UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Before The POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 202680001 Postal Rate and Fee Changes, 2001 Docket No. R2001-1 1 OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE INTERROGATORIES TO UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE (OCA/USPS-161-166) October 26,200l Pursuant Commission, requests to Rules 25 through 28 of the Rules of Practice the Dffice of the Consumer for production OCAAJSPS-1-21 of documents. dated September Advocate Instructions hereby submits interrogatories and included with OCA interrogatories 28, 2001, are hereby incorporated 5-u SHELLEY S. DREIFUSS Acting Director Oftice of the Consumer Advocate EMMETT RAND COSTICH Attorney 1333 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 (202) 789-6830; Fax (202) 789-6819 of the Postal Rate by reference. -2- DocketNo.R2001-1 OCANSPS-161. Please refer to the response groups of 10,000 letter-shaped each letter-shaped First-Class rate. to OCA/USPS44(b). pieces are identical in every respect. piece in each group is automation However, compatible, Assume two More specifically, barcoded and paid a one group weighs one ounce and the other group weighs two ounces. a. Assume further that the two groups of letter-shaped pass on the same Delivery throughputs and velocities pieces are processed Bar Code Sorter (DBCS). in one Please confirm that the for that pass would be the same for each group. If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the throughputs b. Assume and velocities for each group to differ. the same productivities identify facts above and in part a. for each group would be the same. and describe all factors that would Please confirm that the If you do not confirm, please cause the productivities for each group to differ. C. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the wage rates for each group would be the same. If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the wage rates for each group to differ. d. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the total cost and the unit cost for processing each group on the DBCS would be the same. If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the total and unit costs for each group to differ. e. Assume the same facts above and in part a., except that each group of letter- shaped pieces is processed in two passes on the same DBCS. Please answer -3. Docket No. FUOOI-1 parts a., b., c., and d. assuming processed f. Assume that each letter-shaped piece in each group is in two passes on the same DBCS. the same facts above and in part a., except that each group of letter- shaped pieces is processed in two passes on the same DBCS. that the total cost and the unit cost for processing cost of each group if processed Please confirm each group would be twice the in one pass on the same DBCS. If you do not confirm, please explain. cl. Please confirm that the responses to parts a. through where the two groups were processed (MPBCS) and a Carrier Sequencing f. would on a Mail Processing be the same Bar Code Sorter Bar Code Sorter (CSBCS), respectively. If you do not confirm, please explain. h. Please confirm that the responses where the two groups consisted shaped pieces, respectively. OCNUSPS-162. Please Standard of 100,000, rate. be the same 1 million, and 10 million letter- to OCAAJSPS-44(b). pieces are identical in every respect. piece in each group is automation Mail Regular g. would If you do not confirm, please explain. refer to the response groups of 10,000 letter-shaped each letter-shaped to parts a. through However, compatible, one group weighs Assume two More specifically, barcoded, and paid a one ounce and the other group weighs two ounces. a. Assume further that the two groups of letter-shaped pass on the same DBCS. that pass would pieces are processed Please confirm that the throughputs be the same for each group. in one and velocities for If you do not confirm, please -4- Docket No. R2001-1 identify and describe all factors that would cause the throughputs and velocities for each group to differ. b Assume the productivities identify same facts above and in part for each group would be the same. and describe all factors that would a. Please confirm that the If you do not confirm, please cause the productivities for each group to differ. C. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the wage rates for processing each group would be the same. identify and describe If you do not confirm, please all factors that would cause the wage rates for each group to differ. d. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the total cost and the unit cost for processing each group on the DBCS would be the same. If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the total and unit costs for each group to differ. e. Assume the same facts above and in part a., except that each group of letter- shaped pieces is processed in two passes on the same DBCS. parts a., b., c., and d. assuming processed f. that each letter-shaped Please answer piece in each group is in two passes on the same DBCS. Assume the same facts above and in part a., except that each group of lettershaped pieces is processed in two passes on the same DBCS. that the total cost and the unit cost for processing cost of each group if processed confirm, please explain. Please confirm each group would be twice the in one pass on the same DBCS. If you do not -5- Docket No. RZOOI-1 9. Please confirm that the responses to parts a. through where the two groups were processed f. would be the same on a MPBCS and a CSBCS, respectively. If you do not confirm, please explain. h. Please confirm that the responses where the two groups consisted shaped pieces, respectively. OCAAJSPS-163. Please letter-shaped However, piece 1 million, and 10 million letter- to OCANSPS-44(b). pieces are identical in every respect. in each group is automation two More specifically, and barcoded. rate, and the other group Mail Regular rate. Assume further that the two groups of letter-shaped pass on the same DBCS. Assume compatible one group weighs one ounce and paid a First-Class that pass would g. would be the same If you do not confirm, please explain. weighs two ounces and paid a Standard a. of 100,000, refer to the response groups of 10,000 letter-shaped each to parts a. through pieces are processed Please confirm that the throughputs be the same for each group. in one and velocities for If you do not confirm, identify and describe all factors that would cause the throughputs please and velocities for each group to differ. b. Assume the productivities identify same facts above and in part a. for each group would be the same. and describe all factors that would Please confirm that the If you do not confirm, please cause the productivities for each group to differ. C. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the wage rates for processing each group would be the same. If you do not confirm, please Docket No. R2001-1 -6. identify and describe all factors that would cause the wage rates for each group to differ. d. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the total cost and the unit cost for processing each group on the DBCS would be the same. If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the total and unit costs for each group to differ. e. Assume shaped the same facts above and in part a., except that each group of letterpieces is processed in two passes on the same DBCS. parts a., b., c., and d. assuming processed f. Assume that each letter-shaped Please answer piece in each group is in two passes on the same DBCS. the same facts above and in part a., except that each group of letter- shaped pieces is processed same DBCS. in two group would be twice the that the total cost and the unit cost cost of each group if processed Please confirm in DBCS. If you do not f. would be the same confirm, please explain. cl. Please confirm that the responses to parts a through where the two groups were processed on a MPB S and a CSBCS, respectively. If you do not confirm, please explain. h. Please confirm that the responses where the two groups consisted shaped pieces, respectively. i. to parts a. throug of 100,000, ,:_: g. would be the same 1 millio , and 10 million letter- If you do not confirm, plea e explain. Please confirm that the responses to parts a. thro where the group that paid the First-Class h. would be the same rate weighed two ounces and the group -7- Docket No. R2001-I that paid the Standard Mail Regular rate weighed one ounce. If you do not confirm, please explain. OCANSPS-164. a. Please refer to the response to OCANSPS-42(b). Please confirm that barcoded letter-shaped First-Class letter rate and a First-Class separately until processing pieces consisting of pieces paying a card rate are typically processed into Delivery Point Sequence (DPS). If you do not confirm, please explain. b. Please confirm that prebarcoded a First-Class separately C. letter-shaped letter rate and a First-Class until processing pieces consisting of pieces paying card rate are typically processed into DPS. If you do not confirm, please explain. Please confirm that for processing into DPS, barcoded and prebarcoded shaped pieces consisting of pieces paying a First-Class Class card rate become commingled letter- letter rate and a First- only on the second DPS pass. If you do not confirm, please explain. OCAAJSPS-165. Please refer to the response groups of 10,000 letter-shaped each letter-shaped pieces are identical in every respect. piece in each group is automation one ounce. However, one group paid a First-Class a First-Class card rate. a. to OCAAJSPS-44(b). compatible, two More specifically, barcoded, and weighs letter rate and the other group paid Assume further that the two groups of letter-shaped pass on the same DBCS. Assume pieces are processed Please confirm that the throughputs in one and velocities for Docket No. RZOOI-1 -6- that pass would be the same for each group. identify and describe If you do not confirm, all factors that would cause the throughputs please and velocities for each group to differ. b. Assume the same productivities identify facts above and in part a. for each group would be the same. and describe all factors that would Please confirm that the If you do not confirm, please cause the productivities for each group to differ. C. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the wage rates for each group would be the same. If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the wage rates for each group to differ. d. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the total cost and the unit cost for processing each group on the DBCS would be the same. If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the total and unit costs for each group to differ. e. Assume the same facts above and in part a., except that each letter-shaped piece in each group weighed 2 ounces. assuming that each letter-shaped f. Assume piece in each group weighed 2 ounces. 3 ounces. assuming that each letter-shaped Assume parts a., b., c., and d. the same facts above and in part a., except that each letter-shaped piece in each group weighed 9. Please answer Please answer parts a., b., c., and d. piece in each group weighed 3 ounces. the same facts above and in part a., except that each group of letter- shaped pieces is processed in two passes on the same DBCS. Please answer Docket No. R2001-1 -9- parts a., b., c., and d. assuming processed h. Assume that each letter-shaped piece in each group is in two passes on the same DBCS. the same facts above and in part a., except that each group of letter- shaped pieces is processed in two passes on the same DBCS. that the total cost and the unit cost for processing cost of each group if processed Please confirm each group would be twice the in one pass on the same DBCS. If you do not confirm, please explain. i. Please confirm that the responses to parts a. through where the two groups were processed h. would be the same on a MPBCS and a CSBCS, respectively. If you do not confirm, please explain. i Please confirm that the responses the two groups consisted pieces, respectively. OCAIUSPS-166. Please letter-shaped piece of 100,000, 1 million, and 10 million letter-shaped If you do not confirm, please explain. refer to the response groups of 10,000 letter-shaped each to parts a. through i. would be the same where to OCAIUSPS-44(b). pieces are identical in every respect. in each group is automation compatible However, one group weighs one ounce and paid a First-Class group weighs two ounces and paid a First-Class a. that pass would two More specifically, and barcoded. card rate, and the other letter rate. Assume further that the two groups of letter-shaped pass on the same DBCS. Assume pieces are processed Please confirm that the throughputs be the same for each group. in one and velocities for If you do not confirm, please -lO- Docket No. R2001-1 identify and describe all factors that would cause the throughputs and velocities for each group to differ. b. Assume the productivities identify same facts above and in part a. for each group would be the same. and describe all factors that would Please confirm that the If you do not confirm, please cause the productivities for each group to differ. C. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the wage rates for processing each group would be the same. identify and describe If you do not confirm, please all factors that would cause the wage rates for each group to differ. d. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the total cost and the unit cost for processing each group on the DBCS would be the same. If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the total and unit costs for each group to differ. e. Assume shaped the same facts above and in part a., except that each group of letterpieces is processed in two passes on the same DBCS. parts a., b., c., and d. assuming processed f. Assume that each letter-shaped Please answer piece in each group is in two passes on the same DBCS. the same facts above and in part a., Except that each group of letter- shaped pieces is processed in two passes on the same DBCS. that the total cost and the unit cost for processing cost of each group if processed confirm, please explain. Please confirm each group would be twice the in one pass on the same DBCS. If you do not Docket No. R2001-1 9. -II- Please confirm that the responses to parts a. through where the two groups were processed f. would be the same on a MPBCS and a CSBCS, respectively. If you do not confirm, please explain. h. Please confirm that the responses where the two groups consisted shaped pieces, respectively. i. to parts a. through of 100,000, g. would 1 million, be the same and 10 million letter- If you do not confirm, please explain. Please confirm that the responses to parts a. through where the group that paid the First-Class group that paid the First-Class h. would be the same card rate weighed letter rate weighed two ounces and the one ounce. If you do not confirm; please explain. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this date served the foregoing participants of record in this proceeding practice. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 October 26,200l in accordance document upon all with Rule 12 of the rules of
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