epoxy is reduced from 88 · 106/C to 40 · 106/C at 50 vol% Al2O3 (12–15 lm) loading [7] and of polyvinylidene fluoride (PVDF) is reduced from 137 · 106/C to 60 · 106/C at 50 vol% AlN (1.5 lm) loading [42]. 5. Conclusions The PEEK matrix nanocomposites reinforced with nAl2O3 filler showed improvement in thermal stability and CTE. The thermal stability of nanocomposites is improved in both, i.e. air and nitrogen atmosphere which may be attributed to the interaction between the PEEK matrix and the n-Al2O3 fillers. The peak crystallization temperature and melting temperature of the nanocomposites were increased significantly. The CTE of NC-30 nanocomposite was decreased to 40% of the pure PEEK, which is very close to the CTE of copper. Hence, these nanocomposites may be the suitable futuristic electronic packaging substrates in electronic/microelectronic applications. 1 m 1=Y f ÞðV f =Y m þ V m =Y f þ 3=4:Gm Þ where Gm is the shear modulus of the matrix, Ym, and Yf are the bulk modulus of the matrix and filler, respectively. The interaction term K is a measure of the thermal stress occurring in the composite systems during temperature changes. This equation differs from the ROM by the last term because the fillers constraint the matrix. Hence, this equation predicts CTE lesser than the values predicted by ROM, but predicts higher than the experimental CTE. This discrepancy may be accounted for the large surface area to volume ratio of n-Al2O3 filler, which constraint more PEEK matrix fraction, as compared to conventionally used micron size fillers as models are developed for latter. The CTE of the PEEK composite reinforced with 12 vol% micro-Al2O3 (size: 8 lm) was decreased to 37 · 106/C [39], which is much higher than that of PEEK reinforced with 12 vol% nano-Al2O3. For example, for a constant filler loading in a same volume of composite, nanofiller of size Acknowledgements We thank Dr. P.D. Trivedi, Polymer Division, Gharda Chemicals, India for providing PEEK powder for this research work. We also thank Dr. S.L. Kamath, IIT Bombay for performing DSC analysis and Mrs. Anuya Nisal, NCL Pune for making ultra-thin composite section. SAIF, IIT Bombay is acknowledged for the TEM analysis. We are grateful to Dr. T. L. Prakash, Executive Director of CMET for his interest in this work. References [1] Frederic NC. Thermoplastic aromatic polymer composites. Oxford: Butterworth Heinemann Ltd.; 1992. [2] Goyal RK, Tiwari AN, Negi YS. Preparation of high performance composites based on AlN/poly(ether ether ketone) and their properties. Eur Polym J 2005;41:2034–44. 1812 [3] Goyal RK, Tiwari AN, Mulik UP, Negi YS. Effect of AlN on thermo mechanical properties of high performance poly(ether ether ketone). Composites: Part A, in press. [4] Goyal RK, Tiwari AN, Negi YS. High performance polymer composites on poly(ether ether ketone) reinforced with Al2O3. J Appl Polym Sci 2006;100:4623–31. [5] Zhou B, Ji X, Sheng Y, Wang L, Jiang Z. Mechanical and thermal properties of poly(ether ether ketone) reinforced with CaCO3. Eur Polym J 2004;40:2357–63. [6] Baker MSA, Cheang P, Khor KA. Thermal processing of hydroxyapatite reinforced poly(ether ether ketone) composites. J Mater Process Technol 1999;89–90:462–6. 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