ISCAS 2000 - IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, May 28-31, 2000, Geneva, Switzerland FACE RECOGNITION Vinayadatt V Kohir and U. B. Desai Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology Mumbai, INDIA. 400 076 email: { vvkohir,ubdesai}C3ee.iitb.emet.h ABSTRACT A transform domain face recognition approach is presented. The DCT is coupled with the HMM to achieve a recognition rate of 100% on ORL face database of 40 subjects with 10 images per subject. The recognition time for ORL database is little over 2Sec. 5 images of a subject are used to train HMM and remaining 5 are used for recognition test. The proposed method is tested on another face data base of 249 subjects w,ith 3 training images and 4 test images per subject. The recognition rate is 90%. A test of recognition is carried out at different resolutions with recognition rate varing from 100% to 95% depending on the resolution. Further, a simple scheme is proposed to incorporate rejection of images of new subjects. On ORL database 100% rejection occurs for the images of new subjects. 1. INTRODUCTION Face recognition has potential application in areas like military, security, electronic line up etc., and hence has been a topic of interest in the last couple of decades [l, 2, 3,4, 2, 5, 61. This paper presents two transform domain schemes for face recognition with the basic block being the HMM (Hidden Markov Model). The proposed method combines DCT (Discrete Cosine Transform) with HMM to exploit the best of the two. The face recognition has two steps - HMM training, and then the actual face recognition. For every subject to be recognized, a HMM is trained using the training face images, and labeled respectively. Recognition is carried out by computing state optimized probability estimate P ( 0 ,Q/Ai) for every hmrh i, and then selecting the HMM label with highest state optimized probability estimate. The proposed schemes are tested on ORL (Olevitti Research Laboratory) database and S P A " (Signal Processing And Artificial Neural Networks) laboratory database. To compare the results, eigenface method of [2] is implemented and the recognition rates are: 88% for ORL face database. 2. HIDDEN MARKOV MODEL [7] 1D Hh4M is associated with interconnected non-observable (hidden) states manifested by the observable vector sequence. HMM, X is characterized by three parameters ( A ,B , II). Let 0 = (ol, o2, . . . , w),where each ot is a D -element observation vector, be the observation sequence at T different observation instances and the corresponding state sequence be Q = (41,q'~,. . . ,q T ) , where qt € { 1 , 2 , . . . ,N } , N being the number of states in the model. Then the HMM X = ( A ,B , II) is defined as follows : A: is the transition probability matrix. The elements of Aare: urj = P(qt+l = j / y t = 2 ) . B : is the emission probability matrix determining the output observation given that the HMM is in a particular 15 j 5 state. Every element of this matrix: b3(ot) : N , and 1 5 t 5 T , is the posterior density of observation ot at time t given that HMM is in state qt = j . is the initial state distribution matrix with i-th entry, 7rz = P(q1 = i) being the probability of being in state 2' at the start of the observation. n: 3. VECTOR SEQUENCE GENERATION Since, the proposed method uses HMMs for face recognition the 2D face image data must be converted to 1D data without loosing significant information. The DCT based method is proposed to generate 1D vector sequence from the 2D images. 3.1. Subimage sequence generation The square sampling window is slid over the entire face image in raster scan fashion from top left comer of the face image upto bottom right comer window is slid with predefined overlap. The grey levels captured by the sampling win: dow form the subimage. Each of the face image generates a subimage sequence. 3.2. DCT based vector sequence Since, the DCT transforms spatial information to decoupled frequency information in the form of DCT coefficients with excellent energy compaction, it is used to obtain transformed vector sequence from subimage sequence. Each of the subimage is DCT transformed to obtain DCT coefficients. Low frequency coefficient of DCT matrix are arranged as a vector. An observation sequence is obtained 0-7803-5482-6/99/$10.00 02000 IEEE V-305 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 02:25 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. from the input face image after scanning and DCT transforming. This DCT vector sequence obtained is used for HMM training andor testing. 4. HMM FOR FACE RECOGNITION HMM Training: Following steps give a procedure of ergodic HMM training. Step 1: Cluster all R training vector sequences, generated from R number of training face images of the subject to be recognized, i.e. { O w } ,1 5 w 5 R, each of length T , in N clusters using some clustering algorithm, say k-means clustering algorithm. Each cluster will represent a state of the training vector. Step 2: Assign cluster number of the nearest cluster to each of the training vector. i.e. t t h training vector will be assigned a number 2' if its distance, say Euclidean distance, is smaller than than its distance to any other cluster j , j # i. Step 3: Calculate mean { p a } and covariance matrix {E,} for each state (cluster). Ei = 1 -E( Al. 02 - (ot - p i ) for 1 _< i 5N otEa 'la where N,is the number of vectors assigned to state i. Step 4: Calculate A and Jl matrices using event counting. IT, = No. of occurrences of 01 E i for 15 i No. of training sequences = 0 = 5N No. of occurrences of ot E i and ot+l E j No. of occurrences of ot E i for 1 5 i ; j 5 N a n d f o r l 5 t _< T - 1 Step 5: Calculate the B matrix of probability density for each of the training vector for each state. Here we assume that b, ( o t )is Gaussian. For 1 5 j 5 N where, ot is of size D x 1. Step 6: Now use the Viterbi algorithm [7] to find the optimal state sequence Q' for each training sequence. Here, the state reassignment is done. A vector is assigned state i if q; = i. Step 7: If there is any state reassignment, then repeat Steps 3 to 6; else STOP and the HMM is trained for the given training sequences. Face Recognition: For the face image to be recognized, the vector sequence generation using mean subtracted image is followed as described in Section 4. The trained HMMs are used to compute the likelihood function as follows: Let 0 be the DCT based vector sequence obtained from the mean subtracted face image to be recognized. 1. Compute Q: = argmaxQ P ( 0 ,Q/A,) using Viterbi algorithm [7]. 2. The recognized face corresponds to that i for which the is maximum. likelihood function P ( 0 ,Q:/X,) 5. EXPERIMENTAL EVALUATION Two face databases, ORL database and SPA" database, are used here. The face databases constitute of both male and female subjects with some facial expressions and facial accessories. No precise control over lighting, head orientation or facial expressions was exercised while capturing the face images. All the images are 256 grey level images. The training and recognition steps are as follows: Training: Select the number of images per subject for training HMM.Then the HMM is trained as follows: Step 0: Construct mean image from all the training images. Subract training image from the mean image to get mean subtracted image. Step 1: Subtract training image from mean image to obtain mean subtracted image, and sample it with a square sampling window, say,of 16 x 16 size with 75% overlap, to generate sequence 0 as described in Section 4. Take DCT of each subimage enclosed by this sampling window. Scan the DCT matrix and select few significant DCT coefficients, say 10 to form a vector. Step 2: Repeat Step 1 for all the training images. This step gives the set of training vector sequences. Step 3: Use the training algorithm described earlier to train the 5 state ergodic HMM. Recognition: The recognition test is performed on the face images which are not the part of training. Each face image is recognized by following the steps outlined below. Care is taken that the sampling window size, amount of overlap, transformation and number of coefficients used in recognition step are identical to that of training step. Step 1: Construct mean subtracted face image by subtracting the test image from the mean image fo the training set. Generate the DCT based vector sequence from the mean subtracted face image. This is done exactly similar to the training phase. Step 2: Use the Viterbi algorithm to decode the state sequence and find the state-optimized likelihood function for where all the stored HMMs, namely, V i , P ( 0 ,Q:/A,), Qa = argmaxQ P ( 0 ,Q / X a ) : and 0 is the DCT-based vector sequence corresponding to the face image to be recognized. Step 3: Select that label of HMM for which the likelihood function is maximum. 5.1. New Subject Rejection In most of the face recognition work carried out, new subject's face image is not rejected. This feature is very much essential for person (subject) authentication. The'proposed technique is slightly modified and tested for authentic face recognition. As earlier, for every subject to be recognized as 'AUTHORIZED' and allowed access a 'SUBJECT HMM' is built. In addition, a separate HMM, 'COMMON HMM'is built and trained using all mean subtracted training face images of all the authorized subjects. Then the decision is taken with respect to common HMM. The state optimized probability V-306 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 02:25 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. estimate is calculated for all the HMMs including common HMM. The decision is made based on the state optimized probability estimate of the common HMM. The state optimized probability estimate of common HMM is compared with all the subject HMMs. If the state optimized probability of common HMM is the highest, then the input face image is rejected ‘UNAUTHORIZED’, otherwise the input face image s treated as ‘AUTHORIZED’ and recognition is performed using recognition algorithm states earlier. 5.2. Results and Discussion DCT-HMM method is experimented on ORL database has 40 subject with 10 different images. 5 poses of the subject are used to train the HMM, and remaining 5 poses are used for recognition (see 1. The sampling window of 16 x 16 75% overlap is used to generate 1D transformed vector sequences. Significant first 10 DCT coefficients are used to form vector from DCT transformed subimage. The recognition rate of 100% is obtained. Average recognition time of little over 2Sec. is obtained on Pentium 200Mhz machine. When the recognition test was carried on with full database of 249 subjects (3 training poses and 4 test poses i.e. 249 x 4 ) a recognition rate of 90% is obtained. Sample training posesand test poses are in Fig. 2. For the S P A “ (in house) database the recognition rate is 95% with 20 randomly chosen subjects. To substantiate the above findings, eigenface based method [2] is implemented. The recognition rate for ORL face database is 88% and for SPA” face database is 77.5% (see Table 1). Comparative results, as reported by the respective authors for OFU face database are reposted in Table 2. Also, an investigation is made into the recognition at different resolution using ORL face database. The results of the finding are in Table 3. The images are converted to different resolution using the pyramid algorithm proposed by PI.. To validate new subject rejection, the ORL face database is segmented into two two different sets: (i) 20 subjects corresponding to authorized (known) subject class and (ii) rest 20 subjects to the unauthorized (new) class. 5 poses of authorized subject are used to train HMMs. Remaining 5 different poses of the respective authorized subject are used for subject validation (recognition - authorization). All the 10 poses of unauthorized subject are used used for authentication. All the 200 images of unauthorized class are rejected as ‘UNAUTHORIZED’ and 17 images of authorized class are rejected Table 2: Comparative recognition results of some of the other methods as reported by the respective authors on ORL face database. The last three methods indicate the timings on Pentium 200MHz machine in multiuser environment. Table 3: Results of recognition at different resolutions for the proposed DCT-HMM based face recognition scheme on OF& face database. are ‘UNAUTHORIZED’ i.e. 100%rejection of new subjects and 83% rejection of known subjects. 6. PROPOSED FUTURE WORK Towards achieving a full fledged face recognition system, a face detection system (in a cluttered back ground) and recognition system are to be combined. The face is first detected in a given photograph and then cropped. This cropped face image is subjected to recognition technique proposed. 7. 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