CAP Evidence Form Assistance

CAP Evidence Form in the University Abilities of the Senior Portfolio:
Main Idea: Using the CAP Evidence Form to allow VCSU to assess reflective statements
and projects through the myeFolio system
Task: Copy and paste, or build, reflective statements in CAP Evidence Forms and drag in
the aligned projects
Look for the VCSU Help Documents for CAP Evidence Forms that exist:
How to Upload Projects Using the Course Ability Project (CAP) Evidence Form
How to Link Project from SkyDrive into myeFolio will also be helpful when projects take
up more space than myeFolio offers
Ideas for what the CAP Evidence Form may look like in myeFolio:
Collaboration 1, Collaboration 2, and Collaboration 3 each contain the CAP Evidence
Form. The three sample pages simply show three different ways to display the CAP
Evidence Form within one University Ability page.
Collaboration 1 Sample = CAP Evidence Form in full
What if I would like the CAP Evidence Form to be more of a link instead of taking up
so much of the computer screen?
Collaboration 2 Sample = CAP Form prepared and then the CAP Form is drug into the
Related Content area of an Activity (Found under New Content and Education). The
Activity is created and saved as an Activity and finally drug from the My Content area
for the appropriate page being built
Collaboration 3 Sample = mixture of projects and reflections being brought in
separately, then a CAP Evidence Form at the bottom in the format of an Activity.
This is a choice, but if a person wanted the CAP Evidence Form to look like a link.
1Complete the CAP Evidence Form in New Content and save it so the CAP
Evidence Form exists in the My Content area.
2Go to New Content and Create an Activity.
Give the Activity a title.
4- Go to the Related Content area for the Activity begin created.
5- Drag the CAP Form from My Content into the Related Content Field for the Activity.
6- Save the Activity.
7- Click on the appropriate Ability page and click Build.
8- Drag the newly created Activity from My Content into the appropriate page.