. . UNITED STATES OF AMERICA Before The POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON, D.C. 20268-0001 Postal Rate and Fee Changes, 2001 RECEIVED OCT31 2 16 PI (01 POSi!*i;‘I-;’ i;:;l%.:,,;‘,~~ OFFICCOF ii:i: st:~‘~irdi(y Docket No. R2001-1 ) OFFICE OF THE CONSUMER ADVOCATE INTERROGATORIES TO UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE (OCA/USPS-167-171) October 31.2001 Pursuant Commission, requests to Rules 25 through 28 of the Rules of Practice the Office of the Consumer for production OCA/USPS-1-21 of documents. dated September Advocate Instructions 28,2001, Respectfully hereby submits interrogatories and included with OCA interrogatories are hereby incorporated submitted, SHELLEY S. DREIFUSS Acting Director Office of the Consumer Advocate EMMETT RAND COSTICH Attorney 1333 H Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 (202) 789-6830; Fax (202) 789-6819 of the Postal Rate by reference. Docket No. R2001-1 -2- OCANSPS-167. a. Please refer to the response to OCAAJSPS-63. Refer to the response to part a. Please confirm that “letters with insufficient addresses” generally enter the postal system as collection mail. If you do not confirm, please explain. b. Refer to the response to parts b. and d. i. Please provide the base year and test year volume, or an estimate of the volume, of First-Class letter-shaped Service via “Retail acceptance ii. mail that is entered with the Postal personnel;” For the base year and test year, please provide the percent, or an estimate of the percent, of total First-Class entered via “Retail acceptance III. letter-shaped mail that is personnel;” For the base year and test year, please provide the total volume, or an estimate of the total volume, of mail entered via “Retail acceptance personnel.” C. Refer to the response to parts b. and d. i. Please identify methods other than “Retail acceptance which First-Class ii. letter-shaped personnel” by mail is entered with the Postal Service; Please provide the base year and test year volume, or an estimate of the volume, of First-Class letter-shaped mail that is entered via each of the methods identified in subpart i. d. Refer to the response to part b. Please confirm that “culling equipment” the Advanced explain. Facer Canceler System (AFCS). If you do not confirm, refers to please -3- Docket No. R2001-1 e. Refer to the response AFCS specifically aspect ratio mailstream. f. to part b. Please confirm that there is no feature of the designed to separate letter-shaped requirements (DMM section pieces that fail to meet the C810.2.2.) Refer to the response to part b. Please confirm that there is no feature of any other mail processing equipment specifically designed (DMM section C810.2.2.) Refer to the response to part b. Please confirm that there is no feature of any mailstream. equipment If you do not confirm, please explain. specifically designed nonmachinable to separate letter-shaped pieces surcharge from the letter-shaped If you do not confirm, please explain. Refer to the response belts” located? equipment? to part b. In what mail processing operation are “culling Are culling belts a part of, or separate from, any mail processing Please explain destined for manual processing how culling belts separate from the letter-shaped letter-shaped pieces mailstream. Refer to the response to part b. Please confirm that culling belts are not capable of separating surcharge letter-shaped pieces subject from other manual letter-shaped explain how the culling belts accomplish j. letter-shaped mailstream. that are subject to the proposed i. to separate from the letter-shaped mail processing h. the letter-shaped If you do not confirm, please explain. pieces that fail to meet the aspect ratio requirements cl. from to the proposed pieces. nonmachinable If you do not confirm, please this separation. Refer to the response to part b. Please confirm that as “mailhandlers letters from the collection mailstream,” they will not separate cull manual letter-shaped pieces -4- Docket No. R2001-1 subject to the proposed shaped pieces. k. nonmachinable surcharge Refer to the response to part b., where it states that letter-shaped confirm that the automation equipment subject to the proposed nonmachinable shaped pieces. accomplished pieces “can be sorted to reject stackers.” will not separate letter-shaped Please pieces surcharge from other manual letter- If you do not confirm, please explain how this separation by the automation is to be equipment. Refer to the response to part b., where it states “As letter trays arrive from bulk mailers or other processing letters from automation facilities, mailhandlers compatible letters.” separate full trays of manual Please confirm that full trays of manual letters from bulk mailers will be marked for manual processing to DMM section M130.1.5. m. letter- If you do not confirm, please explain. diverted to the manual mailstream once I. from other manual pursuant If you do not confirm, please explain. Refer to the response to part b., where it states “As letter trays arrive from bulk mailers or other processing letters from automation facilities, mailhandlers compatible letters.” Please confirm that the full trays of manual letters arriving from other processing trays of nonmachinable separate full trays of manual letter-shaped facilities will not be separated into pieces subject to the proposed surcharge and trays of other manual letter-shaped pieces. If you do not confirm, please explain. n. Refer to the response to part b., where it states “As letter trays arrive from bulk mailers or other processing letters from automation facilities, mailhandlers compatible letters.” separate full trays of manual Please confirm that within the full DocketNo.R2001-1 -5. trays of manual letters arriving from other processing be separated surcharge into nonmachinable letter-shaped and other manual letter-shaped facilities, the letters will not pieces subject to the proposed pieces. If you do not confirm, please explain. 0. Refer to the response to part c., where it states that “the Test Year After Rates volumes include an estimate of the additional pieces meeting the proposed nonomachinable definition.” What proportion of the difference between the Base Year and Test Year After Rates volumes for nonstandardlnonmachinable First- Class Single-Piece (as and Nonautomated Presort Letters is nonmachinable opposed to nonstandard)? P. Refer to the response to part d. Where nonstandard/nonmachinable shaped pieces are not identified by “Retail acceptance every operation (RBCS); Outgoing q. (e.g., Entry Activities; Outgoing personnel,” Remote please identify Bar Code Primary, Carrier Delivery, etc.) where letter-shaped separated from the letter-shaped mailstream determined to be nonmachinable. surcharge. Please explain how the determination for manual and subject to the proposed acceptance personnel,” Sorter pieces are processing is to be made. letter- Mail Entry Unit (BMEU) please identify every operation (e.g., Entry Activities; Outgoing RBCS; Outgoing Primary, Carrier Delivery, etc.) where letter-shaped pieces are separated from the letter-shaped and nonmachinable Refer to the response to part d. Where nonstandardlnonmachinable shaped pieces are not identified by “Business letter- mailstream for manual processing Docket No. R2001-1 r. -6- and determined to be nonmachinable nonmachinable surcharge. and subject to the proposed Please explain how the determination is to be made. Refer to the response to parts f. - j., where it states that “Pieces originally determined to be machinable subsequently at the retail window or BMEU but determined to be nonmachinable similar to the existing nonstandard “existing nonstandard surcharge through the entire automated during processing, are intended to be treated surcharge Please confirm that some pieces.” pieces” are currently processed mail processing system. successfully If you do not confirm, ,please explain. S. Refer to the response to parts f:- j. i. Please provide the base year volume, or an estimate of the volume, of “existing nonstandard successfully ii. surcharge pieces” that are currently processed through the entire automated mail processing system; For the base year, please provide the percent, or an estimate of the percent, of “existing nonstandard processed successfully surcharge pieces” that are currently through the entire automated mail processing system. t. Refer to the response to parts f. - j., where it states that “processing assume the pieces have been appropriately marked ‘Postage Due.“’ personnel charged at entry and will not be Please confirm that only retail and BMEU acceptance will mark Postage Due on letter-shaped nonmachinable surcharge. personnel pieces subject to the proposed If you do not confirm, please identify every operation (e.g., Entry Activities; Outgoing Remote Bar Code Sorter (RBCS); Outgoing -7- Docket No. R2001-1 Primary, Carrier Delivery, etc.) where letter-shaped pieces will be marked Postage Due. U. Refer to the response to parts f. - j., where it states that “processing assume the pieces have been appropriately marked ‘Postage Due.“’ proposed nonmachinable BMEU, such letter-shaped surcharge. V. charged at entry and will not be Please confirm that if letter-shaped surcharge personnel pieces subject to the are not identified at the retail window or pieces will not pay the proposed nonmachinable If you do not confirm, please explain. Refer to the response to parts f. - j. i. Please provide the base year and test year volume, or an estimate of the volume, of nonstandardlnonmachinable letter-shaped mail that is marked Postage Due; ii. For the base year and test year, please provide the percent, or an estimate of the percent, of nonstandardlnonmachinable letter-shaped mail that is marked Postage Due; III. Please provide the base year and test year volume, or an estimate of the volume, of manual letter-shaped iv. mail that is marked Postage Due; For the base year and test year, please provide the percent, or an estimate of the percent, of manual letter-shaped mail that is marked Postage Due. W. Refer to the response to parts f. - j. Please confirm that because not all nonstandardlnonmachinable BMEU acceptance personnel, letter-shaped pieces will be identified by retail and the Test Year After Rates revenue estimates for -a- Docket No. R2001-1 the proposed nonmachinable surcharge are overstated. If you do not confirm, please explain. OCANSPS-168. Please refer to the response groups of 10,000 flat-shaped each flat-shaped two ounces. to OCA/USPS44(b). pieces are identical in every respect. piece in each group is automation However, one group paid a First-Class compatible, Assume two More specifically, barcoded, and weighs rate and the other paid a Standard Mail Regular rate. a. Assume further that the two groups of flat-shaped pass on the same Advanced that the throughputs group. Assume the same productivities identify Flat Sorting Machine (AFSM) 100. and velocities in one Please confirm for that pass would be the same for each If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the throughputs b. pieces are processed and velocities for each group to differ. facts above and in part a. for each group would be the same. and describe all factors that would Please confirm that the If you do not confirm, please cause the productivities for each group to differ. C. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the wage rates for each group would be the same. If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the wage rates for each group to differ. d. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the total cost and the unit cost for processing each group on the AFSM 100 would be the -Q- Docket No. R2001-1 same. If you do not do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the total and unit costs for each group to differ. e. Assume the same facts above and in part a., except that each flat-shaped in each group weighed assuming that each flat-shaped f. weighed parts a., b., c., and d. piece in each group weighed 3 ounces. Please 4 ounces. assuming that each flat-shaped answer piece parts a., b., c., and d. piece in each group weighed 4 ounces. Assume the same facts above and in part a., except that each group of flat- shaped pieces is processed in two passes on the same AFSM answer parts a. through f. assuming processed h. answer Assume the same facts above and in part a., except that each flat-shaped in each group 9. Please 3 ounces. piece that each flat-shaped 100. Please piece in each group is in two passes on the same AFSM 100. Assume the same facts above and in part a., except that each group of flat- shaped pieces is processed in two passes on the same AFSM confirm that the total cost and the unit cost for processing twice the cost of each group if processed 100. Please each group would be in one pass on the same AFSM 100. If you do not do not confirm, please explain. i. Please confirm that the responses where the two groups were processed to parts a. through be the same on a Flat Sorting Machine (FSM) 881 and a Flat Sorting Machine (FSM) 1000, respectively. explain. h. would If you do not confirm, please Docket No. R2001-I j. -lO- Please confirm that the responses to parts a. through i. would be the same where the two groups consisted of 100,000, 1 million, and 10 million flat-shaped respectively. pieces, If you do not confirm, please explain. OCAIUSPS-169. Please refer to the response groups of 10,000 flat-shaped to OCA/USPS44(b). pieces are identical in every respect. two More specifically, each flat-shaped piece in each group is automation First-Class However, one group weighs two ounces and the other group weighs rate. compatible, Assume barcoded and paid a three ounces. a. Assume further that the two groups of flat-shaped pieces are processed pass on the same AFSM 100. Please confirm that the throughputs for that pass would be the same for each group. identify and describe in one and velocities If you do not confirm, please all factors that would cause the throughputs and velocities for each group to differ. b. Assume the same productivities identify facts above and in part for each group would be the same. and describe all factors that would a. Please confirm that I the If you do not confirm, please cause the productivities for each group to differ. C. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the wage rates for each group would be the same. If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the wage rates for each group to differ. d. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the total cost and the unit cost for processing each group on the AFSM 100 would be the -II- Docket No. R2001-1 same. If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the total and unit costs for each group to differ. e. Assume the same facts above and in part a., except that each group of flat- shaped pieces is processed answer parts a., b., c., and d. assuming group is processed f. in two passes on the same AFSM 100. that each flat-shaped Please piece in each in two passes on the same AFSM 100. Assume the same facts above and in part a., except that each group of flat- shaped pieces is processed in two passes on the same AFSM confirm that the total cost and the unit cost for processing twice the cost of each group if processed 100. Please each group would be in one pass on the same AFSM 100. If you do not confirm, please explain. 9. Please confirm that the responses where the two groups respectively. h. were processed where the two groups consisted pieces, respectively. Please groups of 10,000 flat-shaped each flat-shaped Standard f. would be the same on a FSM 881 and a FSM 1000, If you do not confirm, please explain. Please confirm that the responses OCABJSPS-170. to parts a. through to parts a. through rate. group weighs three ounces. be the same of 100,000, 1 million, and 10 million. flat-shaped If you do not confirm, please explain. refer to the response to OCANSPS-44(b). pieces are identical in every respect. piece in each group is automation Mail Regular g. would However, compatible, one group weighs Assume two More specifically, barcoded two ounces and paid a and the other -12- Docket No. R2001-1 a. Assume further that the two groups of flat-shaped pieces are processed pass on the same AFSM 100. Please confirm that the throughputs for that pass would be the same for each group. in one and velocities If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the throughputs and velocities for each group to differ. b. Assume the same productivities identify facts above and in part a. for each group would be the same. and describe all factors that would Please confirm that the If you do not confirm, please cause the productivities for each group to differ. C. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the wage rates for each group would be the same. If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the wage rates for each group to differ. d. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the total cost and the unit cost for processing same. each group on the AFSM 100 would be the If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the total and unit costs for each group to differ. e. Assume the same facts above and in part a., except that each group of flat- shaped pieces is processed answer parts a., b., c., and d. assuming group is processed f. Assume shaped in two passes on the same AFSM that each flat-shaped 100. Please piece in each in two passes on the same AFSM 100. the same facts above and in part a., except that each group of flatpieces is processed in two passes on the same AFSM 100. confirm that the total cost and the unit cost for processing Please each group would be -13- Docket No. R2001-1 twice the cost of each group if processed in one pass on the same AFSM 100. If you do not confirm, please explain. 9 Please confirm that the responses where the two groups respectively. h. were processed Please confirm that the responses pieces, respectively. OcA/usPs-171. to parts a. through piece g. would be the same of 100,000, 1 million, and 10 million flat-shaped If you do not confirm, please explain. groups of 10,000 flat-shaped However, be the same on a FSM 881 and a FSM 1000, Please refer to the response flat-shaped f. would If you do not confirm, please explain. where the two groups consisted each to parts a. through pieces are identical in each one group weighs group two ounces to OCA/USPS44(b). in every respect. is automation Assume More specifically, compatible and paid a First-Class two and barcoded. rate, and the other group weighs three ounces and paid a Standard Mail Regular rate. a. Assume further that the two groups of flat-shaped pieces are processed pass on the same AFSM 100. Please confirm that the throughputs for that pass would be the same for each group. in one and velocities If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the throughputs and velocities for each group to differ. b. Assume the same productivities identify above and in part a. for each group would be the same. and describe group to differ. facts all factors that would Please confirm that the If you do not confirm, please cause the productivities for each -14- Docket No. R2001-1 C. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the wage rates for processing each group would be the same. If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the wage rates for each group to differ. d. Assume the same facts above and in part a. Please confirm that the total cost and the unit cost for processing same. each group on the AFSM 100 would be the If you do not confirm, please identify and describe all factors that would cause the total and unit costs for each group to differ. e. Assume the same facts above and in part a., except that each group of flat- shaped pieces is processed answer parts a., b., c., and d. assuming group is processed f. in two passes on the same AFSM that each flat-shaped 100. Please piece in each in two passes on the same AFSM 100. Assume the same facts above and in part a., except that each group of flat- shaped pieces is processed in two passes on the same AFSM confirm that the total cost and the unit cost for processing twice the cost of each group if processed 100. Please each group would be in one pass on the same AFSM 100. If you do not confirm, please explain. 9. Please confirm that the responses where the two groups respectively. h. were to parts a. through processed f. would be the same on a FSM 881 and a FSM 1000, If you do not confirm, please explain. Please confirm that the responses where the two groups consisted pieces, respectively. to parts a. through g. would be the same of 100,000, 1 million, and 10 million flat-shaped If you do not confirm, please explain. Docket No. R2001-1 i. -15- Please confirm that the responses to parts a. through where the group that paid the First-Class group that paid the Standard rate weighed Mail Regular rate weighed h. would be the same three ounces two ounces. and the If you do not confirm, please explain. CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this date served the foregoing participants of record in this proceeding practice. Washington, D.C. 20268-0001 October 31,200l in accordance document upon all with Rule 12 of the rules of
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