49 Mechanics of 3. Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity Wolfgang G. Knauss, Igor Emri, Hongbing Lu 3.1 3.2 Historical Background ........................... 3.1.1 The Building Blocks of the Theory of Viscoelasticity .......................... 49 Linear Viscoelasticity ............................. 3.2.1 A Simple Linear Concept: Response to a Step-Function Input .............. 3.2.2 Specific Constitutive Responses (Isotropic Solids) .......................... 3.2.3 Mathematical Representation of the Relaxation and Creep Functions 3.2.4 General Constitutive Law for Linear and Isotropic Solid: Poisson Effect .. 3.2.5 Spectral and Functional Representations ........................... 51 3.2.6 Special Stress or Strain Histories Related to Material Characterization 3.2.7 Dissipation Under Cyclical Deformation............ 3.2.8 Temperature Effects ...................... 3.2.9 The Effect of Pressure on Viscoelastic Behavior of Rubbery Solids ......................... 3.2.10 The Effect of Moisture and Solvents on Viscoelastic Behavior................ 3.3 3.4 50 51 Measurements and Methods .................. 3.3.1 Laboratory Concerns ..................... 3.3.2 Volumetric (Bulk) Response ........... 3.3.3 The CEM Measuring System ............ 3.3.4 Nano/Microindentation for Measurements of Viscoelastic Properties of Small Amounts of Material......... 3.3.5 Photoviscoelasticity ...................... Nonlinearly Viscoelastic Material Characterization ................................... 3.4.1 Visual Assessment of Nonlinear Behavior................... 3.4.2 Characterization of Nonlinearly Viscoelastic Behavior Under Biaxial Stress States ............ 56 63 63 68 69 69 70 71 74 76 83 84 84 85 53 3.5 Closing Remarks ................................... 89 53 55 3.6 Recognizing Viscoelastic Solutions if the Elastic Solution is Known.............. 3.6.1 Further Reading ........................... 90 90 55 References .................................................. 92 3.1 Historical Background During the past five decades the use of polymers has seen a tremendous rise in engineering applications. This growing acceptance of a variety of polymer-based de- signs derives in part from the ease with which these materials can be formed into virtually any shape, and in part because of their generally excellent performance Part A 3 With the heavy influx of polymers into engineering designs their special, deformation-rate-sensitive properties require particular attention. Although we often refer to them as time-dependent materials, their properties really do not depend on time, but time histories factor prominently in the responses of polymeric components or structures. Structural responses involving time-dependent materials cannot be assessed by simply substituting time-dependent modulus functions for their elastic counterparts. The outline provided here is intended to provide guidance to the experimentally inclined researcher who is not thoroughly familiar with how these materials behave, but needs to be aware of these materials because laboratory life and applications today invariably involve their use. 50 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics Part A 3.1 in otherwise normally corrosive environments. This recent emergence is driven by our evolving capabilities during the last seven decades to synthesize polymers in great variety and to address their processing into useful shapes. Historically polymers have played a significant role in human developments, as illustrated by the introductory comments in [3.1]. Of great consequence for the survival or dominance of tribes or nations was the development of animal-derived adhesives for the construction of high-performance bows, starting with the American Indian of the Northwest through the developments by the Tartars and leading to the extraordinary military exploits of the Turks in the latter Middle Ages [3.2]. In principle, these very old methods of producing weaponry continue to aid today in the construction of modern aerospace structures. While the current technology still uses principles exploited by our ancestors many years ago, the advent of the synthetic polymers has provided a plethora of properties available for a vast range of different engineering designs. This range of properties is, indeed, so large that empirical methods are no longer sufficient to effect reliable engineering developments but must now be supported by optimum analytical methods to aid in the design process. One characteristic of polymers is their relative sensitivity to load exposure for extended periods of time or to the rate of deformations imposed on them. This behavior is usually and widely combined under the concept of viscoelastic behavior, though it is sometimes characterized as representing fading memory of the material. These time-sensitive characteristics typically extend over many decades of the time scale and characteristically set polymers apart from the normal engineering metals. While the strain-rate sensitivity [3.3] and the time dependence of failure in metals [3.4] are recognized and creep as well as creep rupture [3.5–10] of metals is well documented, one finds that the incorporation of rate-dependent material properties into models of time-dependent crack growth – other than fatigue of intrinsically rate-insensitive materials – still stands on a relatively weak foundation. Metallic glasses (i.e., amorphous metals) are relatively newcomers to the pool of engineering materials. Their physical properties are at the beginning of exploration, but it is already becoming clear through initial studies [3.11, 12] that their amorphous structure endows them with properties many of which closely resemble those of amorphous polymers. While these developments are essentially in their infancy at this time it is well to bear in mind that certain parts of the following exposition are also applicable to these materials. Because the emphasis in this volume is placed on experimental methods, rather than on stress analysis methods, only a cursory review of the linearized theory of viscoelasticity is included. For the reader’s educational benefit a number of books and papers have been listed in the Further Reading section, which can serve as resources for a more in-depth treatment. This review of material description and analysis is thus guided by particular deformation histories as a background for measurements addressing material characterization to be used in engineering design applications. Although the nonlinearly viscoelastic characteristic of these materials are not well understood in a general, three-dimensional setting, we include some reference to these characteristics in the hope that this understanding will assist the experimentalist with properly interpreting laboratory measurements. 3.1.1 The Building Blocks of the Theory of Viscoelasticity Forces are subject to the laws of Newtonian mechanics, and are, accordingly, governed by the classical laws of motion. While relativistic effects have been studied in connection with deforming solids, such concerns are suppressed in the present context. Many texts deal with Newtonian mechanics to various degrees of sophistication so that only a statement of the necessary terminology is required for the present purposes. In the interest of brevity we thus dispense with a detailed presentation of the analysis of stress and of the analysis of strain, except for summarizing notational conventions and defining certain variables commonly understood in the context of the linear theory of elasticity. We adhere to the common notation of the Greek letters τ and ε denoting stress and strain, respectively. Repeated indices on components imply summation; identical subscripts (e.g., τ11 ) denote normal components and different ones shear (e.g., τ12 ). The dilatational components of stress, τii , are often written as σkk , with the strain complement being εkk . Because the viscoelastic constitutive description is readily expressed in terms of deviatoric and dilatational components, it is necessary to recall the components Sij of the deviatoric stress as 1 Sij = τij − τkk · δij , 3 (3.1) where δij denotes the Kronecker operator. Similarly, the corresponding deviatoric strain e is written in compo- Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity nent form as 1 eij = εij − εkk · δij . (3.2) 3 For further definitions and derivations of measures of stress or strain the reader is referred to typical texts. 3.2 Linear Viscoelasticity 51 The remaining building block of the theory consists of the constitutive behavior, which differentiates viscoelastic materials from elastic ones. The next section is devoted to a brief definition of linearly viscoelastic material behavior. 3.2 Linear Viscoelasticity face (boundary) of a viscoelastic solid. Specification of such a quantity under uniaxial relaxation is not particularly useful, except to note that in the limit of short (glassy) response its value is a limit constant, and also under long-term conditions when the equilibrium (or rubbery) modulus is effective, in which case the Poisson’s ratio is very close to 0.5 (incompressibility). 3.2.1 A Simple Linear Concept: Response to a Step-Function Input It is convenient for instructional purposes to consider that the stress can be described, so that the strain follows from the stress. The reverse may hold with equal validity. In general, of course, neither may be prescribed a priori, and a general connection relates them. The structure of the linear theory must be completely symmetric in the sense that the mathematical formulation applies to these relations regardless of which variable is considered the prescribed or the derived one. For introductory purposes we shall use, therefore, the concept of a cause c(t) (input) and an effect e(t) (output) that are connected by a functional relationship. The latter must be linear with respect to (a) the amplitude (additivity with respect to magnitude) and (b) time in the sense that they obey additivity independent of time. It is primarily a matter of convenience that the cause-and-effect relation is typically expressed with the aid of a step-function cause. Other representations are Table 3.1 Nomenclature for viscoelastic material functions Type of loading Shear Bulk Uniaxial extension μ(t) J(t) μ (ω) μ (ω) J (ω) J (ω) K (t) M(t) K (ω) K (ω) M (ω) M (ω) E(t) D(t) E (ω) E (ω) D (ω) D (ω) Mode Quasistatic Relaxation Creep Strain prescribed Harmonic Stress prescribed Storage Loss Storage Loss Part A 3.2 The framework for describing linearly viscoelastic material behavior, as used effectively for engineering applications, is phenomenological. It is based mathematically on either an integral or differential formulation with the material representation described realistically in numerical (tabular) or functional form(s). The fundamental equations governing the linearized theory of viscoelasticity are the same as those for the linearized theory of elasticity, except that the generalized Hooke’s law of elasticity is replaced by a constitutive description that is sensitive to the material’s (past) history of loading or deformation. It will be the purpose of the immediately subsequent subsections to summarize this formalism of material description in preparation for various forms of material characterization. Little or no reference is made to general solution methods for viscoelastic boundary value problems. For this purpose the reader is referred to the few texts available as listed in Sect. 3.6.1. Rather than repeating the theory as already outlined closely in [3.13] we summarize below the concepts and equations most necessary for experimental work; if necessary, the reader may consult the initially cited reference(s) (Sect. 3.6.1) for a more expansive treatment. In brief, the viscoelastic material functions of first-order interest are given in Table 3.1. Note the absence of a generic viscoelastic Poisson function, because that particular response is a functional of the deformation or stress history applied to the sur- 52 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics Part A 3.2 feasible and we shall address a common one (steadystate harmonic) later on as a special case. For now, let E(t, t1 ) represent a time-dependent effect that results from a step cause c(t1 ) = h(t1 ) of unit amplitude imposed at time t1 ; h(t1 ) denotes the Heaviside step function applied at time t1 . For the present we are concerned only with nonaging materials, i. e. with materials, the intrinsic properties of which do not change with time. (With this definition in mind it is clear that the nomenclature timedependent materials in place of viscoelastic materials is really a misnomer; but that terminology is widely used, nevertheless.) We can assert then that for a non-aging material any linearity of operation, or relation between an effect and its cause, requires satisfaction of Postulate (a): proportionality with respect to amplitude, and Postulate (b): additivity of effects independent of the time sequence, when the corresponding causes are added, regardless of the respective application times. Condition (a) states that, if the cause c(0) elicits E(t, 0), then a cause of different amplitude, say c1 (0) ≡ α · h(0), with α a constant, elicits a response α · E(t, 0). Under the non-aging restriction this relation is to be independent of the time when the cause starts to act, so that c1 (t1 ) ≡ α · h(t1 ) → αE(t, t1 ); t > t1 also holds. This means simply that the response–effect relation shown in the upper part of Fig. 3.1 holds also for a different time t2 , which occurs later in time than t1 . Condition (b) entails then that, if two causes c1 (t1 ) ≡ α1 · h(t1 ) and c2 (t2 ) ≡ α2 · h(t2 ), imposed at different times t1 and, t2 act jointly, then their corresponding effects α1 · E(t, t1 ) and α2 · E(t, t2 ) is their sum while observing their proper time sequence. Let the common time scale start at t = 0; then the combined effect, say e(t), is expressed by c(t) ≡ c1 (t1 ) + c2 (t2 ) → e(t) = α1 · E(t − t1 ) + α1 · E(t − t2 ) . (3.3) Specifically, here the first response does not start until the time t1 is reached, and the response due to the second cause is not experienced until time t2 , as illustrated in Fig. 3.1. Having established the addition process for two causes and their responses, the extension to an arbitrary number of discrete step causes is clearly recognized as a corresponding sum for the collective effects e(tn ), up to time t, in the generalized form of (3.3), namely (3.4) e(t) = αn E(t − tn ) ; (tn < t) . This result may be further generalized for causes represented by a continuous cause function of time, say c(t). To this end consider a continuously varying function c(t) decomposed into an initially discrete approximation of steps of finite (small) amplitudes. With the intent of ultimately proceeding to the limit of infinitesimal steps, note that the amplitude of an individual step amplitude at, say, time τn is given by (3.5) αn → Δc(τn ) = (Δc/Δτ) Δτ , τn Stress which, when substituted into (3.4), leads to e(t) = E(t − tn )(Δc/Δτ) Δτ . Strain τn t1 Time Stress t1 Time Strain In the limit n → ∞ (Δτ → dτ), the sum Δc e(t) = lim E(t − tn ) Δτ , Δτ τn (3.7) passes over into the integral 2 t 2 1 (3.6) e(t) = 1 E(t − τ) dc(τ) dτ . dτ (3.8) 0 t1 t2 Time t1 t2 Time Fig. 3.1 Additivity of prescribed stress steps and corres- ponding addition of responses Inasmuch as this expression can contain the effect of a step-function contribution at zero time of magnitude c(0), this fact can be expressed explicitly through the Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity alternate notation 3.2 Linear Viscoelasticity 53 effect, one obtains the inverse relation(s) t e(t) = c(0)E(t) + E(t − τ) 0+ dc(τ) dτ , dτ (3.9) 3.2.2 Specific Constitutive Responses (Isotropic Solids) For illustrative purposes and to keep the discussion within limits, the following considerations are limited to isotropic materials. Recalling that the stress and strain states may be decomposed into shear and dilatational contributions (deviatoric and dilatational components), we deal first with the shear response followed by the volumetric part. Thermal characterization will then be dealt with subsequently. Shear Response Let τ denote any shear stress component and ε its corresponding shear strain. Consider ε to be the cause and τ its effect. Denote the material characteristic E(t) for unit step excitation from Sect. 3.2.1 in the present shear context by μ(t). This function will be henceforth identified as the relaxation modulus in shear (for an isotropic material). It follows then from (3.8) and (3.9) that t dε(ξ) (3.10) dξ τ(t) = 2 μ(t − ξ) dξ 0 t = 2ε(0)μ(t) + 2 0+ μ(t − ξ) dε(ξ) dξ . dξ (3.11) The factor of 2 in the shear response is consistent with elasticity theory, inasmuch as in the limits of short- and long-term behavior all viscoelasticity relations must revert to the elastic counterparts. If one interchanges the cause and effect by letting the shear stress represent the cause, and the strain the t J(t − ξ) dτ dξ dξ (3.12) 0 t 1 1 = τ(0)J(t) + 2 2 J(t − ξ) 0+ dτ dξ , dξ (3.13) where now the function E ≡ J(t) is called the shear creep compliance, which represents the creep response of the material in shear under application of a step shear stress of unit magnitude as the cause. Bulk or Dilatation Response Let εii (t) represent the first strain invariant and σ jj (t) the corresponding stress invariant. The latter is recognized as three times the pressure P(t), i. e., σ jj (t) ≡ 3P(t). In completely analogous fashion to (3.12) and (3.13) the bulk behavior, governed by the bulk relaxation modulus K (t) ≡ E(t), is represented by t σ jj = 3 K (t − ξ) dεii (ξ) dξ dξ (3.14) 0 t = 3εii (0)K (t) + 3 K (t − ξ) 0+ dεii (ξ) dξii . dξ (3.15) Similarly, one writes the inverse relation as 1 εii = 3 t M(t − ξ) dσ jj (ξ) dξ dξ (3.16) 0 1 1 = σ jj (0)M(t) + 3 3 t M(t − ξ) 0+ dσ jj (ξ) dξii , dξ (3.17) where the function M(t) ≡ E(t) represents now the dilatational creep compliance (or bulk creep compliance); in physical terms, this is the time-dependent fractional volume change resulting from the imposition of a unit step pressure. 3.2.3 Mathematical Representation of the Relaxation and Creep Functions Various mathematical forms have been suggested and used to represent the material property functions Part A 3.2 where the lower integral limit 0+ merely indicates that the integration starts at infinitesimally positive time so as to exclude the discontinuity at zero. Alternatively, the same result follows from observing that for a step discontinuity in c(t) the derivative in (3.5) is represented by the Dirac delta function δ(t). In fact, this latter remark holds for any jump discontinuity in c(t) at any time, after and including any at t = 0. In mathematical terms this form is recognized as a convolution integral, which in the context of the dynamic (vibration) response of linear systems is also known as the Duhamel integral. 1 ε(t) = 2 54 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics Part A 3.2 analytically. Preferred forms have evolved, with precision being balanced against ease of mathematical use or a minimum number of parameters required. All viscoelastic material functions possess the common characteristic that they vary monotonically with time: relaxation functions decreasing and creep functions increasing monotonically. A second characteristic of realistic material behavior is that time is (almost) invariably measured in terms of (base 10) logarithmic units of time. Thus changes in viscoelastic response may appear to be minor when considered as a function of the real time, but substantial if viewed against a logarithmic time scale. Early representations of viscoelastic responses were closely allied with (simple) mechanical analog models (Kelvin, Voigt) or their derivatives. Without delving into the details of this evolutionary process, their generalization to broader time frames led to the spectral representation of viscoelastic properties, so that it is useful to present only the rudiments of that development. The building blocks of the analog models are the Maxwell and the Voigt models illustrated in Fig. 3.2a,b. In this modeling a mechanical force F corresponds to the shear stress τ and, similarly, a displacement/deflection δ corresponds to a strain ε. Under a stepwise applied deformation of magnitude ε0 – separating the force-application points in the Maxwell model – the stress (force) abates or relaxes by the relation τ(t) = ε0 μm exp(−t/ξ) , F a) b) (3.18) c) F μ μ η η μ1 η1 μ2 η2 μ3 η3 F F F d) μ∞ F μ1 μ2 μ3 μj η1 η2 η3 ηj F where ξ = ηm /μm is called the (single) relaxation time. Similarly, applying a step stress (force) of magnitude to the Voigt element engenders a time-dependent separation (strain) of the force-application points described by τ0 [1 − exp(−t/ς)] , (3.19) ε(t) = μν where ς = ην /μν is now called the retardation time since it governs the rate of retarded or delayed motion. Note that this representation is used for illustration purposes here and that the retardation time for the Voigt material is not necessarily meant to be equal to the relaxation time of the Maxwell solid. It can also be easily shown that this is not true for a standard linear solid either. By inductive reasoning, that statement holds for arbitrarily complex analog models. The relaxation modulus and creep compliance commensurate with (3.18) (Maxwell model) and (3.19) (Voigt model) for the Wiechert and Kelvin models (Fig. 3.2c,d) are, respectively μn exp(−t/ξn ) (3.20) μ(t) = μ∞ + n and J(t) = Jg + Jn [1 − exp(−t/ςn )] + η0 t , where Jg and η0 arise from letting η1 → 0 (the first Voigt element degenerates to a spring) and μn → 0 (the last Voigt element degenerates to a dashpot). These series representations with exponentials are often referred to as Prony series. As the number of relaxation times increases indefinitely, the generalization of the expression for the shear relaxation modulus, becomes ∞ dξ (3.22) , μ(t) = μ∞ + H (ξ) exp(−t/ξ) ξ 0 where the function H (ξ) is called the distribution function of the relaxation times, or relaxation spectrum, for short; the creep counterpart presents itself with the help of the retardation spectrum L(ζ ) as ∞ μj ηj J(t) = Jg + L(ζ )[1 − exp(−t/ζ )] 0 F Fig. 3.2a–d Mechanical analogue models: (a) Maxwell, (b) Voigt, (c) Wiechert, and (d) Kelvin (3.21) n dζ + ηt , ζ (3.23) Note that although the relaxation times ξ and the retardation times ζ do not, strictly speaking, extend over the range from zero to infinity, the integration limits are so Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity 3.2 Linear Viscoelasticity assigned for convenience since the functions H and L can always be chosen to be zero in the corresponding part of the infinite range. 3.2.5 Spectral and Functional Representations 3.2.4 General Constitutive Law for Linear and Isotropic Solid: Poisson Effect A discrete relaxation spectrum in the form H (ξ) = μn ξn δ(ξn ) , One combines the shear and bulk behavior exemplified in (3.13), (3.16) and (3.19), (3.20) into the general stress–strain relation t 2 ∂εkk K (t − τ) − μ(t − τ) dτ σij (t) = δij 3 ∂τ t +2 0− μ(t − τ) ∂εij dτ , ∂τ (3.24) where δij is again the Kronecker delta. Poisson Contraction A recurring and important parameter in linear elasticity is Poisson’s ratio. It characterizes the contraction/expansion behavior of the solid in a uniaxial stress state, and is an almost essential parameter for deriving other material constants such as the Young’s, shear or bulk modulus from each other. For viscoelastic solids the equivalent behavior cannot in general be characterized by a constant; instead, the material equivalent to the elastic Poisson’s ratio is also a time-dependent function, which is a functional of the stress (strain) history imposed on a uniaxially stressed material sample. This time-dependent function covers basically the same (long) time scale as the other viscoelastic responses and is typically measured in terms of 10–20 decades of time at any one temperature. However, compared to these other functions, its value changes usually from a maximum value of 0.35 or 0.4 at the short end of the time spectrum to 0.5 for the long time frame. Several approximations are useful. In the nearglassy domain (short times) its value can be taken as a constant equal to that derived from measurements well below the glass-transition temperature. In the long time range for essentially rubber-like behavior the approximation of 0.5 is appropriate, though not if one wishes to convert shear or Young’s data to bulk behavior, in which case small deviations from this value can play a very significant role. If knowledge in the range between the (near-)glassy and (near-)rubbery domain are required, neither of the two limit constants are strictly appropriate and careful measurements are required [3.14–16]. (3.25) where δ(ξn ) represents the Dirac delta function, clearly leads to the series representation (3.20) and can trace the modulus function arbitrarily well by choosing the number of terms in the series to be sufficiently large; a choice of numbers of terms equal to or larger than twice the number of decades of the transition is often desirable. For a history of procedures to determine the coefficients μn see the works by Hopkins and Hamming [3.17], Schapery [3.18], Clauser and Knauss [3.19], Hedstrom et al. [3.20], Emri and Tschoegl [3.21–26], and Emri et al. [3.27, 28], all of which battle the ill-conditioned nature of the numerical determination process. This fact may result in physically inadmissible, negative values (energy generation), though the overall response function may be rendered very well. A more recent development that largely circumvents such problems, is based on the trust region concept [3.29], which has been incorporated into MATLAB, thus providing a relatively fast and readily available procedure. The numerical determination of these coefficients occurs through an ill-conditioned integral or matrix and is not free of potentially large errors in the coefficients, including physically inadmissible negative values, though the overall response function may be rendered very well. Although expressions as given in (3.22) and (3.23) render complete descriptions of the relaxation or creep behavior once H (ξ) or L(ξ) are determined for any material in general, simple approximate representations can fulfill a useful purpose. Thus, the special function μ0 − μ∞ ξ0 n exp(−ξ0 /ξ) (3.26) H (ξ) = Γ (n) ξ with the four parameters μ0 , μ∞ , ξ0 , and n representing material constants, where Γ (n) is the gamma function, leads to the power-law representation for the relaxation response μ(t) = μ∞ + μ0 − μ∞ . (1 + t/ξ0 )n (3.27) This equation is represented in Fig. 3.3 for the parameter values μ∞ = 102 , μ0 = 105 , ξ0 = 10−4 , and n = 0.35. It follows quickly from (3.22) and the figure that μ0 represents the modulus as t → 0, and μ∞ Part A 3.2 0− 55 56 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics 3.2.6 Special Stress or Strain Histories Related to Material Characterization log modulus 6 For the purposes of measuring viscoelastic properties in the laboratory we consider several examples in terms of shear states of stress and strain. Extensional or compression properties follow totally analogous descriptions. 5 4 3 2 Part A 3.2 1 –10 –5 0 5 10 log t Fig. 3.3 Example of the power-law representation of a relaxation modulus its behavior as μ(t → ∞); ξ0 locates the central part of the transition region and n the (negative) slope. It bears pointing out that, while this functional representation conveys the generally observed behavior of the relaxation phenomenon, it usually serves only in an approximate manner: the short- and long-term modulus limits along with the position along the log-time axis and the slope in the mid-section can be readily adjusted through the four material parameters, but it is usually a matter of luck (and rarely possible) to also represent the proper curvature in the transitions from short- and long-term behavior. Nevertheless, functions of the type (3.26) or (3.27) can be very useful in capturing the essential features of a problem. With respect to fracture Schapery draws heavily on the simplified power-law representation. An alternative representation of one-dimensional viscoelastic behavior (shear or extension), though not accessed through a distribution function of the type described above, is the so-called stretch exponential formulation; it is often used in the polymer physics community and was introduced for torsional relaxation by Kohlrausch [3.30] and reintroduced for dielectric studies by Williams and Watts [3.31]. It is, therefore, often referred to as the KWW representation. In the case of relaxation behavior it takes the form (with the addition of the long-term equilibrium modulus μ∞ ), (3.28) μ(t) = μ∞ + μ0 exp −(t/ξ0 )β . Further observations and references relating to this representation are delineated in [3.13]. Unidimensional Stress State We call a stress or strain state unidimensional when it involves only one controlled or primary displacement or stress component, as in pure shear or unidirectional extension/compression. Typical engineering characterizations of materials occur by means of uniaxial (tension) tests. We insert here a cautionary note with respect to laboratory practices. In contrast to working with metallic specimens, clamping polymers typically introduces complications that are not necessarily totally resolvable in terms of linear viscoelasticity. For example, clamping a tensile specimen in a standard test machine with serrated compression claps introduces a nonlinear material response such that, during the course of a test, relaxation or creep may occur under the clamps. Sometimes an effort is made to alleviate this problem by gluing metal tabs to the end of specimens, only to introduce the potential of the glue line to contribute to the overall relaxation or deformation. If the contribution of the glue line to the deformation is judged to be small, an estimate of its effect may be derived with the help of linear viscoelasticity, and this should be stated in reporting the data. For rate-insensitive materials the pertinent property is Young’s modulus E. For viscoelastic solids this constant is supplanted by the uniaxial relaxation modulus E(t) and its inverse, the uniaxial creep compliance D(t). Although the general constitutive relation (3.24) can be written for the uniaxial stress state (σ11 (t) = σ0 (t), say, σ22 = σ33 = 0), the resulting relation for the uniaxial stress is an integral equation for the stress or strain ε11 (t), involving the relaxation moduli in shear and dilatation. In view of the difficulties associated with determining the bulk response, it is not customary to follow this interconversion path, but to work directly with the uniaxial relaxation modulus E(t) and/or its inverse, the uniaxial creep compliance D(t). Thus, if σ11 (t) is the uniaxial stress and ε11 (t) the corresponding strain, one writes, similar to (3.10) and (3.12), t σ11 (t) = ε11 (0)E(t) + 0+ E(t − ξ) dε11 (ξ) dξ dξ Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity ε ε ε0 t0 + t0 t t0 t t modulus (3.22) together with the convolution relation (3.10) to render, with ε̇(t) = const = ε̇0 and ε(0) = 0, the general result t 0+ We insert here a cautionary note with respect to laboratory practices: In contrast to working with metallic specimens, clamping polymers typically introduces complications that are not necessarily totally resolvable in terms of linear viscoelasticity. For example, clamping a tensile specimen in a standard test machine with serrated compression clamps introduces nonlinear material response such that during the course of a test relaxation or creep may occur under the clamps. Sometimes an effort is made to alleviate this problem by gluing metal tabs to the end of specimens, only to introduce the potential of the glue-line to contribute to the overall relaxation or deformation. If the contribution of the glue-line to the deformation is judged to be small an estimate of its effect may be derived with the help of linear viscoelasticity, and such should be stated in reporting the data. Constant-Strain-Rate History. A common test method for material characterization involves the prescription of a constant deformation rate such that the strain increases linearly with time (small deformations). Without loss of generality we make use of a shear strain history in the form ε(t) = ε̇0 t (≡ 0 for t ≤ 0, ε̇0 = const for t ≥ 0) and employ the general representation for the relaxation τ µ (t) Error ε0 t0 t t0 t Fig. 3.5 Difference in relaxation response resulting from step and ramp strain history μ(t − ξ)ε̇0 dξ τ(t) = 2 0 t = 2ε̇0 ∞ μ∞ + 0 0 t − ξ dς H (ς) exp − du ς ς (3.29) t = 2με̇0 μ(u) du = 2ε̇0 t · 0 1 t t μ(u) du 0 = 2ε(t)μ̄(t) ; t − ξ ≡ u . (3.30) t Here μ̄(t) = 1t 0 μ(u) du is recognized as the relaxation modulus averaged over the past time (the time-averaged relaxation modulus). Ramp Strain History. A recurring question in viscoelas- tic material characterization arises when step functions are called for analytically but cannot be supplied experimentally because equipment response is too slow or dynamic (inertial) equipment vibrations disturb the input signal: In such situations one needs to determine the error if the response to a ramp history is supplied instead of a step function with the ramp time being t0 . To provide an answer, take explicit recourse to postulate (b) in Sect. 3.2.1 in connection with (3.29)/(3.30) to evaluate (additively) the latter for the strain histories shown in Fig. 3.4. To arrive at an approximate result as a quantitative guide, let us use the power-law representation (3.27) for the relaxation modulus. Making use of Taylor series approximations of the resulting functions for t 0 one arrives at (the derivation is lengthy though straightforward) n t0 /ξ0 τ(t) = μ(t) 1 + (3.31) +... 2ε0 2 (1 + t/ξ0 ) Part A 3.2 and the inverse relation as t dσ11 (ξ) ε11 (t) = σ11 (0)D(t) + D(t − ξ) dξ . dξ ε 57 Fig. 3.4 Superposition of linear functions to generate a ramp ε = 3.2 Linear Viscoelasticity 58 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics Part A 3.2 as long as μ∞ can be neglected relative to μ0 (usually on the order of 100–1000 times smaller). The derivation is lengthy though straightforward. The expression in the square brackets contains the time-dependent error by which the ramp response differs from the ideal relaxation modulus, as illustrated in Fig. 3.5, which tends to zero as time grows without limit beyond t0 . By way of example, if n = 1/2 and an error in the relaxation modulus of maximally 5% is acceptable, this condition can be met by recording data only for times larger than t/t0 = 5 − ς0 /t0 . Since ς0 /t0 is always positive the relaxation modulus is within about 5% of the ramp-induced measurement as long as one discounts data taken before 5t0 . To be on the safe side, one typically dismisses data for an initial time interval equal to ten times the ramp rise time. In case the time penalty for the dismissal of that time range is too severe, methods have been devised that allow for incorporation of this earlier ramp data as delineated in [3.32, 33]. On the other hand, the wide availability of computational power makes an additional data reduction scheme available: Using a Prony series (discrete spectrum) representation, one evaluates the constant-strain-rate response with the aid of (3.30), leaving the individual values of the spectral lines as unknowns. With regard to the relaxation times one has two options: (a) one leaves them also as unknowns, or (b) one fixes them such that they are one or two per decade apart over the whole range of the measurements. The second option (b) is the easier/faster one and provides essentially the same precision of representation as option (a). After this choice has been made, one fits the analytical expression with the aid of Matlab to the measurement results. Matlab will handle either cases (a) or (b). There may be issues involving possible dynamic overshoots in the rate-transition region, because a test machine is not able to (sufficiently faithfully) duplicate the rapid change in rate transition from constant to zero rate, unless the initial rate is very low. This discrepancy is, however, considerably smaller that that associated with replacing a ramp loading for a step history. Mixed Uniaxial Deformation/Stress Histories Material parameters from measured relaxation or creep data are typically extracted via Volterra integral equations of the first kind, i. e., of the type of (3.20) or (3.21). A problem arises because these equations are ill-posed in the sense that the determination of the kernel (material) functions from modulus or creep data involving Volterra equations of the first kind can lead to sizeable errors, whether the functions are sought in closed form or chosen in spectral or discrete (Prony series) form [3.18, 19, 27]. On the other hand, Volterra equations of the second kind do not suffer from this mathematical inversion instability (well-posed problem). Accordingly, we briefly present an experimental arrangement that alleviates this inherent difficulty [3.28]. At the same time, this particular scheme also allows the simultaneous determination of both the relaxation and creep properties, thus circumventing the calculation of one from the other. In addition, the resulting data provides the possibility of a check on the linearity of the viscoelastic data through a standard evaluation of a convolution integral. Relaxation and/or creep functions can be determined from an experimental arrangement that incorporates a linearly elastic spring of spring constant ks as illustrated in Fig. 3.6, readily illustrated in terms of a tensile situation. The following is, however, subject to the assumption that the elastic deformations of the test frame and/or the load cell are small compared to those of the specimen and the deformation of the added spring. If the high stiffness of the material does not warrant that assumption it is necessary to determine the contribution of the testing machine and incorporate it into the stiffness ks . Similar relations apply for a shear stress/deformation arrangement. In the case of lb Δl b0 ls ls Δl Δl s0 Fig. 3.6 Arrangement for multiple material properties de- termination via a single test Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity bulk/volume response the spring could be replaced by a compressible liquid, though this possibility has not been tested in the laboratory, to our knowledge. For a suddenly applied gross extension (compression) of the spring by an amount Δl = const, both the bar and the spring will change lengths according to Δlb (t) + Δls (t) = Δl , (3.32) where the notation in Fig. 3.6 is employed (subscript ‘b’ refers to the bar and “s” to the spring). The correspondingly changing stress (force) in the bar is given by (3.33) which is also determined by Fb (t) = Ab lb t E(t − ξ) d [Δlb (ξ)] dξ dξ 0 Ab 0 Δl E(t) , + lb b (3.34) which, together with (3.32), renders upon simple manipulation Ab Δlb (t) + εb (0)E(t) Δl ks Δl t E(t − ξ) + d [εb (ξ)] dξ = 1 . dξ (3.35) 0 This is a Volterra integral equation of the second kind, as can be readily shown by the transformation of variables ξ = t − u; it is well behaved for determining the relaxation function E(t). By measuring Δlb (t) along with the other parameters in this equation, one determines the relaxation modulus E(t). Similarly, one can cast this force equilibrium equation in terms of the creep compliance of the material and the force in the spring as ks lb Fb (t) + Ab t D(t − ξ) d [Fb (ξ)] dξ dξ 0 Time-Harmonic Deformation A frequently employed characterization of viscoelastic materials is achieved through sinusoidal strain histories of frequency ω. Historically, this type of material characterization refers to dynamic properties, because they are measured with moving parts as opposed to methods leading to quasi-static relaxation or creep. However, in the context of mechanics dynamic is reserved for situations involving inertia (wave) effects. For this reason, we replace in the sequel the traditional dynamic (properties) with harmonic, signifying sinusoidal. Whether one asks for the response from a strain history that varies with sin(ωt) or cos(ωt) may be accomplished by dealing with the (mathematically) complex counterpart ε(t) = ε0 exp(iωt) · h(t) 0 (3.36) It is clear then that, if both deformations and the stress in the bar are measured, both the relaxation modulus (3.38) so that after the final statement has been obtained one would be interested, correspondingly in either the real or the imaginary part of the result. Here h(t) is again the Heaviside step function, according to which the real part of the strain history represents a step at zero time with amplitude ε0 . The evaluation of the appropriate response may be accomplished with the general modulus representation so that substitution of (3.22) and (3.38) into (3.12) or (3.13) renders, after an interchange in the order of integration, ∞ dς τ(t) = 2ε0 μ∞ + H (ς) exp(−t/ς) ς t t −ξ + 2ε0 iω H (ς) exp − ς 0 0 dς × exp(iωξ) dξ ς ∞ 0 + Fb (0)D(t) = ks Δl . and the creep compliance can be determined and the determination of the Prony series parameters proceeds without difficulty [3.21–26] The additional inherent characteristic of this (hybrid) experimental–computational approach is that it may be used for determining the limit of linearly viscoelastic behavior of the material. By determining the two material functions of creep and relaxation simultaneously one can examine whether the determined functions satisfy the essential linearity constraint, see (3.62)–(3.64) t D(t − ξ)E(ξ) dξ = t . (3.37) 59 Part A 3.2 Fb (t) = Fs (t) = kb (t)Δls (t) = ks [Δl − Δlb (t)] , 3.2 Linear Viscoelasticity 60 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics t + 2ε0 iωμ∞ exp(iωξ) dξ , (3.39) 0 which ultimately leads to τ(t) = 2ε0 [μ(t) − μ∞ ] ∞ iωH (ς) − 2ε0 exp(−t/ς) dς 1 + iως 0 ∞ iωH (ς) dς . + 2ε(t) μ∞ + 1 + iως (3.40) Part A 3.2 0 The first two terms are transient in nature and (eventually) die out, while the third term represents the steady-state response. For the interpretation of measurements it is important to appreciate the influence of the transient terms on the measurements. Even though a standard linear solid, represented by the spring–dashpot analog in Fig. 3.7 does not reflect the full spectral range of engineering materials, it provides a simple demonstration for the decay of the transient terms. Its relaxation modulus (in shear, for example) is given by μ(t) = μ∞ + μs exp(−t/ζ0 ) , (3.41) where ζ0 denotes the relaxation time and μ∞ and μs are modulus parameters. Using the imaginary part of (3.40) corresponding to the start-up deformation history ε(t) = ε0 sin(ωt)h(t) one finds for the corresponding stress history ωζ0 μs τ(t) =R= (cos ωt + ωζ0 sin ωt) 2μ∞ ε0 μ∞ 1 + ω2 ζ02 ωζ0 μs e−t/ζn . (3.42) − μ∞ 1 + ω2 ζ02 F μ η μ0 F The last term is the transient. An exemplary presentation with μs /μ∞ = 5, ωζ0 = 1, and ζ0 = 20 is shown in Fig. 3.8. For longer relaxation times the decay lasts longer; for shorter ones the converse is true. One readily establishes that in this example the decay is (exponentially) complete after four to five times the relaxation time. The implication for real materials with very long relaxation times deserves extended attention. The expression for the standard linear solid can be generalized by replacing (3.41) with the corresponding Prony series representation. 1 ωζn μn τ(t) = (cos ωt + ωζn sin ωt) 2μ∞ ε0 μ∞ n 1 + ω2 ζn2 1 ωζn μn −t/ζn0 e . (3.43) − μ∞ n 1 + ω2 ζn2 Upon noting that the fractions in the last term sum do not exceed μn /2 one can bound the second sum by 1 ωζn μn −t/ζn0 e μ∞ n 1 + ω2 ζn2 1 1 μ(t) −t/ζn0 ≤ μn e = −1 . (3.44) 2μ∞ n 2 μ∞ This expression tends to zero only when t → ∞, a time frame that is, from an experimental point of view, too long in most instances. For relatively short times that fall into the transition range, the ratio of moduli is not small, as it can be on the order of 10 or 100, or even larger. There are, however, situations for which this error can be managed, and these correspond to those cases when the relaxation modulus changes very slowly during the time while sinusoidal measurements are being R 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 –1 –2 –3 –4 –5 –6 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 Normalized time Fig. 3.7 Standard Fig. 3.8 Transient start-up behavior of a standard linear linear solid solid under ε(t) = h(t) sin(ωt) Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity τ(t) = μ∞ + 2ε(t) ∞ 0 iωH (ς) dς . 1 + iως Both the strain ε(t) and the right-hand side are complex numbers. One calls μ∗ (ω) ≡ μ∞ + ∞ 0 iωH (ς) dς 1 + iως Stress: (3.46) τ (t) sin[ωt +Δ(ω)] 2ε0 μ(ω) Strain: 1 the complex modulus μ∗ = μ (ω) + iμ (ω) with its real and imaginary parts defined by ∞ (ως)2 μ (ω) = μ∞ + H (ς) dς (3.47) 1 + (ως)2 0 (the storage modulus) and ∞ ως μ (ω) = H (ς) dς 1 + (ως)2 (3.48) 0 (the loss modulus), respectively. Polar representation allows the shorthand notation μ∗ = μ(ω) exp[iΔ(ω)] , (3.49) where μ (ω) and μ (ω) μ(ω) ≡ |μ∗ (ω)| = [μ (ω)]2 + [μ (ω)]2 , tan Δ(ω) = (3.50) so that, also μ (ω) = μ(ω) cos Δ(ω) and μ (ω) = μ(ω) sin Δ(ω) . (3.51) The complex stress response (3.45) can then be written, using (3.50), as τ(t) = 2ε(t)μ∗ (ω) = 2ε0 exp(iωt)μ(ω) exp[iΔ(ω)] , (3.52) (3.45) ε (t) = sin ωt ε0 t Δω Fig. 3.9 Illustration of the frequency-dependent phase shift between the applied strain and the resulting stress 61 which may be separated into its real or imaginary part according to τ(t) = 2ε0 μ(ω) cos[ωt + Δ(ω)] and τ(t) = 2ε0 μ(ω) sin[ωt + Δ(ω)] . (3.53) Thus the effect of the viscoelastic material properties is to make the strain lag behind the stress (the strain is retarded) as illustrated in Fig. 3.9. It is easy to verify that the high- and low-frequency limits of the steadystate response are given by μ∗ (ω → ∞) = μ(t → 0) = μ0 , the glassy response, and μ∗ (ω → 0) = μ(t → ∞) = μ∞ , as the long-term or rubbery response (real). An Example for a Standard Linear Solid. For the stan- dard linear solid (Fig. 3.7) the steady-state portion of the response (3.52) simplifies to ω2 ς02 , μ (ω) = μ∞ + μs 1 + ω2 ς02 ως0 μ (ω) = μs , (3.54) 1 + ω2 ς02 ως0 tan Δ(ω) = . (3.55) μ∞ /μs + (1 + μ∞ /μs )(ως0 )2 Part A 3.2 made. This situation arises when the material is near its glassy state or when it approaches rubbery behavior. As long as the modulus ratio can be considered nearly constant in the test period, the error simply offsets the test results by additive constant values that may be subtracted from the data. Clearly, that proposition does not hold when the material interrogation occurs around the middle of the transition range. There are many measurements being made with commercially available test equipment, when frequency scans or relatively short time blocks of different frequencies are applied to a test specimen at a set temperature, or while the specimen temperature is being changed continuously. In these situations the data reduction customarily does not recognize the transient nature of the measurements and caution is required so as not to interpret the results without further examination. Because viscoelastic materials dissipate energy, prolonged sinusoidal excitation generates rises in temperature. In view of the sensitivity of these materials to temperature changes as discussed in Sects. 3.2.7 and 3.2.8, care is in order not to allow such thermal build-up to occur unintentionally or not to take such changes into account at the time of test data evaluations. Consider now only the steady-state portion of (3.40) so that 3.2 Linear Viscoelasticity 62 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics which, upon using the transformation t − ξ = u, yields Log of functions 3 τ(t) = iω 2ε(t) 2 ∞ μ(u) e−iωu du = μ∗ (ω) . −∞ If one recalls that the integral represents the Fourier transform F {μ(t), t → ω} of the modulus in the integrand one may write 1 0 μ∗ (ω) = iωF {μ(t), t → ω} –1 Part A 3.2 –2 –1.5 (3.59) (3.60) along with the inverse, –1 –0.5 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 Log frequency Fig. 3.10 Steady-state response of a standard linear solid to sinusoidal excitation, (μ0 = 1, μ = 100, μ/η = ς0 = 0.1). Symbols: μ (ω); short dash: μ (ω); long dash: tan Δ(ω) While this material model is usually not suitable for representing real solids (its time frame is far too short), this simple analog model represents all the proper limit responses possessed by a real material, in that it has short-term (μ0 + μs , glassy), long-term (μ∞ , rubbery) as well as transient response behavior as illustrated in Fig. 3.10. Note that, with only one relaxation time present, the transition time scale is on the order of at most two decades. The more general representation of the viscoelastic functions under sinusoidal excitation can also be interpreted as a Fourier transform of the relaxation or creep response. Complex Properties as Fourier Transforms. It is often desirable to derive the harmonic properties from monotonic response behaviors (relaxation or creep). To effect this consider the strain excitation of (3.38), ε(t) = ε0 exp(iωt)h(t) , (3.56) and substitute this into the convolution relation for the stress (3.11), t μ(t − ξ) τ(t) = 2ε(0)μ(t) + 2 0− dε(ξ) dξ , dξ (3.57) and restrict consideration to the steady-state response. In this case, the lower limit is at t → −∞ so that the integral may be written as t μ(t − ξ) eiωξ dξ , τ(t) = lim 2ε0 iω t→∞ −t (3.58) 1 μ(t) = 2π ∞ −∞ μ∗ (ω) −iωt dω . e iω (3.61) Thus the relaxation modulus can be computed from the complex modulus by the last integral. Note also that because of (3.60) μ and μ are derivable from a single function, μ(t), so that they are not independent. Conversely, if one measures μ and μ in a laboratory they should obey a certain interrelation; a deviation in that respect may be construed either as unsatisfactory experimental work or as evidence of nonlinearly viscoelastic behavior. Relationships Among Properties In Sect. 3.2.2 exemplary functional representation of some properties has been described that are generic for the description of any viscoelastic property. On the other hand, the situation often arises that a particular function is determined experimentally relatively readily, but really its complementary function is needed. The particularly simple situation most often encountered is that the modulus is known, but the compliance is needed (or vice versa). This case will be dealt with first. Consider the case when the relaxation modulus (in shear), μ(t) is known, and the (shear) creep compliance J(t) is desired. Clearly, the modulus and the compliance cannot be independent material functions. In the linearly elastic case these relations lead to reciprocal relations between modulus and compliance. One refers to such relationships as inverse relations or functions. Analogous treatments hold for all other viscoelastic functions. Recall (3.10) or (3.11), which give the shear stress in terms of an arbitrary strain history. In the linearly elastic case these inverse relations lead to reciprocal relations between modulus and compliance. Recall also that the creep compliance is the strain history resulting from a step stress being imposed in a shear test. As a corollary, if the prescribed strain Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity history is the creep compliance, then a constant (step) stress history must evolve. Accordingly, substitution of the compliance J(t) into (3.10) must render the step stress of unit amplitude so that t h(t) = J(0)μ(t) + μ(t − ξ) dJ(ξ) dξ . dξ (3.62) 0+ + → 0 , J(0+ )/μ(0+ ) = 1 t μ(t − ξ)J(ξ) dξ = t . (3.63) 0 Note that this relation is completely symmetric in the sense that, also, t J(t − ξ)μ(ξ) dξ = t . (3.64) 0 Similar relations hold for the uniaxial modulus E(t) and its creep compliance D(t), and for the bulk modulus K (t) and bulk compliance M(t). Interrelation for Complex Representation. Because the so-called harmonic or complex material characterization is the result of prescribing a specific time history with the frequency as a single time-like (but constant) parameter, the interrelation between the complex modulus and the corresponding compliance is simple. It follows from equations (3.45) and (3.46) that 1 2ε0 eiωt 2ε(t) = ∗ = = J ∗ (ω) , τ(t) μ (ω) τ0 ei(ωt+Δ(ω)) (3.65) where the function J ∗ (ω) is the complex shear compliance, with the component J (ω) and imaginary component −J (ω) related to the complex modulus by J ∗ (ω) = J (ω) − iJ (ω) = J(ω)eiγ (ω) = 1 μ∗ (ω) = e−iΔ(ω) μ(ω) (3.66) so that, clearly, 1 and γ (ω) = −Δ(ω) , μ(ω) with J(ω) = [J (ω)]2 + [J (ω)]2 . J(ω) = (3.67) 63 Thus in the frequency domain of the harmonic material description the interconnection between properties is purely algebraic. Corresponding relations for the bulk behavior follow readily from here. 3.2.7 Dissipation Under Cyclical Deformation In view of the immediately following discussion of the influence of temperature on the time dependence of viscoelastic materials we point out that general experience tells us that cyclical deformations engender heat dissipation with an attendant rise in temperature [3.34, 35]. How the heat generated in a viscoelastic solid as a function of the stress or strain amplitude is described in [3.13]. Here it suffices to point out that the heat generation is proportional to the magnitude of the imaginary part of the harmonic modulus or compliance. For this reason these (magnitudes of imaginary parts of the) properties are often referred to as the loss modulus or the loss compliance. We simply quote here a typical result for the energy w dissipated per cycle and unit volume, and refer the reader to [3.13] for a quick, but more detailed exposition: ∞ 2 2mπ m εm μ (3.68) . w/cycle = π T m=1 3.2.8 Temperature Effects Temperature is one of the most important environmental variables to affect polymers in engineering use, primarily because normal use conditions are relatively close to the material characteristic called the glasstransition temperature – or glass temperature for short. In parochial terms the glass temperature signifies the temperature at which the material changes from a stiff or hard material to a soft or compliant one. The major effect of the temperature, however perceived by the user, is through its influence on the creep or relaxation time scale of the material. Solids other than polymers also possess characteristic temperatures, such as the melting temperature in metals, while the melting temperature in the polymer context signifies specifically the melting of crystallites in (semi-)crystalline variants. Also, typical amorphous solids such as silicate glasses and amorphous metals exhibit distinct glass-transition temperatures; indeed, much of our understanding of glass-transition phenomena in polymers originated in understanding related phenomena in the context of silicate glasses. Part A 3.2 Note that, as t so that at time 0+ an elastic result prevails. Upon integrating both sides of (3.62) with respect to time – or alternatively, using the Laplace transform – one readily arrives at the equivalent result; the uniaxial counterpart has already been cited effectively in (3.37). 3.2 Linear Viscoelasticity 64 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics Part A 3.2 The Entropic Contribution Among the long-chain polymers, elastomers possess a molecular structure that comes closest to our idealized understanding of molecular interaction. Elastomer is an alternative name for rubber, a cross-linked polymer that possesses a glass transition temperature which is distinctly below normal environmental conditions. Molecule segments are freely mobile relative to each other except for being pinned at the cross-link sites. The classical constitutive behavior under moderate deformations (up to about 100% strain in uniaxial tension) has been formulated by Treloar [3.36]. Because this constitutive formulation involves the entropy of a deformed rubber network, this temperature effect of the properties is usually called the entropic temperature effect. In the present context it suffices to quote his results in the form of the constitutive law for an incompressible solid. Of common interest is the dependence of the stress on the material property appropriate for uniaxial tension (in the 1-direction) 1 1 subject to λ1 λ2 λ3 = 1 , σ = NkT λ21 − 3 λ1 (3.69) where λ1 , λ2 , and λ3 denote the (principal) stretch ratios of the deformation illustrated in Fig. 3.11 (though not shown for the condition λ1 λ2 λ3 = 1), the multiplicative factor consists of the number of chain segments between cross-links N, k is Boltzmann’s constant, and T is absolute temperature. Since for infinitesimal deformations λ1 = 1 + ε11 , one finds that NkT must equal the elastic Young’s modulus E ∞ . Thus the (small-strain) Young’s modulus is directly proportional to the absolute temperature, and this holds also for the shear modulus because, under the restriction/assumption of incompressibility the shear modulus μ∞ of the rubber obeys μ∞ = 13 E ∞ . Thus μ∞ /T = Nk is a material constant, from which it follows that comparative moduli obtained at temperatures T and T0 are related by T μ∞|T = μ∞|T0 or equivalently T0 T E ∞|T = E ∞|T0 . (3.70) T0 If one takes into account that temperature changes affect also the dimensions of a test specimen by changing both its cross-sectional area and length, this is taken into account by modifying (3.71) to include the density ratio according to ρT μ∞|T0 or equivalently μ∞|T = ρ0 T0 ρT E ∞|T = E ∞|T0 , (3.70a) ρ0 T0 where ρ0 is the density at the reference temperature and ρ is that for the test conditions. To generate a master curve as discussed below it is therefore necessary to first multiply modulus data by the ratio of the absolute temperature T (or ρT , if the densities at the two temperatures are sufficiently different) at which the data was acquired, and the reference temperature T0 (or ρ0 T0 ). For compliance data one multiplies by the inverse density/temperature ratio. Time–Temperature Trade-Off Phenomenon A generally much more significant influence of temperature on the viscoelastic behavior is experienced in connection with the time scales under relaxation or creep. To set the proper stage we define first the notion of the glass-transition temperature Tg . To this end consider a measurement of the specific volume as a function Volume λ1 λ3 λ2 B A Equilibrium line Fig. 3.11 Deformation of a cube into a parallelepiped. The unit cube sides have been stretched (contracted) orthogonally in length to the stretch ratios λ1 , λ2 , and λ3 Tg Temperature Fig. 3.12 Volume–temperature relation for amorphous solids (polymers) Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity log G (t) Experimental window sensitive properties, at least for polymers. For ease of presentation we ignore first the entropic temperature effect discussed. The technological evolution of metallic glasses is relatively recent, so that a limited amount of data exist in this regard. However, new data on the applicability of the time–temperature trade-off in these materials have been supplied in [3.12]. Moreover, we limit ourselves to considerations above the glass-transition temperature, with discussion of behavior around or below that temperature range reserved for later amplification. Experimental constraints usually do not allow the full time range of relaxation to be measured at any one temperature. Instead, measurements can typically be made only within the time frame of a certain experimental window, as indicated in Fig. 3.13. This figure shows several (idealized) segments as resulting from different temperature environments at a fixed (usually atmospheric) pressure. A single curve may be constructed from these segments by shifting the temperature segments along the log-time axis (indicated by arrows) with respect to one obtained at a (reference) temperature chosen arbitrarily, to construct the master curve. This master curve is then accepted as the response of the material over the extended time range at the chosen reference temperature. Because this time– temperature trade-off has been deduced from physical measurements without the benefit of a time scale of unlimited extent, the assurance that this shift process is a physically acceptable or valid scheme can be derived only from the quality with which the shifting or P = P0 T1 T0 = T3 ⎛ σ 273 ⎛ ⎜ (psi) ⎝ ε0 T ⎝ log0 ⎜ 5 T3 Temperature (°C) –30.0 –25.0 –22.5 –22.0 –17.5 –15.0 –12.5 –7.5 –5.0 –2.5 5.0 T2 T4 T5 log aT4 4 Master curve at T3 3 ε0 = 0.05 T1 < T2 < ··· <T5 log t Fig. 3.13 Illustration of the temperature shift phenomenon. Segments of G(t) measured at different temperatures, and corresponding master curves 2 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 log10 t (min) Fig. 3.14 Relaxation modulus for a polyurethane formula- tion measured at various temperatures in uniaxial tension 65 Part A 3.2 of temperature. Typically, such measurements are made with a slowly decreasing temperature, curve A in Fig. 3.12, because the rate of cooling has an influence on the outcome. Figure 3.12 shows a typical result, which illustrates that at sufficiently low and high temperatures the volume dependence is linear, with a transition connecting the two segments. The glass-transition temperature is defined as the intersection of two linear extensions of the two segments roughly in the center of the transition range. As also indicated in Fig. 3.12, an increase in the rate of cooling causes reduced volume shrinkage as a result of the unstable evolution of a molecular microstructure that consolidates with time, curve B in Fig. 3.12. This phenomenon is associated with physical aging [3.37– 44]. In practical terms the lowest – most stable – response curve is determined basically by the patience of the investigator, though substantial deviations must be measured in terms of logarithmic time units: Relatively little may be gained by reducing the cooling rate from 1 to 0.1 ◦ C/h. We turn next to the effect of temperature on the time scale and present this phenomenon in terms of a relaxation response, say, in shear. The discussion is generic in the sense that it applies, to the best of the collective scientific knowledge, to all time- and rate- 3.2 Linear Viscoelasticity 66 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics superposition can be accomplished. To examine this quality issue requires that test temperatures are chosen sufficiently closely, and that the measurements vary as widely as feasible over the log-time range to afford maximum overlap of the shifted curve segments. The amount of shifting along the log-time axis is recorded as a function of the temperature. This function is usually called the temperature-dependent shift factor, or simply the shift factor for short; it is a material characteristic, and is often designated by φT . Figures 3.14 and 3.15 illustrate the application of the shift principle for a polyurethane elastomer, together with the associated shift factor φT in Fig. 3.16. Part A 3.2 The Role of the Entropic Contribution Having demonstrated the shift phenomenon in principle, it remains to address the effect of the entropic contribution to the time-dependent master response. Recall that the entropic considerations were derived in the context of purely rubbery material behavior, and specifically in the absence of viscoelastic effects. Thus any modulus variation with temperature is established, strictly speaking, only in the long-term time domain when rubbery behavior dominates, so that (3.70) applies. Various arguments have been put forward [3.45] to apply a similar reduction scheme to data in the viscoelastic transition log (shift factor) 8 region. Two arguments dominate, but they are based on pragmatic rather than rigorously scientific principles. The first argument states that, even in the transition region, the polymer chain segments experience locally elastic behavior in accordance with the theory of rubber elasticity. Accordingly, all curve segments obtained at the various temperatures should be multiplied by their respective ratios of the reference temperature and the test temperature, i. e., T0 /T , in the case of modulus measurements, and with the inverse ratio in the case of compliance measurements, regardless of by how many log-time units the material behavior is removed from the rubbery (long-term) domain. The alternative view asserts that the entropic correction does not apply in the glassy state and, accordingly should decrease continuously from the long-term, rubbery domain as the glassy or short-term behavior is approached. The rule by which this change occurs is not established scientifically either, but is typically taken to be linear with the logarithmic time scale throughout the transition. Ultimately one needs to decide on the basis of the precision in the data whether one or the other scheme produces the better master curve. The crucial argument in that decision is whether the mutual overlap of the segments derived from measurements at different temperatures provides for the most continuous and smoothest master curve. The Shift Factor While several researchers have contributed significantly to clarifying the concept and the importance of the 6 4 log10 (273/T ) E (t) (psi) 5 2 4.5 Reference temperature T0 = 0 °C 5% strain 4 0 3.5 –2 3 –4 – 40 –30 –20 –10 0 10 20 Temperature Fig. 3.15 Time–temperature shift factor for reducing the polyurethane data in Fig. 3.14 to that in Fig. 3.16. Tg = −18 ◦ C The solid line represents the WLF-equation log10 φT = −8.86(T − 32 ◦ C) − 4.06 101.6 + (T − 32 ◦ C) 2.5 2 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 log10 t/φT (min) Fig. 3.16 Temperature-reduced uniaxial relaxation modulus for a polyurethane formulation derived from data in Fig. 3.14 and with the shift factors in Fig. 3.15 Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity log(aT ) = c1 (T − Tref ) , c2 − (T − Tref ) (3.71) where Tref denotes an arbitrarily chosen reference temperature typically about 50 ◦ C above the glasstransition temperature of the polymer under consideration. The constants c1 and c2 vary from polymer to polymer, but for many take on values around c1 ∼ = 8.86 and c2 ∼ = 101.6. In terms of the relaxation data in Fig. 3.14, the shift procedure renders the composite or master curve as shown in Fig. 3.16. Time–Temperature Trade-Off under Transient Temperature Conditions While the time–temperature shift principle is observed in the laboratory under different temperatures, which are however constant during the measurements, there are many situations in the engineering environment in which temperatures vary more or less continuously while creep or relaxation processes occur. To assess how such thermal changes affect the viscoelastic response, Morland and Lee proposed [3.54], following the ideas promulgated in the practice developed for the silicate glasses, that the time–temperature shift relation applies instantaneously. Let T0 denote the reference temperature at which the master curve has been established and let T be the temperature at which the material behavior is desired. Then the developments in Sect. 3.2.8 above state that the time (scale) at a temperature T , and designated by t , is related to the time (scale) t at the reference temperature by t = t . φT (T ) (3.72) Instantaneous obeyance to this rule requires then that (3.72) apply differentially as the temperature changes with time, namely dt or alternatively that dt = φt (T (t)) t dt t = . φT (T (t)) 67 (3.73) 0 While such an integration can always be effected numerically, in principle, it is important to note that the logarithmic time scale calls for careful evaluations of the integrals with variable time steps, yet without incurring excessive computation time or inaccurate evaluations resulting from too crude an incrementation of time [3.55]. Time–Temperature Shifting Near and Below the Glass Transition. The time–temperature shifting above the glass-transition temperature has been presented as basically an empirical rather than a uniquely explained process, though many researchers firmly trust its validity because of extensively consistent demonstration (see, e.g., [3.45, 50]). The applicability of the shift principle to temperatures near and below the glass transition has been questioned for many years, but is gradually gaining acceptance with certain provisos. First, no functional analytic form has been proposed – uniquely supportive or conflicting – that yields credence to the effect in terms of some molecular model. Moreover, because phenomena at and below the glass transition do not occur with molecular conformations in equilog [E (t)] (Pa) 9.6 22 °C 9.4 35°C 50°C 65°C 9.2 80°C 90°C 9 100°C 105°C 8.8 0 1 2 3 4 5 log (t) (s) Fig. 3.17 Relaxation behavior in shear for PMMA at various temperatures in the transition range and below the glass transition; the glass-transition temperature is 105 ◦ C. (Material supplier: ACE. After [3.15]) Part A 3.2 time–temperature superposition principle [3.46–49], it was the group of Williams, Landel, and Ferry [3.50] that has been credited with formulating the time– temperature relationship through the now ubiquitously quoted WLF equation. They demonstrated the near universality of this connection for many diverse polymers, and provided a physical model for the process in terms of a free-volume interpretation. Plazek [3.51– 53] has supplied an exemplary demonstration of the nearly perfect obeyance of the shift phenomenon for polystyrene and poly(vinyl acetate). Ignoring, for brevity of presentation, the details of the polymer mechanical argumentation, WLF derived on the basis of free-volume concepts that above the glass-transition temperature the shift factor is given by the relation 3.2 Linear Viscoelasticity 68 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics rates leading to a more unique adherence to a shift concept. Figure 3.17 shows relaxation data of polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) at various (constant) temperatures below the glass transition (Tg =105 ◦ C for PMMA). This data, shifted to produce the master curve in Fig. 3.18, generates a shift factor, that while not fitting the WLF equation (3.71), represents nevertheless a reasonably coherent relation [3.15], as shown in Fig. 3.19. Many independent, but not thoroughly documented, counterparts have been produced over the last decade, which present equally supportive information of a consistent time–temperature superposition application through and below the glass transition. log [ µ(t)] (Pa) 9.2 8.8 8.4 8 7.6 7.2 Part A 3.2 6.8 –10 –5 0 5 10 log (t) (s) Fig. 3.18 Relaxation in PMMA, reduced (shifted) commensurate with the shift function in Fig. 3.19. The entropic correction has not been applied to the vertical axis (Material supplier: ACE. After [3.15]) librium, the ideas underlying the shift phenomenon above the glass transition are questioned more readily in the context of these lower temperatures. For example, the role of nonequilibrium changes in freevolume interferes with simple concepts and complicates the rules by which such examinations and data interpretations are carried out. For example, Losi and Knauss [3.56] have argued on the basis of free-volume considerations that any shift operation below the glass transition should depend on the temperature rate with which the state of the polymer is approached, slower 3.2.9 The Effect of Pressure on Viscoelastic Behavior of Rubbery Solids It is important to recognize that pressure can have a large effect on the viscoelastic response through its influence on the free volume. This fact is important when high speed impact is involved, such as when measurements are made with split Hopkinson bars, or when materials are otherwise subjected to high pressures (civil engineering: building support pads for protection against earthquake damage). Similar to the time–temperature trade-off, pressure produces a pressure-sensitive shift phenomenon. Figlog G (t) Experimental window T = T0 P5 log [φT (t)] (s) 12 Shift factor for E (t) 10 P0 = P3 P3 P4 8 6 P2 log aP2 4 2 P1 Master curve at P3 0 –2 0 25 50 75 100 125 Temperature (°C) Fig. 3.19 Shift factor derived from Fig. 3.17 to generate the master curve in Fig. 3.18 (after [3.15]) P1 < P2 < ··· <P5 log t Fig. 3.20 Effect of pressure on the viscoelastic response of a polymer (after [3.57]) Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity θ(P) = f T0 (P)/βf (P) and P P f T0 (P) = κe T0 dP − κφ T0 dP P0 (3.75) P0 with κe denoting the compressibility of the entire volume, and κφ is the compressibility of the occupied volume. If we let K e∗ (T ) be the bulk modulus at zero pressure and κe a proportionality constant, one arrives at c00 1 [T − T0 − θ(P)] with 00 c2 (P) + T − T0 − θ(P) 1 + c06 P 1 + c04 P 0 − c θ(P) = c03 (P) ln (P) ln 5 1 + c04 P 1 + c06 P log αT,P = − (3.76) and the notation c00 1 = B/2.303 f 0 ; c00 2 = f 0 /βf (P) ; c00 3 = 1/kr βf (P) ; ∗ c00 4 = ke /K e ; c00 5 = 1/kφ βf (P) ; ∗ c00 6 = kφ /K φ . (3.77) The 00 superscript indicates that the parameter is referred to the reference temperature T0 (first place) and to the reference pressure P0 (second place). A single 0 superscript refers to the reference temperature only. The asterisk superscript refers to zero pressure. Equation (3.76) is the Fillers–Moonan–Tschoegl (FMT) equation. Setting θ(P) = 0 (i. e., performing the experiments at the reference pressure), the FMT equation reduces to the WLF equation (3.71). 3.2.10 The Effect of Moisture and Solvents on Viscoelastic Behavior It has been observed that the presence of moisture in some polymers has an effect similar to that of an elevated temperature in that increased moisture content shortens the relaxation or retardation times [3.63, 64]. This process may or may not be reversible. Plazek [3.52] has pointed out, for example, that in polyvinyl acetate moisture must be removed carefully prior to forming centimeter-sized test samples. Once such larger test samples have absorbed (some) moisture, it may be impossible to totally remove the same. In determining viscoelastic properties it is thus important that one assess the tendency of the material to absorb moisture or other solvents. This property can be disturbing during the acquisition of mechanical properties if no specific precautions are taken: For example, measurements performed on days during changing humidity may render data that violates the concept of time–temperature trade-off. A technologically important material with a considerable tendency to absorb moisture is nylon (6 and 66), with corresponding implications for the deformability and/or structural load-carrying ability over time. 3.3 Measurements and Methods A considerable range of commercial equipment has been developed over the years to characterize viscoelastic material behavior. Such instrumentation for tensile and compression tests are standard screw-type test frames (Instron, Zwick) or servohydraulic machines (MTS, Instron); the latter type are available for torsional (shear) and combined tensile/torsional characterization, also. Because of the sensitivity to environmental temperatures, these machines are usually equipped – or should be – with environmental control chambers 69 (temperature and moisture control). Differential thermal analyzers (DTAs) are available commercially to measure glass transition and melt temperatures, though they are sometimes combined with force measurement capability, and these devices often function with short, stubby bend specimens and, as typically used, provide more qualitative rather than precise property measurements. Similarly, dynamical mechanical analyzers (DMAs) are more geared to making mechanical properties measurements and can employ either steady-state Part A 3.3 ure 3.20 illustrates this material behavior parallel to the time–temperature shift phenomenon. Without delving into the molecular reasoning for modeling this phenomenon [3.58] we quote here the results by Fillers, Moonan, and Tschoegl [3.59–62], which extend the temperature shift factor into a consolidated temperature-and-pressure shift factor of the form (note the similarity to the WLF equation (3.71)) B log αT,P = − 2.303 f 0 T − T0 − θ(P) × , (3.74) f 0 /αf (P) + T − T0 − θ(P) where 3.3 Measurements and Methods 70 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics Part A 3.3 loading or oscillatory excitation for frequency sensitive properties, though here the same caveat is in order as for work with DTAs. For frequency imposed shear deformations (rotation) commercial test equipment is available and accessible over the web (e.g., Google→Rheometrics). Except for nanoindentation equipment, to be discussed later, other instrumentation is constructed for specific tasks. For example, Plazek has provided an exemplary construction of long-term measurement equipment [3.65] that provides precise force/moment definition and recording equipment that is unusually stable over long periods approaching six decades of time. A thoughtful design of a torsion pendulum for shorter time frames has been supplied by the same researcher [3.66]. A rheometer utilizing an eddy-current torque transducer and an air-bearing suspension has been developed by Berry et al. [3.67] for measurements of creep functions in shear in both the time and frequency domains. For investigating the interaction of shear and volume response, Duran and McKenna [3.68] developed a torsiometer with ultrafine temperature control to access time-dependent changes in volume resulting from the torsion of a cylinder, with the volume change being monitored via a mercury column. 3.3.1 Laboratory Concerns While test procedures for typical material characterization have been in place in the laboratory for many years, there are special considerations that apply to the determination of viscoelastic properties. Because usually long-term measurements are in order, careful attention needs to be paid to temporal consistency of the equipment. The most important and often recurring issues are discussed here briefly. Equipment Stability Because often extensive time intervals are needed to record data, the associated electrical equipment needs to be commensurately stable for long periods of time. Often electronic equipment will record data without drift for periods of an hour or two. However, with the desire to record data for as long as days, one needs to be assured that during that time interval the equipment does not drift or does not do so to a significant extent. The easiest way of checking stability is by trial. Environmental Control All polymers are sensitive to thermal variations and many also to moisture changes. While sometimes only quick and rough estimation of physical properties are desired, careful measurements demand absolute environmental control that can be afforded only through suitable environmental chambers, most often matched to existing or purchased test frame systems. How closely environmental control must be exercised depends on the study at hand: Thermal control ranges that may be necessary can be estimated with the aid of the shift factor delineated in Sect. 3.2.8. Moisture control may be exercised by way of saline solutions if the test chamber is relatively small, or by injecting suitably proportioned streams of dry and water saturated air into the (larger) test chamber [3.63]. The degree to which moisture influences the time-dependent behavior may be estimated from volume considerations if the swelling from moisture of the material is known (it may have to be measured separately). One estimates that the moisture-induced volume change equals a thermally induced volume change, from which consideration one deduces the influence of moisture via Sect. 3.2.8 in the form of an equivalent temperature sensitivity. From this information one may estimate whether the potential moisture influence is disturbingly large. The Use of Wire and Foil Strain Gages on Polymers It is clear on general principles that the use of wire/foil gages is ill advised for soft materials because one typically needs to ignore the effect of reinforcing the test material by the stiff, if thin, gage(s). While it has been extensively attempted to develop strain-measuring devices with foil gages for application to relatively soft solids (solid propellant rocket fuels) with the aid of computational and experimental analysis tools, these costly programs have not yielded useful results. In contrast, wire/foil gages are, however, used on rigid polymers. As has been demonstrated amply in the above developments, polymer mechanical responses can be very sensitive to temperatures. This fact is important to remember in connection with the use of electric-currentdriven strain gages bonded to polymers. Because these devices dissipate heat in immediate proximity to the polymer, this phenomenon needs to be controlled. While it is true that in the past strain gages have been bonded to metallic structures without much concern for the thermal effects on the bonding agent, it must be remembered that these bonding agents had been developed with this special concern in mind, being also well aware that the metallic component usually Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity Soft Materials Most of the more standard engineering materials are relatively solid or stiff, so that clamping a specimen in the jaws of a typical test machine poses no particular problem. However, many polymers are either relatively soft (to the touch) or when stiff nevertheless will creep out of the machine gripping device(s) over time. Because the expected response may be a decrease over time (as in a relaxation test), a slow flow of material out of the gripping jaws may not become apparent unless careful tracking of that potential process is achieved. This problem is most prevalent, for example, when dealing with near-rubbery behavior under tension, because tension invokes Poisson contraction, which is maximal under these conditions (ν = 1/2) and thus most prone to give 71 rise to jaw flow. The traditional way to cope with this type of occurrence is to bond metal (aluminum) tabs to the ends of a specimen so as to redistribute the clamping forces. Mechanical Overshoot Phenomenon When relaxation tests are of interest the usual test machines provide a ramp history, as discussed in Sect. 3.2.6. If examined in detail these ramp histories typically exhibit an overshoot phenomenon that derives from the dynamics (inertia) of the test machine. Recall that it is usually of interest to gain access to as large a test duration as possible. Basically three avenues are open to the investigator, depending on the need for precision and necessary time range: 1. The time history involving the loading transients are ignored by disregarding the initial time history extending over ten times the ramp rise time. This is a serious experimental restriction, but represents the method most consistently practised in the past. 2. Expand the initial time scale by resorting to the method described in [3.32] or [3.33], remaining conscious, however, that the overshoot between the linear rise and constant deformation history should not interfere with the assumptions underlying these approximations. This means that the deformation history has to be carefully recorded. 3. Write out in closed form the response to the full ramp history and fit this analytical expression to the measurement data. With a Prony series representation it is advisable to choose a series representation that contains at least as many terms as are desired for the test duration. While this may be a tedious algebraic process, it may not be easily possible to achieve the same goal without a Prony-series representation. The overshoot phenomenon would then require a judicious redacting of the data so as to eliminate the inaccuracies derived from it. 4. The final, most precise method to date would entail a careful measurement of the deformation history, including the overshoot modeled by an integrable function, and apply the same representation method indicated under (3) above. 3.3.2 Volumetric (Bulk) Response In this section we distinguish between methods geared to determining small-strain volumetric properties and those derived from non-infinitesimal volumetric deformations. Part A 3.3 provided excellent heat conductivity. Even so, it is a common, if not universal, practice to activate the electric current in the strain gage(s) only intermittently so as to reduce the heat generation. If foil gages are desired, the sufficiency of this option must certainly be considered. The overriding consideration in this connection is the temperature achieved at the strain gage site relative to the glass-transition temperature of the polymer, on the one hand, and the duration of the measurements on the other. Thus, a strain gage may well serve on a polymer in a wave propagation experiment, but may fail miserably in similar circumstances if the test time is measured in weeks. As a quick rule of thumb it is our recommendation that temperatures under a gage remain 50 ◦ C below the glass-transition temperature for applications of short duration. Ultimately, one must consider the relaxation or creep behavior of the polymer for the range of temperatures anticipated in the experiment, whereby a fractional change in stiffness must be estimated for the expected duration of the measurements. Clearly, one needs to be concerned with both the temperature and the test duration. This estimation may actually require that the temperature in the gage vicinity be determined experimentally (infrared tooling) and the results coupled with a numerical stress analysis assessment of the effect on the gage readout(s). Here it should also be remembered that modulus and compliance data are typically presented on a logarithmic scale, making changes due to temperature appear small, when in fact the true change is considerably larger. An error on the order of 10–15% in misinterpreted modulus data could translate into a commensurately large and systematic error in the ultimate, experimental results. 3.3 Measurements and Methods 72 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics Part A 3.3 Very Small Volumetric Strains In linearly elastic materials bulk behavior is most typically determined (a) directly from wave propagation measurements or (b) indirectly from shear or Young’s modulus data together with Poisson’s ratio as measured, e.g., from the antielastic curvature of beams. For viscoelastic solids other methods need to be employed with nontrivial equipment requirements. In our experience, this method has not been applied to viscoelastic materials. The dominant reason is, most likely, that the formation of an optical gap between the specimen and the reference mirrors, which would rest on the specimen edges, must cope with the deformations generated by the weight of the reference mirror. Absent a local reference mirror an interferometric assessment of the deformation field would require the subtraction of the overall specimen deformation from the curvatureinclusive deformation pattern, a process that is prone to lead to relatively large errors. For viscoelastic solids other methods need to be employed with non-trivial equipment requirements. Because the effort is considerable (see the historical development starting with [3.69, 70]) the details of this measurement method are not presented here, other than to point out via Fig. 3.21 what is involved in principle. As illustrated in Fig. 3.21, one process revolves around a stiff cavity to receive a specimen, after which the cavity is filled with an appropriate liquid with which the specimen does not interact (by swelling or otherwise). A piezoelectric driver generates (relatively) small sinusoidal pressure variations, which compress the specimen in a quasistatic manner as long as the cavity size is chosen appropriately. A separate piezoelectric a) pick-up measures the pressure response with respect to both amplitude and phase shift relative to the input pressure. The compressibility of the liquid having been determined by calibration, the specimen compressibility modifies the cavity signal (by a small amount). From the (complex) difference one derives the harmonic bulk modulus or compliance. Because these are difference measurements, the precision for the bulk behavior requires the ultimate in precision in instrumentation and calibration. A major limitation of this approach is that because of potential resonances the range of frequencies is also limited to less than four decades of frequency (time). For further detail the reader may wish to consult the references [3.71, 72]. Bulk Measurements Allowing also for Non-infinitesimal Volume Strains An alternative method, though associated typically with larger volume strains, has been offered successfully by Ma and Ravi–Chandar [3.73, 74], Qvale and RaviChandar [3.75], and Park et al. [3.76], who followed the same method. This method involves a hollow cylinder instrumented with strain gages on its exterior surface. A physically closely fitting solid specimen is formed in, or introduced into, its interior and pressure is applied through an axially closely fitting compression piston, as illustrated in Fig. 3.22. Proper choice of the cylinder material and its wall thickness allows optimization of the response measurements to, say, a constant piston displacement (bulk relaxation) from which the bulk relaxation modulus can then be determined. If the cylinder is manufactured from a material that remains elastic during a test (say steel), with a and b denoting its interb) Electrode Oil outlet Electrical feed-through Teflon washer Outlet needle valve Cavity Oil outlet Piezoelectric disk Specimen Grid for specimen support Inlet needle valve Electrode K-Seal Oil inlet Oil inlet Fig. 3.21 (a) Global and (b) local cavity arrangement for measuring the bulk modulus with harmonic excitation Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity Confining cylinder 3.3 Measurements and Methods 2 ezz (t) = [ezz (t) − err (t)] , 3 1 err (t) = eθθ (t) = − [ezz (t) − err (t)] , (3.81) 3 which are connected by the constitutive relations (Steel) loading pins t σkk (t) = 3σm (t) = 3 Strain gage(s) t sij (t) = 2 μ(t − ξ) −∞ bulk response nal and external radius, respectively, the circumferential strain εθ on the exterior surface is related to the internal pressure σrr and the strains on the cylindrical specimen surface εrr = εθθ by (b/a)2 − 1 c σrr (t) = σθθ (t) = − E εh , 2 1 b2 εrr (t) = εθθ (t) = εh (t) (1 − vc ) + (1 + vc ) 2 , 2 a σzz (t) = σa (t) , (3.78) εzz (t) = εa (t) , where the usual nomenclature of radial coordinates applies, E c and vc are the elastic properties of the (steel) cylinder, and the subscript ‘a’ refers to the axially oriented stress and strain as determined, respectively, from the load cell of the test frame or measured by the relative motion of the pressure pistons. Upon expressing the stress and strain fields in the specimen into dilatational and deviatoric (shear) components by using the mean stress 1 (3.79) σm (t) = [σzz (t) + 2σrr (t)] 3 and the dilatation (3.80) Along with the usual definition of deviatoric components of stress sij (t) and strain eij (t), ∂δ(ξ) dξ , ∂ξ ∂δ(ξ) dξ , ∂ξ (3.82) (3.83) from which the bulk modulus K (t) and the shear modulus μ(t) can be determined. Typically, a constant piston displacement can be used to lead to relaxation behavior or alternatively, a constant relative velocity of the pistons can be used in the last set of equations. Ravi-Chandar and his coworkers demonstrated axial strains of as high as ≈ 20%, though the deformation in the linearly viscoelastic domain required only strains on the order of 5% or less. These latter values are still much larger than those encountered in the harmonic test method [3.71,72] though the same results should prevail with this difference in magnitudes, as long as one is convinced that the linear properties extend over this larger strain range. Because the specimen deformation depends on both the bulk and on the shear characteristics of the material one can evaluate simultaneously the (relaxation) shear modulus as well. A constant axial piston velocity may be used as an alternative loading history. log (modulus/GPa) 0.5 0 –0.5 –1 –1.5 Bulk modulus Shear modulus –2 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 log t Fig. 3.23 Bulk and shear modulus in relaxation both obtained in a single measurement series in the apparatus of Fig. 3.22 Part A 3.3 Fig. 3.22 Cylinder/piston arrangement for determining 2 szz (t) = [σzz (t) − σrr (t)] , 3 1 srr (t) = sθθ (t) = − [σzz (t) − σrr (t)] , 3 K (t − ξ) −∞ Specimen δ(t) = εzz (t) + 2εrr (t) . 73 74 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics E(t) (GPa) 10 Highly confined 1 Unconfined Confined 0.1 Tref = 80°C Part A 3.3 0.01 –4 10 10–2 100 102 104 106 t/a T Fig. 3.24 Uniaxial relaxation modulus as determined in the configuration of Fig. 3.22, the confinement being controlled by the stiffness of the exterior cylinder [3.75] Special care is required in order to minimize or eliminate the gap between the specimen and the interior cylinder wall. Because of the typically relatively high compressibility of polymers, the measurements are sensitive to small dimensional changes in the test geometry. However, sufficient precision can be achieved with appropriate care, as demonstrated in references [3.73–75]. An example of measurement evaluations are shown in Fig. 3.23 for PMMA in the form of both bulk and shear behavior. If the shear and bulk modulus possessed the same time dependence, Poisson’s ratio would be a constant. From these figures it is immediately apparent over what range the bulk and shear moduli exhibit closely the same time dependence and over what range the approximation of a constant bulk modulus would render acceptable or even good results in a viscoelastic analysis. Qvale and Ravi-Chandar [3.75] point out that the polymer is well below the glass-transition temperature and that the effect of moving to high pressures is to extend the relaxation or retardation times to longer values as would be the result of cooling the material to lower temperatures. An example of this effect is demonstrated in Fig. 3.24 [3.75], which shows three data sets: one, identified as unconfined is for zero superposed pressure; the other two result from different degrees of pressure as controlled by the choice of material for the confining cylinder Fig. 3.22. This effect is thought to be linked to the reduction in free volume of the polymer as a result of the compression. 3.3.3 The CEM Measuring System A relatively recent measurement system providing for the determination of numerous (time-dependent) properties besides bulk response with a high degree of (Plazek)-precision is the CEM measuring system (taken from the initials of the Center for Experimental Mechanics, University of Ljubljana, Slovenia) [3.57, 77]. Table 3.2 Measuring capabilities of the CEM apparatus Measured Calculated from definitions Calculated from models Physical Properties Symbols Temperature Pressure Angular displacement Specimen length Torque Shear relaxation modulus Shear compliance Specific volume Linear thermal expansion coefficient Volumetric thermal expansion coefficient Bulk creep compliance Bulk modulus WLF constants WLF material parameters FMT constants FMT material parameters Shift factors T (t) P(t) ϑ0 = ϑ(t = 0) L(t), L(T ), L(P) M(t), M(T ), M(P) G(t), G(T ), G(P) J(t), J(T ), J(P) ν(t), ν(T ), ν(P) α(T ), α(P) β(T ), β(P), βg , βe , βf B(t), B(T ), B(P) K (T ), K (P) c1 , c2 αf , f 0 c1 , c2 , c3 , c4 , c5 , c6 αf (P), α0 (P), B, K e∗ , ke , K φ , kφ a(T ), a(P) and/or a(T, P) or or or or or or or or or L(t, T, P) M(t, T, P) G(t, T, P) J(t, T, P) ν(t, T, P) α(T, P) βgef (T, P) B(t, T, P) K (T, P) Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity 3.3 Measurements and Methods 75 Thermal bath Pressure vessel Electromagnet Measuring inserts Silicone oil Carrier amplifier Circulator Data acquisition Magnet and motor charger Pressurizing system Fig. 3.25 Schematic of the CEM measuring system Although the apparatus is not yet available as a routine commercial product, we cite here its components because of the larger-than-normal range of properties that can be determined with it. This list is shown in Table 3.2. The system measures five physical quantities: temperature, T (t); pressure, P(t); torsional deformation (angular displacement) per unit length, ϑ0 , applied to the specimen at t = 0; specimen length L(t, T, P); and the decaying torque, M(t, T, P), resulting from the initial torsional deformation, ϑ0 . The system assembly is shown schematically in Fig. 3.25. The pressure is generated by the pressurizing system using silicone oil. The pressure vessel is contained within a thermal bath, through which another silicone oil circulates from the circulator, used for close control of the temperature. The apparatus utilizes two separate measuring inserts, which can be housed in the pressure vessel: the relaxometer, shown in Fig. 3.26a, and the dilatometer, shown in Fig. 3.26b. Signals from these measuring inserts pass through the carrier amplifier prior to being collected in digital format by the data acquisition system. The magnet and motor charger supplies power to the electromagnet, which initiates the measurement. The same charger also supplies current to the electric motor of the relaxometer, shown in Fig. 3.26a, which preloads the spring that then applies the desired torsional deformation (angular displacement) to the specimen. Specimens can be simultaneously subjected to pressures of up to 600 MPa with a precision of ± 0.1 MPa, and to temperatures ranging from −50 ◦ C to +120 ◦ C with a precision of ± 0.01 ◦ C. The Relaxometer The relaxometer insert, shown in Fig. 3.26a, measures the shear relaxation modulus by applying a constant torsional strain to a cylindrical specimen, and by monitoring the induced moment as a function of time. The specimen diameter can range from 2 mm to 10 mm, and its length from 52 mm to 58 mm. For details on specimen preparation the reader is referred to [3.77]. Two main parts of the insert are the loading device, and the load cell. The loading device applies a torsional strain by twisting the specimen a few degrees (typically around 2◦ in less than 0.01 s, depending on the initial stiffness of the specimen). To effect this deformation, the electric motor first preloads a torsion spring. Once twisted, the spring is kept in its preloaded position by a rack-and-pawl mechanism. The activation of the electromagnet, mounted outside the pressure vessel (Fig. 3.25), releases the pawl so that the spring deforms the specimen to a predetermined angle. The induced moment is then measured by the load cell, which is attached to the slider mechanism to compensate for possible changes in the length of the specimen resulting from changes in temperature, pressure, and the Poynting effect (shortening of the specimen caused by a torsional deformation). After the shear relaxation measurement is complete, the electric motor brings the specimen to its origi- Part A 3.3 Silicone fluid 76 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics a) Fig. 3.26 The CEM relaxometer and dilatometer inserts b) Loading device Triggering mechanism LVDT Electric motor 280 mm LVDT rod 260 mm Specimen Slider mechanism Specimen Part A 3.3 Load cell nal undeformed state, while maintaining the pressure vessel fully pressurized. The relaxometer can measure shear moduli in the range 1–4000 MPa, with a maximal relative error of 1% over the complete measuring range. The Dilatometer The dilatometer insert, shown in Fig. 3.26b, is used to measure bulk properties such as the: bulk creep compliance, B(t, T, P); equilibrium bulk creep compliance, B(T, P) = B(t → ∞, T, P); specific volume ν(T, P) = ν(t → ∞, T, P), and thermal (equilibrium) expansion coefficient, β(T, P) = β(t → ∞, T, P). The bulk compliance may be inverted to yield the bulk modulus. Measurements are performed by monitoring the volume change of the specimen which results from the imposed changes in pressure and/or temperature, by measuring the change in specimen length, L(t, T, P), with the aid of a built-in linearly variable differential transformer (LVDT). The volume estimate can be considered accurate if the change in volume is small (up to a few percent) and the material is isotropic. Dilatometer specimens may be up to 16 mm in diameter and 40–60 mm in length. The relative measurement error in volume is 0.05%. Displacement dilatometry has an accuracy advantage over mercury confinement dilatometry inasmuch as it allows an easily automated measurement process for tracking transient volume changes over extended periods of time. However, for soft materials an important limitation arises (usually at temperatures above Tg ), when the specimen’s creep under its own weight becomes significant. Given the arrangement of the LVDT rod (Fig. 3.26b), there will be an additional creep caused by the weight of the rod. For linearly viscoelastic behavior this limitation can be easily corrected. 3.3.4 Nano/Microindentation for Measurements of Viscoelastic Properties of Small Amounts of Material It is often necessary, as in a developmental research environment, to determine viscoelastic properties when only very small or thin specimens are available. The nanoindentation technique developed over the past two decades [3.78–80] has been demonstrated to be effective in such cases where thin films or microstructural domains in homogeneous or inhomogeneous solids are concerned. Methods have been established for the measurements of properties such as the Young’s modulus for materials exhibiting time- or rate-insensitive behavior. Under the assumption that unloading induces only elastic recovery, Oliver and Pharr [3.80] pioneered a method to measure Young’s modulus of time- or strain-rate-independent materials, using an assumed or known Poisson’s ratio. This method, which is based primarily on Sneddon’s solution [3.81], can measure properties such as Young’s modulus and harness without the need to measure directly the projected areas of permanent indent impressions in an inelastic solids by employing a modified or equivalent linearly elastic material response. While such methods work well for timeor rate-independent materials (metals, ceramics, etc.), applying these methods directly – i. e., without proper modifications – to viscoelastic materials is not appropriate. For example, the unloading curve in viscoelastic materials sometimes has a negative slope [3.82] under Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity a) a α R Hc H O r 77 tation of a rigid, axisymmetric indenter pressed into a homogeneous, linearly elastic and isotropic halfspace. The indentation depth H (Fig. 3.27) of the axisymmetric indenter tip is represented in terms of the indenter geometry by b) Z 3.3 Measurements and Methods H Fig. 3.27 (a) A conical indenter and (b) a spherical indenter 1 H= 0 Measurements of Viscoelastic Functions in the Time Domain Nanoindentation into a bulk material can often be considered as a process of indenting a half-space with a rigid indenter. Typically, indenters are made of diamond, so that their Young’s modulus is at least two orders of magnitude greater than that for a typical viscoelastic material; the indenter can then be considered to be rigid. Figure 3.27 shows a conical indenter and a spherical indenter. In nanoindentation testing, a pyramid-shaped indenter is often modeled as a conical indenter with a cone angle that provides the same area-to-depth relationship as the actual pyramidal indenter. As in the case of the Berkovich indenter, it can be modeled as an axisymmetric conical indenter with an effective half-cone angle of 70.3◦ . This makes solutions for axisymmetric elastic indentation problems available for determining material properties such as Young’s modulus with pyramidshaped indenters and the (linearly) viscoelastic behavior of the material can be determined by way of the load–displacement data obtained from indenting a viscoelastic solid. Linearly Elastic Indentation Problem. Sneddon [3.81] derived the load–displacement relation for the inden- (3.84) where z = f (x) is the shape function for an axisymmetric indenter, with x = r/a being the coordinate shown in Fig. 3.27; the origin of the frame is coincident with the indenter tip and a is the radius of the contact circle at the depth Hc . According to this analysis the load on an axisymmetric indenter is P= 4Ga 1−ν 1 0 x 2 f (x) dx , √ 1 − x2 (3.85) where G and ν are the shear modulus and Poisson’s ratio, respectively. For a conical indenter one has z = f (x) = ax tan α, so that (3.84) becomes 1 H = πa tan α , 2 (3.86) with the angle α defined as in Fig. 3.27a. The indentation load in (3.85) is then given by P= πGa2 tan α , 1−ν (3.87) which, upon using (3.86), renders the load–depth relation for a conical indenter as P= 4 G H2 . π(1 − ν) tan α (3.88) Similarly, for the half-space indentation by a spherical indenter, with the geometry shown in Fig.3.27b, the indenter shape function is z = f (x) = R − (R2 − a2 x 2 ), where R is the sphere radius. Substituting into (3.84) and (3.85), one finds the load–displacement relation [3.86] √ 8 R (3.89) G H 3/2 P= 3(1 − ν) under condition of a small H/R ratio, typically H/R < 0.2 (see below). Part A 3.3 situations where small unloading rates and relatively high loads are used for a material with pronounced viscoelastic effects. Accordingly, special procedures have been developed in recent years to measure viscoelastic behavior – relaxation modulus and creep compliance – for linearly viscoelastic materials. Cheng et al. [3.83] developed a method to determine viscoelastic properties using a flat-punch indenter. Lu et al. [3.84] proposed methods to measure the creep compliance in the time domain of solid polymers using either the Berkovich or spherical indenter. Huang et al. [3.85] developed methods to measure the complex modulus in the frequency domain using a spherical indenter. Some of these methods are summarized and discussed below. f (x) dx , √ 1 − x2 78 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics The Linearly Viscoelastic Indentation Problem. For- Part A 3.3 cing a rigid indenter into a linearly viscoelastic, homogeneous half-space can be treated as a quasistatic boundary value problem with a moving boundary between the indenter and the half-space, as the contact area between the indenter and the half-space changes with time. Note that because of the moving boundary condition the correspondence principle between a linearly viscoelastic solution and a linearly elastic solution is not applicable. To solve this problem, Lee and Radok [3.87] suggested to find the time-dependent stresses and deformations for an axisymmetric indenter through the use of a hereditary integral operator based on the associated solution for a linearly elastic material. Applying this Lee–Radok method (e.g., see Riande et al. [3.88]) to (3.88) leads to the timedependent indentation depth for any load history that does not produce a decrease in contact area (linearly viscoelastic material) π(1 − ν) tan α H (t) = 4 t 2 dP(ξ) J(t − ξ) dξ . dξ 0 P(t) = P0 h(t), where P0 is the magnitude of the indentation load, and h(t) is the Heaviside unit step function. Substituting this into (3.90) for a conical indenter one deduces the shear creep function from J(t) = 4H 2 (t) . π(1 − ν)P0 tan α Similarly, if the indentation load P(t) = P0 h(t) is applied to a spherical indenter with (3.91) the shear creep function is determined from √ 8 RH 3/2 (t) . (3.93) J(t) = 3(1 − ν)P0 Indentation under a Constant Load Rate. With Fig. 3.4 in mind we discuss first the case of determining the creep compliance from the measured load–depth relation for a load increasing at a constant rate. Let the load be P(t) = Ṗ0 t h(t), with Ṗ0 being the load rate (mN/s or μN/s). For a conical indenter, substitution of this P(t) into (3.90) yields (3.90) where J(t) is the shear creep compliance at time t. Radok [3.89], Lee and Radok [3.87], Hunter [3.90], and Yang [3.91] have investigated the indentation into linearly viscoelastic materials with a spherical indenter. For a rigid, spherical indenter with radius R, upon using the hereditary integral in (3.90), the relation between load and penetration depth is represented by H 3/2 3(1 − ν) (t) = √ 8 R t dP(ξ) J(t − ξ) dξ . dξ 0 (3.91) Either (3.90) (conical indenter) or (3.91) (spherical indenter) can be used to determine the shear creep compliance J(t) under a prescribed loading history, as illustrated below. We note that Poisson’s ratio is assumed to be constant in the above derivation. In the sequel we describe three monotonic load histories for determining the creep compliance of a linearly viscoelastic material: (i) a step load, (ii) a constant load rate, and (iii) a ramp loading with an initially constant load rate. Indentation under a Step Load. In the case of a step load applied to the indenter, the load is represented by (3.92) H 2 (t) = π(1 − ν) Ṗ0 tan α 4 t J(t − ξ) dξ , (3.94) 0 which upon differentiation with respect to time yields J(t) = 8H(t) dH(t) . π(1 − ν)P0 tan α dt (3.95) Equation (3.95) determines the shear creep compliance J(t) from the measured indentation depth history H(t). This simplifies (for a constant load rate) to 8H(t) dH (3.96) J(t) = (t) . π(1 − ν) tan α dP For a spherical indenter, we have from (3.91) H 3/2 3(1 − ν) Ṗ0 (t) = √ 8 R t J(t − θ) dθ . (3.97) 0 Differentiation of (3.97) with respect to t yields √ 4 RH 1/2 (t) dH (3.98) , J(t) = (1 − ν) Ṗ0 dt or, simplified, √ 4 RH 1/2 (t) dH (t) . J(t) = (1 − ν) dP (3.99) Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity For loads increasing with constant rates, (3.96) and (3.99) are the equations for deriving the creep function using conical or spherical indenters, respectively. Both equations require the derivative of the indentation depth with respect to load. Since experimental data tends to be scattered, the computation of the derivative dH/ dP is prone to induce undesirable errors. An alternative approach to determine the creep function under ramp loading is, therefore, described next. The representation of the creep function based on the generalized Kelvin model is N Ji (1 − e−t/τi ) , Upon least-square fitting (3.104) to the experimentally measured load–displacement curve one finds the set of parameters J0 , J1 , . . . , JN and τ1 , τ2 , . . . , τ N (see again Sect. 3.2.5 for the choice of τ1 , τ2 , . . . , τ N ), which define the creep compliance. Ramp Loading Histories. As noted in Sect. 3.2.6, an where J0 , J1 , . . . , JN are compliance values, τ1 , τ2 , . . . , τ N are the retardation times, and N is a positive integer. Substituting this into (3.94) for the conical indenter results in N 1 Ji t H 2 (t) = π(1 − nu) Ṗ0 tan α J0 + 4 i=1 N t − Ji τi 1 − e τi (3.101) . − i=1 For P(t) = Ṗ0 · t, (3.101) can be rewritten as N 1 H 2 (t) = π(1 − ν) tan α J0 + Ji P(t) 4 i=1 N P(t) − − Ji (ν0 τi ) 1 − e Ṗ0 τi (3.102) . i=1 If the experimentally measured nanoindentation load– displacement curve is (least-squares) fitted to (3.102), a set of best-fit parameters J0 , J1 , . . . , JN and τ1 , τ2 , . . . , τ N can be determined (Sect. 3.2.5 with respect to the choice of τ1 , τ2 , . . . , τ N ). These constants define the shear creep compliance (3.100). The same method for data reduction can be applied to a spherical indenter. With the substitution of (3.100) into (3.91) this leads to i=1 (3.104) i=1 (3.100) i=1 N 3(1 − ν) Ṗ0 3/2 Ji t J0 + H (t) = √ 8 R i=1 N −t Ji τi 1 − e τi . − Since P(t) = Ṗ0 t again, (3.103) becomes N 3(1 − ν) 3/2 H (t) = √ Ji P(t) J0 + 8 R i=1 N − P(t) Ji ( Ṗ0 τi ) 1 − e Ṗ0 τi . − ideal step load history cannot be generated in laboratory tests. Instead one typically uses a ramp loading with a very short rise time t0 first (usually t0 is on the order of 1–2 s) and a constant load thereafter (Fig. 3.4). This observation applies equally to large test specimens (see Sect. 3.2.6) and to nanoindentations. Following then the developments in Sect. 3.2.6, (3.92) and (3.93) may be used to determine the creep function starting from a certain time after the constant load is reached. However, this period of time, which is conservatively chosen as five to ten times the rise time, can be a significant portion if the total time scale available is not large. To avoid or at least minimize the loss of the corresponding data, one can correct the initial portion of the data to find the creep compliance between the test starting time and ten times the rise time using the approach proposed by Lee and Knauss [3.32] or by Flory and McKenna [3.33]. Based on the Boltzmann superposition principle and with reference to Fig. 3.4, a realistic loading can be considered as P(t) = P1 (t) − P2 (t) = Ṗ0 t h(t) − Ṗ0 (t − t0 )h(t − t0 ), where Ṗ0 is again a constant loading/unloading rate. For a conical indenter, from (3.90), we have π(1 − ν) Ṗ0 tan α H (t) = 4 t J(ξ) dξ ; 2 (t < t0 ) , 0 (3.105) H 2 (t) = (3.103) 79 π(1 − ν) Ṗ0 tan α 4 t−t0 t J(ξ) dξ − J(ξ) dξ ; × 0 (t ≥ t0 ) . 0 (3.106) Part A 3.3 J(t) = J0 + 3.3 Measurements and Methods 80 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics Differentiation of (3.105) and (3.106) with respect to time t yields J(t) = dH(t) 8H(t) ; (t < t0 ) , π(1 − ν) Ṗ0 tan α dt J(t − t0 ) = J(t) − (t ≥ t0 ) . (3.107) dH(t) 8H(t) ; π(1 − ν) Ṗ0 tan α dt (3.108) Part A 3.3 Similarly, for a spherical indenter, the following results are obtained: √ 4 RH 1/2 (t) dH(t) J(t) = (3.109) ; (t < t0 ) , dt (1 − ν) Ṗ0 √ 4 RH 1/2 (t) dH(t) J(t − t0 ) = J(t) − ; (t ≥ t0 ) . dt (1 − ν) Ṗ0 (3.110) Therefore, the procedure of data correction could be considered as backward recursion starting at some time, for example, ten times the rise time t0 . For a conical indenter, using (3.107) and (3.108), the creep function determined by (3.92) can be corrected through the following steps: 1. For kt0 ≤ t ≤ (k + 1)t0 with k ≥ 10 being a positive integer, compute J(t − t0 ) at t = kt0 + mλt0 by (3.108); the result of J(t) is calculated using (3.92), where λ is some sufficiently small number, m is an increasing integer from 1, and 0 < m ≤ 1/λ. Note that λt0 is the time increment used in backward recursion. 2. For (k − 1)t0 ≤ t ≤ kt0 , compute J(t − t0 ) at t = (k − 1)t0 + mλt0 by (3.108) and the result from (1). 3. Repeat the same step as (2) for (n − 1)t0 ≤ t ≤ nt0 , where n = k − 1, k − 2, . . . , 3. 4. For 0 ≤ t < t0 compute J(t) by (3.107). For a spherical indenter, the same method can be used to augment the initial part of creep function. Simply replace (3.92), (3.107), and (3.108) in (1)–(4) for a conical indenter by (3.93), (3.109), and (3.110), respectively. Limitations of Micro/Nanoindentation in the Determination of Linearly Viscoelastic Functions. Nanoin- dentation uses sharp, pointed indenters to penetrate into a test specimen, and leads to relatively large deformations under the indenter tip, especially when a Berkovich indenter is used. Since viscoelastic materials often exhibit nonlinear behavior at strains larger than ≈ 0.5%, it is expected that nonlinearly viscoelastic deformations arise. Linearly viscoelastic analysis should thus be considered a first-order approximation for measuring linearly viscoelastic functions. Indeed, the linearly viscoelastic analysis has been shown to be a good approximation under a variety of situations. For example, Cheng et al. [3.83] have determined that the standard linear solid model can be appropriate for some polymers if a sufficiently small time range is involved. Hutcheson and McKenna [3.92] found that linearly viscoelastic analysis is applicable to the embedment of nanospheres into a polystyrene surface as demonstrated on data obtained by Teichroeb; and Forrest [3.93] and Oyen [3.94] have demonstrated that linearly viscoelastic analysis is appropriate for at least some materials under spherical nanoindentation. On the other hand, others have found that linearly viscoelastic analysis is not applicable to some materials or under particular conditions: Thus, in an early application of indentation to viscoelastic properties determination, Valandingham et al. [3.95] found for several polymers that the relaxation modulus as determined from differently sized step displacements depended on their magnitude. Since linearly viscoelastic functions are considered to be properties – i. e., they should be independent of the stress and of the deformation amplitude – in nano/microindentation measurements this would seem to be an indication that nonlinear response is involved. If interest rests on the linearly viscoelastic functions one should ensure that the measurement results are independent of load or deformation level. A comment is in order with respect to the shortterm or glassy response in such measurements. It is noted from (3.96) and (3.99) that the instantaneous shear creep compliance is zero at time t = 0 because h(0) = 0 under loading at a constant load rate. Polymers normally have nonzero instantaneous creep compliance. The error on the instantaneous creep compliance is the result of the limitation in the viscoelastic analysis since the solution is singular due to the sharp point discontinuity of the tip at zero indentation depth. It is found, however, that after passing the initial loading stage, the creep compliance typically increases with time, and approaches the value representing the viscoelastic behavior. For the initial contact in nanoindentation, the solution details of the viscoelastic problem are rather complex, involving the effects of (molecular) repulsion, adhesion, and friction, as well as initial plowing through the material. An analysis that takes into account all of these factors might be necessary to develop a method to determine the instantaneous creep compliance. How- Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity 3.3 Measurements and Methods ever, experience at a much larger length scale tells us that such an expectation is not well placed. Also, from a purely operational point of view in consideration of the fact that nanoindenters cannot provide accurate information for very small depths (of the order of 50 nm or less) data for the creep function at short times are usually not very accurate. point below). Loubet et al. [3.96] presented the following equations to compute the complex modulus E ∗ (ω) Specimen Preparation. The method(s) described above where E and E are the uniaxial storage modulus and the loss modulus, respectively. S is a contact stiffness defined as the local slope of the relation between the load and the penetration depth, dP/ dH, C a damping coefficient defined through the instrument software as the ratio of the load to the penetration rate, C = P/ Ḣ, and A the contact area between the indenter and the workpiece as determined from the penetration depth and the indenter geometry. This method was employed in the quoted reference [3.96], for example, to measure the complex modulus of polyisoprene. As this work took no particular note of the issues associated with the viscoelastic effects resulting from decreasing contact during part of the load cycle, the method is suspect. Therefore, Huang et al. [3.85] conducted measurements, using also an MTS Nano Indenter XP system, which was also equipped with a continuous stiffness module, but with the specific intent of elucidating the need to bring viscoelasticity theory in accord with the test conditions (contact retention). This was accomplished for the spherical indenter shown in Fig. 3.27b. Leaving the details of development to the reader’s individual study, we go to the heart of the matter by pointing out that experimental provisions need to be made to prevent the occurrence of reduction in contact between the indenter and the substrate. Huang et al. provided for this by imposing a preload (carrier load) onto which a much smaller harmonic load was superposed. This is accomplished through either a constant (creep) load or through a load that increases at a constant rate. We record first the results for the constant carrier load and then for the constant carrier load rate, after which the conditions for nondecreasing contact area are stated. Consider then a sinusoidal indentation load superimposed on a step loading, represented by Measurements of Viscoelastic Functions in the Frequency Domain To illustrate the current state of development with nanoindentation equipment and data interpretation we review here briefly earlier studies that suffer from an inadequate attention to the details of viscoelastic vis-à-vis elastic analysis. Loubet et al. [3.96] proposed a method to determine the complex modulus of viscoelastic materials with the aid of an MTS Nano Indenter XP system coupled with a continuous stiffness module (CSM). The CSM allows cyclic excitation in load or displacement and the recording of the resulting displacement or load [3.97]. The indentation displacement response and the out-of-phase angle between the applied harmonic force and the corresponding harmonic displacement are measured continuously at a given excitation frequency. For the subsequent discussion the reader is again alerted to the fact that currently available indentation solutions require non-decreasing contact area between the material and the indenter. When that condition cannot be guaranteed, the measurement results must be considered suspect and usually require careful examination and evaluation (see the earlier caveat-discussion on transients in Sect. 3.2.6 as well as further discussion on this P(t) = Pm + h(t)ΔP0 sin ωt , √ πS E = √ 2 A (3.111) (3.112) where Pm is the (constant) carrier or main load, and ΔP0 is the amplitude of the harmonic load. Inserting Part A 3.3 for nanoindentation/microindentation on polymers assumes that the material is in its natural, stress-free state as the reference configuration. Specimens need to be prepared carefully prior to the start of measurements. They typically need to be annealed at a temperature in a range of ±10 ◦ C of the glass-transition temperature for 2 h or longer to remove any residual stress; they then need to be cooled slowly (typical cooling rates ≈ 5 ◦ C/min) to room or the test temperature. The physical aging time must be maintained at the same value for all tests to produce consistent results, unless of course the effect of physical aging time is under study. The room temperature has to be recorded, as well as the room humidity, which needs to be controlled to a constant value using a humidifier/dehumidifier if the temperature control unit does not offer this capability. E ∗ (ω) = E + iE , with √ πCω and E = √ , 2 A 81 82 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics (3.112) into (3.91), we have 3(1 − ν) H 3/2 (t) = √ 8 R t × Pm J(t) + ωΔP0 J(t − θ) cos ωθ dθ . Following similar procedures as in deriving (3.119), the formulae to determine the complex compliance can also be derived under the condition that the time t has evolved to a value such that Hm (t) ΔH0 . Substituting (3.119) into (3.91) for the spherical indenter, one has then 0 √ (3.113) Part A 3.3 The contact radius is a(t) = RH(t) for H(t) R. After the loading transients have died out (see the discussion in Sect. 3.2.6), one finds 3(1 − ν) Pm J(t) H 3/2 (t) = √ 8 R + ΔP0 [J (ω) sin ωt − J (ω) cos ωt] . (3.114) with J (ω) and J (ω) denoting the storage and loss compliances in shear, respectively. If Hm (t) denotes the carrier displacement component, and ΔH0 is the amplitude of the harmonic displacement component, the displacement from (3.112) is in the form H(t) = Hm (t) + ΔH0 sin(ωt − δ) , (3.115) where δ is the phase angle between the harmonic force and the ensuing displacement, ΔH0 is of the order of a few nanometers while Hm (t) (from the step loading) is on the order of a few hundreds of nanometers. Assuming that this implies that no loss in contact occurs and that ΔH0 Hm (t), (3.115) leads to 3 1/2 3/2 H 3/2 (t) = Hm (t) + Hm (t)ΔH0 cos δ sin ωt 2 3 1/2 − Hm (t)ΔH0 sin δ cos ωt + o(ΔH0 ) , 2 (3.116) where o(ΔH0 ) indicates the higher-order terms in ΔH0 , which are negligible as long as ΔH0 Hm (t). Comparing (3.116) with (3.114), one finds for the constant carrier load that 3(1 − ν) 3/2 (3.117) Pm J(t) , Hm (t) = √ 8 R √ 1/2 4 R Hm (t)ΔH0 J (ω) = cos δ , and 1−ν ΔP0 √ 1/2 4 R Hm (t)ΔH0 J (ω) = sin δ . (3.118) 1−ν ΔP0 The alternative loading condition in which a small sinusoidal load is superimposed upon a carrier loading increasing at a constant rate Ṗ0 , i. e., P(t) = Ṗ0 t + h(t)ΔP0 sin ωt . (3.119) H 3/2 (t) = t 3(1 − ν) Ṗ0 J(t − θ) dθ √ 8 R 0 + ΔP0 [J (ω) sin ωt − J (ω) cos ωt] . (3.120) Upon comparing (3.120) with (3.116), the same formulas as in (3.118) for the complex compliance can be derived for a small oscillatory load that is superimposed upon a constant-rate carrier load. We next provide conditions on the load magnitude(s) under which nondecreasing contact area is maintained so that the solution derived from the Lee– Radok approach is valid. These conditions are sufficient because they are imposed such that the total load rate does not become negative, although it is conceivable that a small negative load rate does not necessarily lead to a reduction in contact area. Note that similar argumentation cannot be used if the prescribed loading is in the form of displacement histories. For a harmonic loading superimposed on a step loading one ensures (small) positive loading rates by requiring that, for each arbitrary time interval, say half a harmonic cycle, the indentation rate due to the constant carrier load exceeds temporary unloading. From (3.115) the contact area will be nondecreasing during the whole process, as long as the frequency does not exceed the critical value ωc = Ḣm /ΔH0 . A value for Ḣm may be estimated from (3.117) as if the relation described an elastic half-space. For higher frequencies a temporary decrease in the contact is likely as a result of the applied harmonic load so that the Ting approach should be adopted. Nevertheless, when the frequency exceeds the critical value by a small amount (ω > ωc ), the solutions derived from the methods by Lee and Radok [3.87] and by Ting [3.86] are still very close, even though the condition for the Lee–Radok approach is not strictly fulfilled. Since a closed-form solution derived from the Lee–Radok approach exists, while only numerical solutions can be obtained using the Ting approach, the formulas derived for a harmonic superimposed on a step loading from the Lee–Radok approach can then still be used to estimate the complex viscoelas- Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity a) Storage modulus (GPa) value, indicating considerable uncertainty associated with the method by Loubet et al. [3.96] as summarized by (3.111) for measuring the storage modulus. This discrepancy exists for both PC and for PMMA. 3.3.5 Photoviscoelasticity A classical tool for determining strain and stress distributions in two-dimensional geometries is the photoelastic method [3.98]. For three-dimensional geometries the method required slicing the body into sections and treat each two-dimensional section/slice separately and sequentially. While the early application of this technique employed relatively rigid polymers such as homalite (a polyester) or polystyrene with glass temperatures above 100 ◦ C, also softer and photoelastically more sensitive materials such as polyurethane elastomers have been employed [3.99]. This method was found useful in both quasistatic as well as dynamic applications when wave mechanics was an important consideration [3.100]. With respect to viscoelastic responses it is important to consider the time scale of the measurements relative to time of the test material. Rigid polymers are stiff because their dominant relaxation processes occur slowly around typical laboratory temperatures, so that timedependent issues are not of much concern. On the other hand, they should be of concern if observations extend over long time periods measured in weeks and months if the relaxation times at the prevailb) Storage modulus (GPa) 8 8 7 7 6 6 5 5 4 4 3 3 Nanoindentation (2004) Conventional (DMA) Nanoindentation (1995) 2 0 Nanoindentation (2004) Conventional (DMA) Nanoindentation (1995) 2 1 1 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Time (s) 83 0 0 25 50 75 100 125 150 Time (s) Fig. 3.28a,b Comparison of the storage compliance at 75 Hz computed by three methods for (a) PC and (b) PMMA Part A 3.3 tic functions in the regime of linear viscoelasticity when ω > ωc . Next consider the carrier load to increase at a constant rate Ṗ0 . Differentiation of (3.119) with respect to time guarantees a positive loading rate as long as Ṗ0 ≥ ΔP0 ω. Additionally, the substitution √ of this inequality into (3.91) together with a(t) = RH(t) shows that the contact area will then also not decrease during the entire indentation history. Figure 3.28 shows a comparison of these developments with an application of (3.111) [3.96] under the assumption of a constant Poisson ratio: when measurements over a relatively short time (such as ≈ 250 s used in this study) are made, the Poisson’s ratio [3.15] does not change significantly for polymers in the glassy state, such as PMMA or polycarbonate (PC) and thus introduces negligible errors in the complex compliance data. To compute the complex modulus of PC and polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) at 75 Hz, data were acquired continuously at this frequency for ≈ 125 s. In general the data increase correctly with time, and approach a nearly constant value for each material. These constant values are considered to represent the steady state and are quoted as the storage modulus. Also shown for comparison in Fig. 3.28 are data measured with the aid of conventional dynamic mechanical analysis (DMA) for the same batch of PC and PMMA. The uniaxial storage modulus of PC measured by DMA at 0.75 Hz is 2.29 GPa. However, the storage modulus computed using (3.111) is at least 40% higher than this 3.3 Measurements and Methods 84 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics ing temperatures are of the same order of magnitude. Because dynamic events occur in still shorter time frames wave mechanics typically little concern in this regard. The situation is quite different when soft or elastomeric polymers serve as photoelastic model materials. In that case quasistatic environments (around room temperature) typically involve only the long-term or rubbery behavior of the material with the stiffness measured in terms of the rubbery or long-term equilibrium modulus. On the other hand, when wave propagation phenomena are part of the investigation, the longest relaxation times (relaxation times that govern the tran- sition to purely elastic behavior for the relatively very long times) are likely to be excited so that the output of the measurements must consider the effect of viscoelastic response. It is beyond the scope of this presentation to delineate the full details of the use of viscoelastically photoelastic material behavior, especially since during the past few years investigators have shown a strong inclination to use alternative tools. However, it seems useful to include a list of references from which the evolution of this topic as well as its current status may be explored. These are listed as a separate group in Sect. 3.6.1 under References on Photoviscoelasticity. Part A 3.4 3.4 Nonlinearly Viscoelastic Material Characterization Viscoelastic materials are often employed under conditions fostering nonlinear behavior. In contrast to the mutual independence in the dilatational and deviatoric responses in a linearly viscoelastic material, the viscoelastic responses in different directions are coupled and must be investigated in multiaxial loading conditions. Most results published in the literature are restricted to investigating the viscoelastic behavior in the uniaxial stress or uniaxial strain states [3.101, 102] and few results are reported for time-dependent multiaxial behavior [3.103–105]. Note that BauwensCrowet’s study [3.104] incorporates the effect of pressure on the viscoelastic behavior but not in the data analysis, simply as a result of using uniaxial compression deformations. Along similar lines Knauss, Emri, and collaborators [3.106–110] provided a series of studies deriving nonlinear viscoelastic behavior from changes in the dilatation (free-volume change) which correlated well with experiments and gave at least a partial physical interpretation to the Schapery scheme [3.111, 112] for shifting linearly viscoelastic data in accordance with a stress or strain state. The studies became the precursors to investigate the effect of shear stresses or strains on nonlinear behavior as described below. Thus the proper interpretation of the uniaxial data as well as their generalization to multiaxial stress or deformation states is highly questionable. This remains true regardless of the fact that such data interpretation has been incorporated into commercially available computer codes. Certainly, there are very few engineering situations where structural material use is limited to uniaxial states. In this section we describe some aspects of nonlinearly viscoelastic behavior in the multiaxial stress state. References regarding nonlinear behavior in the context of uniaxial deformations are too numerous to list here. The reader is advised to consult the following journals: the Journal of Polymer, Applied Polymer Science, Polymer Engineering and Science, the Journal of Materials Science and Mechanics of Time-Dependent Materials, to list the most prevalent ones. 3.4.1 Visual Assessment of Nonlinear Behavior Although it is clear that even under small deformations entailing linearly viscoelastic behavior the imposition of a constant strain rate on a tensile or compression specimen results in a stress response that is not linearly related to the deformation when the relation is established in real time (not on a logarithmic time scale). Because such responses that appear nonlinear on paper are not necessarily indicative of nonlinear constitutive behavior, it warrants a brief exposition of how nonlinear behavior is unequivocally separated from the linear type. To demonstrate the nonlinear behavior of a material, consider first isochronal behavior of a linearly viscoelastic material. Although isochronal behavior can be obtained for different deformation or stress histories, consider the case of shear creep under various stress levels σn , so that the corresponding strain is εn = J(t)σn for any time t. Consider an arbitrary but fixed time t ∗ , at which time the ratio εn /σn = J(t ∗ ) (3.121) Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity Shear stress (MPa) 16 14 t = 10s 12 t = 104 s 10 ial. These values are likely to be different for other materials. 3.4.2 Characterization of Nonlinearly Viscoelastic Behavior Under Biaxial Stress States In the following sections, we describe several ways of measuring nonlinearly viscoelastic behavior in multiaxial situations. Hollow Cylinder under Axial/Torsional Loading A hollow cylinder under axial/torsional loading conditions provides a vehicle for investigating the nonlinearly viscoelastic behavior under multiaxial loading conditions. Figure 3.30 shows a schematic diagram of a cylinder specimen. Dimensions can be prescribed corresponding to the load and deformation range of interest as allowed by an axial/torsional buckling analysis. Two examples are given here for specimen dimensions. With the use of a specimen with outer diameter of 22.23 mm, a wall thickness of 1.59 mm, and a test length of 88.9 mm, the ratio of the wall thickness to the radius is 0.14. These specimens can reach a surface shear strain on the order of 4.0–4.5%. With the use of an outer diameter of 25.15 mm, a thickness of 3.18 mm, and a test length of 76.2 mm, the ratio of the wall thickness to the radius is 0.29. This allows a maximum shear strain prior to buckling in the range of 8.5–12.5% based on elastic analysis. The actual maximum shear strain that can be achieved prior to buckling can be slightly different due to the viscoelastic effects involved in the material. Estimates of strains leading to buckling may be achieved by considering a Young’s modulus for the material that corresponds to the lowest value achieved at the test temperature and the time period of interest for the measurements. 8 x 6 4 2 0 y 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 Shear strain Fig. 3.29 Isochronal shear stress–shear strain relation of PMMA at 80 ◦ C 85 D O z Fig. 3.30 A thinwalled cylinder specimen for combined tension/compression and torsion to generate biaxial stress states [3.113] Part A 3.4 takes on a particular property value. At that time all possible values of σn and εn are related linearly: a plot of σ versus ε at time t ∗ renders a linear relation with slope 1/J(t ∗ ) and encompassing the origin. For different times t ∗ , straight lines with different slopes result and the linearly viscoelastic material can thus be characterized by a fan of straight lines emanating from the origin, the slope of each line corresponding to a different time t ∗ . The slopes decrease monotonically as these times increase. Each straight line is called a linear isochronal stress–strain relation for the particular time t ∗ . Figure 3.29 shows such an isochronal representation for PMMA. It is seen that, at short times and when the strains are small in creep (shear strain 0.005, shear stress 8 MPa), the material response is close to linearly viscoelastic where all the data stay within the linear fan formed, in this case, by the upper line derived from the shear creep compliance at 10 s, and the lower line corresponding to the compliance in shear at 104 s. At the higher stress levels and at longer times, when the strains are larger, material nonlinearity becomes pronounced, as data points in Fig. 3.29 are outside the linear fan emanating from the origin. In this isochronal plot, the deviation from linearly viscoelastic behavior begins at approximately 0.5% strain level. Isochronal data at other temperatures indicate also that the nonlinearity occurs at ≈ 0.5% strain and a shear stress of about 7.6 MPa at all temperatures for this mater- 3.4 Nonlinearly Viscoelastic Material Characterization 86 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics Part A 3.4 Application of Digital Image Correlation The use of strain gages for determining surface strains on a polymer specimen is fraught with problems, since strain gages tend to be much stiffer than the polymer undergoing time-dependent deformations, and, in addition, the potential for increases in local temperature due to the currents in the strain gage complicates definitive data evaluation. Digital image correlation (DIC, Chap. 20) thus offers a perfect tool, though that method is not directly applicable to cylindrical surfaces as typically employed. While we abstain from a detailed review of this method in this context (we refer the reader to [3.114] for particulars), here it is of interest for the completeness of presentation only to summarize this special application to cylindrical surface applications. The results are presented in the form of (apparent) creep compliances defined by 2ε(t)/τ0 . We emphasize again that the creep compliance for a linear material is a function that depends only on time but not on the applied stress. This no longer holds in the nonlinearly viscoelastic regime, but we adhere to the use of this ratio as a creep compliance for convenience. To use DIC for tracking axial, circumferential, and shear strains on a cylindrical surface, a speckle pattern is projected onto the specimen surface. While the same image acquisition system can be used as for flat images special allowance needs to be made for the motion of surface speckles on a cylindrical surface, the orientation of which is also not known a priori. If the focal length of the imaging device is long compared to the radius of the cylinder, an image can be considered as a projection of a cylinder onto an observation plane. Planar deformations can be determined using digital im- age correlation techniques [3.115, 116], and corrected for curvature to determine the axial, circumferential, and shear strains [3.114]. To assure that the motion is properly interpreted in a cylindrical coordinate system – that the camera axis is effectively very well aligned with the cylinder axis and test frame orientation – the imaging system must also establish the axis of rotation. This can be achieved through offsetting the specimen against a darker background (Fig. 3.31) so as to ensure sufficient contrast between the specimen edge and background for identification of any inclination of the cylinder axis relative to the reference axis within the image recording system. The axis orientation is then also evaluated using the principles of digital image correlation. Without such a determination the parameters identifying the projection of the cylindrical surface onto a plane lead to uncontrollable errors in the data interpretation. The details of the relevant data manipulation can be found in the cited references. Specimen Preparation Specimens can be machined from solid cylinders or from tubes, though tubular specimens tend to have a different molecular orientation because of the extrusion process. Prior to machining, the cylinders need to be annealed at a temperature near the glass-transition temperature to remove residual stresses. The thinwalled cylinder samples need to be annealed again after machining to remove or reduce residual surface stresses possibly acquired during turning. To avoid excessive gravity deformations, annealing is best conducted in an oil bath. Any possible weight gain must be monitored with a balance possessing sufficient resolution. The weight gain should be low enough to avoid any effect of the oil on the viscoelastic behavior of materials. For testing in the glassy state, specimens must have about the same aging times; and the aging times should be at least a few days so that during measurements the aging time change is not significant (on a logarithmic scale). Because physical aging is such an important topic we devote further comments to it in the next subsection. Prior to experiments samples need to be kept in an environment with a constant relative humidity that is the same as the relative humidity during measurements. The relative humidity can be generated through a saturated salt solution in an enclosed container [3.118]. Physical Aging in Specimen Preparation. When an Fig. 3.31 A typical speckle pattern on a cylinder surface inclined with respect to the observation axis of the imaging system amorphous polymer is cooled (continuously) from its melt state, its volume will deviate from its equilibrium state at the glass-transition temperature (Fig. 3.12). Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity 87 the time required to attain equilibrium after quenching within practical limits. The value of t ∗ may have to be determined prior to commencing characterization tests. If the viscoelastic properties are investigated without paying attention to the aging process, characterization of polymers and their composites are not likely to generate repeatable results. For characterization of the long-term viscoelastic behavior through accelerated testing, physical aging effects have to be considered, in addition to time–temperature superposition and other mechanisms. An Example of Nonlinearly Viscoelastic Behavior under Combined Axial/Shear Stresses Figure 3.32 shows the creep response in pure shear for PMMA at 80 ◦ C [3.113, 117]. The axial force was controlled to be zero in these measurements. The plotted shear creep compliance was converted from the relaxation modulus in shear under infinitesimal deformation, representing the creep behavior in the linearly viscoelastic regime. For a material that behaves linearly viscoelastically, all curves should be coincident in this plot. In the case of data at these stress levels, the deformations in shear at higher stress levels are accelerated relative to the behavior at infinitesimal strains. This observation constitutes another criterion for separating linear from nonlinear response. To represent the nonlinear characteristics we draw on the isochronal representation discussed above. At any given time spanned in Fig. 3.32, there are five data points from creep under a pure shear stress, giving four sets of isochronal stress/strain data. Plotting these four log (shear creep compliance) (1/MPa) –2.2 –2.4 σ = 0, τ = 16 MPa σ = 0, τ = 14.7 MPa σ = 0, τ = 12.3 MPa σ = 0, τ = 9.4 MPa T = 80°C –2.6 –2.8 Inversion from µ(t) –3 –3.2 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 log (time) (s) Fig. 3.32 Shear creep compliance of PMMA at several levels of shear stress at 80 ◦ C (after [3.117]) Part A 3.4 Polymers have different viscoelastic characteristics depending on whether they are below the glass-transition temperature (Tg ), in the glass-transition region (in the neighborhood of Tg ), or in the rubbery state (above Tg ). In the rubbery state a polymer is in or near thermodynamic equilibrium, where long-range cooperative motions of long-chain molecules are dominant and result in translational movements of molecules. Below the glass-transition temperature, short-range motions in the form of side-chain motions and rotations of segments of the main chain (primarily in long-term behavior) are dominant. The glass-transition range depends on the cooling rate. After cooling a polymer initially in the rubbery state to an isothermal condition in the glassy state, the polymer enters a thermodynamically nonequilibrium, or metastable, state associated with a smaller density than an optimal condition (equilibrium) would allow. In the equilibrium state the density would increase continuously to its maximum value. If the temperature in the isothermal condition is near Tg , the density increase can occur in a relatively short time, but if the temperature is far below Tg this process occurs over a long period of time, on the order of days, weeks, or months. Prior to reaching the maximum density, as time evolves, depending on how long this process has taken place, the polymer possesses a different viscoelastic response. This phenomenon is called physical aging because no chemical changes occur. The time after quenching to an isothermal condition in the glassy state is called aging time. The viscoelastic functions (e.g., bulk and shear relaxation moduli) change during aging until that process is complete within practical time limitations. The effect of physical aging is similar to a continual decrease of the temperature and results in the reduction of the free volume that provides the space for the mobility of the polymer chain segments as the chain undergoes any rearrangement. There now exists a relatively large body of information on physical aging and the reader is referred to a number of representative publications, in which references in the open literature expand on this topic. References [3.38–44,119–122] showed that physical aging leads to an aging time factor multiplying the external time, analogous to the temperature-dependent multiplier (shift factor) for thermorheologically simple solids in the context of linear viscoelasticity theory. Elaborations of this theme for various materials have been offered to a large extent by McKenna and by Gates as well as their various collaborators Effects of physical aging can be pronounced before aging time reaches the value, say, t ∗ , which is 3.4 Nonlinearly Viscoelastic Material Characterization 88 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics A–A log(axial creep compliance) (1/MPa) –2.2 Clamped with bolt A – A Glued for θ > 40° –2.4 Tension + torsion σ = 25.3 MPa, τ = 14.5 MPa T = 50°C –2.6 θ –2.8 Compression + torsion σ = 25.3 MPa, τ = 14.5 MPa –3 Part A 3.4 –3.2 0.5 A x y A 1 1.5 2 2.5 3 3.5 4 4.5 log (time) (s) Fig. 3.33 Axial creep compliance of PMMA under tension/torsion and compression/torsion at 50 ◦ C data points at each of the 16 fixed times, say, gives the isochronal stress–strain relation shown in Fig. 3.29. It is clear that the creep rate increases with an increase in applied shear stress, indicating nonlinear creep behavior in shear. We note that for isochronal behavior at strains above 0.5%, there exists a fan emanating from the shear strain 0.5% and a shear stress of 7.6 MPa. The corresponding fan center is considered to be the yield point, above which the creep rate is accelerTest section 10.16 R = 10.16 22.54 22.3 22.54 44.6 15.14 30.48 Fig. 3.34 Geometry of an Arcan specimen (all dimensions are in mm, thickness is 3 mm) Fig. 3.35 Fixture for testing Arcan specimens ated measurably. It is of interest to note that the creep process is more pronounced (accelerated) in tension/torsion than under compression/torsion as illustrated in Fig. 3.33 for 50 ◦ C. We have already observed that thin-walled cylinders tend to buckle under sufficiently high torsion and/or compression. A cylinder with an outer diameter of 25.15 mm, a thickness of 3.18 mm, and a test length of 76.2 mm would buckle at ≈ 5% shear strain under pure torsion. The use of thicker-walled cylinders would reduce the homogeneity of the stress and strain within the cylinder wall and lead to inaccuracy in the determination of stress or strain. Other techniques, such as testing with the Arcan specimen should, therefore, be used when the nonlinearly viscoelastic behavior at larger deformations is investigated. Use of the Arcan Specimen Arcan’s specimen [3.123–125] can be used for multibiaxial test with the use of a uniaxial material test system. Figure 3.34 shows an Arcan specimen, and Fig. 3.35 a corresponding test fixture. The loading axis can form different angles with respect to the specimen axis so that biaxial stress states can be generated in the region of uniform deformation in the middle of the specimen. When the loading axis of the fixture is aligned with the major specimen axis, this configura- Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity Fig. 3.36 Isochronal contours of creep strains under fixed biaxial loading. Each contour corresponds to a different time between 10 s and about 105 s. Ellipses correspond to linear response characteristics 3.5 Closing Remarks 89 Normal strain 0.025 0.02 0.015 0.01 0.005 0 – 0.005 – 0.01 – 0.015 – 0.02 – 0.025 –0.03 –0.02 –0.01 0 0.01 0.02 0.03 Normal strain show ellipses (a/b = 2) that would correspond to totally linearly viscoelastic behavior. 3.5 Closing Remarks As was stated at the very beginning, today’s laboratory and general engineering environment is bound to involve polymers, whether of the rigid or the soft variety. The difference between these two derives merely from the value of their glass-transition temperature relative to the use temperature (usually room temperature). As illustrated in this chapter the linearized theory of viscoelasticity is well understood and formulated mathematically, even though its current application in engineering designs is usually not on a par with this understanding. A considerable degree of response estimation can be achieved with this knowledge, but a serious deficiency arises from the fact that when structural failures are of concern the linearized theory soon encounters limitations as nonlinear behavior is encountered. There is, today, no counterpart nonlinear viscoelastic material description that parallels the plasticity theory for metallic solids. Because the atomic structures of metals and polymers are fundamentally different, it would seem imprudent to characterize polymer nonlinear behavior along similar lines of physical reasoning and mathematical formulation, notwithstanding the fact that in uniaxial deformations permanent deformations in metals and polymers may appear to be similar. That similarity disappears as soon as temperature or extended time scales follow an initially nonlinear deformation history. It is becoming clear already that the superposition of dilatational stresses or volumetric strains has a greater influence on nonlinear material response of polymers than is true for metals. Consequently it would seem questionable whether uniaxial tensile or compressive behavior would be a suitable method for assessing nonlinear polymer response, since that stress state involves both shear and bulk (volumetric) components. To support this observation one only needs to recall that very small amounts of volume change can have a highly disproportionate effect on the time dependence of the material, as delineated in Sects. 3.2.8, 3.2.9, and 3.2.10. This is well illustrated by the best known and large effect which a change in temperature has on the relaxation times, where dilatational strains are indeed very small compared to typical shear deformations; responses under pressure and with solvent swelling underscore this observation. The recent publication history for time-dependent material behavior exhibits an increasing number of papers dealing with nonlinear polymer behavior, indicating that efforts are underway to address this lack of understanding in the engineering profession. At the same time it is also becoming clear that the intrinsic time-dependent behavior of polymers is closely Part A 3.5 tion induces shear forces applied to an Arcan specimen so that there is a pure shear zone in the central portion of the specimen. Other orientations allow the nonlinearly viscoelastic shear behavior to be characterized under loading conditions combining tension/shear, compression/shear, and pure shear. The data processing is illustrated using the results obtained by Knauss and Zhu [3.126,127] as an example. Figure 3.36 shows isochronal creep shear and normal strains at 80 ◦ C using an Arcan specimen under a nominal (maximum) shear stress of 19.3 MPa. At each fixed time, line segments connect points to form an isochronal strain contour. The innermost contour corresponds to a creep time of 10 s, and the outermost contour is the results from 0.8 × 105 s. For comparison purposes we also 90 Part A Solid Mechanics Topics connected to the molecular processes that are well represented by the linearly viscoelastic characterization of these solids. It is thus not unreasonable, in retrospect, to have devoted a chapter mostly to describing linearly viscoelastic solids with the expectation that this knowledge provides a necessary if not sufficient background for dealing with future issues that need to be resolved in the laboratory. 3.6 Recognizing Viscoelastic Solutions if the Elastic Solution is Known Part A 3.6 Experimental work deals with a variety of situations/test configurations for which boundary value histories are not readily confined to a limited number of cases. For example, when deformations are to be measured by photoelasticity with the help of a viscoelastic, photosensitive material in a two-dimensional domain it may be important to know the local stress state very well, if knowing the stress state in a test configuration is an important prerequisite for resolving an engineering analysis problem. There exists a large class of elastic boundary value problems for which the distribution of stresses (or strains) turns out to be independent of the material properties. In such cases the effect of loading and material properties is expressed through a material-dependent factor and a load factor, both multiplying a function(s) that depends only on the spatial coordinates governing the distribution of stress or strain. It then follows that for the corresponding viscoelastic solution the distribution of stresses is also independent of the material properties and that the time dependence is formulated as the convolution of a material-dependent multiplicative function with the time-dependent load factored out from the spatial distribution function(s). In the experimental context beams and plates fall into this category, though even the simple plate configuration can involve Poisson’s ratio in its deformation field. More important is the class of simply connected two-dimensional domains for which the in-plane stress distribution is independent of the material properties. Consider first two-dimensional, quasistatic problems with (only) traction boundary conditions prescribed on a simply connected domain. For such problems the stress distribution of an elastic solid throughout the interior is independent of the material properties. The same situation prevails for multiply connected domains, provided the traction on each perforation is self-equilibrating. If the latter condition is not satisfied, then a history-dependent Poisson function enters the stress field description so that the stress distribution is, at best, only approximately independent of, or insensitive to, the material behavior. This topic is discussed in a slightly more detailed manner in [3.13]. 3.6.1 Further Reading For general background it appears useful to identify the dominant publications to bolster one’s understanding of the theory of viscoelasticity. To that end we summarize here first, without comment or reference number, a list of publications in book or paper form, only one of which appears as an explicit reference in the text, namely the book by J.D. Ferry as part of the text development [3.45] with respect to the special topic of thermorheologically simple solids. 1. T. Alfrey: Mechanical Behavior of High Polymers (Interscience, New York, 1948) 2. B. Gross: Mathematical Structure of the Theories of Viscoelasticity (Herrmann, Paris, 1953) (re-issued 1968) 3. A.V. Tobolsky: Properties and Structure of Polymers (Wiley, New York, 1960) 4. M.E. Gurtin, E. Sternberg: On the linear theory of viscoelasticity, Arch. Rat. Mech. Anal. 11, 291–356 (1962) 5. F. Bueche: Physical Properties of Polymers (Interscience, New York, 1962) 6. M.L. Williams: The structural analysis of viscoelastic materials, AIAA J. 2, 785–809 (1964) 7. Flügge (Ed.): Encyclopedia of Physics VIa/3, M.J. Leitman, G.M.C. Fischer: The linear theory of viscoelasticity (Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg, 1973) 8. J.J. Aklonis, W.J. MacKnight: Introduction to Polymer Viscoelasticity (Wiley, New York 1983) 9. N.W. Tschoegl: The Phenomenological Theory of Linear Viscoelastic Behavior, an Introduction (Springer, Berlin, 1989) 10. A. Drozdov: Viscoelastic Structures, Mechanics of Growth and Aging (Academic, New York, 1998) 11. D.R. Bland: The Theory of Linear Viscoelasticity, Int. Ser. Mon. Pure Appl. Math. 10 (Pergamon, New York, 1960) 12. R.M. Christensen: Theory of Viscoelasticity: An Introduction (Academic, New York, 1971); see also R.M. Christensen: Theory of Viscoelasticity An Introduction, 2nd ed. (Dover, New York, 1982) Mechanics of Polymers: Viscoelasticity 17. C.W. Folkes: Two systems for automatic reduction of time-dependent photomechanics data, Exp. Mech. 10, 64–71 (1970) 18. P.S. Theocaris: Phenomenological analysis of mechanical and optical behaviour of rheo-optically simple materials. In: Photoelastic Effect and its applications, ed. by J. Kestens (Springer, Berlin New York, 1975) pp. 146–152 19. B.D. Coleman, E.H. Dill: Photoviscoelasticity: Theory and practice. In: The Photoelastic Effect and its Applications, ed. by J. Kestens, (Springer, Berlin New York, 1975) pp. 455–505 20. 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