RECEIVEII BEFORE THE POSTAL RATE COMMISSION WASHINGTON. D.C. 20266-0001 POSTAL RATE AND FEE CHANGES, 2001 i fJcr I5 5 40 P/j ‘01 Docket No. R2001-1 REVISED RESPONSE OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE TO INTERROGATORY OF DOUGLAS F. CARLSON (DFC/USPS-1) The United States Postal Service hereby provides its revised response to the following interrogatory of Douglas F. Carlson: DFC/USPS-1 , filed on September 27, 2001. The original response, filed on October 11, 2001, referred to a list of audit report on the Office of Inspector General website. The Postal Service has since learned that many of the most recent reports are not yet listed on that website. The interrogatory is stated verbatim and is followed by the response. Respectfully submitted, UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE By its attorneys: Daniel J. Foucheaux, Jr. Chief Counsel, Ratemaking %-uwt.~ David H. Rubin 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, SW. Washington, D.C. 20260-l 137 (202) 268-2986; Fax -5402 October 15,200l Revised October 15,200l RESPONSE OF UNITED STATES POSTAL SERVICE TO INTERROGATORY OF DOUGLAS F. CARLSON DFCAJSPS-1. Please provide a listing of all Postal Inspection Service or Off ice of the Inspector General audits that either unit has conducted since January 1, 2000. RESPONSE: The Postal Inspection Service has ceased performing audits. This function now rests solely with the Office of the Inspector General. A listing of all Office of the Inspector General audits conducted from January 1, 2000 to March 30, 2001 is located on the OIG Web Page: www.uspsoio.oov. A list of the reports issued since March 31, 2001 is provided in the attachment to this response. I Final Rpt Issued Dated Title hdd of Statidial Tests for Fiwl Year 2001 Cou and -“us Audit - Lono tkmh Disbict AUG’Yof titati&cal Tests for F-1 YOU 2001 -Cc& ~“d RoVMW Anti Caphal District tk~use Cammitlee on G%mmenf R4lotm TerUmony C_.------ “^..“rnm+ __._ RIdn0e. c,m,,uma, s,,- iswlew of the Retied Svrm”l, ph& Ruler GovemIng Conmwdd .KUOl FFdR-01.010 OINAO16FFOO5 u4m1 FF-AR-Ol-009 u4ml us/o1 IGTROMO2 -__DA-AR-01~4 OlNAO16FFOOl _____-.-.. 01K0010000 4mlOl DE.AR-Ol-002 .---. ona Mail Recaivhp Agpencier Project Number Final Report Nflfllber -’ ..-... ..-..--__ _.-.. ..__ OOSAOO5DAOOO OOPAOlSFROO ._._ - FY 2001 Flnancial lnstakdion Audtt -Central Ffodda Dhfrkt ACWu”Ung DfflcS _- F-f 2001Finsncinl~~Audb;SaN1Gwtgb 0istriu Accalmtblg Df6ce M 2001 Finoncipl lnstallaiion Avda - Ptt Statbn Porl DtT!m, New Yuk New YOdl_--_--. --Fiscal Year 2M)l Finandal ImUktiO” Audit MOr Stanp Dkt&‘tii” m(. Grand PniM, Texas) _-__-.------_~-__--.-~__.._ ~-..~..-_-Network sccudty at the SO” Mama Compumr opn”ltlo”s service center _--._ Retail Pmpaitas __.-~%&i&~i&cl Labor and l”difec4 Eqmt~ss Rates Sutnni(tsd by Key handling Systems. l”cDlpomted ,.,__. ..-. Under -..-- SoYcllrrtion lO25%0&612i FY 2001 Financial installation Audb -Omaha Stamp Distniutton Dfke __.-.-. 4HOml FF-AROlWl ---,.----_--__ FF-AR-01913 UlwOl ____-_-FF-AR-01.012 411imi _-,-____----FFaRdlJJl4 UluOl -_-.. --._--.-._... .-._ 4llWOl IS-ARXI~XIO~ --Uloml cA.lxR-oi-037 _--._---__-_-_ Ulg/Ol CA-CAR-W-OY) ---.-----___...-- -___--_~___ cAcAR-01-039 4n3mr -.--_ FF.AR-01.015 4i-24101 OlNAOO.+FW5 , 01NAW4FF001 01 NAOO5FFOOS ..__ -. ,._-.. OlNAOO6FFOO7 ___...-. ..-.- .~.~ ooEAoo61soOO -__O1tlAOl6CAOOO __..---.. ,... o1tlAo33oAooo ____.__I___..___._ o1HAo34cmo --_..._ 01NA006FF005 --~----.-...- Responribilllies of &dncting 4l3WOl Dfkem’ Rep~ntafNes ------ -- ___.. ~___.___..____ DCM Audit Report ol Arlhur D. lilib’r ComplW~a mill? Cost ACCOu”ti”g Standard 416 --. Review of Paymenl Requesb by Neal R Gmu 6 CO., bxk Under Conbad ____...- 102590~WP-0751 . .._ -~ h~peuion se~ice Support to Portal Setvia mEa Assessment Teams -------------7 Catbf~edMail ObseNabons a the Los Angates Pmouing 3:06P.U and Diitnbution Cater ._._-,----- .._.._.- CAdR-01902 99Fwoo9cAooo _----- _..__. 4nolo1 CA.CAR41-040 00HAo38cA000 -~ 4l3OlOl CA-MA-Old02 OlHAUSSCAOWl ov-AR-01402 .___.______~ AGMA-01-002 wJA01GJ000 __.--_----_ 4l3OlOl --.. ,--..-..__. 5t2fOl * --o1NAo1oAcooo Page I Oslo . - .,_ Final Rpt Issued Dated Title .%writy Vulnerability Tech Mate0 computer opetina F-f 200, AtId& o,stalbud ~FF-AR-M-018 -e-----P--.~.LF?!!?LAudtt of SWMicp, Tests for M 1wl Cost nd FhWlW h+ - blOhtb Dialrid Mail Transport Equipment SaNiOe Cetllcr DedS&tt hmb wd POrfonpncS and Financial &&II --FyZDO1FinenciiGam Mlts - Dii Almlnung oftice. San ologo -. _.-,--. Audd of Cwnplttnco with Cost Accwfttln9%tdPfd 409 by Adbur D. LtttM, inc. --- --. PI 2001 Audit of Statistical Tests, Cat 6 Mnw F&al Year 2001 Fina~~tsllation Audit - Fotl MUderdak Bttrina~r tilt Enty Unit _--___ __----a..*:. “‘hA..%i(.ruliYIN hldminlt4uam Prwoul submtt k Secudty WPAOMTRWO 6f7K)l _~_..~ FFAR-OlO20 -~cAR4,d4,.~---~..~,~ OlNAOO4FFW3 5tiimI LB-AR-01-018 WJROO9LBOW Yl4/01 FFAR-01-021 OlNAOMFFWS * WHAODcAOO __-.,. ~.-. _. ,,.....___ 5t21101 --YwOl 6lam7 5R3Ml _~.w4101 ---.. X?t%Ul - - ---- ~~.L-.- ?%+ACtlBFFOO2 FFAR-Ol-023 OlNAOl4FFWl -~- ..__- _..,---.. OlNAO14FFW2 ---___~__~ _._...LB-AR-Ol-017 WJFO43LBWO -...IGTR-Ol-003 OlKoa2lG6W -----.-.FF-AR-Ol-025 OlNAOO3FFO22 __---...-____., .-_--.. CA-CAR-Ol-042 01HAn6OCAnO0 --_lscSo1406 W-%WSlSW6 -,_____,---.-... - ISCS-01007 WEAWBISW7 ---__ _-. ._-ISCS-Ol-WB wEAowls0 -. LB-u-01-002 01Jaooiuiiw _.--Iscsoldo9 WBAW2ISMM FF-AR’Jl-024 - y21m1 5i2VOl - FF-AR-Ol-022~- Yl7rnl __-.- --- -- 6/16,+X - .-- 3:06PM TRAR-Ol-003 i/14/01 _...,.. MI/O1 _-_____.__._~.-_Yl4ml V”‘, I uswuy al (he San p volunla 7 I, ms s,lt mawa lzLmpmr Dpmtlonr servka Center (Green Net&h) vOl”&? 6 ‘---Tj~ssrversecuity*ling at lhs sen Male0 eompukr opnlbn.servics ~ter light RED Network Votuma 8 Gel __.__of a Violent That in the Df6c.a of Hun&m ~rOtIrC4S. COnSUme1 Atk !pations . Pmduci~~--Safety Commluion __~ ._._ .--. ~ Securav Vulnerability Techniul Repbtl - Seder SWrdty Testing fW LlM ?r3ve! S&m E!t&ic _-_.__-_ ._.-.-.--L--FY 2Wl Financial Inrtalkdlon Audiu - Miiml Beach Post Dt%ca ___.._ __ my 2wl Fiiandal Instattalion Audd - Atabama Stamp CMtbu~ Ofike Friday, Ombcr 12,200l war Yl4tOl Anslyrb, North Fbridr Distkt _-.Atllsgations of a Tense and SXmsshtl Wor(c Ettvimttmebt at a Post Omq h tha Santa Ana Dirtrid senate Cunml~ic on Go~mnmntad Afhtt TestbtIpny _. FFdR-01019 .--. __ FY 2001 Financial lnstallatt~n Audit- Durham Pp6t Dt?ia _..-~----.FY 2001 FInanus, InstallltioniDonMr port Dfrlm, Denver Pennsylvania - 5LWOl OlNAO16FFW7 _OlNAot6FFCC6 m/o1 -. --.-- Project Nwnber Final Report Number FFAR-Ol-026 FFdR41X127 O1NAooSFFO12 _..-_-OlNAW6FFOlO -~---.- Page20flO w29Ml cA.cAROl-043 wRM31cAw0 5rami FF.AR-Ql426 .__ OlNAO’33FFOO7 __.__ _--- of tk~ment ad AQUAS8t6k NW LondO% Connecticut. Post Office Fiscal Year 2001 Financial Installation Audi - N-O@ Park Sbtion i_.--. my 2001 FIM~J~I Instrllatia Audii - San Benwdho Self S&m Po~trl C+Mr -irty Vuherabilily Techniul R~~MI Mare0 L”5cI (DIUII i*o*nni). ~iviwoa 5 AuditofAlk+dNe$Mih~~DlltM %rvarSec~rily T-Ii% Flidqy OcWbu 12,lilQl 3:06PM ’ 5r.41/01 -. _--. FF.ARQ1-029 01NA005FF007 FF-AR-01430 Ol?iAOO5FFOl4 ._._____., 00EA0391s009 *.-- 6/1l01 ~scswO10 SW01 Lc-AR-Old07 WWOI 6mmi 6/7/o* -- cA-cAR41a .--~--,._ C&CAR41445 01Mo41cAow --___ 01HA04QcAow CA-CAR-al-046 WHA01QcA0po w7/01 CA-CAR-01447 M/O1 - cA-cAf+01-046 ii%01 L&AR.ol~lQ 6aml ____~ .______mm1 -.w4mi -_-__-. Wll/Ol ___--_ WI imi --.-- mm1 Wi2ml CA-cAR-ol.049 --CA.CAR.Ol-050 FF-AR-01032 FF-AR~01-033 FFAR-01-034 FFJ\R.Q1-035 -._FT~FA-ol-001 - .. _-.-.--_ .,.- -.-... OlH4052cAW __- ___..._____ OlHAC65CAOW -.-. - OQJAM)3IBKiQ -_...-_--...-OlHAO35cAGaO -.---__~ . ..--..O1W6CAOO --. OlNAO16FFOlO ~___ OlNAO16FFOQ4 ---. --.---___--_ ~..~----OlNAO16FFOlZ ~-OiNAO14FFOl4 o1NAo19FTwo OlNAO14FFO17 --6/m---FAR-al-036 6/13ml - .-- OOJAW6LCOOO -__ --?&&wudit of Estimating System aI Sbmern EleamCom L.P. ____._ --__ ~udR of Final Vouchen Submined by Miitek Syrtbrm, Ino fCf T-k and Delivery Orders Issued Under Coti& 1025QQ-S6+1736 AudII of FY I&% Costs lnwnod by RicsWtitiO~~n. UP Under Contmd Number 1O25QO-Qs-l+3OQ4. C0nb.d prick0 CO80 NW”bOr sP40-13 -,. __. _---Audit of IndefinIte Guanltky Pmpoul St.4Hlbd&Aldb-Fi0~ WnvtPdUfiQ canpany, Coimd Pricing Casa Numbs FGiM-Q37 Judd of Proposal Submitted by IBM GWII Seti -F-l. UnderConb’ad ~“mber 102590-96-6-3623. Canttad Prwnp Cue Number PRO1-036 -Mln~gZXPraaicer in the * Ditvicl Audti of Propora, Submkted by New B*ed Corpont@ Under Contnd 10259096-14~~7,L.----L ~oduiution 16 Contnd P6dng Case Nut-thr PC-01~25 _.__---audit of Cost Estimating Ftdationship Fadm al Sbmens EbcbOcOm, L.P., Contrad Pddng Case N”mWl SP-Ql.616 A&t~i%ii%its For Fiscal 2001 Cost and Revenue AJalySir AM, Tnboro Distdd __ _.._... ~___-.--._ Add of Statistical Tests for FY ZOO?- C&R4, San Jore Obkid ----_.-.Audit of Statisliul Test8 for FM Ymr 2Wl Cost and RM~UO AJldySiS Northern Virginia Diikid FY 200iFinancla~installatio” Audit - BWn Pat G6k4 _.-_.-. ,ntcmal Conlrllls over Monay onlot Rafmds __._,_. -. FY 2001 Financial lnslallatiion Audi - Fort Wayne stunp mution offi_- ,...__. -~~ FY 2001 Financial Installation Audit- Honakdu Gii~g Gf6Ca ---.- LB-lA-Ol.co3 .___ --. .- o1JR003L6000 ~WQmI -5nimi at IhO San _-, _.-..-_-. --- --eR&i&o(ikgations Project Number Final Report Number Final Rpt Issued Dated Tx’rla _FFdR-01437 -...-..____..---___-~~ __---_OlNAOMFFOQ6 -. --- Page 3 of 10 Final Rpr Issaed Dated Title -.... -_ ---- 6fWOl Human Resources and Equal oppOrWtty Cs~~~pbkdPmdiir h the Rb Gnnde Distdct ---.FY 2001 Financial Inrblbtion Ati - Cbrkstwrp Bustnew Mall Enty Unit .---FY 2W1 Audit of Statbtlcal Tesb - Cost b RwcnUeArulyr*. Twmessan DikiC! Saa~rtty Vulnerability Technical Rope7 - UNtX Set-w Security Testing at the San Mate0 Computer Operations Sewtm Center (PKKA Netwalk). Volume 10 FY 2001 Financial Instalbtian A&. Miix Essex Stamp Dbtdbutbn Dftia M 2001 Financbl Instalb~&il- Pmvkbno 6416lOl 6/1YOl FY 2001 Financial tnstallation Audii - tiampcw, BwbWa Matt Enby Untt _.._--. Audit of Prc+eoal Submiied by Sbmans EhctmCom. L.P. Under Contmc4 Numher51259501-Z-0164, Conbld Pting CW NunberPC? II-t&n4 “.,A -- -Audnoflndirect~nre Fonvard Ricing RMI SubnttMd hy S~WIWM Ebcl AUdit of Firm Fixed Price Proposal Submkted by Skmsnr E~~IuCC+‘II L.P. c~ntrad Pridnp Cars number PcOl-046 _.__-..-_-_-._~FY 2001 Financial InstaUatbn Audit - Mldh Port m ---. -Interim Audit Results of Fed& Tmr!sfmrtatbri At?fWW?t (lti btt@~ -?~$ncid Security VulnsrabllNy Tcchnkal RrepOrt - t,NtX SWWr bearrity Testing Pt the San Msteo Computer Opentiqnr Se&a __._Center (fWwt Fiftamj. Vokrme 17 FY 2001 FinPncial=;-Audi-Piiftm SbtiOn ---__~ Efforts to Provent Identity Theft --. Management Oversight of Adminbtmtive Laws Used in tha Los Angeles and San Diigo Dirtridr Pm-A&d Accounting System SUMY Audit at Frank01 md Co., Contract Pricing Case Number PR-Ol-041 -Pre-Awarad Accounting System Survey Audit at Leo Bumett USA, Inc., Contract .--- Number PR-Ol.045 __-..- Pricing Case Audit of Firm Fixed-Price Indatinite Gumntilty Pmpoul submined by Ametin Locker Swwtb Swhms. lncoq~onbd> antmd~PdcJnq Care Number PGOl-036 _~.-----.--~ FY 2001 Financial InstalbNci~ Audit - Yadkinvilb Post Gf6a --- FY 2001 Finan&~& Audit - Greamitb Stamp Dbtdbu6on Gftics ---__..~. OlNAOI6FFOO6 .-..,-. IS-CS-Ol-Oll 6f16lVl FFdR.Ol-036 6tt6fOl -..__-FF-AR.Ol-039 __---. OtNAQl4FFOtS _..._.-.---. OlNAO14FFO16 6lwOl FF-AR.01442 OlNAO14FFO20 6m/o1 cA4AR-01-051 ooEAGQ6lsolo o1HAo42cAow ------_ 6#21/01 cA-cARO1-652 wHAo53cAti 8RM)l cA-cAR.01-053 OlHAW3CAOOO 6i26ml FF-AROl-043 OlNAOt4FFO23 TR440IQo1 OlNRMBTROW _-- 6nsm1 -__---__ 6t29lOl -- OlNA014FFO13 6/15/01 6mml lnstalbtiin Avda - MOSCOW POStOrtKa _,.-----__ ooEAO13LMoo1 LB.lA-ol.034 ~_--FF-AR.Ol-940 _,___-____I FF-AR-01.041 ..-..- SDD Project Number Final Report Number FFAR.Ol-C-44 IscS-o1-O12 7nml FF-AR-01-045 7l5Krl EC&&~1 -..__-~ 7/1oMt 7/12nl 7/12ml 7/13Ml 7113n1 7/13ml LGARxl1006 -__tx-KxF+01454 -CACARJllXI55 CA-CAR&O56 _______-._ FF.AR-Ol-046 .--.-. FF-AR-Ol-047 -- ,-L OlNAO14FFO2 ~____._. ooEAoo61soll __-__-..-. OlNAO14FFO26 -------OlBSO34ECOW --_-_,_._. ooJAoo5LcOOa __-_ 01HA06ocAooo -.--...- O1lM61CAOOO otHAo53cJOo OlNAO14FFO29 Olti14FFO26 - .-~ ,., ,,,,,” .,.,,,,,,. i,, my ZOOI Finan& -__-~ Audit - Gmensbom StrmP C’irWub%n oh -~ ----Tests fw FY 2001, cost a Revenue Analysb - central NW DiiMd AKOUntin9 0hica -- __-.-. -..-FY 2001 Finandal Installation Audi - Los Anpe!es BMineu Mail EnUy Unit _-_________-.- 3:06 PM FFAR-01451 7117101 cAAR41003 ~-FF-AR-01055 7n(vo1 CA-CAR-01457 7H5m1 FF-AR-ol-052 7115mI FF-AR-01453 7/wOI .. -__-.~ 7119MI .-_- .____.--- 7R7/01 7127/01--.~---,-- _ 01 HAOZOCAWO --___-OlNAO16FFOlS -_-__.. --:-.01NAOO5FF015 --OlNAW3FFW3 _ _..... .-. oo.tAoI3LcWo ~--._-.~-wHA024cAw0 01HAO51cA003 ----~..00HAOI3CA000 CA-CAR-QI-056 ~___-___ CA&AR-O1459 -CA-CAR-Qld60 FF-AR-Ol-050 - Tti-AR-01404 CA-CAR-01451 ___FF-AR-01 .QG -CA.CAR-OI-062 SRI01 -...-- WttAO47cAOW --_.--_..--.OINAO16FFOO9 -___ LCaA&O1.001 7l27MI ---..-7/3wOI -.__.. 7nimi .~- 01NAOO4FF006 FF-AR-01064 -______ F~%i-6iiii%ii%iiatbn &dii - B&h-d0 port OftiC -.--Bulk Fuel Purchasa Plan _-._--Audit of Cosls Inamed by Chrirrsnsen Auodab, InmcpOnIed U&r a&d Numb 10259~9~3165 FY 2001 Fiiancul Install&on Aa Orsngs Business Mail Entry Unii ___--.. Audl of Forwald PtinQ Dlmd Labor Rat0 Proposd for Fiscal Year9 2WI through 2W5 Submkbd by Siemenr EbctmCam L.P., ContrOd PtinQ -80 --?%~rity~bility Technical Repoti - S~arfily T&Q ofas and 6w!em at Tnp~~~lionr. Towka Kansas Air Carrier Reliability Pridny, Ocmber II,2001 7113101 Under ._-- I OlNAOI4FFO25 _._____ -_~_OINAO16FFOIB -iii%01 FY 2Wl Financisl Installation Audits carol Stmm Business Mall Entry Unll Ri[ewOf ihe Efleciiv*“eY of me Enlp~ aed wodQba hlterwllion Analyst program .---in the Centml Florida Dbtfcil (EWlA) _costs lncumd by Anmafk Bervla, Int Cebvad pddnp CaseNumber S-15. Audit of Claim Submined by Do* Consbudlion COmPl:ny. CO”lnd 36257599-B-0655 ~-Costs Incurred by Cow00 and L@Xmd 7/13KJI FF-Af%MS --FFAROI-QSO 7H7lOl Fy 2001 Audk of Statiitkal Tests, cot1 6 Rab’wwe Analyrb - Rio Grand0 Dlshict -Audi Of CDS& InWti It Pl”tti COnWdbn tiPY -.----__--hdFir A”d,l OfSt&Mid Tests fOff? 2001,tort 6 -W ColoradohVyominQ DlsbId ___----.--Fiscal Year 2001 l?nlndal Inst8llB!lionAudit - Olk BmoL Bcanti -~. OfNAOl4FFO27 7/13/01 FY 2001 Finmiii-lnrblbtion -“----~gzj&&tb~c.a~ Jersey District -F@& Yea 2WI Financisl lnrtsaation Audi - SUM FF-AR-Ol-048 ‘7/wOI lnstallatbn Audit - Codnth Busln~$ Mall Enby Unfi Project Number Final Rep&t Number Final Rpt Issued Dated Title OlN4005FFOO2 -.-_-__ OONAOO6TROW --~______.-_, 01HA066cAw4 ._---.-~ _.__ OINAWKFWZ -.-.-- o1tlAO47cAOOo- mm1 Iscs-01-013 alimr TR-AR.OI-005 -. moi ~.-- ------‘~- FF-AR-01.069 ..-. -- WEAW6lSO12 .- OINAOOlT= -.-..~._---..‘OlNAW3FFOZl -._-____ _-,--__-_- -..,_ - c FhalRpl me Issued Dated ~udn of sta Tests ,or FY 2001 - MRA - Lake!and D’itdd ----Audit 01 Statistical T&S for FY 2901- C6RA - Richmond Dii -- ---~fi%i%&&iln,tallation ---‘--~‘~~~~~iiiindol --- BIWWI Burinor, Mail Entty Unit -__ -_..., ,nsta,,stkn Audit- Nmhvllk Bush” MU Enby thlt - ..--FY 2001 Fkii;;;;;i -I-‘. ‘?f%IjjF~ii%i~- Insklbti~n Audita - Southa MI@nd &m/o1 .-w29ml _-, w29ml FF.AR.Ol-076 ---___.FFdRo1-065 w3oKll FF.AR-01-096 Ml,01 ---__I 915101 _-_, ---. Audit of Stat Test8 for FY 2Dol. lXRA- SP@lf~Old Dish@ _______ -_--,,“& of SMistid Teds for FY 2001- C&R4 - ‘.3&M kdii -Diitdd -,. -, Audit af Statistical T&S for FY 2001 - C&RA - Las V@ar Diirid Audit of stat Tests for FY 2001- CO¶~6 RsvSnw wm - SouthEaSt NSF En9land Dlslrid ---. Audn of Stat Tests for FY 2001- ChRA - AlbUgUeqUe Dktdd ---.__._--__-.-.. I__-.---------‘-<&i&~~i~rtity Prq)mm for supplies. se~lou. ad Equipment Purchaser ---.-- _.._._~_~___ Fiscal Year 2001 Flnandal lnstlllatbn Audq - Mor(lOnt 8. SskR BMEU - &I Dispo ----. ..-..- -- FF-AR-01-067 FFAR-Ol-165 Qkul -.--9kWJl -.-FF-AR-OI-106 wsml .__ _ OlNAOO3FFOlZ FF-AR-01064 9l5IOl __ ooExm71sOOo ___^..~_ OONA010DE000 FF.ARdlO73 FF-AR-01-091 S&Ml --..--.OlNAO16FFO14 ----~__-~~ ____._._ OlNAO16FFO19 FFAR-01-070 . . _.___ ___FFAR-OlQ72 9/5/01 --5%01 ( IS-AR-Ql-903 WXWl 17 2001 Financial InslallrU~n hdib - NW B~nmidc BUSlnsu Maa EIXIY U@, Ediwn. NJ -‘-&dnb?St Test‘ for FY 2OUl . ChRA - WeStdwakr Dktdct -.---.-- FF-AR-01.099 6twoi EMEU .L8nGSk-r BuShas Mail Entry Unt FF-AR-01.067 6t31Ml FY 2001 ~inandal lnstaldim Audll- Darwilb Bwir!w~ Mail Entry Unit _.- w24mi w31/01 Atdi7rouvs Project Number Final Report Number _ FFAR-Ol-109 Ol%iO16FFOll - .___.__ OlNAOl4FFMB -_ . -_ OlNA014FF05-4 ~. OlNA@l4FFO55 --__ OlNAOO3FFOO5 ______ -____,_ OlNAO14FFO50 -OlNM03FFOC6 ._.___._ _,__ 01w\o16FF025 .-. OtNAO16FFO32 .---._____OlNAO16FFO21 OlNAO16FF026 FFAR-OI-111 -,. FF-AR-Ol-113 OlNAOl6FFOlS 9fwOl CA-AR-01-035 ~~-~--__.~-___---96ml FF-AR-al-079 -.._. ~.__ ~___ !- -- --.___ FF-AR&ll-110 --~‘--- - OlNAO16FFO2<_,-_OORAOlOCAWO ~--_._. 01 NAoo3FFOOl ..___. .--.-.~_- L Final Report Number Final Rpt Issued Dated Titk Audit of Stat Tests for FY 2001. C&RA- AbM OlNAOlfiFFO24 FF-AR-01-094 9&m Dirtrid Pro]ect Number -. -%i;k..ii ~..- ---..~re-~wani accounting systwn Sway of Et& Group. Cdrad Number P&01-044 Estimating System of Siimenr EbctroCM L.P. - KY 2001 Financial lnrtalb6on Audit - Dyeobuq -__..__~__ FY 2001 Financial Installation Atilt - Matiufg Pridw Case CACAR-01463 witit riA-cAR-01064 ~___ FF.AR.Ol-071 --____--__ FF-AR.01497 99R4017CAOOl -~-OlNA614FFO49 __ ______ _.__ OlNAO14FFO57 CA-CAR-01065 o1HAo77CAcOo 9l11fll Suskwsa Mail Entry Unit BufitIW 9iiimi Mail Entry Unit Aud:lr;;l,,,hn L,ec.,@,ms”tCOSt Utiilting CU~PUC postal Autorrmtbn LP., Centmd i’ddnp C&a Number SP-01427 -.-Audit of Pm Rob Sha&f Real EMat T~IW for Lsw nitll CP Richard Ellk, lwxporated ~‘--~-~~~Acmurdin9 System Suwey of Foote, Con6 md Solding - New Yofk. COnlrad Pricing Case Numbs PR-Ol.043 -%i?i%d Price Proposal SubmtUed by MOS IntOmatbfIal Incorponbd, Prldw Case __._-Number PR91-056 __.__ Contml ___..--. Audi of Firm-Fixed UIange Propoul Sutmitted ty Lo&heed Madin Systems Integration -owego. Contract Pfbhg Casa Number PM1954 PI 2001 Financial Installation Audk - Elk ObbiCt --. 911l/O1 0iNAO01TRM1 _._~__, _._ 01 HAO62CAWO TR-VR-Ol-OOl timi Canier Rdhbility __ --CA-CARO1-066 Wl4iU1 . ..__ -_-.-.------------~! wi4mi ~~0~01467 -- 8114101 __ 9mml _-- 9/14/01 -W14lOl pi 2001 Financial Installation Audks -San Manor Post Of&a --- -._ of Funds forCGnst!Wtion proleGb .--_-. ..M 2001 Fuxwzirl Installation Audd - Chsrlwton Stamp OistMdlon Of6Ca Audilbei _-..---- 9/i7mi Authoiitbn 01H4O56CAam --_.-01HAo63cAo00 - --.--. --__OlHAO76CAOOO _.-.. -OlNAOMFFO25 CA.CAR-01066 .---.-CAGU%Ol-C69 FF-AR-Ol-114 EledroCom L.P. TIekecptng ..--.-. - Swan 6 Jwf16ba ~--- 9/16ml FF-AR-ol-062 9il6m1 FY 2001 Financial Installation Audi - Jericho pc4t ottiFY 2Wt Fbancial lnstaiiatbn Audit - VtibY SvOUn Port OfflM -...___.. - ..-. -_~- ..-Ff 2001 Rnsncirl lnstsllation Audk - Hs Post Omcs 9/16/01 CAZAR41-070 -.. FF-AR-01476 w16lo1 Practices and Prorwdur6r FY 2001 Financial Insbll~tbn Audtt - Fbnl Park P&t Offta FY 2001 ,%ancisl Inrkdb+# 9/17/01- 9nami _.~~~ ,.,,~ w18101 -_--__~ AiiiiiPt%iiitii6iii-for District Friday, Ociober 12.2001 FY 2001 -Cost 6 Revenue Analyvrh -Royal Oak 3:od PM 9ROIOl --_..._- FF-AR-01-090 ..~ FF-AR-01-095 -___.-_-__ FF-ARdl-096 -~~___.-..FFAR-Ol-115 .. . . -~ .____. -...- .- OlNA005FF017 FF-AR-Ol-122 FA%WWJOl -FF-AR-01069 .-. o1HAo66cAooo __ _- _.-. _--__.__-.- ~_.- ..,. WHAO51 FAOOO ___.., ---. __.----_. OlNAO14FF OlHAO39CAOW -~._--..~ OlNAO14FFO58 _-____. OlNAO14FFO75 - ..-.-. OlNAO14FFO76 ~~_._ OlfWO14FFO63 ..-__- .__-_.-...-. 01NAOl4~tu3Y -__--. _.-, OlNAO16FFO31 - __-_ Pa~eaoflo -, . --- 9ROlUl Audit af Stat Tests for M 2GfJl . CRA - Greensbow Distitri~! -.--Audh;fi%s(sforFY2%lxnd Revenue Anaiysk - B&on -oistrlcl -Suhcomn-dnee on International Security Prdiimtion and Fedcnl %rvicaS Testimony .??%I01 Financial lnrtallstion Audn -Akron Stpmp DiatdbuWonm .--f&al year 2001 Finandrl bntalladon Audit - Ultb Roclc Stamp Disb%wt%%iCe 13’ 2Wl Fiicmcial InstalMi~n AudH - Erpedmed p”t 9l2MIl Df6eS Bzoml IOTR-Ol-OM OllKO031GOO0 9alK)l FF-A&01-101 9Rlrnl FFAR-Ol-104 01NAO1411006 ---__-,-__ OlNAOl4FFOO4 9nimi FF-AR-OI-105 9RlMl -- 9Rwol 9Rwo1 9/27Kll 9/27/01 --9R7lOl CACAR-01472 DA-AR-Ol-007 ------_--cA-cAR-01-073 ---...CA-CAR-01 -074 3 ---%~Refrigeranta”aQa”Wlt Plan -e~-ikim Audit Resukr of SeaMy Risk4 Associated Mth lha FedEx Trpnsportetion ,“\;:~~2zn! !?!?) Management and Security lstuas _____..~ ckvshnd Pertommu Cluster Pnxass barAdmlniitering tiGon of PayLeave -_~_._ _..._ Benefits -._~--~--- 3% PM DA-AR-01406 9R?iOl DA-MA-01-003 9n7mi 9n7m1 _ _., 9R8xll _~._____ 9LWOl - _-- -- -.. , ~__..~~ _- ,.... --.- . ... . -, -.OOBAOOIDAWO DA-ARal-o05- 9R7lOl __.. OlNAOl4FFO93 -__-.,. OlNAO16FFO30 ._---_ .-__ ,... ry, October 12,ZOOI CACARJJI-071 -_- -~_-.-- Singulale. Scan, Indutian, UnO _.- . .._ blBAOllDAOOO ~-~OlHAC60CAOO .-.---.. 01 HAO6OCAOO2 --_ __-OlBFOOlDAWO .-_.-. 01HAo56CACQ -.. 9mml ~..__. ~- 01NA014FF021 --...--__- DA-MA-01-002 9R4rnl --- Point of Sawlw ONExgge FF-AR-OI-112 _____-.--_ FF-AR-OI-123 9RllQl --- Audi of Proposal submitted by Foote. Corm and Balding - New Yoh Under Solicitation number Number PROl- _--, I_._.----.__-. fO259&6&&0096. Conbad Pricing Case --i$jii~6~.&,al Submiid by Bln”0 gwza&%ii” NumbM 102590. WA-0098 Conma pricing Case Number PR-OM44 ___~_L__ Decision Analysis Repod Pmcess _.-.- - --- M 2001 Fmndal lnalalktion AudII - Lansing Sudmu Mail Enb~ Unil ._--.__-~AU& of Statistical Tests for FY 2001. C6RA -0klahoml Distrid --Mailing Evaluation. Readabiii. and Lookup Insbwmetd First Attick Test (MERLIN) ____ ~~~-_.-I_._ Audit of ProposalSubmitted by Fmnkel and CompanyUnder Soll&lion Number 10259cx&A-0096, cdntract Pridw Cats Number PR01-041 --.-. _-._---_ Auda of Proposal Submltied by Fmnkel and Company Under SOiieitaUOnNumber -.-.. 10259O-oOA~96 Conbacl Pricing Case NumberPR01-044 Tray Manapembnt System Past Aaaplanca Workhour Saving8 _____-- OlNAO16FFO29 -~ ---_-..-_01NAo16FF013 _.__~ ..____-_ 01 NAOI 6FFO23 FF-AR-O,-I19 _-__I__~_FF-AR-Ol-120 ---.,-_---FF-AR-OI-121 9t2OiOl ~udlt of stat Tests for FY 2DDl - CRA - Alabam4 Dishid ~_--I Final Report Number Final Rpi Issued Dated Tille Project Number ----- .__._ I_ OlBAOOlDAOLM .-___,_._.__.. OlBGOO3DAOM) __--OOHAO37FAOOO FA-AR-01402 -----~ ~__ OlNR006TRO TR-MA-Ol-003 . ..___ ~___._._.____ - ._____ OlBAOOZECOOl EC-AR-Ol-LM3 --_... __._ y__----_-. oORAO56HCoO5 HGAR41-001 ...____ .--_..---.._-.. -.. --,-. Puge 9 uf IO - ! Final Rpf Issued Dared Title Columbus Perfwmanca Clusteh Procar for Mminiatedng Continualion of Pay Isave sellems Stamp Printing Ctuantlies -._..__.__ - ._.----Transition Planning for the Prbxily MailPmosUing Cents Halwork Postal lnspecliun Service Fraud Agalnsl Gwemmcnt Pmpram --.---- w2exH Final Repot-i NIMber HGAR-01402 9RWOl MK-AR-Ol-002 ..----.--.--..-~____MK-AR-Ol-003 9/2w01 OV-AR-Ol-004 QRWOI TRARd1406 9RWCll -- - Projec! Number 00RAo5.3tlc003 .-. OORAO55RGCOO .____ OONA016MKOOO c I I ..-.-_.,-- OOJAOllOVOOl _--.--,-OONAOO6TRVQ ---.- -.-...- I f, October 12,2OOI 3.46 PM CERTIFICATE OF SERVICE I hereby certify that I have this day served the foregoing document upon all participants of record in this proceeding in accordance with section 12 of the Rules of Practice. %&!n. David H. Rubin 475 L’Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20260-l 137 October 15,200l P&A
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