The effect of deposition and annealing conditions on textured growth of sputterdeposited strontium ferrite films on different substrates B. Ramamurthy Acharya, Shiva Prasad, N. Venkataramani, S. N. Shringi, and R. Krishnan Citation: J. Appl. Phys. 79, 478 (1996); doi: 10.1063/1.360854 View online: View Table of Contents: Published by the American Institute of Physics. Related Articles L10 ordered phase formation in FePt, FePd, CoPt, and CoPd alloy thin films epitaxially grown on MgO(001) single-crystal substrates J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07A708 (2012) Polycrystalline magnetic garnet films comprising weakly coupled crystallites for piezoelectrically-driven magnetooptic spatial light modulators J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07A519 (2012) Fabrication of L11 Co-Pt-Cu perpendicular anisotropic films with enhanced coercivity on glass substrate J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07A706 (2012) Technical use of compact micro-onde devices Rev. Sci. Instrum. 83, 02B912 (2012) Unusual magnetization characteristics of Fe-Ni films with graded composition J. Appl. Phys. 111, 07A320 (2012) Additional information on J. Appl. Phys. Journal Homepage: Journal Information: Top downloads: Information for Authors: Downloaded 26 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see The effect of deposition and annealing conditions on textured growth of sputter-deposited strontium ferrite films on different substrates B. Ramamurthy Acharya,a) Shiva Prasad,a),b) N. Venkataramani,c) and S. N. Shringia) Indian Institute of Technology, Powai, Bombay 400 076, India R. Krishnan Laboratoire de Magnétisme et Optique, CNRS, F-92195 Meudon, France ~Received 29 March 1995; accepted for publication 21 September 1995! M -type strontium ferrite films were prepared by radio-frequency ~rf! sputtering on fused quartz substrates using different deposition conditions and were subjected to two different types of annealing treatments. The study showed that in addition to the deposition conditions such as rf power, oxygen to argon ratio in the sputtering gas, and target to substrate distance, the postdeposition annealing conditions also play an important role in determining the texture and properties of the films. The films with random orientation or with preferred c-axis orientation either normal to the film plane or in the film plane could be deposited depending on the process parameters chosen. The study carried out by depositing these films on different substrates such as Si~100!, Si~111!, sapphire~110!, and Gd3Ga5O12~111! showed that though the nature of the substrates plays a role in determining the texture and properties of the films, such effects are less dominant in comparison to the effect of deposition and annealing conditions in the case of strontium ferrite films. © 1996 American Institute of Physics. @S0021-8979~96!05601-1# I. INTRODUCTION In recent years, M -type hexagonal ferrite films ~BaFe12O19 and SrFe12O19! have been extensively investigated due to their potential applications in magnetic and magneto-optic recording, millimeter and microwave devices.1–18 M -type ferrites have a large uniaxial magnetocrystalline anisotropy and generally the hexagonal c axis is the easy axis of magnetization. Hence, there has been interest in depositing these films having c-axis orientation. M -type barium ferrite ~BaM! films with c-axis oriented normal to the film plane have been reported by different workers.1–9 These films have been deposited using different deposition techniques such as dc and rf diode sputtering, targets facing type sputtering, laser ablation, etc.4 –7 These films have been crystallized either by in situ heating of substrates or postdeposition annealing of the films. In the case of in situ heating, the dependence of the texture and the properties of the films on deposition conditions and the nature of the substrates has been studied to a certain extent.4 On the other hand, in the case of the postdeposition annealing technique, no systematic work has been reported. Interestingly, in the case of postdeposition annealing, BaM films with in-plane anisotropy have also been reported by some workers.10–14 Recently a lot of interest has been focused on the films with in-plane anisotropy for realizing these films as longitudinal recording media.10–14 In a recent article we reported the rf sputter deposition of strontium ferrite ~SrM! films on amorphous fused quartz substrates with the c-axis normal to the film plane.17 We showed that the rf power and argon to oxygen ratio in the sputter gas play an important role in determining the texture and propa! Department of Physics. Electronic mail:[email protected] Advanced Center for Research in Electronics. b! c! 478 J. Appl. Phys. 79 (1), 1 January 1996 erties of the films. For instance, by using a suitable combination of the above parameters, it was possible to deposit SrM films with c-axis orientation normal to the film plane even on amorphous fused quartz substrates. We have also shown18 that the dependence of texture and properties of SrM films on deposition conditions holds true even in the case of crystalline Si~111! substrates. By varying deposition conditions, films with c-axis orientation in the plane could also be deposited on Si~111! substrates. In this paper, we describe our detailed study which shows that in addition to the deposition conditions, the postdeposition annealing conditions also play an important role in determining the texture of the SrM films. We also report a comparative study of SrM films deposited on various substrates such as amorphous fused quartz, Si~100!, Si~111!, sapphire~110!, and Gd3Ga5O12~111!@GGG~111!#. II. EXPERIMENT The films were prepared by rf sputtering in a Leybold Z400 system. A disk of 3-in-diam cut from a commercial M -type strontium ferrite was used as the target. Sputtering gas was a mixture of argon and oxygen. Oxygen to argon ratio ~R! was kept at 1.5% or 15%. The total gas pressure was 631023 mbar. The rf power ~P! was varied from 60 to 330 W. The target to substrate distance was kept at 50 mm except when mentioned otherwise. The substrates were neither heated nor water cooled during sputtering. Though the temperatures of the substrates during deposition were not measured, we do not expect the temperatures to be very high. Our earlier studies using in situ heating of substrates had shown that the films crystallize only at substrate temperatures higher than 800 °C.19 The deposition rates were of the order of 8 –12 Å/min at P560 W to 35– 45 Å/min at P5330 W, depending on the R values. Presputtering of the targets was carried out for 90 min prior to each deposition. 0021-8979/96/79(1)/478/7/$6.00 © 1996 American Institute of Physics Downloaded 26 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see FIG. 1. X-ray diffraction patterns for strontium ferrite films prepared with different rf power ~P! values and oxygen to argon ratios ~R!, and subjected to fast annealing @~a! and ~b!#, and to slow annealing @~c! and ~d!#. Two different types of annealing conditions were employed, which are referred to here as fast annealing and slow annealing. For fast annealing, the films were introduced in a furnace which was maintained at 900 °C. The annealing was carried out for 2 h in air, after which the samples were furnace cooled. For slow annealing, the samples were heated to 900 °C in air at a rate of 100 °C/h. The temperature was then maintained at 900 °C for 2 h after which cooling was also carried out at a rate of 100 °C/h. The films deposited on Si~100! and Si~111! substrates were annealed at 800 °C for 3 h instead of annealing at 900 °C for 2 h. The crystal structure and texture of the films were determined using x-ray diffractometry. To evaluate the c-axis orientation of the films, the factor20 f c ~ 001! 5 C2C 0 12C 0 ~1! was calculated where C5SI(00l)/SI(hkl), where I(hkl) is the intensity of ~hkl) peaks for the specimen films, and C 0 5SI 0 (00l)/SI 0 (hkl) where I 0 (hkl) is the intensity of the (hkl) peaks for a SrM powder diffraction pattern.21 f c (001) will be 1 for the film with complete c-axis orientation normal to the film plane and 0 for the films with complete random orientation. Similarly, f c (110) is calculated for evaluating ~110! orientation in the film. The magnetization and M – H loops were measured using the vibrating sample magnetometer ~VSM!. The thicknesses of the films were measured using a profilometer. The films with thicknesses of the order of 2000 Å were used in this study. The composition for the films were studied using inductively coupled plasma analysis ~ICP! and energy dispersive x-ray analysis ~EDAX!. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 1, 1 January 1996 III. RESULTS A. The effect of annealing conditions We shall first confine our discussions to the films deposited on fused quartz substrates. As has been reported earlier, the as-deposited films did not show any x-ray diffraction ~XRD! peaks and magnetic order. When annealed above 800 °C, XRD peaks corresponding only to SrM were observed.17–19 In Fig. 1 we show the XRD patterns for the films deposited with four different values of rf power ~P! and two different oxygen to argon ratios ~R!, and subjected to fast and slow annealing. 1. Fast annealing a. The effect of rf power. The XRD patterns corresponding to fast annealed samples are shown in Figs. 1~a! and 1~b!. As seen in these figures, the films with lower P, e.g., P560 and 95 W show prominent ~00l! peaks along with a few other peaks of less intensity. The XRD of the film with P560 W and R515% shows the presence of ~006!, ~008!, ~001I 0I !, and ~001I 4I ! lines along with a less intense peak corresponding to ~107!. When P is increased for the same R value, ~114! and ~203! peaks also start appearing along with ~00l! and ~107! lines. In the case of P5230 W, the films show prominent SrM peaks other than ~00l!, indicating random orientation of the film. This indicates that as P increases the c-axis orientation normal to the film plane decreases. This is also clear from the f c ~001! values plotted against P in Fig. 2~a!, wherein the f c ~001! changes from 0.8 to 0 as P increases from 60 to 230 W. At P5330 W, the fast annealed films show prominent ~110! and ~220! peaks, indicating that these films also have texture but with the c axis in the film plane. Thus this study shows that, in the case of fast annealed films, as P increases Ramamurthy Acharya et al. Downloaded 26 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 479 FIG. 2. Preferential orientation factors f c ~100! and f c ~110! plotted against rf power values for fast annealed @~a! and ~b!# and slow annealed @~c!# strontium ferrite films. from 60 to 330 W, the texture of the film changes from ~00l) orientation to random orientation and then to ~110! orientation. In Figs. 3~a! and 3~b! we show the perpendicular and in-plane M – H loops for two fast annealed films with P560 W, R515% and P5330 W, R515%, respectively. The perpendicular loop for the film with P560 W is rectangular with a remanance ratio of nearly one, confirming the conclusion that the film has an easy axis ~c axis! normal to the film plane. A fairly open in-plane loop with remanance of 0.41 is observed which indicates the presence of a nonoriented fraction in the film, as was also indicated by the presence of a few peaks other than ~00l!. The film with P5330 W shows nearly rectangular loops both in perpendicular and in-plane configuration with remanance ratios of 0.59 and 0.65, respectively. The loops measured, applying the fields in different directions in the film plane, were similar indicating that there is no preferential axis within the plane of the film. Hence in these films the easy axis is oriented randomly within the film plane. Such films which have the hard axis lying normal to the film plane are of particular interest in the case of longi- FIG. 3. M – H loops of strontium ferrite films deposited with ~a! rf power ~P!560 W, and oxygen to argon ratio ~R!515%, fast annealed; ~b! P5330 W, R515%, fast annealed; ~c! P560 W, R51.5%, slow annealed; and ~d! P5330 W, R51.5%, slow annealed. 480 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 1, 1 January 1996 tudinal recording.10–14 The M s values were of the order of 70%–90% of the M s value for bulk SrM, which are similar to the values reported in case of BaM films.4,10–11 b. The effect of oxygen to argon ratio. From Fig. 2~a!, it is clear that for a particular value of P, the films with R515% showed better f c ~001! values than the corresponding ones with R51.5%. As seen from Fig. 2~b!, for a particular value of P, fc~110! values are also higher for the films with R515% than for those with R51.5%. 2. Slow annealing a. The effect of rf power. XRD patterns for the slow annealed films are shown in Figs. 1~c! and 1~d!. The slow annealed films with P560 and 95 W showed c-axis orientation normal to the film plane as was observed in the case of fast annealed films. As P is increased to 230 W the films become randomly oriented as observed in the case of fast annealing. However, no further c-axis orientation parallel to the film plane takes place at 330 W. These results can also be understood from the plot of f c (001) values against P for these films shown in Fig. 2~c!. In the case of slow annealed films, the films deposited at P values of 60 and 95 W were of single phase SrM, but this is not the case for the films deposited at 230 and 330 W. Some additional peaks in XRD which are not indexed to SrM appear for samples with higher P values, suggesting the formation of some other phases. For example, the sample with P5330 W and R51.5% shows all the prominent peaks of a-Fe2O3 along with ~110!, ~107!, ~203!, ~205!, and ~220! peaks of SrM @peaks indexed with ‘‘F’’ in Figs. 1~c! and 1~d!, such as F~110! correspond to a-Fe2O3#. This indicates that the samples prepared with higher power when subjected to slow annealing at 900 °C contain a-Fe2O3 as a second phase. In Figs. 3~c! and 3~d! we show the perpendicular and in-plane M – H loops for slow annealed films with P560 W, R51.5% and P5330 W, R51.5%, respectively. The M – H loops for the slow annealed film with P560 W are similar to corresponding fast annealed film. These films also showed M s values of the order of 70%–90% of the bulk value. The slow annealed film with P5330 W showed an M s value of Ramamurthy Acharya et al. Downloaded 26 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see FIG. 4. ~M r /M s )' , M r /M s ) i and H c values plotted against rf power for strontium ferrite films prepared with two different oxygen to argon ratios, and subjected to fast annealing @~a! and ~c!# and slow annealing @~b! and ~d!#. 53 emu/cc which is only 14% of the bulk value. As mentioned earlier, XRD of this film showed the presence of a-Fe2O3 as a second phase. Since a-Fe2O3 is nonmagnetic, this low value of M s can be expected. b. The effect of oxygen to argon ratio. At lower P values ~P560 and 95 W!, unlike fast annealing, the films with R51.5% showed better ~00l! orientation than the corresponding films with R515%. 3. The comparison The higher P films when slow annealed showed two distinct structural differences in comparison to corresponding fast annealed samples. ~1! The films with P5330 W showed ~110! orientation when fast annealed, whereas they did not show any such preferential orientation when subjected to slow annealing. ~2! None of the fast annealed films showed the presence of any phase other than SrM. On the other hand, slow annealed films with higher P values showed the presence of a second phase. The lower P films, on the other hand, showed c-axis orientation normal to the film plane in the case of both slow and fast annealing. In Figs. 4~a! and 4~b! we show the M r /M s values plotted against P for both fast annealed and slow annealed films. In both cases the ~M r /M s )' values decrease with an increase in P, showing a similar trend as observed in the case of f c (001) values. The fast annealed films showed coercivities in the range of 4 –5.5 kOe, whereas slow annealed films showed coercivities in the range of 4 – 6.5 kOe. These coercivity values are much higher in comparison to the one obtained by others in the case of BaM films on similar substrates.1,4,10,11 In Figs. J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 1, 1 January 1996 FIG. 5. X-ray diffraction patterns for fast annealed strontium ferrite films with different target to substrate distances for ~a! rf power ~P!560 W and oxygen to argon ratio ~R!515%, and ~b! P5330 W and R515%. 4~c! and 4~d! we show ~H c )' values plotted against P. We observe in the case of fast annealed films the ~H c )' values increase with the decrease in P. In the case of slow annealed films, ~H c )' decreases in general with a decrease in P. Thus these studies show that the postdeposition annealing conditions also play an important role in determining the texture and properties of SrM films. B. The effect of target to substrate distance We noted in the previous section that the fast annealed SrM film with P560 W and R515% showed a good c-axis orientation normal to the film plane. Also the film with P5330 W and R515% showed a good degree of c-axis orientation in the film plane. In order to see the effect of target to substrate distance on the texture and properties of the films, a study was carried out with changing target to substrate distance ~d t-s ! to 25 and 50 mm for the above two cases. In Figs. 5~a! and 5~b! we showed the XRD of the films deposited with different d t-s . For P560 W and R515%, the c-axis orientation improves with the decrease in d t-s . At d t-s 525 mm very sharp peaks corresponding to only ~00l! planes are observed. The absence of any peaks other than ~00l! indicates that these samples are having a very high degree of orientation with c-axis normal to the film plane. In Fig. 6~a! we show the variation ~M r /M s )' and ~M r /M s ) i for these samples. All the samples showed ~M r /M s )' as unity. ~M r /M s ) i decreases as d t-s decreases, indicating that the samples with lowest d t-s has a better degree of orientation. In Fig. 6~b! we show the variation of ~H c )' and (H c ) i with d t-s . As seen from the figure coercivity in both the configuration decreases with a decrease in d t-s . In Fig. 5~b! we show the XRD of the films prepared at different values of d t-s but at P5330 W and R515%. For Ramamurthy Acharya et al. Downloaded 26 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 481 FIG. 7. X-ray diffraction patterns for fast annealed strontium ferrite films on different substrates with ~a! rf power ~P!560 W and oxygen to argon ratio ~R! 15%, and ~b! P5330 W and R515%. FIG. 6. Plots of M r /M s and H c values against target to substrate distances for fast annealed strontium ferrite films with rf power560 W and oxygen to argon ratio of 15%. the sample with d t-s 550 mm, prominent peaks of ~110! and ~220! are seen along with low intensity peaks corresponding to ~107! and ~114!. As d t-s is decreased, the relative intensity of peaks other than ~110! and ~220! increases. This indicates that for P5330 W, the c axis in-plane orientation is better in the case of a higher value of d t-s . The films prepared with d t-s 525 and 35 mm showed M s values similar to those shown by the films with d t-s 550 mm. C. The effect of substrate materials In the case of BaM films prepared with in situ substrate heating, it was reported that the nature of the substrates play an important role in determining the texture of the films.2,3 As mentioned earlier, our study on amorphous fused quartz and Si~111! substrates showed that the films prepared on two substrates under similar conditions showed similar properties.17,18 To further check this point we show a comparative study of the films deposited on different kinds of substrates. In Fig. 7~a! we show the XRD of the films deposited on fused quartz, Si~100!, Si~111!, sapphire ~110!, and GGG~111! prepared with P560 W and R515% and subjected to fast annealing. As it is clear from these XRD patterns, all the films show prominent ~00l! SrM peaks indicating a good c-axis orientation normal to the film plane. Similarly in Fig. 7~b! we show the XRD of the films on different substrates with P5330 W and R515% and further subjected to fast annealing. The films on Si~100! and Si~111! 482 J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 1, 1 January 1996 showed prominent ~110! and ~220! SrM peaks like the films deposited on fused quartz indicating that these films are oriented with the c axis in the film plane. However, the films on sapphire were found to have random orientation even at 330 W. These studies thus showed that though the nature of the substrates play some role in determining the texture and properties of the films such effects are less dominant in comparison to the effect of deposition and annealing conditions. D. The other characterizations Polar Kerr loops were measured on some of these films. The films deposited on fused quartz substrates showed polar Kerr rotation ~u k ! values in the range of 0.04°–0.11° and the films deposited on Si substrates showed u k values in the range of 0.04°–0.27°. One of the typical polar Kerr loops has been shown in Fig. 8. The torque magnetometer measurements were carried out for some of the films and some of these torque curves have already been reported.17,19 The values of uniaxial anisotropy constants obtained for different films were of the order of 1.53106 to 2.63106 ergs/cc which were similar to those reported for BaM films.5,11 FIG. 8. Polar Kerr rotation loop obtained for a strontium ferrite film on the Si~100! substrate, which was deposited with rf power of 60 W, oxygen to argon ratio of 15%, and slow annealed at 800 °C for 3 h. Ramamurthy Acharya et al. Downloaded 26 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see We tried to analyze the film compositions using different techniques and were successful in such an analysis only using ICP and EDAX. The detailed analyses using these techniques showed that the film compositions did not vary with different parameters like rf power, oxygen to argon ratio, etc. The actual variations measured were of the order of the accuracy of the methods employed. As reported by us earlier, the conversion electron Mössbauer spectroscopic studies also indicated that the films deposited under different conditions retain the bulk composition.18 In the case of rf sputtered BaM films, the change in composition of the films in comparison to the target composition has been reported by some workers.4 This change has been attributed to the preferential resputtering of Ba atoms due to higher mass ratio of Ba to Fe atom.4 The mass ratio of Sr to Fe atom is much smaller and might be one of the reasons for not observing any significant change in the film composition with deposition parameters. Also we had carried out a presputtering of the targets before each deposition as mentioned in Sec. II. One of our important conclusions is the effect of annealing conditions. Since the films which show different characteristics when subjected to two different annealing conditions were essentially deposited under identical conditions, we do not expect composition changes in these films. IV. DISCUSSIONS Morisako et al.4,22 have reported a systematic work on the effect of deposition conditions on the properties of BaM films prepared by rf sputtering. They employed in situ heating of the substrates in their work, unlike our case where postdeposition annealing of the films was carried out. There has been no systematic work reported relating the texture and properties to deposition and annealing conditions in the case of hexagonal ferrite films prepared by postdeposition annealing. We make a comparison of our results with those reported by Morisako et al.4,22 ~1! Morisako et al.4,22 have maintained a constant power density of 1.5/cm2 during sputtering. Hence they do not report any study on the effect of change of power density on the texture and properties of the films. In our study we have varied the P value from 60 to 330 W which correspond to a power density change from 1.4 to 7.5 W/cm2. ~2! In a study to see the effect of oxygen partial pressure on the film properties, they have changed the oxygen partial pressure from 0 to 431023 mbar. They find that for a certain range of low oxygen partial pressure, only a spinel phase ~Fe3O4! is formed. In a middle range of oxygen partial pressure, BaM grows on a spinel layer of ;300 Å. They reported that their films showed the presence of XRD peaks corresponding to spinel structure along with BaM lines. At higher oxygen partial pressures, they obtained a single phase BaM film. For all the values of oxygen partial pressure, their films showed f c (001).1. However, from the c-axis dispersion angle obtained from the x-ray rocking curve, they show that the c-axis orientation is better in the range where the BaM is formed over the spinel layer, as the spinel layer promotes c-axis oriented growth of a BaM. In comparison, our XRD results did not show any peaks corresponding to the spinel J. Appl. Phys., Vol. 79, No. 1, 1 January 1996 phase. Also, f c (001) values showed larger changes with the change of R, even of the order of 20% in some cases. ~3! Morisako et al.4 studied the effect of target to substrate distance changing it from 35 to 67 mm. They showed that the c-axis orientation normal to the film plane improves for the samples with higher target to substrate distance. This they attributed to decrease of bombardment of the films by energetic ions during sputtering. However, our results were contradictory to them. As shown above, the c-axis orientation normal to the film plane improved with decrease of d t-s in our case. The above discussions highlight the fact that in the case of substrate heated BaM films, Morisako et al.4,22 have also observed a dependence of texture and properties of the films on deposition parameters. However, in general, these dependences are not similar to our case. We would, nevertheless, like to mention that though it may not look surprising that the properties of the films prepared with in situ heating show a dependence on the process parameters, it does look interesting that the films crystallized only during postdeposition annealing show a dependence of texture and properties on deposition parameters. These results indicate that the deposition conditions leave their signature on the as-deposited films which determine the texture and properties of the films when annealed. It is clear from the above discussions that the various process parameters and postdeposition annealing do affect the properties of the M -type ferrite films. It is, however, not possible to provide physical reasoning for such effects, as the processes involved here are very complicated. The sputtering process involves a complex series of collisions involving a series of angular deflections and energy transfers between many atoms. It is very difficult to model the sputtering process to obtain the dependences of sputtering process on various experimental parameters.23 In the present case, the situation becomes more complicated since postdeposition annealing conditions are also involved. Also, the structure of the material is fairly complicated involving three different atoms @Sr, Fe, and O#. However, the fact that similar postdeposition annealings lead to different properties of films depending on deposition conditions, one feels that during deposition, crystallites not detectable by XRD are formed which act as nucleation centers for further crystallization during postdeposition annealing. The microstructural studies on as-deposited films using transmission electron microscopy are in progress which might lead to better understanding of the growth mechanism in these films. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS One of the authors ~B.R.A.! acknowledges the Council of Scientific and Industrial Research, New Delhi, for financial support. The help rendered by Dr. S. Kumar and Dr. K. V. Suryanarayana, Metallurgical Engineering Department, in x-ray diffraction measurements has been gratefully acknowledged. We also acknowledge Dr. L. S. Mombasawala, Regional Sophisticated Instrumentation Center, for ICP measurements and Dr. V. R. Palkar, Materials Science Division, Tata Institute for Fundamental Research, Bombay, for EDAX measurements. Ramamurthy Acharya et al. Downloaded 26 Feb 2012 to Redistribution subject to AIP license or copyright; see 483 M. Matsuoka, M. Naoe, and Y. Hoshi, J. Appl. Phys. 57, 4040 ~1985!. M. S. Yuan, H. L. Glass, and L. R. Adkins, Appl. Phys. Lett. 53, 340 ~1988!. 3 E. 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