Unit and Qualification Reviews

Unit and Qualification Reviews
Katie Cockburn
Qualifications Development Officer
Maintaining units and qualifications is critical to their
ongoing success – WAMITAB must ensure that they remain:
Fit for purpose
Responsive to employer needs
Valid, Authentic, Reliable, Current, Sufficient
Compliant with regulatory requirements
How do we review?
• Learner feedback – are learners happy with the content
and delivery methods?
• National Occupational Standards – are they latest
• Technical Advisory Groups – are industry standards met?
Are new technologies incorporated?
• Design specifications – is the language clear? Is there
avoidable repetition? Is the unit stand alone?
• Demand – does registration and certification statistical
data suggest ongoing demand? Do Centres expect
increases in demand over time?
Impact on Centres
• Changes to qualifications
– It may be necessary to replace units, remove units
and make minor changes to the structure of our
– We will inform Centres via email
– Changes will affect all learners that register after
the implementation date of the change
– The latest version of the handbooks will be
available on the website
Impact on Centres
• Withdrawal of Qualifications
– Qualifications may need to be withdrawn;
meaning no more learners will be able to be
registered after the withdrawal date
– We will inform Centres, and aim to do so at least 4
months in advance of the last registration date
– If there is demand, we may REPLACE certain
qualifications which are withdrawn with similar
What does this mean for Assessment?
The assessor checklist:
– Is the qualification still live?
– Has the learner been registered with WAMITAB?
– Am I using the latest version of the qualification
– Am I familiar with any changes that may have
been made?
Thank you
Any Questions?
Peterbridge House
3 The Lakes
Tel: 01604 231950
Email: [email protected]
Web: www.wamitab.org.uk