Electrical Power and Energy Systems 31 (2009) 59–66 Contents lists available at ScienceDirect Electrical Power and Energy Systems journal homepage: www.elsevier.com/locate/ijepes Electricity transmission pricing: Tracing based point-of-connection tariff A.R. Abhyankar a, S.A. Khaparde b,* a b Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Department of Electrical Engineering, New Delhi 110 016, India Indian Institute of Technology Bombay, Department of Electrical Engineering, Powai, Mumbai, Maharashtra 400 076, India a r t i c l e i n f o Article history: Received 21 November 2006 Received in revised form 16 September 2008 Accepted 18 October 2008 Keywords: Power transmission Point-of-connection transmission charges Power flow tracing a b s t r a c t Point-of-connection (POC) scheme of transmission pricing in decentralized markets charges the participants a single rate per MW depending on their point-of-connection. Use of grossly aggregated postage stamp rates as POC charges fails to provide appropriate price signals. The POC tariff based on distribution of network sunk costs by employing conventional tracing assures recovery of sunk costs based on extent of use of network by participants. However, the POC tariff by this method does not accommodate economically efficient price signals which correspond to marginal costs. On the other hand, the POC tariff, if made proportional to marginal costs alone, fails to account for sunk costs and extent of use of network. This paper overcomes these lacunae by combining the above stated desired objectives under the recently proposed optimal tracing framework. Since, real power tracing problem is amenable to multiple solutions, it is formulated as linearly constrained optimization problem. By employing this methodology, consideration of extent of network use and sunk cost recovery are guaranteed, while objective function is designed such that the spatial pattern of price signals closely follows the pattern of scaled locational marginal prices. The methodology is tested on IEEE 30 bus system, wherein average power flow pattern is established by running various simulation states on congested and un-congested network conditions. Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. 1. Introduction Transmission pricing is one of the highly discussed and debated issues of power deregulation era. The copious literature available on this issue substantiates this fact. Since its introduction for the first time, the electric power market models have converged, in a broader sense, to centralized dispatch and decentralized dispatch concepts [1]. The choice and paradigm of transmission pricing mechanism to be adopted largely depends on the market models stated above. The general principles of transmission pricing are laid down in [2]. The centralized markets generally employ the marginal pricing schemes [3]. Even though the marginal pricing paradigm satisfies the important principle of providing most efficient signals for generation and transmission investments, it fails to recover the embedded costs of transmission [4]. To recover the embedded costs of transmission, a top-up of marginal prices with a complementary charge has been proposed in [5,6]. Another limitation associated with marginal pricing schemes is that the charges for the transmission systems are based on generation costs rather than the costs of the network elements [7]. In decentralized markets, two commonly employed philosophies for transmission pricing are: point-to-point tariff and the * Corresponding author. Tel.: +91 22 25767434. E-mail address: [email protected] (S.A. Khaparde). 0142-0615/$ - see front matter Ó 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.ijepes.2008.10.007 point-of-connection (POC) tariff [8]. The point-to-point tariff is also called transaction based tariff which is specific to particular sale of power from a named seller to a named buyer. A method based on calculation of contribution of each contract on voltage angles and consequently on power flows is presented in [9]. Various versions of MW–Mile [10], contract path methods essentially represent the class of transaction based embedded cost methods. However, embedded cost based evaluation and pricing, while recovering an agreed upon level of revenue for the utility, provides no basis for efficient operation on the part of the network utility and no basis for efficient spatial location and network based spatial response for the users [11]. According to [2], most of the systems which do not use their energy prices to send signals about the transmission, should have separate transmission prices which do send price signals. The non-transaction based POC tariff is employed in the Nordic pool [12,13]. The basic principle of POC tariff is that payment at one point, the point of connection, gives access to the whole network system, and thus the whole electricity market place. Those entities which take part in power market activity (generators, loads), pay a single charge in $/MW towards network usage. This charge is decided by the connection level of that particular entity. The POC tariff depends on the characteristics of the individual seller or buyer. The distinguishing feature of POC tariff is that it can be applied to power exchange (PX) trades as well as bilateral transactions between two parties. As mentioned in [14], a non-transaction 60 A.R. Abhyankar, S.A. Khaparde / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 31 (2009) 59–66 based tariff should charge the user of the system with the relevant marginal cost of transmission. A consequence of the adoption of a non-transaction based tariff is that the geographical distance between buyers and sellers of power does not affect transmission charges. However, as the charges differ between various points of connection to the system, the transmission tariff may induce a generator to choose a certain location [14]. In [15,16], ex-ante transmission pricing scheme has been developed based on the real power tracing. The method determines the share of every network user in a particular line’s average power flow based on flow tracing and the statistics of the user’s previous network usage. The advantage of ex-ante pricing scheme is that the participants of the power market know the price before trading begins. Moreover, since the calculations are based on distributing sunk costs, the methodology can be used as a financial instrument for recovery of transmission investments. The method provides an innovative way of determining POC tariff by assessing the network usage of each participant in ex-ante manner. As mentioned in [17], a transmission pricing scheme should recover the sunk cost of the transmission system in an equitable manner, while minimizing impact on the efficiency of the shortterm markets. Also in [18] it is stated that the transmission price system has to be defined that does not alter the market decisions, related with the operation of the existing capacity. According to [8], the transmission price system based on ‘sunk’ costs tends to alter the economic dispatch. Hence, it is mentioned that the transmission prices must compromise between signalling short run marginal costs and offering reasonable assurance of cost recovery over the long run. In [19], it is mentioned that the spatially variate usage based access charges in two part tariff may strengthen the price signals provided by marginal costs, if the method used to calculate access charges gives similar signals to those of marginal charges. It is shown that there is a high similarity between marginal charges and loss allocation based on tracing. However, when it comes to sunk cost distribution based on tracing, its pattern may or may not match with that of loss allocation or marginal cost. This is because, the sunk costs of transmission are of no concern while obtaining the optimal power flow solution. In the light of the above, the lacuna associated with the methods proposed in [15,16] is that they tend to alter the price signals based on market decisions. Moreover, the signals under network congestion situation do not get reflected in the ex-ante prices. This is because only consideration given to decide the point charges is the sunk cost of network elements. The above discussion provides the following essential guidelines for the design of the point charges: 1. The point charges should be decided so that they recover the sunk or embedded costs of network [2,4,7,17]. 2. However, these point charges should be based on ‘extent of use’ of the network by participants [15,16,20,21]. 3. The spatial variation of point charges should be in tune with that of economically efficient price signals, to the maximum possible extent [8,11,22]. The principle of recovery of embedded costs calls for use of any of the methods under rolled-in pricing paradigm. The extent of usage can be quantified by means of power flow tracing. To induce efficient use of transmission grid and the generation resources by providing efficient price signals, the spot price theory was developed in [23]. The objectives achieved by means of efficient pricing are enlisted in [11,25]. Therefore, the third guideline demands that the point charges should be in tune with the spatial variation of marginal costs. The discussion on the efficiency of the price signals provided by marginal costs is out of scope of this paper. Looking at the key features demanded by an ideal POC scheme, the following options of calculating the POC tariff can be tried out by combining conventional mechanisms under different principles: Use of flat rate throughout the system: This is the postage stamp method and has obvious disadvantages as mentioned earlier. Thus, it neither provides efficient price signals, nor it accounts for the usage of network by various entities. Combining schemes under guidelines ‘1’ and ‘2’: This option involves carrying out conventional proportionate tracing either on a number of power flow simulation states or on the historical data. The power flow tracing enables one to find out usage of network element by each participant and its further participation in sunk cost of that element. This type of ex-ante pricing scheme is proposed in [15,16]. Though this scheme satisfies the first two principles stated above, nothing can be claimed about the principle of providing economically efficient signals. So long as loss cost allocation is considered, it is shown in [24] that the spatial variation of marginal pricing and tracing based pricing follows almost the same pattern. However, same may not hold true for network element sunk cost allocation. It is well known fact that sunk cost of each network element varies on various parameters like interest on loan, return on equity, debt-equity ratio, O&M charges, interest on working capital, depreciation, etc. Thus, spatial variation of loss allocation and sunk cost allocation may not match for a realistic system. The results for sunk cost allocation based on conventional proportionate tracing may not follow the pattern of efficient price signals. Scheme based on marginal prices: In this scheme also, the point charges are calculated using number of simulation states. However, the difference is that the optimal power flow is carried out with generator cost minimization as an objective function. This enables calculation of nodal marginal prices. And then, the sunk cost distribution is done in proportion to the marginal prices, which subsequently decides the point charges. However, this scheme does not accommodate the second guideline stated above, as ‘extent of use’ of the network by participants is not quantified. Calculation of ‘extent of usage’ is important because it relates the sunk costs of the transmission network to the point charges. It is worthwhile to note that the network sunk costs do not figure in the calculation of nodal marginal prices. It can be seen that none of the above conventional choices can satisfy all three requirements of point charges. This paper aims at developing a POC tariff for decentralized market participants by accommodating all of the above mentioned guidelines. To accommodate the third condition, we make use of generalized framework of tracing rather than conventional proportional tracing. To achieve this, we exploit the multiplicity of solution space in real power tracing. Most of the tracing algorithms and applications developed so far, employ proportionate sharing principle [26–28] to choose an answer from the large solution space. However, recently a novel approach to tackle the large solution space of real power tracing based on optimization technique was proposed in [29,30]. This framework enables us to freeze to a tracing solution with an objective function that depicts the requirements. A couple of applications of the proposed approach are presented in [29,31], while performance of the proposed approach in the presence of circular flows is presented in [32]. In this paper, we define an objective function for this optimal tracing problem such that the point-ofconnection charges calculated considering network sunk cost distribution employing real power tracing, try to follow spatial variation of marginal prices, as closely as possible. Thereby, it ensures conformation to the above guidelines. It should be noted that every A.R. Abhyankar, S.A. Khaparde / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 31 (2009) 59–66 feasible solution within the generalized framework of tracing is a valid tracing solution. The solution based on conventional proportional tracing represents one of the feasible solutions among these. This paper is organized as follows: The paper starts with the concept of locational transmission price (LTP) in Section 2. In Section 3, brief account of optimal tracing framework is provided. The objective function that satisfies goals of this paper is established in Section 4. This section also introduces concept of pseudo-LMP which mimics the pattern of spatial variation of locational marginal prices. Section 5 presents an algorithm for calculating the point-of-connection charges. Results on IEEE 30 bus system are provided in Section 6. Section 7 concludes the paper. 2. Proposed tracing based point-of-connection charges 2.1. Concept of locational transmission price (LTP) Locational transmission price (LTPi) of a node reflects usage of various transmission lines and elements by load or generator on that node, which in turn is decided by the results of real power tracing. Let TClm be the transmission service cost of line or element lm. As mentioned earlier, this component essentially represents the sunk costs of that element which includes the capital cost, depreciation, return on investment, operation and maintenance costs, etc. Real power tracing makes it possible to distribute this cost accurately among all the constituents of the power market. Let b be the fraction in which the cost of network element is shared by the loads. Similarly, (1 b) represents the fraction in which the network cost is shared among the generators. In the discussion to follow, we assume that only loads make payment. However, similar formulation can be developed for generators. Let ðPrlm Þ be the receiving end real power flow (MW) through the network element lm in the simulation state s. Then, cL;ðsÞ lm ¼ bTC lm r;ðsÞ P lm ð1Þ be the transmission usage price per MW of the transmission elei;ðsÞ ment lm in the state s, as applied to loads. Let ylm be the fraction of load i on line lm obtained by tracing. Since, r;ðsÞ P lm ¼ nL X i¼1 the transmission usage cost at ith bus for load PLi , of the line lm, is L;ðsÞ i;ðsÞ given by ðclm ylm PLi Þ. Thus, the total transmission system usage cost for a load i is given by L;ðsÞ TC i ¼ P Li X i;ðsÞ L;ðsÞ ylm clm The locational transmission price (LTPi) for a load bus in state s is obtained by dividing the above by P Li . LTPi;ðsÞ ¼ X i;ðsÞ L;ðsÞ ylm clm $=MW i;ðsÞ ð3Þ 8lm If the simulation is carried out for Nt states, then the average LTPi is given as Nt 1 X LTPi;ðsÞ $=MW Nt s¼1 ð4Þ The approaches proposed in [15,16] make use of topological generation distribution factor (TGDF) method [26], based on proportioni;ðsÞ ate sharing principle to calculate the ylm fraction and thereby i;ðsÞ i,(s) calculate LTP . Let us denote these as ylmðpÞ and LTP i;ðsÞ p , respectively. Hence, as per Eq. (4), LTPip ¼ Nt 1 X LTPi;ðsÞ p $=MW N t s¼1 ð5Þ Thus, LTP ip represents the point-of-connection charges based on sunk cost distribution, with conventional tracing based on proportionate sharing principle. 2.2. Multiple solutions to LTPi As mentioned earlier and shown in [29,30], there are multiple i;ðsÞ answers to ylm and the moot question is ‘which solution to use?’ By making use of optimal tracing framework presented in [29,30] to exploit the multiplicity of solution space in real power tracing, this paper answers the above question. Let LTP oi;ðsÞ be the locational transmission price depicting the point-of-connection charges for load bus i, calculated by the optimal tracing framework. Then, LTPio ¼ Nt 1 X LTPi;ðsÞ o $=MW N t s¼1 ð6Þ The paper aims at calculating that solution of LTP io from large solution space of tracing such that least deviation of the pattern of its spatial variation is created from the economically efficient price signals. Hence, an objective function that depicts similarity between spatial variation of marginal prices and LTPio is developed. This is elaborated in Section 4. In the next section, we provide the formulation of optimal tracing problem in brief. Detailed explanation and theory behind all terms can be found in [30] and is not reproduced here due to space constraint. 3. Defining an optimal tracing problem As mentioned earlier, the conventional tracing algorithms [26– 28,34] employed the proportionate sharing rule to solve the problem. However, the tracing problem is amenable to multiple solutions, and to model all feasible solutions in real power tracing, in [29,30], the problem is formulated as an optimization problem. The optimal tracing problem presented in [29,30] is compactly defined as follows: Problem OPTðx; yÞ : min f ðx; yÞ fx;yg2S ylm PLi ð2Þ 8lm LTPi ¼ First step towards developing point-of-connection scheme is to establish the average consistent power flow pattern for the given system. This can be done either using past data or by simulating randomly generated states around the base case. Subsequent step involves decomposition of transmission line flows thus obtained into the participants’ commodities. This decomposition is obtained by real power tracing. The basic concept aims at finding the participation of each generator and load in each transmission element’s flow and thereby decide its locational weight towards network usage, based on the sunk costs of network elements. In the proposed scheme, the loss charges do not form part of transmission prices. Since, POC scheme is an ex-ante scheme of transmission pricing, designing the scheme requires simulation studies to be done beforehand and the point charges for the future time horizon are based on these studies. To develop the point charges, we first introduce the concept of nodal locational transmission price (LTPi). The LTPi takes into account the transmission sunk cost and represents the spatial distribution of network usage prices. A concept on similar lines to that of LTP, but for energy charges was proposed in [33] where, load pricing scheme was developed to eliminate the merchandizing surplus. 61 ð7Þ The vectors x and y represent the decision variables associated with generation tracing and load tracing problems, respectively. The set S 62 A.R. Abhyankar, S.A. Khaparde / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 31 (2009) 59–66 represents the set of all possible tracing solutions and a specific set of x and y vectors represents a solution to unified optimal tracing problem. In [29,30], it is shown that set S can be characterized by a set of linear equality and inequality constraints. In fact, set S is both compact and convex. This leads to a linear constrained optimization problem. The objective function models the relationship between the flow entities and associated costs. In this paper, details about the formulation of optimal tracing problem are not provided due to space restriction. These details can be found in [29,30]. However, brief account of various constraints of optimal tracing problem is given next. 3.2. Generic form of optimal tracing problem A generic formulation of the optimization problem for real power tracing is given as follows [30]: min f ðx; yÞ x Ad 0 0 Au bd ¼ y bu ð12Þ ð13Þ yik PLi xki PGk P 08k 2 f1; 2; ; nG g 8i 2 f1; 2; ; nL g ð14Þ ½0; 0 0T 6 ½x 6 ½1; 1 1T ð15Þ 3.1. Optimal tracing problem constraint modeling ½y P ½0; 0 0 For the power flow tracing problem, two versions are developed: Generation tracing and load tracing. For each version, equality constraints are grouped into following categories: The constraints [Ad][x] = [bd] represent three classes of equality constraints for generation tracing formulation, discussed earlier. Similarly, the constraints [Au][y] = [bu] represent corresponding constraints for load tracing formulation. Constraints (14) model non-negativity of loss characteristics. Inequality constraints (15), (16) model the limits on x and y variables. This generalized tracing framework is referred to as optimal tracing problem throughout this paper. The objective function can take various forms depending on the application and the fairness requirements. In [29], the objective function is proposed such that the sum of overall deviations of per unit transmission prices of all loads is minimized, leading to a least absolute value (LAV) problem, which further can be converted into Linear programming (LP) problem. The above optimal tracing formulation provides a generic framework to solve the real power tracing problem. It provides a modular plug and play kind of tool box which can be employed to solve various tracing related problems with appropriate objective function for the optimization problem, that depicts fairness. Next section discusses the objective function that satisfies the goals of this paper. 1. Flow specification constraints: These constraints are developed for series branches i.e., lines and transformers. For generation tracing problem, these constraints mean nothing but expressing xklm as component of total injection of generator Gk on line lm. This set of constraints is given as follows: Plm ¼ nG X xklm :PGk 8 set of lines ð8Þ k¼1 Similar constraints for load tracing problem are developed as follows: Plm ¼ nL X yilm :PLi 8 set of lines ð9Þ i¼1 2. Source and sink specification constraints: These constraints pertain to shunts, e.g., generators and loads. For generation tracing problem, these constraints express contribution of generators in loads. This set of constraints can be represented as follows: P Li ¼ nG X xki PGk for i ¼ 1; . . . ; nL ð10Þ k¼1 Similar constraints for load tracing problem are developed as follows: P Gk ¼ nL X yik PLi for k ¼ 1; . . . ; nG T ð16Þ 4. Objective function Let LMPi,(s) denote the short run marginal cost or the locational marginal price of node i, in simulation state s. As mentioned in Section 2, the objective function of Eq. (12) should be such that the obtained by tracing results spatial variation pattern of LTP i;ðsÞ o should match as closely as possible, with that of LMPi,(s). Let total transmission cost of the network to be paid by loads be TCL. This is known a priori and is given as TC L ¼ ð11Þ X ð17Þ bTC lm 8lm i¼1 3. Conservation of commodity flow constraints: The conservation of commodity flow enforces that in a multi-commodity network with zero storage capacity of nodes, the conservation of flow constraint also holds for all commodity flow components. Inequality constraints are associated with flow bounds. Two approaches to model the losses in the formulation are proposed in [29]. Since the generation tracing and load tracing problems represent two mutually exclusive problems, there is a need to bring cohesiveness between the results of the two. This is achieved by proposing additional inequality constraints that represent the non-negativity of the losses. In conventional tracing algorithms, the fractions xklm , xki of generation tracing and yklm and yik of load tracing are frozen by application of proportionate sharing principle. In the proposed approach, these fractions are decision variables and are set as a result of optimization problem. Let, pLMPi,(s) represent the pseudo-LMP of load bus i in state s, such that, nL X pLMPi;ðsÞ PLi ¼ TC L ð18Þ i¼1 The pLMPi,(s) indicates the scaling down of LMPi,(s) by factor of c. Therefore, nL X cLMPi;ðsÞ PLi ¼ TC L ð19Þ i¼1 Hence, pLMPi;ðsÞ ¼ cLMPi;ðsÞ ð20Þ i,(s) Multiplying original LMP by the factor c ensures that the pattern of spatial variation of original LMPi,(s) is maintained. As per the guidelines provided in Section 1, the desired result of the optimal tracing demands that in an ideal case, the LTP iðsÞ o 63 A.R. Abhyankar, S.A. Khaparde / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 31 (2009) 59–66 obtained should match with pLMPi(s) for all load buses. Hence, the objective function of Eq. (12) can be written as follows: min nL X jpLMPi;ðsÞ LTPi;ðsÞ o j ð21Þ i¼1 where, LTP i;ðsÞ is given as: o LTPi;ðsÞ ¼ o X i;ðsÞ L;ðsÞ ylm;ðoÞ clm $=MW ð22Þ 8lm The nearness of the solution to that of pattern of pseudo-LMP can be measured through various vector p-norms [35]. Here, l1 norm (k.k1) is used because it leads to a least absolute value (LAV) optimization problem which can be easily translated into a linear programming (LP) problem [36]. Remark 1. LTP io of Eq. (23) represents the desired point-ofconnection transmission charge for ith load. Remark 2. LTP ip shows the results calculated as per method presented in [16]. Here, it is calculated for comparison purpose only. Remark 3. The algorithm and associated equations above are developed for loads only. However, same procedure is followed if generators also share the payment. 5. Implementation As mentioned earlier, in the absence of past data, a set of different operating states needs to be simulated [15]. In this work, the results are carried out on IEEE 30 bus system. While determining the POC charges, all possible operating states of the power system, including the network constrained states should be considered. Hence, following two sets of simulations are carried out as follows: 1. 500 states are generated randomly around base case loads using a Gaussian distribution with a standard deviation of 30% for active and reactive power production. The network constraints are relaxed. 2. 500 states are generated in the same manner as above, however, network constraints are enforced by random selection of one of the four lines for reduction in power carrying capacity. This establishes average power flows for two gross scenarios: un-congested case and congested case. Then, depending on the history of congestion occurrence, appropriate weights can be assigned to these two cases to establish the overall POC charges. Optimal power flow (OPF) is carried out in each state, with generation cost minimization as an objective function so as to decide P Gk and LMPi,(s). On these OPF results, optimal real power tracing with the objective function of (21) and constraints (13)–(16) is carried out. Let, LTP io;c LTP io;uc represent the average locational transmission price calculated by optimal tracing under congested and un-congested cases, respectively. Then, final LTP io representing POC tariff is calculated as follows: LTPio ¼ a1 LTP io;c þ a2 LTPio;uc 4. Calculate pLMPi,(s) using Eqs. (19) and (20). 5. Solve optimal tracing problem presented in Section 3 with an objective function of Eq. (21). Also, solve tracing problem by proportional sharing principle. and LTP iðsÞ for all i. 6. Calculate LTPiðsÞ o p i;ðsÞ . iter iter + 1. 7. Store LTP o and LTPi;ðsÞ o 8. If iter < 500, Go to step 2. 9. Calculate LTPio and LTP ip using Eqs. (6) and (5), respectively. Next section presents the results obtained on IEEE 30 bus system under various test conditions. 6. Results The results are obtained on three sets of payment sharing schemes among generators and loads. It is mentioned in [37] that the generators’ share in transmission price in European countries ranges from 0% to 50%. Based on this information, we carry out results on following three cases: b = 1, b = 0.75 and b = 0.5. 6.1. Results with b = 1 This is the case when only loads make payment towards transmission pricing. Fig. 1 shows the plot of LTPio that represents the POC charges calculated by optimal tracing. For these results, the values a1 = 0.2 and a2 = 0.8 are assumed. Same figure also plots the pseudo-LMP for all load buses. In an ideal case, the point-ofconnection charges calculated by optimal tracing for all buses should come out to be equal to corresponding pseudo-LMP. But, this may not happen so, as the tracing results depend on the sunk costs of the network elements and have a constrained solution space. The same figure also shows LTPip for comparison. The results show that by virtue of objective function of (21), the overall nearness of LTPio to that of pseudo-LMP is more than that of LTPip . ð23Þ i The factors a1, a2 represent the weights given to the congested and un-congested cases, respectively. Since, data about TClm is not available, it is made proportional to the nodal LMP difference across the line, as follows: m TC lm / jLMP LMP jP lm LTPo i pLMP i LTPp 4 ð24Þ where, Plm represents the real power flow (MW) for standard data and LMPl, LMPm represent nodal locational marginal prices across the line. Algorithm of Section 5.1 represents a generic step-by-step methodology to calculate the point-of-connection charges. By using the same algorithm, both LTP io;c and LTPio;uc can be calculated. 5.1. Algorithm to calculate LTPi for load buses 1. Initialize iter 0. 2. Create a state (s) by randomly sampling a load condition. 3. Carry out OPF for this state (s). The result of OPF will give generation dispatches, power flows and locational marginal prices (LMPi,(s)) for all i. $/MW l 5 3 2 1 0 5 10 15 20 25 Bus No. Fig. 1. The POC charges with b = 1; a1 = 0.2; a2 = 0.8. 30 64 A.R. Abhyankar, S.A. Khaparde / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 31 (2009) 59–66 Table 1 Mean and standard deviation of dio and dip for all cases. i LTPo,uc i pLMPuc i LTPp,uc 5 $/MW 4 3 2 dio dip b a1 a2 l r l r 1 0 1 0.2 0 1 0 0.8 1 36.8072 23.6121 34.1681 44.8831 41.5132 22.7633 37.76322 42.8281 44.3792 32.9127 42.0859 55.1711 49.7151 29.0573 45.58354 51.9840 0.75 1 0.2 0 0 0.8 1 34.5716 42.8208 45.0080 32.3932 40.74112 42.8383 49.6391 54.0647 55.0156 40.2358 41.5872 51.9693 0.5 1 0.2 0 0.8 33.5358 42.7135 33.5496 40.9805 50.0550 54.0234 45.3009 50.6356 1 Similarly, for conventional proportional tracing, 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 dip ¼ jLTP ip pLMPi j pLMPi Bus No. Fig. 2. Plots of LTPio;uc , pLMPiuc and LTPip;uc with b = 1, a1 = 0, a2 = 1. Fig. 2 shows the plots of LTP io;uc , pLMPiuc and LTP ip;uc . This is similar to the case when a1 = 0 and a2 = 1. Similarly, Fig. 3 shows the plots of LTP io;c , pLMP ic and LTP ip;c . This is similar to the case when a1 = 1 and a2 = 0. It should be noted that the following will hold true always: nL X LTPio PLi ¼ i¼1 nL X LTPip PLi ð25Þ i¼1 In other words, increase or decrease in LTP io of a particular bus i will be at the cost of corresponding decrease or increase in LTP io of other buses. To find out the nearness of the LTPio with the pLMPi, the cluster analysis for the deviation of LTPio and LTPip from that of pseudo-LMP is done. Let dio denote the deviation of LTP io from that of pseudoLMP. Then, jLTPio pLMPi j 5 pLMPi 100% ð26Þ ð27Þ Table 1 shows the mean and standard deviations of dio and dip for various values of b, a1 and a2. It can be seen from Fig. 2 that under un-congested case, the pseudo-LMPs for all buses are restricted within a tight band. However, sufficient distortion can be witnessed in case of congested network situation (Fig. 3). It is important to note that whatever may be the network operating state and whatever may be the set of sunk costs of transmission network, the mean associated with dio will always be lesser than the mean associated with dip . This is apparent from Table 1. This means that the spatial pattern of point charges obtained by optimal tracing will be more close to that of marginal prices, than that obtained by proportional tracing. Another important point to be noted is that the tracing results are topology dependent even in the case of optimal tracing framework. However, they are set within the boundaries of constrained region so as to meet the objective. For example, load on bus 2 makes very less use of the network (line 1–2) and thus has least POC charge obtained by both, optimal and proportional tracing. On the other hand, load on bus 30 makes maximum use of network and has highest POC charges obtained by both the methods. However, LTPio will be adjusted (within tracing constraints) such that overall deviation from pseudo-LMP will be minimum. 4 i LTPo,c i pLMPc i LTPp,c i 3 $/MW dio ¼ 100% 4 2 LTPo i pLMP i LTPp 0 3 5 10 15 20 25 30 Bus No. 1.2 i 2 LTPo i pLMP i LTPp 1 $/MW $/MW 1 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 5 10 15 20 25 Bus No. Fig. 3. Plots of LTP io;c , pLMPic and LTP ip;c with b = 1, a1 = 1, a2 = 0. 30 0 5 10 15 20 25 Bus No. Fig. 4. The POC charges with b = 0.75; a1 = 0.2; a2 = 0.8. 30 A.R. Abhyankar, S.A. Khaparde / Electrical Power and Energy Systems 31 (2009) 59–66 Table 2 POC charges for generators and loads on same buses. Bus No. POC charges ($/MW) b = 0.75 2 5 8 b = 0.5 Load Gen Load Gen 0.1735 0.7210 2.1172 0.5035 0.0825 0.0228 0.1146 0.4806 1.3930 1.0212 0.1601 0.0000 POC Charges for Loads 2.5 $/MW 2 1.5 i LTPo i pLMP i LTP 1 0.5 0 5 10 15 Bus No. 20 25 30 POC Charges for Generators i LTPo i pLMP i LTP $/MW 2 1.5 1 65 means. To accomplish the same, the inherent multiplicity of solution space in tracing is utilized, rather than employing conventional proportional sharing based tracing. Recently proposed optimal tracing framework is used for the said purpose. The paper floats concept of locational transmission price (LTP). Various system conditions are simulated to establish the average power flow pattern of the system. The LTP is calculated based on the participation of each node in each transmission line power flow. Thus, depending on the sunk costs of that line, the LTP provides spatial variation of the network usage charges across the system. Since the real power tracing problem is amenable to multiple solutions, the objective function is devised in such a way that the solution obtained creates least distortion from the pattern of economically efficient price signals. Thus, the LTP at a bus represents the POC charge at that bus. It is seen that the results obtained by both, i.e., optimal tracing and conventional proportional tracing, provide feasible solution to POC charges under tracing regime. However, the POC charges provided by optimal tracing are able to match the price signals provided by marginal costs, as they are directly linked to marginal costs through objective function. On the other hand, POC charges by conventional tracing show indifference to the price signals. The rigor and complexity of the scheme can be justified because the exercise is not time critical. The simulation studies are done beforehand and POC charges for future time horizon are based on these studies. The POC tariff thus obtained can be employed to charge the transaction based and non-transaction based trades. 0.5 0 References 5 10 15 Bus No. 20 25 30 Fig. 5. The POC charges with b = 0.5; a1 = 0.2; a2 = 0.8. 6.2. Results with b = 0.75 In this case, the loads are charged 75% of the network costs while the generators are charged 25%. The results with a1 = 0.2 and a2 = 0.8 are shown in Fig. 4. Bus numbers 2,5 and 8 have both generators and loads on it. Table 2 enlists the POC charges for both generators and loads on these buses, for b = 0.75 and b = 0.5. 6.3. Results with b = 0.5 The POC charge allocation when both generators and loads share half of the cost is shown in Fig. 5. From Table 2, it may be noted that the POC charges are in tune with the degree of deficiency or adequacy of power on that bus. For example, on bus 2, with b = 0.75, average generation is 97 MW, while average load is 21.7 MW. Hence, the loads are provided incentive by charging them lesser than the generators. Exactly opposite phenomenon can be observed on bus 8. For the same case, the average generation on this bus is 5 MW, while average load amounts to 30 MW. Hence, in this case, generators are given incentive by charging them less as compared to the loads. Bus 5 represents a case in between these two extreme cases. 7. Conclusion This paper provides a real power tracing based methodology to determine the ex-ante point-of-connection (POC) rates for the participants of decentralized market. The desired qualities of POC charges include consideration of network usage, recovery of sunk costs and provision of price signals, all of which are hard to achieve in a single scheme, if the point charges are devised by conventional [1] Hunt S, Shuttleworth G. Making competition work in the electricity market. Academic Press; 1981. [2] Green R. Electricity transmission pricing: An international comparison. Utilities Policy 1997;6:177–84. [3] Szkuta BR, Sanabria LA, Dillon TS. 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