Bridges to Prosperity Design Manual

Kevin Breisch, Zachary Engle, Sean McCormick, Caleb Stevens Introduc on This project works alongside Bridges to
Prosperity (B2P), a non‐profit organiza on that assists isolated rural communi es by building footbridges over impassable rivers. Iden fied Problem Areas 
Overlooks learning opportuni es within the manual Rough transi ons between design steps and concepts 
Diagnosed problem areas within exis ng manual Dra ed comprehensive outline for redesigned manual Dra ed revisions and edited by team and project manager, Dr. Brian Swartz Submi ed to B2P for review and comments 
Lists equa ons without descrip on engineering con‐
cepts key to understanding the engineering Fails to describe underlying use Allowable Stress De‐
sign method as opposed to Load and Resistance Fac‐
tor Design Deliverables: 
Inconsistent and misleading figures Mixed and inconsistent units throughout Partners Bridges To Prosperity Process: 
University teams and outside users col‐
laborate with B2P and use the design man‐
ual for their bridge building projects. This team works to revise the exis ng manual by developing more consistency in the text, and providing an enhanced educa‐
onal value with a balanced focus on the design process and understanding con‐
cepts. Process & Deliverables 
Submi ed revised manual outline (now adopted by B2P) 
Submi ed revised Volume 1 Sec on 4 —Technical Assessment Sec on 
Submi ed revised Volume 2 Sec on 1—General Design Considera ons Sec on Conclusions 1. The B2P manual is exposed to thousands of students every year within B2P’s Universi‐
ty Program, and many more people who u lize the manual outside of the organiza on. 2. Understanding the engineering concepts behind the design process is cri cal to act as competent engineers. Project Vision
We would like produce a design manual that is published by Bridges to Prosperity so that project teams using the manual can understand the design process and the name of Messiah College is spread within the context of the engineering world.
engineering/ces/images/crossBridge.png Acknowledgements We would like to thank Dr. Brian Swartz, and Paul Klemunes for technical support and assistance. Also, we would like to thank Bridges to Prosperity for allowing us to partner with them on this project.