Publicationslist_ SFB_ 267.pdf

Publication record of the SFB 267
This list starts at the year 1993 and is structured into three chapters:
1. Peer reviewed papers (ISi)
2. Selected other papers
3. Maps
Peer reviewed papers (ISi)
Aberhan M, Hillebrandt A v (1996) Taxonomy, ecology and paleobiography of Gervilleioperna (Gervilleiognoma) aurita n. subgen. n. sp.
(Bivalvia) from the Middle Jurassic of northern Chile. Paläont Z 70: 79-96
Abolghasem A, Grafarend E W (2003) Finite element analysis of quasi-static earthquake displacement fields observed by GPS. J Geodesy 77
(9): 529-536
ANCORP Working Group (1999) Seismic reflection image of the Andean Subduction Zone Reveals Offset of Intermediate-Depth Seismicity
into Oceanic Mantle. Nature 349: 341-344
Angermann D, Klotz J, Reigber C (1999) Space-geodetic estimation of the Nazca-South America Euler vector. EPSL 171 (3): 329-334
Arndt J, Bartel T, Scheuber E, Schilling F (1997) Thermal and Elastic properties of Crustal Rocks from the Central Andes. Tectonophysics
271: 75-88
Arndt J, Bartel T, Scheuber E, Schilling F R (1997) Thermal and Rheological Properties of Granodioritic Rocks from the Central Andes, North
Chile. Tectonophysics 271: 75-88
Asch G, Wylegalla K, Hellweg M, Seidl D, Rademacher H (1996) Observations of rapid-fire event tremor at Lascar volcano, Chile. Annali di
Geofisica XXXIX N 2: 273-282
Babeyko A, Sobolev S V, Trumbull R B, Oncken O, Lavier L (2002) Numerical models of crustal scale convection and partial melting beneath
the Altiplano-Puna plateau. EPSL 199: 373-388
Babeyko A Y, Sobolev S V (2005) Quantifying different modes of the Late Cenozoic shortening in the Central Andes. Geology 33:621- 624
[Highlighted by Nature (2005) 436: 756]
Beaumont C, R A Jamieson, M H Nguyen, Medvedev S (2004) Crustal Channel Flows: 1. Numerical models with applications to the tectonics
of the Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen. J Geophys Res 109: B06406, DOI:10.1029/2003JB002809
Blisniuk P M, Stern L A, Chamberlain C P, Idleman B, Zeitler P K (2005) Climatic and ecologic changes during Miocene surface uplift in the
southern Patagonian Andes. EPSL 230:125-142
Bock G, Schurr B, Asch G (2000) High-resolution image of the oceanic Moho in the subducting Nazca plate from P-S converted waves. GRL
27 (23):3929-3932
Bock G, Gossler J, Hanka W, Kind R, Kosarev G, Petersen N, Stammler K, Vinnik L P (1995): On the seismic discontinuities in the upper
mantle. Phys Earth Planet Inter 92: 39-43
Bohm M, Lüth S, Echtler H, Asch G, Bataille K , Bruhn C, Rietbrock A, Wigger P (2002) The Southern Andes between 36° and 40°S latitude:
seismicity and average seismic velocities Tectonophysics 356 (4): 275-289
Bookhagen B, Haselton K R, Trauth M H (2002) Hydrological modelling of a Pleistocene landslide-dammed lake in the Santa Maria Basin,
NW Argentina. Palaeogeography-Palaeoclimatology-Palaeoecology 169 (1-2): 113-127
Brasse H, Rath V (1997): Audiomagnetotelluric investigations of shallow sedimentary basins in Northern Sudan.Geophys J Int 128: 301-314
Brasse H, Soyer W (2001) A magnetotelluric study in the Southern Chilean Andes: GRL 28 (19): 3757-3760
Brasse H, Lezaeta P, Rath V, Schwalenberg K, Soyer W & Haak V (2002) The Bolivian Altiplano conductivity anomaly. JGR, 107 (B5), DOI:
Buiter S J H, Babeyko, A., Ellis S, Gerya T V, Kaus B J P, Kellner A, Schreurs G, Yamada Y (2006) The numerical sandbox: comparison of
model results for a shortening and an extension experiment. In: Buiter S J H, Schreurs G (eds). Analogue and Numerical Modelling of
Crustal-Scale Processes. Geological Society, London, Spec Publ 253, pp 29-64
Büttner S, Glodny J, Lucassen F, Wemmer K, Erdmann S, Handler R, Franz G (2005) Ordovician metamorphism and plutonism in the Sierra
de Quilmes metamorphic complex: Implications for the tectonic setting of the northern Sierras Pampeanas (NW Argentina). Lithos 83:143181
Buske S, Lüth S, Meyer H, Patzig R, Reichert C, Shapiro S, Wigger P, Yoon M (2002) Broad depth range seismic imaging of the subducted
Nazca Slab, North Chile. Tectonophysics 350 (4): 273-282
Caffe P J, Trumbull R B, Coira B L, Romer R L (2002) Petrogenesis of early volcanic phases in Northern Puna Cenozoic magmatism
Implications for magma genesis and crustal processes in the Central Andean Plateau: J Petrol 43: 907-942
Carrapa B, Adelmann D, Hilley G E, Mortimer E, Sobel E R, Strecker M R (2005) Oligocene range uplift and development of plateau
morphology in the southern Central Andes. Tectonics 24 TC4011, DOI:10.1029/2004TC001762
Chmielowski J, Zandt G, Haberland Ch (1999) The Central Andean Altiplano-Puna Magma Body. GRL 26 (6): 783-786
Coutand I, Carrapa B, Deeken A, Schmitt A K, Sobel E R, Strecker M R (2006) Propagation of orographic barriers along an active range front:
insights from sandstone petrography and detrital apatite fission-track thermochronology in the intramontaneAngastaco basin, NW
Argentina. Basin Research 18: 1-26, DOI: 10.1111/j.1365-2117.2006.00283.x
Deeken A, Sobel E R, Coutand I, Haschke M, Riller U, Strecker M R (2006) Construction of the southern Eastern Cordillera, NW-Argentina:
From early Cretaceous extension to middle Miocene contraction, constrained by AFT-thermochronometry. Tectonics (in press)
Egenhoff S, Lucassen F (2003) Chemical and Isotopic Composition of Lower to Upper Ordovician Sedimentary Rocks (Central Andes /South
Bolivia): Implications for their Source. Journal of Geology, 111: 487-497
Echternacht F, Tauber S, Eisel M, Brasse H, Schwarz G, Haak V (1997) Electromagnetic study of the active continental margin in northern
Chile. PEPI 102: 69-88
Elger K, Oncken O, Glodny J (2005) Plateau-style accumulation of deformation – the Southern Altiplano. Tectonics 24, DOI
Erdtmann B-D, Weber B, Schultze H-P, Egenhoff S (2000) A possible agnathan plate from the early Arenig (Lower Ordovician) of South
Bolivia. Journal of Vertebrate Paleontology 20 (2):394-399
Estabrook C H (1999) Body wave inversion of the 1970 and 1963 South American large deep-focus earthquakes. JGR 104 (B12) 28.75128.767.
Folguera A, Ramos V A, Hermanns R L, Naranjo J (2004) Neotectonics in the foothills of the southernmost central Andes (37-38°S) –
Evidence of strike-slip displacement along the Antinir-Copahue fault zone. Tectonics 23 (5) TC5008, DOI: 10.1029/2003TC001533
Franz G, Lucassen F (2001) Comment on the paper "Puncoviscana folded belt in northwestern Argentina: testimony of Late Proterozoic
Rodinia fragmentation and pre-Gondwana collisonal episodes" by Omarini et al. (1999). Int J Earth Sci 90: 890-893
Gemmer L, Ings S, Medvedev S, Beaumont C (2004) Salt tectonics driven by differential sediment loading: Stability analysis and finite
element experiments. Basin Research 16: 199-218
Gibert B, Schilling F R, Tommasi A, Mainprice D (2003) Thermal diffusivity of olivine single-crystals and polycrystalline aggregates at
ambient conditions – a comparison. GRL 30 (22):2172, DOI:10.1029/2003GL018459
Giese P, Scheuber E, Schilling F, Schmitz M, Wigger P (1999) Crustal thickening processes in the Central Andes and the different natures of
the Moho-discontinuity. J. South Am Earth Sci 12: 201-220
Glodny J, Lohrmann J, Echtler H, Gräfe K, Seifert W, Collao S, Figueroa O (2005) Internal dynamics of a paleoaccretionary wedge: insights
from combined isotope tectonochronology and sandbox modeling of the South-Central Chilean forearc. EPSL 231: 23-39
González G (1999) Mecanismo y profundidad de emplazamiento del Plutón de Cerro Cristales, Cordillera de la Costa. Rev Geol Chile 26 (1):
Gossler J, Kind R (1996): Seismic Evidence for Very Deep Roots of Continents. Earth and Planet Science Let 138: 1-3
Götze H-J, Kirchner A (1997) Gravity field at the South American active margin (20° to 29° S). Journal of South American Earth Sciences 2:
Götze H-J, Krause S (2002) The Central Andean Gravity High, a relic of an old subduction complex ? J S Am Earth Sci 14 (8): 799-811
Götze H-J, Li X (1996) Topography and Geoid Effects on Gravity Anomalies in Mountainous Areas as Inferred from the Gravity Field of the
Central Andes. Physics and Chemistry of the Earth 21 (4): 295-297
Graeber F M, Asch G (1999) Three-dimensional models of P-wave velocity and P-to-S velocity ratio in the central Andes by simultaneous
inversion of local earthquake data. JGR 104 (B9): 20237-20256
Green A G, Kröner A, Götze H-J, Pavlenkova N (1993) Plate Tectonic Signatures in the Continental Lithosphere. Special Issue
Tectonophysics 219 (1-3): 239
Haberland C, Rietbrock A (2001) Attenuation Tomography in the Western Central Andes: A detailed insight into the structure of a magmatic
arc JGR 106 (B6): 11151-11167
Haberland C, Rietbrock A, Schurr B, Brasse H (2003) Coincident anomalies of seismic attenuation and electrical resistivity beneath the
southern Bolivian Altiplano Plateau. GRL 30 (18): 1923, DOI:10.1029/2003GL017492.3 Handy M R, Brun J-P (2004) Seismicity, structure
and strength of the continental lithosphere. EPSL 223: 427-441
Haschke M, Sobel E R, Blisniuk P M, Strecker M R, Warkus F (2006) Balancing the morphologic response to ridge subduction, Patagonian
Andes. Geophysical Research Letters (in press)
Haschke M, Ben-Avraham Z (2005) Adakites from collision-modified lithosphere. Geophys Research Letters 32: L15302, DOI:
Haschke M, Siebel W, Günther A, Scheuber, E (2002a) Repeated crustal thickening and recycling during the Andean orogeny in north Chile
(21°-26°S). JGR Solid Earth 107 (B1), DOI: 10.1029/2001JB000328
Haschke M, Günther A (2003) Balancing crustal thickening in arcs by tectonic vs. magmatic means. Geology 31 (11): 933-936
Haselton K, Hilley G E, Strecker M R (2002) Average Pleistocene climatic patterns in the southern Central Andes: Controls on mountain
glaciation and paleoclimate implications. J. Geol 110: 211-226
Hellweg M (1999) Listening carefully: Unique observations of harmonic tremor at Lascar volcano, Chile. Annali di Geofisica 42: 451–464
Hellweg M (1999) Seismic Signals from Lascar Volcano. J South Am Earth Sci 12: 123-133
Hermanns R L, Strecker M R (1999) Structural and lithological controls on large Quaternary rock avalanches (sturzstroms) in arid
northwestern Argentina. GSA Bull 111 (6): 934-948
Hermanns R, Trauth M H, McWilliams M, Strecker M R (2000) Tephrochronologic Constraints on temporal Distribution of large Landslides
in NW-Argentina. J Geol 108: 35-52
Hermanns R L, Niedermann S, Villanueva A, Sosa Gomez J, Strecker M R (2001) Neotectonics and catastrophic failure of mountain fronts in
the southern intra-Andean Puna Plateau, Argentina. Geology 29: 619-623
Heuse T, Grahn I, Erdtmann B-D (1999) Early Ordovician chitinozoans from the Cordillera of southern Bolivia. Revue de Micropaléontologie
42 (1): 43-55
Hillebrandt A v (1998) Die Ammoniten-Fauna des südamerikanischen Hettangium (basaler Jura). Palaeontographica 257: 85-189
Hilley G E, Strecker M R (2004) Steady-state erosion of Critical Coulomb Wedges with Applications to Taiwan and the Himalaya. JGR Solid
Earth 109, DOI:10.1029/2002JB002284
Hilley G E, Strecker M R, Ramos V A (2004) Growth and erosion of fold-and-thrust belts, with an application to the Aconcagua Fold-andThrust Belt, Argentina. JGR Solid Earth 109, DOI:10.1029/2002JB002282
Hindle D, Kley J, Klosko E, Stein S, Dixon T, Norabuena E (2002) Consistency of geologic and geodetic displacements during Andean
orogenesis. GRL 29 (8), DOI: 10.1029/2001GL013757
Hinsch R, Krawczyk C, Gaedicke C, Giraudo R, Demuro D (2002) Basement control on oblique thrust sheet evolution: Seismic imaging of the
active deformation front of the Central Andes in Bolivia. Tectonophysics 355 (1-4): 23-39
Hindle D (2003) Finite strain variation along strike in mountain belts. In: D Nieuwland (eds). New Insights into Structural Interpretation and
Modeling. Geological Society, London, pp 59-74
Hindle D, Kley J, Oncken O, Sobolev S (2005) Crustal flux and crustal balance from shortening estimates in the Central Andes. EPSL 230:
Hoffmann-Rothe A, Ritter O, Janssen C (2004) Correlation of Electrical Conductivity and Structural Damage at a Major Strike-Slip Fault in
Northern Chile. J Geophys Res 109, B10101, DOI:10.1029/2004JB003030
Hoshiba M, Rietbrock A, Scherbaum F, Nakahara H, Haberland C (2001) Scattering attenuation and intrinsic absorption using uniform and
depth dependent model - Application to full seismogram envelope recorded in Northern Chile. Seismology, 5: 157-179.
Hoth S, Adam J, Kukowski N, Oncken O (2006) Influence of erosion on the kinematics of bivergent orogens: Results from scaled sandboxsimulations. In: Willett S, et al. (eds). Tectonics, climate and landscape evolution. Geological Soc of America Spec Paper (in press)
Huene R v, Corvalán J, Flueh E R, Hinz K, Korstgard J, Ranero C R, Weinrebe W, CONDOR Scientists (1997)CONDOR, a study of the
Nazca plate and adjacent Andean margin off Valparaiso, Chile. Tectonics, 16: 474-488.
Hulka C, Gräfe K, Sames B, Heubeck C, Uba C , (2006) Depositional setting of the middle to late Miocene Yecua Formation of the Chaco
foreland basin, southern Bolivia. In: Hoorn C, Vonhof H (eds). Journal of South American Earth Sciences, Special Issue on Neogene
Amazonia (in press)
Husen S., Kissling E, Flueh E, Asch G (1999) Accurate Hypocentre Determination of the Subducting Nazca Plate in Northern Chile Using a
Combined On-/Offshore Network. Geophys J Int 138 (3): 687-701
Jacobshagen V, Müller J P, Wemmer K, Ahrendt H, Manutsoglu E (2002) Hercynian deformation and metamorphism in the Cordillera
Oriental of Southern Bolivia, Central Andes. Tectonophysics 345: 119-130
Jamieson R A, Beaumont C, Medvedev S, Nguyen M H (2004) Crustal channel flows: 2. Numerical models with implications for
metamorphism in the Himalayan-Tibetan Orogen. J Geophys Res 109 B06407, DOI:10.1029/2003JB002811
Janssen C, Wagner F C, Zang A, Dresen G (2001) Fracture process zone in granite: a microstructural analysis. Int J Earth Sci (Geol. Rdsch.)
90: 46-59
Janssen C, Hoffmann-Rothe A, Tauber S, Wilke H (2002) Internal structure of the Precordilleran fault system (Chile) - insights from structural
and geophysical observations. J Struct Geol 24: 123-143
Kasemann, S, Erzinger J, Franz G (2000) Boron recycling in the continental crust of the Central Andes from the Palaeozoic to Mesozoic, NW
Argentina. Contr Mineral Petrol 140: 328-343
Kasemann S, Meixner A, Erzinger J, Viramonte J, Alonso R, Franz G (2004) Boron isotope composition of geothermal fluids and borate
minerals from salar deposits (Central Andes/NW Argentina). J. South Am Earth Sci 16: 685-697.
Khazaradze G, Wang K, Klotz J, Hu Y, He J (2002) Prolonged post-seismic deformation of the 1960 great Chile earthquake and implications
for mantle rheology. GRL 29 (22), DOI:10.1029/2002GL015986
Khazaradze G, Klotz J (2003) Short- and long-term effects of GPS measured crustal deformation rates along the south central Andes. JGR 108
(B6), DOI: 10.1029/2002JB001879
Kiefer E, Dörr M J, Ibbeken H, Götze H-J (1997): Gravity-based mass balance of an alluvial fan giant: the Arcas Fan, Pampa del Tamarugal,
Northern Chile. Revista Geologica de Chile 24 (2): 165-185
Kind R, Kosarev G L, Petersen N V (1995) Receiver functions at the stations of the German Regional Seismic Network (GRSN). Geophys J
Int 121: 191-202
Kirchner A, Götze H-J, Schmitz (1996) 3D-Density Modelling with Seismic Constraints in the Central Andes. Physics and Chemistry of the
Earth 21 (4): 289-293
Kleinert K, Strecker M R (2001) Climate change in response to orographic barrier uplift: paleosol and stable isotope evidence from the
lateNeogene Santa Maria basin, northwestern Argentina. GSA Bull 113: 728-742
Kley J (1996) Transition from basement-involved to thin-skinned thrusting in the Cordillera Oriental of Southern Bolivia. Tectonics 15: 763775
Kley J, Gangui A H, Krüger D (1996): Basement-involved blind thrusting in the eastern Cordillera Oriental, southern Bolivia: evidence from
cross-section balancing, gravimetric and magnetotelluric data. Tectonophysics 259: 171-184.
Kley J, Müller J, Tawackoli S, Jacobshagen V, Manutsoglu E (1997) Pre-Andean and Andean-age deformation in the Eastern Cordillera of
southern Bolivia. J. South Am Earth Sci 10 (1): 1-19
Klosko, E. R., S. Stein, D. Hindle, T. Dixon, E. Norabuena (2002) Comparison of geodetic, geologic, and seismological observations in the
Nazca-South American plate boundary zone. In: Stein S, Freymueller J (eds). Plate Boundary Zones. AGU Geodynamic Series 30, pp 425
Klotz J, Angermann D, Michel G W, Porth R, Reigber C, Reinking J, Viramonte J, Perdomo R, Rios V H, Barrientos S, Barriga R, Cifuentes
O (1999) GPS-derived deformation of the Central Andes including the 1995 Antofagasta M (sub w) = 8.0 earthquake. Pure Appl Geophys
154: 3709-3730
Klotz J, Khazaradze G, Angermann D, Reigber C, Perdomo R, Cifuentes O (2001) Earthquake cycle dominates contemporary crustal
deformation in Central and Southern Andes. EPSL 193: 437-446
Koulakov I, Sobolev S, Asch G (2006) P- and S-velocity images of the lithosphere-asthenosphere system in the Central Andes from localsource tomographic inversion. Geophys J Int (in press)
Kraemer, B, Adelmann, D, Alten M, Schnurr W, Erpenstein K, Kiefer E, Bogaard P van den, Görler K (1999) Incorporation of the Paleogene
Foreland into the Neogene Puna plateau: The Salar de Antofalla, NW Argentina, Southern Central Andes. J South Am Earth Sci 12: 157182
Kramer W, Siebel W, Romer R L, Haase G, Zimmer M, Ehrlichmann R (2004) Geochemical and isotopic characteristics and evolution of the
Jurassic volcanic arc between Arica (18°30_S) and Tocopilla (22°S), North Chile Coastal Cordillera. Geochemistry 65 (1): 47-78
Kravtsov Y A, Müller T M, Shapiro S A, Buske, S (2003) Statistical properties of reflection traveltimes in 3-D randomly inhomogeneous and
anisomeric media. Geophys J Int 154: 841-851
Kukowski N, Pecher I A (1999) Thermo-hydraulic modelling of the accretionary complex off Peru at 12°S. Jour Geodyn 27: 373-402
Lezaeta P, Muñoz M, Brasse H (2000) Magnetotelluric image of the crust and upper mantle in the backarc of the NW Argentinian Andes.
Geophys J Intern 142: 841-854
Lezaeta P, Brasse H (2001) Electrical conductivity beneath the volcanoes of the NW Argentinian Puna. GRL 28 (24): 4651-4654
Lezaeta P (2002) The confidence limit of the magnetotelluric phase sensitive skew. Earth, Planets and Space 54 (5): 451-457
Lezaeta P, Haak V (2003) Beyond MT Decomposition: Current Channeling and Magnetotelluric Phases over 90°.JGR, 108 (B6): 2305, DOI:
Li X, Götze H-J (2001) Ellipsoid, geoid, gravity, geodesy and geophysics - a tutorial. Geophysics 66 (6): 1660-1668
Lindsay J, Silva S de, Trumbull R, Emmermann R, Wemmer K (2001) The La Pacana Caldera, N Chile: a reevaluation of one of the world's
largest resurgent calderas. J Volcanol Geoth Res 106: 145-173
Lindsay J M, Schmitt A K, Trumbull R B, Silva S de, Siebel W, Emmermann R (2001) Magmatic evolution of the La Pacana Caldera system,
Central Andes, Chile: compositional variation of two cogenetic, large-volume felsic ignimbrites and implications for contrasting eruption
mechanisms. J Petrol 42: 459-468
Lohrmann J, Kukowski N, Adam J, Oncken O (2003) The impact of analogue material properties on the geometry, kinematics, and dynamics
of convergent sand wedges. J Struct Geol 25: 1691-1711
Lucassen F, Franz G (1994) Arc Related Jurassic Igneous and Meta- Igneous Rocks in the Coastal Cordillera of Northern Chile/Region
Antofagasta. Lithos 32: 273-298
Lucassen F, Franz G (1996): Magmatic Arc Metamorphism: Petrology and Temperature History of Metabasic Rocks in the Coastal Cordillera
of Northern Chile. Journal of Metamorphic Geology 14: 249-265
Lucassen F, Fowler C M R, Franz G (1996): Formation of magmatic crust at the Andean continental margin during early Mesozoic: a
geological and thermal model of the North Chilean Coast Range. Tectonophysics 262: 263-279
Lucassen F, Thirlwall M F (1998): Sm-Nd ages of mafic rocks from the Coastal Cordillera at 24°S, northern Chile. Geologische Rundschau
86: 767-774
Lucassen F, Franz G, Laber A (1999) Permian high pressure rocks - the basement of Sierra de Limon Verde in NChile. J. South Am Earth Sci
12: 183-199
Lucassen F, Franz G, Thirlwall M F, Mezger K (1999) Crustal recycling of metamorphic basement: Late Paleozoic granites of the Chilean
Coast Range and Precordillera at ~22°S. J Petrol 40: 1527-1551
Lucassen F, Lewerenz S, Franz G, Viramonte J, Mezger K (1999) Metamorphism, isotopic ages and composition of lower crustal granulite
xenoliths from the Cretaceous Salta Rift, Argentina. Contrib Mineral Petrol 134: 325-341
Lucassen F, Becchio R, Wilke M F, Thirlwall H G,Viramonte J, Franz G, Wemmer K (2000) Proterozoic- Paleozoic development of the
basement of the Central Andes (18°-26°) - a mobile belt of the South American craton. J South Am Earth Sci 13: 697-715
Lucassen F, Becchio R, Harmon R, Kasemann S, Franz G, Trumbull R, Romer R L, Dulski P (2001) Composition and density model of the
continental crust in an active continental margin – the Central Andes between 18° and 27°S. Tectonophysics 341: 195-223
Lucassen F, Harmon R, Franz G, Romer R L, Becchio R, Siebel W (2002) Lead evolution of the Pre-mesozoic crust in the Central Andes (18°27°): Progressive homogenisation of Pb. Chem Geol 186: 183-197
Lucassen F, Escayola M, Franz G, Romer R L, Koch K (2002) Isotopic composition of Late Mesozoic basic and ultrabasic rocks from the
Andes (23-32°S) -implications for the Andean mantle Contrib Mineral Petrol 143: 336- 349
Lucassen F, Becchio R (2003) Timing of high-grade metamorphism: Early Paleozoic U-Pb formation ages of titanite indicate long-standing
high-T conditions at the western margin of Gondwana (Argentina, 26-29°S) J Metam Geol 21: 649 – 662
Lucassen F, Trumbull R, Franz G, Creixell C, Vasques P, Romer R L, Figueroa O (2004) Crustal recycling and juvenile additions in
continental magmatic arcs: the Paleozoic to Recent compositional evolution of the Chilean Pacific margin. J South Amer Earth Sci 17: 103119
Lucassen F, G Franz (2005) Early Paleozoic high-T metamorphism and magmatism in the Central Andes: an analogue to the thermal and
compositional structure of the present high plateau. In: Vaughan A P M, Leat P T, Pankhurst R J (eds). Terrane Processes at the Margins of
Gondwana. Geol Soc London Special Publications 246, pp 257-273
Lucassen F, Franz G, Viramonte J, Romer R L, Dulski P, Lang A (2005) The late Cretaceous lithospheric mantle beneath the Central Andes:
evidence from phase equilibrium and composition of mantle xenoliths. Lithos 82: 379-406
Lucassen F, Becchio, R (2003) Timing of high-grade metamorphism: Early Paleozoic U-Pb formation ages of titanite indicate long-standing
high-T conditions at the western margin of Gondwana (Argentina, 26-29°S). J Metam Geol 21: 649 – 662
Lucassen F, Escayola M, Franz G, Romer R L, Koch K (2002) Isotopic composition of Late Mesozoic mafic rocks from the Andes (23 - 32°S)
-Implications for their mantle sources. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 143 (3): 336-349
Lüth S, Wigger P, ISSA Working Group (2003) A crustal model along 39°S from a seismic refraction profile. ISSA 2000. Rev Geol Chile 30
(1): 83-101
Lüth S, Buske S, Goertz A, Giese R (2005) R, Fresnel-volume migration of multicomponent data. Geophysics 70 (6): 121-129
Maletz, J, Egenhoff, S (2001) Late Tremadoc to early Arenig graptolite faunas of southern Bolivia and their implications for a worldwide
biozonation, Lethaia. 34: 47-62
Marrett R, Strecker M R (2000) Response of intracontinental deformation in the Central Andes to Late Cenozoic Reorganisation of South
American Plate Motion. Tectonics 19: 452 – 467
Martin S, Rietbrock A, Haberland C, Asch G (2003) Guided waves propagating in subducted oceanic crust. JGR 108 (B11): 2536, DOI:
Marwan N, Trauth M H, Vuille M, Kurths J (2003) Nonlinear time-series analysis on present-day and Pleistocene precipitation data from the
NW Argentine Andes. Climate Dynamics 21: 317-326.
Medvedev S, C Beaumont (2006) Growth of Continental Plateaux by Channel Injection: Constraints and Thermo- Mechanical Consistency.
Geological Society Special Publications (in press)
Melnick D, Rosenau M, Folguera, A, Echtler H P (2006) Neogene tectonic evolution of the Neuquén Andes western flank (37-39°S) In: Kay S
M, Ramos VA (eds). Evolution of an Andean margin: A tectonic and magmatic view from the Andes to the Neuquén Basin (35°-39°S).
Geological Society of America Special Paper 407, DOI: 10.1130/2006.2407(04) (in press)
Melnick D, Folguera A, Ramos V A (2006) Structural control on arc volcanism: The Caviahue-Copahue complex, Central to Patagonian
Andes transition (38°S). Journal of South American Earth Sciences (in press).
Melnick D, Echtler H P (2006) Inversion of forearc basins in south-central Chile caused by rapid glacial age trench fill. Geology 34: 705
Melnick D, Bookhagen B, Echtler H P, Strecker M R (2006) Coastal deformation and great subduction earthquakes: Isla Santa María, Chile
(37°S). Geological Society of America Bulletin (in press)
Mueller H J, Lauterjung J, Schilling F R, Lathe C, Nover G (2002), Interferometric Method for Velocity Measurements of Ultrasonic
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2. Selected other papers
Adam J, Lohrmann J, Hoth S, Kukowski N, Oncken O (2002) Strain variation and partitioning in thrust wedges: High-resolution data from
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Argentina. In: Bonorino G, Omarini R, Viramonte J (eds). Geología del Noroeste Argentino, pp 272-275
Alvarado P, Belmonte A, Patzig R, Schmitz M, Gajardo E (1999) Aftershocks of Cariaco-Venezuela Earthquake (Mw = 6.9), July 9, 1997:
Seismological analysis using a local network. Ext Abs 4th International Symposium on Andean Geodynamics: 21-24
Alvers M, Götze H-J, Schweitzer C (1996) Optimierung geophysikalischer Modelle mit der Evolutionsstrategie. In: Wolf G, Schmidt R, Meer
M van der (Hrgs). Statusseminar des BMBF, 7.-8.11.1995, Braunschweig, Projektträger Informationstechnik des BMBF bei der DLR,
Abteilung Informationsgewinnung, Berlin, pp 305- 314
ANCORP-Research Group (1997) Deep Seismic Reflection/Refraction Experiment Illuminates Central Andean Subduction Zone. Actas VIII
Con Geol Chileno 1: 2-5
ANCORP-Working Group, Lüth S, Wigger P, Schmitz M (1998) Wide Angle Observations along the ANCORP '96 Traverse in the Central
Andes at 21°S. Memorias IX Venezuelan Geophysical Congress and II Conference of the Latin American Geophysical Union, Caracas: 6
Andriessen P A M, Reutter K J (1994) K-Ar and Fission Track Mineral Age Determination of Igneous Rock Related to Multiple Magmatic
Arc Systems along the 23° S Latitude of Chile and NW Argentina. In: Reutter K J, Scheuber E, Wigger P (eds). Tectonics of the Southern
Central Andes, Springer Berlin, pp 141- 153
Angermann D, Baustert G, Klotz J, Reinking J, Zhu S Y (1996) Hochgenaue Koordinatenbestimmung in großräumigen GPS-Netzen.
Allgemeine Vermessungsnachrichten 5/96: 185-195
Angermann D, Baustert G, Klotz J, Reinking J, Zhu S Y (1996) The Impact of IGS on the Analysis of Regional GPS-Networks. In: GPS
Trends in Precise Terrestrial, Airborne, and Space Applications. Springer Berlin Heidelberg New York, pp 35-39
Angermann D, Klotz J, Reigber C, Reinking J, Wilson P (1996) Active Deformation Derived from Large Scale GPS Networks. Suppl EOS
Am Geophys Union 77 (46)
Angermann D, Baustert G, Galas R, Zhu S Y (1997) EPOS.P.V3 (Earth Orbit & Parameter System): Software User Manual for GPS Data
Processing. Scientific Technical Report STR 97(14)
Angermann D, Klotz J, Michel G, Reigber C, Reinking J (1997) Ongoing and Recent Deformation in the Central Andes. Annales Geophysicae
Suppl Vol 15
Angermann D, Klotz J, Reigber C (2000) Geodetic datum definition of the SAGA network. In: Rummel R, Drewes H, Bosch W, Hornik H
(eds). Towards an Integrated Global Geodetic Observing System (IGGOS).Springer, Berlin, pp 122-125
Araneda M, Avendaño M, Schmidt S, Schmitz M, Götze H-J (1996) Gravity in the Southern Central Andes, 38°- 40°S. Third Int Symp
Andean Geodynamics, St. Malo, France: 7-9
Araneda M, Götze H-J, Schmidt S, Goltz G, Alvers M, Requilme R, Ugalde H, Ibbeken H, Kiefer E, Dörr M (1994) MIGRA - a New Update
of the Gravity Database in Northern Chile. Actas VII° Congreso Geol Chileno, Concepción I: 566-570
Araneda M, Avendaño M S (1996) The Liquiñe-Ofqui fault, geophysic results in the Puyuhuapi region. In: ORSTOM (eds). Troisième
symposium international sur la Géodynamique andine (ISAG), St Malo, pp 3-5
Asch G, K Wylegalla F., Graeber F, Haberland C, Rudloff A, Giese P, Wigger P (1994) PISCO 94: Proyecto de Investigación Sismológica de
la Cordillera Occidental - Parte I: Registros de Sismos Naturales. VII° Congreso Geológico Chileno, Concepción 2: 1293-1295
Asch G, Giese P, Kind R, Schmitz M, Schulze A, Wigger P (1994): ANCORP - Andean Continental Reflection Project. Abs 11. DEKORPKolloquium, Potsdam: 17-18
Asch G, Graeber F M, Rudloff A., Wylegalla K (1995) PISCO 94 - Seismological investigations by a temporary local network in northern
Chile. Seismological Research Letters 66 (2): 25
Asch G, Rudloff A, Graeber F, Kind R, Bock G, Wylegalla K (1996) Hochauflösende Seismologie in den Zentralen Anden. Zweijahresbericht
des GeoForschungsZentrum Potsdam, 1994/1995: 7-13
Babeyko A, Sobolev S (2004) What controls the modes of tectonic shortening in Central Andes? Bollettino di Geofisica 45 (1) suppl: 53-56
Babeyko A, Vietor T, Sobolev S, (2004) Combining tectonic shortening and surface erosion. Bollettino di Geofisica 45, (1) Suppl: 57-60
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Becchio R, Lucassen F, Franz G, Viramonte J (1997) Condiciones de P-T del basamento metamorphico de alto grado. Borde oriental de la
Puna Austral, Argentina. Actas II, VIII Congr Geol Chil: 1220-1224
Becchio R, Lucassen F, Franz G, Viramonte J, Wemmer K (1999) El basamento paleozoico inferior del noroeste de Argentina (23°-27°S) –
metamorfismo y geocronologia. In: Bonorino G G, Omarini R, Viramonte J (eds). Geologia del noroeste Argentino. XIV Congreso
Geológico Argentino, Salta, pp 58-72
Becchio R, Lucassen F, Kasemann S, Franz G, Viramonte J (1999) Geoquimica y sistemática isotópica del basamento metamórfico,
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