Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Crematory Basin 1 Burial None Author Unknown n.d.:9 Feature Description: - On mound floor - Rectangular - 26 inches by 21 inches by four inches deep Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Flint flake (1) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Pipe Deposit Ceremonial Deposit None Author Unknown n.d.:3 Feature Description: - Located in center of mound - One foot above stone cover over a burial Contents: 1. Platform pipe (1) - composite creature [snake, bird, perhaps alligator] - Ohio pipestone - large Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 1 Burial None Author Unknown n.d.: 10-11 Greenman & Goslin 1930a:1 Feature Description: - 11 inches above mound floor Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - position uncertain - fragmentary 2. Slate gorget (2) - one is banded slate with one hole - one is unfinished, 2.5 inches long - one beside burial 3. Flint points (21) - leaf shaped - two are notched - above skeleton 4. Mica piece (1) - rectangular - large sheet - red pigment beneath plate - above skeleton - breastplate-like [Photo] 5. Copper bead (1) - tubular - 0.25 inches long - near burial 6. Flint chipping tool (1) - antler - over burial 7. Small pottery vessel (1) - pipe or bowl - among flint points - utilitarian jar [Photo] 8. Cut mica piece (1) [Photo] - accession says it is unworked 9. Stone celt (1) 10. Red paint [ochre?] - beneath mica plate [Photo] - Utilitarian jar - Stone celt - Mica piece breastplate-like Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 2 Burial None Author Unknown n.d.:12-13 Greenman & Goslin 1930a:2 Feature Description: - Small depression two inches into mound floor - Evidence of fire in one foot diameter around depression Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. White Marl-like material (7 pieces) - beneath skeleton - probably the gorget for this burial - perforated Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 3 Burial None Author Unknown n.d.:13 Greenman & Goslin 1930a:2 Feature Description: - 67 inches northeast of Burial 2 Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Potsherds (3 vessels) - 41 sherds total - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 4 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930a:3 Author Unknown, n.d:11 Feature Description: - 37 inches above floor - See photo Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - extended - above floor - head to east 2. Pottery vessel (3) [Photo] - one is small - two are large - 15 inches east of skull 3. Copper celt (1) - small - broken in two - one piece in each hand 4. Hair ornament (1) - possibly broach - silver covered copper - on vertebrae 5. Mica piece (1) - unworked 6. Ocean shell container (1) - cassius - near head with pots on right side [Photo] 7. Bone awl (1) - inside pottery vessel with tortoise shell 8. Pearl beads (6) - four were spherical - 3 inches from hair ornament 9. Pieces of tortoise shell (9) - inside pottery vessel [Photo] - No floor and wall prep, unknown cover prep, no apparent body wrap, platform absent - Pottery vessel - Ocean shell container near head with pots on right side Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 5 Burial None Author Unknown n.d.:13 Greenman & Goslin 1930a:4 Feature Description: - Six inches above floor of mound Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 6 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930a:4 Feature Description: - 41 inches above floor Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - badly decayed - skull west 2. Arrow points (2) - notched - one on sternum, black flint, 1.5 inches long - one beneath pelvis Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 7 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930a:5 Feature Description: - Five inches above floor Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - skull only 2. Panpipes (1) - copper with silver plate Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 8 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930a:5 Feature Description: - On floor Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 9 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930a:5 Feature Description: - 2.5 feet above floor Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - mandible with 4 teeth 2. Drill (1) - brown flint - unknown position 3. Gorget of stone (1) - perforated - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 10 Burial None Author Unknown n.d.:13 Greenman & Goslin 1930a:6 Feature Description: - Earthen pocket of earth built on floor Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 11 Burial None Author Unknown n.d.:14 Greenman & Goslin 1930a:6 Feature Description: - Above floor - One foot below mound surface Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - badly disintegrated skull 2. Pottery vessel (1) - unknown position 3. Flint projectile point (1) - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 12 Burial Burials 12A & 12B Author Unknown n.d.:13 Greenman & Goslin 1930a:6 Feature Description: - Three feet above floor and 10 inches below surface Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (2) - skulls only No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 13 Burial None Author Unknown n.d.:13 Greenman & Goslin 1930a:7 Feature Description: - Two feet east of Burial 12 Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 14 Burial None Author Unknown n.d.:13 Greenman & Goslin 1930a:7 Feature Description: - 26 inches above floor - Near northern edge of mound Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - upper part of skull only No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 15 Burial None Author Unknown n.d.:14 Greenman & Goslin 1930a:8 Feature Description: - 10 inches above floor Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - piece of skull, radius, and ulna only 2. Stone celts (2) - slate - long and polished - unknown position 3. Flint flake (1) - black - knife or scraper - secondary chipping - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 16 Burial None Author Unknown n.d.:12 Greenman & Goslin 1930a:8 Feature Description: - Above floor by nine inches Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - extended - bad condition - head northeast 2. Slate gorget (2) - two holes in one - one hole in other - one near right humerus - one unknown position 3. Slate hoe (1) - unknown position 4. Sandstone elbow pipe (1) - at right hip 5. Notched arrow points (3) - by left hip 6. Short copper rod (1) - bone handle - flint chipping tool is suggested - “bone” handle is probably human finger or toe bone - “copper awl” [suggested in field notes] - by right humerus Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 17 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930a:9 Author Unknown n.d:10 Feature Description: - About on floor Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - extended - head East 2. Stone celt (1) - neck 3. Flint drill (1) - on chest Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 18 Burial Burials 18A & 18B Greenman & Goslin 1930a:9 Author Unknown n.d:10 Feature Description: - On floor Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (2) - flexed on back - head south - infant skeleton beside adult 2. Pottery vessel (9 potsherds, 1 vessel) - 1 foot away from burial Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 19 Burial None Author Unknown n.d:10 Feature Description: - Burial under two stones - Under Mound 1 pipe cache Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - skull, rib fragments, right clavicle Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 20 Burial None Author Unknown n.d:10 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 1, Burial 21 Burial None Author Unknown n.d:10 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 1 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:1 Feature Description: - On mound floor Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - flexed on right side - head south No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 2 Burial Burials 2A & 2B Greenman & Goslin 1930b:1 Author Unknown n.d:17 Feature Description: - Disturbed by tree roots - 34 inches below surface - One skull on top of the other, third skull is 36 inches away Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (2 or 3) - 3 skulls, 2 skeletons - lone skull is 36 inches from skeletons 2. Gorget (2) - one is slate with one hole - one is brown slate unperforated 3. Pottery vessel (1) - represented by 4 potsherds - unknown position Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 3 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:2 Feature Description: - Five inches above floor Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - extended - head to north - height 54” to distal tibia - foot and hand bones missing No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 4 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:2 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - femoral segments only No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 5 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:3 Feature Description: - On floor of mound Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - extended No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 6 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:3 Feature Description: - 24 inches above floor Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - part of skull and a few ribs No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 7 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:3 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - scattered over area of 1 square yard 2. Mica piece (1) - uncut - beside burial Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 8 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:4 Feature Description: - No preparation - Four inches above Burial 9 Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) 2. Pile of small mica sheets - uncut - beside burial Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 9 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:4 Feature Description: - Four inches below Burial 8 - Four inches above floor Contents: 1. Cremated human remains (1) - partial - lower limbs apparently not cremated No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 10 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:4 Feature Description: - Two inches above floor Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - skull and atlas only Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 11 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:5 Feature Description: - On floor of mound Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - bones of right arm and face only Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 12 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:5 Feature Description: - Skull is 40 inches above mound floor - See photo Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - extended - head to south (per map) - semi-seated position [Photo] [Photo] - No wall prep, cover prep unknown, no apparent body prep Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 13A Burial Burials 13A & 13B Author Unknown n.d:17-18 Greenman & Goslin 1930b:6 Feature Description: - Nine inches above floor and 28 inches below surface - See photo Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - head to west 2. Gorget (1) - [pendant/gorget] - banded slate with two holes - right side of skull 3. Stone celt (1) - slate - above head 4. Worked flint piece (1) - right side of head 5. Flint drills (5) - above head 6. Projectile point (1) - notched - near head 7. Projectile points (22) - leaf shaped and triangular - others above head - triangular on right side of head 8. Stone pendant (1) - above head 9. Bone point (1) - above head 10. Flint chipping tool (1) - made of bone - above head 11. Water worn pebbles (2) - sandstone - above head 12. Granite hammerstone (1) - above head 13. Platform pipe (1) - steatite (black) - plain - near head - apparently well used 14. Pottery vessel (1) - four potsherds - above head 15. Antler points (6) - above head 16. Imitation bear canine (1) - perforated - bone - above head 17. Copper rod with bone handle (1) - above head - bone handle probably human finger 18. Elk antler piece (1) - 24 centimeters long - awl - above head 19. Cylindrical copper piece (1) - [copper bead] - 3/8 inch by 1/8 inch - under slate gorget 20. Beaver incisor (1) - above head 21. Flint point (1) - notched - long and brown - near head [Photo] - Cover prep is unknown, no apparent body wrap - No platform - No floor and wall prep Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 13B Burial Burials 13A & 13B Author Unknown n.d:17-18 Greenman & Goslin 1930b:6 Feature Description: - May not have been buried at same time as Burial 13A - 14 inches above the base of Burial 13A Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - skull only No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 14 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:7 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - skull only No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 15 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:7 Feature Description: - Eight inches below surface Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 16 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:7 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 17 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:7 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - extended No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 18 Burial None Unknown n.d:19 Greenman & Goslin 1930b:8 Feature Description: - On floor of mound Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - mandible only 2. Cylindrical copper beads (10) - near neck 3. Earthen pots (2) - near “head” of burial 18 - extending to 20 inches below mound surface - one with incised decoration - one Hopewell zoned stamped jar [Photo] - ordinary utilitarian cord, marked jar [Photo] [Photo] - Hopewell zoned stamped jar - Ordinary utilitarian cord – marked jar Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 19 Burial None Unknown n.d:19 Greenman & Goslin 1930b:8 Feature Description: - Seven inches above floor - See photo Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - extended - head South 2. Celt (1) - stone hornblende - near head with pipe - crude 3. Platform pipe (1) - clay - near head with celt - plain [photo] 4. Pottery vessel (1) - 11 potsherds - unknown position [Photo] - No body wrap visible - Platform pipe plain Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 20 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:8 Feature Description: - 32 inches below surface Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - extended - fragmentary No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 21 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:9 Feature Description: No information given. Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - extended - head northeast No Artifacts Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Other Relevant Sources: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 22 Burial None Unknown n.d:19 Greenman & Goslin 1930b:9 Feature Description: - In depression in floor - 19 inches below floor - See photo Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - extended - head to south 2. Large cooper earspools (2) - one in each hand - one has silver in central depression [Photo] - No wall preparation, cover and body preparation unknown Site: Provenience: Provenience Type: Burials in Same Grave: Primary Source: Esch Mounds Mound 2, Burial 23 Burial None Greenman & Goslin 1930b:9 Feature Description: - Depression in floor of mound Contents: 1. Human skeletal remains (1) - pelvis and vertebrae only No Artifacts
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