RECEIVED POSfAL kA'Si' ~;i:!,;~:;;S,tt~ OFFICE OF THE St!C!lETAiy BEFORETHE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 POSTALRATEANDFEE CHANGES, 2000 I Docket No. R2000-1 RESPONSE OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS DANIEL TO INTERROGATORIES OF ADVO, INC. (ADVOIUSPS-T28-8-11) The United States Postal Service hereby provides the responses of witness Daniel to the following interrogatories of the Advo, Inc.: ADVOIUSPS-T28-8-11, filed on March 22,200o. Each interrogatory is stated verbatim and is followed by the response. Respectfully submitted, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE By its attorneys: Daniel J. Foucheaux, Jr. Chief Counsel, Ratemaking Anthony Alvernhj Attorney 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20260-I 137 (202) 268-2997; Fax -6187 April 5, 2000 RESPONSE OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS DANIEL TO INTERROGATORIES OF ADVO, INC. ADVOIUSPS-T28-8. In LR-92. Spreadsheet LR92bECR.xls Worksheet “ECR all (detailed),” you present a graph of ECR unit costs by ounce increment. That graph, with the scale adjusted for better viewing, is copied from your spreadsheet below: $0.70 - $0.60 _ 60.50 - $0.40 - 4 y=O.O192x+O.O126 I $- •l 0.0 1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 9.0 IO.0 11.0 12.0 13.0 14.0 15.0 16.0 With respect to this graph, please respond to the following: (4 Please confirm that this graph accurately represents the graph shown in your referenced worksheet, with the x and y axes adjusted for better viewing. If you cannot confirm. please provide what you believe to be the correct graph, in approximately the same scale as shown above. (b) Please confirm that the straight line on this graph represents your simple unweighted straight-line regression of the data points, shown by the equation y = 0.0192x + 0.0126. (cl Please confirm that below 2 ounces, There are 4 actual unit cost data points shown; 0) (ii) All 4 of the actual unit cost data points lie above the line that represents the equation. (iii) The percentage difference between the actual and formula unit costs is progressively greater for the lightest weight increments, i.e., in the O-5 ounce increment the actual unit cost is more than 3 times or 200% greater than the formula unit cost, whereas in the 152.0 ounce increment the actual unit cost is more than 40% greater than the formula unit cost. (4 Please confirm that above 4 ounces, There are 12 actual unit cost data points shown. 0) RESPONSE OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS DANIEL TO INTERROGATORIES OF ADVO, INC. Nine of the 12 actual unit cost data points lie below the line that represents the equation, and 8 of those 9 are more than 20% lower than the formula unit cost. (iii) Two of the 12 actual unit cost data points lie approximately on the line that represents the equation. (iv) Only one of the 12 unit cost data points -- for the last 15-16 ounce increment lies above the line that represents the equation. (e) With respect to the last 15-16 ounce increment, please confirm that: The unit cost for the last 15-16 ounce increment is 2.3 times (or 130%) greater 0) than the unit cost for the 14-15 ounce increment. (ii) The volume in the last 15-16 ounce increment constitutes less than 0.04% (four ten-thousandths) of total ECR volume. (iii) In developing the equation shown on the graph, the unit cost for this last weight increment was given equal weight with the unit costs for all other weigh increments. If you cannot confirm any of the above, please provide the figures you believe to be correct and indicate your source and derivation. (ii) RESPONSE: Confirmed. a. Confirmed. b. Confirmed. C. 0) Confirmed. (ii) Confirmed. Confirmed. d. II? Not confirmed. There are actually 10 unit cost data points technically below (ii) the line that represents the equation. Confirmed that 8 are more than 20 percent lower than the formula. (iii) Confirmed. One is technically slightly below the line and one is slightly above the line. Confirmed. (iv) Confirmed. The precise figure is actually 131.6%. e. 0) (ii) Confirmed Confirmed. (iii) RESPONSE OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS DANIEL TO INTERROGATORIES OF ADVO, INC. ADVOIUSPS-T28-9. Please refer to the table below, which is based on the ECR unit cost data by ounce increment contained in your LR-92, Worksheet LR92bECR.xls: Weight ncremenl Ave. vt. (oz. ) Jnit Cost Formula 0 to .5 .33 .5 to 1.o 0.73 1.o to 1.5 1.28 1.5 to 2 1.78 2 to 2.5 2.30 2.5 to 3 2.81 3 to 3.5 3.29 3.5 to 4 3.85 4 to 5 4.56 5 to 6 5.53 6 to 7 6.59 7 to 8 7.61 8 to 9 8.67 9to10 9.67 10t011 10.68 11to12 11.78 12to13 12.80 13 to 14 13.77 14to15 14.91 15 to 16+ 15.69 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.058 0.072 0.076 0.068 0.062 0.069 0.084 0.103 0.072 0.085 0.094 0.114 0.132 0.198 0.141 0.244 0.181 0.200 0.260 0.601 $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.019 0.027 0.037 0.047 0.057 0.066 0.076 0.086 0.100 0.119 0.139 0.159 0.179 0.198 0.218 0.239 0.258 0.277 0.299 0.314 Unit Cost - 1Jnit Cost, Formula Formula $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ 0.040 0.045 0.039 0.021 0.005 0.003 0.008 0.016 (0.028) (0.034) (0.045) (0.045) (0.047) (0.000) (0.076) 0.005 (0.077) (0.077) (0.039) 0.287 209% 168% 105% 44% 8% 4% 11% 19% -28% -28% -32% -28% -26% 0% -35% 2% -30% -28% -13% 92% With respect to this table and your Worksheet LR92bECR.xls please confirm the following: (a) The average weights per piece (total weight in ounces + total volume) and the unit costs by ounce increment shown above accurately reflect the data in Worksheet LR92bECR.xls. (b) The costs in the “Formula” column, derived from the equation y = 0.0192x + 0.0126 shown in your worksheet (where x = the average weight by ounce increment shown in column 2 above), accurately reflect the “predicted” or “formula” unit costs derived from your equation. Cc) The values in “Unit Cost - Formula” column accurately represent the differences between the actual unit costs in your worksheet and the “predicted” or “formula” unit costs derived from your equation. (d) The values in “Unit Cost + Formula” column accurately represent the percentage differences between the actual unit costs in your worksheet and the “predicted” or “formula” unit costs derived from your equation. RESPONSE: a-d. Confirmed RESPONSE OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS DANIEL TO INTERROGATORIES OF ADVO, INC. ADVOIUSPS-T28-10. Please provide, in a format similar to that presented in your Worksheet LR92bECR.xls adjusted attributable costs, mail volumes, and unit costs separately for (i) ECR total and (ii) ECR flats, after adjustment for worksharing characteristics. Please explain and provide your derivations. RESPONSE: Attached are replications of pages 17-l 9 of Section 2, USPS LR-I-92 showing ECR flats unit costs adjusted for worksharing. The adjustments were calculated in the same manner as the Periodicals worksharing adjustments calculated in USPS LR-I-94 and shown in Table 4a and 4b on pages 19a and 19b of USPS-T-28. The volumes and pounds by rate category and weight increment were provided in USPS LR-I-225 in response to interrogatory ANMIUSPS-T28-8(c) and are also attached to this response. The “presort cost avoidance” by weight increment is calculated by summing the product of the percentages of pieces by presotidensity rate category and the sum of the mail processing and delivery cost differences of each presortldensity rate category from the sum of ECR Basic mail processing and delivery costs summarized in Table 7 on page 29 of USPS T-28. The “difference from average “ is calculated by subtracting the “presort cost avoidance” by weight increment from the average “presort cost avoidance.” The “average dropship cost avoidance” is calculated by summing the product of the number of pounds in each weight increment by presort/density rate category and the nontransportation-related savings calculated in Attachment C Table 1 of witness Crum’s testimony (USPS-T-27) and, then dividing that sum by the number of pieces in each weight increment. The “difference from average “ is calculated by subtracting the “average dropship cost avoidance” by weight increment from the average “average dropship cost avoidance.” Non-transportation related dropship savings are used because transportation costs have been allocated to weight increment using a constant cost per pound (or cost per cubic foot) which does not recognize differences by ounce increment due to dropshipping. Total adjusted costs can be calculated in a similar manner by following the above steps for letters and parcels. 0.02 2.00 ,.M B.M Std. A ECR Flats Test Year Unit Costs Adjusted a : 55.349 1.430 56.231 11.269 5.945 for Worksharing 40.243 735 51.771 10.375 3.264 3;060 7,322 11.9x 1.388 23.001 25 1.126 546 160.763 0.076 5 0.001 s 0.077 s 32.150 18.183 6.096 52.620 110 4.945 2.397 252.499 0.066 a 0.004 s 0.070 s 40.065 2.029 44.168 8.655 6.488 7;959 73,223 24,364 13.663 75.419 251 11,263 5.459 315.446 0.066 $ 0.005 5 0.063 5 5 (0.008, 5 (0.007, 5 5;574 by Combined 9.582 6.964 131.76? 39.537 24.982 85.133 4.52 20.257 9.624 487.072 0.079 5 (0.005, s 0.074 s 0.011 5 Weight Increments 16.039 711 16.588 3,324 3.157 2&o 63,376 15.667 12.016 28.047 217 9.748 4.725 176,574 0.087 s (0.002) 5 0.085 5 0.011 5 (from 3CECR 9.475 200 6.964 1.396 667 631 24.103 5,967 4.570 7.878 83 3.707 1.797 67.858 0.119 s w;, ; 5.512 53 2.609 523 236 222 8.181 2.047 1.551 2.100 28 1.258 610 24.930 0.164 s ,o.o,r, I 0.153 I 0.029 0.039 5 flats detailed 2.890 23 1.607 322 102 96 4,259 1,104 608 905 15 655 318 13,101 0.2w 5 (0.013, I 0.187 I 5 0.034 worksheet) 4.778 19 1.497 300 66 81 4.264 1.079 808 763 15 656 318 14.663 0.265 s (0.015, 0.250 s $ 248.441 7,357 248.349 49.769 31~746 29,766 348.639 119.854 66.102 282.066 1;196 53.526 25.994 1.512.906 0.074 0 0.074 0.063 Pound-Rated ECR Flats ECR Flats SO.30 $0.25 $0.20 SO.15 $0.10 50.05 s0 2 4 6 - 8 - 10 - 12 - .. 14 - 16 - o-c.50* 1563.658 0 0.5oz-l.OOZ 5.550,558 0 1.oar-1.5oz 7.174.133 0 603.360 0 10.337.551 0 0 0 2.0 oz -2.5oz 13.164.844 0 19.618.816 0 26.026.256 0 30.851.766 0 66563.185 21.466.324 0 35.959.523 0 64643,120 82.709.020 0 ,6,.224,867 0 362.714 0 7.191.601 1.185,464 0 38,539.897 1.666.607 0 M.419.080 3.751.986 0 101.952.633 4.757.975 0 ,31.483,605 3.471.657 0 244,6,6,69a 2.133.235 1.217.174 283.062.572 0 3.637.585 25,.2Q3,372 0 6.269.651 500.526,025 34,625 0 365.433 0 291.906 0 461.848 0 819.163 0 ,.236.*QS 0 869.121 258.368 0 671.434 0 679.285 0 657.940 31,664 0 *26.099 0 279.700 0 133,993 0 725.392 0 1.613.438 0 934.467 347.283 0 1.420.802 0 66.061 0 36.698 4561.a69 1.502-2.001 8.53,,271 2.5oz-3.00~ ,3.556.888 0 3.00~3.50~ 12.450.017 4.056.985 3.6 02 - 4.0 02 0 10367.530 4.ooz - 5.0 oz 0 14.827.056 5.00~ - 6.0 oz 0 17.167.099 0 53.524.463 19.339.953 0 62.132.884 0 98.691.137 0 47.050.172 128.368.343 61.972.412 0 175.156.373 0 0 380.738.,8, 0 200.741.513 5.208.62, 270.,67,405 0 374.741 0 1,x4,303 5.192,262 0 8.471.575 0 18.294302 0 0 27.370.931 0 9.159.438 2525.604 0 16.790.722 0 20.301.333 0 13.313.157 92.199 0 533.129 1.257.606 0 3.614X-42 3.280.507 0 9,044.376 6.613.670 0 15,651.(186 6.7aa.ao7 0 28.621.664 6.378.103 0 36,599,371 3.186.192 1.663.,15 19.843.587 0 5.832.478 24.715,436 0 19.344.682 40.391,36, 0 17.653.292 3t.660.967 920.882 0 4.172262 3.744.oas 0 3.752916 0!J3.045 0 3.706.225 0 1.857.978 1.100.437 0 3.211.799 0 6.033.878 4.05,.063 499.210 0 4.352.920 0 8.531.oa9 0 6.365.247 0 2.603267 2.797.55, 3.091.461 0 16.540.833 0 22524.721 0 1 TJ47.922 0 5,559.495 7.1a1.162 0 32.247.297 22.326.867 0 67.128.747 0-0.5oz 2.619.166 1.134.133 8.028.092 1.502.835 oscu-l.Ooz 10.069.364 14.916.570 39.771.461 9.624.452 l.Ooz-I.502 1,.2,o.m6 26.429.606 63.676.507 27.27596, 0 0 0 0 805.898 461.343 0 624.187 0 537.885 0 239.884 0 Q-3.670.078 0 a5.Q02,21a 0 17.437.927 6.713.754 0 25.761.963 0 53.868.387 0 28.394.2a4 83.533.106 0 136.819.27, 166.403.740 0 269.666.130 73.450.749 0 165.a66.743 15.936.959 8.902.393 55,238,6a¶ 0 60.618.749 90.216.699 0 254.304.755 313.744.904 0 133.644972 166.330.204 43,,6a,cQl 1.50??-2.002 12.746.035 31.525.497 1,6.262.696 93.a9a.762 2.0 cn _ 2.6 oz 17.872.052 34.180.425 197.673.400 2.50~s3.00~ 16,60+,011 70.974.174 274.496.017 a3,300.509 3.00~.3.50~ 20.592.905 75.433.397 22a.m.478 32941.066 3.5oz-4.00~ 14.250.763 64.177.673 217.708.058 70.088.612 4.0.x-5.00~ 20.540.219 99.295.062 454.907.90, 279.919.My) 5.00~.6.00~ 21.676.103 47.326.654 242448,954 wi.506.685 o-c.502 osoz-I.002 ,.ooz-1.5oz 1.5oz-2.ooz 2.0 02.2.5 oz o-o.502 0.50z-l.Ooz l.Ooz-I.502 1.50.7-2.ooz 2.0 oz - 2.5 oz 909 N0nd~hiQ 2.619,165 10,089,354 11.210.1oa 12.746.035 17.872.052 5% 4% 20% 14% 9% ECRWACrmpshlp 1,134,133 14916.570 26.429.604 31 e525.497 34.150,426 12% a% O.OIB2 20% 22% 9% ECR943 Dmp*hlp 5,025,092 39.771.461 53.676.607 116,262.696 19,.673.400 46% 0.0300 53% 49% 46% 60% ECRDO" Dmpmp 1,502,815 9.624.452 27,275.961 93,896,762 179.950.522 0.010s 13% 21% 37% 42% 11x WI l3.2a4.225 74.4001.536 130,692.202 264,462,969 429.675.39a UMI drcl7.ap cast awmana 5 3,214 S 16.486 s 35.160 S 78.066 S 137.323 avg dmpshi my aMdana p Pcmd s 6.9002 s 0.0002 s o.wo3 s 0.0003 5 0.0003 diflerrnse km average 5 0.0001 s 0.0000 s 0.0000 s (0.0000, s (0.0000, Ito2 2 to 3 3 IO 5 5 to Otol 23.956,144 36.372.053 55.363.888 12.708.519 5Y. .n 4% 14% 59,956,102 105.194.599 238.906.352 16Y 12% 15% 179,969,263 472.171,417 900.793.437 47x 54n 57x 121,174.743 263.251.032 382.949.965 24% 31% 30X 396,046,192 876.949.110 1.578.032.645 : S H3.24a 0.0003 0.0000 s s 265,827 0.0003 (0.0000, s S s 466.516 0.0003 0.0000 - . s S s 3.002-3.502 3.5oz-4.0.x 4.0 oz - 5.0 02 3.Oc.z-3.50~ 3.6az-4.00~ 4 to 5 20.592.905 14.259.763 20,540.219 6% 4% 2% 75433.397 64.w.873 99.295.062 21% Iax 12% 22a,i77.478 2i7.708.058 454907.901 64% 59% 53% 32.941.059 70.068.612 279,919.088 9% 19% 33% 357,144.848 366.226.606 854,662,290 s 95,326 5 104,958 s 266,232 S s 0.9003 s 0.0003 s 0.0003 s s 0.0000 s 0.0000 s (0.0000, s 6.0 oz - 6.0 OL 5106 21.876,,03 5% 47.326.654 1ox 242.u8.954 62% ,56.506.885 33% 468.158.596 143,794 0.0003 (0.0000, 7 7109 9,011 11 lo13 over 13 TOW 40.152.337 10,609,695 5.637,639 3.447.978 2.977,133 191.244.404 5x 4% 6X 7% 6% 5% 74757.114 29,7x570 10.224,7227 7.643.996 5.626,137 648.124.401 10% 10x rm 15% ,,Y 13% 397854.635 163.070,457 67.106.164 33.699.251 39.639.016 2,302.123,162 52% 56% 68-A 66X 78x 55% 246.156.390 86.217.402 15.005.140 5,21a,wa ti33.948.220 32% JOY. 15% 12% 6% 27% 759.010.366 288.6722.034 97*973,6a9 91.007,594 51.063.467 4.17s,440.177 231,205 o.wo3 (0.0000, - 2.6 a? - 3.0 OL 2.5oz-3.00~ Ia,5oo,ot1 4% 70,974,174 16-k 274.498.017 61% 93,300,5o9 19% 447.272.711 5 128,504 s 0.6003 s 0.0000 - - s S s 6.0003 88.342 (0.0000, s s o.ow3 27,980 o.owo s s 0.0003 13,982 0.0000 s s 0.0003 14,041 0.0000 s 5 1,242,841 0.0003 ._ 6.0.x - 7.002 0 15.095.957 0 4.035.233 0 27.429.953 0 17.392.526 12347.651 5.893703 0 133.717.529 0 a6.760.218 0 59.290.626 0 27.188.666 0 4.241.428 16O,.aWaa 0 3.759.409 111.947,3a6 0 2.622.647 77.266.435 0 463.384 0 261.246 0 I.016 0 2.135.093 0 1.861.959 0 1.420.390 0 1.177.053 0 9546.94 0 486.723 0 829.010 TOtal Pieces 62.091.370 77.5w.385 0 0 4.231.542 0 3.773.321 0 3.751.234 0 1.626.905 0 2.137.641 0 1.658.503 206.525.386 307.459.125 0 34,5m.,ta 0 14.165.5%3 0 17.807.616 0 17.167.105 0 12.324.501 0 9.263.621 498.933.057 1.230.873.876 0 1.665.101 36.882.554 0 1.540.195 42.214,815 0 979.805 20.339.024 0 498,807 23.234.709 0 242.359 19993,053 0 184,436 15,132,300 0 ma.9aa li,90a.i2i 17.329.638 32.124.205 0 208.073 0 98.261 0 66.589 0 20.609 0 11.450 0 4.428 0 3.666 0 3.807 4.079.994 3.498.544 0 4.945 0 382 0 0 0 1.296 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3944.654 1,878.383 0 7.288.627 0 4.711.858 0 2.884.621 ~0 1.656.043 0 0 602,aoa 0 349.739 0 330.240 0 120.273 0 102.927 70.627.553 72,356.014 0 11.871.6ao 19.624.707 0 9.404.350 14.462.401 0 5.776.040 a,a69.,16 0 4394.609 5345.913 0 2.470.190 3.706,137 0 1,6OO.C65 2.223,4a2 0 775,049 1.136.236 0 760.023 1.094.691 0 196.867 320.806 0 226.839 333,674 2wQ7.284 81.869.279 267,861,705 0 2.716,893 0 1.701.355 0 1.196.oa4 0 632.566 0 653.170 0 488.036 0 329.539 0 266.289 0 199,499 0 230,026 22.042.476 22.012.635 0 29,491 0 25.868 0 3.198 0 40,253 0 57,932 0 34.753 0 83.788 0 54.871 0 105.654 0 42.563 25.955.182 2361.670 0 14.429.526 0 6.679.QQa 0 2.743.235 0 1.412.727 0 889.575 0 498.179 0 276.402 0 160.913 0 105.825 0 73.611 265.335.260 143.997.381 0 73.566.3oa 90.742.215 0 43.697.827 52.105,049 0 20,067.130 24.001,647 0 2.341.465 4,627,031 0 2.593.562 4,194,239 0 1.517.934 2336.902 0 846.506 1,535,236 0 432.367 904.441 0 296.753 707,731 0 322.660 669,750 369.884.525 603.143.290 1.474.732.419 6.Oor-7.00~ l&276234 27.460.460 166.436.681 89.679115 ,.Oor-8.00~ 6,097.637 17.423340 98.152.074 56.a61.5n5 0 3.105.611 0 8.0.x-Q.Oor 4.511.768 12.351.230 64.9ta.3a3 28.355.816 S.Ooz-10.0~ 3.066.920 5.933957 M.457.427 8.401.w tl78.062 lO.Ooz-11.0, 2.571.7ta 4.290.770 36.648.756 6.603946 ll.Ooz-12.0~12.0oz-13.0, 1.929.035 1,518,042 3.aoa.074 3835.022 15,266.496 16,432,767 4.097.ao4 2.120.364 13.Ooz-14.0~14.00~-15.0 1.225.401 688,888 1.663.777 2.2432% 17.~8.258 12.660,699 1.434.749 678.055 15.0.x-16.0, 1.062.643 1.701.066 9.440,160 706,376 pieces 191.244.404 648.124.401 2.302.123.152 1.133,~48.220 Response ,O ADVOIUSPS-T28-IO b.Ooz-7.00~ St0 7 18.276.234 6% 27.460,&o D.0182 9?G 155,435,6arOJfw 53% 69.679.415 0.03)s 31% total 290.851,790 WA drcQsrhiQ corlavadance s 87.411 fqdmprhipcaavM.3nceprpound s 0.0003 dimfEncelrml aberage s (0.0000) ..-_-.I _1_;^,~,._.._ ,---.,, _ _ _ 7.00.?-8.00~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ 7ma a t0 9 9,010 1010H 11,012 12,013 13tol4 14 to 15 15 to 16 6.097437 4.511.766 3,065,9iO 2,671,719 1,929.035 1.516.042 1.225,401 686.888 1,062.643 5x 8% 6% 6% 3x 4% 6% 4% ax 17,423,.?4o 12.351,230 5.933.961 4290.770 3,6oa,o74 3.835.022 1.683,777 2.243.295 1,701.066 10% 14% 12% 9% 15% 15% a% 14% 13% 96.152.074 64.915.383 30.457.427 36.M8.7~ 16,256,495 16,432,757 ,i‘,646,25a 12,5M,599 9.440,160 71X 80% 56% 59% 64% 73% 61% 7a% 73% 56,a61,585 28,355,616 am,m4 6,6o3,946 4.097,804 2.120,364 1,434,749 676.055 706.376 8% 26% tax 13% 16% 7n 4% 5% 32% 176334.836 110.137,197 47.658.498 50,115.190 25.101.406 25.905.1a6 21.992,166 16,160.837 12.910,445 s 55.304 s 33,037 5 13,569 S 14,411 s 6,908 5 7,074 s 6.173 5 4.444 s 3,423 s 0.0003 s 0.0003 s 0.0003 s 0.0003 s 0.0003 s 0.0003 s 0.0003 s 0.000, 5 0.000, 5 (0.0000) s (0.0000, s 0.0000 s 0.0000 s 0.0000 s 0.0000 s 0.0000 s 0.0000 s 0.0000 ,I,,, ,,, .,. ,,., ,,,,,, ,”,,,, ,,,, ,. ,, ,.,. ,,,, ,,,, ,,,, Total Pieces told 191.244.464 5% 54a,l24.401 13x 2.302,123,152 55% 1.133.948.220 27% 4,175.440.177 S 1,242,841 s 0.000, s Respcmse to AD”OI”6P6-T2a-,O 0 0.5 OL 64141.699 0 0 I.Occ-1.5oz 90.872.a92 0 220.685.172 0 239.215.677 0 227.552.059 0 213.892.0,a 0 374.724.032 0 266.628.783 aa,a35,667 0 269.,57.WQ 0 346.983.869 182.279.318 0 44tano62 0 436.463.218 0 530.906349 0 674292,843 0 904.581.155 0 636.4,,,690 285262,024 0 727.a91.133 0 1.34o.a79.2,7 0 5aO.66,.643 14.605.703 0 296,423.221 26.930.482 0 904369,997 20.742.649 0 796.294.336 33.63, ,907 0 9*a.369.911 33.,06.490 0 91IH8.731 IQ.923637 0 1,376,190,123 10.6of.872 5616.221 1,372.949,a93 0 15,195.360 1.046.734,441 0 21.917.609 1.761.a67.761 0 14.902.602 780,33a,7oa 1.473328 0 8.234.664 0 3.7a9.701 0 4.154.061 0 5,59Q.M)8 0 6.945.603 0 4367.854 1.f78.878 0 2.852.380 1.634.7&( 0 5.163823 0 3.468.374 0 1.219,.941 0 5.062.26, 0 a,Q+3-w4~ 0 4.721.622 1592,033 0 6.043.612 240.837 0 109,406 19302.794 0 39.771.647 0 61.307.127 0 76.830,968 0 126.568.723 0 ,56,67a.o30 0 46.068,893 11S69.238 0 70.596.096 0 70362.910 0 38,382,381 5.615.079 0 2a,225,995 25.490.278 0 79.660.202 400.482.690 0 109,047,992 59.646.057 0 141,950,921 61.258.383 0 199.479,975 35.862.543 0 2Q9.440.517 ,6.828.8,7 7.189.912 92.947247 0 24.234.013 103.726.100 0 67.286.763 140,425,*1* 0 50.882.742 91.239.920 36.073.820 0 an.1a9.159 0 47,aao,376 0 34.107.776 0 27.064567 0 21.214.969 0 9.206.469 5.064.a92 0 13.433.70, 0 17.591.57a 0 11.562.403 23,202.356 0 96.628.!33 0 ,01.893.Q6o 0 57.205.9a7 0 ,8.2,o.cc4 0 16.014.978 0 3.971.236 2.199.175 0 2.634.147 0 1.906.202 0 700.691 142.392.381 0 344.aa9.156 0 283.076.437 0 394.882.739 0 670,804.34, 0 494,867.722 0 87.390.,96 40.085.190 0 107,22u,965 0 ,a9,400.,10 0 a1.910,052 66.837.249 0 299.695,906 146.025.384 0 574,a31,932 271.176.647 0 704,026,9,9 733.62a.462 0 1,219,724.994 0 1.*79.309,63s 431.324,066 0 963.42t735 78.826,266 40.913.026 267.a46.459 0 249.678.778 372,957.69’( 0 886.924.950 1.094,922.a-lo 0 388.362.763 492.535.906 24.396.501 0 0.5oz-1.0OL 1,6.,30,,81 ,.soz-2.002 7a.zmsa 0 2.0 oz - 2.5 oz 92.827.3aO 0 2.5 oz - 3.0 oz 76,955.296 0 3.0 02 3.5 OL 6,.937.,96 18.626349 3.5 cu - 4.0 oz 0 43.4Q0.439 4.0 02 - 5.0 02 0 51.877.067 5.0 OL 6.0 OL 0 48.677.589 0 ,36096.872 0 0 ,,a64390 2.335308 0 O-O.502 0.502-1.002 l.Ooz-1.5c.z ,.5oz-2.002 2.00.7-2.502 *.5oz-3.002 3.0 oz - 3.6 az 3.6 07. - 4.0 cl2 5.0 OL- 6.0 a2 286.423.221 aJJ4.560.887 786.284.336 918360.911 914.118.731 1,376.190.123 1.372.918.893 1.045,734.441 1.761.667.761 780.33wx 28.225,985 76.660.202 m,o47.a92 t4,,850.9*7 lQa.479,975 2oa.440.517 92.507.247 103.726,KHI uo.425.8,a 91.238.920 25a.505.m 674531.832 704.025.a19 1.219,724.954 1.878.309.635 963,421.735 267.646.459 372.967.59, I .w4.822.a40 482.63wx 672.155,012 1.S57,752.921 1.599.3WW6 2.279,926.792 2.SQo.wa,34, 2.548.062.376 1.733.072.600 1.622.428.132 2996.906419 ,,354.,,3.532 0 ,.%I ..ou “.. ._-” _“- 00.502 295cu.221 50% 2*.225.999 5% 259.505.906 46% 572.155.012 0.602-1.002 594,a69,997 62% 7a.660.202 5% 574.53,,532 43% 1.667.752,921 ,.OoL-1.502 7962a4.339 49% 109,047,992 7x nnP25.519 44% 1.699.369.046 1.5 02 - 2.0 02 919.359.911 40% 141,950,927 5% ,.219,724,954 a3% 2J79.926.792 2.0 02 - 2.6 02 914,119.731 31% w9c79.975 7% 1.579,3W.635 63% 2.990.995,341 2.6 oz - 3.0 02 1,376,190.123 54% 239440,617 9% 953421.739 3ax 2.549.052.375 3.0 02 - 3.6 cu 1.372,919,*93 79x 92.507,247 5% 257*649,459 15% 1,,33,072,600 3.6 02~4.0 oz 1.045,734.44, 69% 103,726.100 7% 3*2,*7,591 24% ,.622.429,132 4 to 5 1.761.aa7.761 59% 149,426.9,9 5% ,,094,922.940 37% 2,99a,9oa.419 5 10 6 780.33a,106 59% 91.236.929 TX 4a2.535,906 36% 1,354,113,a32 Response to AD”cJNSPS-T*a-IO Piesal CM a*ncc mETme hrm aavgdmpsnipcmlaMdanC dfl-hrmrvstage Ma, *lferma hrm sveraoe 0 ,.,I) s s s s s 0 -0.5 OL 0.0200 0.0016 o.oooo (0.ooo1~ 0.0015 0 to 1 wa9964.~oa 51% 1ows6.~86 5% 933.037.638 5 s s s s 0.5ar-1.0or 0.0193 03009 o.oooo ,o.woo, omo9 1 LO* 1.704.635.247 44x m.aQa,atQ 6% 1.923.760.713 5 s s s s l.Ocu-1.5oz o.cQo* 0.0017 o.oooO ,o.oooO, 0.0017 s s s s s 1.5.x-2.002 0.0239 0.0054 o.oooo ,o.oooo, 0.0054 s s s s s 2.0 02 - 2.6 01 0.0278 0.0093 0.0001 o.owo 0.0094 2 to 3 5 LO7 3 to 5 2.290.3wa55 4.180,311.095 t*18.325,283 41% 59X 67% 406.920,49* 138.956.70* 336.669.166 7% 7% 5% 2.841.731.370 1.736.436.891 70*.636.471 51% 34% 28% 6,538.960.716 6.262.407.161 *.06+.a~7.467 : 0.0949 s 0.0233 0.0161 0.0131 (0.0023, (0.0053, : : o.owo s 0.0001 O.cwJl o.wo1 ,o.oooO, s o.oow : 0.0049 s (0.0023) S (0.0053, S s s s s s 2.5 oz - 3.0 01 0.01a1 (O.WO3, 0.0001 ,o.ww, ,0.ooo3) 7 to 9 377.16WX 66% 46.83f.892 a% 164.613.150 27% 578.610.651 0.0136 I s (0.9049) 0.0002 s O.wol s s ,0.0049, s s s s s 3.0 oz. 3.6 OL 6.0081 (0.0104) 0.0001 ,O.oooO~ (0.0104, 9,011 1*4,2,4.500 81% 16.G9a.479 10% 13.934.0~0 9% 164.*46.990 S 0.0072 ,o.orr3, s s o.ooo2 s o.ooo1 (0.0111, s I s s s s 3.5 oz - 4.0 02 0.0122 ,0.006*, o.woo (03000, (0.0062~ s s s s s 11to13 56.637.818 85% 4.469.434 7% 5.374.724 a% 66.471.977 0.0055 (0.0129, 9.0002 o.ooo2 ,o.orza, * s s s s 4.0 02 - 5.0 oz 0.0154 ,o.omo, 0.0001 o.oow (0.0020, s s s s s over13 51.615.774 92% 1.963363 4% 2.464.026 4% 5W33.164 0.0030 (0.0155, 0.0003 O.WO2 ,0.0163, s s s s s 5.0 oz 6.0 oz O.OlMI (0.0017, 0.0001 0.0000 (0.0016, 11.093,198,*89 54% 1.309.673.532 6% 6,3w.a99.054 40% 20,7w77o,a76 I 9.0164 s s o.wo1 I i - . ~.OOZ-7.002 7.00z-a.002 8.0~~-9.0~~~.0~-~0.0~~.0~-~1.0~~.0~-~2.0~ 0 0 0 5.711.688 3.536.837 2.786.936 0 37.420.097 0 8.476.651 0 66.497.609 0 36,265,405 0 22.753.329 9.764.30~ 0 323.765.548 0. 182.319.456 0 109.126.619 0 44905.099 0 10.303.~28 437.996.679 0, 7.864.345 W.926.956 0 4.649.118 142239.753 0 1.111.703 0 754,135 0 2,536 0 1.926.598 &Ma TOM Piece, 579.125.243 226.473.124 0 5,086.581 0 4.697.706 0 0 2.293.555 0 1.693.551 1, 988.357.m 0 5~.a*mia 0 19.24t.890 0 22.246.324 0 19.957.999 0 13.M9.581 0 9.457.688 3.755.739.525 3,730.745.w5 0 2.753444 60,969,697 0 2.305.653 63.254.913 0 1.342.396 27.997.465 0 625,OOl zo.o40,393 0 280.939 23.237.999 0 2oom2 ~6.226.383 0 158.886 12,1w.604 m.548.640 aa.~14.905 11,093.19a.**9 0 384.886 0 162,549 0 84,671 0 27,928 0 14,218 0 0 4.oa5 0 3.930 34.555.809 10.7a4.E.8 0 10.232 0 701 0 0 0 1.979 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 30.234.846 8.w1.338 0 17.a47.6Qa 0 9,961.413 0 5.35a.095 0 3.101.427 0 1,767,682 0 823,999 0 439,790 0 384.093 0 130.540 0 103.740 525.728.781 23to18.999 0 28.754.945 47.716,791 0 19.704.615 30,439,399 0 tow.815 19,49,,497 0 7.2ava6 10.649,962 0 3.694.186 6.S48.511 0 2,182.165 3m4.991 0 971.334 1.425,343 0 886.711 1.276,921 0 214.873 349.479 0 230.294 337.964 245.173.647 224.176.353 1,309.673,532 0 6.578.045 0 3.558.813 0 2.212.823 0 1,375.267 0 974.238 0 666.521 0 415.125 0 303.981 0 216,674 0 231.805 263.737.135 64175.866 0 72,642 0 54,202 0 5.927 0 67.314 0 88.602 0 47.986 0 105.409 0 62,446 0 113.341 0 42.910 317.126.652 a.towo3 0 0 14.121.843 0 5.0aa.475 0 2.333,305 0 1.330.210 0 680,077 0 3601 I 0 176.35a 0 115.024 0 73.980 2.4~a.t0~.97* 477.141.979 0 17a.oa6.505 220.9w.w9 0 92.232372 103.9a7,429 0 37J40.497 44.645,721 0 3.964.741 7.940,52l 0 3.Qoo.332 w9.w= 0 2.051.632 3.44a.216 0 1.061.9a3 1.929,609 0 503.826 1,04$613 0 ma.998 764,031 0 325,681 674,316 2,878,948,fa9 1.885.566.258 9.312,899,034 6.002-7.00~ 8.002-9.002 9.0or-~0.0o:~0.0~-~~.0~~~.0~.~2.0c~2.0~-~3.0~~ 437.988.578 2x925.856 142.239.753 6O.QW.687 63.254.813 27.697.465 47.716.781 30.430.3Q6 16.401.497 10.549.982 5.E-la.617 3.034.091 220.m.586 loQ.Sw.429 44845,721 7.640.627 6.293.383 3446.2‘6 705.703.925 375X3.680 203.286.971 79.150.277 75.oQw13 34.077.773 Ms.2 16.Ooz 0 941.379 0 6340.436 wx3.374 # 12.oor-13.ooL3.oor-14.ooz.oor-15.ooz~.ooI0 0 0 1.471,321 1.108.126 523.044 6 to 7 437.9aa.979 67.m 47.7141111 7% 2m.wo.a65 51% 706.793.925 7toa 234,926,956 63% 30.439,399 9% m9.967.429 29-A 315,3u.* a to 9 142.239.753 70% 19co1.4997 5% 4464a.721 203&z 9t010 69.969,697 77x lO,a49.992 13X 7,646.627 Ion 79.160.27, 101Oll 53.294.913 54x 5.94a.611 7th 9391.=3 9n 75.995.713 11,012 27.997.46a. 51X 3.934*091 3.m2: Ion 34,977.773 29.04o.353 1.425.343 1,9*a,5m 32.394,204 1210 13 29.949,353 90% 1,429,343 4% 1,929.509 ax 32,394.294 5,ua 13.0 oz - 14.0 o 14.0 oz - 15.0 15.0 OL - 16.0 Pieces 23.237.888 16226.383 12.151.504 1.275.921 349.478 337.964 f.309,673.532 1.045.613 764.037 674.376 8.3~2.899.054 25.559.423 17.339.897 13.163844 20.7~5.77o.a75 ,310 14 23J37.99a 91x 1.275.9*1 5% 1.945.613 4% 25.669,423 14b 15 16.226393 94% 349,479 2% 764.037 4x w.339.997 15u,16 ma, 12,161.994 1ul93.199.*99 92% 54% 335w4 1.309,673,5X 3% 6% 674.375 9,3n,a99,054 6% 49% 13.163,944 20.715,770.975 Presatcarl avadan‘r ofl-hanavwase avgLbcc&pmrlauoaa”c Ml-hmrbwasu lml-hanav 6.0r,r-7.0or s 0.9149 s (0.0039, s 0.0001 s o.ooo1 s (0.0034, 7.00~.8.00~ 0.9146 s (0.003a) s o.wo1 s o.ooo1 s (0.0037, s 8.0a~-9.0or,.Oor-,0.0or,.0az-11.0ozl.Ooz-,2.0or s O.OH6 s o.ooa4 s 0.0059 s (0.ooa9, s (0.0100, s (0.0126, s 0.0002 s 0.0992 s 0.0002 o.ooo1 s s s O.woI s (0.0061) S (0.0399) S 10.0124, _^;.-_~.__. ^.-;-.-. I s s s S 0.0071 (0.0113, 0.9002 o.ooo1 (0.0112, ,“I_-~.~.I s s s s s 12.00r-13.0oz3.0oz-14.0or.0OI-15.0~~.0~~-16.0~ 0.0039 s 0.0025 0.0033 s (0.0149) s (0.0151, s (0.0150) o.ooo2 s 0.0403 0.0002 s o.wo2 s 0.0002 s 0.0902 (0.0144, s (0.0149, s (0.0159, _.^~.;_._.. _.- ..^.~.. s s s s s .~.,“._. ._. 0.0029 (0.0155, 0.0003 o.om2 ,0.0163, 5 s s s .,__.“^_. Total Pieces 0.0184 0.0001 ..-_. --. .” RESPONSE OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS DANIEL TO INTERROGATORIES OF ADVO, INC. ADVOIUSPS-T28-11. In Table 7 at page 29 of your testimony, you show ECR letternonletter unit costs by density tier (Basic, High Density, and Saturation). With respect to these unit costs, please answer the following: Please provide for each density tier the average weight per piece (i) for letters and (4 (ii) for nonletters. Please confirm that for each density tier, nonletters have a higher average weight per (b) piece than letters. Cc) Please provide for each density tier the percentage of ECR nonletters that weigh more than the breakpoint. If a precise percentage is not available, please provide the closest estimate, such as the percentage of pieces weighing more than 3.5 ounces. Please confirm that for each density tier, the unit cost differences between letters(4 nonletters include not only the effects of shape-related cost differences, but also the effects of weight-related cost differences between letters and nonletters (e.g., the 0.464$ unit cost difference between Saturation nonletters and Saturation letters reflects both shape- and weight-related cost effects). RESPONSE: According to the data in the Billing Determinants’ presented in USPS LR-I-125 the a. average weight per piece in ounces for ECR are: b. C. d. ECR Nonletters Letters Basic 0.74 3.41 High-Density 3.40 0.90 2.93 Saturation 0.95 Confirmed. According to the data in the Billing Determinants presented in USPS LR-I-125 the percent of ECR nonletters above the breakpoint (pound-rated) are: ECR Basic High-Density Saturation Confirmed. Pieces above breakooint 45% 40% 31% DECLARATION I, Sharon Daniel, declare under penalty of perjury that the foregoing are true and correct, to the best of my knowledge, Y Dated: q c 00 information, and belief. SHARON DANIEL answers CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing document upon all participants of record in this proceeding in accordance with section 12 of the Rules of Practice. Anthony Alvernd 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, SW. Washington, DC. 20260-I 137 (202) 268-2997; Fax -6187 April 5, 2000
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