IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, Short Notes VOL. 32, NO. 3, MARCH 2006 ______________________________________________________________________________________________________ Applicability of Weyuker’s Property 9 to Object Oriented Metrics Naveen Sharma, Padmaja Joshi, and Rushikesh K. Joshi the property are also presented. An inheritance metric called Number of Polymorphic Dispatches, which satisfies the property, is introduced in Section 4. We bring out the practicality of this metric by showing its usefulness in test case formulation. 2 Abstract—Weyuker’s Property 9 has received a mixed response regarding its applicability to object oriented software metrics. Contrary to past beliefs, the relevance of this property to object oriented systems is brought out. In support of the new argument, counterexamples to earlier claims are formulated and two new metrics highlighting a notion of complexity that is capturable through Property 9 are also presented. Index Terms—Software metrics, object oriented design, Weyuker’s properties, interaction complexity. æ 1 209 INTRODUCTION WEYUKER [6] proposed a set of axioms to evaluate software complexity measures. There has been a mixed response from the community on these axioms. Chidamber and Kemerer have commented on the unsuitability of some of the axioms to object oriented design metrics [3]. Questions have also been raised about the consistency [4] of these axioms. Cherniavsky and Smith [2] showed that the axioms are not sufficient. Property 9 has been the most controversial property with respect to object oriented metrics. The property tries to capture the complexity occurring due to interaction during composition. It states that there exist compositions which result in complexity greater than the sum of the complexities of individual components that are composed. In Briand et al.’s version of the property, the > relation is changed to the relation [1]. Chidamber and Kemerer name the property Interaction increases complexity, which is misleading, as noted by Gurusaran and Roy [5], since the original statement is not universal. However, Gurusaran and Roy’s naming of the property, viz. Interaction CAN increase complexity, is also misleading since it does not imply existentiality, but only asserts permissibility. Gurusaran and Roy [5] proposed a formalization of inheritance based on a directed graph abstraction and concluded that Property 9 is not satisfied by any inheritance metrics. However, two counterexamples to their formalization were presented by Zhang and Xie [7]. They gave an inheritance metric which satisfied Property 9. However, they were not able to find any practical example for their metric that satisfied Property 9. Despite all the debate, Weyuker’s axioms still remain the most commonly used evaluation criteria for software metrics. In this paper, first, we attempt to show that most of the controversial arguments have arisen out of interpretations and then subsequently bring out the importance of Property 9 in compositional paradigms. In the next two sections, various arguments on the applicability of Property 9 to object oriented metrics are discussed and examples supporting the applicability of . The authors are with the Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology, Bombay, Powai, Mumbai400076, India. E-mail: {naveen, padmaja, rkj} Manuscript received 9 Dec. 2005; revised 6 Feb. 2006; accepted 9 Feb. 2006; published online 17 Mar. 2006. Recommended for acceptance by M. Harman. For information on obtaining reprints of this article, please send e-mail to: [email protected], and reference IEEECS Log Number TSE-0321-1205. POINT OF VIEW OF COHESION Property 9 essentially points out that interaction can occur during composition, resulting in increased complexity. Let P and Q be two programs and ðP QÞ represent composition of P and Q. Let ðpÞ be the measure of complexity of program p with respect to a given metric. For Property 9 to hold for the given metric, a case ðP Þ þ ðQÞ < ðP QÞ should exist. Although Weyuker’s examples of composition consisted of simple concatenation, the scope of composition was extended to include the merger of two classes in the CK suite [3] of Chidamber and Kemerer. The definition of composition in the CK suite is based on the ontology of Bunge. In their opinion, Property 9 may not have a key role to play when evaluating object oriented metrics. This argument is based on an observation that programmers experience an increase in complexity when a class is split into many. Chidamber and Kemerer suggest that, since memory management and runtime detection of errors become more complex with an increased number of classes, the property may not hold for composition of classes, which reduces the number of classes. However, contrary to this belief that Property 9 is not applicable to the CK suite, we find that, within the scope of composition considered by Chidamber and Kemerer, LCOM does satisfy Property 9, capturing interaction arising due to composition. Lack of COhesion in Methods (LCOM) is computed as the count of the number of method pairs that do not share instance variables minus the count of the method pairs with nonzero sharing. When this value is negative, LCOM is taken to be zero. CK argued that, for any two classes P and Q, LCOMðP þ QÞ ¼ LCOMðP Þ þ LCOMðQÞ c, implying that the property is not satisfied. This observation is valid for compositions that result in reduction of complexity rather than increase. It indicates that a merger of two classes may be cohesive if their instance variables are also merged. However, the existence of more cohesive compositions cannot be treated as a proof for Property 9 not holding for LCOM. In fact, the applicability of Property 9 to object oriented metrics also means that bad compositions are capturable through the metric, in this case, LCOM. The example given in Fig. 1 demonstrates this view. We consider two classes, Acad and Account, as shown in Fig. 1a. Class Acad deals with academics, whereas class Account deals with fees. The function calFees calculates fees to be paid by the student based on the category of student, which is encoded in the roll number string. It can be noted that LCOM values for classes Acad and Account are 1 and 0, respectively. However, in spite of the existence of a common attribute RollNo and, hence, a possibility of its sharing, the composition of these two classes does not result in a more cohesive unit. On merger, the LCOM value of the composition shown in Fig. 1b is 4, which is greater than the sum of their individual LCOM values. Thus, LCOM satisfies Property 9, which says that interaction can increase the complexity. This increase in LCOM value suggests that such a merger should be avoided as it hampers good abstraction. In this way, Property 9 may be seen as a scale to compare compositions. 0098-5589/06/$20.00 ß 2006 IEEE Published by the IEEE Computer Society Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on April 25, 2009 at 05:20 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. 210 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, VOL. 32, NO. 3, MARCH 2006 Fig. 3. NOPD satisfies Property 9. Fig. 1. LCOM satisfies Property 9. (a) Before composition. (b) After composition. before composition. However, after composition, the value of mult for the composite A E becomes 1. Thus, metric mult satisfies Property 9. This indicates that the composition has an added complexity, where the complexity is captured through mult. In this case, before composition, the two classes used single inheritance, while the merged composite has to deal with an additional complexity of resolving ambiguities arising out of multiple inheritance. 4 Fig. 2. Inheritance example. 3 Point of View of Inheritance The Chidamber and Kemerer argument on Property 9 not holding in the case of OO metrics has also been the basis for a debate. Initially, the argument was supported by Gurusaran and Roy [5], who presented an argument that Property 9 cannot be satisfied by any inheritance metric. They continued with the definitions and assumptions used by Chidamber and Kemerer. They argue that a class of metrics on a class of inheritance formulations do not satisfy Property 9. In their graph formulation of an inheritance structure, a cover property eliminates diamonds formed with three nodes. Compositions that result in such diamonds are altered by deleting relevant edges to be able to satisfy the cover property. For example, a diamond with C1 inheriting C2 and C3 , and C3 inheriting C2 is excluded. A measure with respect to a given vertex v in graph fV ; Eg is the cardinality of S, where, S is a subset of V , v 2 S. They argue that composition, which is the merger of vertices, cannot satisfy Property 9 over this class of metrics. This argument was later disproved by Zhang and Xie [7], who provided two counterexamples containing diamonds satisfying the above cover property and a valid measure that was shown to satisfy Property 9. However, if inheritance is considered as a transitive relation, all diamond formulations are ruled out, which makes the counterexamples of Zhang and Xie inapplicable. The metric mult discussed below uses constraint-based constructors to define sets of objects. It serves as a counterexample to Gurusaran and Roy’s formulation, even when all forms of diamonds are eliminated. The counterexample is captured in Fig. 2. The metric when applied to a vertex v is defined as cardinality of the set of all those vertices that are reachable from v and have an out-degree greater than 1. The metric counts the number of classes that use multiple inheritance (of classes) in a given inheritance structure in which v is the most derived leaf class. It can be seen that the value of mult for classes A and E is 0 POLYMORPHISM AND INTERACTION COMPLEXITY Inheritance and polymorphism is one compositional paradigm through which interclass interactions take place. In this section, we further explore the scope of composition to include inheritance beyond simple concatenation of Weyuker and class merger considered by Chidamber and Kemerer, Gurusaran and Roy, and Zhang and Xie. A measure which is useful for testing is formulated and is shown to satisfy Property 9. It is shown that a higher value of this measure has implications on test case formulation. The metric Number of Polymorphic Dispatches (NOPD) for a given message m is defined as the count of all possible polymorphic invocations of m over the given inheritance hierarchy. The variations are possible since the same call (message) may be generated through different combinations of variable (name) and object (value) types. The combinations considered are those which satisfy the rules of subtyping. For example, a variable x of type X may be used to refer to an instance of type Y when Y is a subtype of X. The assignment x = y is valid since Y is a subclass of X. In such a situation, a statement x ! m, an invocation of method m through x of type X will dispatch to method Y::m. Similarly, Y::m may also be invoked through z ! m, where z is of type Z and Y is a subclass of Z. As an example, consider a hierarchy of two classes, where class C2 inherits class C1 . In this hierarchy, if m is implemented in both the classes, the NOPD count for m is three. The reason is that m is accessible on direct instances of both the classes and also as a polymorphic dispatch on the subtype from a variable of the supertype. 4.1 NOPD and Property 9 As shown in Fig. 3, consider a set of object structures S1 and S2. S1 contains two classes, a and b, where b is a subclass of a. S2 contains just one class, c. NOPD values for message m1 in systems S1 and S2 are 3 and 1, respectively. If the composition is such that class c is made a subclass of class a, the number of polymorphic dispatches of m1 in the composed system becomes five. Thus, the composition S1 S2 has a value of NOPD which is greater than NOP DðS1Þ þ NOP DðS2Þ. In practice, NOPD can be useful in designing test cases for inheritance structures. NOPD can help in detecting incorrectly inherited subclasses. The value of NOPD for a given class hierarchy represents the number of test cases required to test Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on April 25, 2009 at 05:20 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply. IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, VOL. 32, NO. 3, MARCH 2006 211 REFERENCES [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6] [7] L. Briand, S. Morsca, and V. Basili, “Property-Based Software Engineering Measurement,” IEEE Trans. Software Eng., vol. 22, no. 1, pp. 68-86, Jan. 1996. J. Cherniavsky and C. Smith, “On Weyuker’s Axioms for Software Complexity Measures,” IEEE Trans. Software Eng., vol. 17, no. 6, pp. 636638, June 1991. S. Chidamber and C. Kemerer, “A Metrics Suite for Object Oriented Design,” IEEE Trans. Software Eng., vol. 20, no. 9, pp. 476-493, Sept. 1994. N. Fenton, Software Metrics: A Rigorous Approach. Chapman and Hall, 1994. Gursaran and G. Roy, “On the Applicability of Weyuker Property Nine to Object Oriented Structural Inheritance Complexity Metrics,” IEEE Trans. Software Eng., vol. 27, no. 4, pp. 361-364, Apr. 2001. E. Weyuker, “Evaluating Software Complexity Measures,” IEEE Trans. Software Eng., vol. 14, no. 9, pp. 1357-1365, Sept. 1988. L. Zhang and D. Xie, “Comments on ‘On the Applicability of Weyuker Property Nine to Object Oriented Structural Inheritance Complexity Metrics’,” IEEE Trans. Software Eng., vol. 28, no. 5, pp. 526-527, May 2002. . For more information on this or any other computing topic, please visit our Digital Library at Fig. 4. Applicability of NOPD. (a) Individual systems. (b) Subclasses with public inheritance. (c) Implementation bug: Class D uses private inheritance. invocations of method m over the hierarchy. As an example, consider two systems represented in Fig. 4a. An inheritance-based composite of two systems that is shown in Fig. 4b is intended. The designer identifies the test suite for the composite for testing invocations of m. The test suite in this case consists of seven invocations corresponding to the target system’s NOPD value of 7. After the implementation of the composition (or refactoring), the test suite is applied. In this case, if class D is incorrectly inherited as private during implementation, as shown in Fig. 4c, one of the test cases will dispatch to an unintended method implementation, allowing the tester to capture this error during the testing phase. Thus, it can be seen that a metric that satisfies Property 9 can also be useful in practice. 5 CONCLUSION The widely criticized Property 9 of Weyuker’s axiomatic system is shown to be applicable to object oriented systems through counterexamples to earlier arguments. A new metric called Number of Polymorphic Dispatches was also formulated. The metric is shown to satisfy Weyuker’s Property 9. Satisfying Property 9 indicates that the complexity of object oriented programs may increase when the number of classes are reduced. However, the scarcity of metrics that satisfy the property suggests that metrics that can capture bad compositions are needed. Contrary to the belief that LCOM does not satisfy Property 9, it was shown to be capable of capturing bad compositions. The new measure considering the inheritance aspect further strengthens the argument that Weyuker’s Property 9 is applicable to object oriented metrics that have practical implications. Authorized licensed use limited to: INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY BOMBAY. Downloaded on April 25, 2009 at 05:20 from IEEE Xplore. Restrictions apply.
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