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This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
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This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
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This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
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This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
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This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
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This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
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This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
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This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
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This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
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This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
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This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
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This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
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This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
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This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
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This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
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This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
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This document is an extract from the International Valuation Standards (IVS) and should be read and used
in conjunction with the complete text of IVS. Any valuation prepared under IVS must comply with all parts of IVS.
Electronically reprinted from the IVSC website and in accord with and subject to the Terms and Conditions of Use Agreement.
International Valuation Standards Seventh Edition 2005, © Copyright by the International Valuation Standards Committee, 2005.
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