State of Workplace Mental Health in Australia L1, 181 Miller Street North Sydney 2060 KEY FINDINGS INTRODUCTION Mentally healthy workplaces are as important to Australian employees as physically safe workplaces, however workplaces are not meeting their expectations "DDPSEJOH UP BO "#4 TUVEZ PG "VTUSBMJBOT CFUXFFO t CFMJFWF NFOUBM IFBMUI JO UIF XPSLQMBDF JT JNQPSUBOU CFMJFWF QIZTJDBM TBGFUZ is important). t %FTQJUF UIJT POMZ PG FNQMPZFFT CFMJFWF UIFJS XPSLQMBDF JT NFOUBMMZ IFBMUIZ DPNQBSFE UP GPS QIZTJDBM safety. UIFBHFTPGXJMMFYQFSJFODFBNFOUBMIFBMUIDPOEJUJPO JO UIFJS MJGFUJNF *U JT FTUJNBUFE UIBU VOUSFBUFE NFOUBM health conditions cost Australian workplaces approximately CJMMJPO QFS ZFBS 5IJT DPNQSJTFT One in five Australian employees report that they IBWFUBLFOUJNFPGGXPSL due to feeling mentally unwell in the past 12 months. t 0OMZmWFJOUFO CFMJFWFUIFJSNPTU TFOJPSMFBEFSWBMVFTNFOUBMIFBMUI Mentally unhealthy workplaces impact on employee behaviour t 0OF JO mWF "VTUSBMJBOT IBWF UBLFO UJNF PGG work in the past 12 months because they felt stressed, anxious, depressed or mentally unhealthy. CJMMJPO JO BCTFOUFFJTN CJMMJPO in presenteeism1 BOE NJMMJPO JO compensation claims2. Financial impacts aside, the workplace IBT CFFO JEFOUJmFE BT B SFMFWBOU BOE an appropriate setting to promote and support the health and mental health of XPSLFSTGPSTFWFSBMSFBTPOTJODMVEJOH t FBTFPGBDDFTTUPBMBSHFOVNCFSPGQFPQMF t FYJTUJOH JOGSBTUSVDUVSFT FH DPNNVOJDBUJPO DIBOOFMT TVQQPSUJWFFOWJSPONFOU t 5IJT TUBUJTUJD JT NPSF UIBO UXJDF BT IJHI BNPOH t PQQPSUVOJUZUPUBJMPSJOUFSWFOUJPOTUPTVQQPSUUIFOFFET those who consider their workplace mentally unhealthy. PGTQFDJmDHSPVQTPGFNQMPZFFTFHTIJGUXPSLFST BOE t &NQMPZFFT XIP CFMJFWF UIFJS XPSLQMBDF JT NFOUBMMZ unhealthy are unlikely to disclose within their workplace if they are experiencing a mental health condition, seek within particular industries t DPTUFGmDJFODZ SFMBUJWF UP DMJOJDBM PS DPNNVOJUZCBTFE programs. support from HR/management, or offer support to a colleague with a mental health condition. A mentally healthy workplace is one that protects and promotes mental health and empowers people to seek Australian employees expect mental health support in the workplace environment, but many are not aware of, or are unable to access appropriate resources help for depression and anxiety, for the benefit of the t 5ISFF RVBSUFST PG "VTUSBMJBO FNQMPZFFT CFMJFWF 8IJMF DSFBUJOH B NFOUBMMZ IFBMUIZ XPSLQMBDF JT FWFSZPOFT XPSLQMBDFTTIPVMEQSPWJEFTVQQPSUUPTPNFPOFXIPJT experiencing depression or anxiety. t PGPSHBOJTBUJPOBMMFBEFSTJOEJDBUFUIFJSXPSLQMBDF has one or more policies, procedures or practices to TVQQPSU NFOUBM IFBMUI CVU NBOZ FNQMPZFFT EPOULOPXUIFTFSFTPVSDFTFYJTUPSEPOUIBWFBDDFTTUP them. When mental health is valued by leaders, and appropriate resources are available in the workplace, there are real benefits to business t *OXPSLQMBDFTUIBUFNQMPZFFTDPOTJEFSNFOUBMMZIFBMUIZ self-reported absenteeism as a result of experiencing NFOUBMJMMIFBMUIBMNPTUIBMWFT 1 individual, organisation and community. responsibility, mental health is a leadership issue, and change must start at the top. Business owners and organisational MFBEFST QMBZ B DSJUJDBM SPMF JO ESJWJOH QPMJDJFT BOE QSBDUJDFT UIBU QSPNPUF NFOUBM IFBMUI JO UIF XPSLQMBDF 5IFZ IBWF UIF DBQBDJUZ UP QPTJUJWFMZ JOnVFODF XPSLQMBDF DVMUVSF management practices and the experience of employees. /PUF1SFTFOUFFJTNJTXIFOBOFNQMPZFFJTBUXPSLCVUJTMFTTQSPEVDUJWFUIBOVTVBMCFDBVTFPGJMMOFTT or injury 1X$ A$SFBUJOHBNFOUBMMZIFBMUIZXPSLQMBDFSFUVSOPOJOWFTUNFOUBOBMZTJT"DDFTTFEPOMJOF GSPNIUUQXXXIFBETVQPSHBVEPDTEFGBVMUTPVSDFSFTPVSDFTCFZPOECMVF@XPSLQMBDFSPJ@mOBMSFQPSU@ NBZQEG "VTUSBMJBO(PWFSONFOU 5FOZFBSSPBENBQGPSOBUJPOBMNFOUBMIFBMUISFGPSN%SBGU %BNF$BSPM#MBDL8PSLJOHGPSBIFBMUIJFSUPNPSSPX 8BEEFMM(#VSUPO", *TXPSLHPPEGPSZPVSIFBMUIBOEXFMMCFJOH -POEPO5IF4UBUJPOFSZ 0GmDF 8PSME)FBMUI0SHBOJ[BUJPO8)0 8PSLQMBDF)FBMUI1SPNPUJPO"DDFTTFEPOMJOFGSPNIUUQ XXXXIPJOUPDDVQBUJPOBM@IFBMUIUPQJDTXPSLQMBDFFO 5IF"VTUSBMJBO#VSFBVPG4UBUJTUJDT"#4 /BUJPOBM.FOUBM)FBMUIBOE8FMM#FJOH4VSWFZ/.)84 © TNS 2014 5IJTTUVEZPG"VTUSBMJBOFNQMPZFFTDPOEVDUFECZ5/44PDJBM DETAILED FINDINGS 3FTFBSDI BO JOEFQFOEFOU SFTFBSDI BHFODZ QSPWJEFT B of employees agree their workplace is mentally healthy. Mentally healthy workplaces are important to employees. Across all industries and locations in Australia, employees do not consider their workplace as mentally healthy as they would like it to be 'VSUIFSNPSF POF JO mWF "VTUSBMJBO FNQMPZFFT SFQPSU UIFZ 5IJT SFTFBSDI TIPXT UIBU FNQMPZFFT BOE MFBEFST BHSFF IBWF UBLFO UJNF PGG XPSL EVF UP GFFMJOH NFOUBMMZ VOXFMM PO UIF JNQPSUBODF PG NFOUBMMZ IFBMUIZ XPSLQMBDFT (stressed, anxious, depressed or mentally unhealthy) in the FNQMPZFFT MFBEFST )PXFWFS FNQMPZFFT EP OPU past 12 months. OFDFTTBSJMZCFMJFWFUIFJSMFBEFSTQMBDFBTNVDIJNQPSUBODF snapshot of the current state of workplace mental health JO "VTUSBMJB 5IF SFTFBSDI GPVOE UIBU XIJMF OJOF JO UFO "VTUSBMJBO FNQMPZFFT BHSFF UIBU JT JU JNQPSUBOU UP XPSL JO B NFOUBMMZ IFBMUIZ FOWJSPONFOU POMZ PO NFOUBM IFBMUI BT UIFZ EP PG FNQMPZFFT CFMJFWF their most senior leaders consider mental health in the 9 in 10 "VTUSBMJBOFNQMPZFFTCFMJFWFNFOUBMMZ workplace important). healthy workplaces are important Across all states/territories and industry sectors, there is a 5 in 10 "VTUSBMJBOFNQMPZFFTCFMJFWFUIFJS workplace is mentally healthy TJHOJmDBOU HBQ CFUXFFO UIF JNQPSUBODF FNQMPZFFT QMBDF PO B NFOUBMMZ IFBMUIZ XPSLQMBDF AJNQPSUBODF BOE IPX NFOUBMMZ IFBMUIZ UIFZ CFMJFWF UIFJS XPSLQMBDF BDUVBMMZ JT AQFSGPSNBODF THE RESEARCH METHODOLOGY Mental health and physical safety importance and performance - by location 5IJTSFTFBSDIXBTDPOEVDUFEPOMJOFXJUIBrepresentative sample of Australian workers"UPUBMPGJOUFSWJFXT XFSFDPOEVDUFEBOEPGUIFTFXFSFXJUITFOJPSMFBEFST .&/5"-)&"-5) $&0.BOBHJOH%JSFDUPSPS)3NBOBHFST BOEXFSF with employees (a mix of lower management and other employees). Quotas were set and weighting applied to FOTVSFUIFTBNQMFXBTSFQSFTFOUBUJWFJOUFSNTPGJOEVTUSZ number of employees in the company and location (at state/ UFSSJUPSZ MFWFM CBTFE VQPO "VTUSBMJBO #VSFBV PG 4UBUJTUJDT data. Survey content 5IJT SFTFBSDI QSPWJEFT B EFUBJMFE TOBQTIPU PG UIF TUBUF PG 1):4*$"-4"'&5: #:45"5& *NQPSUBODF 1FSGPSNBODF *NQPSUBODF 1FSGPSNBODF /48"$5 73 7*$ 76 2-% 87 88 76 4"/5 WA 62 80 mental health in Australian workplaces5IFTVSWFZBTLFE /PUFCBTFTJ[FEPFTOPUQFSNJUBOBMZTJTGPSBMMTUBUFTUFSSJUPSJFT QBSUJDJQBOUTUPSFTQPOEUPUIFGPMMPXJOHBSFBT t the importance of physical safety and mental health in workplaces and an assessment of how their workplace performs t TUJHNBBSPVOENFOUBMIFBMUI t CFIBWJPVSXIFOQFSTPOBMMZFYQFSJFODJOHBNFOUBMIFBMUI condition or encountering mental health conditions in the workplace t XPSLQMBDF TVQQPSU BOE QSBDUJDFT UP QSPNPUF HPPE mental health t BXBSFOFTT PG SFTPVSDFT BWBJMBCMF UP QSPNPUF HPPE mental health. 2 5IJTSFTFBSDIJTUIFCFODINBSLQIBTFPGBXJEFSFWBMVBUJPOPGbeyondblue’s Workplace and Workforce program. 5IFNBKPSJUZPGRVFTUJPOTJOUIFTUVEZXFSFBOTXFSFEPOBOQPJOUTDBMF8IFSFUIFUFSNABHSFF ACFMJFWFPSTJNJMBSJTVTFEUISPVHIPVUUIJTSFQPSUUIJTJTCBTFEVQPODPNCJOJOHSFTQPOTFTGPSUIF UPQUISFFTDBMFQPJOUTPSPOBOQPJOUTDBMF 5IFDMBTTJmDBUJPOPGXPSLQMBDFTBTANFOUBMMZ healthy’, is also based upon combining responses in this way. 5IFDMBTTJmDBUJPOPGXPSLQMBDFTBTANFOUBMMZVOIFBMUIZBOEEBUBSFMBUFEUPUIFAMJOFNBOBHFSJOEVTUSZ EPFTOPUWBMVFBNFOUBMMZIFBMUIZXPSLQMBDFyJTCBTFEVQPODPNCJOJOHSFTQPOTFTGPSUIFCPUUPNmWF TDBMFQPJOUTPS © TNS 2014 Mental health and physical safety importance and performance - by industry .&/5"-)&"-5) 1):4*$"-4"'&5: #:*/%6453: *NQPSUBODF 1FSGPSNBODF *NQPSUBODF 1FSGPSNBODF Agriculture 83 1VCMJD"ENJOJTUSBUJPOBOE4BGFUZ 88 81 76 5SBOTQPSU1PTUBMBOE8BSFIPVTJOH 87 )FBMUI$BSFBOE4PDJBM"TTJTUBODF 76 "ENJOJTUSBUJWFBOE4VQQPSU4FSWJDFT 83 Manufacturing 88 70 3FUBJM5SBEF 86 68 "DDPNNPEBUJPOBOE'PPE4FSWJDFT 70 &EVDBUJPOBOE5SBJOJOH 78 8IPMFTBMF5SBEF 88 71 1SPGFTTJPOBM4DJFOUJmDBOE5FDIOJDBM4FSWJDFT 83 88 'JOBODJBMBOE*OTVSBODF4FSWJDFT 80 86 $POTUSVDUJPO 63 81 0UIFSTFSWJDFT 81 /PUFCBTFTJ[FEPFTOPUQFSNJUBOBMZTJTGPSBMMTFDUPST Employers can reduce absenteeism by improving mental health in their workplace 5IF SFTFBSDI IBT JEFOUJmFE DMFBS EJGGFSFODFT CFUXFFO 0WFSBMM PG FNQMPZFFT SFQPSU UIBU UIFZ IBWF UBLFO mentally unhealthy workplaces, including what employees time off work due to feeling mentally unwell in the past would recommend someone experiencing depression or 12 months. The findings show that employees who anxiety should do. FNQMPZFF CFIBWJPVS JO NFOUBMMZ IFBMUIZ XPSLQMBDFT BOE consider their workplace mentally unhealthy are almost four times more likely to say they have taken 5IFTF BDUJPOT DBO CSPBEMZ CF DBUFHPSJTFE BT FJUIFS time off work due to feeling mentally unwell in the AQSPUFDUJWFPSABWPJEBODFJOOBUVSF*OUIFDPOUFYUPGUIJT past 12 months compared to those who describe their SFTFBSDI QSPUFDUJWF BOE BWPJEBODF CFIBWJPVST IBWF CFFO XPSLQMBDF BT NFOUBMMZ IFBMUIZ &NQMPZFFT JO NFOUBMMZ EFmOFEBTGPMMPXT unIFBMUIZXPSLQMBDFTBSFBMTPNPSFMJLFMZUPIBWFPCTFSWFE t protective behavioursBSFQPTJUJWFBOEQSPBDUJWFXBZT the symptoms of depression and anxiety among their PG TFFLJOH UP JNQSPWF NFOUBM IFBMUI TVDI BT TFFJOH B colleagues. (1UBMLJOHUPDPMMFBHVFTGBNJMZPSGSJFOETBOEBDDFTTJOH Behaviour in mentally unhealthy workplaces compared to mentally healthy workplaces support through the workplace. t avoidance behaviours are the opposite - not seeking help or support, isolating oneself from colleagues, family or friends, and potentially using alcohol and other 3 .&/5"--: UN)&"-5): 803,1-"$&4 .&/5"--: )&"-5): 803,1-"$&4 &NQMPZFFTSFQPSUUIFZIBWF taken time off work due to feeling mentally unwell in the past 12 months &NQMPZFFTPCTFSWF depression/anxiety among others in their workplace from time to time harmful drugs as a coping strategy. © TNS 2014 QSPUFDUJWFCFIBWJPVSTJONFOUBMMZunhealthy workplaces, and When mental health is valued by leaders there are real benefits to the business B IJHIFS QSFWBMFODF PG BWPJEBODF CFIBWJPVST XBT FWJEFOU 5IFTVSWFZGPVOE As a result, organisational leaders may not be aware that t NFOUBMMZIFBMUIZXPSLQMBDFTBSFimportant to workers employees in their workplace are experiencing depression BHSFFNFOU BNPOH FNQMPZFFT BNPOH 5IF TVSWFZ GPVOE B TJHOJmDBOUMZ MPXFS QSFWBMFODF PG PSBOYJFUZ*OXPSLQMBDFTDMBTTJmFEBTNFOUBMMZunIFBMUIZ leaders) t FNQMPZFFTBSFMFTTMJLFMZUPTFFLBTTJTUBODFGPSBNFOUBM t B XJEFTQSFBE QFSDFQUJPO UIBU PSHBOJTBUJPOT UIBU WBMVF health condition from their direct manager or human mental health are likely to be more productive resources (where this exists) BHSFFNFOUBNPOHFNQMPZFFTBHSFFNFOUBNPOH t UIFZBSFMFTTMJLFMZUPQSPWJEFTVQQPSUUPPUIFST leaders) t UIFZ BSF NPSF MJLFMZ UP BWPJE EJTDMPTJOH BO FYQFSJFODF t PSHBOJTBUJPOBM MFBEFST XIP GPDVT PO NFOUBM IFBMUI JO of depression or anxiety in the workplace, as well as in the workplace inspire respect among employees situations of career progression. BHSFFNFOUBNPOHFNQMPZFFT Protective and avoidance behaviours in mentally unhealthy and mentally healthy workplaces )PXFWFS KVTU PWFS IBMG PG FNQMPZFFT CFMJFWF Protective Behaviours CFMJFWFJUJTWBMVFEXJUIJOUIFJSJOEVTUSZ XPSLQMBDFNFOUBMIFBMUIJTWBMVFECZUIFJS$&0BOEGFXFS Surveyed employees stated they would ... Approach their direct manager for assistance 38% 64% Approach HR for assistance 41% 57% There is strong evidence that when employees believe their CEO values a mentally healthy workplace, there are significant attitudinal and behavioural benefits. 5IFTFJODMVEFIBMGUIFMFWFMPGBCTFOUFFJTNEVFUPNFOUBM IFBMUIDPOEJUJPOTBOENPSFQPTJUJWFQFSDFQUJPOTPGNFOUBM health in the workplace. Additionally, workplaces where $&0T BSF CFMJFWFE UP WBMVF NFOUBM IFBMUI BSF BMTP NPSF likely to be considered physically safe. Support colleagues who are experiencing a mental health condition 52% 62% Avoidance Behaviours Surveyed employees stated they ... #FMJFWFUIBUJUJTCFTUOPUUPEJTDMPTFEFQSFTTJPOBOYJFUZ JGBQQMZJOHGPSBOFXKPCFWFOJGSFDPWFSFE Characteristics of workplaces in which the CEO does or does not value mental health #FMJFWFUIFJSXPSLQMBDFJTNFOUBMMZIFBMUIZ 8% 75% 45% 29% #FMJFWFUIBUJUJTCFTUOPUUPEJTDMPTFEFQSFTTJPOBOYJFUZ if going for a promotion 33% 20% Wouldn’t want anyone to know if they were experiencing depression/anxiety 36% 16% #FMJFWFUIFJSXPSLQMBDFJTQIZTJDBMMZTBGF 53% 46% 87% 34% $&0DOES NOT VALUE.&/5"- )&"-5)1&3$&15*0/0'&.1-0:&&4 $&0VALUES.&/5"-)&"-5) 1&3$&15*0/0'&.1-0:&&4 .&/5"--:UN)&"-5):803,1-"$&4 .&/5"--:)&"-5):803,1-"$&4 3FQPSUUIFZIBWFUBLFOUJNFPGGXPSLEVFUPGFFMJOH mentally unwell in the past 12 months © TNS 2014 There is evidence of mental health stigma in workplaces 5IFSFTFBSDIFYQMPSFEUIFQSFTFODFPGTUJHNBJOSFMBUJPOUP When asked about a hypothetical co-worker with depression/anxiety employees believed… a hypothetical work colleague. Few employees agree with 5IFZXPVMECFVOQSFEJDUBCMFBUXPSLUPUBM UIFHFOFSBMJTFETUBUFNFOUTCFMPX5IPTFXIPXFSFNPSF likely to agree were males, and those who speak a language PUIFSUIBO&OHMJTIBUIPNF When asked about a hypothetical co-worker with depression/anxiety employees agreed… *XPVMEBWPJEUIFNUPUBM 11% 15% 7% 8% %FQSFTTJPOBOYJFUZJTOPUBNFEJDBMDPOEJUJPOUPUBM 13% 18% 5% 7% %FQSFTTJPOBOYJFUZJTBTJHOPGXFBLOFTTUPUBM 9% 14% 4% 5% 34% 26% 27% 37% *XPVMEQSFGFSUIFZXFSFOPUNZMJOFNBOBHFSUPUBM 34% 28% 30% 38% 5IFZBSFVOMJLFMZUPQFSGPSNBEFRVBUFMZBUUIFJSKPCUPUBM 35% 27% 28% 38% ."-& '&."-& :&"34 :&"34 A variety of workplace factors are considered to be potential triggers for poor mental health 'PS NBOZ FNQMPZFFT GBDUPST TVDI BT IBWJOH B TUSFTTGVM job or sustaining a workplace injury are associated with 5IFZTIPVMEATOBQPVUPGJUEFQSFTTJPOBOYJFUZ UPUBM FYQFSJFODJOHEFQSFTTJPOBOEBOYJFUZ&NQMPZFFTXIPSFQPSU 12% 17% UIFZ IBWF UBLFO UJNF PGG XPSL EVF UP GFFMJOH NFOUBMMZ 5% 7% VOXFMMJOUIFQBTUNPOUITBSFFWFONPSFMJLFMZUPBHSFF there is a link between these workplace issues and poor 5IFZTIPVMEMFBWFUIFJSQSPCMFNTBUIPNFUPUBM 14% 19% 7% 9% ."-& '&."-& 41&",-"/(6"(&05)&3 5)"/&/(-*4)"5)0.& 0/-:41&",&/(-*4)"5 )0.& 8IFO JU DPNFT UP TQFDJmD XPSL TJUVBUJPOT IPXFWFS mental health. When asked about depression and anxiety, employees agreed these conditions... Are caused by stressful jobs 76% 62% Are common in Australian workplaces BQQSPYJNBUFMZPOFJOUISFF 73% t IBWF SFTFSWBUJPOT BCPVU XPSLJOH XJUI B QFSTPO 48% experiencing depression or anxiety. t XPVME QSFGFS UIBU B QFSTPO FYQFSJFODJOH EFQSFTTJPO PS anxiety was not their line manager. t EJE OPU UIJOL TPNFPOF FYQFSJFODJOH EFQSFTTJPO PS BOYJFUZ XPVME CF BCMF UP QFSGPSN BEFRVBUFMZ BU UIFJS job. Are more likely if the workplace is not physically safe 61% 51% $BOPGUFOPDDVSBGUFSBXPSLQMBDFJOKVSZ 76% 65% .BMFT BOE PMEFS FNQMPZFFT BSF NPSF MJLFMZ UP IBWF concerns about the workplace performance of a colleague experiencing depression or anxiety. 5",&/-&"7&%6&50".&/5"-)&"-5) $0/%*5*0/ /055",&/-&"7&%6&50".&/5"-)&"-5) $0/%*5*0/ There is an expectation among workers that employers should assist those experiencing depression or anxiety 5ISFF RVBSUFST PG "VTUSBMJBO FNQMPZFFT CFMJFWF workplaces should QSPWJEF TVQQPSU UP TPNFPOF XIP JT experiencing depression or anxiety and almost two-thirds CFMJFWF UIFZ would SFDFJWF TPNF GPSN PG TVQQPSU from colleagues, management or a union. Not surprisingly, UIPTFXIPIBWFUBLFOMFBWFEVFUPFYQFSJFODJOHBNFOUBM IFBMUIDPOEJUJPOBSFFWFONPSFMJLFMZUPBHSFFUIBUFNQMPZFST TIPVMETVQQPSUFNQMPZFFTJOUIFTFTJUVBUJPOT 'VOEBNFOUBMMZ FNQMPZFFT CFMJFG UIBU FNQMPZFST IBWF BO ethical obligation to support employees experiencing a mental health condition is stronger than their belief that FNQMPZFSTIBWFBlegal obligation to support workers with mental health conditions. Sixty one percent of employees CFMJFWF UIBU FNQMPZFST IBWF MFHBM SFTQPOTJCJMJUJFT UPXBSET XPSLFST XJUI NFOUBM IFBMUI DPOEJUJPOT XIJMF CFMJFWF XPSLQMBDFT IBWF BO FUIJDBM PCMJHBUJPO UP QSPWJEF NFOUBM health support. Legal and ethical obligations aside, there is acknowledgement of shared responsibility in creating mentally healthy XPSLQMBDFT 5XP UIJSET PG FNQMPZFFT BOE MFBEFST BHSFF UIBU XPSLQMBDF NFOUBM IFBMUI JT B TIBSFE responsibility. While employees want to access support from workplaces, this does not necessarily mean they will *O SFTQPOEJOH UP TDFOBSJPCBTFE RVFTUJPOT BCPVU B hypothetical colleague experiencing depression or anxiety, PG FNQMPZFFT SFDPNNFOE TFFLJOH TPNF GPSN PG support through the workplace. Blue collar employees are somewhat more likely to recommend seeking support UISPVHI UIF XPSLQMBDF DPNQBSFE UP XIJUF DPMMBS FNQMPZFFT )PXFWFS UIFSF XBT TJHOJmDBOUMZ MPXFS agreement that in this situation the hypothetical colleague TIPVMEVOEFSUBLFTQFDJmDBDUJPOPSJFOUFECFIBWJPVSTTVDI BT seek to change aspects of their job 6 talk to someone within HR talk to their manager 5IJTQSFTFOUTBAHBQJOUFSNTPGUIFTUBUFEEFTJSFUPBDDFTT support from workplaces, and the ability to translate this JOUPBOBDUJPOPSJFOUFECFIBWJPVS 'PVS PVU PG mWF FNQMPZFFT SFDPNNFOE BDDFTTJOH FYUFSOBM TVQQPSU CZ UBMLJOH UP B (1 PS DPVOTFMMPS BOE B GVSUIFS PG FNQMPZFFT XPVME SFDPNNFOE DPOTVMUJOH GBNJMZ BOE GSJFOET 5IFTF CFMJFGT BSF IJHIFTU BNPOH CMVF DPMMBSFNQMPZFFTXJUIJOEJDBUJOHUIFZXPVMEUBMLUPB (1PSDPVOTFMMPSDPNQBSFEUPPGXIJUFDPMMBSXPSLFST BOE JOEJDBUJOH UIFZ XPVME UBML UP GBNJMZ PS GSJFOET DPNQBSFEUPPGXIJUFDPMMBSXPSLFST 8IJMF UIF NBKPSJUZ PG TVSWFZFE FNQMPZFFT XFSF BCMF UP JEFOUJGZ DPOTUSVDUJWF IFMQTFFLJOH CFIBWJPVST JU TIPVME CF OPUFE UIBU POF JO "VTUSBMJBO FNQMPZFFT JOEJDBUF that if they experience a mental health condition they would consider quitting their job "MNPTU POF JO TFWFO indicated that attempting to deal with it independently/ cheering up / looking on the bright side of life is an BQQSPQSJBUFDPVSTFPGBDUJPO0OFJO CFMJFWFUIBUB potential solution is to try to relax by drinking some alcohol. 5IFTFBSFOPUSFDPNNFOEFEBDUJPOTGPSTPNFPOFXIPNBZ CF FYQFSJFODJOH B NFOUBM IFBMUI DPOEJUJPO BOE NBZ FWFO exacerbate symptoms of depression or anxiety. Many employees do not actively seek support through their workplace because there is a lack of policies, procedures and practices to support mental health…or, they don’t know these resources are available .PTU FNQMPZFFT CFMJFWF UIF XPSLQMBDF JT BO BQQSPQSJBUF setting through which to access support for a mental health DPOEJUJPO CVU BSF OPU BXBSF PG PS EPOU IBWF BDDFTT UP BQQSPQSJBUFSFTPVSDFT5IFTVSWFZIJHIMJHIUFEBTJHOJmDBOU knowledge gap between leaders and employees in terms of their awareness of the existence of workplace policies, procedures and practices to support workplace mental IFBMUI 0WFS POF UIJSE PG FNQMPZFFT BSF VOTVSF PS CFMJFWF UIFJS XPSLQMBDF IBT OP QPMJDJFT QSPDFEVSFT PS QSBDUJDFT UP TVQQPSU NFOUBM IFBMUI *O DPOUSBTU PG leaders indicate their workplace has one or more policies, procedures and practices in place to support mental health. "T UIF GPMMPXJOH EJBHSBN TIPXT MFTT UIBO IBMG PG "MNPTUUXPUIJSET PGFNQMPZFFTCFMJFWFUIFZXPVME FNQMPZFFT TUBUF UIFJS XPSLQMBDF QSPWJEFT JOGPSNBUJPO SFDFJWF TPNF GPSN PG TVQQPSU GSPN QFPQMF XJUIJO UIFJS about legal responsibilities for mental health, that their workplace if they experienced a mental health condition. workplace has a return to work policy for staff experiencing &NQMPZFFTBSFNPTUMJLFMZUPTFFLTVQQPSUGSPNBDPMMFBHVF B NFOUBM IFBMUI DPOEJUJPO PS UIBU UIFJS XPSLQMBDF but least likely to approach Human Resources for assistance has processes and policies to support those who disclose a with a mental health condition. NFOUBMIFBMUIDPOEJUJPO Source of support in the workplace PGPSHBOJTBUJPOBMMFBEFSTTUBUFEUIBUUIFJSPSHBOJTBUJPO has leaders committed to promoting the mental health of TUBGG CVU KVTU PG FNQMPZFFT BHSFFE $FSUBJO HSPVQT $PXPSLFST 43% %JSFDUNBOBHFST 39% PG FNQMPZFFT HBWF UIFJS PSHBOJTBUJPOBM MFBEFST B IJHIFS Senior management 35% SBUJOH FNQMPZFFT JO XIJUF DPMMBS SPMFT XPSLJOH Human resources 29% 6OJPO 19% JO PSHBOJTBUJPOT XJUI FNQMPZFFT PQFSBUJOH BDSPTTNPSFUIBOPOFXPSLQMBDF BOEFNQMPZFFTJO XPSLQMBDFTXJUIHPPEQIZTJDBMTBGFUZ Percentage of employees and organisational leaders who believe their workplace has specific practices and resources to promote mental health The majority of employees would not disclose their experience of a mental health condition within their workplace 5IFSFBSFNBOZGBDUPSTJOnVFODJOHBOFNQMPZFFTEFDJTJPO to disclose or not to disclose their mental health condition XJUIJOUIFJSXPSLQMBDF5IFTVSWFZGPVOEUIBUBNPOHUIF *ONZXPSLQMBDFUIFSFJTBSF &.1-0:&&4 -&"%&34 POF JO mWF FNQMPZFFT XIP SFQPSU UIBU UIFZ IBWF UBLFO time off work due to feeling mentally unwell in the past 1SPWJTJPOPGJOGPSNBUJPO about the workplaces’ legal responsibilities NPOUITBMNPTUIBMG EJEOPUEJTDMPTFUIFSFBTPO Return to work policy for staff with a mental health condition 5IFTVSWFZGPVOEBSFMVDUBODFBNPOHFNQMPZFFTHFOFSBMMZ 1SPDFTTFTBOEQPMJDJFTUP support those who disclose a mental health condition to anybody in their workplace. to disclose their experience of depression or anxiety to FNQMPZFSTPGFNQMPZFFTTUBUFUIFZXPVMEOPUXBOU BOZPOFUPLOPX5IJTJTFWFONPSFFWJEFOUBNPOHUIPTF who describe their workplace as mentally unIFBMUIZ *O mentally unhealthy workplaces, close to half of employees Leaders are committed to promoting the mental health of staff TVSWFZFE JOEJDBUF UIFZ XPVME OPU EJTDMPTF JG UIFZ were diagnosed with depression or anxiety. Additionally, UIFFYUFOUUPXIJDIXPSLQMBDFNFOUBMIFBMUIJTCFMJFWFE &NQMPZFFJOQVUJOUPQMBOOJOH JNQMFNFOUBUJPOBOESFWJFXPG mental health programs in the workplace UP CF WBMVFE CZ UIF MJOF NBOBHFS $&0 BOE JOEVTUSZ impacts on the likelihood of a person disclosing a mental IFBMUIDPOEJUJPO t JGOPUWBMVFECZMJOFNBOBHFS t JGOPUWBMVFECZ$&0BOE t JGOPUWBMVFECZUIFJSJOEVTUSZ 7 © TNS 2014 Many employees would proactively approach a colleague they were concerned about, although not all are confident in their ability to provide support RECOMMENDATIONS .PSFUIBOIBMGPGTVSWFZFEFNQMPZFFT JOEJDBUFUIFZ would approach a colleague they are concerned may be experiencing depression or anxiety to express their DPODFSOBOETVQQPSU&NQMPZFFTXIPIBWFUBLFOUJNFPGG XPSL EVF UP GFFMJOH NFOUBMMZ VOXFMM BSF FWFO NPSF MJLFMZ UPPGGFSTVQQPSUUPBDPMMFBHVF :PVOHFSFNQMPZFFT BOE NBMFT BSF MFTT MJLFMZ UP BQQSPBDI B DPMMFBHVFUIFZCFMJFWFNBZCFFYQFSJFODJOHBNFOUBMIFBMUI DPOEJUJPODPNQBSFEUPGPSPMEFSFNQMPZFFTBOE for females. QSJPSJUZBTUIFZHJWFUIFJSQIZTJDBMIFBMUIBOETBGFUZ &NQMPZFFTBSF divided in terms of their personal ability UPBEWJTFBDPMMFBHVFPOBWFOVFTGPSTVQQPSUGPSBNFOUBM IFBMUIDPOEJUJPO+VTUPWFSIBMG BHSFFUIFZXPVMECF BCMFUPTVHHFTUBOBQQSPQSJBUFDPVSTFPGBDUJPO5IJTJTIJHIFS BNPOH FNQMPZFFT XIP IBWF UBLFO UJNF PGG XPSL EVF UP GFFMJOH NFOUBMMZ VOXFMM :PVOHFS FNQMPZFFT BOENBMFT BSFMFTTMJLFMZUPCFBXBSFPGBQQSPQSJBUF resources they could suggest to a colleague, compared to GPSPMEFSFNQMPZFFTBOEGPSGFNBMFT 5IJT SFTFBSDI TIPXT UIBU "VTUSBMJBO CVTJOFTTFT OFFE UP HJWF FNQMPZFFT NFOUBM IFBMUI JO UIF XPSLQMBDF UIF TBNF 5IJTDPNNJUNFOUUPNFOUBMIFBMUIJOUIFXPSLQMBDFDBOCF demonstrated by organisational leaders in many practical ways. *U JT JNQPSUBOU UIBU FNQMPZFST JEFOUJGZ USJHHFST PG QPPS NFOUBMIFBMUITQFDJmDUPUIFJSXPSLQMBDFTVDIBTTUSFTTBOE JOnFYJCMFXPSLJOHIPVSTBOEUBJMPSUIFJSBDUJPOTUPBEESFTT these risks. Additionally, businesses should implement workplace policies, practices and programs that encourage employees UP TFFL IFMQ GPS NFOUBM IFBMUI DPOEJUJPOT 5IJT NBZ BMTP result in reduced absenteeism. Resources designed to protect employee mental health must be promoted throughout the workplace to ensure that employees are aware of them. What characteristics are associated with a mentally healthy workplace? 1SPWJEJOHNFOUBMIFBMUIUSBJOJOHGPSTUBGGDBOCFBOFGGFDUJWF 8JUIJOUIJTSFTFBSDIDMFBSEJGGFSFODFTXFSFPCTFSWFEJOUIF PQJOJPOT PG FNQMPZFFT XIP XPSL JO B ANFOUBMMZ IFBMUIZ XPSLQMBDFDPNQBSFEUPUIPTFXIPCFMJFWFUIFJSXPSLQMBDF is mentally unIFBMUIZ &NQMPZFFT PG XPSLQMBDFT UIBU BSF QFSDFJWFEUPCFNFOUBMMZIFBMUIZBSFTJHOJmDBOUMZNPSFMJLFMZ UP t BHSFF UIFJS $&0 MFBEFST BOE JOEVTUSZ WBMVF NFOUBM health in the workplace t IBWF BDDFTT UP PS BXBSFOFTT PG XPSLQMBDF QPMJDJFT procedures and practices that support mental health t XPSLJOBXPSLQMBDFUIFZUIJOLJTQIZTJDBMMZTBGF t XPSL QBSUUJNF XPSL SFHVMBS IPVST SBUIFS UIBO TIJGU XPSL BOESBSFMZXPSLPWFSUJNF t XPSLGPSBTNBMMUPNFEJVNTJ[FECVTJOFTTFTVQUP employees) t XPSLGPSBOFNQMPZFSXJUIKVTUPOFXPSLTJUF UIFZSFRVJSFUPNBOBHFUIFJSPXONFOUBMIFBMUIBOETVQQPSU XBZPGFRVJQQJOHFNQMPZFFTXJUIUIFTLJMMTBOELOPXMFEHF others in their workplace. By demonstrating their commitment to good mental health JO UIF XPSLJOH FOWJSPONFOU PSHBOJTBUJPOBM MFBEFST XJMM contribute to the reduction of stigma around mental health. 5IJT XJMM VMUJNBUFMZ SFTVMU JO NFOUBMMZ IFBMUIJFS XPSLQMBDFT *OBEEJUJPOUIFZBSFSFMBUJWFMZ t NPSFMJLFMZUPXPSLJO8"BOEMFTTMJLFMZUPXPSLJO2-% t NPSF MJLFMZ UP XPSL JO DPOTUSVDUJPO QSPGFTTJPOBM TDJFOUJmDBOEUFDIOJDBMTFSWJDFTBOEPUIFSTFSWJDFT t MFTT MJLFMZ UP XPSL JO BHSJDVMUVSF NBOVGBDUVSJOH USBOTQPSUQPTUBMBOEXBSFIPVTJOHQVCMJDBENJOJTUSBUJPO and safety. 8 © TNS 2014 "#065beyondblue .PTU QFPQMF JO "VTUSBMJB IBWF TPNF FYQFSJFODF XJUI EFQSFTTJPOBOEBOYJFUZXIFUIFSJUJTQFSTPOBMPSWJBGBNJMZ friends or work colleagues. beyondblue’s work is aimed BU BDIJFWJOH BO "VTUSBMJBO DPNNVOJUZ UIBU VOEFSTUBOET EFQSFTTJPO BOE BOYJFUZ FNQPXFSJOH FWFSZ QFSTPO JO Australia, at any life-stage, to seek help. beyondblue raises BXBSFOFTT SFEVDFT TUJHNB BOE FOTVSFT UIBU QFPQMF IBWF BDDFTT UP UIF JOGPSNBUJPO UIFZ OFFE UP TVQQPSU SFDPWFSZ management and resilience. beyondblue XPSLT JO QBSUOFSTIJQ XJUI IFBMUI TFSWJDFT TDIPPMT XPSLQMBDFT VOJWFSTJUJFT NFEJB BOE DPNNVOJUZ PSHBOJTBUJPOTBTXFMMBTQFPQMFMJWJOHXJUIEFQSFTTJPOBOE anxiety, their friends and family, to bring together expertise BOEQSPWJEFUPPMTBOESFTPVSDFT Further information to assist organisations to create BNFOUBMMZIFBMUIZXPSLQMBDFJTBWBJMBCMFBU "#0655/4 5/4 4PDJBM 3FTFBSDI IBT NPSF UIBO EFEJDBUFE TPDJBM SFTFBSDIFSTXPSLJOHBDSPTTDPVOUSJFT8FBSFSFDPHOJTFE as the research partner inspiring the world’s leading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immigration and community integration. 5/4JTQBSUPG,"/5"3POFPGUIFXPSMETMBSHFTUJOTJHIUT information and consultancy groups. 'PSBOZGVSUIFSJOGPSNBUJPOQMFBTFDPOUBDU ,BUIZ0%POPHIVF [email protected]
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