1045 A.6 Active Materials by Guruswami Ravichandran The author gratefully acknowledges the Army Research Office and the National Science Foundation for their support, which provided the stimulus for his research in the area of active materials. He thanks his colleague Professor K. Bhattacharya for stimulating discussions and continued collaboration. He also thanks his collaborators at Caltech in this area, E. Burcsu, D. Shilo, R. Zhang, C. Franck, and S. Kramer for their contributions to his understanding of the subject. A.7 Biological Soft Tissues by Jay D. Humphrey I wish to thank Professor W. N. Sharpe (Johns Hopkins University) for inviting this review, for I feel that the experimental mechanics community has much to contribute to the continuing advancement of biomechanics. It is also a pleasure to acknowledge a few of the many agencies that support biomechanics research in general and my study of this fascinating field in particular: the American Heart Association, the National Institutes of Health, the National Science Foundation, the Texas Advanced Technology Program, and the Whitaker Foundation. B.12 Bonded Electrical Resistance Strain Gages by Robert B. Watson The inestimable technical contributions, editorial comments and suggestions, and encouragement by Dr. C. C. Perry are gratefully acknowledged. Support from Vishay Micro-Measurements with resources and kind permission for use of literature is greatly appreciated. A special thanks is extended to Dr. Felix Zandman for many spirited and helpful discussions concerning the fundamental nature of strain gage performance. An irredeemable debt of gratitude is owed to Dr. Daniel Post for introducing the author to strain gages, and to Mr. Jim Dorsey for mentoring the author in strain gage technology. B.14 Optical Fiber Strain Gages by Chris S. Baldwin The author would like to thank Omnisens for providing permission to use graphics and information Acknowl. Acknowledgements regarding Brillouin measurement techniques. The author would also like to thank all the scientists and engineers pursuing fiber optic sensing. Since the writing of this chapter, new fiber optic strain measurement techniques have been developed and publicized. Continual improvements and developments of fiber optic sensing techniques will allow for the expanded use of the technology in many application areas in the near future. B.17 Atomic Force Microscopy in Solid Mechanics by Ioannis Chasiotis The author would like to thank his graduate students who have co-authored the referenced publications, and Mr. Scott Maclaren for providing some AFM micrographs for this Chapter. The support by the Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) through grant F49620-03-1-0080 with Dr. B. L. Lee as the program manager, and by the National Science Foundation (NSF) under grant CMS-0515111 is acknowledged for part of the work of this author, which is referenced in this Chapter. C.20 Digital Image Correlation for Shape and Deformation Measurements by Michael A. Sutton The author would like to thank Dr. Hubert Schreier, Dr. Stephen R. McNeill, Dr. Junhui Yan and Dr. Dorian Garcia for their assistance in completing this manuscript. In addition, the support of (a) Dr. Charles E. Harris, Dr. Robert S. Piascik and Dr. James C. Newman, Jr. at NASA Langley Research Center, (b) Dr. Oscar Dillon, Dr. Clifford Astill, and Dr. Albert S. Kobayashi, former NSF Solid Mechanics and Materials Program Directors, (c) Dr. Julius Dasch at NASA Headquarters, (d) Dr. Bruce LaMattina at the Army Research Office, (e) Dr. Kumar Jatta at the Air Force Research Laboratory, (f) Dr. Kenneth Chong through NSF CMS0201345, and (g) the late Dr. Bruce Fink at the Army Research Laboratory is gratefully acknowledged. Also, the support provided by Correlated Solutions, Incorporated through granting access to their commercial software for our internal use is deeply appreciated. Through the unwavering technical and financial assistance of all these individuals and organizations, the potential of image correlation methods is now being 1046 Acknowledgements Acknowl. realized. Finally, the support of my advisor, Prof. Emeritus Charles E. Taylor, and his wife, Nikki Taylor, as well as the support of my wife, Elizabeth Ann Severns, and my children, Michelle Mary Katherine Sutton Spigner and Elizabeth Marie Rosalie Sutton, require special mention, for it is with their continual support over the past three decades that this work has been possible. C.21 Geometric Moiré by Bongtae Han, Daniel Post We acknowledge and thank Prof. Peter G. Ifju for his contributions to [1.1, 2], and Dr. C.-W. Han for the research published in his Ph. D. Thesis [1.3] and related technical papers [1.13–15]. C.26 Thermoelastic Stress Analysis by Richard J. Greene, Eann A. Patterson, Robert E. Rowlands The authors wish to thank Ms S. J. Lin and Professor Y. M. Shkel, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, B. Boyce and J. Lesniak of Stress Photonics, Inc., Madison, WI, and Dr. S. Quinn, University of Southampton, UK for informative discussions, the US Air Force Research Laboratory, QinetiQ Plc., Rolls-Royce Plc., The University of Sheffield for the release of experimental data, the Society of Experimental Mechanics for permission to reproduce Table 26.1 and Elsevier for permission to reproduce Fig. 26.6. C.28 X-Ray Stress Analysis by Jonathan D. Almer, Robert A. Winholtz C.24 Holography by Ryszard J. Pryputniewicz This work was supported by the NEST Program at WPI-ME/CHSLT. The author gratefully acknowledges support from all sponsors and thanks them for their permissions to present the results of their projects in this chapter. C.25 Photoelasticity The authors wish to gratefully acknowledge the late Professor Jerome B. Cohen and his significant contributions to their experience in this field. They further wish to thank Drs. D. Haeffner and J. Bernier, and Prof. C. Noyan for assistance with the manuscript and helpful discussions. One of the authors (JA) acknowledges support of the U.S. Department of Energy, Office of Science, Office of Basic Energy Sciences, under contract DE-AC02-06CH11357. by Krishnamurthi Ramesh The author wishes to acknowledge Macmillan Publishers (Fig. 25.2), Tata McGraw Hill (Fig. 25.8), Elsevier limited (Fig. 25.13), ASME (Fig. 25.14) and Blackwell publishing (Figs. 25.32a and b) for their consent to reproduce the figures that have been published in their journals/books and Stress photonics for Figs. 25.32c and d from their product brochure. Excerpts of the book Digital photoelasticity - Advanced techniques and applications are included in this chapter with the kind permission of Springer, Berlin. The author also acknowledges IIT Madras for having given permission to use selected animations developed for the e-Book on Experimental Stress Analysis to be provided in the accompanying CD of this Handbook. Part of the results reported in this chapter are obtained from several projects funded by the Structures Panel of Aeronautical Research and Development Board of India while the author was a faculty at IIT Kanpur and the IITM-ISRO cell projects while at IIT Madras. Last but not the least, the author wishes to acknowledge the Society for Experimental Mechanics and Springer for having given permission to reproduce the figures from their books and journals. D.32 Implantable Biomedical Devices and Biologically Inspired Materials by Hugh Bruck The writing of this chapter was made possible through a Fulbright Scholar award administered by the US– Israel Educational Foundation, and the National Science Foundation through grant EEC0315425 and the Office of Naval Research award number N000140710391. Contributions were also made by Michael Peterson of the University of Maine, James J. Evans of the University of Reading, Dan Cole of the University of Maryland, Eric Brown of Los Alamos National Laboratory, Jane Grande-Allen of Rice University, Arkady Voloshin of Lehigh University, Krishnaswamy RaviChandar of the University of Texas-Austin, and Debra Wright-Charlesworth of Michigan Technological University. D.35 Structural Testing Applications by Ashok Kumar Ghosh I would like to thank a team of investigators, William E. Luecke, J. David McColskey, Chris McCowan, Tom Siewert, Stephen Banovic, Tim Foecke, Richard Fields, Acknowledgements buquerque, NM for Contributing Case study 3 and sharing their experience during the development of a lightweight automobile airbag from inception through innovation to engineering development. This case study also illustrates the close ties between structural testing and numerical simulation and the importance of engineering economics in the overall development of a marketable product. They have demonstrated the power of simulation. In the absence of standardized test specifications, they formulated their own test procedures and validated with simulated output. I would like to thank the reviewers and proofreaders Dr. Maggie Griffin and Holy Chamberlin. I would like to thank my wife, Pritha, for her understanding, encouragement, and patience during the preparation of this book chapter. Acknowl. and Frank Gayle from the National Institute of Standard and Technology (NIST), Washington, DC for contributing case study 1 to this chapter on structural testing. This forensic investigation illustrates how structural testing can be very challenging and how the information generated from these tests can play a crucial role in the overall goal of investigating the sequence of events that caused the fall of the World Trade Center buildings. Any structural failure is a very quick phenomenon where a sequence of events takes place. When a number of loading environment is involved, the problem can be very complex. William and his team have performed a systematic investigation to overcome these challenges. I would like to thank Kenneth W. Gwinn and James M. Nelsen of Sandia National Laboratories, Al- 1047
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