36°S 75°W 74°W 73°W 72°W 71°W 70°W 69°W 68°W Itata Basin % 67°W Morphotectonic units Nazca Plate 37°S Continental Slope Continental Shelf Bí o -Bí o Coastal Platform FZ Coastal Cordillera Chile M Vill ochaaric aF Z Agrio thrust belt lh na La Co rta de ras lin e igh Huincul h FZ Valdivia Basin Central Depression Principal Cordillera Neogene back-arc basins Neuquén Basin ue 39°S 38°S Arauco Basin Argentina Cordillera del Viento massif San Rafael massif 40°S North Patagonian massif Forearc basin Quaternary arc volcanics Somuncura plateau limit fqui F Chiloé Basin Liquiñ e -O 42°S 41°S Z Pucatrihue Basin Major faults Inferred faults Somuncura plateau Figure 1. Morphotectonic units and major faults of the south-central Andes. 0 50 kilometers 100 36°S 75°W 74°W 73°W % 72°W 71°W 70°W 69°W 68°W 67°W Forearc Intra-arc Back-arc/ foreland Qs Qv Qb Chillán Concepción re nch TQb TQs hile T Pa cific Ocean TQsp Pe rú-C 37°S PQv Chos Malal Los Angeles Ta 38°S Tv Tba Arauco Peninsula Tm Argentina Tfv Chile Isla Mocha KT Kfg Temuco JrTg 39°S Neuquén JrKnb Jrg Tr PzTr Pzg 40°S Valdiv ia P Pz1 Bahía Mansa Pz2 Pz Osorno 41°S L Bariloche Major lakes Major faults Rev erse Maquinchao Normal Pto. Montt Strike-slip Undif f erentiated 42°S 0 Chiloé 50 kilometers Figure 2. Geologic map compilation of the south-central Andes. 100 Oligo. Miocene Plio. Q. Cenozoic Forearc Intra-arc Back-arc & foreland Qb Qv Qs TQb PQv TQs Tba Ta TQsp Tv Tfv Cretaceous KT JrTg Kfg Jurassic JrKnb Dev.Ca. P. Triassic Paleozoic Mesozoic Pal. Eocene Tm Jrg Tr PzTr Pz1 Pz2 Pzg P Pz Figure 3. Space-time diagram of the geologic units.
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