UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Before The POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 Postal Rate and Fee Changes, 2001 Docket No. R2001-1 ) OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE INTERROGATORIES TO UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE (0cA/usPs-99-105) October 19.2001 Pursuant to Rules Commission, requests 25 through 28 of the Rules the Office of the Consumer for production OCAIUSPS-1-21 of documents. dated September Advocate Instructions of Practice of the Postal Rate hereby submits interrogatories and included, with OCA interrogatories 28, 2001, are hereby incorporated Respectfully submitted, p-E b-J+/ SHELLEY S. DREIFUSS Acting Director Office of the Consumer Advocate FREDERICK Attorney 1333 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 (202) 789-6830; Fax (202) 789-6819 by reference. E. DOOLEY -2- Docket No. R2001-1 OCAIUSPS-99. The following refers to the attachment to the response of DFCIUSPS-1. (a) Please provide a copy of “Video Report - Air Carrier Reliability,” Final Report Number TV-VR-01-001, lb) Please provide Center Network,” Project Number 01 NAOOlTROOl. a copy of “Transition issued g/28/01, issued g/7/01, Planning for the Priority Mail Processing Final Report Number MK-AR-01-003, Project Number 00NA016MK000. OCA/USPS-100. The following table comes from information in response to DFCIUSPS-5 Priority and First-Class and DFCIUSPS-6. Single Piece Rate Mail - ODIS provided by the USPS Docket No. R2001-1 (a) -3- Please confirm that the percentage Overnight of mail delivered within the given standard for Priority Mail has declined versus FY 2001 - 82%). source documents from 1999 to 2001 (e.g., FY 1999 - 85% If you are unable to confirm, please explain and cite all used in preparing your response and provide a copy if one has not been previously filed. (b) Please confirm that the percentage Overnight First-Class of mail delivered within the given standard for Single Piece Mail has declined from 1999 to 2001 (e.g., FY 1999 - 93% versus FY 2001 - 91%). and cite all source documents If you are unable to confirm, please explain used in preparing your response and provide a copy if one has not been previously filed. w Please confim7 that the percentage two-day Priority of mail delivered within the given standard for Mail has declined versus FY 2001 - 68%). source documents from 1999 to 2001 (e.g., FY 1999 - 74% If you are unable to confirm, please explain and cite all used in preparing your response and provide a copy if one has not been previously filed. Cd) Please confirm that the percentage two-day First-Class of mail delivered within the given standard for Single Piece Mail has declined 1999 - 87% versus FY 2001 - 84%). and cite all source documents from 1999 to 2001 (e.g., FY If you are unable to confirm, please explain used in preparing your response and provide a copy if one has not been previously filed. (e) Please confirm that the percentage three-day Priority Mail has declined versus FY 2001 - 67%). of mail delivered within the given standard for from 1999 to 2001 (e.g., FY 1999 - 76% If you are unable to confirm, please explain and cite all -4- Docket No. R2001-1 source documents used in preparing your response and provide a copy if one has not been previously filed. (0 Please confirm that the percentage three-day First-Class of mail delivered within the given standard for Single Piece Mail has declined from 1999 to 2001 (e.g., FY 1999 - 85% versus FY 2001 - 79%). and cite all source documents If you are unable to confirm, please explain used in preparing your response and provide a copy if one has not been previously filed. kl) Please confirm that a comparison of the average days to deliver overnight indicates that for FY 1999 to FY 2001, First-Class Priority Mail (e.g., FY 2001: First-Class Mail takes less time than does SP - 1 .I versus Priority - 1.3 days). you are unable to confirm, please explain and cite all source documents preparing (h) mail If used in your response and provide a copy if one has not been previously filed. Please confirm that a comparison of the average indicates that for FY 1999 to FY 2001, First-Class Priority Mail (e.g., FY 2001: First-Class days to deliver two-day mail Mail takes less time than does SP - 2.0 versus Priority - 2.5 days). you are unable to confirm, please explain and cite all source documents If used in preparing your response and provide a copy if one has not been previously filed. 0) Please confirm that a comparison of the average days to deliver three-day indicates that for FY 1999 to FY 2001, First-Class Priority Mail (e.g., FY 2001: First-Class Mail takes less time than does SP - 3.0 versus Priority - 3.4 days)? you are unable to confirm, please explain and cite all source documents preparing mail If used in your response and provide a copy if one has not been previously filed. Docket No. R2001-1 (j) -5- Please provide copies of all studies, reports and/or analyses reasons why postal patrons piece weighing choose Priority Mail, paying performed on the more to mail a mail up to 13 oz. as Priority Mail (up to 1 lb. = $3.50), as opposed mailing the same item at the lower First-Class to Single Piece rate (13 oz. = $3.10 ($0.34 +(12*$0.23))). 0cA/usPs-101. Parts of the following Mayo as OGVUSPS-T36-7. interrogatory She responded that she was not aware of any processing centers with scanners that are not compatible object of this interrogatory information is to determine Processing (4 with the signature and Distribution Center Therefore, Certified Program. equipment please refer to an advisory at the Los Angeles (Report Number AC-MA-01-002). and Distribution that is not compatible Center (P&DC) that with the Signature Capture Include in your response the volume of Certified Mail impacted lack of compatible The has in its possession Mail Observations Please identify each and every Processing has scanning capture program. if the PoStal Service of which witness Mayo was unaware. report issued May 2, 2001 regarding were asked of USPS witness scanning equipment specific cites to all source documents include a copy of each source during FY 2000 and FY 2001. used in preparing document referenced by the Provide your response if one and has not been previously filed in this docket. lb) For each P&DC that employs the old scanning equipment this interrogatory, identified in part “a” of please explain whether or not the P&DC currently participates in the Signature Capture Program. Provide specific cites to all source documents Docket No. R2001-1 -6. used in preparing referenced (c) your response and include a copy of each source document if one has not been previously filed in this docket. Referring to part “b” of this interrogatory, currently participate in the Signature the problem of incompatible resolved, Capture Program, equipment and (2) how the resolution expected, for each and every P&DC that does not please identify: (1) when links with the national database will be accomplished. please explain why no resolution If no resolution will be achieved. cites to all source documents used in preparing copy of each source document referenced will be Provide your response is specific and include a if one has not been previously filed in this docket. (4 Please currently identify each and every non-P&DC handles incompatible Certified reference (e) Capture used in preparing Program. your response equipment” that is Provide specific cites to all and include a copy of each used if one has not been previously filed in this docket. For each non-P&DC that employs the old scanning “d” this interrogatory, participates please explain in the Signature source documents source document (0 unit or facility that Mail and uses the “old scanning with the Signature source documents Postal Service Capture used in preparing referenced whether participate identified or not the non-P&DC Program. your response Provide specific in part currently cites to all and include a copy of each if one has not been previously filed in this docket. Referring to part “e” of this interrogatory, not currently equipment in the Signature when the problem of incompatible for each and every non-P&DC Capture equipment Program, that does please identify: (1) links with the national database will -7- Docket No. R2001-1 be resolved, and (2) how the resolution will be accomplished. expected, please explain why no resolution If no resolution will be achieved. cites to all source documents used in preparing copy of each source document referenced your response Provide is specific and include a if one has not been previously filed in this docket. (9) For each year, FY 2000 and FY 2001, please provide: (1) the number of Certified Mail transactions percentage in which of Certified equipment” scanning Mail transactions used; and (3) information scanning “old equipment” was in which “old scanning used; (2) equipment” the was sufficient to show the revenue impact of using the “old that was not linked to the national specific cites to all source include a copy of each documents source used in preparing document referenced database. Provide your response and if one has not been previously filed in this docket. OCNUSPS-102. For each of the past three years and for each category or type of Express Mail for which the Postal Service collects data, please provide nationwide from ODIS, EMRS, and any other applicable (a) The percentage by the applicable systems showing: of the time mail is delivered within the number of days specified service standard; (b) The average number of days to delivery; and (cl The full calculation interrogatory represents. data including for each figure a description requested in parts “a” and “b” of this of what each figure used in the calculation Please provide cites to source documents for all figures presented in -a- Docket No. R2001-1 calculations and provide copies of the document if one has not been previously filed in this docket. OCANSPS-103. For each of the past three years and for each category (a) Express Mail, (b) Priority Mail and (c) First-Class nationwide service standard. for mail delivered In your response, including a description Please provide cites to source systems showing by the applicable - volume, percentage within 1 to 15 days after the applicable each figure requested represents. beyond of the number of days specified Please provide the frequency for each of the fifteen days. calculations single piece letters, please provide data from ODIS, EMRS, EXFC and any other applicable the amount of mail delivered or type of and average - service standard, broken out please include the full calculation for of what each figure used in the calculation documents and provide copies of any documents for all figures presented in that have not been previously filed in this docket. OCANSPS-104. The following refers to the Postal Service responses 5 and DFCYUSPS-6. Postal Service’s Please provide the full calculation response calculation represents. presented in calculations including Please a description provide and provide to DFCNSPS- of each figure provided of what each figure cites to source documents copies of any documents in the used in the for all figures that have not been previously filed in this docket. OCALJSPS-105. For each of the past three years and for each of the data systems that collect data on (a) Express Mail, (b) Priority Mail, and (c) First-Class Mail, please DocketNo.R2001-1 -9- provide a definition of (1) the point of entry into the data collection system (for example, deposit of an envelope into a mailbox) and (2) the point of exit from the data collection system (for example, arrival of a piece of mail at the destination physical delivery documents (4 to the addressee’s residence). Please Postal Service facility or provide cites to source and provide copies if one has not been previously filed in this docket. If the point of entry and/or the point of exit used in the data system(s) differs from that used to calculate provide alternative definitions each alternative system(s). Postal Service’s used to calculate definition service standards, please the service standards differs from the definition Please provide cites to source documents the and identify how used in the applicable data and provide copies if one has not been previously filed in this docket. (b) Referring to part “a” of this interrogatory, for each alternative documents for the adoption that discuss the reason(s) Please provide cites to these documents previously filed in this docket. definition, of different identify all standards. and provide copies if one has not been CERTIFICATE I hereby participants OF SERVICE certify that I have this date served the foregoing of record in this proceeding practice. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 October 19,200l in accordance document upon all with Rule 12 of the rules of
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