
Your EIASM newsletter | View this e-mail in your browser
December 2015
In this issue:
> Best Season's Greetings from EIASM !
> EIASM Launches 3 New EDEN Doctoral Seminars
> Forthcoming EDEN Doctoral Seminars
> EIASM Workshops & Conferences 2016
> Report on the 12th Workshop on Corporate Governance
> RENT (Research in ENTrepreneurship and small business)
> EAA Annual Congress 2016 & Other Activities
> EARIE Annual Conference 2016
> EDAMBA Activities
> EFA Annual Meeting & Doctoral Tutorial 2016
> EIBA Annual Conference & Doctoral Events 2016
> EMAC Annual Conference 2016 & Other Activities
> EURAM Annual Conference 2016 & Other Activities
> EurOMA Annual Conference 2016 & Other Activities
> Contact EIASM
Best Season's Greetings from EIASM !
On behalf of the EIASM Board and Staff, sincere thanks to all faculty members and delegates who have
contributed to the success of the EIASM workshops and EDEN seminars in 2015.
We also look forward to a continued and rewarding partnership with our Academic Council members as well
as with the Associations. Best wishes for a prosperous and a Happy New Year 2016 !
EIASM Launches 3 New EDEN Doctoral Seminars
EI ASM launches 3 new EDEN doctoral sem inars !
EDEN-CIMA-MELCO on Conducting, Writing and Publishing Case-Based Research in Management Accounting
Kyoto, Japan - March 30-April 1, 2016
Application deadline: January 15, 2016
Enhance your aw areness of the various opportunities w hich open w hen selecting to conduct case research in
m anagem ent accounting and the necessary skills one has to develop in order to be able to seize them
This seminar deals with issues around conducting case research in management accounting. As this mode of research is nowadays
increasingly applied in management accounting studies, there is a need to probe into its fundamentals. Regarding them, a series of
questions can be raised, for instance the following: What is the role of case research in management accounting? What kind of knowledge
can be produced by case research? What abilities should a researcher have when conducting case research? How to actually conduct case
research? How to evaluate the outcomes of case research?
In this EDEN seminar, these and other key questions around case-based research in management accounting will be raised and tackled,
under the guidance of the international faculty of management accounting focused scholars. more
EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Research Traditions in International Sales Management
A joint EI ASM - K ATAJA collaboration
Kuopio, Finland - April 18-21, 2016
Application deadline: February 22, 2016
Fam iliarize yourself w ith theoretical and m ethodological approaches to the study of international sales m anagem ent!
Recently, the importance of sales management in international context has been widely recognized, yet, there is a lack of courses offering
high-level understanding of the relevant theories and research traditions. Hence, this course sets as its learning goal that students will
familiarize themselves with theoretical and methodological approaches to the study of international sales management, which can be
divided into following objectives:
Knowledge related: The students will be able to describe and explain the body of theoretical and methodological approaches used in the
study of sales management in international context.
Skills related: The students will be able to carry out critical analysis of scientific articles and other academic texts and apply their ideas to
the student’s own research.
... read more
EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Developing Teaching Excellence
A joint EI ASM - K ATAJA collaboration
London, U.K. - May 16-20, 2016
Application deadline: March 10, 2016
A com prehensive, theoretically-inform ed and practically-grounded course in developing teaching excellence for doctoral
students at business schools!
While there is increasing emphasis on the development of specialised research skills and discipline-specific research expertise for doctoral
students at business schools, there is surprisingly little, if any, formal teaching training tailored to doctoral students in a business school
environment. This can often leave doctoral students at business schools unprepared and lacking confidence in the area.
This course aims to fill this training gap by offering a comprehensive, theoretically-informed and practically-grounded, course in
developing teaching excellence for doctoral students at business schools.
... read more
Forthcoming EDEN Doctoral Seminars
5th EDAMBA-EIASM Consortium on Doctoral Supervision and the New Global Research Landscape
Sant Cugat, Barcelona, Spain - January 18-21, 2016
Registration deadline: some seats still available - Contact: Nina Payen - [email protected]
... read more
EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Research Methods in Marketing and Management
Brussels, Belgium - March 14-18, 2016
Application deadline: January 8, 2016
... read more
EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Corporate Governance
Brussels, Belgium - March 14-18, 2016
Application deadline: January 9, 2016
... read more
EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Qualitative Methods in Business Research
A joint EI ASM - K ATAJA collaboration
Brussels, Belgium - May 10-13, 2016
Application deadline: February 22, 2016
... read more
See our full 2016 calendar at the link http:/ / w w w .eiasm .org/ r/ default.asp?iI d=EEEHHH.
EIASM Workshops & Conferences 2016
1st International Workshop on Distrust and Conflict Escalation in Organisations and Societies
Groningen, the Netherlands - January 11-12, 2016
A unique platform to exchange insights and new forms of collaboration and publications in the fields of distrust studies, conflict escalation
studies, and studies using dynamic models.
The programme is now available. more
7th Workshop on Top Management Teams and Business Strategy Research
Groningen, the Netherlands - April 7-8, 2016
Theme of the workshop: "TM Ts and Boards: At the Crossroad Betw een Cognition and Context" more
31st Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management
Segovia, Spain - April 25-26, 2016
Submission deadline: January 15, 2016
To create a forum for academic exchange of empirical qualitative or quantitative research in the area of strategic human resource
management . Research in all stages (dissertation proposals, research in progress, and completed research) is welcomed. more
12th Workshop on Family Firm Management Research
Zwolle, the Netherlands - May 13-14, 2016
Theme of the workshop: "Bridging the Gap – I ntegrating Fam ily Business Theory & Practice"
Submission deadline: February 15, 2016 more
MAR 2016 - Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference
Lisbon, Portugal - June 15-17, 2016
Full papers intended for presentation at concurrent sessions or the PhD track should be submitted by March 15, 2016.
There will be an appointed discussant for each of these papers.
A direct engagement with operational processes has always been a central feature in the academic papers presented at the MAR
conference. The Lisbon 2016 conference continues to welcome papers with a strong operational orientation. The conference will consist
of plenary presentations, concurrent sessions and a special track for PhD students. The PhD track aims to promote young
researchers and provides a platform for discussion of and individual feedback to PhD related papers.
Keynote Speakers:
John Burns, Exeter Business School, UK
Petri Suomala, Tampere University of Technology, Finland
Regine Slagmulder, Vlerick Business School, Belgium more
IPDM 2016 – Innovation & Product Development Management Conference
Glasgow, UK - June 12-14, 2016
The conference will take place on the premises of the Technology and Innovation Centre, University of Strathclyde.
Theme of the conference: "Crossing Borders and Boundaries: The Changing Role of I nnovation/ Entrepreneurship” more
Doctoral Workshop 2016 – Innovation & Product Development Management
– an integrated part of the I PDM 2016 Conference
Glasgow, UK - June 11-12, 2016 more
12th Workshop on Accounting and Economics
Tilburg, the Netherlands - June 23-24, 2016
The purpose of this workshop is to promote the application of economic analysis in accounting research. Following the great success of
eleven previous workshops, this workshop again offers a forum to thoroughly discuss current research using this methodology. Research
papers covering any topics in financial accounting, auditing, tax and managerial accounting are welcome. Only full paperswill be
The deadline to provide us your full paper is March 15, 2016.
Keynote Speakers:
Chandra Kanodia, Carlson School of Management, University of Minnesota, U.S.A.
Paul Fischer, Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, U.S.A. more
6th Workshop on Current Research in Taxation
Bonn, Germany - July 4-5, 2016
Submission deadline: April 1, 2016 more
7th Workshop on Accounting and Regulation
Siena, Italy - July 7-9, 2016
Abstracts will be considered, but priority will be given to completed papers.
Submission deadline: March 1, 2016
Organizing Committee:
Roberto Di Pietra, University of Siena, Italy
Günther Gebhardt, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany
Stuart McLeay, University of Lancaster, U.K.
Joshua Ronen, Stern School of Business, New York University, U.S.A.
The aim of the 7th in this series is to make an informed contribution to the wider debate on the role of accounting and financial reporting
as a regulated activity highlighting also any interactions with corporate governance, auditing and finance. This Workshop provides a
unique opportunity to offer new insights into these aspects of the regulatory processes, especially in the current economic climate.
New this year: 3 academic journals are involved in designing the call for papers and the eventual programme. The journals and their
respective editors are:
the International Journal of Accounting (IJA), Rashad Abdel-Khalik, University of Illinois, U.S.A.
the Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance (JAAF), Bharat Sarath, Rutgers Business School, U.S.A.
the Journal of Management and Governance (JMG), Roberto Di Pietra, University of Siena, Italy more
9th International EIASM Public Sector Conference
Lisbon, Portugal - September 6-8, 2016
Submission deadline: February 29, 2016
6th Workshop on Expatriation : “New Trends of Expatriation”
Catania, Italy - September 15-16, 2016
Submission deadline (full papers): June 1, 2016
6th Workshop on Tourism Management and Related Issues
Krakow, Poland - September 22-23, 2016
Submission deadline: April 30, 2016
6th Workshop on Audit Quality
Florence, Italy - September 30-October 1, 2016
Submission deadline: May 24, 2016
12th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Intangibles, Intellectual Capital and Information
St Petersburg, Russia - September 22-23, 2016
Submission deadline: June 1, 2016
See our full 2016 calendar at the link http:/ / w w w .eiasm .org/ r/ default.asp?iI d=EEEHHH.
Report on the 12th Workshop on Corporate Governance
The 12th Workshop on Corporate Governance that took place in Brussels on October 29-30, 2015 attracted 34 participants from 21
countries. The event was chaired by Professors Tomas Casas (China), Hugh Grove (U.S.A.), Martin Hilb (Switzerland) andMorten
Huse (Norway). The research topics focussed on International Corporate Governance, Strategic Direction, HR Governance, Strategic
Control and Governance of Cyber Security on the Board level.
During the annual Corporate Governance Research Network Session, participants suggested ideas to develop the Corporate Governance
Research LinkedIn Platform including almost 4,000 governance experts and practitioners worldwide. The participants of the workshop
selected “The Role of the Board of Directors to prevent and overcome crisis”, with case studies such as VW and FIFA, as the main topic for
next year’s Research Session.
Based on relevance, innovation and rigour, the three following papers were selected as Best Papers. The authors are eligible to submit
their paper to the Editor of the "Journal of Management and Governance" for fast track review by the chairpersons.
Che Limei (BI Norwegian Business School, Norway) - Zhang Pingying (University of North Florida, USA)
Di Toma Paolo (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy)
Georg Laura (Gjovik University College, Norway)
It was announced that last year’s winner became Dean of CEIBS in Shanghai (China Europe International Business School).
– Martin HILB
RENT (Research in ENTrepreneurship and small business)
RENT is an annual conference organised jointly by ECSB ( and EIASM.
The XIX RENT 2015 Conference, whose topic was Entrepreneurial Society: A Platform for New Solutions to Old Problem s ,
organized by ECSB, EIASM, and local organizer J.J. Strossmayer University in Osijek, was held on November 19–20, 2015, in Zagreb,
Croatia. The conference, which was attended by 235 delegates from 26 different countries, who presented 153 selected papers in 11
tracks, was not only successful in terms of attendance – the participants’ feedback also confirmed their satisfaction with the vibrant
discussions, the organization, and overall atmosphere of the conference.
The plenary session confronted a researcher’s view on a burning social, political, and economic issue, and featured a personal story of a
local entrepreneur. The first keynote speaker Professor Monder Ram, University of Birmingham, and Director of the Centre for Research
in Ethnic Minority Entrepreneurship (CREME), opened the plenary session, talking about "Migrant Entrepreneurship: Reflections on
Research and Practice". His speech was followed by Mrs Jadranka Boban Pejic, Director, Biovega, Zagreb, who presented "My story Passion as Share Capital".
In addition to the RENT conference, there were several ECSB pre-conference activities, which attracted a large number of
participants. The Policy Forum on Success and Failures in SME Business Transfer (led by Mirela Alpeza and Eddy Laveren)
attracted next to conference participants also Croatian business people as well as several policy makers. Young researchers attended with
enthusiasm the ECSB Doctoral Seminar on Entrepreneurship and Small Business (led by Steffen Korsgaard), the ECSB
Post-doctoral Writing Workshop (led by Christina Diaz) and the Workshop on Progressing in Academic Peer Reviewing – The
Good, The Bad and The Ugly (led by Erno Tornikoski and Robert Blackburn). The Workshop Wonderdriven Entrepreneurship
Education – Try a Wonder lab (led by Sine Maria Herholdt-Lomholdt) was especially interesting for those looking for new approaches
in teaching/learning.
Professor Slavica Singer
2015 RENT Conference Chairperson
Photos of the conference are available at the link
The European Council for Small Business and Entrepreneurship (ECSB) and The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management
(EIASM) are looking for candidate organisers for the RENT "Research in Entrepreneurship" conferences in 2018, 2019, and 2020. For
more information, please click HERE.
The winners of the 2015 José Maria VECIANA Best Paper Award are
Sarah Davis and Breda Kenny with the paper entitled :
The Winner of the International Small Business Journal (ISBJ)’s Best Paper Award on Critical Perspectives in
Entrepreneurship & Small Business Research is
Renata Osowska with the paper entitled :
The RENT XXX Conference will be held in Antwerp, Belgium, on November 16-18, 2016
Conference theme:
"I nnovation, Relational N etw orks, Technology and Know ledge Transfer as Drivers of Global Com petitiveness"
More details will be posted soon on
Conference Chairpersons:
Johan Braet - Professor in Entrepreneurship, Innovation Management and Environmental Management, University of Antwerp
Sven de Cleyn - Incubation Pograms Manager, iMinds
Eddy Laveren - Professor Financial Management and Entrepreneurship, University of Antwerp & Antwerp Management School
EAA Annual Congress 2016 & Other Activities
EAA 2016 - 39th Annual Congress
Dates: May 11-13, 2016
Location: MECC, Maastricht, Netherlands
Host: Maastricht University
Congress Chair: Ann Vanstraelen
The paper submission deadline is over.
The registration is open.
Full information on:
The European Doctoral Colloquium in Accounting 2016
Dates: May 7-10, 2016
Location: Kasteel Bloemendal, Vaals (near Maastricht), Netherlands
The paper submission deadline is over.
Full information on:
EAA Newsletter
If you are interested in finding out about the latest developments within the European Accounting Association, just take a few minutes to
read the latest EAA Newsletter. EAA members and non-members alike can access the current and previous issues on theEAA website.
EARIE Annual Conference 2016
EARIE 2016 – 43rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics
Date: August 26-28, 2016
Host/Location: Nova School of Business and Economics, Lisbon, Portugal
Submission deadline: March 15, 2016
Conference website:
EDAMBA Activities
5th EDAMBA-EIASM Consortium on Doctoral Supervision & the New Global Research Landscape
Sant Cugat (Barcelona), Spain, January 18-21, 2016
Learn from best research practices and outcom es throughout Europe and beyond !
Application Deadline: Some seats still available - contact Nina Payen - [email protected]
2016 EDAMBA Thesis Competition
W in up to 2.500 € plus support for publication!
The European Doctoral Programmes Association in Management And Business Administration (EDAMBA) invites submissions for the
EDAMBA Doctoral Thesis Competition (open to EDAMBA members).
Submission Deadline: January 28, 2016
EDAMBA Summer Research Academy
Athens, Greece, July 18-22, 2016
The EDAMBA Summer Research Academy is aimed at giving an analysis and some important perspectives on the challenges facing
management and business research in a postmodern knowledge economy. It will position management and business research in relation
to the moral and normative issues, the methodological issues and issues concerning new theoretical developments.
EDAMBA Annual Meeting 2016
hosted by the University of Kent, Kent, UK
Dates: September 4-6, 2016
EFA Annual Meeting & Doctoral Tutorial 2016
EFA 2016 - 43rd Annual Meeting of the European Finance Association
Date: August 17-20, 2016
Location / Host: BI Norwegian Business School – Campus Nydalen, Oslo, Norway
Submission deadline: February 2, 2016 ► Note the earlier deadline date...
Conference website:
The EFA 2016 Oslo conference will be preceded by the...
EFA Doctoral Tutorial 2016
Date: August 17, 2016
Location / Host: BI Norwegian Business School, Oslo, Norway
Submission deadline: February 2, 2016 ► Note the earlier deadline date...
EIBA Annual Conference & Doctoral Events 2016
EIBA 2016 – 42nd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy
"Liabilities of Foreignness vs. the Value of Diversity: Conflict or Com plem ent?"
Date: December 2-4, 2016
Location / Host: WU – Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Submission deadline: July 15, 2016
Conference website: |
► The EI BA 2016 Vienna conference will be preceded by two doctoral events...
30th EIBA Doctoral Tutorial
"The John H. Dunning Doctoral Tutorial in I nternational Business"
Date: December 2, 2016
Location / Host: WU – Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Submission deadline: September 1, 2016
Further information to follow
5th EIBA Doctoral Symposium
Date: December 2, 2016
Location / Host: WU – Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Submission deadline: September 1, 2016
Further information to follow
EIBA 2015 – 41st Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy
"I nternational Business after the BRI C’s Rush"
Date: December 1-3, 2015
Host/Location: Pontifical Catholic University (PUC) of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Conference website:
► EI BA 2015 Rio was a very successful conference thanks to the collaborative efforts of the organisers & participants alike!
► Photos (over 1,000 of them) are available for viewing → please visit the EIBA 2015 Rio Photo Gallery.
International Business Perspectives
ISSN 2222-4785
► The EIBAzine newsletter (current and past issues) is available on the EIBA website (under the menu 'Publications').
EMAC Annual Conference 2016 & Other Activities
EMAC Annual Conference & Doctoral Colloquium 2016
EMAC 2016 – 29th Doctoral Colloquium
Location: Oslo, Norway
Dates: May 22-24, 2016
Submission Deadline: January 26, 2016 (12:00 (noon) CET Time)
Submission Link
EMAC 2016 – 45th Annual Conference
Theme: "Marketing in the Age of Data"
Location: Oslo, Norway
Dates: May 24-27, 2016
Submissions are closed
EMAC Annual Conference & Doctoral Colloqium 2017
EMAC 2017- 30th Doctoral Colloquium
Location: Groningen, Netherlands
Dates: May 21-23, 2017
EMAC 2017- 46th Annual Conference
Theme: Leaving Footprint!
Location: Groningen, Netherlands
Dates: May 23-26, 2017
Other Activities
EMAC McKinsey Dissertation Award
Call for papers
Submission Guidelines
Submission Deadline: January 29, 2016 (midnight CET Time)
Submission link
1st EMAC Junior Faculty & Doctoral Student Research Camp
Location: University of Vienna, Austria
Dates: September 1-2, 2016
Submission Deadline: April 30, 2016
For more information about the Junior Faculty & Doctoral Student reseach Camp and application, click here.
EMAC Newsletter & Chronicle
The EMAC Newsletter
EMAC Members are invited to send their contributions for the monthly EMAC E-Newsletter to Anne-Laure Marteaux. The next
issue will be circulated mid-January 2016. Previous quarterly Newsletters are available on the EMAC Website. As of
September 2014, the EMAC E-Newsletter is sent each month to current EMAC members.
The EMAC Chronicle
is an annual publication aimed at informing EMAC members, potential members, and other stakeholders about the
Academy's activities, as well as providing insightful views and articles on what is happening in the Marketing discipline.
The EMAC Chronicle is also available on the EMAC website (under Publications).
EURAM Annual Conference 2016 & Other Activities
EURAM Annual Conference 2016
Theme: "Manageable Cooperation?"
Dates: June 1-4, 2016
Location: Paris, France
First Call for Papers: September 25, 2015
Deadline for Paper Submission: January 12, 2016
For more information, see the Call for Papers
Call for Reviewers and Volunteers
Deadline: December 31, 2015 for more
EURAM Doctoral Colloquium 2016
Dates: May 29-31, 2016
Location: Paris, France
Deadline for Paper Submission: January 27, 2016
For more information,
6th Research Leadership Programme for Directors of Research - co-organised with the EFMD
3-Modular Programme held on:
Module 1: February 22-24, 2016
Module 2: March 31–April 1, 2016
Module 3: September 13-14, 2016
Deadline for early bird registration: January 15, 2016
For more information, follow the link
7th EURAM Early Career Colloquium – "Winter Olympics"
Dates: February 24-26, 2016
Deadline for Registration: December 15, 2015
Hosted by the Martin-Luther University Halle-Wittenberg, Germany
For more information, take a look at which includes statements of former participants and
- For more information on the above events and on others – organised with EURAM's Strategic
Groups, see
- For the EURAM Newsletter, use the link
Follow us on:
and the newly created account on
EurOMA Annual Conference 2016 & Other Activities
EurOMA Annual Conference 2016
EurOMA 2016 – 23rd International Annual EurOMA Conference
"I nteractions"
Date: June 17-22, 2016
Location: Trondheim, Norway
Submission deadline: January 11, 2016
The EurOM A 2016 conference will be preceded by the following events...
15th EurOMA Doctoral Seminar
June 17-18, 2016
9th EurOMA Workshop on Journal Publishing in Operations Management
June 18, 2016
8th EurOMA Young Scholars' Workshop
June 19, 2016
Other Upcoming EurOMA Activities
3rd International EurOMA Sustainable Operations and Supply Chains Forum
"The Local Versus Global Sustainability Debate"
April 11-12, 2016
Lancaster, UK
5th World Conference on P&OM
September 6-10, 2016
Havana, Cuba
Contact EIASM
Tel: +32 2 226 66 60 / Fax: +32 2 512 19 29
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