Forestry Pilot Project Update: March 18, 2011

 Seccretarial Fo
orestry Pilo
ot Projectss Update: March 188, 2011 n motion a pla n to apply the principles of ecological In Deecember 2010, Secretary of the Interior Ken Salazar set in
oration, as suggested by Drs. Norm Johnson
n and Jerry Fraanklin, on BLM lands within the Roseburg and Medford resto
ward with thesse pilot projects we’ll be reguularly posting updates about their status. Distrricts. As the BLLM moves forw
Rosseburg Pilo
ot Project The Roseburg Distrrict BLM is currrently workingg on developme
ent of an Interrdisciplinary Teeam (ID Team) within the er Field Office staff to prepare
e for the requi red National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Roseeburg District and South Rive
w the stands w ould be markked in sample areas. The proccess. The next public meetingg will be a field trip to see how
his field trip waas March 26, 20
011. This trip has been canceelled due to snow and poor weather original date for th
ditions. A new
w date for this field trip is stilll being determ
mined and will b e posted as so
oon as possiblee. Drs. Johnson
n cond
and Franklin will id
dentify specific units from the
e unit pool by mid‐April 20111. Maps that show these units will be posteed he pilot project website. on th
ddle Apple
egate Wate
ershed Pilo
ot Project Update: e Medford BLM
M worked with Drs. Johnson a nd Franklin Fu
urther reviewing the pilot During the week of March 14 the
e and the process thus far for selecting stan
nds for restoraation. Drs. Joh
hnson and Fran
nklin also workked projeect’s landscape
with BLM silvicultu
ure staff and marking crew co
oordinators to discuss prescrriptive approacch in a variety of stand types. d trip (attended by approxim
mately 40 people) that review
wed several stands On Saturday, Marcch 19, there waas a public field
oration through a collaborative process to v iew a sample mark of trees to be removed
d. that have been selected for resto
oming meetinggs for the Midd
dle Applegate Watershed Pilo
ot Project incluude:
May 20,, 2011 Mayy 5, 2011 Time: 9 to 12 Noon, 1 to 3 p.m. (if neeeded) Timee: 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. onstration site
es where the pu
ublic can Public w orkshop to draaft the monito
oring plan. A fieeld trip to demo
n: BLM Medforrd Interagencyy Office revieew stands and trees marked for harvest. 3040 Bidddle Road Locaation: Informattion forthcoming on logistics. Medfordd, OR 9750 ng Middle Applegate Watersh
hed Pilot Project‐related evennts please RSV
VP to Stephaniee Kelleher at:
For these upcomin
1) 618‐2205, orr Stephanie_Ke
[email protected] (541
os Bay Wagon Road Forest Maanagementt Pilot: The Coquille Indian
n Tribe proposed the Coos Baay Wagon Road
d Forest Manaagement Pilot to the Secretarry of the Interior 010. The Department of the Interior and BLM are review
wing the propossal. In the meaantime, a copyy of on December 8, 20
the Tribe’s pilot proposal is now online on the Coos Bay Wagon Road Foresst Management Pilot websitee at: http://www.blm.ggov/or/districtts/coosbay/forestrypilot/ . No public meeetings/field trip
ps are scheduleed at this time,, but theyy will be offered
d in the near fu
uture. 1