RECEIVEI) BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION ttov Docket POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES, 2001 13 No. R2001-1 INTERROGATORIES OF ASSOCIATION FOR POSTAL COMMERCE TO USPS WITNESS MOELLER (POSTCOMlUSPS-T-32-9-10) Pursuant to Sections 25 and 26 of the rules of practice, the Association Postal Commerce submits the attached interrogatories to USPS witness Moeller: PostCom /USPS-T-32-9-10. Respectfully submitted, Ian D. Volner N. Frank Wiggins Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civiletti, LLP 1201 New York Avenue, N.W. Suite 1000 Washington, DC 200053917 Counsel for Association November 13. 2001 for for Postal Commerce POSTCOMIUSPS-T32-9. USPS-LR-J-60, Please refer to Table 1 below, USPS-LR-J-132, USPS-LR-J-61, and USPS-LR-J-68. Table 1. Standard Regular Pound Rate, Standard Mail Transportation Costs, and Standard Mail Crossdocking Costs L= Category Proposed Pound Rate Transportation Cost Per Pound Cmssdocking Cost Per Pound [l] (21 $0.706 $0.139 $0.608 $0.042 $0.583 50.027 [I] USPS-LR-I-13: !, \NP 1. Page Z [2] Calculated From USPS-LR-J-66. Appendix 6, Table 9 [3] Calculated From USPS-LR-J-66, Appendix C, Table 1 [3j ygiiiz-- $0.046 $0.025 $0.011 TlanSlClOSS Cost Per Pound [4]=[2]+[3] $0.165 $0.067 $0.038 Pound Rate Mklus TlallSlCRWS Cost per Pound [5]=[1]-[4] $0.523 $0.541 $0.545 If not confirmed, (a) Please confirm that all of the figures in Table 1 are correct. please provide the correct figures and provide citations of the data that you used to calculate the correct figures. (b) Please confirm that the Standard Mail dropship cost avoidance LR-J-68) calculates crossdocking and transportation model (USPS- costs per pound (rather than per piece) and that the reason why the dropship cost avoidance model calculates crossdocking and transportation costs per pound (rather than per piece) is that these costs vary primarily with weight (as opposed to mail volume). If not confirmed fully, please explain your response. (c) Please confirm that the Standard Regular mail processing estimates (USPS-LR-J-60, on a per-piece USPS-LR-J-61, basis (not a per-pound and delivery cost and USPS-LR-J-117) are calculated basis) and the reason for this is that these costs vary primarily with mail volume (as opposed to weight). If not confirmed fully, please explain your response. (d) Are there any significant Standard Mail costs other than crossdocking transportation pieces)? and costs that vary primarily with weight (as opposed to number of If so, please identify and quantify these other costs. POSTCOMIUSPS-T32-10. Please refer to your response to VP/USPS-T32-l(b) where you state, “However, if the rate were available and the pieces were prepared processing as automation on automation and thickness, letters, it is my understanding equipment not necessarily weight. meeting all the requirements that the criteria for include dimensions such as length, height Thus, the fact that a letter-shaped for automation compatibility happens to weigh between 3.3 and 3.5 ounces should not affect whether it is processed automation equipment.” and 3.5 ounces is as likely to be processed Mail automation on Please confirm, given the adoption of your proposals, that you believe a Standard Mail automation Standard piece letter weighing between on automation equipment letter weighing less than 3.3 ounces. 3.3 ounces as a CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this date served the foregoing document upon all participants of record in this proceeding in accordance with section 12 of the rules of practice. c,41a”s4 N. Frank Wiggins Venable, Baetjer, Howard & Civiletti, LLP 1201 New York Avenue, N.W., Suite 1000 Washington, DC 200053917 202.962.4957 [email protected] Counsel for Association for Postal Commerce November 13, 2001
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