Abortion: the Struggle Continues, a New Resource Packet. Washington: Board of Church and
Society, United Methodist Church, [1978?]. 1 packet. “Program/Action guide,
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The Abused Giant of the Far East, China’s long sleep, the arousal, the Evangel’s Opportunity.
New York: Open Door Commission, 1907. 6p.
Acuiis: Annual Report of the Executive Director for 1973. [s.l.: ACUIIS, 1973]. 72p.
Adair, Sharilyn. Who is the Middle Elementary Child? Nashville: Graded Press, 1974. 4 p.
(Workers with children series, middle elementary).
Adams, L. Cecile. We are the Church! Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, UMC, 1999. 24 p.
Adams, Waldo L. Lay Representation in the Methodist Church, with Special References to the
Indiana Conference. [s.l.: s.n., 196-?]. 12-18p.
A Day and 1969, planning ahead for September 1969. Nashville: Editorial Division, Board of
Education of The Methodist Church, 1968. 32 p.
Addresses given at the Inauguration of Norman Liebman Trott as the seventh President of
Westminster Theological Seminary. [Washington, DC: s.n., 1956]. 24 p.
Addresses given at the 1948 Bynden Wood Healing Advance and Camp farthest out for healing,
held at the Reading YMCA Camp, Bynden Wood, Wernersville, Pennsylvania, October
7-21, 1948. Washington, DC: Foundation Farthest Out, 1948.
Advance for Christ and His Church. Evanston: UMCOM, 2000. 52 pieces.
The Advance for Christ and His Church, 1998. Nashville: United Methodist Communication,
2001. 6p.
Advance in India. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, 1986. 4p.
Advance in Southeast Asia: Burma, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore. Cincinnati: Service Center,
GBGM, 1984. 4p.
Advance in Mexico, Panama, & Costa Rica. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, 1984. 4p.
The Advance makes us Partners in Mission, West Ohio Conference 1981-1984. Columbus, Ohio:
West Ohio Conference Council on Ministries, 1981. 28p.
Advance in Southern Africa: Mozambique, Zimbabwe, Angola, Botswana. Cincinnati: Service
Center, GBGM, 1984. 4p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
Advance in the Republic of Korea. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, 1984. 4p.
Advance 1948-1952, Officers’ Letter File June 1, 1950 to May 31, 1951. Cincinnati: Woman’s
Society of Christian Service, Board of Missions and Church Extension, The Methodist
Church, Literature Headquarters, 1950. 20p.
Advance with Partnership Giving. Evanston: United Methodist Communications, [between 1981
and 1984]. 6p.
Advent Greetings from your Pastor. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [198-?]. 2p.
Adventure at the South: an Episode in the Relations of Two Races in the Southern States. New
York: Editorial Department, Board of Missions and Church Extension, The Methodist
Church, [194-?]. 13p.
Adventure at the South: an Episode in the Relations of Two Races in the Southern States. New
York: Editorial Department, Joint Division of Education and Cultivation, Board of
Missions and Church Extension, The Methodist Church, [1946?]. 30p.
Adventures in Comradeship, the “Win-my-chum” Manual. Chicago: Department of the Epworth
League, [1928]. 12p.
Adventures in Understanding. Cincinnati: Woman’s Home Missionary Society, Methodist
Episcopal Church, [192-?]. 16p.
Adventuring in Projects of Service. Nashville: Vocational Council of The Methodist Church,
1946. 48p. Service Projects Directory 1947, vol. 4.
Adult Studies for a New Day. Nashville: Editorial Division, Board of Education, the Methodist
Church, 1966. 48p.
The Advocate Family, 1925-1930, report of the Manufacturing Department to the Special
Committee on Advocates. Cincinnati: Press of the Methodist Book Concern, 1925. 51p.
Affirmation, a Color Motion Picture about the Ministry and Mission of United Methodist People
in Western North Carolina. Raleigh, NC: Commission on Communication and
Interpretation and Council on Finance and Administration, Western North Carolina
Conference Council on Ministries, 1974. 4p.
Affirmative Action, adopted by the 1980 General Conference of The United Methodist Church.
Washington, DC: Service Department, Board of Church and Society, 1980. 3p.
Afghanistan, adopted by the 1980 General Conference of The United Methodist Church.
Washington: Service Department, BCS, UMC, 1980. 2p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
Africa Church Growth & Development, a Model for Contemporary Mission. Cincinnati: Service
Center, GBGM, 1989. 6p.
African Methodist Episcopal Church. Department of Pensions, Ministers and Salaried
Employees Retirement Plan. Nashville: Pension Department of the AME Church, 1964.
Africa… and what the Methodists are doing there. New York: Editorial Division, Joint Division
of Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions and Church Extension, [194-?]. 31p.
Africa Church Growth & Development, Special Program. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM,
1981. 8p.
Africa Church Growth and Development, a Model for Contemporary Mission. Cincinnati:
Service Center, GBGM, 1985. 8p.
Africa looks to the Future. [Advance Special Projects of the Methodist Church]. New York:
Division of World Missions, The Methodist Church, 1952. 2p.
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Heritage Calendar, 1988.
African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church Class Leader’s Manual. Nashville: AME Zion
Publishing House, [198-?]. 18p.
After 160 years. Nashville, TN: Methodist Publishing House, 1950.
After Divorce. Nashville: Tidings, [1965?]. 3p.
Agatu, W. Mikombelo ya nitro wa siku ni siku/hi W. Agatu. Inhambane, East Africa
[Mozambique]: Methodist Episcopal Mission Press, 1906. 20p.
An Age of Pluralism: the New World in which Youth must find Meaning. Nashville: Graded
Press, 1968. 4p.
An Age of Pluralism: the New World in which Youth must find Meaning. Nashville: Graded
Press, 1967. 4p.
Aging. Washington, DC: General Board of Church and Society, The United Methodist Church,
1984. 20p.
Agnew, Edith. “Surprise,” Dad said. Chicago: General Board of Lay Activities, The Methodist
Church, Department of Stewardship and Finance, [195-?]. 4p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
Agnew, Theodore L. Go or Send: Glimpses of the World Methodist Missions. s.l.: s.n., 1986.
24p. Prepared for delivery at the meeting, Wednesday, July 23, 1986, Nairobi, Kenya, of
the World Methodist Historical Society in conjunction with the 15th World Methodist
Agnew, Theodore L. Reflections on the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Movement in late 19th
Century American Methodism. Lake Junaluska, NC: 1968. 14p. Reprinted from
Methodist History, vol. VI, January 1968.
An Agonizing Choice: Military Service. Washington: General Board of Church and Society,
UMC, 1983. 40p.
Agricultural and Industrial Foreign Missions; notable Opportunities for Life Investment.
Chicago: The Commission, [between 1920 and 1924]. 12p.
Agricultural and Rural Life Issues. Washington: General Board of Church and Society, The
United Methodist Church, [1984]. 24p. (Faith Witness on Today’s Issues).
Ahn, C. Y. Korean Morphemes, a glossary of Korean Postpositions and Verbal Auxiliaries
compiled for Language Students, being the Appendix to The New Life Korean-English
Dictionary. Edited by H.J. Lew. Seoul: Korean Language School, 1957. 850-869p.
Aikens, Sandra. What it means to be a Christian: an Introduction to the Christian faith for
Children: Student. Revised by Lloyd R. Lewis. Nashville: Graded Press, 1984. 50p.
Aikens, Sandra. What it means to be a Christian: An Introduction to the Christian faith for
Children: Teacher. Revised by Lloyd R. Lewis. Nashville: Graded Press, 1984. 64p.
Airhart, Robert E. Bible Study Booklet: Jesus Christ renews his Church through Evangelistic
Witness and Missionary Outreach. Dayton: Program Council, The Evangelical United
Brethren Church, [195-?]. 24p.
Airin-En: House of Love/Pictures by Blackie the Photographer. Compiled by W. J. Howland.
Okinawa: Okinawa Times, 1957. 32p.
Akafa ka malen themne: alphabet for Temne Language as arranged by the International Institute
of African Languages and Cultures. London, Bendembu: Printed for the American
Wesleyan Mission by Clarke Memorial Biblical Seminary Press, [19-?]. 65p.
Akers, Milburn P. Remarks [delivered at] McKendree’s Founder’s Day, February 18, 1966.
Lebanon, IL: McKendree College, 1966. 11p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
Akers, Dorothy Dyer. Meet the Villain, a Play in Three Acts. Washington, DC: Board of
Temperance, Prohibition and Public Morals of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1934.
Akers, Milburn P. Speech delivered at Assembly. McKendree College, December 6, 1963.
Lebanon, IL: McKendree College, 1963. 13p.
Alabama Bible Methodist Camp, Pell City, Alabama, 1938-1988, Golden Anniversary. Pell City,
AL: Lewis Givens, 1988. 20p.
Alaska, a Frontier of the Free World. Chicago: Central Promotional Office, Commission on
Promotion and Cultivation, 1955. 4p.
Alaska is our Country: the Service of the Methodist Church in Alaska. New York: Editorial
Department, Joint Division of Education and Cultivation, Board of Mission and Church
Extension, The Methodist Church, 1946. 6p.
Alaska Methodist University, Anchorage, Alaska. Alaska Methodist University: a Progress
Report, a Christian Witness on America’s New Frontier. Anchorage: AMU, 1968.
Alaska Methodist University. Focus on the Future at Alaska Methodist University. New York,
NY: Alaska Methodist University, 1965.
Albans, Keith R. For Class Meetings and House Fellowships: Study Notes for the Booklet,
Buried Treasure. London: Methodist Publishing House, [198-?]. 16p.
Albright College, Reading, PA. Report on Recent Developments relating to the Evangelical
School of Theology. Reading, PA: Albright College, 1951, 7p.
Albritton, Walter. A Guide to Decision for Rekindling My Faith. Nashville, TN: s.n.
Albritton, Walter. Experiencing the Holy Spirit. Nashville: Tidings, [1973?]. 7p.
Albritton, Walter. Flower Seeds. Nashville: Tidings, 1968. 3p. Reprinted from The Christian
Home, April 1968.
Albritton, Walter. A Guide to Decision for Rekindling My Faith. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p.
Albritton, Walter. Nuevos pasos para un Hombre Nuevo. Nashville: Tidings, 1970.
Albritton, Walter. 233 days. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 3p.
Alcohol and Personality. Washington: Service Department, Methodist Board of Temperance,
[1956?]. 6p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
Alcoholism, You too can help. Washington: General Board of Temperance, The Methodist
Church, [1956?]. 6p. Leaflet No. 269. Abridged with permission of the National Council
of The Episcopal Church.
Alcohol Problems and General Welfare, Comprehensive Resource List. Washington, DC:
General Board of Christian Social Concerns of The Methodist Church, 1964.
Alcohol: the pick-me-up that lets you down. Nashville: Graded Press, 1978. 5p.
Aldersgate Celebration, May 18-26, 1988, North American Program. London: s.n., 1988. 16p.
Alejandro, Dionisio Diesta. The Episcopal Address of the Bishops of the Methodist Church of
the Philippines Central Conference, Central Church, Manila, October 28, 1964, D.D.
Alejandro, Jose L. Valencia. Manila: s.n, 1964.
Alexander, James E. Mass Media Models as options for the Church’s Educational Work.
Nashville: Division of Education, Board of Discipleship of the United Methodist Church,
1975. 32p.
Alexander, Neil. Life after Easter. London: Epworth Press, 1967. 22p.
Alexander, Neil M. Celebrating God’s love. Nashville: Discipleship Resource, 1982, 3p.
Alexander, Neil M. My Ministry in our Community. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1986.
Alexander, Sue Pruitt. Disciples to such a Lord, a Study of the Gospel according to St. Mark.
Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions, The Methodist
Church, Literature Headquarters, 1957. 59p.
Alexander, W. M. The Church and its College Youth. Nashville: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press,
1940. 21p. Reprinted from The Adult Student.
Alexander, Will W. The Negro in the New South.
Algo Para Comprtir: Conjunto de Hojas. Nashville: Ediciones Discipulado, [198-?]. 6 pieces.
All Aboard for the new look in Children’s Resources for United Methodist Churches. Nashville:
Graded Press, 1975.
All India Projects, Advance Specials. New York: The Advance Office, Board of Global
Ministries, United Methodist Church, 1972. 6p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
All that I have. Chicago: General Board of Lay Activities, The Methodist Church Stewardship
Department, [195-?]. 3p.
Allan, Marion. Wesley: a Play, dramatized from Telford’s Life of Wesley. London: Epworth
Press, 1938. 42p.
Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Connection. Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Missions. Salem,
Ohio: AWMC, [1981?]. 6p.
Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Connection. Amended Principles and Practices of the Pioneer
Department. Salem, Ohio, AWMC, 1977. 7p. As amended by the Connection Mission
Board at its meeting June 18, 1977 at Stoneboro, PA.
Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Connection. Presenting a Church for the Entire Family. Revised.
Salem, Ohio: AWMC, 1981. 6p. Directory of churches.
Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Connection. Principles and Practices of the Missions
Department. Revised. 1980. Salem, Ohio: AWMC, 1981. 11p.
Allen, Charles Livingstone and Millard J. Miller. Our Church, a Brief Statement concerning the
Origin, Faith, and Outreach of the EUB Church for Members and Prospective Members.
Dayton: Board of Christian Education, EUB Church, 1948. 48p.
Allen High School, Asheville, NC. Prospectus, 1962. Asheville, NC: Allen High School, 1962.
Almquist, George D. Three Working Booklets: Cooperative Parish Ministers in The United
Methodist Church, Why the Cooperative Parish. Kansas Parish Staff Policy. New York:
Office of Town and Country Ministries, 1977. 12, 10, 11p.
Altar Guild Calendar, 1985. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1984. 25p.
Altoona District United Methodist Women committed to Missions. Altoona, PA: United
Methodist Women, 1985. 34p.
American Bible Society. The American Bible Society and the Methodist Episcopal Church, a bit
of history. New York: Bible House, 1928. 15p.
American Methodist Broadcaster.
American University, Washington, DC. Methodism and American University. Washington: The
University, 1960. 15p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
American University, Washington, DC. Methodism and American University. Washington, DC:
American University, Office of the President, [196-?]. 14p.
American University, Washington, DC. The American University; Great Endowments for Great
Ideas. Washington: American University, 1967. 16p.
American University, Washington, DC. American University, the Cadence of the Campus.
Washington: American University, [1970?]. 20p.
American University, Washington, DC. The Methodist Church and the American University.
Washington, DC: American University, 1964. 3p.
Amidon, David C, Jr. Dynamics of American Politics. Nashville: Methodist Student Movement,
1962. 11p. Study papers for the MSM regional study and mission conferences.
Ammons, Edsel A. My membership Vows. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1984. 28p.
Among America’s First Families. Philadelphia: The Board of Home Missions and Church
Extension of the Methodist Episcopal Church, [19-?]. 8p.
Amott, Robert and Martha Rowlett. Amen! Lay Persons as Worship Leaders. Nashville:
Discipleship Resources, 1985. 16p.
Amstutz, Hobart B. Episcopal Address, Fifth Session of the Southeastern Asia Central
Conference, Kuala Lumpur, 17-23 August, 1964. Kuala Lumpur: s.n., 1964. 24 p.
Amstutz, Hobart B. An Amstutz Newsletter, covering 20 January 1942 to 7 September 1945.
Singapore: Printed by G. H. Kiat & Co., Ltd, 1945. 14p.
Amstutz, Hobart B. Prison Camp Ministries: the Personal Narrative of Hobart B. Amstutz, 17
February 1942 to 7 September 1945. Singapore: Printed by G.H. Kiat & Co., Ltd, 1945.
Analysis of Enrollment in Methodist Church Schools, 1945. Nashville: Department of General
Church School Work, Division of the General Board of Education of The Methodist
Church, 1945.
Analysis of Enrollment in Methodist Church Schools, 1946. Nashville: Department of General
Church School Work, Division of the Local Church Board of Education of The Methodist
Church, 1946.
Analysis of Enrollment in Methodist Church Schools. 1947. Nashville: Department of General
Church School Work, Division of the Local Church Work, Division of the Local Church,
General Board of Education of The Methodist Church, 1947.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
Ancestors in Quest of Freedom.
Ancrile, Joyce. Rehobeth, a Play in Two Acts by Joyce Ancrile, with Music by Genevieve
Greene. S.l.: Commission on Archives and History, West Virginia Conference of The
United Methodist Church, 1976.
And Gladly Serve: a Program for Enlisting and Developing Church Workers. Nashville:
Methodist Publishing House, 1949. 61p. Developed cooperatively by Protestant
Evangelical Forces of the United States and Canada through the International Council of
Religious Education.
And how are they to hear? Nashville: The Commission, 1966. 4p. Prepared by the Commission
on Promotion and Cultivation in cooperation with the Interboard Committee on Christian
And on the Eighth Day: the First World Service Documentary of The Methodist Church:
Leader’s Guide. Evanston: Commission on Promotion and Cultivation, 1964. 4p.
Anders, Leslie. His “Radical Reverence,” John H. Cox. s.l.: s.n., 1971. 139-158p. Detached from
Missouri Historical Review, vol. LXV, no. 2, January 1971.
Anderson, E. Byron. The Meaning of Holy Communion in The United Methodist Church.
Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 2000. 48p.
Anderson, George Wood. Invitation to Confess Christ. s.l.: s.n., [19-?]. 4p.
Anderson, Gerald H. Why we need a Second Mission Agency. Decatur, GA: The Mission
Society for United Methodists, 1986. 8p. Reprinted from Good News, March/April 1984.
Anderson, Jean. You can have more than Music: Practical helps for Planning, Directing, Choir.
Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1990. 31p.
Anderegg, Joyce L. Reality/Risk/Reality: a Guide to Program Planning with Program Resource
Book: Risk and Reality. New York: Women’s Societies of Christian Service, Wesleyan
Service Guild, Women’s Division, Board of Missions, The United Methodist Church,
1970. 31p.
Anderson, Margaret Chaplin. Being Christian Where We Are. Nashville, TN: s.n.
Anderson, Robert P. This we Believe, a Hymn Festival based upon the Nicene Creed. Nashville:
Discipleship Resources, 1978. 4p.
Anderson, Samuel R. Thirty Years of the Woman’s Society of Christian Service, East China
Conference, Methodist Church, the Thirtieth Anniversary in China. s.l.: s.n., 1947. 18p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 10
Anderson, Sidney. China after Fifty Years.
Anderson, Tony Marshall. Prevailing Prayer. 4th printing. Wilmore, KY: Wilmore Press, [195?]. 47p.
Anderson, William Franklin. A Remarkable and Gratifying Change. Chicago: Wesley
Foundation Joint Committee, [between 1920 and 1932].
Anderson, William Franklin, ed. Student Evangelism. [New York: s.n., 1908?]. 30p.
Anderson, William K. The Sacraments of the Church. Nashville: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press,
1941. 15p. Reprinted from The Adult Student.
Andhra Christian Council. Minutes of the Third Biennial Meeting of the Andhra Christian
Council held at Medak, November 26-28, 1927. Bezwada: Vani Press, 1928. 51p.
Andrade, Raul Macin. Theology from Minorities or a Theology of Nostalgia. Madison, NJ:
Multi-Ethnic Center for Ministry, 1979. 19p.
Andrewes, Lancelot. Selections from the Private Devotions of Lancelot Andrewes. Arranged and
edited by Thomas S. Kepler. Nashville: The Upper Room, 1962. 32p. (Living Selections
from the Great Devotional Classics).
Anglican-Methodist Conference on Re-union, Melbourne, 1947 Report. Melbourne: Diocesan
Book Society and Methodist Book Depot, 1947. 31p.
Ankers, Arthur E. Sisters to Fame. s.l.: s.n., [195-?]. 72p. Carbon copy of typescript.
Anglicans and Methodists praying for Unity. London: Published jointly for the Joint
Commission by the Church Information Office and the Epworth Press, [196-?]. 4p.
Anguish of a People. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p.
Announcement of Courses 1932, Standard Leadership Training Series. Nashville: Issued by the
General Board of Christian Education, Methodist Episcopal Church, South through the
Department of the Local Church, Division of Leadership Training, 1932. 22p.
Announcement of Courses 1933, Standard Leadership Training Curriculum, Leadership Training
Series. Nashville: Issued by the Methodist Episcopal Church, South through the
Department of the Local Church, Division of Leadership Training, 1933. 22p.
Announcement of Courses 1934. Standard Leadership Training Curriculum, Leadership Training
Series. Nashville: Issued by the Methodist Episcopal Church, South through the
Department of the Local Church, Division of Leadership Training, 1934. 20p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 11
Announcement of Courses 1935. Standard Leadership Training Curriculum, Leadership Training
Series. Nashville: Issued by the Methodist Episcopal Church, South through the
Department of the Local Church, Division of Leadership Training, 1935. 20p.
Announcing and Introducing the Winning Hymns from the Methodist Bicentennial Hymn
Contest. s.l.: s.n., 1966. 6p.
The Annual Conference Commission, the District Committee on Christian Vocations. Nashville:
Interboard Committee on Christian Vocations, 1965. 16p.
Annual Conference Higher Education Support, 1982-1986. Data and Analysis, August 19821986, Data and Analysis, August 1987. Nashville: Division of Higher Education, General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry of the United Methodist Church, 1987. 82p.
Annual Conference Notebook, prepared especially for Pastors. Cincinnati: Methodist Book
Concern, 1926. 48p.
Annual Conference Secretaries, Conference Pension Officials, 1960-1961. Chicago: General
Board of Pensions of the Methodist Church, 1960. 32p.
An Antidote to Anxiety respecting the Mode of Baptism. Rome, NY: Horace N. Bill, printer,
1843. 8p.
Ants, Lamps, Itches and Dishes: Service Overseas with the Methodist Church. London:
Methodist Church Overseas Division, [198-?]. 9p.
Answer to People’s Problems since 1796. Dayton, OH: Department of Evangelism, African
Methodist Episcopal Zion Church, 1981. 4p.
Answering the Call. Ministerial Education Fund. Nashville: United Methodist Communications,
2001. 6p.
Answers in all Sizes. Evanston: Division of Interpretation, Program Council of the United
Methodist Church, 1969.
Anthony, Walter. The Plan of Unification: Will it Work?
Anthony at Home.
Anti-Missile Missile. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions,
The Methodist Church, Literature Headquarters, 1958. 24p. Reprinted with permission of
Church of the Brethren General Offices, Elgin, Illinois.
Antliff, W. Memoirs of the Life and Labours of the Venerable Hugh Bourne.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 12
Anxiety. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 3p.
Anybody Home? Nashville: TRAFCO, [196-?]. 14p. Script for film strip.
Anyika, Francis. The Paucity of Personnel: a Major Factor impeding more Rapid Spread of
Primitive Methodism in Igboland, Eastern Nigeria, 1910-1931. Naukka, Anambra State,
Nigeria: University of Nigeria, 1989. 40p.
Anyika, Francis. The Beginnings of Primitive Methodism in Igboland, Eastern Nigeria, 19101911. Naukka, Anambra State, Nigeria: University of Nigeria, 1989. 32p.
Aoyama Gakum University, Tokyo. Aoyama Gakum, 1979. Tokyo: Aoyama Gakum, 1979. 25p.
The Apostle’s Creed: Nine Leaflets Interpret the Meaning of the Apostle’s Creed for Christians
Today. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1979. 9 leaflets.
App, Donald B. Bible Study Booklet: Jesus Christ renews his Church through Lay Participation
and Vocational Dedication. Dayton, Ohio : Program Council, The EUB Church, 1964.
Appeals! Do they get you down? Evanston: Section on Stewardship and Finance, of the General
Board of Lay Activities of The Methodist Church, [I96-?]. 6p.
Appleby, Cedric. Thomas Longley in Cornwall. s.l.: The Editor, 1985. 22p. Includes “Some
Account of Thomas Longley written by himself.”
Applegarth, Margaret. The Secret of his Presence. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of Christian
Service, Board of Missions, The Methodist Church, 1959. 40p.
An Appreciation of the Life and Ministry of the Rev. J. B. Webb. Cape Town, SA: Methodist
Publishing House, 1961. 24p.
Approaches to Inter-Communion, a Proposal made to the Commission on Church Union of the
Methodist Church by the Commission on Approaches to Unity of the Protestant
Episcopal Church. s.l.: s.n., 1955. 6p.
Arab-Israeli Conflict: adopted by the 1980 General Conference of The United Methodist Church.
Washington, DC: Service Department, Board of Church and Society, 1980. 5p.
Arab-Israeli Conflict. Washington: General Board of Church and Society. The United Methodist
Church, 1984. 12p.
Araya, Takeshiro. A Short History of To-o Gijuku [High School], 1872-1972. Horosaki, Aomori,
Japan: To-o Gijuku, 1972. 34p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 13
Arbuckle, Jessie E. Making Christian Fellowship Effective. Chicago: Methodist Episcopal
Church. Commission on Life Service, [193-?]. 8p.
Arch Street United Methodist Church, Philadelphia 125th Anniversary 1862-1987: Indebted to
the Past…Committed to the Future. Philadelphia: Arch Street UMC, 1987. 44p.
Archbald, David and Noel Mclnnis. The Whole Earth happens as You Do: The Balance of
Lifekind. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [197-?]. 24p.
Archer, Colin. Road to an Autonomous Methodist Church of the Bahamas, November 20, 1990
to November 20,1993. s.l.: s.n.. 1993. 17p.
Archer, Vance, Jr. Praying the Prayer of our Lord. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1983. 28p.
Archer, Vance, Jr. A Shepherding Plan for the Small Congregation. Nashville: Discipleship
Resources, 1981. 4p.
The Ardfallen Project: the Methodist Church in Cork calls to the Wider Community. Cork:
Wesley Chapel, 1986. 6p.
Are You a Cheerful Giver? s.l.: General Board of Lay Activities, The Methodist Church,
Department of Stewardship and Finance, n.d. 3p.
Are You Ready? Nashville: General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, Division of
Ordained Ministry, Section of Elders and Local Pastors, 1996. 16p. Prepared by the
Department of Interpretation and Field Services, Curriculum Resources Committee,
Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church.
Are You willing to put Your Mind at Ease? Chicago: Committee on Wills, Bequests and Gifts of
the Council on World Service and Finance, [196-?]. 4p.
Argentina and Uruguay: what the Methodists are doing there?
Argentina & Uruguay: United Methodist Relationships in Latin America. Cincinnati: Service
Center, GBGM, 1988. 8p.
Argentina, Uruguay, Chile. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Board of
Missions, The Methodist Church, Literature Headquarters, 1958. 24p.
Arias, Mortimer. Los Metodistas somos asi. [Cochabamba, Bolivia: Imprenta Icthus, 197-?]. 12p.
Arias, Mortimer. Rethinking the Great Commission: Mission as Discipleship. Denver:
President’s Office, Iliff School of Theology, 1959. 16p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 14
Arias, Mortimer. El Romance del Matrimonio. Cochabamba, Bolivia: hnprenta Icthus, [197-?].
Armstrong, J. W. Oration delivered at Lowville, N.Y., July 4th, 1861. Lowville, NY: Printed at
the Journal & Republican, 1861. 25p.
Armstrong, James. Bridges for the 80s. New York: National Council of Churches, Office of
Information, Department of Interpretation, 1981. 16p.
Armstrong, Marion C. Makers of Peace.
Arnold, Milo L. Now that You’re Planning Marriage. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press,
1962. 32p.
Arrangement and Equipment for the Small Church School. Nashville: Department of General
Church School Work, Division of the Local Church, General Board of Education of The
Methodist Church, 1962. 12p.
Arthur, Aylesbeare and Nora Buttle. A Tale of Two Colleges [Wesley College and Seminary and
Prince Albert College], a Centenary Survey. Auckland, NZ: Institute Printing and
Publishing Society Ltd., 1950. 39p. Published in Wesley Historical Society (New
Zealand Branch) Proceedings, vol. 8, no. 2.
Artingstall, George. A Man of One Book: an Introduction to John Wesley’s Teaching on the
Bible, Assurance and Sanctification. London: Epworth Press, 1953. 23p.
The Art of Introducing Others to Jesus Christ. Kansas City, MO: Stonecroft Book Supply Center,
1967. 31p. Distributed by United Methodists for Methodism.
Arts Festival: Covenant for a New Creation. Nashville: Methodist Student Movement, 1967. 20p.
Arvidson, Theodor. Biskopens Budskap W till metodistkyrkans Centralkonferens 1 Helsingfors,
den 25-29 mars 1953. Stockholm: Normalms-Tryckeriet, 1953. 32p.
As Children Grow in Years and Grace. Nashville: Graded Press, l984. 4p. Prepared by the
Department of Interpretation and Field Services, Curriculum Resources Committee,
Board of Discipleship of The United Methodist Church.
Asbury, Herbert. The Balmy Days of Methodism. s.l.: s.n., 1926. 435-444p. Detached from
American Mercury, December l926.
Asbury, Dedication of Monument to the Pioneer Methodist Bishop in America, Sixteenth &
Mount Pleasant Streets, Washington, DC. Baltimore: Press of Norman T, A.Munder &
Co., 1924. 10p.
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Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
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Asbury Cottage, Newton Road, Great Barr, Restored, Re-opened and Dedicated on Friday 27th,
November, 1959. s.l.: s.n., 1959. 8p.
The Asbury Trail in New England, from Connecticut to Maine, Tourist’s Guide. Boston: New
England Conference Methodist Historical Society, [196-?]. 8p.
Ash, David and Martha Ash. Junior Highs and their MYF. Nashville: Methodist Publishing
House, l958. 72p.
Ashcraft, C. E. The Challenge of the Christian Ministry. Dayton, Ohio: Bonebrake Theological
Seminary Department of Recruiting, [191-?]. 6p.
Ashley, James L. A Challenge to Methodists, or John Wesley’s Fear concerning Methodists.
Nashville: Methodist Evangelistic Materials, 1958. 6p.
Ashmen, John. Five Good Reasons to Work a Summer at a Christian camp. Wheaton, IL:
Christian Camping International/USA, l956. 4p.
Asia: Analysis of a Continent, a Symposium. By Chanda Christdas, Peggy Billings, Charles H.
Geimany, and J. Harry Haines. New York: World Divison, Board of Missions, The
Methodist Church, 1966. 29p.
Asian American United Methodists interviewed by Key Ray Chong: a Catalog of the
Audiocassettes. Compiled by Edward C. Zaragoza. Madison, NJ: General Commission
on Archives and History, UMC, 1992. 11p.
Asian Christians amid other Living Faiths. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, UMC, 1981. 2p.
Asociacion de la Iglesia Metodista Episcopal, Buenos Aires. Estatutos y reglamentos. Buenos
Aires: Methopress, 1940. 16p.
Association of Independent Methodists. What Independent Methodists Believe? Jackson, MI:
Association of Independent Methodists, Ivan C. Howard, [196-?]. 48p.
Association of Methodist Historical Societies Report to the General Conference, The Methodist
Church [1948]. New York: AMHS, 1948. 27p.
Association of Methodist Historical Societies [Report] 1950. New York: AMHS, 1950. 31p.
Association of Methodist Historical Societies [Report] 1951. New York: AMHS, 1951. 31p.
Association of Methodist Historical Societies [Report] 1952. New York: AMHS, 1952. 29p.
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The Association of Methodist Historical Societies. Prospectus. Lake Junaluska, NC: AMHS,
1956. 2p. Signed at end: Paul N. Garber, president; Elmer T. Clark, Executive Secretary.
The Association of Methodist Historical Societies. Prospectus. Lake Junaluska, NC: AMHS,
1965. 2p. At the head of title: Bishop T. Otto Nall, President; Albea Godbold, Executive
Association of Methodist Historical Societies. Procedures for Observing the Bicentennial of
American Methodism, 1766-1966. Lake Junaluska, NC: The Association, 1966. 10p.
Association of Methodist Historical Societies. The 10 National Shrines of American Methodism
1964. Lake Junaluska, NC: Association of Methodist Historical Societies, 1964. 16p.
Association of Methodist Historical Societies. Program, Bicentennial of American Methodism,
April 21-24, 1966, Baltimore, MD. Lake Junaluska, NC: The Association, 1966. 11p.
As the World Turns, World Division, Persons in Mission. New York: World Divison, GBGM,
UMC, 1984. 3p.
At Home and Abroad, Summer 1974. London: Methodist Mission Society, 1974. 10p.
At Work in India’s Villages. New York: Editorial Department, Joint Section of Education and
Cultivation, Board of Missions of The Methodist Church, 1955. 12p.
At Your Service, a Program of Vocational Counseling and Information at the National
Convocation of Methodist Youth. s.l.:Committee on Christian Vocations, 1959.
Athens Methodist Church. Survey 1959. Dallas: Perkins School of Theology, Southern
Methodist University, 1959. 31p.
Atkinson, Lowell M. Fulfilling Our Purpose in Life. Nashville, TN.
Atkinson, Lowell M. Our Heritage of Hope, Memorial Address at the Newark Annual
Conference, June 6, 1956. Elizabeth, NJ: George R. Iles, printer, 1956. 11p.
Atkinson, Lowell M. Wesley’s Mother, a Sermon preached at First Methodist Church,
Englewood, New Jersey. Englewood, NJ: First Methodist Church, [196-?]. 12p.
Attwell, Al and Betty Attwell. No Room in the Play, the Unexpected Christmas child. Nashville:
Abingdon Press, l986. 14p.
Aubuchon, David R. Assess your Church’s Financial Health. Nashville: United Methodist
Communications, 1999. 4p.
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Audio-Visual Materials for Family Life Programs. Nashville: Department of the Christian
Family, Board of Education, The Methodist Church, 1959. 10p.
Audio-Visuals to use with Uniform and Cycle Graded Lessons, April-June 1958. Dayton, Ohio:
Otterbein Press, Department of Audio-Visual Promotion, 1958. 22p.
Augustine, Saint. Selections from Augustine. Arranged and Edited by William Cannon.
Nashville: The Upper Room, 40p. Living Selections from the great devotional classics.
Australian Horizons: Methodist Home Missions Centenary, 1859-1959. Sydney: N.N.S.W.,
Department of Home Missions, 1959. 44p.
Australian Missions, a Statistical Survey, 2d edition, 1967. Sydney: Australian Council of
Churches, 1967. 31p.
Australasian Supernumery Ministers’ and Ministers’ Widows’ Fund Rules and Regulations. s.l.:
The Fund, [19-?]. 4p.
Awakening America’s Soul: Revivalism in the New Millennium: an Historical Exhibition drawn
from the Collections of the Methodist Archives and History Center at Drew University,
Madison, New Jersey. Curated by Kenneth E. Rowe,. Madison, NJ: MAHC, 2001.
Aycock, Jarrette. Tithing: your Questions Answered. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press, 1955.
Babbit, Edmond Holt. Strength for Hospital Days. Chicago: Board of Hospitals and Homes of
The Methodist Church, 1946. 16p.
Babbit, Edmond Holt. Strength for Hospital Days. Evanston: General Board of Heatlh and
Welfare Ministries, United Methodist Church, [between 1968 and 1972]. 16p.
Babbit, Edmond Holt. Strength for Hospital Days. Evanston: General Board of Health and
Welfare Ministries, United Methodist Church, 1977. 16p.
Babbit, Edmond Holt. Strength for Hospital Days. New York: Health and Welfare Ministries
Division, United Methodist Church, 1981. 16p.
Babbit, Edmond Holt. Valor para los dias de Hospital. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM,
UMC, 1980. 15p.
Baby Division Special 1917.
Baby Leaflet.
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The Baby whom Everybody Loved.
Bach, Marcus. Fanny Crosby.
Background Data for Mission. Editor, Douglas W. Johnson. New York: Research Office,
National Program Division, GBGM, UMC, [1986]. 3p.
Backman, Charles. Abraham Lincoln, World’s Great Martyr: A Discourse. Jamaica, NY:
Charles Welling, 1865. 16p.
Back to Bishops! Some Methodist Scholars on Episcopacy and the C.U.C. Covenant. Edited by
Oliver A. Beckerlegge. Southport, Lanes: Aldersgate Press, [198-?]. 15p.
Backus, Alfred H. Sesqui-Centennial of American Methodism. New York: General Conference
Commission on the Sesqui-Centennial of American Methodism, 1928. 19p.
Backyard Seminary. Edited by John J. Vincent. Sheffield: Urban Theology Unit, 1981. 22p.
Badley, Brenton Thoburn. New Etchings of Old India. New York: Board of Foreign Missions,
Methodist Episcopal Church, 1918. 54p.
Badley, Brenton Thoburn. Waiting! Stories and Pictures of The Methodist Episcopal Church in
Southern Asia Central Conference at Baroda. Bombay: Printed by C. Morris for G.
Claridge & Co., Ltd and published by B. T. Badley, 1928. 40p.
Badley, Brenton Thoburn. The Solitary Throne: some Religious Beliefs of Mahatma Gandhi in
the Light of Christ’s Teachings. Madras: Methodist Publishing House, 1931. 61p.
Baez-Camargo, Gonzalo. El por que del Protestantismo en Mexico. Mexico City: Casa Unida de
Publicaciones S.A., 1930. 39p.
Bagby, Grover C. Service of Worship: Race Relations Sunday. Washington, DC: General Board
of Christian Social Concerns, The Methodist Church, [between 1963 and 1966]. 3p.
Bagwell, Bill. On the Rise: Youth Service Fund Manual. Nashville: Discipleship Resources,
1978. 20p.
Bahn, A M. Men Wanted: an Address. Cleveland, Ohio: Albright Brotherhood of the Evangelical
Church, [193-?]. 6p.
Bahnsen, Armin Frederick. My Companion for Quiet Hours. Cleveland: Church World Press,
Inc, [19-?]. 16p.
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Bailey, Dorothy Cope. In Quietness and in Confidence: the Story of Dorothy E. Wright. S.I.:
Published by the Commission on the Status and Role of Women, East Ohio Conference,
1985. 24p.
Bain, Donald L. Is Peace Possible? Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p.
Bain, Donald L. The Trouble with Christmas. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p.
Baines, Raymond G. Forgotten Americans. Cincinnati: Service Center, Board of Missions, The
United Methodist Church, 1970. 22p.
Baird John E. A Guide to Conducting Meetings. New York, Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1965.
Baker, C. A Half-Century in the Ministry of The Methodist Church. Patton, MO: The Author,
1969. 31p.
Baker, Eric Wilfred. Christian Perfection, the Significant Methodist Doctrine: an Extract from
The Faith of a Methodist. s.l.: London Press, [196-?]. 8p.
Baker, Frank. The Circuit Plan. Durham, NC: Duke University, 1979. 9-28p. From Library
Notes, no. 49, December, 1979.
Baker, Frank. John Wesley, Biblical Commentator. Manchester: John Rylands University
Library, 1989. 109-120. Reprinted from Bulletin of the John Rylands University Library
of Manchester, vol. 71, no. 1, Spring 1989.
Baker, Frank. Sixty Years on the Wesley Trail. Durham, NC: The Divinity School, 1998. 21p.
Baker, James Chamberlain. Inside Japan Two Months after Surrender: an Address by Bishop
James C. Baker to an Interdenominational Gathering at the First Methodist Church in Los
Angeles, Nov. 20, 1945. s.l.: s.n., 1945. 15p.
Baker, Ralph E. Jesus Christ, the Light of the World: the Sixth Assembly of the World Council
of Churches. Nashville: United Methodist Communications, 1983. 4p.
Baker, Richard T. and Paul Neff Garber. Adult Leader’s Guide to The Methodist Meeting House.
New York: The Board of Missions and Church Extension, 1914. 19p.
Baker, Richard T. and T.T. Brumbaugh. Some Facts about Japan. New York: Editorial
Departments of the Division of Education and Cultivation of the Board of Missions and
Church Extension of the Methodist Church, 1951.
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Baker, Richard Terrill. A Song in my Heart. Nashville: s.n., 1940. 4p. Reprinted from The
Christian Student, February, 1940. Includes notice on Race Relations Sunday.
Baker, Richard Terrill. C.B.R. of Chungking: the story of Chester Bertram Rappe.
Baker, Richard Terrill. Methodism in China.
Baker, Richard Terrill. Some Facts about Japan. New York: Editorial Department of the Board
of Missions and Church Extension of the Methodist Church, [194-?]. 6p.
Baker, Richard Terrill. With Kindness in His hands: Chinalog.
Baker University, Baldwin City, Kansas. Introducing the United Methodist Historical Collection
and Library. Baldwin City, KS: Baker University Library, [197-?]. 6p.
Baketel, Oliver Sherman. Sunday School Workers’ Conference, conducted by O.S. Baketel.
Boston: Methodist Episcopal Sunday School Union, [19-?]. 4p.
Balcomb, Raymond B. Now that You’re a Member of our Church. Nashville: Discipleship
Resources, 1982. 6p.
Baldwin, Charles W. Baltimore Conference Historical Review, 1866-1916; or, Fifty Years in the
Ministry, an Address…at Foundry Church, Washington, DC, April 3, 1916 before the
Baltimore Annual Conference. Baltimore: Baltimore Conference Methodist Historical
Society, 1964. 30p.
Baldwin, Josephine. Kingdom Stories, Pupil’s Book for Work and Study, Course VI, Part I.
Dayton, Ohio: United Brethren Publishing House, 1917. 48p.
Baldwin, Josephine. Kingdom Stories, Pupil’s Book for Work and Study, Course VI, part II.
Dayton, Ohio: United Brethren Publishing House, 1917. 48p.
Baldwin, Josephine. Kingdom Stories, Pupil’s Book for Work and Study, Course VI, Part III.
Dayton, Ohio: United Brethren Publishing, 1917. 48p.
Bales, Harold K. An Adventure in Living. Nashville: s.n. 2p.
Bales, Harold K. An Evangelistic Planning Guide for Native American United Methodist
Churches. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1978. 48p.
Bales, Harold. Heritage. Nashville: United Methodist Church Board of Discipleship, Section on
Evangelism, 1975.
Bales, Harold K. Leading Persons to Christ. Kingsport, TN: Precept, 1982. 47p.
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Bales, Harold K. Witness for Christ. Nashville: Graded Press, 1987. 61p.
Ballanger, W. H. Jimmie’s Sister joins the Baby Division, a Demonstration. Nashville: Woman’s
Department, Board of Missions, M.E. Church, South, [192-?]. 6p.
Ballard, A. E. Paper read at the Legislative Hearing, March 7, 1910, for and Against Making
Ocean Grove a Borough.
Ballard, J. Hudson. Delusion of the Last Days. Toronto: A. Sims Publisher, 1919. 16p.
Ballard, Robertson. Does God Care? 3rd ed. London: Epworth Press, 1962. 16p.
Ballinger Company. New Building for the Board of Temperance, Prohibition and Public Morals
of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Washington DC. Philadelphia: The Ballinger Co.,
[192-?]. 4p.
Ball, Lorne C. George Neal: a Number One Methodist in Upper Canada. Niagara Falls, Ontario:
Lorn C. Balle, 1956. 7p.
Ball, Marcia. Southern Rhodesia.
Baltic Mission Center, the United Methodist Church in Estonia: Advance special project of The
United Methodist Church. New York: GBGM, 1995. 20p.
Bancroft, E. Dow Aunt Nan’s Coffee Grinder. Chicago: General Board of Lay Activities, The
Methodist Church, Department of Stewardship and Finance, l959. 8p.
Bancroft, Jane M. The Greatest Church Movement of the Last Fifty Years. s.l.: Woman’s Home
Missionary Society of the M.E.C.
Banford, G. H. and Jon H. Ness, Jr. Manual for Conference Historians, The Evangelical United
Brethren Church. Dayton, Ohio: Historical Society of the EUB Church, 1953.
Bangs, Carl. Theology and Foreign Policy.
Bankhardt, Frederick. Yen Ping and Yuki Districts. Shanghai: Methodist Publishing House,
1910. 10p.
Banks, John. Groups-see how they run, House Fellowships, the House Church, Class Meetings,
the Cell. London: Epworth Press, 1967. 19p.
Banks, John. A Primitive Cradling. Englesea Brook: Englesea Brook Chapel and Museum, 1997.
24p. The Seventh Chapel Aid Lecture.
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Baptism in the Holy Spirit according to God’s word, what it is and why you need it. Lundhurst,
Ohio: Rhema Publications, 1972. 8p.
The Baptism of Babies. Nashville: Department of Christian Education of Children, Division of
the Local Church, The Board of Education, The Methodist Church, 1941. 3p.
Baptismal Remembrance. Nashville: Abingdon Press, [198-?]. 8p.
Barber, William Theodore Aquila. A Short History of Richmond. Foreword by H.H. Ritson.
Richmond: Richmond College, 1926. 19p.
Barcroft, Boyce. Rural Life in Mexico.
Bardell, Eunice Bonow. Primitive Physick: John Wesley’s Receipts. Madison, WI: s.n., 1979.
111-121p. From Pharmacy in History, Vol. XXI, no. 3. (1979).
Barefield, Samuel S. How shall I spend my Life? Nashville: Graded Press, 1968. 32p.
Barefield, Samuel S. Where Fortune Smiles: Leader’s Guide for use with a Tense, Dramatic Film
about Gambling. Washington, DC: Communications Department, Board of Christian
Social Concerns, [196-?]. 9p.
Barfoot, Earl. A Christian View of Sin. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1977.
Barfoot, Earl and Lesley Barfoot. Now that the Nest is Empty. Nashville: Discipleship
Resources, n.d., 6p.
Barker, Andrew J. M. Transforming the Earth: are we too Heavenly Minded? Derby: Headway,
2001. 38p.
Barker, Bernard. Plaintiff. In the High Court of Justice, Chancery Division, Group B, in the
matter of The Methodist Church Union Act, 1929, and in the matter of the Deed of Union
dated 29th September 1932, executed pursuant thereto, and in the matter of the Model
Deed relating to Methodist Church properties, dated 15th December 1932, and in the
matter of Trustee Act, 1925, between The Rev. Bernard Barker and Henry Charles.
Barker, Esther Temperley. Of the Lineage of David. Chicago: Adams Press, 1976. 48p.
Barclay, W C. Christian Education for Times like These.
Barker, Henry J. Modern Movements towards Sound Faith in the Bible. London: British Bible
Union, 1963. 11p.
Barker, John H. J. Be ye Holy. [S.I.: s.n., 196-?]. 4p.
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Barker, John H. J. Be ye Holy. Haywards Heath, Sussex: Aldersgate Press, [197-?]. 4p.
Barker, John H. J. The Importance of Private Prayer. London: Epworth Press, 1963. 11p.
Barker, John H. J. Inbred Sin and its Cure, a Message given at Launceston Centre. Heywood,
Lancs: J.H.J. Barker, [196-?]. 4p.
Barker, John H. J. What is the Revival Fellowship? s.l.: Revival Fellowship, [196-?]. 4p.
Barker, John H. J. Where are the Intercessors? The Relationship between Prayer and Revival.
London: Printed by the Wickliffe Press & the Methodist Revival Fellowship, [195-?].
Barker, Peter J. Christians and Financial Stewardship, a Consideration of Discipleship of both
Christian and Church in relation to Money. Sheffield: Headway, 1989. 12p.
Barnard, Russell D. Questions and Answers on faith-promise Giving. Wilmore, KY: Evangelical
Missions Task Force, [197-?]. 6p.
Barnes, Debra. Miss American speaks… Nashville: Tidings, 1968. 6p.
Barnes, Samuel. Discourse on the Death of President Abraham Lincoln. Baltimore: Printed by
John D. Toy, 1865.
Barnett, Leonard P. Christian Responsibility for World Peace. London: Epworth Press, 1960.
Barnett, Leonard. Church Leaders face their Future: some Reflections on the Way Ahead.
London: Methodist Youth Department, 1965. 28p.
Barnsley, John. Speech delivered at Sheffield, June 18th, 1900, by John Barnsley, on his retiring
from the Position of President of the Wesleyan Methodist Local Preacher’s Mutual Aid
Association. Hull: Brumby & Clarke, Inc., printers, 1900.
Barnett, Maurice. The Divine Invasion, Rediscovering the Holy Spirit. Westminster:
Westminster Publications, Methodist Central Hall, 1974. 16p.
Barnhardt, John D. The Rise of the Methodist Episcopal Church in Illinois from the Beginning to
the Year 1832. Danville, IL: 1919. 149-217p. Reprinted from Illinois State Historical
Society Journal, Vol XII, 1919.
Barnwell, May Lou. Commission on Deaconess Work: Annual Report of the Executive
Secretary, 1952-1963. Chicago: Commission on Deaconess Work, The Methodist
Church, 1962-63.
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Barnwell, May Lou. Commission on Deaconess Work, reprinted from Twenty-fifth Annual
Report, 1963-1964. New York: The Commission, 1964. 11p.
Barraclough, Peter. Playing with Atheism. London: Epworth Press, 1965. 10p.
Barranda, Natty G. Existential Footnotes on Fawn. Xenia, OH: Natty G. Barranda, 1983. 19p.
Barett, Charles Kingsley. Biblical Preaching and Biblical Scholarship. London: Epworth Press,
1957. 18p.
Barrett, David B. A New Mission Society: Agenda for the Future Inauguration of the Mission
Society for United Methodists, Dallas, TX, May 6, 1985. Decatur, GA: The Mission
Society for United Methodist, 1985. 14p.
Barrett, Ernest. Hugh Bourne. London: Epworth Press, 1936. 16p.
Barrett, Robina. Changed Horizon, a Play of New Testament Times. London : H. V. Capsey,
1963. 11p.
Barron, J. Daniel. The Alcohol Problem in the Light of the Bible. New York: AbingdonCokesbury Press, n.d. 48p. An adult Bible course.
Bartak, Joseph Paul. Let us consider…Austria. New York: Editorial Department, Joint Section of
Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions of the Methodist Church, 1955. 12p. This
is a revision of an article which first appeared in the North Carolina Christian Advocate,
and is reprinted with permission.
Bartges, W. A. Introduction to Teaching, Course Number, 141a,. Suggestions for Individual
Study. Dayton: Board of Christian Education, EUB church, [1958?]. 20p.
Bartholomew, Gilbert L. Human Encounter in the Spiritual Gospel: Aids for Preaching on John
during the Easter Season. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1981. 12p.
Bartholomew, Gilbert L. Narrative Preaching. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1983. 11p.
Bartholomew, Mildred. Why the Wesley Foundation Appeals to Me. Chicago: Wesley
Foundation Joint Committee, 1932. 3p. Reprinted from The Christian Advocate,
Portland. Oregon, February 18, 1932.
Bartlett, Eleanor, Dorothy Ging, and Charles Herndon. God made Us: about Sex and Growing
Up. Nashville: Graded Press, 1980. 49p.
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Barto, Suella C. God’s Call and your Vocation, a Look at Christian Calls and Church
Occupations. Nashville: Division of Diaconal Ministry, United Methodist General Board
of Higher Education and Ministry, 1995. 19p.
Barton, Charles Morris. Concerning the Apportionments. Chicago: MEC Council of Boards and
Benevolences, Committee on Conservation and Advance, 1923. 22p.
Barton David A. 125 years of Worship on the Hillside: Darley Hillside Methodist Church, 18651990. s.l.: s.n., 1990. 16p.
Barge, Carrie. A Highway of Service in America. Cincinnati: Department of Field Work,
Woman’s Home Missionary Society, MEC, [192-?]. 8p.
Barton, Mrs. J. Hamby, Sr. Past-present-future of the Women’s Work in the North Gerogia
Conference. Atlanta, GA: Women’s Society of Christian Service, North Georgia
Conference, 1966. 10p.
Bascom, E. C. Manual for Mission Bands. Revised Edition. Harrisburg, PA: Woman’s
Missionary Society of the Evangelical Church, 1935. 26p.
Bashford, James Whitford. The Awakening of China. New York: Missionary Society of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, China Centennial Commission, 1906. 21p.
Basic Bibliography on Worship. Compiled by James F. White. s.l.: Order of Saint Luke, 1969.
8p. Reprinted from Work/Worship, v. 18, Advent 1969.
Bass, Thelma. Let us prepare our Hearts for Peace, SATB Anthem. Music by Thelma Bass;
words by Lucille Pause. Grand Rapids, MI: Mercer Publications, 1984. 8p.
Bass, W. P. This is the Navajo. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Board of
Missions and Church Extension, The Methodist Church, 1951. 8p.
Bass, W. P. This is the Navajo. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Board of
Missions, The Methodist Church, 1953.
Bastian, Donald N. Sketches of Free Methodism. Indianapolis: Light and Life Press, 1995. 53p.
Bastian, Donald N. Sketches of Free Methodism. Indianapolis: Light and Life Communications,
1997. 53p.
Batdorf, Grant David. Baccalaureate Sermon, State Teachers College, Millersville, PA, Sunday
May 22, 1932. s.l.: The College, 1932. 4p.
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Batdorf, Grant David. Jesus’ Money Gospel. 2d edition. Dayton, Ohio: Board of Administration,
[193-?]. 14p.
Bates, John and Nina Bates. Abingdon’s Christmas Dramas for Children. Nashville: Abingdon
Press, 1993. 40p.
Bates, E. Ralph. Captain Thomas Webb: American Methodism’s Number One Layman, a Record
of Discovery. Bristol: John Wesley’s Chapel, 1972. 5p.
Bates, E. Ralph. Captain Thomas Webb: Bristol Methodism’s Hero-pioneer: an Address given at
the New Room, Bristol, on Wesley Day, 1972. Bristol: New Room. 10p.
Bates, E. Ralph. ‘Aners at the New Room. Horsefair, Bristol. Bristol: New Room. 11p.
Battle, Edith Kent. Our Children ask about God. New York: Abingdon Press, [between 1940 and
1944]. 29p. Reprinted from The Christian Home.
The Battle Ground Story, Northwest Indiana Conference, Methodist Church. Alameda
McCollough, editor, Lafayette, IN: Morehouse Printing Co., [196-?]. 36p.
Bauer, Richard H. Helping Youth make Vocational Choices for Parents. Nashville: Department
of the Christian Family, in cooperation with the Youth Department, Division of the Local
Church, General Board of Education, The Methodist Church. [s.l.: s.n., 196-?]. 8p.
Bauer, Richard H. You, your Lifework and Occupation, a Resource for Training Leaders.
Nashville: Section of Training Enterprises, Division of the Local Church, Board of
Education of The United Methodist Church, 1972. 16p.
Baugh, Stanley T. Methodism’s Gateway to the Southwest. Little Rock, AR: Epworth Press,
1966. 16p.
Bauknight, Brian and Ronald Wanless. Jesus’ Sermon: a Prayer and Study Guide to help us
discern God’s Call as Persons, Local Churches, an Annual Conference, a Suggested
Resource for the Disciples Priority of the Western Pennsylvania Conference of The
United Methodist Church. Mars, PA: Western Pennsylvania Conference, UMC, 1989.
Baumhofer, Earl F. Methodist Trails in Minnesota. s.l.: Historical Society of the Minnesota
Methodist Conference, 1966. 44p.
Baxter, Betty. The Betty Baxter Story. Foreword by Oral Roberts. Los Angeles: Don Heidt,
1951. 53p.
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Baxter, D. M. Richard Allen: from a Slave Boy to the First Bishop of the African Methodist
Episcopal Church. A Drama in Four Acts. Philadelphia: AME Book Concern, 1934.
Baynes, Melissa. Heifer Project Incorporated Help Yourself. The Pacific Historian. Vol. 13, no.
4: Fall, 1969.
Be a Peace Advocate. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [198-?]. 6p.
Be a Rural Pastor. New York: Department of Ministry, National Council of the Churches of
Be Eager to maintain the Unity of the Spirit through the Bond of Peace, the Geneva Area [of the
United Methodist Church]. Geneva: Published by the Central Conference of Central and
Southern Europe, 1981.
Beadle, Harold L. The Beginning of Methodism in Upper Teesdale and the Story of Newbiggin
Chapel. s.l.: s.n., 1980. 36p.
Beal, Jim. Schools, Colleges, Academies & Seminaries of The United Methodist Church in
Arkansas and its Predecessor Groups. [Little Rock, AR]: United Methodist Historical
Society of Arkansas, Inc., 1998.
Beale, P. The Methodist Chapel and Schoolroom, Steyne Road, Seaford. Seaford, East Sussex,
England: Printed by Lindel Organisation, Limited, 1971. 12p.
Beales, W. Harold. Christian Certainty. London: Epworth Press, 1937. 16p. (Little books of the
kindly light, no. 43).
Beam, Cecile. Now that your Child has received a Bible. Nashville: Discipleship Resources,
1982. 6p.
Beam, Cecile. Now that your Child is receiving an Allowance. Nashville: Discipleship
Resources, 1983. 6p.
Beam, Cecile A. and Mary Jane Pierce Norton. Our Children learn the Language of Faith.
Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [197-]. 2p.
Bean, Frank. Practical Helps for Alert Fourths.
Bear, Kenneth A. Tales from Ballabruin. Devon: Brightsea Press Ltd., 1992.
The Beatitudes: Nine Leaflets interpret the Meaning of the Beatitudes for today. Nashville:
Discipleship Resources, 1981.
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Beattie, J. R. Round the Next Corner, first Steps in Prayer. London: Epworth Press, 1963. 26p.
Beauchamp, W B. Standard Plan for the Conservation Period of the Missionary Centenary 19191920. Nashville: Issued by the Director-General, Missionary Centenary, Methodist
Episcopal Church, South, 1919. 26p.
Beaumont, J. The Righteousness of God. A Sermon Delivered on July 6, 1851, at Exeter Hall.
Beautiful Gujarat, a Presentation of the Work of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society of the
Methodist Episcopal Church in Gujarat Conference, India. [s.l.: s.n.], 1926. 53p.
Beauty from Ashes. Cincinnati: Literature Headquarters, Woman’s Division of Church
Extension, The Methodist Church, [195-?]. 24p.
Because God gives, a Scriptural Witness about Giving. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1986.
Becker, James M. The Institutions of Higher Learning. s.l.: Virginia Conference Historical
Society, 1984. 32p (Virginia United Methodism: The First 200 years: a bicentennial
Beckerlegge, Oliver Aveyard, ed. Back to the Bishops! Some Methodist Scholars on Episcopacy
and the C.U.C. Covenant. Southport, England: The Aldersgate Press, 1981. 15p.
Beckerlegge, Oliver A. Methodism and Popery. The Protestant Truth Society.
Beddow, Seaward. The Proconsul. London. 44p.
Bedford, Reg. Why Total Abstinence? London: Chester House Publications, 1963. 24p.
Beebe, James. How God Calls into the Ministry. Chicago: Department of Church Schools, the
Board of Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church, [between 1920 and 1926]. 11p.
Beetham, T. A. The Church in Africa faces 1957. London: Methodist Missionary Society, 1957.
13p. Reprinted from the January 1957 International Review of Missions.
Beetham, T A. The New Order in Africa. London: Epworth Press, 1960. 14p. (Beckley
pamphlets, 5th series, no. 2).
Begging. [S.I.:s.n., 18-?]. 1p. In verse. Bunting, Jabez.
Beginning in Jerusalem. New York: Joint Division of Education and Cultivation of the Board of
Missions and Church Extension, The Methodist Church, [1941]. 6p.
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Beginnings and Beyond, a Collection of Playlets for United Methodist Women. New York: The
Women’s Division, GBGM, UMC, 1985. 62p.
Behar, Lucien E. New Life for You. Winona Lake, IN: Department of Evangelism and Church
Growth, Free Methodist Church of North America, 1985. 17p.
Beimfor, Herman N. A College Compass, a Guide for Students through some of the Experiences
in College Life not usually found in the Curriculum or the Classroom. Editor, C. A.
Bowen. New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, 1945. An elective unit for college
Being Black in American Society and Church. Compiled by James S. Thomas. s.l.: s.n., 1972.
8p. New Dimensions, a program of guided home study.
Beirnes, William F. After this Judgment. Tequesta, FL: The Midnight Cry, [197-]. 40p.
Beith, A. J. The United Methodist Church and the Union of 1932. Oxford: s.n., 1963. 15p.
Belben, Howard. The Evangelical Methodist. Sheffield: Conservative Evangelicals in
Methodism, 1978. 43p. The fifth annual lecture sponsored by the Association of
Conservative Evangelicals in Methodism, presented at Allerton Methodist Church,
Bradford, on 21st June 1978.
Belben, Howard. Evangelistic Counseling. London: Epworth Press, 1965. 28p.
Belben, Howard A. G. An Analytic Critique of Studying the Old Testament. Ripon, North
Yorks: Conservative Evangelicals in Methodism, [1982]. 10p.
Belcher, Richard G. Manual for the Commission on Missions.
Belden, A. D. George Whitefield, 1714-1770. London: Independent Press Ltd., 1961. 20p. (A
heritage biography).
Believing in Myself. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [1983]. 3p.
Bell, Raymond Martin. Methodism on the Upper Ohio before 1812. Washington, PA: R. M. Bell,
1972. 146-156p.
Bell, Raymond Martin. Early Methodist Church Buildings in the Pittsburgh Conference.
Washington, PA: R. M. Bell, 1950. 7p.
Bell, Raymond Martin. Early Methodist Circuits in the Allegheny Mountain Regions of West
Va. and Pa. as recorded by Robert Boyd. Washington, PA: R. M. Bell, 1958. 4p.
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Bell, Raymond Martin. Ohio Circuit, Methodist Protestant Church, formed 1829. Washington,
PA: R. M. Bell, 1962. 10p.
Bell, Raymond Martin. Ohio Methodist Circuits: Marietta 1816-1818, Zanesville 1818-1820,
from the notes of Thomas A. Morris. Washington, PA: R. M. Bell. 1981. 33p.
Bell, Raymon Martin. The German Congregation of Dutch Fork, Donegal Township,Washington
County, Pa. Washington, PA: The author, 1984. 17p.
Bell, Raymond Martin. East Wheeling Circuit, Methodist Episcopal Church, Pennsylvania-West
Virginia. Washington, PA: R. M. Bell, 1988. 4p.
Bell, Raymond Martin. More on early Methodist Circuits on the Upper Ohio.
Bell, Stuart A. Reception into Full Membership: a Study of the Development of Liturgical Forms
in British Methodism. s.l.: The Author, 1988. 17p.
Belle, Harris Bennett. World Citizen: The Year of Jubilee, October, 1928. Nashville, TN: Dept
of Education and Promotion, Woman’s Section, Board of Missions, M.E.C., South.
The Belle H. Bennett Memorial. The Fulfillment of an Enlarging Vision.
Bellman, Harold. Christianity and Commerce. London: Epworth Press, 1939. 24p. (Pilot books,
Bells that Millions cannot Hear. Washington, DC: Commission on Chaplains, The Methodist
Church, [1967?]. 16p.
Bender, Margaret R. A Christian’s Primer in the United Nations and Africa. Cincinnati:
Literature Headquarters, Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions, The
Methodist Church, 1959. 52p.
Bender, Margaret R. Human Rights. Edited by Blaise Levai, prepared by the Editorial &
Literature Department, Board of Missions, The Methodist Church. Cincinnati: Service
Center, Board of Missions, The United Methodist Church, 1968. 56p.
Bender, Margaret R. United Nations and Women. World Federation of Methodist Women.
Cincinnati: Service Center, Board of Missions, The Methodist Church, 1964. 34p.
Bender, Margaret R.Vision and Success. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of Christian Service,
Board of Missions, The Methodist Church, 1952. 4p.
Benedict, Daniel T. Worship. Nashville: General Board of Discipleship, 2000. 8p. (Partners in
Methodist Library
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Benediction House, Berlin, N Y. Benediction House, Berlin, New York. The Retreat House of
the Schenectady Methodist Society. Schenectady, NY: First Methodist Church, [195-?].
Benevolence Guide for United Methodist Churches. 1982 Edition. Evanston: United Methodist
Communications, 1982. 12p.
Bennett, Anthony S. Because ye are Christ’s. London: Epworth Press, 1952. 15p.
Bennett, Belle H. The Mountain Problem. New York: Woman’s Home Missionary Society.
Methodist Episcopal Church, [19- ]. 4p.
Bennett, Margaret. Do you want to be a Church Assistant? Chicago: Methodist Episcopal
Church, Life Work Committee, [1928]. 4p. Reprinted from Epworth Herald, February 26,
Bennett, Margaret. The Ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, supplementing the Report
of 1924. Chicago: Methodist Episcopal Church. Life and Work Committee, [1926?]. A
study of the educational status of ministers admitted to full membership in annual
conferences in 1925.
Bennett, Margaret. The Ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, supplementing the Report
of 1924. Chicago: Methodist Episcopal Church. Life and Work Committee, [1926?]. A
study of the educational status of ministers admitted to full membership in annual
conferences in 1925.
Bennett, Margaret. The Ministry of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Annual Presentation of
Educational Statistics of Ministers admitted into Full Membership in Conferences, 1926.
Chicago: Methodist Episcopal Church, Life Work Committee. [1972?]. 6p.
Bennett, Nellie. Young People’s Special. 1917.
Bennett, Nellie. The Island Empire and its People. Nashville: Woman’s Missionary Council,
M.E. Church, South, [1917]. 4p.
Bennett, R.H. The Ministry as a Life Work. Atlanta, GA: Publ. Dept. of Ministerial Supply and
Training of the MEC, South.
Bender, Richard N. The Methodist College Chaplain, a Special Report. Nashville: Board of
Education, The Methodist Church, l961. 16p.
Bennett, Robert C. You can Plan and Select Music: Discover and Shape your Music Ministry, a
step-by-step Guide for Church Leaders. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1988. 29p.
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Bennett, M. Katherine. Santo Domingo, Our Neglected Neighbor. New York: Board for
Christian Work in Santo Domingo, [1922?]. 12p.
Benson, C. Irving. Finding God through Prayer. Nashville: The Upper Room, 1956. 40p.
Benson, C. Irving. John Wesley and the Beginning of Methodism. Australia: The Methodist
Publishing House (General Conference). 20p.
Benson, Erwin G. Sunday-school Handbook for Pastors, Sunday-school Superintendents,
Sunday-school Supervisors. Kansas City, MO: Nazarene Publishing House, [194-?]. 64p.
Benton, John Keith. Communion Table Dismissals. Nashville: Abingdon Press, [196-?]. 16p.
Benton, John Keith. Communion Table Dismissals. New York: Abingdon Press, 1961. 15p.
Benton, John Keith. Communion Table Dismissals.
Benton, John Keith. Table Dismissals. Nashville: Commission on Ministerial Training of The
Methodist Church.
Bequests and Devises and Annuities.
Bereaved. [Chicago: Board of Conference Claimants, MEC, 193-?], 1p.
Berger, Hilbert J. Now, Concerning the Offering. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, l987. 26p.
Bergren, Wendy. My Mom’s Sick, Here’s how to Help. Cincinnati: Service Center, Board of
Global Ministries, The United Methodist Church, [1987]. 8p.
Berkheimer, Charles Franklin. Origins of Methodism in the Williamsport District, some Bits of
History. s.l.: s.n., 1965. 15p.
Bernard, James D. The Methodists. April 1926.
Bernard of Clairvaux.
Berry, Keith T. A Brief History of United Methodism in Missouri. s.l.: s.n., 2000. 2p.
Bertholf, Lloyd M. The Disciplined Life. Bloomington, IL: s.n., 1974. 16p.
Bertholf, Lloyd M. Learning to Live the Christian Life, Laymen’s Day, Sunday February 22,
1948. Chicago: General Board of Lay Activities, 1948. 32p. The Crusade for Christ.
Bertholf, Lloyd M. Manual for the Church Lay Leader in a Methodist Church. Chicago: General
Board of Lay Activities, [1961]. 34p. (no. 700).
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Bertholf, Lloyd M. What have You done with what I gave You? Ashland, OH: Discipline Order
of Christ, [197-]. 7p.
The Best Gift: Acts of the Apostles Chapter 2, verses 1-47, New English Bible. Cincinnati:
Service Center, Board of Missions, The Methodist Church, [196-?]. 30p.
Bethany Children’s Home. Bethany, KY: Bethany Print Shop, [195-?]. 6p.
Bethany Children’s Home, Bethany, KY. 50th Anniversary: Bethany Children’s Home, 19261976. Bethany, KY: The Home, 1976. 14p.
Bethany Deaconess and Hospital Society of the East German Conference of the Methodist
Episcopal Church. Forty-fourth Annual Report, 1938. Brooklyn, NY: The Society, 1938.
Bethany Deaconess Hospital, New York Annual Report, 1960. New York: The Hospital, 1960.
Bethany Deaconess Hospital, New York Annual Report, 1960. New York: The Hospital, 1960.
Bethany Hospital, San Fernando, La Union, The Philippines. 50 Years of Community Service
1921-1971: Golden Anniversary Commemorative Program. La Union: Bethany Hospital,
1971. 72p.
Bethel Camp Ground, Simpsonville, SC. The Following Ordinances and Regulations have been
Officially adopted and go into effect at once…, by Order of the Corporation. Wm. C.
Yeargin, Sec’ty. [s.l.: s.n., 18-?]. 1p.
Bethel Hospital Bulletin, 1933-1934. Shanghai: Bethel Hospital, [193-?]. 10p.
Bethel, 1922-1923. Shanghai: The Oriental Press, [192-?].
Bethel Anniversary, 1920-1924. Shanghai: Bethel Ministry, [192-?].
Bethel Home. Memorial Cottage. Weaverville, N.C.
Bethel Methodist Home for the Aged, Ossining, NY. Annual Report, 1946-47. Ossining, NY:
The Home, 1947. 32p.
Bethel Methodist Home for the Aged, Ossining, NY. Annual Report, 1951-1952. Brooklyn, NY:
Paragon Press, 1952. 31p.
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Bethel Methodist Home, Ossining, NY. Annual Report, Fiscal Year ending May 31, 1960.
Ossining, NY: The Home, 1960. 28p.
Bethel Methodist Home, Ossining, NY. Annual Report, 1966-1967. Ossining, NY: The Home,
1967. 16p.
Bethel Methodist Home, Ossining, NY. Annual Report, 1967-1968. Ossining, NY: The Home,
Bethel Methodist Home, Ossining, NY. Annual Report, 1968-1969. Ossining, NY: The Home,
Bethel Methodist Home, Ossining, NY. Annual Report, 1970-1971. Ossining, NY: The Home,
1971. 12p.
Bethel Methodist Home, Ossining, NY. Bethel Methodist Home, founded 1911, 75th anniversary
dinner, October 18, 1986. Ossining, NY: Bethel Methodist Home, 1986. 28p.
Bethel Methodist Home, Ossining, NY The Flowering at Bethel: Annual Report, 1970-1971.
Ossining, NY: The Home, 1971, 16p.
Bethel Swedish Methodist Episcopal Home for the Aged People, Ossining, NY. Yearbook, 1923.
New Britain, CT: N.E. Weekly Publ. Co, 1923. 20p.
Bethel Swedish Methodist Episcopal Home for the Aged People, Ossining, NY. Annual Report
from June 1, 1942 to May 31, 1943. Ossining, NY: The Home, 1943. 23p.
Bethelship. New York: Editorial Department, Joint Division of Education and Cultivation, Board
of Missions and Church Extension, The Methodist Church, [195-?]. 8p.
Bethelship. New York: Editorial Department, Joint Division of Education and Cultivation, Board
of Missions and Church Extension, The Methodist Church, [195-?]. 8p. Another printing,
same folder.
Bethesda Gruss. Mittelungen der Diakonissenanstalt Bethesda. Wuppertal-E. Stutgart: 1960. 149,
p. 64 Jahrgan nummer 1, Februar.
Bethesda Hospital and Deaconess Association. Cincinnati Yearbook of the Bethesda Hospital
and Deaconess Association, an Institution of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Cincinnati,
Ohio: BHDA, 1925. 92p.
Bethesda Hospital and Deaconess Association. Cincinnati Yearbook of the Bethesda Hospital
and Deaconess Association, an Institution of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Cincinnati,
Ohio: BHDA, 1926. 92p.
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Bethesda Hospital and German Methodist Deaconess Home Association, Cincinnati.
Seventeenth Annual Report, January 1912 to January 1913. Cincinnati: BHGMDH, 1913.
Better Living and Better Lives: the Aims and Needs of Henderson Settlement and Archer Center
in the Tennessee Mountains. New York: Editorial Department, Joint Section of Education
and Cultivation, Board of Missions of The Methodist Church, 1958. 2p.
A Better Record for our Church in Social Concerns. Nashville: Methodist Publishing House,
[1956?]. 20p. (Local Church Emphasis booklet no. 5).
A Better Record for our Church in Missions. New York: Board of Missions of the Methodist
Church, [1956?]. 20p. (Local Church Emphasis booklet no. 3).
A Better World begins with Me, a Film to Encourage Personal Evangelism. Nashville:
Television, Radio and Film Commission, The Methodist Church, [196-?]. 4p.
A Better World. Dayton: Committee on Chaplaincy and National Service for the Program
Council of the Evangelical United Brethren Church. 7p. (Bulletin No 8).
Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Becoming God’s People, Reader’s Guide. Nashville:
Cokesbury, 1993. 12p.
A Bhuku ga Varingwa.
A Bhuku go Ranga.
A Buku Ga Żigonazo Za Kulwa Ni Zakunwa.
Bible Christian Church. Regulations for Missionaries in China. [s.l.: The Society, 1897]. 1p.
The Bible in New Invitation, 1997-98. Nashville: Cokesbury, [1997]. 6p.
Bible Methodist Connection of Churches. Disciplinary Revision adapted [sic.] by the 1978
General Conference. s.l.: Bible Methodist Connection of Churches, 1978. 4p. Changes in
1978 Discipline.
Bible. New Testament. Ephesians. The Letter of Paul to the Ephesians, One Witness in One
World. New York: Published by the American Bible Society in cooperation with The
Methodist Church, 1964. 14p.
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Bible. New Testament. Ephesians. Selections. 1964. The Letter of Paul to the Ephesians, One
Witness in One World. New York: Published by the American Bible Society in
cooperation with The Methodist Church, 1964. 14p. Published for use in the quadrennial
program of The Methodist Church, 1964-1968.
Bible, Ken. Step by Step with Jesus. Kansas City, MO: Living the Natural Way, 1999. 64p.
The Bible and Love: Student’s Book. Nashville: Graded Press, 1977. 80p. (Bible-to-life books of
late teens).
The Bible and Morality: Leader’s Guide. Nashville: Graded Press, 1979. 64p. (Bible-to-life
books for late teens).
The Bible and the Body: Leader’s Guide. Nashville: Graded Press, 1979. 64p. (Bible-to-life
books for late teens).
The Bible and the Body: Student’s Book. Nashville: Graded Press, 1979. 80p. (Bible-to-life
books for late teens).
Bible Missionary Church, Inc. Manual of the Bible Missionary Church, Inc., 1956.
Independence, KS: The Religious Press, 1956. 84p.
Bible. Picture Cards. Dayton, OH: Otterbein Press, [1966?]. 1 packet.
Bible Pictures for Little Ones, Published Quarterly. Dayton, OH: United Brethren Publishing
House, 1925. vol. 33, nos. 8-9.
Bible Reading. Nashville: Tidings, [1954]. 3p. (Spiritual life tract no. 2).
Bible Reading Calendar. Nashville: Abingdon Press, l961. 9p. (No. 400).
Bible Readings for the Christian Year, Lectionary Year A, 1986-1987. Atlanta: The Fellowship
of United Methodists in Worship, Music & Other Arts, 1986. 16p.
The Bible says…. Costa Mesa, CA: Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship International, [19?]. 15p.
The Bible Steps into Life. Dayton, OH: Board of Evangelism, The EUB Church, [1954?]. 8p.
Bible Verse Picture Cards for Toddlers and Twos, Set 1: Summer. Nashville: Graded Press,
1982. [26]p. With music.
The Bible Woman at Work. Boston: Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, [19-?]. 7p.
(Evangelistic series).
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Bibliography for the Use of Steward’s Study Classes.
Bicentenary of Methodism in the West Indies, 1760-1960: Commemoration Brochure of Bicentenary Celebrations in the Curacao Methodist Church. Curacao, West Indies: s.n..
1960. 8p.
Bicentenary of Methodist Preaching in the Cambridge Area, Celebration Orwell, June 11th 1959,
Souvenir Handbook. Royston: S. G. Hales, printer, 1959. 11p.
Bicentennial Calendar of American Methodism, 1784-1984. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1983.
Bicentennial Calendar of American Methodism, 1784-1984. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1983.
Bicentennial Moments, East Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church, Hoover
auditorium, Lakeside, Ohio, June 21-25, 1976. [s.l.: s.n., 1976]. 6p.
Bicentennial of American Methodism, 1766-1966, forever beginning, Thomasville District
Conference, Center Methodist Church, Davie Charge, Jan. 2, 1966. s.l.: Western North
Carolina Conference, The Methodist Church, 1966. 47p.
The Bicentennial of Methodism in America. [s.l.: s.n., 1984].
Bicentennial Salute to the States and our Nation’s Capital, by the laymen, Mount Vernon Place
United Methodist Church, prepared by the Forum Class. Washington, DC: Mt. Vernon
Place UMC, 1966. 91p.
Bi-Centennial Wesleyan Tradition Celebration of Methodism in America, March 16, 17, 1984.
First Wesleyan Church, High Point, North Carolina, High Point, NC: First Wesleyan
Church, 1984. 18p.
Bickerstaff, M. There was a Man sent…
Biddle, Perry H., Jr. Marrying Again, a Guide for Christians. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1986.
Biegert, John E. When Death has Touched your Life. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1981.
Big Spenders. Evanston: Commission on Cooperation with the General Board of Lay Activities,
1966. 3p.
Billings, Peggy. Acting out our Conversion. Cincinnati: Service Center BGM, UMC, 1974. 20p.
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Billings, Peggy. Acting out our Conversion. Prepared for the Women’s Division, by the Mission
Education and Cultivation Program Department, GBGM, UMC. Cincinnati: Service
Center GBGM, 1990. 8p.
Billington, R J. The Basis of Pacifist Conviction. Surrey: Fellowship of Reconciliation, [1965].
Billy Black and his Penny. New York: Sunday School Union [of the MEC, between 1833 and
1869], 4p. (R.R. Tract, no. 18).
Bimson, Rev. and Mrs. Richard H. Hawaii Mission of The Methodist Church, 1855-1955.
Bingham Canyon, Utah, a Wonderful Mission Field. By J. C. G. Cincinnati: Woman’s Home
Missionary Society, MEC, [192-?]. 6p.
Birchard, Carl R and Delores S. Birchard. The Christian Home. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill
Press, 1988. 39p. (Christian Living Series).
A Bird’s Eye View of the Epworth League Program, 1926-1927. Chicago: Department of the
Epworth League, Board of Education, Methodist Episcopal Church, 1926. 12p.
Birrell, Jean. Methodists at Work in Mexico, a Unit of Work for Intermediates for Special
Interest Groups. Nashville: Methodist Publishing House, 1942. 31p.
Birrell, Marcus J. Church-related Jobs, a Two Session Study for Youth, Students and Young
Adults. Nashville: Interboard Committee on Christian Vocations, 1959. 9p.
Birrell, Marcus J. The Commission on Christian Vocations in the Annual Conference. Nashville:
Interboard Committee on Christian Vocations, The Methodist Church, 1960. 16p.
Birseye, Ezekiel. Letters of an East Tennessee Abolitionist. Edited by W. Freeman Galpin. s.l.:
s.n., 1931. 134-149p. Detached from East Tennessee Historical Society Publication, no.
3 January 1931.
A Birthday for the Epworth League? Of course! Why not? Chicago: Department of the Epworth
League. Board of Education, Methodist Episcopal Church, [1927]. 4p.
Birtwhistle, Norman Allen. Colour: The Problem of Racial Discrimination. London: Cargate
Press, 1954. 32p. (Christian Focus, no. 3).
Birtwhistle, Norman Allen. Colour: the Problem of Racial Discrimination. 8th Impression.
London: Edinburgh House Press, 1955. 32p. (Christian Focus, no. 3).
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Birtwhistle, Norman Allen. Food: the Problem of Feeding the World. London: Edinburgh House
Press, 1950. 32p. (Christian focus, no. 4).
Birtwhistle, Norman Allen. So you have been Received into Church Membership. London:
Methodist Missionary Society, [194-?]. 4p.
Birtwhistle, Norman Allen. To a Collector… London: Methodist Missionary Society, [194-?].
Birtwhistle, Norman Allen. To a Missionary Boxholder. London: Methodist Missionary Society,
[194-?]. 1p.
Birtwhistle, Norman Allen. Will you?.... London: Methodist Missionary Society, [194-?]. 1p.
Birtwhistle, Norman Allen. The Bush still Burns. London: Edinburgh House Press, 1963. 84p.
Bishop William Taylor, the Story of my Life. Upland, IN: Taylor University, 1995. 7p.
Bishop Fowler, “How to Make Your Pastor Succeed” (II Thesis).
Bishop Francis Asbury Cottage. [s.l.: s.n., 197-?]. 2p. Mimeographed.
Bishop Francis Asbury and the Cataloochee Trail. [s.l.: s.n., 195-?]. 16p.
The Bishop’s Company, Burbank, CA. The Bishop’s Company, American Repertory Players,
Drama-in-the-church. Burbank, CA: The Bishop’s Company, [196-?]. 6p.
Bishop’s Appeal for Africa. Chicago: Council of Bishops of the Methodist Church, 1961.
The Bishop’s Crusade, Methodist Episcopal Church, South. [Nashville: s.n., 1937]. 2p.
Biskoppelig Adresse til den Europeiske Metodistkonferanse I Kobenhavn, 2-6, August, 1939.
Oslo: Norsk Forlagsselskaps, 1939. 31p. Signed at the end: John L, Nuelsen, Arthur J.
Moore, Raymond J. Wade, F. H, Otto Melle.
Bisseker, Harry. Discipleship. London: Epworth Press, [19-?]. 15p. (Watchwords of Methodism,
no. 8).
Bittinger, Desmond W. Families Serve a Changing Age, a Devotional Guide. Dayton:
Evangelical United Brethren Church, Board of Christian Education, Division of the
Local Church, 1967. 16p. Christian Family Week, 1967.
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Black Church Consultation on Redevelopment and Renewal, Spring 1984. New York: National
Program Division, General Board of Global Ministries, The United Methodist Church,
1984, 31p. (National mission resources).
Black Colleges: Vital Part of American Education. Washington, DC: s.n., 1974. 48p.
Black, E. W. God’s Financial Plan. Marion, IN: Wesley Press, 1962. 15p.
Black, E. W. Quenching the Spirit, a Sane Development of a much Neglected Topic. Asheville,
NC: E W Black, [195-?]. 22p.
Black, E. W. The Storehouse Plan. Revised by Watson C. Black. Marion, IN: Wesley Press,
[196-?]. 16p.
Black, Guy H. Assimilating New Members. Nashville: General Commission on Evangelism,
[1943?]. 8p.
Black, Guy H. Home Visitation, Evangelism, Information and Suggestion[s] for Workers.
Greencastle, IN: s.n., 1924. 19p. (Two by two series, no. 3).
Black, Harry. Making Christ known in the Carribbean.
Black, Harry. The Four Heroes of the Apocalypse.
Black, Harry. The Price of a Revival and other Sermons by Harry Black. Los Angeles, CA:
Black, [19--]. 32p.
Black, Harry. Satan’s Masterpiece, the Anti-Christ.
Black, Harry. Tribulation Plagues are Coming.
Black, Helen L. How to Organize Local Church History. s.l.: Historical Society of the South
Iowa Conference, The Methodist Church, 1967. 19p.
The Black Country Wesley Connection. [Wigmore,West Bromwich: s.n., 1984?]. 6p.
Black Methodists for Church Renewal. Findings of Black Methodists for Church Renewal.
Cincinnati: Service Center, Board of Missions, The United Methodist Church, [1968].
Black Methodists for Church Renewal, Inc. Renewal through the Distribution of Power. [s.l.:
BMCR, 1970]. 1p.
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Black Methodists for Church Renewal. Future Directions: Into the Twenty-first Century. Dayton,
OH: BMCR, 1988. 20p.
The Black Women’s Federation (of South Africa). Constitution/ Resolutions passed at the Black
Women’s Conference, December 1975. [Durban, SA?: The Federation, 1975]. [12p].
Blackburn, Philip. Altar and Altar Calls: A Catholic Evangelical in the Circuit Ministry. [s.l.:
Methodist Sacramental Fellowship, 1987]. 13p.
Blackburn, Philip. Altar and Altar Calls: A Catholic Evangelical in the Circuit Ministry. [s.l.:
Methodist Sacramental Fellowship, 1987]. 13p.
Blackburn, William. A Brief Guide to the Chapel, including a List of the Stained-glass Windows.
Durham, NC: Duke University, [1930?]. 36p. Reprinted from The Architecture of Duke
University, by William Blackburn.
Blackman, Learner. Journal, 1800-1804. [s.l.: s.n., 196-?]. 40p. Transcribed from original copy
in the possession of the Mississippi Conference of the Methodist Church at Millsaps
College. Photocopy of typescript.
Blackmore, J.T.C. North Africa. Talking Points for Workers, Centenary Celebration for
Methodist Missions. Columbus, OH: s.n., 1919.
Blackwood, Andrew. Meeting God through the Bible Poets.
Blackwood, Andrew W. What does Prayer Accomplish? Revised edition. Nashville: The Upper
Room, 1960. 32p. First published 1946.
Blain, Alexander. God’s Garden.
Blainey, Geoffrey. The Heydey of the Churches in Victoria, a Lecture delivered to the Uniting
Church Historical Society, Independent Hall, Collins Street, Melbourne. 9th October
1985. Melbourne: Uniting Church Historical Society, 1985. 13p.
Blake, Edgar. America and Europe.
Blair, Edward P. A Leader’s Guide to a Study of the Book of Acts. New York: Woman’s
Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions and Church Extension. The Methodist
Church, [195-?]. 66p.
Blair, Ralph. Christian Faithing and Self-esteem. New York: Evangelicals Concerned, 1985. 25p.
Blair, Ralph. Ex-gay. New York: HCCC, Inc., 1982. 47p.
Methodist Library
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Blake, William, Beliefs of the Ras Tafari Cult.
Blake, William. The Circuit Rider’s Song. Words by William Blake; Music by Thomas E.
White. [s.l.: s.n., 1983]. 1p. With music.
Blake, William. A Song of Celebration commemorating the Bicentennial of the United
Methodist Church. s.l.: The Author, 1983. 1p. With music.
Blake, William. A Song of Celebration commemorating the Bicentennial of the United
Methodist Church. s.l.: The Author, 1983. 1p. With music.
Blakey, A M. Pleasure Pie: A Collection of Games. London: The Epworth Press.
Blanchard, Charles. The Wesleyan Work in the Kentucky Mountains. Marion, IN: Literature
Department of Home Missions of the Wesleyan Methodist Church of America, 1950.
Blatherwick, Douglas P. Methodism -- this Way! London: Epworth Press, 1953. 19p.
Blatherwick Douglas Pursey. The Boy at the Cross-roads. London: Epworth Press, 1944. 19p.
(Pilot books no. 17).
Blatherwick, Douglas Pursey. Methodism—this can happen now! London: Epworth Press, 1954.
Blatherwick, Douglas Pursey. Methodism – this is happening now! London: Epworth Press,
1961. 29p.
Blatherwick, Douglas Pursey. The Service of Holy Communion, Letters to a New Methodist.
London: Epworth Press, 1966. 31p.
Blatherwick, Douglas Pursey. To the Church… this way!. London: Epworth Press, 1965. 31p.
Blaze, L. E. The Beginnings of Trinity College, Kandy. [s.l.: Trinity College, 1920]. 14p. A
paper read at a meeting of the Trinity College Literary Association on 16th June 1920.
Blinco, J. D. Mass Evangelism. Editors, W. E. Sangster and Colin A. Roberts. London: England.
(World Parish pamphlets no. 14).
Bliss, Kathleen. The Quiet Day, Peace with God. New York: Woman’s Division of Christian
Service, Board of Missions, The Methodist Church, [1963]. 36p.
Blocher Homes, Inc., Williamsville, NY. The Blocher Homes, Incorporated, a Home for the
Aged at Williamsville, NY, a Suburb of Buffalo. Under the Auspices of the Methodist
Episcopal Church. Williamsville, NY: The Home, [1941]. 25p.
Methodist Library
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Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 43
Block, Herman A. Two Young Ministers of the Wisconsin Conference of the now known
Evangelical United Brethren, who were killed by Indians in Minnesota in 1862.
Milwaukee, WI: Ken Cook Co., 1959. 12p. Seder, Lewis Christian – 1830-1862; Nierens,
August – 1828-1862.
Blackwick, Jessma. The Local Church and the Population Issues. Washington, DC: Service
Department, [Board of Church and Society, UMC, 1973]. 19p. Reprinted from the
September 1973 issue of The Christian Ministry.
Bloede, Louis W. Developing the New Congregation. Dayton, OH: Division of Home Missions
and Church Extension of the Evangelical United Brethren Church, [1965]. 74p.
Bloom, James M. “Unto us a Child is Born.” Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1987. 15p. (An
Abingdon Christmas Play).
A Blueprint for Rehabilitation: How a Local Church Group can help Alcoholics and their
Families. Washington: General Board of Temperance of The Methodist Church, [1958?].
Blumer, Goergette. Four Lessons on Sam Pollard of Yunnam. London: National Sunday School
Union, [192-?]. 16p.
Blumer, Georgette. A Knight of the Cross: Four Lessons on Sam Pollard of Yunnan. London:
United Methodist Foreign Missions Committee, 1923. 24p.
Blumer, Georgette. A Romance of Freedom: Four Lessions on West African Missions, for
Scholars between Eight and Twelve. London: United Methodist Foreign Missions
Committee, 1926. 35p.
Boase, Paul H. “The Fortunes of a Circuit Rider.” Columbus: Ohio Historical Society, 1963. 91115p. Detached from Ohio History, vol. 72, no. 2, April 1963.
Boase, Paul H. “Moral Policeman on the Ohio Frontier.” Columbus, Ohio: 1959. 38-53p.
Detached from Ohio Historical Quarterly, vol. 68, no 1. January 1959.
Bogardus, LaDonna. Children and the Bible. Nashville: Board of Discipleship, UMC. 1974. 4p.
(Workers with children series. All ages).
Bogardus, LaDonna. Family Fun at the Church. Nashville: Dept. of Christian Education of
Children, Division of the Local Church, General Board of Education, The Methodist
Church, 1954. 12p.
Bogardus, LaDonna. Family Fun at the Church. Nashville: Department of the Local Church,
General Board of Education, The Methodist Church, 1961. 12p.
Methodist Library
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Bogardus, LaDonna. Group Teaching. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [1974?]. 4p. (Workers
with children series).
Bogardus, LaDonna. I’ve Agreed to Teach Children. Revised. Nashville: Discipleship
Resources, [1977]. 4p. (Workers with children series. All teachers).
Bogardus, LaDonna. Opening Doors and tearing Down Walls. Nashville: Discipleship
Resources, [1974?]. 4p. (Workers with children series. All ages).
Bogardus, LaDonna. Reach Out to Children. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [1974?]. 2p.
(Workers with children series. All ages).
Bogardus, LaDonna. Understanding Older Elementary Boys and Girls. Nashville: Discipleship
Resources, [1974]. 8p. (Workers with children series. Older elementary).
Bogardus, LaDonna. You are helping them prepare for Confirmation. Nashville: Discipleship
Resources, 1978. 2p. (Workers with children series. All ages).
Bolam, J. Ernest. House Party Evangelism. London: Epworth Press, 1952. 15p. (World Parish
Pamphlets, no. 13).
Bolivia. Chicago: Commission on Promotion and Cultivation of The Methodist Church, 1957.
Bolivia: a Land of Decision. New York: Editorial Department, Joint Section of Education and
Cultivation, Board of Missions of The Methodist Church, 1956. 15p.
Bollinger, Hiel DeVere. Evangelism on Campus. Nashville: Division on Higher Education, Dept.
of College and University Religious Life, Board of Education, The Methodist Church,
196-?]. 7p.
Bollman, W L. Our Father’s World. Fifty-second Annual Children’s Day in the Evangelical
Church, June 1932. Cleveland, OH: Missionary Society of the Evangelical Church.
Bolt, Peter H. Why I believe in the Church. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1979. 21p. (Passit-on books, no. 5).
Bombs over Singapore. New York: Joint Division of Education and Cultivation, Board of
Missions and Church Extension, The Methodist Church, [194-?]. 11p.
Bombs over Singapore. New York: Editorial Department, Joint Division of Education and
Cultivation, Board of Missions and Church Extension, The Methodist Church, [194-?].
Methodist Library
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PAGE: 45
Bond, Emma. What Congregational Methodists Believe. Florence, MS: Congregational
Methodist Church, Division of Church Ministries, [1990?]. 24p.
Bone, Hugh Temple. Stewardship, the Christian Way of Life. London: Home Mission Division
of the Methodist Church, [1974?]. 25p.
Bone, Maurice D. Handbook for Small Group Leaders using Try the World Out. Nashville:
Graded Press, 1973. [14]p.
Bonebrake Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio. Addresses delivered at Commencement of
Bonebrake Theological Seminary, May 1911. Dayton, Ohio: Bonebrake Theological
Seminary, 1911. 34p.
Bonebrake Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio. The Campus, 1931. Dayton, OH: Bonebrake
Theological Seminary, 1931. 64p.
Bonebrake Theological Seminary, Dayton, Ohio. Dedication of the Memorial Library, Tuesday,
April 7, 1953. Dayton, OH: Bonebrake Theological Seminary, 1953. 4p.
Bonebrake Theological Seminary. Annual Report, January 1, 1925 to December 30, 1925.
Bonebrake Theological Seminary. Annual Report for the Year Ending December 31, 1923 of the
Manager of The Bonebrake Theological Seminary to the Board of Directors, May 19,
Boney, F. N. “Georgia in Pictures: The Pioneer College for Women: Wesleyan over a Century
and a Half. Atlanta, 1988.” 519-532p. Reprinted from Georgia Historial Quarterly, vol.
LXXII, no. 3, Fall 1988.
Bonnell, Maud. Eastern Stars. Nashville: Woman’s Missionary Council, M.E. Church, South,
[192-?]. 8p.
A Book of Prayers for Family Life. [Peterborough: Methodist Publishing House, 2001?]. 32p.
The Book of Psalms, their Devotional Value. [Manchester: s.n., 19-?]. 8p.
The Book of Secrets.
Boole, William H. An Account of a Work in Faith Connection with the Home for Women, 273
Water Street, New York and other Efforts for the Salvation of the Fallen and Outcasts of
New York City, Third Report, November 10, 1872. New York: E. V. Armentrond & Co.,
Printers. 1872. 62p. Photocopy.
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Booth, Ernest. The Unfinished Journey, the beginning of the Methodist Story the World Over.
London: Methodist Missionary Society, 1951?]. 24p.
Booth, Howard. Stepping Stones to Christian Maturity. London: Bible Reading Fellowship,
1980. 64p.
Booth, Newell Snow. Christ’s Commission for a Changing Continent, Episcopal Address, Africa
Central Conference, Nyadiri, Southern Rhodesia. [s.l.: College of Bishops, Africa Central
Conference, 1960]. 30p.
Booth, Newell Snow. The Quadrennial Report of Bishop Newell Snow Booth to the
Northeastern Jurisdiction of The Methodist Church, June 11-15, 1952. [s.l.: s.n., 1952.]
8p. Methodist Church in Africa.
Borbon, Catalina M and George E. Koehler. Our Children belong to the Faith Community.
Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [197-?]. 2p.
Borchert, John L. “The Lord’s Acre Plan” looks to the Future. New York: Board of Missions of
the Methodist Church, 1966. 4p.
Boreham, Frank William. The Bachelors of Mosgiel. London: Epworth Press, 1933. 44p.
Borens, M Hoatius. A Treatise on Shepherding. [s.l.: s.n., 19-?]. 19p.
Borgen, Ole E. One Mission-One Missional Purpose, the United Methodist Church in Mission
Today: Address at the Good News Convocation, Anderson, Indiana, July 14, 1983. [s.l.:
s.n., 1983]. 11p.
Borgen, Ole E. Biskoppens Budskag, 1985. Jubilaeums-Konfencen Nordeuropas Centralkonference. [s.l.: s.n., 1985]. 11p.
Borgen, Ole E. A Call to the Spiritual and Holy Life. Wilmore, KY: The Francis Asbury Society,
1986. 24p.
Borgen, Ole E. A Giore Herrens Gierning. Oslo: C. Hanssens Trykkeri og Bokbinderei, 1976.
Borgen, Ole E. Att Gora Herrens Garningar. Stockholm: Forlaget Sanctus, 1976. 22p.
Borgen, Ole E. Taufe, Konfimation und Mitgliedschaft in Methodistischen Verstandnis. [s.l.: Rat
der Methodistischen Zentralconferenzen in Europa, 1969]. 75p.
Born Again- Now What? [Leader’s guide]. Kansas City, MO: Published for the Aldersgate
Associates by Beacon Hill Press, 197-?]. 28p. (Dialogue series).
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Born Again – Now What? [student book]. Kansas City, MO: Published for the Aldersgate
Associates by Beacon Hill Press, 197-?]. 48p. (Dialogue series).
Bosley, Harold Augustus. A Faith for Revolutionary Times. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of
Christian Service, Board of Missions and Church Extension, The Methodist Church,
Literature Headquarters, 1950. 54p.
Bosley, Harold Augustus. The First Church Pulpit – Why I cannot now Vote for a Roman
Catholic for President.
Bosley, Harold Augustus. From Bethlehem to Bikini. Chicago: Commission on World Peace of
The Methodist Church, 1951. 16p.
Bosley, Harold Augustus. National Radio Pulpit. July 1971. New York: National Radio Pulpit,
1971. 53-76p.
Bosley, Harold Augustus. National Radio Pulpit, August-September 1971. New York: National
Radio Pulpit, 1971. 59p.
Bosley, Harold Augustus. Should Protestant Missionaries be withdrawn from Latin America? A
Sermon preached on Sunday May 2, 1943. Mount Vernon Place Methodist Church,
Baltimore, Maryland. [Baltimore: The Church?, 1943]. 16p.
Bosley, Harold Augustus. Three Centennial Sermons. Evanston: First Methodist Church, 1954.
46p. The First Church Pulpit, vol. XIII, Numbers 6, 7 and 8. First Methodist Church,
Evanston, IL.
Bosley, Harold Augustus. What makes a Church Great? Chicago: Central Promotional Office,
Commission on Promotion and Cultivation of The Methodist Church, [1953]. 13p.
Boss, Charles Frederick. Seek First, a World for your Sons and Mine. New York: AbingdonCokesbury Press, 1947. 48p. (Adult study course)
Boss, Charles F. Why Postpone Consideration of Peacetime Conscription? Chicago: Commission
on World Peace of the Methodist Church, [1945]. 4p.
Bossert, Elizabeth. My Visit to Heaven and how the Lord healed Me. Elizabethtown, PA:
McBeth Press, 1957. 38p.
Bostick, Virginia L. Equestrian Statue of Francis Asbury, Madison. Morristown, NJ: Morristown
Free Library, 1978. p36-39. Detached from The History of the Public Monuments U&
Sculpture of Morris County, New Jersey, a companion volume to The Public Monuments
& Sculpture of Morristown, NJ.
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Bostrom, John H. Have you Forgotten? San Gabrile, CA: Dorothy S. Bostrom, 1945. 44p.
Bostrom, John H. Keep Moving! San Gabriel, CA: Dorothy S. Bostrom, 1945. 44p.
Bostrom, John H. The Power of Influence. San Gabriel, CA: John H. Bostrom, 1945. 44p.
Bostrom, John H. The Scarlet Worm. San Gabriel, CA: John H. Bostrom, 1941. 27p.
Bostrom, John H. What Every New Convert should know. San Gabriel, CA: John H. Bostrom,
1969. 4p. First Published 1941.
Bostrom, John H. Your Liberty Ends, the Article Reader’s Digest refused to Print. San Gabriel,
CA: Bostrom Publications, 1956. 4p.
Boswell, Charles M. Rescue Missions. Philadelphia: Board of Home Missions and Church
Extension of the Methodist Episcopal Church, [19-?]. 4p. (Series A, leaflet 6).
Bosworth, Fred Francis. Appropriating Faith: a Supplement to How to Appropriate the
Redemptive and Covenant Blessing of Bodily Healing. Forest River, MI. The Author,
[19-?]. 8p.
Bosworth, Fred Francis. How to Appropriate the Redemptive and Covenant Blessing of Bodily
Healing. River Forest, IL: The Author, [19--]. 4p.
Bounds, Kenneth. The Prayer Life of our Lord according to St. Luke’s Gospel. 2d edition.
Ashton-under-Lyne: Bethany Prayer Fellowship, 1974. [25]p.
Bourne, Helen B. For the Superintendent of Baby Specials. Nashville: Department of Education
and Promotion, Woman’s Section, Board of Missions, Methodist Episcopal Church,
South, [192-?]. 3p.
Bourne, Hugh. Remarks on the Ministry of Women, Written and Published in 1808. Wigan,
England: Published by Independent Methodist Churches, Administration and Resource
Center, [1999]. [7]p.
Bourne, Wilfrid Harry. An Affiration a Day. Preface by the late Dr. W. E. Sangster. Chichester:
Christian Telephone Ministry, [196-?]. [11]p.
Bourne, Wilfrid Harry. An Alphabet of Christian Healing. Chichester: The Christian Telephone
Ministry, [196-?]. 16p. Includes Insertion from Guideposts, vol. 2, no. 4.
Bourne, Wilfrid Harry. Anxieties Anonymous. Chichester: The Christian Telephone Ministry,
[1967]. 12p.
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Bourne, Wilfrid Harry. Christian Mental Efficiency, a Method of Christian Mind Culture.
London: Epworth Press, 1950. 12p. (Little books of the Kindly Light, second series, no.
Bourne, Wilfrid Harry. Preparation of Christian Healing. London: Epworth Press, 1950. 23p.
Bourne, Wilfrid Harry. Telephone’s Tonic Thoughts. Chichester: The Christian Telephone
Ministry, [195-?]. [12]p.
Bourne, Wilfrid Harry. Worrying is Never Worth While. Chichester: The Christian Telephone
Ministry, [196-?]. 8p.
Bowe, Kathleen M. Community, Celebration and Cherubim, the Contribution of Old Testament
Thought and Practice to the Life and Worship of the Twentieth Century Church.
Sheffield: Headway, 1988. 12p. “The Second Headway annual lecture presented at a
conference public meeting held at Hatfield Road Methodist church, St. Albans, on 2 June
Bowen, Cawthon Asbury. The Alcohol Question and your Child: an Editorial by C. A. Bowen
and an Article by W. E. Hammaker. Nashville, TN: s.n., 1947. 12p.
Bowen, Cawthon Asbury. The Church School Literature of Methodism. Revised by Waltern N.
Vernon, Jr. Nashville: Editorial Division of the General Board of Education, The
Methodist Church, 1954. 30p.
Bowers, F E ,1876 Out of the Wilderness of Religious Confusion, a Religious Autobiography.
Nashville: Tract Service, 1967. 12p. Originally published in 1940.
Bowie, W. Russell. The Christmas Pageant of the Holy Grail.
Bowman, Clarice Marguerette. The Quiet Day, Recognition Renewal, Response, a Call to Prayer
and Self-denial. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Service Center,
Board of Missions, The Methodist Church, [1964]. 41p.
Bowman, Clarice M. The Intermediate Department of the Methodist Youth Fellowship, the
Manual for Adult Leaders in the Intermediate Department. Nashville: Methodist
Publishing House, 1941. 96p.
Bowman, Elizabeth. Radiocarbon Dating and the Word of God. Springfield, MO: s.n., l953. 20p.
Bowman Park Camp Meeting Association, Bowmanstown, PA: Camp Meeting Annual, 1906.
Bowmanstown, PA: Bowman Park Camp Meeting Association, 1906. 4p. “Volume V.,
no. 1 July 10, 1906”.
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Bowmer, John Coates. Charles Wesley, the Poet of Methodism. s.l.: Wesley Historical Society,
North-east Branch, 1988. 24p.
Bowmer, John. Wesley’s Chapel as is to be.
Bowser, Beth Adams. The Joy of Teaching. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1983. 25p.
Boyd, Dawn E. Foundations for Christian Education in Churches of Small Membership.
Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1979. 4p. A Study Guide for use with Foundations for
teaching and learning in the UMC.
Boyd, Dawn E. Now that You’re on your Own. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [1989?]. 6p.
Boyd, Don Robert. I Dare You to Tithe. Chicago: The Section on Stewardship of the General
Board of Lay Activities of the Methodist Church, 1961. 4p.
Boyd, Myron F. As I see it, a Message on the Needs of Today and their Answers. Winona Lake,
IN: Light and Life Hour, 1964. 16p.
Boyd, Myron F. God’s Standards, Messages on the Ten Commandments. Winona Lake, IN:
Light and life Press, [1952]. 60p. (Light and Life Hour, series, number 6)
Boyd, Myron F. Light and Life Hour, Second Anniversary Souvenir Booklet, Thirteen Radio
Messages and a Great Story of a World-wide Gospel Broadcast. Winona Lake, IN: Light
and Life Press, 1946. 63p.
Boyle, Sarah Patton. “Why Demonstrations?” Nashville: Division of Human Relations and
Economic Affairs, General Board of Christian Social Concerns. The Methodist Church,
1964. 9p.
Boyles, E C. God’s Love to a Perishing World.
Brabham, Matthew Moye. An Address before the Historical Societies of the Upper South
Carolina Conference, Gaffney, S.C. and South Carolina Conference, Marion, SC.
November 7, 1922 and November 28, 1922. [s.l.: Historical Societies…, 1922]. 32p.
Brabham, William Mouzon. A History of Sunday School Work in the North Carolina
Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, together with Illustrations and Brief
Comment on Persons and Things. Greensboro, NC: North Carolina Christian Advocate,
1925. 47p. Annual Address before the North Carolina Conference Historical Society,
Brace up your Minds: Resources for Adults, 1955-56. Nashville: Methodist Publishing House,
1955. 64p.
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Brack, Harold A. George H. Morrison, a Scottish Edwardian Preacher? Madison, NJ: Drew
University Theological School, 1978. 18p. A paper presented at the annual convention of
the Speech Communication Association, Minneapolis, Minnesota, November, 1978.
Braden, Suzanne G. Evangelism Ministries: Planning Handbook. Nashville: Abingdon Press,
1987. 44p.
Bradfield, Anne E. The Kingdom of God. London: Epworth Press, 1961. 36p. (Manuals of
Fellowship, third series, no. 14).
Braimah, Oscar S. The Bridge: a Sacred Cantata. Music by C. Braimah; text paraphrased by
Alex Ronnoco, [Normal, IL?: s.n., 1992]. 10p.
Braimah, Oscar S. The Bridge: the Dream is Alive. [s.l.: s.n., 198-?]. 44p.
Brake, George Thompson. Classes and Class Leaders in the Methodist Church, an Introduction
to a Basic Ministry. Ilford, Essex: Rober Odcombe Associates, 1983. 10p. (Barkingside
Brake, George Thompson. Finding your Way in the Methodist Church: Basic facts about the
Methodist Church. Ilford, Essex: Robert Odcombe Associates. [198-?]. 10p.
Brake, George Thompson. Prayers of Preparation for Methodist Worship. Ilford, Essex: Robert
Odcombe Associates, [198-?]. [18]p.
Brake, George Thompson. Taking the Pulse of the Methodist Church, a Personal Assessment.
Robert Odcombe Associates, 1987. 54p.
Brake, George Thompson. Tracing the Temperance Sentiment in the Methodist Church.
Peterborough: Methodist Publishing House, 1999. 20p.
Brake, George Thompson. Twelve Steps into the Methodist Church: an Introduction to Church
Membership. Ilford, Essex: Robert Odcombe Associates, 1983. 12p. (Barkingside
Brake, Geroge Thompson. What is your Job in the Methodist Church? The Ministry of the
Whole Church. Ilford, Essex: Robert Odcombe Associates, [198-?]. 10p.
Brakeman, N. L. A Great Man Fallen: a Sermon. New Orleans: New Orleans Times Book and
Job Print, 1865.
Brandauer, Fredetick W (Mrs). Philippines Detour, a Missionary Adventure. Liberty Corner, NJ:
F. W. Brandauer, 1944. 32p.
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Brandenburg, Arthur. A Community of Lay Scholars in North Carolina. Nashville: Board of
Education of the Methodist Church, 1962. Study papers for the MSM Regional
Leadership Training Conferences.
Brandenburg, Eva. Advent Worship in the Home. Nashville: Division of Education, Board of
Discipleship, UMC, 1974. 7p.
Brandt, Robert L. The Pentecostal Promise. Springfield, MO: Gospel Publishing House, 1972.
Brandtley, Richard E. Johnson’s Wesleyan Connection. [s.l American Society for Eighteenth
Century Studies, 1976]. 143-168p. Offprint from Eighteenth century studies, vol. 10. no.
2 Winter 1976-77.
Branigan, Rosalie Bent. Dance in Worship and Ministry. Nashville: Discipleship Resources,
1982. 11p. (Worship Alive: Liturgical Interpretation for worship).
Branigan, Rosalie Bent. Dance Ministry to Special Persons. Nashville: Discipleship Resources,
1982. 11p. (Worship Alive: Liturgical Interpretation for worship).
Branigan, Rosalie Bent. Forming Dance Choirs: Critics, Companies, Costumes and
Choreography. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1982. 11p. (Worship Alive: Liturgical
Interpretation for Worship).
Brannan, Emora T. Do we Dare Believe? A Sermon preached in Lovely Lane United Methodist
Church, Baltimore City Station on Sunday, February 17, 1991. Baltimore: Lovely Lane
UMC, 1991. 9p.
Brannon, Robert. The Banner Book. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1986. [34]p.
Brannon, R Victor. You, Does the Word of God mean anything to You? Chappells, SC: R Victor
Brannon, 1957. 20p.
Branstetter, Gretchen. Discovering God in Nature. New York: Methodist Book Concern, 1931.
Brant, Rachel M. Children’s Work in the Local Church: a Manual to be used in Planning for
Children in the Church. Dayton, OH: Published by the Board of Publication for the Board
of Christian Education, the EUB Church, [194-?]. 80p.
Brash, W. Bardsley. Didsbury College. [1945?].
Brasher, John Kain. The Glorious Church. University Park, Iowa: Christian Witness, [194-?].
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Brashares, Charles W. Who owns What? A Sermon on Stewardship.
Braun-Greiner, Kolya. Youth Chat: Global Health & Christian Response-ability: Teacher’s
Guide. Cincinnati: Service Center, 2001. 48p.
Brawley, James Philip. Climbing Jacob’s Ladder: a Dramatico-Musical Presentation. Script by
James P. Brawley and music by Frederick D. Hall. [s.l.: s.n., 1968?]. 6p.
Brawley, James Philip. The Central Jurisdiction, The Methodist Church, 1939-1967; a paper read
to the Final Session of the Central Jurisdiction, The Methodist Church, Nashville, August
18, 1967. Nashville: s.n., 1967. 33p.
Brazil…and what the Methodists are doing There. New York: Editorial Department, Joint
Division of Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions and Church Extension.
Brazil: United Methodist Relationships in Latin America. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM,
UMC, 1988. 6p.
Breakthru…Now. Television Programs for Boys and Girls. New York: The National Council of
Brennan, Harold Roy. Slow Down and Live, a Sermon. Rockville Centre, NY: The Church,
1955. 8p.
Brewer, Earl David Clarence. Up Head for Methodism: Studies in the enlarged Parish or Modern
Circuit Pattern in Town and Country Methodism. Philadelphia: Department of Town and
Country, Division of National Missions of The Methodist Church, 1959. 31p.
Brewster, Harold D. Your Guide for using Medical Missions. [Film] New York: Department of
Visual Education, Joint Section of Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions of the
Methodist Church, 196-?]. 12p.
Bridgepoints and Children’s Bible Studies. Nashville: Graded Press, 1984. 2p.
Bridges to Understanding: Worship Services and Programs for a World Friendship Group of
Girls in the Methodist Youth Fellowship to Study the Woman’s Division of Christian
Service, September 1956 through August 1957. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of
Christian Service, Board of Missions, The Methodist Church, Literature Headquarters,
1956. 94p.
Bridging the Gaps: A Locater of helping Organizations for the Local Church. Health and
Welfare Ministries, GBGM, UMC. Cincinnati: Service Center, 1984. 43p.
Methodist Library
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A Brief History of the Holston Conference Laymen’s Association of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, together with Pictures of the Officers and the Reports and Minutes of the Last
Meeting of the Association and the Constitution and By-laws. Johnson City, TN: Howard
Printing Company, [1939]. 28p. Photocopy (Original in GCAH Archives)
A Brief History of Women’s Work. London: Methodist Church Overseas Division, 1976. 8p.
A Brief Picturesque History of United Methodist Churches of the Lexington District, Kentucky
Conference, 1984. Lexington, KY: The Lexington District, The United Methodist
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Briggs, Edwin Arnold. The Stewardship Manual. Evanston: Section of Stewardship and Finance,
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Briggs, John P. Unholy Desires, Inordinate Affections: A Psychodynamic Inquiry into John
Wesley’s Relationship with the Women. Danbury, CT: 1991. Offprint from Connecticut
Review 13 Spring 1991.
Bright, James W. Toward a Victorious Life. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p.
Bright, William R. Have You made the Wonderful Discovery of the Spirit-filled Life? San
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Brinkley, Sterling G. A Wesley Pilgrimage. Atlanta: The Emory University Quarterly, Emory
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Brinton, Howard T. Your Missionaries in Southern Congo, the Brintons. [New York: Board of
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Brinton, Howard T. The Methodist Church’s Project Kindergarten in Linz, Austria. New York:
Board of Missions of The Methodist Church, 1967. 14p.
Briotte, Rose Ann. Women who Ministered in Early Methodism in the Life of John Wesley, Mrs.
Susanna Wesley, Mrs. Mary Bonasquet Fletcher and Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers, Three
Dramas. Memphis: 1983.
Brisson, Lynn. Exploring our Faith through Crafts 2: Patterns for 23 activities. Nashville:
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Bristow, Stella. Buried Treasure: for Women’s Groups. Peterborough: Methodist Publishing
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Broadhead, Daniel. Methodist Heritage Tour, Travel Notes and Daily Meditations. October 16th25th, 1973. Philadelphia: Historical Society, Eastern Pennsylvania Conference, The
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Brockman, James. New Man, New Principal, New School. Nashville: Tidings, [197-?]. 6p.
Brockway, Allen Reitz. Thanks for Another Year. Nashville: Tidings, [1970]. 6p.
Brockwell, Charles W., Jr. United Methodist Union in Kentucky in Historical Perspective. [s.l.:
s.n., 1976]. 12p.
Brockwell, Charles W., Jr. The Memorial Chapel, an Interpretation. Charlotte, NC: Anderson
Press, Inc., 1983. 34p.
Brooks, Frances M. You Can Teach Anywhere if Necessary. Nashville: Graded Press, [198-?].
Brooks, Oscar W. Black Contributions to the American Revolution. White Plains, NY: Trinity
UMC, 1976. 5p.
Brotherhood of Evangelical United Brethren Church. Brotherhood Manual, a Handbook on
Purpose, Program and Method. Dayton: Brotherhood of the EUB Church, [1947?]. 42p.
Brown, Aubrey N., Jr. The Church Publicity Book: Techniques for Communication. Nashville:
Abingdon Press, 1986. 48p.
Brown, C. W. “If any Man…” Auckland, NZ: Published by the Methodist Spiritual Advance
Committee, with the Approval of the Methodist Board of Publication, [195-?]. 48p.
Brown, Charles R. The Fine Art of Giving, a Guide to a Joyful Habit. Chicago: Department of
Stewardship and Finance, General Board of Lay Activities, [196-?]. 6p.
Brown, E. Lynn. Salvation is of the Lord. Memphis, TN: C.M.E. Publishing House, 1984. 33p.
Brown, Earl Kent. Founders of United Methodism in America. s.l.: Bicentennial Task Group,
East Ohio Conference of The United Methodist Church, 1984. 11p.
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Brown, Iris. Our Spanish-American Mission in New Mexico. Dayton, OH: Division of Home
Missions and Church Extension, Board of Missions, Evangelical United Brethren
Church, 1960. 25p.
Brown, Ina Corinne. A Guide to Understanding Other Cultures. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division
of Christian Service, Board of Missions, The Methodist Church, Literature Headquarters,
1958. 41p.
Brown, John. The Horrible Blunder of Hog Williams, and Other Dramas for Youth. Nashville:
Abingdon Press, 1988. 46p.
Brown, Marion E. Ten Ways to Grow as a Church School Teacher: Workshop. Nashville:
Discipleship Resources, 1979. 6p.
Brown, Patricia D. The Sanctuary for Lent, 1992. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1992. 48p.
Brown, Rosemary. Creating Visual Imagery in Worship. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1986. 32p.
Brown, Steven K. The Sanctuary for Lent, 1994. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994. 48p.
Brown, William H., Jr. Suite for Handbells. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1974. 6p.
Brown, S. D. Sketch of a Sermon Preached in the State Street Methodist Episcopal Church. s.l:
s.n., 1865.
Brownfield, Faye W. Behold your God! A Playlet based in the Book of Isaiah, introducing Isaiah
Speaks. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions, The
Methodist Church, Literature Headquarters, 1958. 24p.
Browning, Raymond F. God’s Melting Pot, Romans 8:28. Louisville, KY: Pentecostal
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Browning, Raymond. The Healing Shadow. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press, 1948. 32p.
Bruce-Nichols, Elizabeth. Introduction to Responsibility. Nashville: Discipleship Resources,
1979. 6p. (Ten ways to grow as a Church School Teacher)
Bruce-Nichols, Elizabeth. Orientation to Teaching. Nashville: Discipleship Resource, 1979. 6p.
(Ten ways to grow as a Church School teacher)
Bruehl, Robert A William. For Those who Wait. Chicago: Board of Hospitals and Homes of the
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Brumbaugh, Thoburn Taylor. The Church on Okinawa and the Ryukyu Islands. New York: Joint
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Brumbaugh, Thoburn T. Methodism in Korea.
Brumbaugh, Thoburn T. Methodists and the United Church in Japan.
Brumley, Don. What must We do? Visalia, CA: Don Brumley, [19-?]. 32p.
Brunger, Ronald A. Methodist Circuit Riders. Michigan History, vol. 51, no. 3 (1967).
Brush, Robert L. From Faith to Faith. Evansville, IN: Fundamental Publishers, 1994. 24p. (On
Target series).
Bryan, John L. Little Prayers to Live by, a Selection of Twenty-six Prayers from among those
offered in the Annie Merner Pfeiffer Chapel on behalf of the Students, Faculty and Staff
and Friends of Bennett College. Greensboro, NC: Bennett College, 1959. 27p.
Bryan, Dawson C. Be a member where you are! Nashville: Tidings, [1950]. 6p.
Bryan, Dawson C. Be a member where you are! Nashville: Tidings, [1957]. 6p.
Bryan, Dawson C. God’s Rainbow of Races. Chicago: General Board of Lay Activities, The
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Bryan, Dawson C. Laymen Visit for Christ and His Church: Guidance Folder for Laymen in
Visitation Evangelism. Nashville: Tidings, 1956. 6p.
Bryan, John L. God’s Grace and the Christian Sacraments, read at the Theological Discussion
Group, Methodist Chaplains and Student Workers, The Methodist Student Movement of
North Carolina, meeting at the Methodist Student Center, Duke University April 21,
1959. Greensboro, NC: Bennett College, 1959. 24p.
Bryant, Edith Holland. A. M. E. ABC Book and Primer. Philadelphia: A.M.E. Book Concern,
1948. 12p.
Bryant, Edith Holland. A.M.E. ABC Book and Primer. 3rd Printing. Nashville: African Methodist
Episcopal Church, 1996. 19p.
Bryant, Edith Holland. So, You want to be a Christian! An Intermediate Religious Reader and
Study Guide. Third Printing. Nashville: African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1985. 50p.
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Bryant, H. E. Prayer. London: Epworth Press, 1938. 16p. (Little Books of the Kindly Light, no.
Bryant, Thomas J. Autobiography of Rev. Thomas J. Bryant for Thirty-five Years a Member of
the Illinois Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church. [s.l.: s.n., 19-?]. 12p.
Bryant, Stephen D. Christian Spiritual Formation. Nashville: General Board of Discipleship,
2000. 8p. (Partners in Discipleship).
Buchanan, John J. When Disappointment Comes.
Bucholz, Rogene. Mythology and the Beginning of American Methodism. [s.l.: s.n., 1966]. 24p.
Buckley, John A. Moments of Faith, Sermon delivered January 22, 1984 at South Avenue United
Methodist Church, Pittsburgh, PA. Pittsburgh, PA: South Avenue UMC, 1984. 5p.
Bucke, Emory Stevens. What makes Ralph Stoody?
Budensiek, David. Bible Standards. Titusville, PA: H. C. Van Wormer, [19-?]. 26p.
Buehler, Clarence W. Thanksgiving Worship in the Home. Nashville: Department of the
Christian Family, Board of Education, The Methodist Church, [1961].
Bugbee, Lucius H. The Sanctuary: Lenten Devotions.
Bugg, Ralph. Recreation: the Joy of Time. Nashville: Graded Press, 1972. 30p.
Buggs, Ken. As I see it, Commentaries as Presented on “Catch the Spirit,” the National
Television Series of the UMC. Nashville: Catch the Spirit. 30p.
Building for Mission in the 21st century, a Call to Prayer and Self-denial, January 1994.
Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, UMC, 1993.
Building in Faith, Africa Church Growth & Development. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM,
1983. 8p.
Building Methodism in Anchorage, Alaska: the Story of Anchor Park. New York: Editorial
Department, Joint Section of Education and Church Cultivation, Board of Mission of The
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Bulletin Copy. New York: Board of Missions of The Methodist Church, [1951]. 1p. A weekly
service offered by the Board of Missions of the Methodist Church and given exclusively
to pastors for use in their printed or mimeographed bulletins or church newspapers.
Bulletin – Summer School of Leadership Training – Central Oak Heights.
The Bulletin of Central College.
Bullock, Henry M. What about the Revised Standard Version of the Bible? Nashville: Methodist
Publishing House, [194-?]. 16p.
Bunche, Ralph. The World Significance of the Carver Story. Indianola, IA: Simpson College,
1956. [11]p.
Bunyi, Judith M. Spiritual Formation through Small Groups. Nashville: General Board of
Discipleship, The United Methodist Church, 2000. 8p.
Burbridge, Alfred. Methodism. London: Catholic Truth Society, [1957]. 32p. (Studies in
Comparative Religion). First published in 1935.
Burchell, Margaret. Our Churches: The Methodist Church, Newcastle upon Tyne Brunswick
Central Circuit. Newcastle upon Tyne: M. Burchell, 1984. 63p.
Burgess, John. John Wesley and Cumbria. s.l.: Wesley Historical Society, Cumbria Branch,
1979. 15p.
Burgess, John. Methodism in Whitehaven, 1749-1820. Carlisle, England: Wesley Historical
Society, Cumbria Branch, 1979. 6p.
Burgess, John. Cumbrian Methodists. Carlisle: Wesley Historical Society, Cumbria Branch and
the Cumbria Religious History Society, 1981.
Burgess, L. F. Easter Service: “From Darkness to Light.” New York: Phillips & Hunt.
Burgess, L. F. Harvest Praises. New York: Tract Society.
Burgess, W J. Glossolalia, Speaking in Tongues. Little Rock, AR: Baptist Publications
Committee, 1968. 64p.
Burkhardt, Friedmann Wilhehm. Charles Wesley ein Dichte der Liebe: zwei Aufsatze zum
Leben, Wirken und zur Bedeutung des Dichters, Theologen un methodistischen
Erweckungspredigers Charles Wesley. [Betzweiler-Walde, Germany: F. W. Burkhardt,
[1944]. 54p.
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Burkhardt, Friedmann Wilhelm. Christoph Gottlob Mueller: Life and Work of the Founder of
Methodism in Germany, a Report about the Investigations of C. F. Mueller. [BetzweilerWalde, Germany: F. W. Burkhardt, 1995]. 10p.
Burkhardt, Friedmann Wilhelm. Near the Red Lion: eine kirchen geschichtliche Untersuchung
uber die Anfange der Methodistiche-Bewegung om Finchley East End und ihren
Begrunder Christoph Gottlob Mueller. [Betzweiler-Walde, Germany: F. W. Burkhardt,
[between 1990 and 1995]. 107p.
Burkhardt, Friedmann Wilhelm. Christoph Gottlob Mueller: Leben und Wirken des Begrunders
der Methodistenkirche in Deutschland Ein Bericht uber den Stand der Christoph Gottlob
Muller-Forsch. [1993].
Burleigh, Betty. Methodism and American Indians. New York: Editorial Department, Joint
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Burn Park Methodist Church, Burn Park, England. From Brougham Street to Burn Park, 18411991. Burn Park, England: Wearside Graphics Ltd., 1991. [44]p.
Bumett, Steve. Come to Calvary [Leader’s guide]. Nashville: Cokesbury, 1995. (Scriptures for
the Church Seasons, Lent/Easter, 1996).
The Burning Mountain, a Musical Documentary about Hugh Bourne, 1772-1852, Founder of the
Primitive Methodists. Compiled by Peter Cheeseman, Barbara Gartside and Roger
Tomlinson, assisted by Hugh Price. Stoke-on-Trent: Graphic Design, 1970. 18p.
Burris, Becky. A Better World begins with Me. Nashville: Personal Evangelism Movement,
[195-?]. 11p. Reprinted by Permission of the Christian Advocate.
Burroughs, Bob. Ring & Sing. Nashville and New York: Abingdon Press, 1970. 21p.
Burrow, Maggie May. My Book for Fall. Nashville: Graded Press, 1959. 56p. (Christian nurture
for the nursery classes child).
Burrow, Maggie May. My Book for Spring. Nashville: Graded Press, 1960. 56p. (Christian
nurture for the nursery classes child).
Burrow, Maggie May. My Book for Winter. Nashville: Graded Press, 1959. 56p. (Christian
nurture for the nursery classes child).
Burrow, Maggie May. My Book for May. Nashville: Graded Press, 1960. 56p. (Christian nurture
for the nursery classes child).
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Burry, Evelyn. For Thine is the Kingdom. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [1985]. 3p. (The
Lord’s Prayer series).
Burry, Evelyn. My Ministry with Troubled Families. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [1986].
Burt, Roy E. Community Service for Youth: a Guide to Christian Social Thinking and Action, a
Manual for the Commission on Community Service for Seniors and Young People ages
15-23. Nashville: Methodist Publishing House, 1941. 96p.
Burt, William, bp. 1852-1936. Handbuchlein fur Probemitgleider der Methodistkirche, und
solche die es zu warden Wunschen. Bearbeitet vom Wilhelm Korber and Paul
Prlamunder. Franfurt-am-Main: Anker Verlag, 1957. 40p.
Burton, M. Garlinda. Challenge and Possibilities, making Churches more Inclusive through
Media. Nashville: United Methodist Communications, 1993. 14p.
Burton, M. Garlinda. Welcome! A Newcomer’s Guide to The United Methodist Church.
Nashville: United Methodist Communications, 1999. 4p.
Butler, Stephen C. The Lay Witness Mission Story at Faith Church. Nashville: Discipleship
Resources, [1983]. 6p.
But how Much? Chicago: General Board of Lay Activities, The Methodist Church, Department
of Stewardship and Finance, [195-?]. 3p.
By His Light shall the Nation’s Walk, Worship Services for Woman’s Societies of Christian
Service [and] Wesleyan Service Guilds, September, 1948-August, 1949. Cincinnati:
Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions and Church Extension, The
Methodist Church, Literature Headquarters, 1948. 28p.
By Popular Vote Citizens demand and get a Free Public Library.
By the Youngsters. Raleigh’s Boys and Girls have their own Club.
Byrom, John. Hymns for Christmas-Day and Easter-Day. s.l.: s.n., [1777?]. 8p.
Bunting, Jabez. Justification by Faith, a Sermon preached in Albion Street Chapel. 4th ed.
London: John Mason, 1830. 24p.
Bunting, Jabez. Remarks on the Vote given to Lord Sandon by the Rev. Jabez Bunting at the late
Liverpool Election. Manchester: Everett & Thompson, printer, 1833. 16p.
Burdick C F. Slavery and its Crimes, a Sermon. Troy, NY: A. W. Scribner, Printer, 1865.
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Bureau for Orientals. The Woman’s Home Missionary Society of the Pacific Coast.
Burleigh, Betty. A Story of Work among the Deaf.
Burma Methodism.
Burma. Methodist Work in New Nations.
Burnet, John. The Final Judgment.
Burns, Charles Wesley. The Challenge of Youth, a Sermon preached in Hennepin Avenue
Methodist Episcopal Church, Minneapolis, Minnesota. Minneapolis: [Hennepin Avenue
MEC, between 1916 and 1920]. 11p.
Burns, Francis V. From the Rock to the Hill: a Short History of Methodism in Salcombe, 18071978.
Burns, Melvin Pelesare. The Director of Religious Education. Chicago: Methodist Episcopal
Church, The Commission of Life Service. [192-?]. 12p.
Burns, Maelvin Pelesare. A Program for the City Church. Philadelphia: Department of City
Work, Board of Home Mission and Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, 1920. 32p.
Burr, Helen. The Friendship House Deaconess and Annie May’s Ten Wishes. Nashville:
Woman’s Department of the Board of Missions, Methodist Episcopal Church, South,
[192-?]. 8p. (Young people’s leaflet).
Burt, William. A Few Minutes Talk on the Women of Italy. Chicago: Woman’s Foreign
Missionary Society of the Indiana Conference, Methodist Episcopal Church, [between
1890 and 1904]. 6p.
Burt, William. Glimpses of Africa. New York: Africa Diamond Jubilee Commission, Board of
Mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1909. 18p.
Burt, William. The Italy Mission of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Roma: Tipografia
Metodista, 1908. 48p.
Burt, Willian. Pope Leo XIII, judged by his own Words and Acts. Rome: La Speranza Press,
1901. 33p.
Burt, William. Primavera e Gioventu. Venezia: Tip. Dell’Instituto Evangelicao Industriale, 1906.
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Burt, William. An Urgent Appeal from Rome, Italy. Rome: W. Burt, [1910?]. 13p.
Bush C. C. A Sunday Service in the Congo.
Bush, Joseph. Wages put into a Bag with Holes.
Bush, Joseph. Population of the Principal Circuit Towns in England and Wales.
Bush, Joseph. Methodism in the Metropolis.
Butler, Charles William. Faith-building Messages: a Series of Sermons which appeared in the
Christian Witness. University Park, Iowa: The College Press, [19--]. 45p.
Butler, John Wesley. Mexico. 1914.
Butler, William. Speedy Christianization of the World. New York: Nelson & Phillips, Tract
Dept. 20p.
Butterfield, A. E. Comanche Kiowa and Apache Missions.
Butterworth, Joseph. Observations on the Importance of adopting a Plan of Instruction for those
Preachers who are admitted upon Trial in the Methodist Connextion. London: Printed at
the Conference Office by G. Story, Agent, 1807. 18p.
Butts, Thomas. A Letter from a Private Person to his Pastor. 1743.
The Cabin Boy Bob. New York: Tract Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, [between
1839 and 1869]. 8p.
Cable, Mildred. Whither Central Asia? London: Central Asia Mission, [19-?]. 40p.
Cacciapuoti, Felice. Federico Amici, Cenno Biografico. Vevey: Tipografia Ed. Recordon, 1906.
Caesar and Cicero.
Cain, Beverly. About Young People in Brazil. Nashville: Woman’s Missionary Council,
Nashville: Woman’s Missionary Council, M.E. Church, South, [192-?]. 4p.
Cain, J B. Brief Sketches of historic Methodist Churches in the Mississippi Conference.
Cain, J B. History of Washington Methodist Church, 1799-1948.
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Cain, John Buford. Tents and Tabernacles: Methodist Camp Meetings in the Mississippi
Conference, 1804-1956. s.l.: Mississippi Conference Historical Society, [1956]. [34]p.
Caldwell, Merritt. An Address Originally delivered before the Waterford Circuit Temperance
Society, December 1, 1832.
California Conference Epworth League Institute. Prospectus of the California Conference
Epworth League Institute, Mt. Herman, June 20-26, 1910. Oakland, CA: West Coast
Printing, Co., 1910. [16]p.
Calkins, Harvey Reeves. Elements of Stewardship.
Calkins, Harvey Reeves. The Jarring of Jacob Shapleigh. Chicago: The Layman Company,
[1918?]. 8p.
Calkins, Harvey Reeves. Millions Praying.
Calkins, Harvey Reeves. Personalism and Property.
Calkins, Harvey Reeves. A Report from Harvey Reeves Calkins, Rock River Evangelist,
concerning his Work in the Churches. Evanston, IL, 1899. 6p.
Calkin, Homer L. Henry Foxall: Foundryman and Friend of Asbury.
A Call to Lenten Loyalty. s.l.: C.W.P. Litho, [19-?]. 2p.
Callin, Robert Wilfrid. William Clowes. London: Epworth Press, 1936. 16p. (Little books of the
kindly light, no. 32).
The Calling and Work of a Christian Minister.
A Calm Observer. A View of the Conduct of the Wesleyan Methodist Preachers in the Zetland
Islands. 2d edition. Leith: Printed for the Author by W. Reid & Son, 1825. 36p.
Camp, Constance Willis. Oriental Citizenship. Cincinnati: Woman’s Home Missionary Society,
Methodist Episcopal Church, [19--]. 8p.
Camp Meeting ’84, Syracuse, N.Y. June 27-July 1, 1984. United Methodists celebrated 200
years of ministry. Syracuse, NY: New York West Area, United Methodist Church, 1984.
Camp Meeting Association of Mt. Sewickley, Leetsdale, PA. Program, Eightieth Annual
Session, July 1948. Leetsdale, PA: The Association, 1948. 5p.
Camp Meeting Bulletin, Franklin Grove, Illinois.
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Camp Meeting, Chauauqua, NY, Western New York Conference, UMC, 1976. [Syracuse, NY:
Western New York Conference, UMC, 1976]. 16p.
Campbell, Florence M. Dear Young People, Sue Bennett Memorial School, London, Ky.
Nashville: Woman’s Missionary Council, M. E. Church, South. 1915. 2p. (Young People,
February 1915)
A Camper’s Notebook. New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, [1950?]. 32p. For Christian
Adventure Camps.
Camphor, Alexander Priestley. Our Work in Liberia, West Africa, its Need of Help. s.l.: New
York: Board of Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1902. 32p.
Camphor, Amy A. R. Facing the New Adventure: a Report of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary
Society, Methodist Episcopal Church in the Negro Conferences. s.l.: WFMS, MEC,
[1937?]. 7p.
Candler, Warren Akin. Atheism.
Candlet, Warren Akin. The Church vs. the Theater. Nashville: Southern Methodist Publishing
House, 1887. 16p.
Candler, Warren Akin. Evolution.
Candler, Warren Akin. Foreign Missions and the Board of Church Extension. Louisville, KY:
Board of Church Extension of the MEC South, 1911. 20p.
Candler, Warren Akin. Fraternal Address delivered before the General Conference of the Church
of the United Brethren in Session at Indianapolis, Indiana, May, 1921. s.l.: s.n., [1921].
Cannon, James. The Gospel.
Canright, Harry Lee. Steps to the Kingdom.
Cantey, Mary Kane Hill. Little Remembrance of Mrs. Sallie Hill Sawyer.
C.A.U.S.E. An Investment in Urban Ministry. Jersey City, NJ: CAUSE, 1981. 4p.
Cady, Susan Cole. The Fire Within. Philadelphia: Arch Street United Methodist Church, 1990.
(Sermons from Arch Street United Methodist Church).
Cagle, Bob. Now that your Child has been Confirmed. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1982.
6p. (Kairos series).
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Cain, Benjamin H. Strengthening the Program of the Town and Country Church. Dayton:
Published by the Otterbein Press for the Department of Home Missions and Church
Extension, [195-?]. 56p.
Cain, John Buford. The First Junaluska Conference June 15-29, 1913: Address delivered at Lake
Junaluska, N.C. on July 3, 1963, in Memorial Chapel. Lake Junaluska, NC: s.n., 1963.
9p. Carbon copy of a typescript.
Caldwell, Wayne E. Life in Spirit Now. Indianapolis, IN: Wesley Press, 1991. 76p.
Calendars for 200 years, 1828-2028. Endicott, NY: Endicott Gospel Team. 19p.
Calhoun, Mary. Children’s Division Superintendent of the Church School.
Calhoun, E. Clayton. The Negro Colleges Advance: the Critical Difference. Nashville: Negro
Colleges Advance Office, [1972]. 16p.
Calhoun, Mary. Children Grow and Learn. Nashville: Division of Education, Board of
Discipleship of The United Methodist Church, 1974. 4p. (Workers with children series).
Calhoun, Mary. Children Grow and Learn. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1979. 4p.
(Workers with children series).
Calhoun, Mary. The Children We Teach. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [197-]. 6p.
(Workers with children series).
Calhoun, Mary. Children’s Division Superintendent of the Church School. Nashville:
Discipleship Resources, [197-?]. 6p. (Workers with children series).
Calhoun, Mary. Coordination, Administration, Supervision in Children’s Ministries. Nashville:
Discipleship Resources, 1978, 6p. (Workers with children series).
Calhoun, Mary. The Difference: a Drama for Easter. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1990. 15p.
Calhoun, Mary. Different Ways of Teaching-Learning. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1976.
4p. (Workers with children series)
Calhoun, Mary. Foundations for the Christian Education of Children, a Study Guide for Use with
Foundations for Teaching and Learning in the UMC. Nashville: Discipleship Resources,
1979. 49p.
Calhoun, Mary. Grouping for Learning. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [197-?]. 4p.
(Workers with children series).
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Calhoun, Mary. In Support of Teachers. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1978. 4p. (Workers
with children series).
Calhoun, Mary. Keeping the Church Informed. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1978. 4p.
(Workers with children series).
Calhoun, Mary. Leaders Prepare for a Season. Nashville: Discipleship Respurces, 1974. 4p.
(Workers with children series).
Calhoun, Mary. Leaders Prepare for a Teaching-Learning Unit. Revised ed. Nashville:
Discipleship Resources, 1974. 6p. (Workers with children series).
Calhoun, Mary. Leaders Prepare for many Kinds of Occasions. Nashville: Discipleship
Resources, 1979. 4p. (Workers with Children Series).
Calhoun, Mary. Mission Education for Children. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1974. 6p.
(Workers with children series).
Calhoun, Mary. Now that Your Child has been Baptized. Nashville: Discipleship Resources,
[197-?]. 6p. (Workers with children series).
Calhoun, Mary. Our First/Second/Third Graders. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [1973?]. 4p.
(Workers with children series).
Calhoun, Mary. A Take-home Box. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1973. 4p. (Workers with
children series).
California Superior Court (San Joaquin County). Evangelical Methodist Church and Harold L.
Thatcher, Jason C. Howard and Samuel K. King for and on behalf of the Evangelical
Methodist Church, and all its members, Plaintiffs, vs. Edwin M. Conn, Defendant,
Findings of Fact and Conclusions of Law. San Joaquin, CA: s.n., 1954.
The Call, the Church and You. Nashville: Interboard Committee on Christian Vocations of the
Methodist Church, 1966. 6p.
The Call, the Church and You. Nashville: Interboard Committee on Enlistment for Church
Occupations, The United Methodist Church, 1969. 6p.
The Call of God to Serve: An Overview of Methodism in Africa. Cincinnati: Service Center,
GBGM, 1989. 8p.
The Call to a Church Vocation. Nashville: Interboard Committee on Christian Vocation of The
Methodist Church, 1960. 6p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 68
The Call to a Church Vocation. Nashville: Interboard Committee on Christin Vocations of The
Methodist Church, 1960. 6p.
A Call to Prayer and Self-denial, January 1984, Sample Packet. Cincinnati: Service Center,
GBGM, UMC, 1983.
A Call to Prayer and Self-denial, January 1985, Sample Packet. Cincinnati: Service Center,
GBGM, UMC, 1984.
A Call to Prayer and Self-denial, 1986, Handbook. Cincinnati: Service Center, 1985. Prepared
for the Women’s Division by the Mission Education and Cultivation Program
Department, GBGM, UMC.
A Call to Prayer and Self-denial, January 1987, Sample Packet. Cincinnati: Service Center,
GBGM, UMC, 1986.
A Call to Prayer and Self-denial, January 1988, Sample Packet. Cincinnati: Service Center,
GBGM, UMC, 1987.
A Call to Prayer and Self-denial. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, UMC, 1987. 2p.
A Call to Repentance and Prayer for Iran and the United States. Washington, DC: Office of
Bishop James K. Matthews, 1980. 8p. Prepared by Bishop Ralph T. Alton and Bishop
James K. Matthews for the Council of Bishops of The United Methodist Church.
The Call to Witness in Christian Vocation. Nashville: Interboard Committee on Christian
Vocation, [1962?]. 6p.
The Call to Youth: Suggestions for bringing Young People into the Fellowship of the Church.
Nashville: Youth Department, The Division of the Local Church, The Board of Education
of The Methodist Church, 1942. 2p.
Called to be Saints. Dayton, OH: Board of Evangelism, The Evangelical United brethren Church,
[1957?]. 3p.
Calling Youth for Christ and his Church. Nashville: Interboard Committee on Christian
Vocation, The Methodist Church, 1964. 6p.
Callaway, C. Wayne. John Wesley’s Primitive Physick: an Essay in Appreciation. Rochester,
MN: 1974. 318-324p. Mayo Clinic Proceedings, volume 49 (1974).
Called into the World: Service in the Youth Ministry. Nashville: Graded Press, 1967. 3p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 69
Called to Heal: Global Health Care Ministries. Revised. Cincinnati: Service Center, 1985. 6p.
Prepared for the Mission Education and Cultivation Program Department, GBGM, UMC.
Called to Mission. Cincinnati: Service Center, 1974, 21p. Prepared for the Education and
Cultivation Division, Board of Global Ministries, The United Methodist Church.
Called to Serve: Assembly of Methodist Women in Full Time Ministry of the Church, February
26-29, 1980 at the YMCA Tourist Hotel, New Delhi, sponsored by The Council of
Women’s Work of the Methodist Church in Southern Asia. Edited by Doris Franklin.
[New Delhi?]: Novex Printers & Advertisers, 1980. [56]p.
A Calling to Fulfill: United Methodist Ministry Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow. Nashville:
United Methodist Communications, 1994. [12]p.
Calvert, David. Being with God: to be Within the Body of Christ, a Study for Lent. York: York
and Hull District Ministries Committee, 1986. 4p.
Camak, David English. The Church Mother’s Civilization: a Christian Challenge for this Atomic
Age. Greer, SC: D. E. Camak, 1959. 9p.
A Cambridge Group. The Way of Jesus. Revised. London: Epworth Press, 1962. 30p. (Foundery
pamphlets number 13). First published in 1930.
Cambridge Methodist Cricket Club. Fifty Years of Cricket, 1927-1977. Cambridge: The Club,
1977. 39p.
Camolli, Wayne. “The Missionary Task for American Methodism, 1820-1972.” Madison, NJ:
Drew University Theological School, 1972. 53p. Paper submitted to Dr. Kenneth Rowe
in completion of the requirements for the tutorial “Methodism’s Mission to Minority
Groups,” October 10, 1972.
Campbell, Harry W. Register Christian Opinion, a Guide to Political Action, including a
Congressional Directory of the First Session of the 88th Congress, 1963. Washington:
General Board of Christian Social Concerns of the Methodist Church, 1962. 30p.
Campbell, Jim. An Audio-visual Manual: a Manual for the Intercommission Audio-Visual
Committee in Methodist Churches. Nashville: Television, Radio and Film Commission of
The Methodist Church, 1962. 48p.
Campbell, Robert J. Speaking the Christ Word. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1980. 10p.
Campbell, Sheila. Guide for Youth Biblical Studies. Nashville: Graded Press, 1972. 32p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 70
Camping with Retarded Persons. Edited by LaDonna Bogardus. Nashville: Division of the Local
Church, Board of Education of The United Methodist Church, 1970. 46p.
The Campus Ministry as Enlistment for Church Occupations. Nashville: Department of Campus
Ministry, [197-?]. 3p.
Campus Ministry Directory of The Methodist Church, 1967-68. Nashville: Department of
College and University Religious Life, Division of Higher Education, Board of Education
of The Methodist Church, 1967. 98p.
Campus Ministry Directory of The United Methodist Church, 1968-69. Nashville: s.n., 1968.
The Campus Ministry of the Methodist Church. Nashville: Department of College and
University Religious Life, Division of Higher Education, Board of Education, The
Methodist Church, 1963. 4p.
Can Our Church Save Energy? How to Cut Costs and Care for the Earth, a Resource Packet for
Local Churches. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [198-?]. 3p.
Can the Church Come Alive? Nashville: TRAFCO, [196-?]. 8p. Promotional brochure for These
Four Cozy Walls (film) and Agenda for a Journey (filmstrip).
Cannon, William Ragsdale. Apologia. Montgomery, AL: Confession Movement within the
UMC, (199-?). 17p.
Cantelon, Willard. The Baptism in the Holy Spirit. Springfield, MO: Gospel Publishing House,
1951. 34p.
Canvasser’s Presentation Booklet. Chicago: General Board of Lay Activities of The Methodist
Church, [195-?]. 16p.
Caradon, Hugh Mackintosh and Baron Foot. Dangers and Hopes at the United Nations. London:
Epworth Press, 1966. 19p. Beckly Social Service Lecture, 1966.
Card Series. New York: Nelson & Phillips. [between 1872 and 1879]. Printed on two sides.
Carder, Kenneth L. Giving from a Wesleyan perspective. Nashville: UMCom, 1998. 19p.
Careful Observer. Strictures upon Various Pamphlets lately Published, with an Address to the
Lovers of Peace and Order. Manchester: Prentice and Cathrall, printers, Times Office,
[1834]. 8p.
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Careless Sinner, Come to Jesus. New York: Tract Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
[between 1833 and 1869]. 1 leaf (No. 2). On verso: Come to Jesus or you must perish.
Carhart, John Wesley. Sermon preached at the North Second Street, Methodist Episcopal
Church. IN, A Tribute of Respect by the Citizens of Troy, NY. 1865.
Caribbean Capers: a Resource Pack for Children. London: Methodist Church Overseas Division,
The Caribbean: Partners in Development. Cincinnati: Service Center, BGM, UMC, 1979. 12p.
Prepared for The Advance by the Education and Cultivation Division, BGM, UMC.
The Caring Community. London: Published for the Central Churches Group by the National
Council of Social Service, 1966. 31p.
Caring Connection, 1998. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, UMC, 1997. [28]p Calendar.
Carleton College. A Proposition of Special Importance to the St. Louis Conference from Mr.
George Warren Brown.
Calisle, Mark L. The Presiding Eldership: A Study.
Carlsen, Jonathan. Music in the EUB/German United Methodist Tradition. Chicago: Jonathan
Carlsen, 2000. 16p.
Carney, Mary Lou. Advent, a Calendar of Devotions, 1986. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1985.
Carothers, J. Edward. The Black Manifesto as Spiritual Phenomenon. New York: National
Division, [Board of Missions, The Methodist Church], 1969. 8p.
Carothers, J. Edward. Christian Theology, Reparations and the Black Manifesto. New York:
National Division, [Board of Missions, The Methodist Church], 1969, 8p.
Cartohers, J. Edward. The Economics of Black Manifesto. New York: National Division, [Board
of Missions, The Methodist Church], 1969. 5p.
Carothers, J. Edward. Ecumenical Mission/USA. Cincinnati: Service Center, Board of Missions,
The Methodist Church, [1967]. [24]p.
Carothers, J. Edward. Ecumenical Mission/USA: MUST II. Cincinnati: Service Center, Board of
Missions, The Methodist Church, 1967. 22p.
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Carothers, J. Edward. MUST-II. Cincinnati: Service Center, Board of Missions, The Methodist
Church, 1967. 14p.
Carothers, J. Edward. The Politics of the Black Manifesto. New York: National Division, [Board
of Missions, The Methodist Church], 1969. 9p.
Carothers, J. Edwards. Winners Keepers Losers Weepers. Nashville: Graded Press, 1968. 31p.
Carpenter, Charles I. Summoned to Serve, Excerpts from and Address made… at the National
Methodist Convocation on Local Church Evangelism at Uline Arena, Washington, DC.
Nashville: s.n., [195-?]. 2p.
Carpenter, George Wayland. Africans on the Move in a Revolutionary World. Cincinnati:
Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions of The Methodist Church,
Literature Headquarters, 1955. [24]p.
Carr, A. The True Likeness of John Wesley. London: Privately printed by Mears & Caldwell,
Limited. [12]p.
Carr, Betty Jo Christer. Advent, a Calendar of Devotions, 1979. Nashville: Abingdon, 1979. 48p.
Carr, Jo. Advent 1983, a Calendar of Devotions. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1983. 48p.
Carr, Jo. Advent 1984, a Calendar of Devotions. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1984. 48p.
Carr, John and Adrienne Carr. Prepare Ye for a New Advent of God’s Love in our World, a
Group Process; Participant’s Notebook. Nashville: Upper Room Books, 1991. 48p.
Carr, John and Adrienne Carr. Prepare Ye for a New Advent of God’s Love in our World, a
Group Process; Leader’s Guide. Nashville: Upper Room Books, 1991. 61p.
Carr, John and Adrienne Carr. We are an Easter People: the Triumph of God’s Love in our
Lives, a Group Process; Participant’s Notebook. Nashville: Upper Room Books, 1989.
Carr, John and Adrienne Carr. We are an Easter People: the Triumph of God’s Love in our
Lives, a Group Process; Leader’s Guide. Nashville: Upper Room Books, 1989. 63p.
Carradine, Beverly. The Sanctified Life: Abridged Edition. Cincinnati: M. W. Knapp, Revivalist
Office, 1897. 9p. The Full Salvation Quarterly, October 1897.
Carrel, Alexis. Prayer is Power. Nashville: Methodist Tract Service, [194-?]. 6p.
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Carrie, M. Frost. A Tribute read in the Service at Hope Haven Bradford, Vermont, at Four
o’clock in the Afternoon of April the Twenty-ninth, Nineteen Hundred Twenty-four.
Bradford, VT: s.n., 1924. 11p. On Cover: In Memoriam.
Carrington, N. B. The Washington Annual Conference of the Methodust Church. Baltimore: s.n.,
[1966?]. 45p.
Carroll County Cooperative Project.
Carroll, Henry King. Around and Across South America. s.l.: s.n., 1905.
Carroll, Henry King. The Catholic Dogma of Church Authority and its Bearings. s.l.: s.n.,
Carroll, R. E. Holiness in the Book of Hebrew. Introduction by Noel W. Scott. Cincinnati: God’s
Bible School, 1980. 14p. A paper presented at the 1980 School of the Prophets at God’s
Bible School, Cincinnati, Ohio.
Carroll, R. E. Holiness in the Book of Hebrews. Salem, OH: Allegheny Publications, 1988. 16p.
Carroll, R. E. The Witness of the Spirit. Overland Park, KS: R. E. Carroll, [197-?]. 24p.
Carroll, Sallie. Opening Christian Gateways in Japan. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of Christian
Service, Board of Missions of The Methodist Church, Literature Headquarters, 1957.
Carrow, Goldsmith Day. The Divine Right of the American Government; a Sermon delivered in
the Wharton St. M. E. Church, May 11, 1861. Philadelphia, 1861. 32p.
Carrow, Goldsmith Day. The Introduction of Methodism into Pennsylvania.
Carrying the Message. Boston: Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, Methodist Episcopal
Church, [19-?]. 7p. (Evangelistic series)
Carson, Anna Mary J. Johnston Hospital, Manila. [Manila : MJ Hospital, 1918]. 2p.
Carson, J G. Address… delivered at the Ohio State Anti-Secrecy Convention, Westerville, Ohio,
March 8th, 1876: Subject, Secret Societies, the Relation and Duty of the Church and her
Members toward Them. Chicago: Ezra A. Cook, Publisher, 1884. 25p.
Carter, Cullen T. Methodist Doctrinal Beliefs, an Explanation of the Main Views held by
Methodists around the World. Nashville: Division of the Local Church, The Board of
Education, The Methodist Church, 1947. 20p.
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Carter, Cullen Tuller. Methodist Doctrinal Beliefs: an Explanation of the Main Views held by
Methodists around the World. Nashville: Division of the Local Church, 1958. 20p. First
printed 1947.
Carter, George G. Valuable-beyond-price: the Story of Sister Lina M. Jones, 1890-1979.
Rotorua, NZ: Advocate Printing Co., Ltd, 1985. 68p. Wesley Historical Society (New
Zealand Proceedings, no. 45 (March 1985).
Carter, Henry. After the War, a Twelve Minute Empire Broadcast Address, including an Order of
Service for Personal and Public Prayer. London: Guardian Press, [1945?]. 23p. (Guardian
series, no. 110).
Carter, Henry. How Soviet Rule came to Russia, a Factual Outline of Events from 1917 to 1941.
London: Epworth Press, [1950]. 16p. (Beckly pamphlets, no. 3).
Carter, Jame Lee. The Bishop’s Call for Peace and the Self-Development of Peoples in Light of
Evangelism and Global Need. A study paper. [s.l.: s.n., 197-?]. 32p.
Carter, Kate. A Negro Baptism in the Hudson.
Carter, Thomas. The Minister’s High Calling. Published by the Department of Ministerial
Supply and Training, Board Of Education, M.E.C., South. Nashville, Tenn.
Carter, William J. Each One a Minister: A Bible Study and Guide for Action. Nashville:
Discipleship Resources, 1986. 66p.
Cartwright, Steven R. The Benighted and the Brethren: the American Methodist world-view of
the 1830s. [s.l.: s.n., 198-?]. 30p. Paper submitted for the Ness Award of GAH.
Cartwright, Frank Thomas. Methodism behind the Bamboo Curtain. New York: Editorial
Department, Division of Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions and Church
Extension, General Section, The Methodist Church, [1950]. 30p.
Carty, James W Jr. Nashville as a World Religious Center. Nashville: Cullom & Ghertner
Company, 1958. 24p.
Carty, Terry B. Ministry with Youth. Nashville: General Board of Discipleship, 2000. 8p.
(Partners in Discipleship)
Carvalho, Emilio J M de. The United Methodist Church (Angola): Landmarks and Shrines. 1993.
Carver, Earl Chadwick. The Lord is my… 95 Paraphrases and Parodies of Psalm 23. s.l.: E. C.
Carver, [1994]. 95p.
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Carver, Everett I. The Second Cleansing. Anderson, IN: Gospel Trumpet Company, [19-?]. 32p.
Carver, Phil. Collage, a Musical Review of the United Methodist Church. Des Moines, IA:
Bicentennial Committee of the Iowa Annual Conference, 1983. 80p.
Carvoso, Benjamin. My Dear, Far-distant Friends. Windsor, New South Wales: R. Howe, 1822.
Cary, William Walter and Kathleen Cary. Sychar: a Holiness Camp Meeting, 1870-1960. Mt.
Vernon, OH: Ohio State Camp Meeting Association, [1960]. 63p.
Casa, Materna. Napoli. The Story of Casa Materna. Tuckahoe, NY: The Casa Materna Society,
[1967]. 8p.
Casa Materna. Corso Garibaldi, 35. Portici (Near Naples). Italy in its Forty-first Year of Life.
Casa, Materna, Napoli. The Story of Casa Materna. Tuckahoe, NY: The Casa Materna Society,
[1970]. 8p.
Case, Ernest. For Each, There is a Destiny, Sunday May 22, 1966. Belmont, MA: Belmont
Methodist Church, 1966.
Case, Leland. Origins of Methodist Publishing in America. s.l.: Bibliographical Society of
America, [1965]. p. 12-27. Separated from the Papers of the Bibliographical Society of
America, vol. 59, First Quarter, 1965.
Case, Leland D. Preacher Smith, Martyr, the Story of Henry Weston Smith, Methodist, the
Pioneer Preacher in the Black Hills of South Dakota, killed by Indians, August 20, 1876.
Revised edition. Mitchell, SD: Friends of the Middle Border, 1961. 16p.
Case, Leland D. Preacher Smith, Martyr, the Story of Henry Weston Smith, Methodist Parson.
Pioneer Preacher in the Black Hills, who was killed by Indians, August 20, 1876. [s.l.:
Reprinted by Nauman Printing Co., 1976. 16p.
Case, Leland D. The Splendid Obsession at Spearfish: Remarks at the Dedication of Leland D.
Case Library for Western Historical Studies at Black Hills State College, Spearfish, SD,
April 30, 1976. Spearfish, SD: Black Hills State College, 1976. 15p. No. 130 of 212
imprinted. Inscribed to Fred and Mary Louise Maser.
Case, Riley B. An Evaluation of the Ministry of Teaching and Learning in the United Methodist
Church. [Union City?, IN: s.n., 1979]. 6p.
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Case, Riley B and Alvin T. Maberry. A Teacher’s Guide to The Faith in a New Age: a Study of
Hebrews, James, First and Second Peter, Jude, First and Second Timothy, and Titus.
Nashville: Graded Press, 1976. 112p. (Our Living Bible Series)
The Case for the Old New York. New York: The New York City Society of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, 1923.
Casey, Thomas S. Historical Address. Platonian Literary Society.
Cassell, William Edgar. Ecology and Christian Stewardship.
Cassels, Louis. Are You a Tip-giver, Dues-payer, or Tither? Chicago: Section on Stewardship
and Finance of the General Board of Lay Activities of The Methodist Church, 1961. 8p.
This article appears in the March 1961 issue of Together Magazine.
Casting the Net in the Lucknow & Benares District, 1938. Lucknow: Published by the Lucknow
& Benares District Synod for Private Circulation, Methodist Missionary Society, 1939.
Castle, Joseph. The Faithful Servant Rewarded, a Sermon preached on Occasion of the Death of
Rev. Beverly Waugh, D.D., Senior Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church in the
Union M.E. Church, March 3, 1858. Philadelphia: Higgins & Perkinpine, 1858. 16p.
Castleton, Albert George. On the Roof of the World: Sam Pollard of China. London: Cargate
Press, 1947. 32p. (Eagle Books, no. 9).
Castleton. Albert George. On the Roof of the World: Sam Pollard of China. New York:
Friendship Press, 1948. 24p. (Eagle books, no. 9).
Castleton. Albert George. On the Roof of the World. London: Edinburgh House Press, 1955.
32p. (Eagle Books, no. 9).
Casto, H Michael. AIDS and the Ministry of the Church. Nashville: Discipleship Resources,
1987. 22p.
Caswell, Lincoln Hollister. A Semi-annual Pastoral Report to the Second and Third combined
Quarterly Conference…Nov. 9, 1903. Greenpoint, NY: s.n., 1903. 6p.
Catalogue. Missionary Education Material for use in Methodist Episcopal Sunday Schools,
1918-1919. Chicago: Board of Sunday Schools of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
[1918]. 28p. (The Centenary [of Methodist Missions]).
Catalogue of an Extraordinary Collection of Upwards of 60,000 Tracts and Pamphlets.
Methodist Library
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A Catalogue of Books for the Year 1809 chiefly published by the late Rev. Mr. Wesley, sold by
Mr. Blanchard… London: Printed at the Conference Office, Geo. Story, agent, 1809. 8p.
Catalogue of Books published and on Sale at The Wesleyan Conference Office.
A Catalogue of Books published by the late Rev. John Wesley, A. M. , and the Preachers in
Connexion with him. London: Printed at the Conference Office, Thomas Cordeaux,
Agent, 1815. 16p.
Catalogue of Standard Courses in Leadership Training, 1929. Nashville: Issued by General
Sunday School Board, M.E. Church, South, through Department of Leadership and
Teacher Training, 1929. 36p.
Catalogue of Supplies for Senior, Intermediate and Junior Epworth Leagues.
Catalogue of the Pictures at the Methodist Missions House.
Catch the Flame: sharing in God’s Mission through Prayer, 1988-89. London: Methodist Church
Overseas Division, 1988. 70p.
Catch the Spirit, a Television Ministry you can be proud of. New York: United Methodist
Communications, [198-?]. 8p.
Catch the Spirit: Television about People living their Faith. Nashville: Catch the Spirit, [198-?].
Catch the Spirit, the United Methodist Television Ministry. Nashville: United Methodist
Communications, [1986]. 8p.
Catch the Spirit, the United Methodist Church: 101 Exciting New Ways for your Church to
Catch the Spirit. Evanston: United Methodist Communications, 1985.
Catch the Spirit, Weekly TV/Video Program of the United Methodist Church, Cumulative
Program Directory with Index. Evanston: United Methodist Communications, 1991. 33p.
Catch the Spirit, a Project of the Television/Telecommunications Fund, produced by United
Methodist Communications. Evanston: United Methodist Communication, 1986. 6p.
Catch the Spirit. The United Methodist Church, Program Directory and Cumulative Index.
Evanston: United Methodist Communications, 1991. 36p.
Catch the Spirit, The United Methodist Church, Summer Pastor’s Resource Packet. Evanston:
United Methodist Communications, 1986.
Methodist Library
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Catch the Spirit, the United Methodist Church, Program Directory and Cumulative Index.
Directory for 1992, Index for ’86-’92. Evanston: United Methodist Communications,
1992. 46p.
Cate, Margaret Davis. The Wesleys on Saint Simons Island. Epworth-by-the-Sea, GA. South
Georgia Conference Commission on Archives and History, [198-?]. [18]p.
Cate, Margaret Davis. The Wesleys on Saint Simons Island, 3rd printing. St. Simons Island, GA:
Arthur J. Moore Methodist Museum, 1991. [20]p.
A Catechism for the use of Children. London: Printed at the Conference Office by Thomas
Cordeaux; sold by Thomas Blanshard. [1813?]. 15p. (Tract No. 60).
A Catechism on China for Young Ladies: Woman’s Missionary Society, M. E. Church, South.
Nashville: Woman’s Missionary Society. M.E. Church, South, 1892. 8p.
Catechumen Classes. Sunday-School series, No. 38.
A Catholic Layman. A Shaver for the Wesleyan Preachers wherein is clearly proved the true
cause of their present Dissensions, and their late unwarrantable Attacks on the Catholics
refuted, by a Catholic Layman. Manchester: Printed and sold by J. Doherty and by all
booksellers, [18-?]. 12p.
Catledge, J. Van. Know your Church, 3rd Edition Revised. Charlotte, NC: The A.M.E. Zion
Publishing House, 1953. 32p.
Cattell, Everett Lewis. Christ Prays for You.
Caudill, Rebecca. A Troubled World needs Christian Families. Nashville: Department of the
Christian Family, Board of Education, The Methodist Church, 1954. 6p.
Caulker, Richard E. Albert Academy, Secondary School for Boys, 1904-1954. Freetown, Sierra
Leone, West Africa. Dayton: Department of World Missions, The EUB Church, [1954].
Cavert, Samuel McCrea. The Evangelical United Brethren and the Federal Council, an Address
to the Uniting Conference of the EUB Church, November 19, 1946. Johnstown, PA:
[Dayton, OH: EUB Publishing House, 1946]. 8p.
Cavit, Marshal. The Deceitful Way. Wilmore, KY: Cavit, [1979?]. 6p.
Cavit, Marshal. Judgment at the House of God. Wilmore, KY: Cavit, [1979?]. 6p.
Cazenovia Seminary Catalogue.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
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PAGE: 79
The Cedar Rapids Marion Area Council of Churches Community Analysis Report, 1964.
Celebrando 100 Anos de Mujeres Organizadas para la Mission, usted esta invitada a celebrara
nuestro paso al Segundo Centenario. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, UMC, 1984.
Celebrate Children’s Day. Robert goes to College.
Celebrate Christmas with the World Church: Ideas for Worship at Christmas, Readings,
Meditations & Prayers from the World Church. [London: Methodist Church Overseas
Division, 1989]. [26]p.
Celebrate ’88: Program for the Celebration of the 250th anniversary of the Conversion of John
Wesley. Peterborough: Methodist Publishing House, 1988. 14p.
Celebrate Together: 1786-1986. Bicentenary source packet. London: Methodist Church Overseas
Division, 1986. 12p.
Celebrate Together: International Celebration of Mission, 20-22 June 1986. Trentham Gardens.
London: Methodist Church Overseas Division, 1986. 46p.
Celebrate Together: 1786-1986, to all Circuit OM Secretaries. London: Methodist Church
Overseas Division, 1986. 8p.
Celebrating our Religious Heritage and Freedom, Longview District Texas Sesquicentennial
Rally, First United Methodist Church, Marshall, TX, March 2, 1986. Marshall, TX: The
Church, 1986. 15p.
Celebrating the Key Event: a Program of the Department of Contemporary Proclamation
Evangelism, The Board of Discipleship and participating Annual Conferences of the
United Methodist Church, 1980. 8p.
Celebration of the founding of the Methodist Protestant Church in North Carolina.
Celebration of the Life of Albert V. Lang. s.l.: s.n., 1983. 10p.
Celebrating our Heritage of Itineracy: Heritage Sunday Resource Booklet. Madison, NJ: General
Commission on Archives and History, The UMC, 1993. 32p.
Cellmann, Carol D. and Peggy L. Halsey. Children and Youth in Jeopardy: a Mission Concern
for United Methodists. New York: National Program Division, GBGM, UMC, 1987. 44p.
(National Missions Resources)
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Cennick, John. The Benefits of the New Testament, being the Substance of a Discourse delivered
in London in the year 1745. 2nd Edition. Dublin printed, London, reprinted and sold by
M. Lewis, 1771. 16p.
Cennick, John. The Cries of the Son of God, being the Substance of some Discourse delivered at
Kingswood in Gloucestershire in the year 1739. Dublin: Printed by S. Powell, 1754. 24p.
Cennick, John. The Danger of Infidelity; or, the Necessity of a Living Faith in Christ, being the
Substance of a Discourse delivered in Bristol in the year 1742. 4th ed. London: Printed
and sold by M. Lewis, 1772. 20p.
Cennick, John. The Divinity of Christ, being the Substance of a Discourse delivered in Dublin in
the year 1746. 4th ed. London Printed by M. Lewis, 1773. 20p.
Cennick, John. The Gift and Office of the Holy Ghost, being the Substance of a Discourse
delivered in Little Sommerford in Wiltshire, in the year 1740. 3rd ed. Dublin printed,
London reprinted and sold by M. Lewis, 1771. 20p.
Cennick, John. The Good Samaritan, being the Substance of a Sermon preached at the
Tabernacle in London in the year 1744. London: Printed and sold by John Lewis, 1744.
Cennick, John. The Shadows of Christ, being the Substance of a Discourse delivered in the North
of Ireland in the year 1751. 2nd ed. Dublin printed, London re-printed and sold by M.
Lewis, 1771. 28p.
Cennick, John. The Lost Sheep, Piece of Silver, and Prodigal Son, being the Substance of a
Discourse delivered in the County of Antrim in Ireland in the year 1750. 2nd ed. Dublin
printed, London Reprinted and sold by M. Lewis, 1770. 24p.
Cennick, John. Naaman Cleansed, being the Substance of a Sermon preached at Smith’s-Hall,
Bristol. 5th ed. London: Printed and sold by M. Lewis, 1774. 16p.
Cennick, John. The New Birth, being the Substance of a Discourse delivered in Malmsbury in
Wiltshire in the year 1741. Dublin printed; London, reprinted and sold by M. Lewis,
1770. 15p.
Cennick, John. The Sower, being the Substance of a Discourse delivered in the County of Antrim
in Ireland, in the year 1748. Dublin: Printed by S. Powell, 1754. 23p.
Cennick, John. The Syrophoenecian; or, a Pattern of Invincible Faith delivered in a Discourse at
London in the year 1750. 3rd ed. London: Printed by M. Lewis, 1773. 19p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 81
Cennick, John. The Two Servants, being the Substance of a Discourse delivered in London in the
year 1745. 3rd ed. Dublin printed; London, reprinted and sold by M. Lewis, 1771. 24p.
Censorship ’71. London: Christian Citizenship Department of the Methodist Church, 1971. 47p.
Census of Church Membership. Philadelphia Department of City Work, Division of National
Missions, the Methodist Church in cooperation with Urban Church Panning Division of
American Missions, National Lutheran Council, [195-?]. 15p.
The Centenary and the Local Church. New York: Joint Centenary Committee, Methodist
Episcopal Church, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, [1919]. 8p.
Centenary Celebration of American Methodist Missions, Columbus, Ohio, 1919. Handbook of
Information for Centenary Celebration of American Methodist Missions, Columbus,
Ohio, June 20 to July 13, 1919. New York: Board of Missions of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, 1919.
Centenary Circuit, Methodist Church, York, England. The Final Circuit Meeting. Centenary
Circuit, York, Wednesday 11th March 1981. York: The Circuit, 1981. 20p.
Centenary College, Hackettstown, NJ. Centenary College: Working with You toward success in
a Career. Hackettstown, NJ: Centenary College, 1981. 24p.
The CENTENARY educational program. New York: Joint Centenary Committee, MEC, MEC,
South, [1919]. 8p.
The Centenary of a Great Revival; or, The beginnings of United Methodism in Kent. Compiled
from the original sources by Cooper G. Hawken. Gillingham, Kent: Published by F. A.
Chappell, 1920. 16p.
Centenary Handbook for Sunday School Workers. Chicago: Board of Sunday Schools of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, [1918?]. 18p.
Centenary Hymns. New York: Van Buren’s Print, [1839?]. 1p.
Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church of the City of Brooklyn. Third anniversary of the
Sunday-school attached to the Centenary Methodist Episcopal Church of the City of
Brooklyn, December 26th. New York: William Applegate, Printer, 1842. 56p.
Centenary Program for the Sunday School: Home Missions, Series Two, for Intermediate and
Seniors. Chicago: Board of Sunday Schools of the MEC, [1919?]. 22p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 82
Centenary Service, wherein is set Forth a Few Unusual things done by the Missionary Centenary
of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South. Nashville: Missionary Centenary of the MEC,
South, [1919?]. 4p.
Centenary Training Conferences of the Methodist Episcopal Church: a Statement, Suggested
Program, the Speakers. New York: Speakers Bureau, Joint Centenary Committee, MEC,
MEC, South. 1918. 4p.
The Centenary Treasury. [New York: Joint Centenary Committee, MEC, MEC, South, 1919].
Centenary World Program, It can be Done. How? For Answer, read the New Centenary
Textbook, Studies in Stewardship, by Ralph S. Cushman. New York: Joint Centenary
Committee, MEC, MEC, South, 1918. 1p.
Centennial Celebration Fund, Prepared by the Education and Cultivation Division, General
Board of Global Ministries, UMC. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, 1983. 6p.
The Centennial History of the Northern New York Conference, April 15-20, 1936.
The Centennial History of the Northern New York Conference of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, April 15-20, 1936, First Methodist Episcopal Church, Watertown, NY.
Watertown, NY: A.W. Munk & Co. Press, 1936. [28]p.
Centennial: 100 Years in Minnesota, 1855-1955: Evangelical United Brethren Church.
Minneapolis: England Press for Minnesota Conference, EUB Church, 1955. [48]p.
Center for Parish Development. United Methodist Pastors use the Census, Meeting the
Challenges of the 1980s with Planning based in the Facts. Chicago: Center for Parish
Development, [1981?]. 4p.
Center for Service, The United Methodist Building, 1200 Davis Street, Evanston, Illinois.
Evanston: Board of Health and Welfare Ministries, Division of Interpretation, Program
Council, Board of the Laity, Board of Pensions, Council on World Service and Finance,
1969. [16]p.
Centers of Compassion: our Hospitals in India. Boston: Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society,
Methodist Episcopal Church, [1918]. 8p.
Centers of Compassion: our Hospitals in China. Boston: Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society,
Methodist Episcopal Church, [1918]. 16p.
Central America.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 83
Central America and the Caribbean. Washington: General Board of Church and Society, The
United Methodist Church, [1984]. 20p. (Faith Witness on Today’s Issues).
Central Hall [Wesleyan Methodist] Manchester.
Central Hall, Southampton, England. Songs and Choruses for the Central Hall Prayer Meeting.
Southampton: Central Hall, [196-?]. 11p.
Central Methodist College, Fayette, MO. The Central Methodist College Methodist Collection.
Fayette, MO: Central Methodist College, [1976]. 6p.
The Central Mission. Copenhagen: Fyrtaarnets Publishing House and Printery, 1920.
Central Oaks Heights Camp Meeting Association, West Milton, PA. Summer Assembly, July 7August 17. 1947. Theme: Forward together with Christ. s.l.: Central Pennsylvania
Conference, EUB Church, 1947. 16p.
Central Oak Heights Camp Meeting Association, West Milton, PA. Central Oak Heights,
Program of School of Methods, Bible Conference, Camp Meeting, West Milton, PA, July
21-August 10, 1915. s.l.: The Association, 1915. 8p.
A Century in Mission, a Supplement to New World Outlook. New York: GBGM, UMC, 2000.
Central Wesleyan Kollegiums. Warrenton, MO. Katalog 1904-1905.
The Certain Consequences of Living in Sin.
Certificado de Bautismo, Confirmacion y Reception. United Methodist Church.
Certificado de Bautismo. United Methodist Church.
Certificado de Matrimonio. United Methodist Church.
Certificate of Baptism, Confirmation and Reception. United Methodist Church.
Certificate of Baptism. United Methodist Church.
Certificate of Marriage. United Methodist Church.
Certificate of Recognition. Having satisfactorily completed the course of instruction in Christian
doctrine for intermediate youth entitled “The Christian Way” provided by the Evangelical
United Brethren Church. [Dayton, OH: Board of Christian Education, EUB Church, 194?]. 13p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 84
Certification Council Manual and Directory. Evanston: Health and Welfare Certification Council
of the United Methodist Church, 1975. 33p.
The Ceylonese Converts: Brief Memoirs of Frederick Hesler and Donna Wilmina, with
Interesting Notices of Others in the Ceylon schools; and affecting Obituaries of two
young persons of North America. Edited by Robert Newstead. London: Published by J.
Mason, [18--]. 50p.
Chadwick, Samuel. Wesleyan Reformer: Doings of Despotism! Being a Report of the Quarterly
Meeting of the Wesleyan Reformers of the Cleckheaton Circuit. Batley, England: Jas.
Fearnsides printer, 1859. 24p. This copy lacks pp. 13-24.
Chakour, Charles M. Building Clergy Compensation, a New Direction for Clergy Tax Savings
under the new Tax Law. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1987. 43p.
Challenge: Faith for Life. Nashville: Cokesbury, 1992. 80p. (Christian Perspectives on Social
Issues, vol 1).
The Challenge of the Centenary to the Sunday Schools. Chicago: Board of Sunday Schools of
the Methodist Episcopal Church, [1918?]. 8p. (The Centenary [of Methodist Missions]).
The Challenge of the Foreign Field: Board of Foreign Missions, Woman’s Foreign Missionary
Society. Chicago: The Commission of Life Service of the MEC, [between 1920 and
1924]. 16p.
The Challenge of the Future. Nashville, TN: General Sunday School Board, M.E. Church, South.
A Challenge from God.
Challenge: the Least of These. Nashville: Cokesbury, 1993. 80p. (Christian perspectives on
social issues).
Challenge: Life and Death. Nashville: Cokesbury, 1992. 80p. (Christian perspectives on Social
Challenge: Violence. Nashville: Cokesbury, 1993. 80p. (Christian perspectives on social issues).
The Challenge of a New Approach to Alcohol: Developing a Program of Action toward Freedom
from Alcohol. Baltimore: Board of Temperance, Baltimore Annual Conference of The
Methodist Church, [1956?]. 6p.
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Challoner, Richard. A Caveat against the Methodist shewing how it is for any Christian to join
Himself to their Society, or to adhere to their Teachers, to which is added the Catholic
devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary. 3rd edition. London: Printed by J. P. Coghlan, 1787.
45p. (Richard Green: Anti-Methodist publications, no. 538).
Chalmers, William. Sermons.
Chamberlin, J. Gordon. Leader’s Guide for the Study of The Latin American Circuit, by
Elizabeth M. Lee and Alfred W. Wasson and Latin America, USA, by Elmer T. Clark
and Harry C. Spencer. New York: Editorial Department, Joint Division of Education and
Cultivation, Board of Missions and Church Extension, The Methodist Church, [1942].
Chambers, Leon. Help in Times of Trouble. Edited by Mildred Chambers. Fairfax, AL: Mildred
Chambers, 1971. 15p.
Chambers, Wesley A. “Lo, these parts of his way’: a Brief History of the Woodend Methodist
Church, published on the Occasion of the 90th anniversary of the Establishment of
Methodism in Woodend. Christ Church, NZ: Wesley Historical Society, [1948]. 16p.
(Wesley Historical Society, New Zealand, Proceedings, vol. 6. no. 4).
Chambers, Will E. The Articles of Religion, some significant Foundations of C.M.E. Beliefs.
Salisbury, NC: Concepts Materialized, Inc., 1983. 10p.
Chambers, Will E. Student’s Guide for the Christian Methodist Episcopal Membership Manual.
Salisbury, NC: Concepts Materialized, Inc., 1983. 19p.
Chambers, Will E. Teacher’s Guide for the Christian Methodist Episcopal Membership Manual.
Salisbury, NC: Concepts Materialized, Inc., 1983. 24p.
The Chand Bagh Chronicle, April 1954. Lucknow: Lucknow Publishing House for Isabella
Thoburn College, 1954. 54p. Vol. 41, no. 3.
Chandler, Harry. The People called Methodists. Third printing, revised. Rock Hill, SC: Record
Printing Company, 1976. 33p.
Chandler, Samuel. A Short and Plain Catechism.
Chang, Ki Chun. Methodist in Korea, Past and Future. Seoul: Korean Methodist Church, Council
of Bishops, 1987. 40p.
The Changed Crosses: An Easter Demonstration for Young People.
Channels of Prayer: Prayer Manual 1985/86. London: Methodist Overseas Division, 1985. 56p.
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Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 86
Chaplain, John F. A True Fast, a fast-day Sermon preached in Wharton Street M.E. Church,
Philadelphia, Thursday April 30th, 1863. Philadelphia, Bryson’s Printing Rooms, 1863.
The Chaplaincy in United Methodism. Arlington, VA: Division of Chaplains and Related
Ministries, United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 1978. 9p.
Chapman, Arthur S. The Teaching of John Wesley regarding the Mode of Water Baptism to be
found in his “Treatise on Baptism’. Shelbyville, IL: s.n. [18-?]. [4p]. Included excerpts
from John Wesley’s Treatise on Baptism, p 2-4.
Chapman, E. Rev. Robert Aitken. A paper delivered 15th May 1982. s.l.: Manx Methodist
Historical Society, 1983. 9p.
Chapman, Harold B. Twelve days of Christmas. Luton, Beds.: Mrs. H. B. Chapman, 1965. 58p.
[Chapman, J. Arundel]. Isaiah 40-55, a Short Introduction. Manchester: J. Arundel Chapman,
[19-?]. 12p.
Chapman, James Blaine. All for our Souls. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press, 1962. 23p.
Second printing.
Chapman, James Blaine. America’s High Way to Life. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press,
1948. 30p.
Chapman, James Blaine. Christ and the Bible. 5th printing. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press,
1940. 31p.
Chapman, James Blaine. A Christian: what it means to be One. Revised edition. Kansas City,
MO: Beacon Hill Press, 1967. 23p.
Chapman, James Blaine. Nazarene Primer. Kansas City, MO: Nazarene Publishing House, 1950.
Chapman, James Blaine. With Chapman at Camp Meeting: Sermons preached by J. B. Chapman.
Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press, 1961. 22p.
Chapman, James Blaine. Your Life, make the most of it. 2nd Edition. Kansas City, MO: Nazarene
Publishing House, 1939. 32p.
Chapman, James Blaine. Your Life, make the most of it. Kansas City, MO: Nazarene Publishing
House, 1945. 32p.
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Chapman, James L. Defence of the Government of the Methodist Episcopal Church, in his
debate with the Rev. J. R. Graves at Canton, Mississippi, May 1855.
Chappell, Albert Bygrave. Across Hundred Years, 1841-1941: a Brief History of the beginning
and early progress of Methodism in Auckland, NZ. Auckland, NZ: Printed by Wilson &
Horton, Ltd., [1941]. 62p. (Wesley Historical Society, New Zealand Branch,
Proceedings, vol. 1, no.1).
Chappell, Clovis Gillham. A Jarring Question: Will a Man rob God? Chicago: General Board of
Lay Activities, The Methodist Church, [1940?]. 16p.
Chappell, Clovis Gilham. My Church. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p. (Tract-of-the-month),
Chappell, E. P. New-found Friends in Europe.
Chappell, Edwin B and W.W. Peele. Childhood and the Church. Nashville: Methodist Publishing
House, [1944?]. 15p.
Chappell, Winifred. A Deaconess - Why Not? 4th edition. Chicago: Board of Hospitals, Homes
and Deaconess Work of the Methodist Episcopal Church, [192-?]. 22p.
A Chapter in the History of Railway Locomotion with Memoir of Timothy Hackworth, the
Father of Locomotives. 1875. 17p.
Charisma in the 20th century Church. Los Angeles: Full Gospel Business Men’s Fellowship
International, [19-?]. 32p.
A Charge and Sermon together with an Introductory Discourse and Confession of faith delivered
at the Ordination of the Rev. Mr. Caleb Evans, August 18, 1767, in Borad-Mead Birstol.
Bristol: Printed and sold by S. Farley, 1767. 99p.
Charman, Paul. Reflections: Black and White Christians in the City. London: Published by Zebra
Project, Bow Mission, printed by Moffatt Press, Co., Ltd. 1979. 64p.
Charity, Harold W. For Those who are ill. London: Epworth Press, 1956. 24p.
Charles H. Wesley, President, Central State College. Wilberforce, Ohio: Central State College,
[196-?]. [20]p.
Charles Macaulay Stuart, a Memorial. Evanston: Garrett Biblical Institute, 1932. 30p. Garrett
Biblical Institute Bulletin, vol. 20, no. 2 June 1932.
Charles Wesley Society. Information, Publications, Gift form, Membership Application, Order
Form. Bay Head, NJ: S T Kimbrough, Jr. 2000. 24p.
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Charles Wesley’s House: Bristol (1749-1771).
Charley and his Dog. New York: Sunday School Union [of the MEC, between 1833 and 1869].
4p. (R.R. tract, no. 15)
Charlotte City Mission Society Annual Report, 1947-1950. Charlotte, NC: CCMS, 1947-1950.
The Charm and the Challenge of the Navajo Methodist Mission School, Farmington, New
Mexico, a Boarding School for Indian Youth, grades six through twelve. [s.l.: The
School, 1968]. 6p.
The Charm of Mission Study: Information begets Inspiration. Nashville: Education Department,
Board of Missions, Methodist Episcopal Church, South.
The Charter: being a plain statement of facts in relation to an application to the legislature of
Pennsylvania to grant a charter for the American Sunday-School Union, with the
statement of the resident members of the Board of Managers belonging to the Methodist
Episcopal Church, in reference to charges made against the Union by the Christian
Advocate and Journal. Philadelphia: No. 146 Chestnut Street, 1828. 18p.
Chartered Fund: to the Bishops and Preachers of the Methodist Episcopal Church on General
Conference assembled in the city of Baltimore. Philadelphia: s.n., 1824. 12p.
Chase, Don M. He Opened the West: Jedediah Strong Smith.
Chase, Don M. Pioneers: Sketches of Pioneer Days in Shasta, Tehama, Trinity and Siskiyou
Counties, with emphasis on the beginnings of religious organizations. Sebastapol, CA:
Don M. Chase, 1945. 31p.
Chase, P. Wonderland Itinerary: Official Tours to the Methodist General Conference to be held
in Los Angeles, California, May 4th to 31st, 1904. New York: s.l.: s.n., 1904. 96p.
Chase, Samuel, A.M. Antinomianism Unmasked: An Inquiry into the Distinctive Characteristics
of the two Dispensations of Law and Grace.
Chautauqua Institution, Chautauqua, NY. An Order of Sunday Service for Chautauqua
Assemblies. New York: Phillips & Hunt, [between 1879 and 1889]. 7p. (Magazine series,
no. 1210).
The Chautauqua Literary and Scientific Circle. The general idea and objects.
The Chautauqua Sunday-School Assembly. Magazine series No. 41.
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The Chautauqua Sunday-School Assembly. New York: Tract Society of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, 1875. 68p. (Magazine series, no. 41).
Chautaugqua Vesper Service – No. 1.
Chattanooga Methodist Players. Chattanooga Methodist Players present Yunwiya (meaning
“principal people” in the Cherokee Indian dialect): Pageant written for presentation at the
137th session of the Holston Annual Conference of The Methodist Church, June 11, 1960.
Chattanooga, TN: s.n., [1960]. [12]p.
Chaves, Derly de Azevedo. Monumento a ser erigido em porto allegre capital do Rio Grande do
Sul, Homenagem ao fundador do Methodismo, Joao Wesely, por ocasiao das
comemoracoes do 250th aniversariode seu nascimiento. [s.l.: s.n., 1953]. 4p.
Chavez, Guillermo. Christian Ethics in the Hispanic Church: a paper presented to Hispanic
Symposium on Ministries of the Hispanic Church, November 27-30, 1978, Perkins
School of Theology, sponsored by Hispanic Instructor Development Program, Southern
Methodist University. Dallas: Perkins School of Theology, 1978. 17, 2p.
Chaves, Ottilia de O. (Mrs.). World Federation of Methodist Women, what it is and what it can
become: bits of Information for the Units. Porto Alegre, R.S. Brasil, 1953. 6p.
Chenanga District Ministerial Association.
Chepstow Jack: or, Lay Hold of the Rope! A Tract for Penitents seeking Pardon. New York:
Tract Society. (Tract No. 441).
Chequer Alley School – Chapel. Report of the Building Fund 1868.
Cherry, Clinton M. Invitation to Believe. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [197-?]. 6p.
Chestnut College, a Record of the College founded by Selina, Countess of Huntingdon at
Trevecca in 1768.
Chestnut, Charles W. The March of Progress.
Chew, Richard. A Memoir of the late Councillor John Benson, the substance of which was read
on the occasion of his funeral sermon preached in Wesley Chapel, Newcastle-upon-Tyne,
on Sunday evening, March 18th, 1866, together with a report of the funeral address
delivered in the above chapel, in connection with the interment, on Wednesday the 21st of
February. Newcastle-upon-Tyne,: T.P. Barkas, 1866. 36p.
Chew, Sylvester N. The Supernatural: a Specialty…1877.
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Chi, Tony. Believing on the Holy Spirit. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1981. 21p. (A Passit-on book).
Chiang, Kai-shek. I Bear my Witness. New York: Editorial Department, Joint Division of
Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions and Church Extension, The Methodist
Church, [194-?]. 7p.
Chiang, Mei-ling. I Confess my Faith. New York: Editorial Department, Joint Division of
Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions and Church Extension, The Methodist
Church, [1943?]. 11p. Photocopy.
Chiang, Mei-ling. The Crossroad: Survival or Destruction. [Taipei, China]: Government
Information Office, 1957. 18p.
Chiang, Mei-ling. My Religion. Philadelphia: Committee on Stewardship, Evangelical and
Reformed Church. [194-?]. 6p.
Chicago Deaconess Home. Fresh Air Work under the Auspices of the Chicago Deaconess Home.
Chicago: The Home, 1904. 27p.
Chicago Deaconess Home. Going about doing good, Chicago Deaconess Home. Chicago: s.n.,
1892. 31p.
Chicago Deaconess Home. Applied Christianity in a Great City: Second Annual Report of the
Chicago Deraconess Home, 114 Dearborn Avenue. Chicago: The Home, 1889. 20p.
Chicago Deaconess Home. A Sensible Way of helping the Sick and Poor, Third Annual Report
of the Chicago Deaconess Home. Chicago: The Home, 1890. 18p.
Chicago Deaconess Home. Annual Report of the Chicago Deaconess Home, 1892-1893.
Chicago: J. C. Drake, printer, 1893. 32p.
Chicago Deaconess Home. Ninth Annual Report of the Chicago Deaconess Home of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, May 1896. Chicago: The Home, 1896. 36p.
Chicago Deaconess Home. Tenth Annual Report of the Chicago Deaconess Home of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, 1897. Chicago: The Home, 1897. 34p.
Chicago Deaconess Home. The Open Door of Service. Chicago: Chicago Deaconess Home,
[1948?]. 6p.
Chicago Home Missionary and Church Extension Society Annual Report for 1890. Chicago: R.
R. McCabe & Co., printers, 1891. 39p.
Methodist Library
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Chicago Home Missionary and Church Extension Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church
Annual Report, 1912-1913. Chicago: Press of the Methodist Book Concern, 1913. 61p.
Chicago Home Missionary and Church Extension Society. Seventy-fourth Annual Report, 1959.
Chicago: CHMCES, 1959. 8p.
Chicago Home Missionary and Church Extension Society. 75 Years of Service to the City,
Seventy-fifth Annual Report, 1960. Chicago: CHMCES, 1960. 13p.
Chicago Training School. Ninth Annual Report of the Chicago Training School and Deaconess
Home. Chicago: CTS, 1894. 74p.
Chicago Training School for City, Home and Foreign Missions. Eleventh Annual
Announcement. Chicago: CTS, 1896. 32p.
Chicago Training School. 14th Annual Catalogue, 1899. Chicago: s.n., 1899. 48p.
The Chief, Mr. C. R. Anthony. Oklahoma City, OK: C. R. Anthony Company, 1984. [14]p.
The Chief Shepherd.
Chilcote, Russell Quale. Sharad, Camel Driver for the Kings: the Story of One who journeyed
with the Wise Men to Bethlehem. Nashville: The Upper Room, 1978. 32p.
The Child Preacher … Renee Martz at 8 ‘Shining Star’. Jack Martz Party, 15176 W. Central
Ave., Orlando, Florida. June 1949.
Childe, Donald B. China Now: an Account of the Church in China To-day. London: Cargate
Press, [195-?]. 43p.
Child Welfare at Spofford Home.
The Child’s New Day. Nashville: Woman’s Missionary Council, Methodist Episcopal Church,
South, [1920]. 12p.
The Children and the Church.
Children and Discipline. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1979. 6p. (Workers with children.
All ages).
Children and Young People in the Church: General Report of the Division of Education and
Youth, approved by the Methodist Conference 1984. London: Methodist Church,
Division of Education and Youth, 1984. [24]p.
Methodist Library
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Children at Church: Responsive Orders of Worship. 5th edition. London: Methodist Youth
Department, [1947]. 44p.
Children at Church: Responsive Orders of Worship. 6th reprint. London: Methodist Youth
Department, [19--]. 44p.
Children at Holy Communion: the Report approved by the Methodist Conference 1987. London:
Methodist Church Division of Education and Youth, 1987. 21p.
Children Grow and Learn. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1974. 4p.(Workers with children
series. All ages).
Children need our Love! New York: Advance Office, GBGM, [1982]. 8p.
Children Next Door: a Day-by-day Book of Prayers for JMA. London :Methodist Missionary
Society, [195-?]. 48p.
Children of the Congregation. Dayton: Department of Children’s Work, Board of Christian
Education, Evangelical United Brethren Church, [194-?]. 30p.
Children of the Kraal: Shall Christ or Mohammed be their King. New York: Africa Diamond
Jubilee Commission of the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1909. 6p .
Children on Sunday Morning. London: Methodist Youth Department, 1958. 4p.
The Children who drifted to Sea.
Children’s Bible Studies: an Overview. Nashville: Graded Press, 1984. 12p. (Curriculum
resources, the UMC).
The Children’s Choir No. 2: Song-anthems and Service Music for the Lower and Middle Grades.
Compiled and arranged by Ellen Jane Lorenz. Dayton, OH: Lorenz Publishing Co., 1960.
Children’s Day helps Boys and Girls go to College. Chicago: Board of Education of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, [193-?]. 1p.
Children’s Day in the Evangelical Church. Childhood’s Royal Road: Fiftieth Annual Children’s
day, June 1930. s.l.: s.n., 19p.
Children’s Day paves the Student’s Way. Chicago: Board of Education of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, [193-?]. 1p. Two different printings.
Methodist Library
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Children’s Day Service. Baltimore, MD: Stockton Press, for the Union Board of Foreign
Missionary Administration of the Methodist Protestant Church, 1923. 16p.
Children’s Day Service. Baltimore, MD: Stockton Press, for the Union Board of Foreign
Missionary Administration of the Methodist Protestant Church, [1924?]. 16p.
Children’s Day Service, in Memory of Rev. Fred C. Klein. Berwyn, MD: Union Board of
Foreign Missionary Administration of the Methodist Protestant Church, 1927. 16p.
Children’s Day Service, Centennial Year. [Baltimore, MD: Stockton Press, for the Union Board
of Foreign Missionary Administration of the Methodist Protestant Church, 1928. 16p.
Children’s Day Treasury, Number 58. Dayton, OH: Lorenz Publishing Company, [1938?]. 32p.
With music.
Children’s Department of Woman’s Missionary Council.
The Children’s Division of the Church School. Nashville: Department of Christian Education of
Children, Division of the Local Church, Board of Education of The Methodist Church,
1943. 12p.
Children’s Division Standard of Excellence.
Children’s Division Yearbook, 1950-1951. Nashville: Methodist Publushing House, 1950. 48p.
Prepared by Department of Christian Education of Children, Division of the Local
Church, General Board of Education of The Methodist Church.
The Children’s Fund for Christian Mission. Cincinnati: Service Center, General Board of Global
Ministries, 1986. 4p.
The Children’s Home.
Children’s Praise.
Children’s Prayer Calendar, 1998. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, 1997. [40]p.
Children’s Prayer Calendar, 1999. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, 1998. 40p.
Children’s Prayer Calendar, 2000. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, 1999. [36]p.
Children’s Prayer Calendar, 2001. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, 2000. [52]p.
Children’s Program.
Methodist Library
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Child’s Bible Story Book.
Childs, Edwin T. A. Charles Wesley Trilogy. Alexandria: Woodland Music Press, 1988. 15p.
Musical Score.
China and Ourselves: The United Methodist China Program and the People’s Republic of China.
Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, 1982. 8p.
China and what the Methodists are doing there. New York: Editorial Department, Joint Division
of Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions and Church Extension, The Methodist
Church, [194-?]. 39p.
The China Centennial, Wednesday Evening, June 30, 1948, the Southeastern Jurisdictional
Conference, The Methodist Church. Columbia, SC: [s.l.: s.n., 1948]. 14p.
China Packet. Good News, 1978.
China Paragraph Pictures. Chicago: Methodist Episcopal Church, World Service Commission,
[1920?]. 8p.
China Rehabilitation Campaign: a Church-wide Movement of Southern Methodism for the
Rehabilitation and Relief of the Methodist Church and People in war-torn China.
[Nashville: Board of Missions of the MEC, South, 1939]. 12p. Cover title: Carrying on in
China. Washington, DC: General Board of Church and Society, The United Methodist Church,
[1984]. 12p. (Faith Witness on Today’s Issues).
Chinese Girls being Friends.
The Chinese Sisters Soong came to Wesleyan.
Ching, Donald Stanley. Am Here Alone.
Ching, Donald Stanley. Old Man Union Jack, the Story of Prophet Harris. London: Cargate
Press, [1946]. 31p.
Chism, Fairy. Tips to Christians. Walla Walla, WA: General Printing Company, [19-?]. 16p.
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Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
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Chism, Fairy. Tips to Christians, Revised. Walla Walla, WA: General Printing Company, [19-?].
Chism, Fairy Steele. Tips to Christians. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City,
1968. 48p.
Cho, En Chul. [The Way to a Faithful Life: Theology for Laymen]. Nashville: Discipleship
Resources, 1980. 69p.
The Choices: a Dialogue for Five Girls. New York: [Methodist] Book Rooms, [between 1869
and 1889]. 3p. Sunday School Anniversary Dialogues.
The Cholera. New York: Tract Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, [between 1833 and
1869]. 4p. (No. 38).
The Choral Services of Doctrine.
Christ: a Revelation of God. New York: Tract Society [of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
between 1833 and 1869]. 2p. (No. 68).
Christ Ascending, by the Author of “Peep of Day,” etc. New York: Sunday-School Union of the
Methodist Episcopal Church, [185-?]. 14p.
Christ calls to Christian Growth. Edited by Reuben H. Mueller. Dayton, OH: Council on
Administration, The Evangelical United Brethren Church, 1953. 80p.
Christ calls to Commitment: a Manual of Spiritual Living. Dayton, OH: Women’s Society of
World Service, The Evangelical United Brethren Church, [1951]. 12p.
Christ calls to Growth: a Manual of Spiritual Living, 1953-54. Dayton, OH: Women’s Society of
World Service, The EUB Church, [1953]. 12p.
Christ calls to Stewardship. Edited by L. L. Baughman. Dayton, OH: Published by Otterbein
Press for the Council of Administration, the Evangelical United Brethren Church, 1951.
Christ calls to World-witnessing: a Manual of Spiritual Living, 1954-55. Dayton, OH: Women’s
Society of World Service, The EUB Church, [1954]. 12p.
Christ died for Him who Perishes. New York: Tract Society [of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
between 1833 and 1869]. 2p. (Leaflets for letters, no. 750).
Christ for Every Life and all of Life. [Chicago: Council on World Service, The Methodist
Episcopal Church, 193-?]. 6p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 96
Christ for the World We Sing! Worship Booklet for Women’s Societies of Christian Service
[and] Wesleyan Service Guilds, September, 1958-August, 1959. Cincinnati: Woman’s
Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions, The Methodist Church, Literature
Headquarters, 1958. 40p.
Christ in the Counting Room. New York: Office of Guide to Holiness, [18-?]. 1p. (Phoebe
Palmer leaflets, A48).
Christ in the Life of the Home. Chicago: Christian Education Department, African Methodist
Episcopal Zion Church, [1934]. 15p.
Christ is my Teacher. New York: Tract Society [of the MEC, between 1869 and 1889]. 2p.
(Leaflets for letters, no. 1160).
Christ Jesus Himself the Cornerstone: Worship Services for Women’s Societies of Christian
Service [and] Wesleyan Service Guilds, September, 1949-August, 1950. Cincinnati:
Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions and Church Extension, The
Methodist Church, Literature Headquarters, 1949. 28p.
Christ Only. New York: Tract Society [of the MEC, between 1869 and 1889]. 2p. (Leaflets for
letters, no. 60).
Christ: the Only Refuge from the Wrath to Come.
Christ, or the World. New York: Tract Society [of the MEC, between 1833 and 1869]. 4p.
(Sunday school series, no. 55).
Christ: Our All in All. New York: Tract Society [of the MEC, between 1869 and 1889]. 2p.
(Leaflets for letters, no. 12].
Christ sends us Forth: Crusade Scholarship Program. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, 1979.
Christ sends us Forth: Crusade Scholarship Program. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, 1983.
Christ sends us Forth: Crusade Scholarship Program. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, 1986.
Christ transforming Culture: Hymns from Cantate Domino. Nashville: Methodist Student
Movement, [195-]. [40]p. 24 hymns with music plus Communion ritual.
The Christian Advocate: the National News Journal of Methodism presents its 1955 Church
Building Survey. Chicago: s.n., 1955. 17p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 97
Christian Americanization: Bureau of Foreign Speaking Work, a Summary, 1920. Philadelphia:
Board of Home Missions and Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
1920. 15p.
A Christian approach to Nuclear War. New York: Church Peace Commission, 1959. 12p.
Christian Baptism.
Christian Career Opportunities through Methodist Hospitals and Homes. Chicago: Board of
Hospitals and Homes of The Methodist Church, [1963?]. 6p.
Christian Career Opportunities through Methodist Hospitals and Homes. Chicago: Board of
Hospitals and Homes of The Methodist Church, [1969?]. 6p.
The Christian Christmas tree 2: 30 Full-size easy-to-use Patterns. Nashville: Abingdon Press,
1990. [20]p.
Christian Citizen’s opinion on World Order.
Christian Citizenship. Cincinnati: Literature Headquarters, Women’s Division of Christian
Service, Board of Missions and Church Extension, The Methodist Church, [1941]. 48p.
(Christian Social Relations and Local Church Activities, no. 5).
The Christian Conception of God.
Christian Council of Bombay. The Call to Justice & Peace, a Practical Proposal. Bombay:
Christian Council of Bombay, [1973?]. 12p.
Christian Counsel to the Immigrant. New York: Tract Society [of the MEC, between 1833 and
1869]. 8p. (no. 401). Includes what will you have? By J. W. Alexander, pp 7-8.
Christian Conversion Today. A paper presented at a conference entitled Making Christians in
Contemporary Society at the University of Keele, 16-19 April 1968, under the auspices
of the Archbishop’s Committee on Evangelism and The Methodist Church Home
Mission Department Commission on Evangelism. [London: s.n., 1968]. 23p.
Christian Economic and Social Research Foundation. Methodist Ministers and Total Abstinence:
Report on an Inquiry made with the goodwill of the Christian Citizenship Department of
the Methodist Church. London: Christian Economic and Social Research Foundation,
1962. 15p.
Christian Education Highlights: Summary of Proceedings and Papers from the Delhi Area
Administrators Seminar, Sept 12th – 15th, 1971, Modarabad, U.P. Edited by M. Elia Peter.
Jabalpur: Council of Christian Education, 1971. 45p.
Methodist Library
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Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 98
Christian Education in the Annual Conference: a Handbook for the Executive Secretary, for
Members of the Conference Board of Education, a Symposium. Editor, Nathaniel F.
Forsyth. Nashville: General Board of Education, The Methodist Church, 1956.
Christian Education Sunday, 1989, a Litany. Lily M. Villamin; a Litany of Dedication by
Carolyn M. Anderson. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1989. 2p.
Christian Education: Shared Approaches, general prospectus, 1980-81.
Christian Education Week, 1979, Program Ideas. Nashville: Division of Education, Board of
Discipleship, 1979. “Decision Point: Church School, 4th year: Into the next 100 years.
The Christian Family, the General Conference of 1960 Speaks: Resolution on the Christian
Family, the Episcopal Address, Planned Parenthood and Population Problems. Nashville:
Department of the Christian Family, Board of Education, The Methodist Church, 1960.
Christian Educators’ Fellowship, National Conference, Savannah, 1984. Program Journal for the
National Conference of the Christian Educator’s Fellowship of The United Methodist
Church, in Savannah, GA, October 22-27, 1984. [s.l.: Christian Educator’s Fellowship,
1984, 28p].
Christian Educator’s Fellowship. Resource Packet: Advent/Christmas/Epiphany. [Nashville:
CEF, 1991].
Christian Educator’s Fellowship. National Conference Savannah, 1984. A Conference Journal
and Manual for Instruction and Advice. [s.l.: Christian Educator’s Fellowship, 1984].
Christian Educator’s Fellowship of The United Methodist Church. The Christian Educator’s
Fellowship of the United Methodist Church. Nashville: Christian Educator’s Fellowship,
[199-?]. 12p.
Christian Educator’s Fellowship of the United Methodist Church. The Christian Educator deals
with Stress. Nashville: CEF, [1991]. 2p. (Professional Christian educator in the local
The Christian Family in War Time. Nashville: Division of the Local Church, The Board of
Education of The Methodist Church, [1942?]. 8p.
Christian Formation, Covenant Discipleship, the early Methodist Class Meeting for the Church
of Today, Class Leaders, recovering a Tradition. Nashville: Discipleship Resources [199?]. 8p.
Methodist Library
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Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 99
The Christian going up to His Heavenly Canaan.
Christian Higher Education Blueprint. Nashville: General Conference Commission on Christian
Higher Education, 1957. 44p.
Christian Holiness Almanac and Yearbook for 1888. Edited by George Hughes. New York:
Palmer & Hughes, 1888. 68p.
Christian Holiness Almanac and Yearbook for 1887. Edited by George Hughes.
Christian Holiness Almanac and Yearbook for 1886. Edited by George Hughes.
Christian Holiness Almanac and Yearbook for 1885. Edited by George Hughes.
Christian Holiness Almanac and Yearbook for 1884. Edited by George Hughes.
The Christian Home, the Hope of the World. Nashville: Tidings, 1951. 8p.
The Christian Institute in South Africa, Witness against Racism. London: Christian Institute
Fund, 1974. 4p.
Christian Intelligencer and Southern Methodist. Vol. 2., no. 9. January, 1847.
The Christian Leader and his Task, for all the Leaders in the Church. Nashville: Board of
Education of the Methodist Episcopal Church, The Division of Religious Education in
the Local Church, 1935. 24p.
Christian Leadership for the Orient.
Christian Living in our Time: Concern Views the Purdue Convocation. Produced by Concern for
the National Convocation of Methodist Youth, August 1951. s.l: Concern, 1951. 32p.
Christian Medical College Hospital Vellore, India. Facts and Figures, 1975-1976. Vellore, India:
Christian Medical College Hospital, 1976. 32p.
Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. Woman’s Missionary Council. Manual of the Woman’s
Missionary Council, C.M.E. Church, August 1975. Memphis, TN: C.M.E. Publishing
House, 1975. 56p.
Christian Mission Digest, 1959-60. New York: Joint Section of Education and Cultivation of the
Board of Missions of The Methodist Church, [1959]. 64p.
Christian Mission Digest, 1967-1968. Cincinnati: Service Center, 1967. 64p.
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Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
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A Christian Perspective on a Variety of Life Styles. Nashville: Graded Press, 1976. 48p.
The Christian Quest: Youth and Jesus’ Way of Life.
A Christian Reformer. To the Wesleyans of the Fourth London Circuit. London: P. and P.
Parker, [1849]. 4p. (Wesleyan Reform Papers, no. 1).
The Christian Sabbath. New York: Tract Society of the MEC, [between 1833 and 1869]. 8p. (No.
Christian Steward’s League. To the Editor: the eleven columns of these pages devoted to
proportionate giving will be published simultaneously, February 12, in the following
Chicago religious weeklies…. [Chicago: Stewards’ League, 188-?]. 2p.
Christian Stewardship Releasing Resources for Mission. London: Methodist Stewardship
Organization, Home Mission Division of the Methodist Church, [1989]. 4p.
Christian Tithers Say… [Chicago]: Joint Stewardship Council of The Methodist Church, [196-?].
Christian, To Arms! New York: Office of Guide to Holiness, [18-]. 1p. (Phoebe Palmer leaflets,
Christian Uses of Conflicts, No. 1-6. Nashville: Graded Press, 1969. 2vols. (Weekend packet for
late teens).
A Christian Watchman. The Wesleyan Conference of 1849 condemned by the Law of Christ, a
Review of the recent expulsions and of the President’s Defense. London: Johnstone and
Hunter, 1849. 8p.
The Christian Way to a New World. London: Epworth Press, [194-?]. 3p. (Foundery leaflets, no.
Christian World Facts, 1957-1958. New York: Joint Section of Education and Cultivation of the
Board of Missions of The Methodist Church, [1958]. 64p.
Christian World Facts, 1958-1959. New York: Joint Section of Education and Cultivation of the
Board of Missions of The Methodist Church, 1959. 64p.
Christian Worship. Compiled and Edited by D. T. Gregory. Dayton, OH: Otterbein Press, 1950.
A Christian’s Experience. New York: Phillips and Hunt, [between 1879 and 1889]. 12p. (New
Series No. 72).
Methodist Library
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Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 101
A Christian Experience. New York: Hunt and Eaton; Cincinnati: Cranston & Curts [between
1892 and 1896]. 12p. (No. 72).
A Christian’s Looking Glass. By a sinner saved by grace. Reading, England: Barcham and
Beecroft, printer, 1874. 8p.
A Christian’s Primer of Human Rights. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of Christian Service,
Board of Missions, The Methodist Church, Literature Headquarters, 1957. 43p.
A Christian’s Primer on Political Action: The Christian and Responsible Citizenship. Cincinnati:
Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions, The Methodist Church,
Literature Headquarters, 1961. 30p.
The Christian’s Walk. New York: Tract Society [of the MEC, between 1833 and 1869]. 1p. (No.
The Christian’s Walk with God by Richard Baxter.
Christians for New Times: Worship Resources and Programs for a World Friendship Group of
Girls in the Methodist Youth Fellowship to the Study the Work of the Women’s Division
of Christian Service. Cincinnati: Literature Headquarters, Woman’s Division of Christian
Service, Board of Missions of The Methodist Church, 1962. 132p.
Christianity and Communism: an Analysis prepared by the Faculty of Garrett Biblical Institute,
Evanston, Illinois. Evanston: GBI, [1949?]. 4p.
Christianity True & False: the Annual Meetings of the Francis Asbury Society of Ministers, Inc.,
the John Wesley Fellowship and the American Association of Bible Believing
Methodists, July 29-August 2, 1974. Atlanta, GA: s.n., 1974. 6p.
Christmas Chimes of Joy. New York: Hunt & Eaton; Cincinnati: Cranston & Curts, 1981. 11p.
With music.
Christmas Greetings from your Pastor. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1981. 8p.
Christie, Wesley Ren. Historical Moments in Georgia Methodism, 1776-1976. Valdosta, GA:
Department of Speech and Drama, Valdosta State College, 1976. 79p.
Christmas Gifts for a Young Girl. New York: Published at the [Methodist] Book Room [between
1869 and 1889]. 2p. (Fifth series, no. 17).
Christ’s Welcome to Returning Sinner. New York: Tract Society [of the MEC, between 1869
and 1889]. 2p. (Leaflets for letters, no. 120).
Methodist Library
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Chubb, Rolla H. A Discourse upon the Death of President Lincoln. Mansfield, OH: Herald Book
& Job Printing Establishment, 1865.
Chun, Sang E. Embracing Diversity in Congregations. Nashville: General Board of Discipleship,
2000. 8p. (Partners in Discipleship).
Church, Leslie. The Bi-centenary of John Wesley’s Conversion, May 24, 1837-1938. London:
s.n., 1938. 4p. (Wesley Day 2). Signed at end: L. F. C.
Church, Leslie Frederick. John Wesley. Story by Leslie F. Church: Pictures by Greta Jones.
London: Epworth Press, [195-]. 24p.
Church, Leslie Frederick. Yonder, a Little Book for the Bereaved. London: Epworth Press, 1944.
Church and Community Workers are National Mission Workers in a Kaleidoscopic Ministry.
New York: Office of Church and Community Ministry, National Program Division,
GBGM, [198-?]. 8p.
The Church and Human Need. New York: Methodist Committee for Overseas Relief, [196-?].
The Church and Higher Education: an Experiment in Interpretation. Nashville: Department of
Campus Ministry, Division of Higher Education, The United Methodist Church,
[between 1968 and 1972]. 28p.
The Church and Its Missions: Reports on United Church of Northern India consultations held in
India November, 1963 and January 1964. Dehra Dun: Dun Printing House, 1964. 46p.
The Church and Its Neighborhood: Some Questions and Guide-lines for Local Church
Neighbourhood Committees. London: Methodist Church Division of Social
Responsibility, [198-?]. 3p.
The Church and Persons with Mentally, Physically, and/or Psychologically Handicapping
Conditions. Washington: General Board of Church and Society, The United Methodist
Church, [1984]. 12p. (Faith Witness on Today’s Issues).
The Church & the Inner City. Evanston: Committee on Promotion and Cultivation of The
Methodist Church, [1965]. 4p.
The Church and the Sabbath School. New York: Tract Department [of the MEC, between 1869
and 1889]. 1p. (Magazine series no. 4).
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The Church as a Healing Community and the AIDS Crisis, Adopted April 11, 1986. Cincinnati:
Service Center, GBGM, 1986. 8p. Prepared by the Mission and Cultivation Program
Department, GBGM, UMC.
Church Attendance. Nashville: Tidings, 1957. 4p. (Spiritual Life Tract No. 1).
Church Attendance Evangelism Idea Packet. Nashville: Tidings, [1954?]. 1 packet.
Church Benevolences for the Junior League Course of Study. Compiled by Emma A. Robinson.
Cincinnati: Jennings & Graham; New York: Eaton and Mains, 1907. 56p.
The Church beyond our Window. Chicago: Commission on Promotion and Cultivation of the
Methodist Church, [1957?]. 8p. Promotional brochure for a sound filmstrip.
Church Claims Procedures: the New United Methodist Local Church Insurance Program.
[Evanston: General Council on Finance and Administration, the United Methodist
Church, 1984]. 2p.
Church of the Bible Covenant. Articles, First General Convention, August 10-13, 1967.
Cleveland, IN: Church of the Bible Covenant, 1967. 23p.
The Church College: its Nature, Responsibility, and Opportunity, 19th Institute of Higher
Education, July 25-28, 1965. Nashville: Division of Higher Education, Board of
Education, The Methodist Church, 1965. 4p.
Church Extension. Philadelphia: The Board of Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal
Church, 1903. 8p.
Church Extension Manual. Philadelphia: Board of Missions of the Methodist Church, National
Division, 1965. 21p.
Church Extension Manual. Philadelphia: Section of Church Extension, Division of National
Missions, [between 1960 and 1964]. 15p.
Church Extension Manual, giving detailed Information concerning Applications for aid to
Churches and Parsonages, Payment of Grants, etc. [Philadelphia]: Section of Church
Extension, Division of Home Missions and Church Extension, [between 1948 and 1952].
Church Extension: New Dimensions of National Missions. Philadelphia: Division of National
Missions. 1959. 8p.
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Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 104
Church Extension Opportunities, 1964-68. “One witness in One World”. Evanston: The Advance
Committee of the Commission on Promotion and Cultivation of the Methodist Church,
1964. 52p.
Church Extension: Prospectus of Postwar Needs, 1944. Philadelphia: Church Extension Office,
1944. 20p.
The Church follows its Service Men and Women. Dayton, OH: Committee on Chaplaincy and
National Service for the Program Council, Evangelical United Brethren Church, [195-?].
6p. (Bulletin No. 2).
The Church follows its Service Men and Women. Dayton, OH: Committee on Chaplaincy and
National Service for the Program Council, Evangelical United Brethren Church, [194-?].
6p. (Bulletin no. 1).
Church/Government Relations: Adopted by the 1980 General Conference of the United
Methodist Church. Washington, DC: Service Department, Board of Church and Society,
1980. 22p.
Church/Government Relations. Washington, DC: General Board of Church and Society, The
United Methodist Church, [1984]. 28p. (Faith Witness on Today’s Issues).
The Church in the House, Family Worship. New York: Tract Department [of the MEC, between
1869 and 1889]. 12p. (Selected series, no. 7).
The Church in the Philippines. Dayton: Department of World Missions, The Evangelical United
Brethren Church, [1954]. [16]p.
The Church in the World: Worship and Discussion Resources related to the Sixth Assembly, the
Woman’s Society of Christian Service. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of Christian
Service, Board of Missions, The Methodist Church, Literature Headquarters, 1961. 18p.
The Church in thy House, a Book of Plans. Nashville: Methodist Publishing House, [1944?].
15p. Produced by The Division of the Local Church, Board of Education of the Methodist
Church Leaders Unity. London: Epworth Press, [1964]. 68p.
The Church Library serves Youth. Nashville: Cokesbury, 1964. 15p.
The Church Library serves Youth. Nashville: Cokesbury, 1966. 15p.
The Church Messenger (Richland Center, WI). Published by the Protestant Churches, Vol.1 , no.
1, December 1922.
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PAGE: 105
Church Money Matters. By a pastor. New York: Eaton & Mains; Cincinnati: Courts and
Jennings, [between 1896 and 1900]. 20p. (Tract no. 240).
Church Occupations and Voluntary Service. Compiled by Interboard Committee on Enlistment
for Church Occupations. Nashville: Interboard Committee on Enlistment for Church
Occupations, 1969. 64p. A directory of opportunities for service offered by the United
Methodist Church through its general boards, commissions and other agencies.
Church Occupations and Voluntary Service, United Methodist Church. Nashville: Interboard
Committee on Enlistment for Church Occupations, 1970. 64p.
Church of God in Christ Book Store. Memphis, TN: The Statement of Faith. Memphis, TN:
Church of God in Christ Book Store, 198-?] 1p.
Church of North India. Church of North India: Unity, Witness, Service. [New Delhi?: CNI,
1976]. [96]p.
Church of North India. Inaugural Committee Minutes of the Meeting of the Inaugural Committee
of the Church of North India held at the Gass Memorial Centre, Rajpur, M.P., from
Wednesday 2 September to Sunday 6 September, 1970. [s.l.: The Committee, 1970]. 2p.
Church of North India. Minutes of a Post-inaugural Consultation held at Bishop Cotton School,
Nagpur on 1-2 December 1970. Calcutta: CNI Head Office, 1970. 18p.
Church of North India. The Order of Service for the Inauguration of The Church of North India
and the Representative Act of Unification of the Ministry at All Saints’ Cathedral,
Nagpur, the First Sunday in Advent, November 29th, 1970. Nagpur, ISPCK for the
Inaugural Committee of CNI, 1970. 25p. At head of title: The Central Inauguration of
Church of North India.
Church of North India. Report of the Preparatory Commission on Religion and Life, consultation
at the Ecumenical Social and Industrial Institute, Durgapur, June 20-22, 1970. Delhi:
ISPCK for Church of North India, 1970. 25p.
Church of South India Hospital, Bangalore CSI Hospital, Bangalore. Bangalore: E.L.S. Press,
[1972]. 12p.
The Church of the Future. [London: s.n., 198-?]. 23-30p. Contents: Highly Provisional Strategy
and Tactics to Enable a Remnant to Survive, by J. Michael Wilson; New Perspectives, by
Ralph Fennell; The Charismatic Movement, a Prospect, by Ross Peart.
The Church of the Future. New York: (Leaflets for letters, no. 109).
Methodist Library
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Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 106
Church of the Nazarene, Board of General Superintendents. Jesus… the Hope 2001-2005,
Quadrennial Address June 20-29, 2001, Twenty-fifth General Assembly, Church of the
Nazarene. [Kansas City, The Board, 2001].
Church of the Nazarene. General Superintendents. Go Ye Next Door: Everyday Evangelism
through the Crusade for Souls now. Kansas City, MO: Nazarene Publishing House, 1955.
Church of the Nazarene. 75th Anniversary, Celebrating our Holiness Heritage. [Kansas City:
Church of the Nazarene, 1983]. 11p.
Church of the United Brethren in Christ, Board of Bishops. Handbook on Evangelism. Prepared
by the Board of Bishops, Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Dayton, OH: UB Pub
House, 1934. 74p.
Church of the United Brethren in Christ, Church Union Commission. Committee on Publicity
and Program of Education and Fraternization for the proposed Evangelical United
Brethren Church. [Dayton, OH: The Commission, 1945]. 4p.
Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Committee on Combination of Boards. Report of the
Committee on Combination of Boards. [Dayton, OH: The Committee, 1929?]. 4p.
Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Indiana Conference. Indiana Conference Centennial
Number, published in the interest of the Extension Society of the Indiana Conference,
Church of the United Brethren in Christ. Vincennes, IN: Walter A. Ewing, [1927?].
Church of the United Brethren in Christ (Old Constitution). Order of Services and Forms.
[Huntingdon, IN: CUBC, 197-?]. 25p. Cover title: Ministers Manual.
Church of the United Brethren in Christ. White River Conference. Centennial program, 19451946. Muncie, IN: Fowl Printing Co. 1945. [16]p.
The Church of the United Brethren in Christ: Origin, Purpose, Program. Compiled and Edited by
Ulsie Perkins Hovermale. Dayton, OH: Home Missions and Church Erection Society,
1942. 24p.
The Church of Today and Tomorrow.
The Church on Active Service. Melbourne, Australia: Literature and Publications Committee of
the Methodist Church of Australasia, 1946. 21p.
Methodist Library
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Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 107
The Church on Okinawa and the Ryukyu Islands. New York: Editorial Department Joint Section
of Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions of The Methodist Church, [between
1950-1952]. 14p.
The Church on Okinawa and Ryukyu Islands. New York: Editorial Department, Joint Section of
Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions of The Methodist Church, 1953. 14p.
The Church on Okinawa and the Ryukyu Islands. Revised. New York: Editorial Department,
Joint Section of Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions of The Methodist Church,
1956. 15p.
Church Peace Mission. The Christian Conscience and War.
Church Pensions, Social Security and You. [Chicago: Board of Pensions of the Methodist
Church, 196-?]. 12p.
The Church Porch. [London?: s.n. 17--?]. 32p.
The Church School Volunteer Service: a Plan for discovering, enlisting, training church school
workers. Nashville: Division of the Local Church, The Board of Education of The
Methodist Church, 1943. 22p.
The Church that Revived: Grand Avenue Methodist Temple, Kansas City, Missouri. Chicago:
Central Office of Promotion, 1945. 6p.
The Church which stands alone in Protestantism. London: General Wesleyan Reform
Committee, [185-?]. 2p.
A Church’s Loyalty. Chicago: Central Office of Promotion of The Methodist Church, 1946. 6p.
Church-wide Support for the Education of Ministers: An Imperative for the United Methodist
Church. [Nashville?: Committee to Study Financial Needs and Resources for Theological
Education, 1968]. 20p.
A Church-wide School of Mission in the Local Church, a Leader’s Manual for Workers in
Missionary Education. Nashville: Joint Section of Education and Cultivation, Board of
Missions of the Methodist Church, 1954. 15p.
A Church-wide School of Missions in the Local Church, a Leader’s Manual for Workers in
Missionary Education. 1959 edition. New York: Joint Section of Education and
Cultivation of the Methodist Church, 1959. 15p.
The Churches in Spain. Geneva: Commission on Inter-Church Aid, Refugee and World Service,
World Council of Churches, 1984. 32p.
Methodist Library
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Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 108
Churches of God (Independent Holiness People). A Declaration of Principles of the Churches of
God (Independent Holiness People). Revised. Fort Scott, KS: The Churches of God, [19?]. 12p.
Churches of God (Independent Holiness People) What We Believe and Teach. Fort Scott, KS:
Church Advocate and Good Way, [195-?]. 2p. At head of title: Read and Consider.
The Churches’ Unity Commission. Report of the President’s Council to the Methodist
Conference, 1976. London: Methodist Publishing House, 1976. 8p.
A Churchman. A Second Letter to the Rev. Daniel Isaac. Leeds: Printed and published by J.
Barr, [1830?]. 16p.
Churchward, Clerk Maxwell. What do we mean by God? [Melbourne]: General Conference
Literature and Publications Committee of the Methodist Church of Australasia, 1943.
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Ciampoli, Domenico. Pietro Taglialatela. Roma: Casa Edit. ‘Bilynchnis, 1927. 6p.
Circuit Riders, Inc. A Compilation of Public Records: 30 of the 95 men who gave us the Revised
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Circuit Riders, Inc. Fifty Years of Un-Methodist Propaganda; in Recognition of the 50th
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Circuit Court of Ohio, Second Circuit, Montgomery County. The Trustees of the United Brethren
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The Circuit Writer. Edited by Iota Delta Chapter of Sigma Tau Delta, Spring 1963. Lebanon IL:
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The City Church has a Community Center. Nashville: Woman’s Missionary Council, Methodist
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The City Foursquare. Chicago: Chicago Home Missionary and Church Extension Society, 1924.
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City Road Chapel, London. A Report of the City Road Chapel, Sunday, Day, and Infant Schools,
Radnor Street, St. Luke’s and Turner’s Place, Wenlock Basin, containing 1428 children
for 1846-47-48, with a list of Officers, Subscribers, etc. London: City Road Chapel,
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Claiming the Past, Celebrating the Present, Challenging the Future: Resources for the
Bicentennial of American Methodist compiled by the Committee on Archives and
History, The Kansas West Conference, The United Methodist Church. s.l.: Committee on
Archives and History, Kansas West Conference, UMC, 1983. 8p.
Clair, Ethel. A Challenge to Advance in Honor of the Seventieth Anniversary; a Report of the
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The Claphan Auxiliary Sunday School Union.
Clapp, Steve. Foundations for Christian Education for Youth. Nashville: Discipleship Resources,
1979. 4p. A study guide for use with Foundations for teaching and learning in the UMC.
Clapp, Steve. Reach out to Youth. [Nashville: Graded Press, 1982]. 4p.
Clara A. Swain, the Orient’s First Woman Physician. Boston: Woman’s Foreign Missionary
Society, Methodist Episcopal Church, [189-?]. 6p.
Clara Chrisman Centennial, October 30, 1960. s.l.: Mississippi Conference, Woman’s Society of
Christian Service, 1960. 8p.
Clara Swain Hospital, Bareilly, India. Glimpses of the Hospital at Work. Bareilly: King Press,
1975, 15p.
Clark, Alexander. Memorial Sermon preached on the National Funeral Day of Abraham Lincoln.
Cincinnati: Masonic Review Office, [1865].
Clark, Allen B. The Judge Thomas White Site. Frederica, DE: Allen B, Clark, 1990. [14]p.
Clark, Allen D. Moonjas in the Korean Hymnal. Seoul Inter-Mission Korean Language School,
1958. 30p.
Clark, C. J. Points for Preachers.
Clark, David M. Souls that take Wings, a Dramatic Presentation. [s.l.: s.n., 1984]. 44p.
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Clark, David Wasgatt. The American Child and Moloch To-day. Cincinnati: Jennings and
Clark, Davis Wasgatt. Is it Wrong to Dance? New York: Tract Society [of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, between 1869 and 1900]. 2p. (Leaflets for letters, no. 78).
Clark, Elmer Talmadge. An Adequate Educational Policy for Methodism. [s.l.: s.n. 19--]. 11p.
Clark, Elmer T. A Methodist Romance. Augusta, GA: Paine College, 1932. [24]p.
Clark, Elmer T. The Chiangs of China: A Scenario Outline. 3 copies.
Clark, Elmer T. The Church in the Depression. Nashville: General Commission on
Benevolences, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, [1933?]. 8p.
Clark, Elmer T. Dictate your Terms to the World.
Clark, Elmer T. Dictionary of World Methodism: Suggestion and Information for Editors and
Writers. Lake Junaluska, NC: E. T. Clark, [196-?]. 8p.
Clark, Elmer T. The Evangel. Nashville: Board of Missions, Methodist Episcopal Church, South.
Clark, Elmer T. Evangelism in the Sunday School. (Sunday School Magazine).
Clark, Elmer T. Financing the World Crusade.
Clark, Elmer T. Girls are What Women are Made Of.
Clark, Elmer T. The Great War at Close Range: Lecture Series. [Nashville: s.n., 1917?]. 4p.
Clark, Elmer T. I’ll Praise my Maker, Isaac Watts - Hymn Writer Extraordinary. Nashville: The
Upper Room, 1960. 24p.
Clark, Elmer T. An Immortality of Remembrance. Lakeland, FL: Southern College, 1926. 16p.
Clark, Elmer T. Immortal Monuments and Human Dividends. Nashville: Christian Education
Movement, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, [192-?]. 32p.
Clark, Elmer T. Jesus said So.
Clark, Elmer T. Jesus talks about Money. New York: Editorial Dept., Joint Division of
Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions and Extension, The Methodist Church.
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Clark, Elmer Talmadge. The Journal and Letters of Bishop Francis Asbury: Specimen Pages
from the Standard Annotated Edition. Report of the Association of Methodist Historical
Societies. Lake Junaluska, NC: The Assn., 1955. 29p.
Clark, Elmer T. The Measure of Man’s Mind. 2 copies.
Clark, Elmer T. Methodism. 3 copies.
Clark, Elmer T. A Methodist Tours Brazil.
Clark, Elmer T. A Missionary Catechism.
Clark, Elmer T. The Missionary Passion on the Church.
Clark, Elmer T. Non-theological Factors in Religious Diversity.
Clark, Elmer T. Our Work Around the World.
Clark, Elmer T. Over against the Treasury.
Clark, Elmer T. The Pope and the War.
Clark, Elmer T. The Problem of the Liquor Traffic.
Clark, Elmer T. The Psychology of Small Sects.
Clark, Elmer T. Settle with the World on Your Own Terms.
Clark, Elmer T. Some Facts for the People called Methodists.
Clark, Elmer T. Southern College and Florida’s Future. Lakelan, FL: Southern College, 1926.
Clark, Elmer T. The Unique Adventure.
Clark, Elmer T. The Warm Heart of Wesley. An Address delivered at Aldersgate Rallies in the
Methodist Episcopal Church, South. 3 copies.
Clark, Elmer T. What’s going on in Poland.
Clark, Elmer T. Why Discriminate against this Girl?
Clark, Elmer T. Why Don’t You go to College?
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Clark, Elmer Talmadge. The Windows of Heaven.
Clark, Elmer T. The Wrong Kind of Education.
Clark, Felicia Buttz. Deaconess Work in Italy. Rome: s.n., [1910]. 4p.
Clark, Linda J. Boston University School of Theology Music in Churches Project. Numbers 1-6.
Boston: BUST, 1992. 7 vols.
Clark Seminary, Aurora, Illinois. Catalogue of the Clark Seminary at Aurora, Kane County,
Illinois, for the year ending June 1865, with prospectus for 1865-6. Chicago: Printed at
the Methodist Book Depository, 1865.
Clark, William Robert. The Relation of Christianity to the Life of the American Republic. 1876.
Clarke, Adam. Directions how to Profit by the Ministry of the World.
Clarke, Adam. The Fruits of Early Instruction; in the Happy Death of Miss Caroline Anne Smith.
London: Printed by T. C. Johns for J. Kershaw, [182-?]. 12p. (Tract no. 226).
Clarke, Charles J. Christian Courtship. London: Epworth Press, 1947. 18p.
Clarkson, Thomas. Review of the Rev. Thomas B. Freeman’s Journals of Visits to Ashanti, etc.,
with Remarks on the Present Situation of Africa and its Spiritual Prospects. London:
James Nisbet and John Mason, 1845. 14p.
Clary, George E. Jr., On the Origins of Methodism in Georgia and Richmond County. [s.l.: s.n.
1968], 4p. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Historical Society of South
Georgia Conference of the UMC, May 2, 1968.
Clary, George Esmond. Paine College, Augusta, Georgia, an Account of its Beginnings, 18821903. Brunswick, GA: Printed for the author by the Lemmon Letter Shop, 1975. [19]p.
A Class-book: Containing Directions for Class-leaders, ruled forms for leaders’ weekly accounts,
and the rules of the Methodist Societies. London: Printed for John Mason, 1833. 24p.
A Class-book: Containing Directions for Class-leaders, ruled forms for leaders’ weekly accounts,
and the rules of the Methodist Societies. London: Printed for John Mason, 1842. 24p.
A Class-book: Containing Directions for Class-leaders, ruled forms for leaders’ weekly accounts,
and the rules of the Methodist Societies. London: Wesleyan Conference Office, [1874].
16p. Signed by John Lord, 1874.
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A Class-book: Containing Directions for Class-leaders, ruled forms for leaders’ weekly accounts,
and the rules of the Methodist Societies. London: Wesleyan Conference Office, [1878],
16p. Signed by John Lord, 1879.
The Class Leader’s Magazine. London: s.n., [1849?]. 96p.
Clayton, Alfred. Clayton versus Mitchell on Everlasting Retribution; or, Orthodoxy Vindicated.
Leicester, England: John R. Rowe, printer, 1866. 53p.
Clayton, George. Salvation. (sermon).
Clayton, John M. Abraham Lance Lathem and the World’s First Bible School. [s.l.: s.n., 1986],
The Cleansing Wave.
Clement, Shirley F. Evangelism: Faith-sharing. Nashville: General Board of Discipleship, 2000.
8p. (Partners in Discipleship).
Clement, Shirley F. Lay Speakers lead in Evangelism: Advanced Course. Nashville: Discipleship
Resources, [1987]. 15p.
Clemes, Julia Norton. Home and Family: Lecture Notes, Lucknow Christian College. Lucknow:
Lucknow Publishing House, 1943. 8p.
Clemmons, Robert S. Understanding Adults: the Church’s Educational Ministry with Single
Adults, a selected bibliography for workers with single adults in teaching and learning.
Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [1976?]. 10p.
Clemmons, Robert S. Understanding Adults: Middle Years, a selected bibliography for workers
with middle adults in teaching and learning. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [1974].
Clemmons, Robert S. Understanding Adults: The Later Years, a selected bibliography for
workers with older adults in teaching and learning. Nashville: Discipleship Resources,
[1976?]. 7p.
A Clergyman. A Word for Hearers. London: Printed for S. Rousseau and sold by T. Williams,
[18-?]. 12p. (no. 53).
A Clergyman. The Young Teacher. New York: Tract Society [of the MEC, between 1833 and
1869]. 8p. (No. 273).
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A Clergyman of the Church of England. The Wreckers; or, a View of what sometimes passes on
our Sea Coast. Chelsea: Printed by Tilling and Hughes; London: sold by F. Collins, et al.,
[18-?]. 8p. (No. 152).
Cleveland Road Mission Chapel & School for the Working Classes, Wolverhampton, 1867.
Wolverhampton: R. G. Bartlett, 1867. 1p.
Cliff College, Calver, England. Praying for Cliff 1985-86. Claver: Cliff College, 1985. 60p.
Clifton, James A. Pioneer Advocates of Methodism among the Lake Superior Chippewa.
Kalamazoo, MI: Department of Anthropology, Western Mischigan University, 1992. 16p.
Clifton Springs Sanitarium. (New York).
Climbing Jacob’s Ladder. A Dramatic Musical Presentation.
Clinebell Howard J., Jr. Understanding Alcoholism: An Adult Fellowship Series Four-session
Unit. Nashville: Graded Press, 1965. 29p.
Clinica Americana, La Paz, Bolivia. Clinica evangelica Metodista clinica Americana. La Paz,
Bolivia: s.n. [19-?]. [14]p.
Clios Tro Tjender. Festskrift til Per Fuglum Redigert av Hakon with Andersen, Svein Dahl, Kjell
Haarstad og JArle Simensen. Nr. 1 I Skrifserie fra Historisk Institutt.
Clippinger, A. R. United Brethren Church: Quadrennial Report Central Area.
Clough, E. R. From the Fall of Man to the Judgment. Cambridge, MD: E. R. Clough, 1918. 21p.
Clough, E. R. In Highways and Hedges: Life Incidents and Thrilling Experiences. Laurel, DE: E.
R. Clough, 1918. 80p.
Clough, E. R. Upon this Rock I will build my Church. Denton, MD: Denton Journal print,
[1928]. 8p.
Cloud, Fred. If You must be Negative, be Positive. Washington, DC: TEM Press, [1957?]. 4p.
No. 255.
Cloud, Fred. Leader’s Guide: Ethnic Minorities in the United Methodist Church. Nashville:
Graded Press, 1978. 16p.
Cloud, Fred. Some Suggestions for Curriculum Builders in Southeast Asia. Prepared for the Joint
Committee in Christian Education in Foreign Fields. The Methodist Church, April 1,
1961. Nashville: s.n., 1961. 49p.
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Cloud, Fred. We Give Thee but Thine Own: the Story of William Walsham How. Nashville: The
Upper Room, 1960. 24p.
Cloud, Fred. Youth and the Every Member Visitation. Nashville: Produced by TRAFCO for the
General Board of Lay Activities, Section on Stewardship and Finance of The Methodist
Church, [196-?]. 11p.
Cloud, Joseph Fred. Strength to Face Each Day. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1978. 4p.
Cloud of Unknowing. Selections from The Cloud of Unknowing. Arranged and edited by
Constance Garrett. Nashville: The Upper Room, 1961. 32p. (Living selections from the
great devotional classics).
Clymer, Klenton J. Religion and American Imperialism: Methodist Missionaries in the
Philippine Islands, 1899-1913. [s.l.: Pacific Coast Branch, American Historical
Association, 1980]. 29-50p.
Clymer, Wayne. Membership means Discipleship. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1976. 60p.
Cobb, J. B. (Mrs). The Seaman’s Bride.
Cobb, J. B. (Mrs.). The Story of the Years in China. Nashville: Woman’s Missionary Council,
Methodist Episcopal Church, South, [1918]. 22p.
Cobb, J. B. (Mrs.) “The Seaman’s Bride,” 1859, and “The Mongolia,” 1915. Nashville:
Woman’s Missionary Council, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1915.
Cobleigh, Neshon Ebenezer. Iniquity Abounding; a Sermon preached at the Laurel Street
Methodist Episcopal Church on Fast Day, April 10, 1851. Worcester: J. Burrill & Co.,
1851. 16p.
Cochran, Joan. Let’s think again [Auckland, NZ]: Board of Publications, Methodist Church of
New Zealand, [19-?]. 10p
Cochran, Peter G. Now I Can See: Stories of Christians in South India. London: Cargate Press,
1967. 40p.
Cock, Douglas J. Sources of Information, a one act play. London: Methodist Youth Department,
1958. 15p.
Cockell, Bill. The Training of Voluntary Youth Workers. London: Methodist Church Divison of
Education and Youth, 1973. 70p.
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Cockrem, M. The Key of Knowledge, Modern Methods in Adult Literacy. London: Zenana
Bible & Medical Mission, 1946. 11p.
Cocking, Thomas. The Causes, Modes and Tendencies of Sabbath Desecration, which included a
refutation of arguments in favor of Sunday banking and grinding… 2nd ed., with
introductory observations. London: Simpkin, Marshal & Co., 1847. 75p.
Cockram, John. Sunday Cab-driving: Its Influences on… 1861.
Coe, George A. The Core of Good Teaching. New York: Charles Scribner’s Sons, [1912?]. 48p.
Coffin, Shirley D. Letter from Shirley D. Coffin, Missionary in Charge of the Umtasa Circuit
Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, Rhodesia, Africa. [Umtali: s.n. 1908]. 8p.
Coffman, Mary Ruth. Prayer Living.
Cofiant, Yn Cynwys. Ychidig o Hanes bywyd y diweddar Barcheding Jenkin Davies.
Castellnewydd-Emlyn: William Jones, 1845. 60p.
Coghill, Nancy Taylor. Beginnings: Ministry with Infants and Toddlers. Nashville: Graded
Press, 1985. 112p. (Children’s bible studies).
Coho, Asa. A Lecture on Temperance. Dayton, OH: s.n., 1847. 32p.
Coke, Thomas. The All-sufficiency of Christ to Save Sinners: with the Prevalency of His
Coke, Thomas. The Character and Death of Mrs. Hester Ann Rogers; set forth in a sermon.
Birmingham, England: Printed by J. Belcher, 1796. 72p.
Coke, Thomas. Copies of Letters from the Missionaries who are employed in Ireland, for the
instruction in their own language, and for the conversion of the native Irish, who a short
address to the generous public. London: Printed by A. Strahan, 1801. 44p.
Coke, Thomas. The Substance of a Sermon preached at Baltimore in the state of Maryland
before the General Conference of the Methodist Episcopal Church on the 27th of
December 1784 at the Ordination of the Rev. Francis Asbury to the Office of a
Superintendent. Baltimore: Goddard, 1785. 24p.
Coker, Henry Joseph. The New Methodist Empire. Philadelphia: Board of Home Missions and
Church Extension of the Methodist Episcopal Church, [191-?]. 4p. (Leaflet 7, series A).
Cokesbury. Some Good Books for Parents, 1961. Nashville: Cokesbury, 1961. 6p.
Methodist Library
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Cokesbury. Ten Basic Questions and Answers about Methodist Church School Literature.
Nasshville; Cokesbury, [1965]. 8p.
The Cokesbury Projector, February 1962 – August 1962. Nashville: Cokesbury, 1962. 12p.
Colbeck, Alfred. Methodist Union with Special Reference to St. Ives. [s.l.: s.n., 193-?]. 16p.
Cole, Charles E. Communicating the Mission Message. New York: GBGM, [198-?]. 2p.
(Mission papers #5).
Coles, Charles E. The Helping and Healing Ministries of the United Methodist Church.
Nashville: Graded Press, 1975. 48p.
Cole, Charles. Toward a Comprehensive Adult Ministry. Nashville: Discipleship Resources,
1979. 12p.
Cole, J. A. Hope of Sherbo’s Future Greatness: a Lecture delivered at Shaingay by J. A. Cole, a
Native of Western Africa. Dayton, OH: Untied Brethren Publishing House, 1885, 20p.
Cole, R Lee. The Wesleys came to Dublin. London: Epworth Press, 1947. 32p.
Cole, Jacob A. The Witness of the Years, a Sermon delivered at First United Methodist Church,
Passaic, New Jersey, on his Eighteenth Birthday, Sunday October 22, 1939. Passaic, NJ:
First United Methodist Church, 1939. 8p.
Coles, George. The Conversion of Saul of Tarsus. Boston: Strong, 1832. p. 51-62. (The
Methodist Preacher, v. 3 sermon 4).
Coleman, Joy. Bridges not Road Block: a Book of Assembly Addresses. London: Epworth Press,
1977. 64p.
Colet, John Annesley. An Impartial Review of the Life and Writings, Public and Private
Character of the late Rev. Mr. John Wesley…. London: Forster, 1791. 37p. Green,
Richard: Anti-Methodist Publications No. 558.
Coley, May. Why Sign the Pledge? Temperance Lessons for Bands of Hope and other Girls’ and
Boys’ Organizations. Third series. London: Wesleyan Methodist Church, Temperance
and Social Welfare Department, 1923. 24p.
Coley, Samuel. The Church: its Influence, Duties and Hopes in the Present Age, a Lecture.
London: James Nisber, 1858.
A Collection of Original Wesleyan Poetry.
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PAGE: 118
College Bound: a Guide to United Methodist Schools, Colleges and Universities for Students,
Teachers, Pastors, Counselors, Parents. Nashville: GBHEM, UMC, 1977.
College Bound: a Guide to United Methodist Schools, Colleges and Universities for Students,
Teachers, Pastors, Counselors, Parents. Nashville: GBHEM, UMC, 1978. 37p.
College Bound: a Guide to United Methodist Colleges, Universities and Schools. Nashville:
GBHEM, UMC, 1982.
College Bound: a Guide to United Methodist Schools, Colleges, Universities and Seminaries,
1985-88. Nashville: GBHEM, UMC, 1985. 19p.
College Bound, featuring Loan and Scholarships Information for Undergraduate and Graduate
Students, 1989-92. Nashville: GBHEM, UMC, 1989.
College-building Church. New York: Time, Inc. 1961. 2p. Reprinted by permission of Time, the
weekly news magazine, February 3, 1961.
Collegio Internazionale Monte Mario, Rome. Collgio Internazionale Monte Mario. Rome: Tip
Ed. La Speranzam, [193-?]. 11p.
Collier, Frank W. Materialism in its most subtle form.
Collins, J. D. Letters from China to the Sunday-School Children in the United States. New York:
Sunday-School Union of the Methodist Episcopal Church, [185-?]. 16p. (Missionary
Stories, No. 23).
Collins, Judson Dwight. Letters from China to Sunday-School Children in the United States.
New York: Sunday-School Union of the Methodist Episcopal Church, [186-?]. 16p.
(Missionary Stories, No. 22).
Collins, L. C. Objections Removed. [s.l.: s.n.: 1868?]. 12p. (Advent Tracts, Western Series,
no.30). Reprinted from the “Voice of the West,” published by Joshua B. Himes at
Buchanan, [MN?].
Collins, William. Speech of Mr. William Collins at the First Public Meeting of the Bradford
Temperance Society. Bradford, England: Printed by T. Inkersley & Co. for the Bradford
Temperance Society, [183-?]. 16p.
Collison, Clyde (Mrs.). Christian Service for Women in Foreign Lands. Chicago: Methodist
Episcopal Church, Commission on Life Service, [192-?]. 16p.
Collyer, Isaac J. P. Review of Rev. W. W. Eell’s Thanksgiving sermon by … delivered in the
M.E. Church, Newburyport, Dec. 29, 1850. Newburyport, Charles Whipple, 1851. 20p.
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Colors and Symbols: Their significance and use in the Methodist Church. Teaneck, NJ:
Cokesbury, 1966. 6p.
Colquhon, Frank. Charles Wesley, 1707-1788, the Poet of the Evangelical Revival. London:
Church Book Room Press, Ltd., [19--]. 32p. (Great churchmen, no. 8).
Colwell, John. The Old Wheat-Rick.
Colwell, John. Christmas in Wilderness Court. New York: Hunt and Eaton; Cincinnati: Cranston
& Stowe, [between 1899 and 1892]. 32p.
Combs, Bess. The New Woman and the New China. Nashville: Woman’s Department of the
Board of Missions, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, [1925]. 6p. (Young People’s
leaflet, October).
Come as You Are: Worship with us this Week. [program packet] Nashville: Tidings, [1975].
Worship attendance resources.
Come, Share, Rejoice: the Structure of The United Methodist Church. Nashville: United
Methodist Communications, 1989. 16p.
Come to Christmas: the Customs of the Advent season. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1993. 22p.
With music.
Come to Jesus….
Come to Jesus in Faith. New York: Tract Society [of the Methodist Episcopal Church, between
1833 and 1869]. 1p. (No. 31). On verso: Come to Jesus as a sinner –just as you are.
Come Worship with Us. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p.
Come Ye Apart: a Guide for Private and Family Devotions, based in the daily “Home Bible
Readings” of the Uniform Sunday-School Lessons. Kansas City, MO: Nazarene
Publishing House, 1956. vol, 16., no. 2 April, May, June, 1956.
Come ye to the water.
Comfort for the aged poor.
Comforts and Counsels for the Afflicted.
Methodist Library
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PAGE: 120
Comfort my People: Ministries with Women in Crisis, a Program of the National Division,
General Board of Global Ministries. Cincinnati: Service Center, 1984. 6p . Prepared by
the Mission Education and Cultivation Program Department, GBGM, UMC.
In Commemoration of the 200th Anniversary of the Death of John Wesley on March 2nd, 1791,
aged 89 years. Ilford, Essex: Robert Edcombe Associates, 1991. 30p.
Comments on Arthur L. Butts’s Panorama. Charlotte, NC: Standard Printing, Co., [1962?]. 52p.
Commission on Interracial Cooperation. Progress in Race Relations; a Survey of the Work of the
Commission… for the year 1923-24. Atlanta: The Commission, 1924. 19p.
Commission on Interracial Cooperation. Justice in Race Relations.
Commission on Church Union of the Reformed Church in the United States. The Church of the
United Brethren in Christ, and the Evangelical Synod of North America. Report of the
Law Committee on Plan of Union. [s.l.: s.n. 19-?]. 12p.
The Commission on Mission: its Organization and Duties in the Local Church. 1957 edition
revised. New York: Joint Section of Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions of The
Methodist Church. 1958. 19p.
Commission on Pan-Methodist Cooperation. Minutes of the Annual Meeting, May 9-11, 1989.
Boston: CPMC, 1989. 31p.
The Commission on Religion and Race, an Engage interview [with Woodie W. White].
Washington, DC: 1968. 49p.
Commissioning Services. London: Methodist Publishing House, 1971. 15p. (The Methodist
Church Services and Sacraments).
Commitment to Abstinence… a part of life’s stewardship. Washington, DC: TEM Press,
[1956?]. 6p.
Committed to Christ: a New Covenant. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1978. 4p.
A Committee. Wesleyan Conference on the question of liberal education in Upper Canada
explained and defended by numerous proofs and illustrations. Toronto: Printed at the
Guardian Steam Press, 1860. 72p.
Committee for the G. Bromley Oxnam Memorial Lecture-Forum. The G. Bromley Oxnam
Memorial Lecture Forum on Religion and Public Affairs. Washington, DC: The
Committee, 1963. 4p.
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Committee for the Preservation of Methodism. Is There a Pink Fringe in the Methodist Church?
If so, what shall we do about it? A report to the Methodists from the Committee for the
Preservation of Methodism. Houston, TX: The Committee for the Preservation of
Methodism, 1951. 34p.
Committee for the Preservation of Methodism. Is There a Pink Fringe in the Methodist Church?
Fifth printing. Houston: The Committee for the Preservation of Methodism, 1953. 34p.
Committee on Christian Literature for Women and Children. New York: A Woman’s Place. New
York: The Committee, [1972]. [12]p.
The Committee on Christian Vocations in the Local Church. [Nashville: Interboard Committee
on Christian Vocations, 1952]. 2p.
The Committee on Christian Vocations in the Local Church. Nashville: Interboard Committee on
Christian Vocations, The Methodist Church, 1958. 8p.
Committee on Un-American Activities. Hearings before the Committee on Un-American
Activities, House of Representatives, 83rd Congress, First Session, July 30 and 31, 1953.
Committee on Education in the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Committed to Mission Tomorrow, building on Yesterday: Era of Women organized for Mission.
Cincinnati: Service Center, 1983. 8p.
Common Cases: Are they yours?
Common Heritage. Washington: General Board of Church and Society, [1984]. 12p. (Faith
Witness on Today’s Issues).
Common Sense. A Second Letter to the Rev. David Paterson. Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed by
John Marshall, 1818. 14p.
Common Sense. A Word to a Wesleyan Methodist Elector on the Evils of the Church
Establishment Principles. London: L. Green; W. Symons, [printer, 18-?]. 16p.
Communities of Shalom: Churches and Communities working together to rebuild and renew
Community Life. New York: Communities of Shalon, GBGM, 2002. 8p.
The Community can do.
Community Centers. Cincinnati: Service Center. Board of Missions, The Methodist Church. 6p.
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The Community of Women and Men in the Church; Study for World Federation of Methodist
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Como Ofrendar donaciones no designadas. Cincinnati: Service Center, Junta General de
Ministerios Globales, 1988. Packet of 5 leaflets.
Comparative Distribution: Methodist Mission Study Book, Christ and our Country, by Bishop
Arthur J. Moore; The Fine Art of Using, by Ralph W. Sockman. New York: Editorial
Department, Joint Division of Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions and Church
Extension, The Methodist Church, 1947. 3p.
Comparison of Disciplinary Provisions for the General Benevolences of World Service in the
Methodist Episcopal Church, South; Methodist Protestant Church.
Comprehensive Church Record of the Methodist Episcopal Church for the New Mexico Mission
in General, also for La Junta…. Marriages and Baptisms, 1869-1918, including Spanish
work after 1884. Compiled by Nancy Robertson. Raton, NM: Friends of Raton
Anthropology, 1982. 15p. (Friends of Raton Anthropology, vol. 7, no. 9, November
1982. Courtesy of A. P. Gaines and J. Leslie Davis.
Comprometidas a la Mission del Manana, construyendo sobre el ayer, celebrando la era
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GBGM, 1983]. 8p.
Comrades of the King: Fifty-first Annual Children’s Day, 1931. Cleveland, OH: Missionary
Society of the Evangelical Church, 1931. 15p. With music.
Concerned Amateurs. Prepared by the Commission on Promotion and Cultivation in Cooperation
with the Board of Evangelism. Evanston, IL: Commission on Promotion and Cultivation,
UMC, 1968. 3p.
Concerning Families. Nashville: Discipleship Resources for Church and Society, 1984. 40p.
Concerns Unlimited: Worship Services and Programs for a World Friendship Group, Girls in the
Methodist Youth Fellowship to the study the Woman’s Division of Christian Service,
September 1948 through August 1959. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of Christian
Service, Board of Missions, the Methodist Church, Literature Headquarters, 1958. 83p.
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Concise and convincing Argument against Deism.
The conscientious teacher.
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Conference of European Methodists. (Reuti, Switzerland) Programme and Directory.
Birmingham: D. G. Rowney, 1954. 8p.
Conference Methodist portrayed by its own Ministers. London: s.n., [185-?]. 2p.
Conference Pension Officials, Annual Conference Secretaries, 1960-1961. Chicago: General
Board of Pensions of The Methodist Church, 1960. [32]p.
The Conference way or what will you pay?
Conferences and Areas of the United Methodist Church. Prepared by Methodist Story-Spotlight,
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Conference-related Asian-Americans. Cincinnati: Service Center, 1977. 6p. (Parish Partners
USA). Prepared for the National Division by the Education and Cultivation Division,
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Conference-related Hispanic Ministries. Cincinnati: Service Center, 1985. 4p. (Advance, Parish
Partners USA) Prepared for the National Program Division by the Mission Education and
Cultivation Program Department, General Board of Global Ministries, UMC.
Conference-related Indian Ministries. Cincinnati: Service Center, 1985. 4p (Advance, Parish
Partners USA) Prepared for the National Program Division by the Mission Education and
Cultivation Program Department, General Board of Global Ministries, UMC.
Confessing Movement within the UMC. 1996. (Tracts # 1-4).
Conflicts and Victories. Rome: Methodist Mission Press, [1901]. 13p. Signed at end: A. B.
Leonard, William Burt.
Congo Methodism after 50 Years.
Congregados en su Nombre, Servicios de Adoracion. Nashville: United Methodist Publishing
House, 1981. 34p. Translation of We Gather Together.
Congregational Development: Developing and Redeveloping Missional Congregations for
Untied Methodism’s Third Century. New York: Congregational Development Program
Management Unit, National Program Division, General Board of Global Ministries,
1984. 34p.
Congregational Institute, Nottingham. The Report, etc., presented by the General Committee to
the Sixth Annual Meeting of the Congregational Institute, Nottingham, November 17th,
1869. Nottingham: Printed by J. Derry, 1869. 32p.
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Conine, E. Paul. The Church prays for Peace. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1991. 32p.
The Connexion: an Introduction to the Independent Methodist Connexion of Churches. [Wigan:
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Connexional Fire Insurance Fund.
Conover, Elbert M. Selecting the Architect: Some suggestions regarding the employment of the
Architect, a matter of the utmost importance in any building program. Philadelphia: The
Bureau of Architecture of the Methodist Episcopal Church.
Conquest of the Cross in Africa.
Conscription. Washington: General Board of Church and Society, The United Methodist Church
[1984]. 12p. (Faith witness in Today’s Issues).
Consecrated. Chicago: Board of Conference Claimants, MEC, [192-?]. 1p. (No. 16).
Conservative Evangelicals in Methodist Aims/Beliefs. s.l.: Conservative Evangelicals in
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Consonus. A Vindication of “Modern Unitarianism superior to New Testament Christianity,” in
reply to the exceptions contained in the lecture of the Rev. G. Harris, Unitarian minister
of Newcastle-upon-Tyne. Dedicated without permission to the religious public generally
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London: Hamilton and Adams; Manchester: Fletcher and Tubbs, 1848. 38p.
Consulta Latino entre Ciemal, Concilio de Obispos y Junta General de Ministerios Globales (2nd:
1986: Oaxtepec, Mexico). Documento final y recommendaciones, 1986. [s.l.: s.n., 1986].
Collman, Richard F. Pastors and Musicians working Together. Nashville: Discipleship
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Consultation on A.M.E., A.M.E.Z., C.M.E. Church Union, January 23, 1964, Wesley
Theological Seminary, Washington, DC: Conveners: John F. Satterwhite, Charles
Spivery, C.N. Reid. Washington, DC: s.n., 1964. 31p.
Consultation on Church Union. An Open Letter to the Churches, from the Consultation on
Church Union, adopted at its fifth meeting, held in Dallas, Texas, May 1-5, 1966.
Evanston, IL: General Commission on Ecumenical Affairs of The Methodist Church,
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Consultation of the Campus Ministry at Massachusetts State Colleges, May 6, 1961. North
Andover, MA. Report on the Consultation on the Campus Ministry at Massachusetts
State Colleges, May 6, 1961, Osgood Hill, Boston University Conference Center, North
Andover, Massachusetts, sponsored by the Massachusetts Council of Churches and the
Student Christian Movement in New England. [s.l.: s.n., 1961]. 16p.
Consultation on Spiritual Formation in United Methodist Seminaries, April 1-3, 1984. Nashville:
Division of Ordained Ministry, Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 1984. 32p.
Consultation on Spiritual Formation in United Methodist Seminaries, October 1984. Nashville:
Division of Ordained Ministry, General Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 1984.
The Constitution and Rules of the Universal Benefit Society.
Constitution of a Sunday-School Society.
Constitutional Prohibition: The Best Remedy for the Drink Evil of Modern Times. Collected and
edited by G. H. Prentice. Gilbertsville: The Otsego Journal Steam Press, 1889. 49p.
Consultation on Food Values & Food Experiences in Camping, Glen Rose, Texas, Feb. 28 –
Mar. 2, 1979. s.l.: s.n., 1979. 10p. Photocopy.
The Contrast; or The Rev. Dr. Thomas Nowell, Public Orator of the University, against Dr.
Nowell, Principal of St. Mary Hall, concerning the Doctrine of Justification, in his Letter
to the Author of Pietas Oxoniensis. By one who is not a Master of Arts. London: Printed
by M. Lewis and sold by E. and C. Dilly, 1769. 36p.
Conversations between Methodists and Roman Catholics in England, 1967-1978. A report to the
Roman Catholic Episcopal Conference and to the Methodist Conference. London: Printed
by the Methodist Church Conference Office by Tea & Whiten and J. Mead Ltd., 1978.
Conversations between the Church of England and the Methodist Church: Speeches made at the
Canterbury Diocesan Conference on November 23rd, 1963. Canterbury: Printed by Gibbs
and Sons, Ltd., 1963. 38p.
Conversion of a Hindu Pundit. New York: Missionary Society of the M.E. Church, [18--?]. 2p.
(Methodist Episcopal Mission leaflets series, no. 17).
Conversion: What constitutes a convert?
The converted story – consider Jesus.
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Convinced but not converted.
Convention of the Methodist Protestant Christian Endeavor Union (15th , 1908: Pittsburg, PA).
Program. Pittsburg, PA: MPC Christian Endeavor, 1908]. 3p.
Convocation of Urban Life in America (Columbus, Ohio: 1954). Five new hymns on the city
obtained by the Hymn Society of America for the Convocation on Urban Life in
America, Columbus, Ohio, February 24-26, 1954. [s.l.: s.n., 1954]. 6p. With music.
Convocation on Urban Life in America (2nd: 1958: Washington, DC). Program and general
information, Convocation on Urban Life in America, called by the Council of Bishops,
the Methodist Church, Washington, DC, February 18-20, 1958. [s.l.: The Council of
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Convocation on Urban Life in America (3rd: 1962: St. Louis, MO). Program and general
information, Convocation on Urban Life in America, called by the Council of Bishops,
the Methodist Church, St. Louis, MO, February 20-22, 1962. [s.l.: The Council of
Bishops of the Methodist Church, 1962]. 17p.
Cook, Jean-Paul. The Report of J. P. Cook, M.A., general catechist in France, and the financial
Cook, Margaret. Lambuth Training School for Christian Workers, Osaka, Japan. Nashville:
Department of Education and Promotions, Woman’s Section, Board of Missions, MEC,
South, 1933. 6p.
Cook, Edmund F. Enlistment and Training for a World Service. Nashville: Woman’s Missionary
Council, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, [1920]. 8p.
Cook, Edmund F. Walter Russell Lambuth.
Cook, Henry. Our Confidence is Sure. London: The author, [195-?]. 4p.
Cooke, Bernardine W. It’s Beginning: a History of the Lexington Conference, Woman’s Society
of Christian Service of The Methodist Church, 1940-1964. [s.l.: s.n., 1964]. 35p.
Cooke, George Alfred. Boston University School of Theology. [s.l.: s.n., 19-?]. 8p .
Cooke, Joseph. On Justification by Faith, and the Witness of the Spirit, being the Substance of
two Sermons preached in the Methodist Chapel, Rochdale. Rochdale: Printed by J.
Hartley and sold by him, et al., 1806. 24p.
Cooke, W. Desire of All Nations: A Lecture.
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Cooke, William. A Catechism embracing the most important Doctrines of Christianity, designed
for the use of Schools, Families, and Bible Classes. London: Methodist New Connexion
Book-Room, 1851. 79p.
Cookman, Alfred. Familiar Talks: On the Subject of the higher Christian life. Titusville, PA:
Allegheny Wesleyan Methodist Connection, [197-?]. 71p.
Cookson, Richard L. Foundations for the Work of the Professional Educator. Nashville:
Discipleship Resources, 1979. 4p. A study guide for use with Foundations for Teaching
and Learning in the United Methodist Church.
Cookson, Richard L. Growth through Christian Nurture: a Service of Dedication and
Appreciation for Church School Workers. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1981. 2p.
Cool, Peter Y. Goodness, Gold and God.
Cooley, Steven D. Your Local Church History. Kansas City, MO: Nazarene Archives, [1983].
Cooper, Ezekiel. To the Baltimore Conference, brief remarks upon a proposed plan to collect
materials and documents, and to compile and publish a complete history of the Methodist
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Cooper, Randy J. The Earth is the Lord’s: Stewardship from Field to Table. Nashville: Graded
Press, 1986. 32p.
Cooper, Randy J. The Earth is the Lord’s: Stewardship from Field to Table, Teacher’s Guide.
Nashville: Graded Press, 1986. 24p.
Cooper, Joel. Beneath the Cross of Jesus. Nashville: Tidings, 1976. 6p.
Cooper, Mattie Lual and McDonnell, Lois Eddy. My Book for Home and Church. s.l.: Graded
Press, 1950.
Cooper, Thomas. A Treatise on the Rights, Duties and Liabilities of Wesleyan Methodist
Chapels. London: Houlston & Stoneman; Manchester: J. Ainsworth, 1850. 56p.
Cooper, Willis W. Suggestions for Personal Workers, composed for the Twentieth Century
Forward Movement of the Methodist Episcopal Church. Chicago: s.n., 24p.
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Copeland, Stanley R. The Sanctuary for Lent, 1993. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1993. 48p.
Copestake, R. H. Ten Words to Christian Disciples. London: Epworth Press, 1947. 10p.
Copplestone, Frank T. The Use of Silence.
Coppernoll, Lee and Peggy Halsey. Crisis: Women’s Experiences and the Church’s Response,
Final Report of Crisis and Survey of United Methodists. New York: Office of Ministries
for Women in Crisis, National Division, GBGM, UMC, 1982. 73p.
Coppin. Levi Jenkins. Fifty Years of Religious Progress, and Emancipation Sermon delivered on
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Corbett, C T. Influence of the Country Church. Garden City, KS: Elliott Printers, 1959. 28p.
Corbett, C. T. Ready for the Rapture. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press, 1965. 23p.
Corbin, J. Wesley. Christian Perfection and the Evangelical Association through 1875: A
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Cordeiro, Frank. Bay Area Businessman, The Frank Cordeiro Story. Costa Mesa, CA: Full
Gospel Businessmen Fellowship International, [19-?]. 8p.
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Core, Arthur Crosby. Religion and the Rise of Humanitarianism in England. Lincoln, NE: 1950.
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Corey, George H. Wisdom and War, a Discourse…1889.
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Corkey, Deborah P. Now that you’re Single Again. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1982. 6p.
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Christian Beliefs. Kansas City, MO: Nazarene Publishing House, 1944. 63p.
Corlett, David Shelby. ABC’s of Holiness: Questions and Answers on the Doctrine and
Experience of Entire Sanctification. Kansas City, MO: Nazarene Publishing House, 1941.
Corlett, David Shelby. ABC’s of Stewardship: Questions and Answers on the Subject of
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Corlett, David Shelby. Holiness: the Central Purpose of Redemption. 2nd edition. Kansas City,
MO: Nazarene Publishing House, 1940. 32p.
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Corlett, David Shelby. The Meaning of Christian Security. Kansas City, MO: Nazarene
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A Correct Statement of Facts connected with what Mr. George Peacock has termed, “The
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Corrupt Conduct in a Certain Methodist Preachers, and an Appeal to the Methodist Conference;
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Miss Jane Bell of North Shields. Newcastle: Marshall, printer, 1823. 1p. (Broadside).
Corse, F. Dudley. An Appreciation of Barbara Heck, the founder of American Methodism.
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Corson, Fred Pierce. Aldersgate around the World, Service of Renewal and Identification, 17381963. Lake Junaluska, NC: World Methodist Council, 1963. 3p.
Corson, Fred Pierce. Aldersgate is for Us. Nashville: Methodist Evangelistic Materials, 1962.
Corson, Fred Pierce. American Methodism’s Magna Carta: an Address before the North
American Sections of the World Methodist Council, Philadelphia. [Lake Junaluska, NC:
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Corson, Fred Pierce. The Minister and Christian Higher Education.
Corson, Fred Pierce. What did Francis Asbury do for American Methodism? [Chicago: s.n.,
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Corson, Fred Pierce. The Presidential Address, 11th World Methodist Conference, London,
England, August 18, 1966. Lake Junaluska, NC: World Methodist Council. 15p.
Cory, Carol L. Peacemaking Tools for our Congregation. Nashville: Discipleship Resources,
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Coryell, E. And also to the Greek, Autobiography. Troy, ID: Latah County Press, 1942. 64p.
Costa, Susan L. Quiet Day Service: Hope for the Homeless A Call to Prayer and Self denial,
1990. Cincinnati: Service Center, 1989.
The Cottage Wedding; with the History of Sarah and William in Two Parts. No. 105.
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Cotton, Alfred Johnson. Cotton’s Sketch-Book: Autobiographical sketches of the life, labors, and
extensive home travels of Rev. A. J. Cotton. Portland, ME: Printed by B. Thustron &
Co., 1874. 216p.
Cottrill, Don. Guidelines for Conference and District Coordinators of Youth Ministries in the
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Couch, Helen. Elizabeth Russell, Pioneer of Higher Education for Japanese Women. Cincinnati:
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Couch, Helen Fox. Shadows in Sunlight. Nashville: Graded Press, 1971. 30p. (Week End Packet
for Late Teens).
Coulson, Charles A. Faith and Technology, being the Inaugural Lecture of the Luton Industrial
College, delivered 14th September, 1968. London: Chester House Publications, 1969.
Coulson, Charles Alfred. Finding God in Science. Nashville: Upper Room, 1959.
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Coulson, Charles A. Nuclear knowledge and Christian Responsibilities. London: Epworth Press,
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Council Grove and the Historic Kaw Mission. Council Grove, KS: Old Kaw Mission, 1968. 4p.
Council of Churches of Malaysia & Singapore. Annual Reports, 1967, presented to the General
Council January 1968. Singapore: CCMS, 1968. 39p.
Council of Churches of Malaysia & Singapore. Annual Reports summarized 1968. Singapore:
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The Councilor, Convention Souvenir Editon, Westminster, MD: Published cooperatively by the
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Counseling for Church Vocations, an Audio-visual Resource for Pastors and Counselor.
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Counseling for Church Vocations. Edited by Howard W. Ewing. Nashville: Methodist
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Counseling Information, Come and Discuss the Answers in the Vocation Lounge… at Methodist
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Counselor’s Guide to Methodist Schools, Colleges and Universities. Nashville: Director of
Information and Publications of Higher Education, Board of Education, The Methodist
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Counselor’s Guide to Methodist Schools, Colleges and Universities: a Booklet to help pastors,
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Counting the Cost. Chicago: General Board of Lay Activities, The Methodist Church,
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A Country Carpenter’s confession of faith with a few plain remarks on the age of reason in a
The Country Church as a Community Center. Nashville: Woman’s Missionary Council,
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A Course of Lectures to Young Men and Others, now delivering at the Weigh-House Chapel,
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Methodist Episcopal Church, South through the Department of the Local Church,
Division of Leadership Training, 1936. 32p. (Leadership Training Series, Leaflet No.
The Course of Study for Christian Workers: Catalog of Courses for Small Churches and Manual
of Administration 1936. Nashville: The General Board of Christian Education, Methodist
Episcopal Church, South through the Department of the Local Church, Division of
Leadership Training, 1936. 23p. (Leadership Training Series, Leaflet No. 753).
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Cousins, Norman. Television: The Time-trap. Nashville: Dept. of the Christian Family, Board of
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Covenant Relationship, Missionary and Congregation joining together through The Advance.
Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, UMC, 1979. 8p.
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Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, UMC, 1988. 8p.
Cowper, William. Readings from Cowper. New York: Phillips & Hunt; Cincinnati: Cranston &
Stowe, 1883. 16p. (Home College series, no. 52).
Cowell, W. James; ed. Organizing New Congregations.
Cowles, Henry. A Sermon on being filled with the Holy Ghost. Oberlin: Printed by J. M. Fitch,
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Cowman, Charles (Mrs). When Shadows Fall. Greenwood, IN: OMS International, Inc., [198-?].
Cox, Billy. Twenty-five Ways to build up a Church. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1980.
Cox, Ezra M. Panned Out. New York: Editorial Department, Joint Division of Education and
Cultivation, Board of Missions and Church Extension, The Methodist Church, [1946]. 8p.
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Cox, F. A. Idolatry: It’s Wide Diffusion and Certain Extermination. A Lecture delivered at the
Mission House, Moorgate, Nov. 15, 1848.
Cox, Martin W. Spirit-directed Witnessing. Marion, IN: Wesley Press, 1960. 64p.
Cox, Lilian E. The Real Presence: a Representation showing forth the way of the Lord with his
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Cowman, Charles (Mrs). Praise Changes Things. Greenwood, IN: OMS International, Inc. [198?]. 12p.
The Cradle Roll, issued under the supervision of the Board of Sunday Schools, David G.
Downey, Secretary and John T. McFarland, Editor, Sunday School Literature. New York:
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Crafts, Wilbur F. Slate and Blackboard Work. New York: Sunday School Union of the MEC,
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Craig, Clarence Tucker. Methodist Emphases in Theological Education. Madison, NJ: Drew
University, 1949. 9p.
Cragg, G. G. So serves the Church, the Church and the Giants. London: Cargate Press, 1947.
Crampton, Earl H. I am a Discontented Optimist, a devotional address delivered at the
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Crandall, Ronald K. Evangelism Week and Evangelism Sunday, 1979. Nashville: Discipleship
Resources, 1979. 4p.
Crandall, Ronald K. Making it Work: Using the Local Church Planning Guide in Small Groups.
Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1978. 6p.
Crandall, Ronald K. Witness: Exploring and Sharing Your Christian Faith: Samples. Nashville:
Discipleship Resources, 2001. 29p.
Crandon International Institutute, Rome [Prospectus]. Rome: Crandon International Institute,
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Crane, Henry Hitt. Notes on Addresses/Conferences – Campus of the University of Illinois. Nov.
30 – Dec. 2. 1940.
Cranston, Earl. “But for these Chains” – Paul: Grouch or Glory. New York: Methodist Book
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Crapullo, George A. The Protestant Faith. New York: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, 1947. 32p.
Craven, Braxtom. Methodism: a Sermon. Baltimore: Innes & Co., 1868. 25p.
Crawford, Benjamin Franklin. Our Endowment of Faith. [s.l.: s.n., 19-?]. 22p.
Crawford, Elijah. History of the Methodist Episcopal Church on Hartford, a Discourse delivered
on Fast Day, April 6, 1849. Hartford: Press of Case, Tiffany & Co., 1849. 26p.
Crawford, Hubert V and Paul L. Crawford. Erie School, Aiken Hall, High upon the Hill. Olive
Hill, KY: s.n., 1986. 26p.
Crawford, Jack V. E.U.B. Chaplains in Uncle Sam’s Navy. Newport, RI: The author, 1953. 8p.
Crawford, Medorem. Journal, 1842. Eugene, OR: State Job Print, 1897. 26p. (Sources of the
History of Oregon, vol. 1, no. 1).
Crawford, Percy. Salvation Full and Free: a Series of Radio Messages. Philadelphia: The Young
People’s Church of the Air, 1943. 96p.
Creamer, David. Methodist Hymnology. [New York: s.n., 1866]. 47-53p. Detached from the
Methodist Centenary Magazine.
Creamer, David. Whitefield in Maryland. Ladies’ Repository (Magazine).
Created in God’s Image: a Filmstrip relating to the Social Principles….. Washington, DC:
Service Department, [197-?]. 6p.
Creciendo con el Pueblo.: Mision Solidaria en Centoamerica. Cincinnati: Service Center,
GBGM, 1991. 39p.
Creevey, William H. When Hearts are changed, what then? Nashville: Tidings, [196-]. 6p (Tractof-the-month).
Cresswell, Amos S. Lord, I’ve had Enough! And other Sermons, with a Foreword by Viscount
Tonypandy. Braunton: Vigo Press, 1992. 88p.
Cresswell, Amos S. The Story they Told: a Study of the Gospel accounts of the Passion and
Resurrection of Jesus, with a foreword by the Rt. Rev. Dr. Christopher Budd. Baunton:
Vigo Press, 1992.
Cresswell, Amos S. The Story they Told. London: Epworth Prerss, 1966. 31p.
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Criminal Justice. Washington, DC: General Board of Church and Society, the United Methodist
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The crippled coin.
The crippled trooper.
Crisci, Elizabeth Whitney. Dramatic Readings for all Occasions. Nashville: Abingon Press,
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“The Crisis in Worship”: Convocation on Worship. Kiel Auditorium, St. Louis, Missouri, April
21-24, 1969. Sponsored by the Commission on Worship with cooperation of The
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Critical Debate: the following chart reveals the relative position on selective public issues taken
by the United Methodist Church, the Republican Party, the Democratic Party and
Governor George C. Wallace. Washington: s.n., 1968. 8p.
Critics and Castigators. The Visions of Sapience; or, A report of the speeches delivered at an
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consideration the propriety of presenting James Douglas with a vote of thanks for his late
attempts in two pamphlets to render Methodism contemptible and devilism respectable,
with note. Leeds: Printed by and for James Nichols; London: Blanshard et al., 1815. 60p.
Crocket, Ophel Butler. Major Methodist Emphases. Lexington, KY: O. B. Crockett, [1953]. 65p.
Croft, William. Out of the Deep, Anthem. Arranged from the MS in the British Museum by
George Kellett and published for the Wesleyan Bicentenary, 1938. London: The “Choir”
Office, [1938]. 12p. (Choir series, no 325). With music.
Cronk, E. C. (Mrs.). Penny Sad and Penny Glad. Nashville: Woman’s Missionary Council, M.E.
Church, South, [192-?]. 2p.
Crooker, Joseph Henry. Co-operation for Holiness. Boston: American Unitarian Association,
[19--?]. 18p.
Crooks, George, R. Open Letters.
Cross, Cicilia. Proving God, a Report of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, Methodist
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Cross, Harriette, D. Streetwise in Corinth: Paul’s Letters to an Urban Congregation, A Leader’s
Guide containing Student Pages. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, 2000. 32p.
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Cross, Joseph. The Ascension: a sermon. Cazenovia, NY: Printed at the Union Herald Office,
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Cross, Joseph. Hints to both Poor and Rich: a discourse on Luke xv. 14. 2nd ed. Berwick,
England: J. Taylor, 1799. 35p.
Cross, Joseph. Influence or Early Education: an Oration pronounced before the Temperance
Societies and Sabbath Schools of Ithaca, NY, July 4th, 1842. Photocopy: final page/s
Cross, Joseph. Reason versus Alcohol, a Plea. Auburn, NY: Henry Olipanth, 1842. 23p.
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The Cross, the Cap, and the Atom. Nashville: Board of Education, The Methodist Church,
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The Cross and Flame Program. Nashville: Office of Scouting Ministry, General Board of
Discipleship, The United Methodist Church, [197-?]. 6p.
Cross-Bearers for Christ; a Report of the Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society, Methodist
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Crossland, Weldon F. I am Proud to be a Methodist. Nashville: General Commission on
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Crossroads of the Pacific: Methodist Work in Hawaii. New York: Editorial Department, Joint
Section of Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions, The Methodist Church, [195-].
Crothers, William H. Helping them Listen. New York: The Council of Church Boards of
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Crouch, Timothy J. A United Methodist Rite for Anointing. Cleveland, OH: East Ohio
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Crowe, Charles M. The Sanctuary for Lent, daily readings for Lent, 1962. Nashville: Abingdon
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Crowe, Charles M. The Sanctuary for Lent, daily readings for Lent, 1965. Nashville: Abingdon
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Crume, Harold. The City Challenges Methodism. New York: Joint Section of Education and
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Crumwell, Alexander. The Black Woman of the South, her neglects and her needs. Cincinnati:
Woman’s Home Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, [188-]. 14p.
Crump, Edward L. The Ministry of Ushering. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1981. 6p.
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Crusade Scholarships of the United Methodist Church. Nashville: Director, Crusade
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A Cry for Bread and Justice: Action/education opportunities in response to world hunger. New
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The Cry of the Child: a Story of Ministry to Needy Children. Chicago: The Board of Sunday
Schools of the Methodist Episcopal Church, [191-]. 16p.
Cryer, Newman. United Methodists: Freedom and Grace. Nashville: United Methodist
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Cuba… and what the Methodists are doing there. New York: Editorial Department, Joint
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Cubitt, George. Observations on Dr. Samuel Warren’s Pamphlet against the Wesleyan
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Institution: in a letter to the Rev. Joseph Taylor, President of the Wesleyan Methodist
Conference. 2nd ed. London: Printed for the author and sold by J. Mason, [1834]. 58p.
Cubitt, George. Observations on Dr. Samuel Warren’s pamphlet against the Wesleyan
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Cubitt, George. A Reply to Dr. Warren’s “Final answer” which is prefixed a letter from Mr.
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Cubitt, George. The Rev. G. Cubitt’s answer to Dr. Warren’s “Sufficient Reply” to Mr. Cubitt’s
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Culbertson, LeNoir H. and Barry L. Culbertson. The Sanctuary for Lent 1991. Nashville:
Abingdon Press, 1991. 48p.
Culberth, J. Marvin. Annual Report of J. Marvin Culberth, Secretary of Religious Education,
Board of Education, M.E. Church, South, May 1-2, 1928. Nashville, TN: s.n., 1928. 10p.
Cumming, John. Lorenzo Dow Hickey: the Last of the Twelve. Detached from Michigan
History, vol. 30, no. 1 (1966).
Cummings, Robert J. Unto You is the Promise, a personal testimony. Springfield, MO: Gospel
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Cummings, G. Wayne. Serving the Present Age: Educational Ventures in the Holston Country,
1826-1926. A paper presented to a meeting of the Southeastern Jurisdictional Historical
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Cundiff, Bryant A. Scriptural Holiness. Louisville, KY: Pentecostal Publishing Company,
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Cundiff, Bryant A. A Catechism on the Second Blessing. [Louisville: Pentecostal Publishing
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Cunniggim, Mrs. Jesse Lee. The Bell Harris Bennett Memorial, a Visitor’s Guide. Nashville:
Scarritt College for Christian Workers, [192-]. 29p.
Cunniggim, Merrimon and William E. Kerstetter. The Idea of America: Addresses delivered [at
the] sixth Christian Liberal Arts Festival, October 4-5, 1969, Simpson College. Indianola,
IA: Simpson College, 1959. 19p.
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Cuniggim, Merrimon. Words that Shape History, an elective unit for young people. Nashville:
Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, 1941. 24p.
Cunningham E. Carl. Your Christian Worker’s training school, short course. Nashville: Issued by
the General Board of Christian Education, Methodist Episcopal Church, South through
the Department of Local Church, Division of Leadership Training, 1936. 8p. (leadership
training series). (No. 763).
Cunningham, James. A Review of Bishop Simpson’s Address before the Convention of
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Cunningham, Nancy B. Festival 200, a Celebration of Methodism in America, 1784-1984.
Edited by William K. Quick. Nashville: United Methodist Publishing House, 1984. [16]p.
Cunnyngham, William George Etler. A Catechism for Infant Classes. Nashville: Publishing
House of the M.E. Church, South, 1915. 16p.
Cure for a Hard Heart: Confession the Cross.
Curet, Carlos. On this Foundation: Theology in Verse. San Diego, CA: Carlos Curet, 1980. 15p.
Curious and Useful Questions on the Bible designed for Sunday Schools and families. New
York: Carlton & Lanahan, Sunday-School Union, 1849. 36p.
The Curiosity of Sis. Candy Box.
Current Income Pensions in the Methodist Church. Chicago: The Board of Pensions of The
Methodist Church, 1945. 45p.
Currie, Duncan D. Open letters on Baptism: with an Appendix on certain Baptist
Inconsistencies… Halifax: “Wesleyan” Book and Job Office, 1878. 52p.
Curry, John W. No Balconies in Heaven: Message delivered at the South Carolina United
Methodist Conference session, Tuesday, June 2, 1981; also delivered to the Council of
Bishops, April 1982. [s.l.: s.n., 1982]. 5p.
Curry, Norris S. Teaching the Constitutional Meaning of the Laymen’s Council: The Laymen’s
Council, a Benevolent Interest in the Christian Methodist Episcopal Church. Memphis,
TN: C.M.E. Publishing House, 1975. 37p.
Curtis, Jenneth W. I have Decided: Christ for me. 5th edition. London: Epworth Press, 1956. 15p.
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Curtis, John. A Few of the late Rev. Mr. W. Whitefield’s remarkable sayings, which I, John
Curtis, deprived of my natural sight, retained in my mind by sitting under his powerful
preaching. London: Printed for the author, Tettenham-Court-Road, near the Chapel,
1777. 8p.
Curtis, Olin Alfred. Keeping the Faith: a Baccalaureate Sermon preached in the Seminary
Chapel, Madison, NJ, Sunday, May 17, 1914. by Olin A. Curtis. Madison, NJ: Drew
Theological Seminary, 1914. 16p.
Curtis, Olin Alfred. A Personal Paper, commemorative of Twenty-five years of Theological
Service in the Department of Systematic Theology, read before the Martensen Seminar,
Drew Theological Seminary, Madinson, NJ: privately printed, 1914. 28p.
Cushing, C. W. The World of Science.
Cushman, Clara. Story of the Standard Bearers. Boston: Woman’s Foreign Missionary Society,
Methodist Episcopal Church, 1913. 8p.
Cushman, Ralph Spaulding. How to Organize the Stewardship Movement. [NewYork: Joint
Centenary Committee, Methodist Episcopal Church, Methodist Episcopal Church, South,
191-]. 23p.
Cushman, Ralph Spaulding. Too Busy for God? A Family Question. Nashville: Tidings, [1950].
Cushman, Robert E. Report to the Church on the Second Vatican Council: Reflections on
Vatican II, Second Session. Lake Junaluska, NC: World Methodist Council, [1963]. 29p.
Cushman, Robert E. Theological Landmarks in the Wesleyan Revival. Nashville: District
Evangelism, 1956. 8p.
Custer, Chester. Come. Nashville: Tidings, [196-]. 6p. (Tract-of-the-month).
Custer, Chester E. Lay Speakers interpret to Others our United Methodist heritage. Revised
edition. Nashville: Discipleship Resource, 2001. 16p.
Custer, Chester E. My Ministry with Older Adults. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1986. 3p.
Custer, Chester E. Sound the Trumpet. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p.
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Cutten, George Barton. Facing Beverage Alcohol reality. [Washington, DC: Board of
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Cuyler, Theodore L. Re-converted Christians.
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Daeschner, Willaim E. The Christian Home, Course Number 420a, suggestion for individual
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The Daily Special, the Sunday School missionary special. Nashville: General Sunday School
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Dalton, Thomas. A reply to the remarks of a Wesleyan Methodist on the results of a connection
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Dameron, Estelle Darsey. Guide [to] Isaiah speaks. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of Christian
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Dancey, Jesse S. The Church at the College. Chicago: Warren F. Sheldon, [193-]. 3p.
Dancing and Balls. New York: Eaton & Mains; Cincinnati: Curts & Jennings, [between 1896 and
1900]. 16p. (No. 294).
Dancing and Balls. New York: Phillips & Hunt, [188-?]. 16p. (Revised series, no. 29).
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Danger and Folly of Indecision in Religion, exemplified in the deaths or persons professing
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Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church at the Conference Office, [between 1833 and
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A Dangerous Error. New York: Office of Guide to Holiness, [18-?]. 1p. (Phoebe Palmer leaflets
Dangerous. New York: Tract Department, [of the MEC, between 1883 and 1869]. 4p. (No. 530).
Dangers of Young Men. New York: Tract Department, [of the MEC, between 1869 and 1889].
4p. (Selected series No. 128).
Daniel, James Walter. An Historical Address before the Historical Societies of the Upper South
Carolina Conference, Newberry SC, and South Carolina Conference, Kingstree, SC,
Ocotber 10, 1923, November 27, 1923. [s.l.: s.n., 1923]. 29p.
Daniel W. Harrison. Protestantism and Patriotism in the Confederacy. [s.l.: s.n., 19-?]. [117]134p. Detached from Mississippi Quarterly.
Daniels, Bill. The Big Lie, “I have nothing to give’. Chicago: Department of Stewardship and
Finance, General Board of Lay Activities, The Methodist Church, [1960]. 3p.
Daniels, Josephus. Secretary Daniels to the Methodist Minute Men, an address delivered by the
Honorable Josephus Daniels, Secretary of the Navy to the Methodist Minute Men at he
Centenary Celebration. Columbus, Ohio on July fifth, nineteen hundred and nineteen.
Nashville: Missionary Centenary, Department of Publicity, 1919. [10]p.
Dark, Alvin. Why I Tithe. Chicago: General Board of Lay Activities, The Methodist Church,
[196-?]. 3p. Reprint through the courtesy of American Weekly.
Darrow, Clarence. Should the 18th Amendment be Repealed: Yes, Clarence Darrow; No,
Clarence True Wilson. Edited by E. Haldeman-Juliue. Girard, KS: Haldeman-Julius
Publications , [1931]. 64p.
Das, Man Singh. History of South Asian Churches in the United States. s.l.: s.n., 1987. 35p.
Dash, Michael I. N. Disciples Engaged: Covenant Groups for blending Sunday’s Faith with
Everyday Living. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1985. 39p.
Dashiell, Edward Honeywood. The Spirit of Jesus. Cincinnati: M. W. Knapp, 1898. 88p.
(Pentecostal Holiness Library Monthly, May, 1898, Vol I, no. 5).
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Dateline: The World: Worship Services and Programs for a World Friendship Group of Girls in
the Methodist Youth Fellowship to study the Woman’s Division of Christian Service.
Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions, The Methodist
Church, Literature Headquarters, 1960. 65p.
Datta, S. K. The Problem of Education. Madras: Methodist Publishing House, 1921. 14p.
(Pamphlets for the times, no. 2).
Daugherty, Billie Joe. This New Life. Oklahoma City, OK: Crossroads Cathedral, [197-?]. 61p.
Daugherty, Clarence Lloyd. Manual for The Commission on Membership and Evangelism in the
Local Church. Nashville: Methodist Evangelistic Materials, [1958]. 63p.
Daugherty, Clarence Lloyd. The Commission on Membership and Evangelism in the Local
Church. Nashville: Tidings, [1953]. 63p.
Daugherty, Gertrude K. Advent & Christian in the Home and Church. Nashville: Discipleship
Resources, 1980. 7p.
Daugherty, Gertrude K. Finding Strength for Daily Needs. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p. Tractof-the-Month Club.
Daugherty, Jeanette M. The Church Paper in the Home. Cincinnati: Cranston &Curts; New
York: Hunt & Eaton, 1894. 8p. (Book Concern series, no. 10).
A Daughter of the House Boat: the Story of Miss Mary Culler White and her Work in China.
Nashville: Woman’s Department, Board of Missions, Methodist Episcopal Church,
South, [1924]. 9p.
Davage, Matthew Simpson. The Golden Rule in Race Relations: an Adult Study Course. New
York: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, [194-?]. 30p.
Daves, Michael. Redemption. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p. Tract-of-the-Month Club.
Daves, Michael. Finding Strength for Daily Needs. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p. Tract-of-theMonth Club.
Daves, Michael. “Here I Stand”. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p. Tract-of-the-Month Club.
Daves, Michael. Good News: Peace. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 3p.
Daves, Michael. Good News: Repentance. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 3p.
Daves, Michael. Good News: Resurrection. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 3p.
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Daves, Michael. Good News: Forgiveness. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 3p.
Daves, Michael. Good News: Hope. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 3p.
Daves, Michael. Good News: Faith. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 3p.
Daves, Michael. Good News: Joy. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 3p.
Daves, Michael. The Service of Marriage: a Guide for the Bride and Groom. s.l.: Commission on
Worship, North Texas Conference, The United Methodist Church, 1968. [12]p.
Daves, Michael. George Matheson, the Free Captive. Nashville: The Upper Room, 1962. 32p.
Davey, Cyril J. The Curtain Line. London: Epworth Press, 1959. 32p. A Wyvern play.
Davey, Cyril J. Haunted City. London: Edinburgh House, 1964. 32p. Adventure Books, no. 2.
Davey, Cyril J. He knew what he wanted. London: Cargate Press, 1948. 24p. Eagle Books No.
Davey, Cyril and Hugh Thomas. Together Travel On: a History of Women’s Work. London:
Methodist Church Overseas Division, 1984. 23p.
David Lipscomb College, Nashville, TN. Living Names. Nashville: David Lipscomb College,
[192-?]. 29p.
David, Ongole. Report of the Sironcha District, Hyderabad Annual Conference, Methodist
Episcopal Church. Sec’bad: Moses & Co., 1927. 8p.
Davids, Luoisa. The Duty of Parents to Sunday Schools. From Mrs. David’s prize essay “The
Sunday School.” New York: Tract Society [of the MEC between 1852 and 1868]. 12p.
(Sunday-school series, no. 10).
Davids, Louisa. On the Conduct of Senior Classes. From Mrs. David’s prize essay “The Sunday
School.” New York: Tract Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, (184-?]. 8p.
(Sunday-school series, no. 39).
Davidson, William J. the Christian Ministry as a Life Work. Chicago: Methodist Episcopal
Church, Commission on Life Service, [1930?]. 36p.
Davidson, William J. Concerning Life Service Appeals. Chicago: Methodist Episcopal Church,
The Commission on Life Service. [192-?]. 8p.
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Davies, John Newton. The Approval of the Excellent. Holloway, Fred G. Our Foundation is
Firm. Madison, NJ: Drew University, 1941. 30p.
Davies, John Newton. The Spiritual Gospel and its Interpretation. Madison, NJ: Drew
Theological Seminary, 1921. 14p. Drew Seminary Bulletin, vol. 9, no. 3, September
Davies, Rupert Eric. Jehovah’s Witness, is their witness true? London: Epworth Press, 1964.
14p. (Foundery Pamphlets no. 11).
Davies, Rupert Eric. Honesty, God and Christianity. London: Epworth Press, 1964. 9p.
(Foundery Pamphlets no. 18).
Davies, Rupert Eric. God’s Purpose for Society. London: Epworth Press, 1960. 14p. (Beckly
Pamphlets. Fifth series, no. 3).
Davies, Rupert Eric. The Faith of a Protestant. London: Epworth Press, 1958. 19p. (Foundery
Pamphlets no. 10).
Davies, Rupert Eric. The Service of Reconciliation. London: Epworth Press, 1964. 18p.
(Epworth Conversations booklets 4).
Davies, Samuel. The Following Verses were composed by a pious clergyman in Virginia, who…
London: s.n., [1755?]. 49p.
Davis, Brent. Dialogue ’79, a Christian Guide to Personal Evangelistic Dialogue. San Francisco:
Jews for Jesus, 1978. 36p.
Davis, Daniel L. Henry Gerhard Appenzeller: his contribution to Korean Independence,
Democracy and Modernization. Seoul: s.n., 1988. p197-230. Offprint from Journal of
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Davis, L. The New Creed: a Careful Analysis of the Confession of faith proposed by the Church
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Davis, L. Near Midnight: Thoughts on the Second Coming. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press,
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Davis, Paul H. Formula for Significant Survival of Private Liberal Arts Colleges. Washington,
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Davis, W. A. Fruits of the Gospel in Japan. Nashville: Woman’s Missionary Council, M.E.
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Davison, Leslie. Christianity in Western Europe: Addresses to the Newark Annual Conference,
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Davison, Leslie, Sinclair Walker and George W. Sails. The Methodist Approach to Industrial
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Dawes, Stephen. The Primacy of Scripture and the Methodist Quadrilateral. s.l.: Methodist
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Dawson, Dana. Quiet Day: Week of Prayer and Self-denial. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of
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Dawson, Joanna. Methodism at the Grassroots within the Great Haworth Round. York: Printed
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Dawson, Joanna and Arnold Kellet. People and Places in Yorkshire Methodism. Harrogate:
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Dawson, Levi. An Analytical Critique of Groundwork of Biblical Studies by W. David Stacey.
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Day, James Roscoe. Chancellor’s Letter, April 15, 1922. Syracuse, NY: Syracuse University,
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Day, Muriel. Following the Gleam under our Flag. Chicago: Methodist Episcopal Church, The
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The Day of Judgment. New York: Printed for the Tract Society of the Methodist Episcopal
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The Day of Trial. New York: Printed for the Tract Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
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Dayton, Lucille Sider and Donald W. Dayton. Women in the Holiness Movement. Chicago:
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The Deaconess: a Good Neighbor. Nashville: Department of Education and Promotion,
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Deaconess and Home Missionary: What do they do? Who are they? Cincinnati: Service Center,
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Deaconess and Home Missionary: What do they do? Who are they? Cincinnati: Service Center,
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Deaconess Home Association, Cincinnati. Twentieth Annual Report, January 1915 to January
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The Deaconess Movement, Facts. Buffalo, NY: General Deaconess Board of the Methodist
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Deaconesses at their Work. Chicago: M.E.D.S. (Methodist Episcopal Deaconess Society, 1900?].
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The Deaconess: Who is She? Nashville: Department of Educational Promotion, Woman’s
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The Dead Lion rescued from the heels of the living ass: being a reply to the review of the life of
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Deal, William Sanford. Faith, Facts and Feelings, 2nd edition. Greensboro, NC: Williams S. Deal,
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Deal, William Sanford. Thrilling Experiences in Missionary Evangelism, Interesting Incidents on
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Deal, William Sanford. The Unpardonable Sin Explained: a treatise on the blasphemy against the
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Dealing with Prejudice and White Racism, a Bibliography. Nashville: Graded Press, 1970. 4p.
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Dean, George B. Evangelism adapted to the Unchurched Downtown City Group. Philadelphia:
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Dean, George B. Manual on Personal Evangelism. New York: Methodist Book Concern, 1925.
Dean, Sidney. Eulogy pronounced in the City Hall, Providence, April 19, 1865 on the occasion
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Dean. Sidney. The War: and the Duty of a Loyal People, a Sermon preached in the Mathewson
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Providence, RI: Pierce and Budlong Printers, 1862. 16p.
Dearney, I. H. The Open Air Cathedral. Birstol: Bennett Brothers Ltd., 1951. 12p.
Death of a Backslider. New York: Tract Department, MEC, [between 1869 and 1889]. 4p.
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Death of Sia Hong-Ho. New York: Missionary Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, [19?]. 4p. (Methodist Episcopal Mission Leaflets series, no. 10).
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The Death Penalty. Washington, DC: E/SA, 1980. 64p.
Deats, Richard L. The Universal Gospel and Modern Nationalism.
Deaver, Leonard E. The Evangelical Church in Iowa. [s.l.: s.n., 194-?]. 16p.
DeBardeleben, Mary. Health Evangelism through the Wesley House. Nashville: Woman’s
Missionary Council, M.E. Church, South, 1917. 4p. (Young people, November 1971).
De Bardeleben, Mary. Proving ourselves friends to the Negro worker. Nashville: Woman’s
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De Bardeleben, Mary. Suggestions to Leaders of Study Classes using Susuki Looks at Japan
(Willis Lamott). Nashville: Publishing House, M. E. Church, South, [1934]. 21p.
De Cesare, Emilio. Nobody’s Child. Tuckahoe, NY: Casa Materna Society, [198-?]. 28p.
A Debate on Child Labor (Social Service). Nashville: Woman’s Department of the Board of
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Debate on Resolution to investigate the payment of money appropriated by Bill for Relief of the
Book Agents of the Methodist Episcopal Church, South; remarks of Senators Lodge,
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others in the Senate of the United States, June 9, 10, 13 and 14, 1898. Washington, 1898.
A Decade of Church Membership Trends in the United Methodist Church, 1969-1979.
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Decade of Dynamic Discipleship, 1960-1970: Evangelism in the Methodist Church. Nashville:
General Board of Evangelism, The Methodist Church, Department of Motivation, [196?]. 16p.
Decision of Judge J. H. Cartwright in the Case of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ vs.
the Seceders from Said Church. Dayton, OH: United Bretheren Publishing House, 1891.
Decision and Indecision: or, The Two Cousins. By the wife of a Wesleyan minister, for the last
London edition. New York: Published by Lane and Scott for the Sunday School Union of
the Methodist Episcopal Church, 1848. 102p.
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Decision-Making in Business. Washington, DC: General Board of Christian Social Concerns,
The Methodist Church, 1962. 4p. (Moral man and moral society).
Decision-Making in Personal Life. Washington: General Board of Christian Social Concerns of
The Methodist Church, 1964. 8p.
Decision to Discipleship: a Ministry of Light and Life Men International. Winona Lake, IN: Free
Methodist Church, 1982. 6p.
Decision y Cambio: libro de recursos para programas, 1969-1970. Adaptados al Espanol por
Clotilde Falcon Nanez, 1969. 112p.
Declaration of Methodist Preachers, Stationed in London and its vicinity, on the subject of a late
circular, London: James Nichols, 1834. 3p. Signed at end: Joseph Taylor, President of the
Conference, John Gualter, et al.
Declaration of the Wesleyan Methodist Preachers of the Manchester District. Manchester,
England: Love and Barton, printers, 1834. 4p. Signed at end: Robert Newton, Chairman
of the District, William Shelmerdine Edward Gibbons, et al.
Declaration of the Wesleyan Methodists in Bolton. Bolton: John Ogle, printer, [1834]. 3p.
Declaration of the Wesleyan Methodists in the Liverpool North Circuit. Liverpool: T. Kaye,
printer, [1834]. 7p.
Dedicated Dollars. Evanston, IL: Division of Interpretation of the Program Council of the United
Methodist Church, 1969. 4p.
Dedicating Young Children in Baptism. Nashville: Department of Christian Education of
Children, Division of the Local Church, General Board of Education of The Methodist
Church, 1959. 4p.
The Dedication of The Methodist Hymnal. Nashville: Board of Publication of The Methodist
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The Dedication of the Simpson Memorial Chapel, the Methodist Building, Washington, DC,
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The Deer-leap. New York: Eaton & Mains; Cincinnati: Curts &Jennings, [between 1896 and
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Deever, Otterbein, T. Built upon the Sand. Dayton, OH: Board of Evangelism, The Evangelical
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Deever, Otterbein T. Buddy. Dayton, OH: Board of Evangelism, The EUB Church, [between
1947 and 1954]. 11p.
Deever, Otterbein T. Highways and Hedges: A Testimonial. Dayton, OH: Board of Evangelism,
The EUB Church, [1954?]. 7p.
Deever, Otterbein T. The Holy Spirit in You. Dayton, OH: Board of Evangelism, The
Evangelical United Brethren Church, [1954?]. 7p.
Deever, Otterbein T. Then say So! A Call to Witnessing. Dayton, OH: Board of Evangelism, The
EUB Church, [1954?]. 8p.
Deever, Otterbein T. When the Peach Orchard Bloomed. Dayton, OH: Board of Evangelism, The
EUB Church, [1954?]. 7p.
Deever, Philip O. Invitation to Preach, a Handbook, for Young Men interested in the Christian
ministry as a life calling. Dayton, OH: Board of Christian Education, Evangelical United
Brethren Church, [195-?]. 16p.
Deever, Philip O. Invitation to Preach: a handbook for young men interested in the Christian
ministry as a life calling. Dayton, OH: Published by the Board of Christian Education,
Church of the United Brethren in Christ, [19-?]. 19p.
A Defence of Methodism in a Letter to the Revd. ---, a Presbyterian Pastor of Mifflin County.
By S… W….. Hollidaysburg, PA: Printed by Thomas P. Campbell, [1834?].
A Defence of the British & Foreign School Society against the remarks in the sixty-seventh
number of the Edinburgh Review, 2nd edition. London: Published by Longman, Hurst
Rees, Orme and Brown, et al., 1821. 48p.
The Defender Bible Reading Guide. Wichita, KS: Defenders, Inc., [195-?]. 6p.
Defining Campus Ministry of the United Methodist Church. Nashville: Department of Campus
Ministry, Board of Education of the United Methodist Church, [between 1968 and 1972].
Defining the Methodist Student Movement. Nashville: Department of College and University
Religious Life, Board of Education, The Methodist Church, [1956?]. 15p.
Defining the Methodist Student Movement. Nashville: Department of College and University
Religious Life, Board of Education, The Methodist Church, [1966]. 6p.
Defining the Campus Ministry of the United Methodist Church. Nashville: Department of
Campus Ministry. Board of Education of The United Methodist Church, [1969?]. 6p.
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Degen, George C. Proportionate Giving versus Hap-hazard Giving. Cleveland, OH: Press of J.
H. Lamb, 1903. 59p.
De Haan, M. R. Divine Healing and Divine Healers, a Scriptural examination of the modern
healing movement. Grand Rapids, MI: Radio Bible Class, [19-?]. 32p.
De Haan, M. R. Holy Spirit Baptism. Grand Rapids, MI: Radio Bible Class, 1964. 32p.
DeHaan, M. R. Pentecost and After. Grand Rapids, MI: Radio Bible Class, 1964. 32p.
Delamarter, George N. Lay Support Team Manual. Winona Lake, IN: Free Methodist Church of
North America, Department of Evangelism and Church Growth, 1987. 34p.
Delamarter, George N. Pastoral Support Team Manual. Winona Lake, IN: Discipling Materials,
Free Methodist Church of North America, 1985. 49p.
DeLange, Harry. Keynote Address [at] consultation on global survival, Social and International
Affairs Committee. World Methodist Council, July 17, 1986. Nairobi, Kenya: Afropress
Ltd., 1986. 12p.
Delaware Avenue Methodist Episcopal Church. Buffalo, NY. The Itinerants’ Club. The
Itinerant’s Club, [Program], Monday to Saturday, May 6-11, 1895. Buffalo, NY: S.
McGerald & Sons, 1895. 10p.
Delay Perilous. New York: Office of Guide to Holiness, [18-?]. 1p. (Phoebe Palmer leaflets, A5).
Del Bene, Ron. Near Life’s End: What Families and Friends can do. By Ron Del Bene, with
Mary and Herb Montgomery. Nashville: The Upper Room, 1988. 31p.
Del Bene, Ron. A Time to Mourn: Recovering from the Death of a Loved One. By Ron
DelBene, with Mary and Herb Montgomery. Nashville: The Upper Room, 1988. 27p.
Del Bene, Ron. When I’m Alone: Thoughts and Prayers that Comfort. By Ron Del Bene with
Mary and Herb Montgomery. Nashville: The Upper Room, 1988. 29p.
DeLong, Russell V. The Present Challenge: Messages for these Troubled Days. Kansas City,
MO: Beacon Hill Press, 1946. 48p.
DeLong, Russell V. The Quest for Certainty: Present Challenges for these troubled days. Kansas
City, MO: Beacon Hill Press, 1944. 45p.
DeLong, Russell V. Resurrection: Myth or Fact? Kansas city, MO: Beacon Hill Press of Kansas
City, 1980. 43p.
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DeLong, Russell V. The Unique Galilean: a Gospel Message delivered on the Columbia
Broadcasting System, Church of the Air program, July 10, 1950. Kansas City, MO:
Beacon Hill Press, 1950. 15p.
DeLong Russell V. The Unique Galilean: a Gospel Message delivered on the Columbia
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Beacon Hill Press, 1955. 15p.
DeLong Russell V. The Unique Galilean, a Gospel Message delivered on the Columbia
Broadcasting System, Church of the Air program, July 10, 1950. Kansas City, MO:
Beacon Hill Press, 1957. 22p.
DeLong Russell V. The Unique Galilean: a Gospel Message delivered on the Columbia
Broadcasting System, Church of the Air program, July 10, 1950. Kansas City, MO:
Beacon Hill Press, 1962. 22p.
Deliver us from Evil. Nashville: Discipleship Resource, 1985. 3p. (The Lord’s Prayer Series).
Demaree, Doris Clore. All Mine? Not really! Chicago: General Board of Lay Activities, The
Methodist Church, [196-?]. [12]p.
Demaree, Doris Clore. All Mine? Not really! Nashville: United Methodist Publishing House,
[between 1968 and 1972]. [12]p.
Democracy: A Challenge for the Church. New York: GBGM, UMC, [198-?]. 6p.
Dempster Grove Camp Meeting, Dempster, NY: Dempster Grove Camp Meeting, August 9-28,
1910, descriptive program. Dempster, NY: DGCM, 1910. 16p.
Dempster, John. A Dedicatory Discourse delivered in Zion Chapel, on the 9th of February, 1825.
Ithaca, NY: Printed by Mark & Andrus, 1825. 12p.
Denman, Harry. Suggestion for Prayer Groups in the Methodist Church. Nashville: Methodist
Evangelistic Materials, 1963. 12p.
Denman, Harry. What Every Methodist can do. Nashville: Methodist Evangelistic Materials,
1960. 8p.
Denman, Harry. Witness and Live, Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p. (Tract-of-the-month).
Dennen, Carrie R. The Ocean. New York: Hunt & Eaton; Cincinnati: Cranston & Stowe,
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Dennen, Carrie R. The Rain. New York: Hunt & Eaton; Cincinnati: Cranston & Stowe, [between
1889-1892]. 12p. (Home college series, no. 16).
Dennett, Tyler. The Missionary Schoolmaster. New York: Joint Centenary Committee,
Methodist Episcopal Church, [1919?]. 26p. Reprinted from Asia: Journal of the American
Asiatic Association.
Dennis, Frank D. What the Church expects of its Members. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p.
Dennis, Frank D. What the Church expects of its Members. Nashville: Discipleship Resources,
[197-?]. 6p.
Dennis, J A. Praise the Lord! / with foreword by Loa Slagel Burgraf. Austin, TX: Words of Life,
Inc., 19-?]. 44p.
Dennis, James. A Cry out the Depths from China. Nashville: Woman’s Foreign Missionary
Society, M. E. Church, South, 1905. 6p.
Dennison, Doris P. Adult Classes at Work. Nashville: Methodist Publishing House, 1942. 92p.
(No. 463).
Dennison, Doris P. The Church in the Small Community: a Workbook to help you who live in
towns to discover and build the Godlike community. Nashville: Issued through the
Department of Christian Education of Adults, Division of the Local Church, Board of
Education and Department of Town and Country Work, Division of Home Missions and
Church Extension, The Methodist Church, 1947. 19p.
Dennison, Doris O. The Great Command: a Study in Christian stewardship. New York and
Nashville: Abingdon-Cokesbury Press, 1941. 32p.
Denison, Shell D. Jr. A Night with Christ from “The Table to the Cross.” 5th revision. Lubbock,
TX: St. Matthew United Methodist Church, 1992. 40p.
Denny, Collins. Historic and Heroic Acts of The Old Baltimore Conference. [Baltimore?: s.n.,
19--]. 44p.
Denny, Collins. Is the De Facto 1924 Session of the General Conference of the Methodist
Church, South, De Jure? [s.l.: s.n., 1924]. 8p.
Denton, Bill. Radio Sermons. [Akron, OH: s.n., 194-?]. 35p.
Department for the Development of the Spiritual Resources; the call for it, what it is, what is
aims to do. New York: Joint Centenary Committee, Methodist Episcopal Church, South,
[1919]. 6p.
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DePauw University, Greencastle, IN. Inauguration of G. Bromley Oxnam as President of
DePauw University. Greencastle: The University, 1928. 44p.
DePauw University. Proceedings on the Occasion of the Opening of Indiana Female College at
the City of New Alabama, Indiana, on February 27th, 1852. New Albany, IN: Norman &
Matthews, printers, 1852. 71p.
DePauw University. Ninth Annual Catalogue of the Officers and Students of Indiana Asbury
University, July, 1847. Indianapolis: Printed by John D. Defrees, 1847. 22p.
DePauw University Archives. Select Bibliographic Guide to the Archives of DePauw University
and Indiana Methodism. Compiled by David J. Olson. Greencastle, IN: DePauw
University, 1972. 13p.
DePauw University, Greencastle, Indiana. Semi-centennial Reminiscences and Historical
Addresses, 1837-1887. Greencastle, IN: Published by the University, 1887. 42p.
Dependent Care. Washington, DC: General Board of Church and Society, The United Methodist
Church, [1984]. 12p. (Faith Witness on Today’s Issues).
Depression. Nashville: Tidings, [1964?]. 3p.
Deputation Programs for Young People, 1922. Nashville: Woman’s Missionary Council,
Methodist Episcopal Church, South, [1921]. 28p.
Desarrollando y Fortlaeciendo la Iglesia Local de Minorie Etnica. Nashville: United Methodist
Communications, 1987. 8p. Translation of Developing and Strengthening the Ethnic
Minority Local Church for Witness and Mission.
Descendents of George Hoffman, consisting of three generations with their husbands, wives and
addresses, systematically arranged. Englewood, OH: L. A. Albert, printer, 1901. 25p.
Cover title: Genealogy of the Hoffmans.
DeShields, W. Wayne. Sho’ do need him now! Millville, NJ: South Jersey Black Theater
Ensemble, 1989.
Design for Methodist Curriculum, a Statement of the Curriculum Committee, General Board of
Education, The Methodist Church. Nashville: General Board of Education of the
Methodist Church, 1965. 30p.
Design for United Methodist Curriculum, a Statement of the Program-Curriculum Committee,
General Board of Education, The United Methodist Church. Nashville: General Board of
Education of the UMC, 1969. 30p.
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Designed to Serve, the Methodist Building, 1200 Davis Street, Evanston, Illinois. [Evanston, IL:
Council on World Service and Finance, The Methodist Church, [195-?]. [20]p.
Desk Appointment Calendar, January 1964 through February 1965. Evanston, IL: General Board
of Pensions, The Methodist Church, 1963. 12p.
Dessem, Ralph E. and Wesley T. Runk. From a Diverse Past to a Distinct Presence: Celebrating
the Heritage of the United Methodist Church. Lima, OH: C.S.S. Publishing, Co., 1984.
Developing and Strengthening the Ethnic Minority Local church: for Witness and Mission,
1981-1984. Missional Priority of The United Methodist Church, February 1981.
Evanston, IL: United Methodist Communication, 1981. 45p.
Developing and Strengthening the Ethnic Minority Local Church: for Witness and Mission,
1985-1988, Operational Manual. Evanston, IL: United Methodist Communication, 1985.
Developing and Strengthening the Ethnic Minority Local Church: for Witness and Mission.
Nashville: United Methodist Communication, 1986. 8p.
Developing Christian Personality. Wesley Tracy, Editor. Kansas City, MO: Published for
Aldersgate Associates by Beacon Hill Press of Kansas City, [197-?]. 2v. (Dialog series).
Developing Congregations for Ministry in God’s World Our Parish: the Call to make Christian
Disciples in our Third Century. Nashville: The Section on Evangelism, General Board of
Discipleship, the United Methodist Church, [1984]. 8p.
The Development of Teaching Doctrines, Materials and Institutions in the Evangelical United
Brethren Church. Dayton, OH: United Theological Seminary, 1963. 21p.
Devol, Charles. Evidences of the Wisdom and Goodness of God, as Displayed in Creation and
Providence Revealed Religion Philosophical, a Thanksgiving lecture delivered in Ferry
Street M.E. Church in the City of Albany, November 24, 1853. Albany, NY: Weed,
Parsons and Co., 1853. 24p.
Devol, Charles. Multum in Parvo, Captivity of the Human Race, Revolution by Jesus Christ…
Albany, NY: J. Munsell, 1857. 23p.
Dew Drops. New York: Carlton & Lanahan; San Francisco: E. Thomas; Cincinnati: Hitchcock &
Walden, 1871. 32p.
Deweerd, James A. Memory is Bitter Sweet. 3rd printing. Indianapolis: Christian Witness
Association, 1955. 30p.
Methodist Library
Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 161
DeWitt, John. John Wesley and Premillenialism. New York: Hunt & Eaton, 1894. Copyright by
John de Witt, 1894. Preface by Nathaniel West.
Dewolf, Lotan Harold. Theological Reflections in a Time of Racial Crisis, an address given to
the Commission on Religion and Race of The United Methodist Church. Washington,
DC: Commission on Religion and Race, the UMC, [1968?]. 15p.
Dews, D. Colin. The Spark of Grace: Two Hundred and Fifty Years of Methodism in West
Yorkshire, 1738 to 1988, to which is added a list of sources for further study. Leeds:
Wesley Historical Society, Yorkshire Branch, 1990. 37p.
The Diaconal Minister in The United Methodist Church. Nashville: Division of Diaconal
Ministry, Board of Higher Education & Ministry, UMC, 1977. 6p.
Diaconal Ministers Serve in the Local Congregation: Beyond the local congregation in the larger
community, and in the world. Nashville: Division of Diaconal Ministry, [1982]. 4p.
Diakonissenanstalt Bethesda, Wuppertal-Elberfeld. Aus Bethesdas Hallen, sum BethesdaSoontag 1960. Stuttgart: Christliches Verlagshaus, 1960. 36p.
Diakonissenanstalt Bethesda, Wuppertal-Elberfeld. Aus Bethesdas Hallen, sum BethesdaSoontag 1961. Stuttgart: Christliches Verlagshaus, 1961. 32p.
A Dialogue between a Christian & a Reformer. Newcastle upon Tyne: Printed for the author by
S Hodgson, 1819. 12p.
A Dialogue between a churchman and a Methodistical Calvinist. By an Episcopal Clergyman.
New Haven: Printed by Iliver Steels & Co., 1810. 35p.
A Dialogue between a preacher and a leader in the Methodist society in which the controversy
respecting the Lord’s Supper is brought before the candid reader in a fair and impartial
manner, with some observations on the late proceedings in Newry, Portadown and
Strabane. Newry: Printed by Alexander Wilkinson, 1816. 32p.
A Dialogue between two seamen after a storm. London: Printed by A. Paris for the Rev. Dr. T.
Coke, and sold at his Repository, 1807. 8p. (No. 23).
A Dialogue between two travelers and yourself. London: Printed by A. Paris for the Rev. Dr. T.
Coke; and sold at his Repository, [1807?]. 2p.
A Dialogue between two Wesleyan Methodists on the agitations by Messrs. Everett, Dunn, and
Griffith. London: Published by John Mason, [1836?]. 16p.
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PAGE: 162
A Dialogue continued between Joseph Townsend & William Croft, Protestant, and John Blake, a
Catholic, in which the three neighbors converse on religious subjects, till William Croft
goes further than he had intended. Birmingham: Printed by R. P. Stone, 1835. 61p.
The Diary and daily meditations with church union information, prepared for the Methodist
Protestant delegates in the Uniting Conference consolidating the MEC, MEC, South, and
the MPC into the Methodist Church, Kansas City, MO, April 26 to May 20, 1939.
Baltimore: Board of Publications of the MPC, 1939. 147p.
Dick, Cato. A Service of Worship, Tribute and Praise in Honor of Elmer Talmadge Clark:
Ambassador of God’s Word of Reconciliation. Lake Junaluska, NC: s.n., 1967. 4p.
Dicken, E. W. Trueman. Not this way, a comment on Anglican-Methodist unity, with a foreword
by the Lord Bishop of Peterborough. London: League of Anglican Loyalists, 1968. 27p.
Dickerson, Dennis C. The Annual Report of the Historiographer to the General Board of the
African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1989. Williamstown, MA: D.C. Dickerson,
[1988?]. [33]p.
Dickerson, Dennis C. The Annual Report of the Historiographer to the General Board of the
African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1989. Williamstown, MA: D.C. Dickerson, 1989.
Dickerson, Dennis C. The Annual Report of the Historiographer to the General Board of the
African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1990. Williamstown, MA: D.C. Dickerson, 1990.
Dickerson, Dennis C. The Annual Report of the Historiographer to the General Board of the
African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1991. Williamstown, MA: D.C. Dickerson, 1991.
Dickerson, Dennis C. The Annual Report of the Historiographer to the General Board of the
African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1992. Williamstown, MA: D.C. Dickerson, 1992.
Dickerson, Dennis C. The Annual Report of the Historiographer to the General Board of the
African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1993. Williamstown, MA: D.C. Dickerson, 1993.
Dickerson, Dennis C. The Annual Report of the Historiographer to the General Board of the
African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1994. Williamstown, MA: D.C. Dickerson, 1994.
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PAGE: 163
Dickerson, Dennis C. The Annual Report of the Historiographer to the General Board of the
African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1995. Williamstown, MA: D.C. Dickerson, 1995.
Dickerson, Dennis C. The Annual Report of the Historiographer to the General Board of the
African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1997. Williamstown, MA: D.C. Dickerson, 1997.
Dickerson, Dennis C. The Annual Report of the Historiographer to the General Board of the
African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1998. Williamstown, MA: D.C. Dickerson, 1998.
Dickerson, Dennis C. The Annual Report of the Historiographer to the General Board of the
African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1999. Williamstown, MA: D.C. Dickerson, 1999.
Dickeson, Dennis C. Quadrennial Report of the Historiographer, 45th Quadrennial Session of the
African Methodist Episcopal Church, 1996. Williamstown, MA: D.C. Dickerson, 1996.
Dickerson, Dennis C. The Quadrennial Report of the Historiographer, 46th Quadrennial Session
of the General Conference of the African Methodist Episcopal Church. s.l.: s.n., 2000.
Dickerson, Dennis C. The Past is in your Hands: Writing local A. M. E. church history.
Williamstown, MA: D.C. Dickerson, 1989. 34p.
Dickerson, Dennis C. The Past in is your Hands: Writing local A.M.E. church history.
Williamstown, MA: D.C. Dickerson, 1990. 34p.
Dickinson, Edward William. John Wesley’s Eleven Visits to Whitby with Contemporaneous
Facts by E. W. Dickinson. Whitby: Horne & Son, Ltd.
Dickman, H. J. “Within these Walls”: the story of Hill Mountain and Llangwm Wesley
Methodist churches in the Haversfordwest and Milford Haven Circuit, Haverfordwest:
Printed by J. W. Hammond & Co., Ltd. [1981]. 51p.
Dickman, Jacqueline Rosett. As I have Loved You: a dramatic presentation of the last supper.
Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1986. 15p.
Dicks, Russell L. Be Still and Know. Chicago: Board of Hospitals and Homes of The Methodist
Church, [1956]. 16p. (Good health series).
Did it afterward bear fruit? New York: Tract Department [of the MEC, between 1869 and 1889].
Methodist Library
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PAGE: 164
Did You Know? Division of Peace and World Order General Board of Christian Social Concerns
of The United Methodist Church.
Die Neuen Medien. Gesprachsbeitrage aus Freikirchlicher Sicht. Stuttgart: Christliches
Verlagshaus, 1982.
Diefendorf, Dorr Frank. Our Obligation as Church Members towards the Community.
Philadelphia: Department of Evangelism, Board of Home Missions and Church
Extension, MEC, [193-?]. 12p.
Dieter, Melvin E. From Vineland and Manheim to Brighton and Berlin: the Holiness Revival in
Nineteenth Century Europe. [A paper] read before the Wesleyan Theological Society at
Wilmore, Kentucky, November 2, 1973. Wilmore, KY: M. E. Dieter, 1973. 26p.
Dieter, Melvin E. Wesleyan-Holiness Aspects of Pentecostal Origins: as mediated through the
nineteenth century holiness revial. [A paper] read before the Society for Pentecostal
Studies at Cleveland, Tennessee, November 10, 1973. Wilmore, KY: M.E. Dieter, 1973.
Dietterich, Paul M. Action-oriented Models as Options for the Church’s Educational Work.
Nashville: Division of Education, Board of Discipleship of the UMC, 1975. 32p.
(Education futures monograph).
Dietterich, Philip R. Communion service for choir and congregation with organ or piano
accompaniment. Carol Stream, IL: Agape, 1976. 30p.
Dietterich, Philip R. The Ministry of all Christians. Carol Stream, IL: Agape, 1978. 47p. With
music. Commissioned by the Central Pennsylvania Annual Conference of The United
Methodist Church.
Diffendorfer, Ralph E. Now is the time! New York: Board of Missions of the Methodist Church,
1946. 95p.
The Diffusion of Divine Truth, a Sermon [on Psalm 43:3]. London: Printed by S. Rousseau, [18?]. 47p.
The Dignity and Perfection of the Gospel. New York: Published for the Tract Society of the
Methodist Episcopal Church at the Conference Office, [between 1833 and 1869]. 4p.
Dikes, Thomas. A Sermon preached in St. Paul’s Church at Leeds, Sunday February 17, 1811,
on Occasion of the Death of the Rev. Miles Atkinson. Hull: J. Ferraby, 1811. 35p.
Dimensions of Hunger 2. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, UMC, [1980]. Packet.
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El Dinero para la Mision Significa… Nashville: La Division de Mujeres Y las Ofrendas no
Designadas, para 1987. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, 1987. 6p.
Dinius Will L. Three Suppers of the New Testament. Fort Scott, KS: The Church Herald,
[1946?]. 25p.
Dinius, Will L. Three Suppers of the New Testament. Fort Scott, KS: The Church Advocate and
Holiness Banner, [1928?]. 25p.
Direct Action. By Layman. London: Epworth Press, [19--]. 32p. (Manuals of Fellowship, no.
The Director of Children’s Work in the Local Church. Prepared by Department of Children’s
Work, Board of Christian Education, The Evangelical United Brethren Church, [19-5?].
Directory 1981. Lake Junaluska, NC: General Commission on Archives and History, 1981. 35p.
Directory of Annual Conference Historical Society Officers and Historical Depositories [1964].
Lake Junaluska, NC: Association of Methodist Historical Societies, [1964]. 4p.
Directory of Educational Institutions of the Methodist Church in Southern Asia for the period
1969-1970. Compiled by the Council of Christian Education of the Methodist Church in
Southern Asia. Jabalpur: Nirmala Printing Press, 1969. 30p.
Directory of Hostels of the Methodist Church in Southern Asia for the period 1971-72. Compiled
by The Council of Christian Education of the Methodist Church in Southern Asia.
Jabalpur: General Printers and Publishers [1971]. 28p.
Directory of Jurisdictional and Annual Conference Methodist Historical Society Officers and
Historical Depositories, 1965-1966. Lake Junaluska, NC: Association of Methodist
Historical Societies, 1965. 26p.
Directory of Jurisdictional and Annual Conference Methodist Historical Society Officers and
Historical Depositories, 1966-1967. Lake Junaluska, NC: Association of Methodist
Historical Societies, 1966. 26p.
Directory of Jurisdictional and Annual Conference Methodist Historical Society Officers, 19671968. Lake Junaluska, NC: Association of Methodist Hsitorical Societies, 1967. 20p.
Directory on Ministry to Blacks in Higher Education, 1974-75. Compiled by Frank L. Horton.
Nashville: Section on Campus Ministry, Division of Higher Education, Board of Higher
Education and Ministry, The United Methodist Church, 1974. [16]p.
Methodist Library
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Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 166
Directory of Chief Executive Officers of United Methodist Schools, Colleges, Universities and
Theological Schools, 1986. Nashville: Division of Higher Education of the General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 1986. 29p.
Directory of Chief Executive Officers of United Methodist Schools, Colleges, Universities and
Theological Schools, 1989. Nashville: Division of Higher Education of the General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 1988. 32p.
Directory of Chief Executive Officers of United Methodist Schools, Colleges, Universities and
Theological Schools, 1989. Nashville: Division of Higher Education of the General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 1989. 32p.
Directory of Chief Executive Officers of United Methodist Schools, Colleges, Universities and
Theological Schools, 1994. Nashville: Division of Higher Education of the General
Board of Higher Education and Ministry, 1994. 32p.
Directory of Deaconesses and Superintendents of Hospitals & Homes of the Methodist Episcopal
Church in America, January 1925. [Chicago]: Board of Hospitals, Home and Deaconess
Work, 1925. 79p.
Directory of Health and Welfare Agencies, Related to the New York Annual Conference of The
United Methodist Church. Rye, NY: New York Conference of the UMC, [197-?]. 12p.
Directory of Institutions related to the Board of Education of The Methodist Church, 1952-1953.
Nashville: Division of Educational Institutions of the Board of Education, The Methodist
Church, 1952. 18p.
Directory of Methodist Missions Overseas, 1953. New York: Division of World Missions and
Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions, The Methodist Church,
1953. 16p.
Directory of Methodist Missions Overseas, 1955. New York: Division of World Missions and
Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions, The Methodist Church,
1955. 20p.
Directory of Schools, Colleges, and Universities of the United Methodist Church, USA, 1971-72.
Nashville: Office of Information and Publications, Division of Higher Education , Board
of Education, 1971. [16]p.
Directory of United Methodist News Outlets and Publications. Nashville: United Methodist
News Service, 1999. 20p.
Methodist Library
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Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 167
Directory of United Methodist-related Health and Welfare Ministries. [Evanston, IL]: Published
by the Education and Cultivation Division in Consultation with the Health and Welfare
Ministries, Division of the Board of Global Missions, UMC, [1978]. 44p.
The Disabled Gunner. New York: Phillips & Hunt; Cincinnati: Cranston & Stowe, [between
1884 and 1889]. 8p. (The kit tracts, no. 8).
Disappointment. [Chicago: Board of Conference Claimants, MEC, 193-?]. 1p. Includes poems
by Thomas A. Stafford.
Disaster: Emergency Network, United Methodist Churches respond with Compassion.
Cincinnati: Service Center, 4p.
Disciples: Becoming Disciples through Bible Study, Handbook. Nashville: Graded Press, 1987.
Disciples: Becoming Disciples through Bible Study, Handbook. Nashville: Graded Press, 1988.
Discipleship Celebration. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, [1976]. 6p.
Discipleship Resources. Resources for your Outdoor Ministries. Nashville: Discipleship
Resources, [1983]. 10p. Cover title: Camping.
Discipline: The Result of Proper Teaching. New York: Tract Society of the MEC, [between 1833
and 1869]. 4p. (Sunday-school series, no. 35).
Disciplined Order of Christ. Handbook of the Disciplines Order of Christ. Editors, Helen E.
Line, Lloyd M. Bertholf, and Sylvia R. Zimmer. Revised edition, 1978. Ashland, OH:
DOC, 1978. 20p.
Disciplined Order of Christ. Manual for the Organization of Retreats. Compiled by Lloyd M.
Bertholf and Helen M. Line. [Ashland, OH: DOC, 1977]. 13p.
Disciplined Order of Christ. National Directory, 1988. Nashville: DOC, 1988. 47p.
Discipulos Consagrados: Un plan de trabajo para Grupos Pequenos. Nashville: Ediciones
Discipulado, 1986. 36p.
The Discouraged Teacher. New York: Tract Society of the MEC, [between 1833 and 1869]. 4p.
(Sunday-school series, no. 470).
A Discourage Beautiful and Grandiloquous, being a Supplement to the Oxford Tracts. By the
celebrated, very learned, and Reverend Philo Vox Populi. New York: s.n., 1846. 23p.
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PAGE: 168
Disourses Memorial of Abraham Lincoln, Sixteenth President of the United States, delivered in
Flemington, NJ, by the pastors of the different churches on Wednesday, April 19th, 1865.
Lambertville, NJ: Clark Pierson, printer, “Beacon Office’. 1865. 13p.
Discovered Too Late! New York: Tract Society of the MEC, [between 1833 and 1869]. 1p. (no.
12). On verso: A Word to the Hasty, no. 11.
Discovering the Poor: a Kit for Local Groups. Sheffield: Urban Theology Unit, 1984.
Discovering the Poor: a Kit for Local Groups. Prepared by the Urban Task Force of the Urban
Theology Unit. Edited by Andy Cawthera, Mark Coleman and Vicky Lane. Sheffield:
Urban Theology Unit, 1984. 13p.
Discovering Ways the Bible is Used. Prepared by the Office of Interpretive Services, Curriculum
Resources Committee, Board of Discipleship of the UMC. Nashville: Graded Press,
1978. 2p.
Discuss It. Nashville: Department of Christian Education of Adults, Division of the Lcoal
Church, The General Board of Education of The Methodist Church, 1950. 8p.
Disney, R. R. Open letter re Canadian Jubilee Singer. Wolverhampton: R. R. Disney, 1883. 4p.
Distinguised Service Scroll: [Women of the Missionary Societies of the MEC, South who have
rendered a distinctive piece of constructive service, which is of church wide significance.
Nashville: Board of Missions of the MEC, South, 1930]. 20p.
The District Missionary Institute: Some Suggestions for the Sessions in 1941-1942. New York:
Editorial Department, Joint Division of Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions
and Church Extension, [1941]. 31p.
The District Missionary Secretary in The Methodist Church. New York: Editorial Department,
Joint Division of Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions and Church Extension,
The Methodist Church, [194-?]. 31p.
Ditterich, Eric Keith. The Meaning of the Church Membership Ticket, Methodist Church of
Australasia. 4th ed. Melbourne: Spectator Publishing Co., [196-?]. 47p.
Ditterich, Eric Keith. Some Distortions of the Christian Faith. 6th edition. Melbourne: Methodist
Publishing House (Aldersgate Press), [196-?]. 36p.
The Divine Institutes of True Religion and Civil Government. London: Printed for the author and
sold by A. Donaldson and J. Strahan, 1783. 96p.
Methodist Library
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PAGE: 169
Divine Providence exemplified in a singular Deliverance at Sea. Rochester: Printed for the
author and sold by T. Fisher, sold also by J. Towers; London: G. Clarke, 1773. 24p.
Dixon, J. The Catholicity of the Gospel, a Lecture delivered on Tuesday evening July 1, 1851 at
Exeter Hall, before the Young Men’s Christian Association. London: J. Paul, 1851. 6576p.
Dixon, James. Letters on the Duties of Protestants with regard to Popery. Sheffield: G. Chaloner;
London: J. Mason, 1839. 58p.
Dixon, Myles C. The Inspired Volume, the Substance of a Sermon on 2nd Timothy iii. 16, 17.
London: Pigott, 1845. 12p.
Dixon, Myles C. The Obedient Elected, the Substance of a Sermon on Matthew xxii. 14. 2nd
edition. London: Pigott 1845. 12p.
Do not Delay. New York: Tract Society [of the MEC, between 1869 and 1889]. 2p. (Leaflets for
letters no. 123).
Do you Attend the Public Worship of God? New York: Phillips & Hunt, Tract Society of the
MEC, [between 1879 and 1889]. 1p. (No. 69). On Verso: What cannot God do, no. 70.
Do you belong to JMA: JMA stands for the Junior Missionary Assocaition of the Methodist
Church. London: Junior Missionary Association, [1986]. 6p.
Do you hope for Heaven? New York: Tract Society of the MEC, [between 1833 and 1869]. 4p.
(No. 353).
Do you Know? Projects of the Department of Work in Foreign Fields. Cincinnati: Woman’s
Division of Christian Service, Board of Missons, The Methodist Church, Literature
Headquarters, 1957. 142p.
Do you Know? Projects of the Department of Work in Foreign Fields. Cincinnati: Woman’s
Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions, The Methodist Church, 1961. 151p.
Do you Know? Projects of the Department of Work in the United States of America and the
West Indies. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions, The
Methodist Church, Literature Headquarters, 1960. 149p.
Do you Know the Answer? A leaflet of information for workers with the Commission on World
Fellowship of the Methodist Youth Fellowship. Nashville: Interboard Committee on
Missionary Education, in collaboration with the Youth Department, Division of the Local
Church, Board of Education and the Joint Division of Education and Cultivation, Board
of Mission and Church Extension, The Methodist Church, [194-?]. 19p.
Methodist Library
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Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 170
Do you Know the Way? New York: Eaton & Mains; Cincinnati: Curts and Jennings, [between
1896 and 1900]. 8p. (No. 302).
Dobbins, Joseph B. The Bible against Slavery; a Vindication of the Sacred Scriptures against the
charge of authorizing slavery; a reply to Bishop Hopkins. Philadelphia: King & Baird,
printers, 1864. 24p.
Dock, George. The Primitive Physic of Rev. John Wesley: a Picture of Eighteenth Century
Medicine. Chicago: American Medical Association, 1915. 629-638p.
Dr. Coke: the Father of Methodist Missions. London: Wesleyan Methodist Missionary Society,
1918. 22p. (Pioneer series, no. 3).
Dr. James Dillard, a Son of Virginia. Nashville: Literature Headquarters, Woman’s Department,
Board of Missions, [1923]. 4p.
Dr. Mott’s Visit to Ireland, March, 1912. Belfast: Graham & Heslip, 1912. [14]p.
Dr. Ryerson’s Letters in reply to the attacks of Foreign Ecclesiastics against the Schools and
Municipalities of Upper Canada including the letters of Bishop Charbonnel, Mr. Bruyere
and Bishop Pinsoneault. Toronto: Lovell & Gibson, 1857.
Doctor Wallace Buttrick, a Minute adopted in November 1926, by General Education Board,
International Education Board, Rockefeller Foundation International Health Board, China
Medical Board. [New York: s.n., 1976]. 2p.
Doctor Warren. Hull: Goddard and Brown, Printers, [1835?]. 1p.
Doctor Warren in London (extracts from the Watchman newspaper). London: Printed by James
Nichols, [1836]. 4p.
Doctor Warren’s Chancery Suit. London: Printed by James Nichols, [1835]. 16p.
Doctrinal Preaching, the report of the high Leigh Enquiry. London: Methodist Church Local
Preachers Department, 1951. 56p.
Doctorian, Samuel. My life Story. Marion, IN: World Gospel Mission, National Holiness
Missionary Society, 1956. 64p.
Doctrinal Points of Faith of the Church of God. Salem, WV: The Bible Advocate, [19-?]. 6p.
Doctrinal Preaching, the Report of the High Leigh Enquiry. London: Methodist Local Preachers
Department, 1951. 56p.
Methodist Library
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Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 171
The Doctrine of Predestination & Election, and Arminian misrepresentation exposed. Barnard
Castle: Printed by John Atkinson, [18-?]. 8p.
Doctrines of the Bible. New York: Tract Society of the MEC, [between 1869 and 1889]. 12p.
(Magazine series, no. 12).
Dodd, Dorothy. Hearing the Children’s Cry: a Demonstration. Nashville: Literature
Headquarters, Woman’s Department, Board of Missions, MEC, South, 1924. 10p.
Dodd, Robert V. Out of the Depths: a Christian Understanding of Grief. Nashville: Abingdon
Press, 1989. 22p.
Dodd, Robert V. Phony or Real? Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p.
Dodd, Robert V. To Be or to Have. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p. Tract-of-the-month.
Dodd, Robert V. When Someone You Love Dies: an Explanation of Death for Children.
Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1989. 16p.
Dodd, Robert V. When They All go Home: What to do after the Funeral. Nashville: Abingdon
Press, 1989. 32p.
Dodd, Robert V. When You are Terminally Ill: Preparing to Face Death. Nashville: Tidings,
1989. 32p.
Dodd, Robert V. The Work of the Holy Spirit. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1978. 10p.
Dodge, Eunice E. Comes the Dawn South of the Sahara. Cincinnati: Woman’s Division of
Christian Service, Board of Missions of The Methodist Church, Literature Headquarters,
1959. 35p.
Dodge, Charles E. Trading; or, the Possession and Exercise of Spiritual Gifts, Matt. 25: 14-30.
Russell, MA: Christian Workers Union, 1911. 6p.
Dodge, Mary Wythe. Children’s Meetings by J. H. L. New York: Phillips & Hunt, [between
1884-1889]. 7p. (Magazine series, no. 96).
Dodge. Ralph E. Methodist Missions in Africa. New York: Editorial Department, Joint Section
of Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions of The Methodist Church, 1959. 31p.
Dodson, E. M. (Mrs). The Grace of Giving. St. Louis, MO: Vanguard Office, [18-?]. 6p.
Methodist Library
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PAGE: 172
Doering, Alma E. “Come to me and look at the top to find His way out.” Philadelphia: Office of
the “Unevangelized”. 1943. 64p.
Does Anybody Care? Be a caring Ministry Church. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 8p.
Doh, Lee Myung. Dialectival Theology. Seoul, Korea: Methodist Theoogical Seminary, [19--?].
Doidge, Reginald J. John Wesley’s Christian Library. London: Epworth Press, 1938. 16p. (Little
Books of the Kindly Light. No. 45).
Doidge, Reginald J. Wesley and the Industrial Era. London: Epworth Press, 1938. 16p. (Little
Books of the Kindly Light, no. 46).
Doidge, Wilfrid J. Readings in the New Testament, The Apostle to the Gentile, a series of
introductory lessons on Paul. London: Lugate Circle House, [194-?]. 63p.
Doidge, Wilfrid J. The Saviour of All: Daily readings from St. Luke’s Gospel. London: Greater
London Christian Commando Campaign, 1947. 48p.
Doing Little Things. New York: Hunt and Eaton; Cincinnati: Cranston & Curts, [between 1892
and 1896]. 3p.
The Doings of Wm. S. Chalkley. London: G. Vickers, [186-?]. 31p.
Dolan, Charles M. A Commuunist meets Christ. London: Methodist Home Mission Department,
[193-?]. 14p. (John Blunt series, no.1).
Dolan, Charles M. The Rebel’s Return. London: Epworth Press, 1939. 15p.
Doll, F., C. Singer, A.M. Stoll. Preparing Young Children for Christmas, 1994, primary grades.
Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1994. 46p.
Dollars and Sense for our Alaskan Youth: Alaska Methodist College. Anchorage, Alaska: s.n.,
[1954?]. 16p.
Dolliver, Robert H. The Story of John Street Methodist Church, 1766-1943. New York: John
Street Church, 1943. 48p.
Dolliver, Robert H. The Story of John Street Methodist Church, 1766-1940. New York: John
Street Church, 1940. 48p. Souvenir edition of the John Street Quarterly, vol. 3, no. 2,
April 1940.
Domestic Surveillance. Washington: General Board of Church and Society, The United
Methodist Church, [1984]. 12p. (Faith Witness on Today’s Issues).
Methodist Library
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Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson
PAGE: 173
Dominican Republic: You can get people amazing things. New York: United Methodist
Committee in Relief, 1977. 4p.
Donald, S. A. Perfection, Holiness and Righteousness to the Lord and Election Prayers.
Enterprise, FL: [18-?]. 12p.
Doncaster, John. The Doctrines of the Church of England Supported, in reply to a layman’s
“Few plain reasons for adhering to the doctrines of the Church of England in reference to
those of the Conventicle.”. Manchester: Printed and sold by S. Russell, 1809. 25p.
Donelson, Kate. Oriental Religions in America. Nashville: Woman’s Missionary Council, M. E.
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Don’t Play with the Bear. New York: Sunday School Union [of the MEC, between 1833 and
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Don’t Send me another Leaflet! Evanston: United Methodist Communications, 1977. 8p. United
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Don’t Worry. New York: Hunt and Eaton; Cincinnati: Cranston & Curts, [between 1892 and
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Don’t Stop Visiting: a personal word from the Director of Visitation. Nashville: Tidings, 1951.
The Door-Scraper. New York: Sunday School Union [of the MEC, between 1833-1869]. 4p. (R.
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Doraisamy, Theodore R. Purpose, People, Promise, a Review of the Tamil Provisional Annual
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Dornellas, Joao Wesley. Pequena Historia de povo Chamado Metodista. Rio de Janeiro: J. W.
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Dorsett, Cyril. Take my Life: the Story of Frances Ridley Havergal. Nashville: The Upper Roon,
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Dorsey, John F. The Blood of Christ, or, The Blood of the Covenant. Louisville, KY: Herald
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Dorsey, John F. Poems to Ponder. [s.l: s.n., 19-?]. 32p.
Doten, Edith Kinney. A Pageant of the Life of Fanny Crosby, the Blind Gospel Songwriter. New
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Dotts, Maryann J. You can have a Church Library. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1988. 48p.
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Dotts, Ted. Wesley was not Converted at Aldersgate. [Abilene, KS: s.n., 1966]. 9p. This paper
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Committee on Membership and Evangelism, Thursday, August 25, 1966.
Douglas, John E. Jerusalem and Israel in Bible Prophecy. Dallas: World Missionary Evangelism,
Inc., 1967. 29p.
Douglas, Pursey Blatherwick. London: Printed for Tee and Whiten and J. Mead, Ltd., [1973].
Douthit, J. L. Bishop Edward’s Mistakes, being a reply to some charges made by Rev. David
Edwards, Bishop of the U. B. Church, against Unitarian Christianity. Shelbyville, IL:
Printed by Martin Brothers, 1873. 24p.
Down in the Depths of Outcast. London, being facts not recorded in the “Bitter Cry.” London:
Seeley, Jackson, and Halliday, [18-?]. 32p.
Downall, Donn. Caring for Others. Nashville: Discipleship Resource, 1982. 3p.
Downall, Donn. Making the most of Media Resources. Nashville: Graded Press, 1985. 2p.
Downall, Donn C. My Ministry with People in Crisis. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1986.
Downes, J. Cyril. The Mormons. London: Epworth Press, 1963. 16p. (Foundery pamphlets,
number 17).
Downey. Michael. Gift’s Constant Coming. Nashville: The Upper Room, 1999. 8p. Reprinted
from Hope in God issue of Weavings, a journal of the Christian Spiritual Life.
Downing, Sue. Listening to Children, a Guide for Teachers and Parents. Nashville: Discipleship
Resource, 1988. 40p.
Downs, J. W. (Mrs). War Work and the Sabbath. Nashville: Woman’s Missionary Council, M. E.
Church, South. [1917]. 6p.
Doyal, Darris and Doyal, Erma. If Death is Near. Nashville: Discipleship Resource, 1983. 3p.
Dozier, Daisy L. Guide on the Gospel of Luke as presented in Luke’s portrait of Christ. New
York: Woman’s Division of Christian Service, Board of Missions, the Methodist Church,
[1959]. 54p.
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Draft of Methodist Church Bill. London: s.n., [196-?]. 30p.
Dramalog III. A. Argyle Knight, editor. Nashville: Division of the Local Church, General Board
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Draper, J. A Tract in favor of camp-meetings, revivals and Methodism, versus the “scandalous
rumors,’ challenges, and fallacies of Spectator, alias Rev. C. Walker, in two letters to a
friend. Fonthill, Canada: A. Dinsmore, printer, 1864. 38p.
The Dreadful Prayer-meeting, altered from Pascal. New York: Tract Society of the Methodist
Episcopal Church, [18--?]. 4p. (Tract no. 374).
Dressler, John. Report on the Methodist Missions in Vienna. Vienna: Hermine and John
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Drew, Anne Marie. The Innkeeper’s Wife, and four other dramatic readings for Christmas.
Nashvile: Abingdon Press, 1990. 29p.
Drew University. Graduate School. Methodist Studies Program/Ph.D. Madison, NJ: Drew
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Drew Theological Seminary. The Will of a Methodist Preacher’s Widow. Madison, NJ: Drew
Theological Seminary, [1925?]. p4.
Drew University. A Celebration of the Opening of The United Methodist Archives and History
Center, Drew University, Madison, New Jersey, October 2, 1982. Madison, NJ: Drew
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Drewett. Donald A. The African Methodist Episcopal Church’s initial response to
Reconstruction, 1865-1866. Madison, NJ: Drew University Theological School, 1971.
Drewett, Donald A. The End of the First Dream: The African Methodist Episcopal Church’s
response to Reconstruction, 1867-1876. New York: Union Theological Seminary, 1971.
Drewett, John. The Church’s Mission Today: Notes for Teachers. Wallington, Surrey: Religious
Education Press, Ltd.; London: Edinburgh House Press, 1965. 64p.
Dreyer, Margaretta. Thoughtlessness Corrected; or, The History of Emily Willis. Norwich: Tract
Society, 1810. 10p. (No. 8).
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Drinkhouse, Edward J. Prospectus: History of Methodist Reform Synoptical of General
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Drinking, Drugs and your Health. Cincinnati: Service Center, GBGM, 1981. 6p . Prepared for
Health and Welfare Ministries Division by the Education and Cultivation, GBGM, UMC,
Drinking is a Moral Issue in the Home, in business, on the highway, in social life, drugs and your
health. Washington: General Board of Temperance of The Methodist Church, [1956?].
6p. (Leaflet No. 258).
Drinkwater, P and F.W. Mayo. An History of Methodism in Shipston-on-Stour. Shipston-onStour: P. Drinkwater, 1981. 8p.
Drug and Alcohol Concerns. Washington, DC: General Board of Church and Society, The
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Drugs. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 3p.
Drugs, the Crutch that Cripples. Nashville: Graded Press, 1976. 2p. (Leaflet H).
Drugs, the Crutch that Cripples. Nashville: Graded Press, 1976. 2p. (Leaflet G).
Drury, Augustus Waldo. Chips from Presbyterian Assembly, [Dayton, OH: United Brethren
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Drury, Augustus Waldo. History of the Chruch of the United Brethren in Christ, supplement with
enlarged Index. Dayton, OH: Otterbein Press, 1931. 783-832p.
Drury, Augustus Waldo. History of the City of Dayton and Montgomery County, Ohio, with
some supplementary Notes. Dayton, OH: United Brethren Publishing House, 1910. 15p.
Drury, Augustus Waldo. Metaphysics. [Dayton, OH: s.n., 19--?]. 12p.
Drury, Augustus Waldo. Portraits and other Representations of Otterbein. [Dayton, OH: United
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Drury, Augustus Waldo. Romanism in the United States, the Proper Attitude toward it, an
Address before the Tri-Seminary Conference…. November 3, 1893. Dayton, OH: United
Brethren Publishing House, 1894. 27p.
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Dry Rot in Chapel and School Buildings. Manchester, England: Methodist Church, Department
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DuBois, Charles L. Malaga Camp Recollections. Vineland, NJ: Malaga Camp Meeting
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DuBois, Gertrude. Table Graces for all ages. Nashville: Abingdon Cokesbury Press, 1953, 12p.
DuBois, Lauriston J. Careers for Christians. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press, 1966. 63p.
Dubose, Robert N. Some Essentials of the Christian faith. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p. (Tractof-the-month).
Duchars, Leonard and William J. Roberts. What Church Membership Means: Notes on Bible
readings for use in preparing for church membership. London: Methodist Youth
Department, [195-?]. 70p.
Duecker, Otto. Only One Way Over! An open letter to the soul of man. Fort Scott, KS: The
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Duecker, Otto. The Church. San Gabriel, CA: Otto Duecker, 1959. 88p. Independent Holiness
Duecker, Otto. The Church of God. Fort Scott, KS: The Church Advocate and Good Way,
[1934?]. 88p.
Duerling, Nan. Leader’s Guide to Five Crises of Parents. Nashville: Graded Press, 1987. 29p.
Duffield, Guy P. Salvation and the Seventh Day. Los Angeles, CA: L.I.F.E. Bible College, [197?]. 12p.
Duke, Paul D and Jeff Allee. Two Faces in the Shadows, a dramatic dialogue for Tenebrae.
Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1992. 16p.
Duke University. History and Government of Duke University. Durham, NC: Duke University,
1955. 28p.
Duke University, Durham, NC. Duke University Today. Durham, NC: Duke University, 1967.
Dulce’s Bedtime Light. Nashville: Department of Education and Promotion.Woman’s Section,
Board of Missions, M.E. Church, South, [1924]. 2p. (Primary leaflet, October, Brazil).
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Dumbarton Oaks Study, Support, Improve. New York: Editorial Departments, Joint Division of
Education and Cultivation, Board of Missions and Church Extension. The Methodist
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Duncan, Hattie M. A Message to the Marthas. Rochester, NY: Elim Publishing House, [19-?].
Duncan, John, of Ratternden, Essex. The Grace of God manifested…. 1848. 54p.
Duncan, Peter. Letter of exposure and remonstrance respectfully addressed to Isaac Taylor, Esq.,
in which his allegation against the integrity and ecclesiastical order of Wesleyan
Methodism are examined and refuted. Bath: Printed by Wood Brothers; London: J.
Mason, 1852. 56p.
Duncan, Richard R. Maryland Methodists and the Civil War. Baltimore: s.n., 1964. 350-368p.
Reprinted from Maryland Historical Magazine, December 1964.
Dungy, Robert E. Forgive us our Trespasses. Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1985. 4p . The
Lord’s prayer series.
Dunkle, William Frederick, Jr. The Office of a Steward in the Methodist Church, and
Introduction. Evanston, IL: General Board of Lay Activities, 1963. 18p.
Dunlap, E. Dale. The System of Itineracy in American Methodism, an historical essay. [Kansas
City: E. D. Dunlap, 1980]. 36p. A paper delivered at the Historical Society of the South
Central Jusrisdiction of the UMC, 1980.
Dunlap, Richard J. Ten Reasons for Pledging. Chicago: General Board of the Laity, UMC,
[between 1968 and 1972]. 4p.
Dunlap, Richard. John Wesley: Medical Missionary in the New World. Chicago: s.n., 1964. 2023, 70, 72p. Today’s Health, vol. 42, no. 12, December 1964.
Dunn, Lewis Romaine. Holiness – What is it? The Holiness of God. Holiness in Unfallen
Beings. London: F. E. Longley, 1875. 16p. (Holiness to the Lord, a series of tracts, no. 1).
Dunn, Lewis Romaine. A Sermon preached on the occasion of the annual Thanksgiving…. N.Y.,
Dunn, Mary Noreen. Are Ye Able? Nashville: Department of Education and Promotion,
Woman’s Section, Board of Missions, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, [1938?]. 15p.
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Dunn, Noreen. Doors Open for All: a Manual for missionary education for leaders of junior boys
and girls, suggested plans and materials for ten monthly meetings. Nashville: Methodist
Publishing House, 1941. 80p.
Dunn, Noreen. The Gospel Trails. Nashville: Department of Education and Promotion, Woman’s
Section, Board of Missions, Methodist Episcopal Church, South, 1935. 12p.
Dunn, Noreen. Let’s see China, a world friendship unit for junior girls and boys. Nashville:
Cokesbury Press, 1938. 78p.
Dunn, Noreen. Let’s see Mexico, a world friendship unit for junior girls and boys. Nashville:
Cokesbury Press, 1936. 80p.
Dunn, Samuel. Judas and his Bag, a Sermon preached in the Free Church, Camborne. St. Ives: J.
M. Kernick, printer, [185-?]. 12p.
Dunn, Samuel. Memorials of the Venerable James Dixon. London: George J. Stevenson, 1872.
Dunn, Samuel. Plain things for those who need them: being an extract from a sermon. New
York: Tract Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church, [between 1833 and 1869]. 20p.
(No. 270).
Dunn’s Quarterly Concert Exercises for Sunday Schools and Church Services. John O. Foster,
editor. Chicago: W.P. Dunn Co., 1891. 64p. (vol. 5, no. 2 June 1891).
Dunn’s Quarterly Concert Exercises for Sunday Schools and Church Services. John O. Foster,
editor. Chicago: W.P. Dunn Co., 1893. 48p. (vol. 8, no. 2, June 1893).
Dunnam, Maxie. The Authority of Scripture: God’s breathed word, a sermon preached at Christ
UMC, Memphis, April 30, 2000. [s.l.: s.n., 2000]. 8p.
Dunnam, Maxie D. Day by Day, praying without ceasing. Nashville: Tidings, [196-?]. 6p.
Dunnam, Maxie D. The Sanctuary for Lent, 1980. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1980. 48p.
Dunnam, Maxie D. The Sanctuary for Lent, 1985. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1985. 48p.
Dunnam, Maxie D. The Sanctuary for Lent, 1986. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1986. 48p.
Dunnam, Maxie D. The Sanctuary for Lent, 1987. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1987. 48p.
Dunnam, Maxie D. The Sanctuary for Lent, 1988. Nashville: Abingdon Press, 1988. 48p.
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Dunnam, Maxie D. A Way of Praying, Nashville: Discipleship Resources, 1982. 52p. (A Pass-iton book).
Dunnam, Spurgeon M. The Bible and Our Task: Separating God’s Word From Man’s Words.
Report. From 7-13-73 Issue of the Texas Methodist-United Methodist Reporter. Dallas,
Dunning H. Ray. Our Standard of Conduct. Kansas City, MO: Beacon Hill Press, 1963. 22p.
Dunstan, Paul N. Confessing Jesus as Lord. Derby: Headway, 2000. 28p.
Dunwoody, Samuel. A Sermon upon the Subject of Slavery. Columbia: S. Weir, 1837. 32p.
Dupin, Clyde. New Life in Christ. Lebanon, IN: Pau-Nan Printing Co., 1979. 27p.
Durbin, John Price. I’ll try? New York: Tract Society of the Methodist Episcopal Church,
[between 1833 and 1869]. 4p. (No. 359).
Durbin, John Price. Picture of the Missions of the Methodist Episcopal Church, New York: Tract
Society, [1861]. 16p. (Tract No. 547).
Durbin, John Price. The Substance of a Sermon in favour of aiding the Greeks in their present
contest with the Ottoman power, delivered in the Presbyterian Church at Lebanon, Ohio,
February 22d, 1824 at the special request of a committee. Cincinnati: Looker &
Reynolds, printers, 1824. 24p.
Durbin, Linda M. The Nature of Ordination in Wesley’s View of the Ministry. Durham, NC:
Dinivity School, Duke University, 1970. 35p.
Durden, Robert F. The Origins of the Duke Endowment and Launching of Duke University.
Raleigh, NC: s.n., 1975. 130-146p.
Duren, Brady. Tongues Explained. [s.l.: s.n., 197-?]. 32p.
The Durham Declaration: to United Methodists on our Church and Abortion. Revised edition.
Creswell, NC: Paul T. Stallsworth, 1990. 8p.
Durham Methodist Society. The Durham Methodist Society. Durham, NC: The Society, 1944.
Duty and Blessedness of Christian Effort. Compiled by Caroline R. Wright. New York: Phillips
& Hunt, [between 1879 and 1889]. 15p.
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The Duty of Sunday-schools to our Sunday-School Union. New York: Tract Society [of the
MEC, between 1852 and 1869]. 12p. (Sunday-school series, no. 71).
The Duty to Parents. New York: Sunday-school Union [of the MEC, between 1833 and 1869].
4p. (R. R. Tract, no. 490).
Dwight W. Balkeslee Memorial Training School, New Haven, CT, 1925 report. New Haven, CT:
The School, 1925. 16p. A national school of the Woman’s Home Missionary Society of
the Methodist Episcopal Church training for Christian work.
Dyche, Russell. McNitt Massacre, Kentucky’s Worst. London, KY: The Sentinel-Echo, 1942.
8p. (Laurel County, Kentucky, Informtion series, no. 4).
Dyer, Mona. Foundations for planning local church education. Nashville: Discipleship
Resources, 1979. 4p. A study guide for use with Foundations for teaching and learning in
the UMC.
Dykes, Thomas. Strictures on Mr. Hill’s pamphlet ….
Dynamic Programs for Temperance. Chicago: Central Promotional Office, Commission on
Promotion and Cultivation, [1952?]. 3p.
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Methodist Library
Prepared by Arturo L. Razon and Christopher J. Anderson