RECEIVELI UNITED STATES OF AMERCIA Before The POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 Postal Rate and Fee Changes, 2000 Docket No. R2000-1 ) OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE INTERROGATORIES TO UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE WITNESS WILLIAM P. TAYMAN (OCA/USPS-TS-12-17) Februarv 11.2000 Pursuant to sections 26 and 27 of the Rules of Practice of the Postal Rate Commission, the Office interrogatories and requests for production with OCA interrogatories incorporated of the Consumer OCA/USPS-1-14 Advocate of documents. dated January hereby submits Instructions included 24, 2000, are hereby by reference Respectfully submitted, Director Office of the Consumer Advocate KENNETH Attorney 1333 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 (202) 789-6830; Fax (202) 789-6819 E. RICHARDSON OCA/USPS-TS-12. The WHRCNVOO.xls, worksheet following refers WKHRCONV. SPTDC-00.~1~. The following For each worksheet accounting OCA/USPS-TS-14. “Rehabilitation manager’s The Program additional update CONVERSION refers to Budgeted following Hours.” refers Please to FACTORS.” filename amounts for the most USPS-LR-I-126, explain page 19, the basis for the program 1,795,OOO hour estimate for clerks in FYOO. Please provide Operating hours for the most recent accounting “Customer to period. in hours by labor category OCA/USPS-TS-15. the worksheet USPS-LR-I-127, the actual increase Budgeted filename in the file, please update all manual inputs to reflect FY99 actuals and the FYOO Operating recently completed USPS-LR-I-127, Please reflect the “PFY 1999 ACTUAL WORKHOUR OCAIUSPS-TS-13. to The following Address Awareness.” for FY98, FY99 and the FYOO period. refers to USPS-LR-I-126, The library reference page 19 to 20, indicates that city carrier hours increased 41,000 hours as a result of the customer address awareness. (a) Please explain why city carriers hours increased improve customer use of apartment/suite as a result of a campaign numbers designed to to increase the speed of mail delivery. (b) Are city carriers being used to educate the public on address hygiene? (1) If your response provide to part “b” of this interrogatory all data indicating going “door to door.” the success/failure is affirmative, rate city carriers please had in (2) Please provide all documents, scripts or other educational the city carriers during the “customer awareness (3) Did the Postal Service perform campaign.” a cost/benefit costs of using various forms of advertising tools used by analysis evaluating the versus using city carriers? If so, please provide a copy of the analysis and cite all source documents used. If not, please explain why one was not per-formed. (a) If your response to part “b” of this interrogatory what caused the estimated is negative, please explain increase in city carrier hours for FY99. (b) What is the cost impact of including the estimated 41,000 hours of increased city carrier costs on the individual mail class and subclass cost categories FYOO and FYOI as opposed to increasing OCNUSPS-T8-16. Manufacturing.” Please refer million increase. non-denominated” Identify in your breakout, 26, “Stamp the cost of producing the “designed If a stamp usage factor other than 100 please provide the estimated this interrogatory, usage factor. For purposes assume that the Postal Service is granted increase in the First-Class letter rate. OCANSPS-T8-17. to and “makeup stamp,” as well as an estimate of the volume of percent was assumed, one-cent page Please provide a detailed breakout of the $40 makeup stamps to be printed. of answering USPS-LR-I-126, costs? The costs for various supplies and services were estimated increase by $40 million for FYOI. First-Class to USPS advertising for For the First-Class letter “makeup stamp” that was most recently printed, please provide the following: (1) the production costs, (2) the the volume of makeup stamps printed, (3) the quantity sold in the calendar year immediately following its release, and (4) the actual quantity used. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this date served the foregoing all participants of record in this proceeding in accordance document with section 12 of the rules of practice. /3tyL-L ik’.vStephanie Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 February II,2000 upon S. Wallace
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