2007 IEEE International Conference on Granular Computing Nonlinear Target Identification and Tracking Using UKF D. G. Khairnar, S. Nandakumar, S. N. Merchant and U. B. Desai SPANN Laboratory Department of Electrical Engineering Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Mumbai-400 076, India phone: +(9122) 25720651, email:[email protected] Abstract In [7] Julier and Uhlmann presented Unscented transformation method to propagate mean and covariance information through nonlinear transformations. EKF is generally used to track nonlinear targets, but linearization introduces a bias and there is no guarantee that even the second order terms can compensate for such errors. UKF is a straight forward extension of the Unscented transformation which overcomes the limitations of EKF; has been the motivation behind the research and development work that is elaborated in this paper. In this paper, we implemented target identification algorithm using Dempster Shafer Theory (DST) and tracking algorithm using Extended Kalman Filter (EKF) and Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF). A tracking filter is developed and simulated based on UKF to track nonlinear, ballistic and reentry targets. Comparison of EKF and UKF for nonlinear targets tracking are presented based on the simulation results. Simulated results gives more supporting points to use UKF for nonlinear target tracking rather using EKF. 2 Unscented Kalman Filter The Unscented Kalman Filter (UKF) addresses the approximation issues of the EKF. The state distribution is again represented by a Gaussian Random Variable (GRV), but is now specified using a minimal set of carefully chosen sample points. The UKF is a straight forward extension of the Unscented transformation to the recursive estimation in Kalman filter equations [9]. After Unscented transformation of the state variables, UKF equations are formed as following: The predicted state and its covariance are estimated as 1 Introduction Radar target identification and tracking is primary function of any radar which makes it as an active research area. Radar signal processing consists of digital pulse compression, droppler estimation, SNR estimation. Radar data processing consists of tracker, classifier/identifier, schedular etc. Smitch and Goggans [1] discussed the signal level theory for radar target identification in the aspect of High Resolution Range (HRR) radar. The radar target identification based on complex image analysis for identifying aircrafts, ground vehicles in Synthetic Aperature Radar (SAR) application with an indication of how these methods can be applied to missiles, rockets and satellites in [2]. Different methods of radar recognition is presented in [3]. Denoeux [4] have attempted the problem of classiflying an unseen pattern on the basis of its nearest neighbours in recorded data set from the point of view of Dempster Shafer Theory. Engin Avci, Ibrahim Turkulugu and Mustafa [5] is presented an intelligence target recognition system for target recognition and a wavelet packet neural network model is used for RTID. Simon Julier and Jeffrey Uhlmann suggested better method for nonlinear target tracking in [6]. 0-7695-3032-X/07 $25.00 © 2007 IEEE DOI 10.1109/GrC.2007.97 ! " !# %$ ) (& ' ! +*-,/.10+243 (1) (2) ( < 56) +&*7' , .1; 098!3 : >= : ( ? @ >=<ACB (3) DE F; , its covariance The predicted observation I J GHG and the cross covariance KLG are estimated 758 761 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 04:20 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. as MONP QRQSTUWV X Y[ZN(P QRQSTU!\#]P QSTU!\#QST%^\ (4) P QRQSTUWV (a b N M N P QRQSTU!\ + N d g e 1 f + h 4 i j c `_ (5) P QRQSTU5V6a(b ; N 9h m!j n M N P QRQSTU?S P QRQSTU>o 9 N d g e f c klHl `_ n MONP QRQSTU?S P QRQSTU oqp \ `_ P QRQS@TUsV6ab N n ZN#P QRQSTU?S P QRQSTU o cN+d7e f htm!j kr l u_ n M N P QRQS@TU?S P QRQSTU oqp/v `_ (b) Non-aircraft Target (c) High Altitude Target (d) Unknown Target (6) (7) For linear functions, the UKF is equivalent to the Kalman filter, The computational complexity of the UKF is the same as the EKF, but it is more accurate and does not require the derivation of any Jacobians [9]. Figure 1. Probabilities of target types for Aircraft, Non-aircraft, High altitude and Unknow Targets 3 Implementation and Testing of Identification and Tracking Algorithm Identifying the target type for tracking radar is important that according to the type of target necessary action has to be taken at that moment. If it is identified wrongly it will lead to serious disaster in case of defence applications [8]. RTID algorithm is implemented and real, simulated targets are used to test the algorithm. Aircraft, Non-aircraft, High altitude target and unknown target trajectories are given as input to the algorithm. basic belief masses (BBMs) for each elements of the target possibilities are calculated with corresponding bound values of parameters. This bound values are determined by the type of target like for aircraft maximum velocity considered is 660m/s. The parameters and vary for aircraft, Non-aircraft and High altitude targets used in the simulation. The probabilities of the four target types vary according to the type of target, which can be seen in the Figures 1-(a), (b), (c) and 1-(d). When the probabilities of any of the target types don’t cross the threshold, then target type is identified as unknown. Tw\ \ u uyx uz (a) Aircraft Target reentry targets. The reference trajectory is generated using general dynamics model. Because of drag, gravitational acceleration and Coriolis force nonlinearity is involved in tracking this type of target. Sampling frequency is and the target dynamics is modeled using RK method 4th order. The simulation parameters are shown in Table 1. Measurement noise covariance and process noise covariance are updated for each measurement update. States estimation of position for high altitude ballistic and Reentry targets are shown in Figures 2-(a), (b), (c) and (d). TL}q~| u|{ Table 1. Simulation parameters of EKF/UKF ballistic and Reentry target tracking Coordinate system Target type Dynamics of target Filter States States Measurement Measurement error Initial State Initial covariance 4 High altitude Ballistic and Reentry targets Comparison of filters implemented for tracking nonlinear targets is presented to analyze the performance of UKF for tracking application. The need for moving from KF to EKF and from EKF to UKF is presented when the target to be tracked is nonlinear. Targets considered are ballistic and ECEF High altitude ballistic/Reentry Nonlinear EKF/UKF [X Y Z Vx Vy Vz B] [X Y Z] Y}?\ } ^ x } { a xw fileT%}s }q}w{ } xwfrom }w}w} Taken 4{ }qxw}w4target a a [ x x x { ] 762 759 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 04:20 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. (a) EKF (Ballistic Target) (b) EKF (Reentry Target) (c) UKF (Ballistic Target) (d) UKF (Reentry Target) (a) Position Error X (c) Histogram Position Error (d) Histogram Velocity Error Figure 2. Filtered and True positions by EKF and UKF for Ballistic and Reentry Targets Figure 3. Filtered Position, Velocity and Histogram Errors by EKF and UKF for Ballistic Targets ! 1[q[qCC@![w7 ? ¢ £ys5¤w w¥¦w7 < Estimated states by EKF and UKF for ballistic target, are compared and the results are shown in Figures 3-(a),(b),(c) and (d). In Figure 3-(a), the position error of state looks same for EKF and UKF, but the histogram in Figure 3-(c) and (d), shows that the error given by EKF has got the bias and the mean value of error given by EKF is quite greater than the mean value of error given by UKF. In case of velocity error, steady state error given by UKF is less than by EKF and when the position and velocity error statistics, in Tables 2 and 3 respectively, are compared, it is clear that the UKF is a better option than EKF for tracking this type of high altitude ballistic target. Estimated states by EKF and UKF for reentry target are compared and the results are shown in Figures 4-(a),(b),(c) and (d). In Figure 4-(a), the position error of state given by EKF have got bias, but the errors given by UKF don’t have bias. This bias is due to linearization of nonlinear system in EKF, because linearization leads to approximation of distribution. But in UKF this problem is avoided, this can be seen in the histogram as shown in Figure 4-(c). In case of velocity error, steady state error given by UKF is almost same by EKF, but histogram in Figure 4-(d), show that the Gaussian distribution of error is maintained closely in UKF but not in EKF. The position error statistics, in Table 4, show that the position error given by UKF is less than by EKF, and this comparison says that UKF is a better option than EKF for tracking this type of nonlinear targets. ¡ ¡ Table 2. Statistics of estimation error for position of ballistic by EKF and UKF State error X by EKF X by UKF Y by EKF Y by UKF Z by EKF Z by UKF Mean (m) -94.809249 8.152945 156.791740 -26.674749 -156.031930 20.272383 (b) Velocity Error X STD (m) 173.063523 172.096793 442.839395 271.295848 167.652937 102.907127 5 Conclusion The identification and tracking algorithms were evaluated on a number of simulated targets like aircraft, missile and satellite. Tracking of Ballistic and Reentry targets by UKF is better than by EKF when observing position errors. By seeing the above performance analysis it gives more supporting points to use UKF for nonlinear target tracking 763 760 Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on December 3, 2008 at 04:20 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. Table 3. Statistics of estimation error for velocity of ballistic by EKF and UKF State error Vx by EKF Vx by UKF Vy by EKF Vy by UKF Vz by EKF Vz by UKF Mean (m/s) 0.836867 -0.414676 -4.672585 2.236967 -2.706268 1.108465 STD (m/s) 9.405423 4.207772 4.585036 7.110487 11.115798 1.648443 (a) Position Error X (b) Velocity Error X Table 4. Statistics of estimation error for position of reentry by EKF and UKF State error X by EKF X by UKF Y by EKF Y by UKF Z by EKF Z by UKF Mean (m) 9.041741 0.106275 -0.213563 0.104656 18.666802 -0.035020 STD (m) 0.009733 0.260220 0.046350 0.189262 0.047140 0.137230 (c) Histogram Position Error (d) Histogram Velocity Error Figure 4. Filtered Position, Velocity and Histogram Errors by EKF and UKF for Reentry Targets rather using EKF. Even though UKF has clear advantages over EKF, the computational complexity of both algorithms are to be compared. Results show that the error given by UKF is higher in the beginning of tracking, this may be due to sigma point sampling of the distribution. [6] S.J. Julier, and J.K. Uhlmann,; A new extension of the Kalman filter to nonlinear systems, Proceedings of AeroSense: The 11th International Symposium on Aerospace/Defence Sensing, Simulation and Controls, (1997). References [7] S.J. Julier, and J.K Uhlmann,; Unscented filtering and nonlinear estimation, Proceedings of IEEE, Vol. 92, No. 3,(Mar. 2004) 401-422. [1] C.R. Smith and P.M. Goggans,; Radar target identification, IEEE Antenna and Propagation Magazine, Vol.35, No.2,(April 1993) 27-38. [8] D. Seshagiri, S. Ravind, and G. M. Cleetus,; Target classification using data fusion based on DempsterShafer theory of evidences, International Radar Symposium India, (Dec. 2003). [2] A.W. Rihaczek, S.J. Hershkowitz,; Theory and Practice of Radar Target Identification, Artech House Publishers, Boston., (2000). [9] S. 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