通 知 103 學年度第 2 學期國際學院院週會 日 期:4 月 15 日(星期三) 時 間:上午 10:20 ~ 11:35 地 點:國際學院 4 樓 60405 參加人員:國際學院一年級 流 程: 時 間 單 位 10:30~10:35 院長致詞 10:35~10:50 教務處 10:50~11:05 國際處 11:05~11:20 教發中心 11:20~11:35 職發中心 注意: 1. 請同學於 10:20 前集合完畢,演講者開始演講後 15 分鐘進場者 (10:45),一律以未到場計算,各班點名請儘快於 10:45 前完成,並 自動將簽到單繳交至教官處 2. 請假者--請依照本校「學生請假規則」辦理請假手續,並於 4 月 15 日(三)上午 10:00 前將假卡繳交至學院辦公室(國際學院大樓 2 樓 60204 室)。 3. 未出席週會者,一律需服勤 2 小時;並於 5 月 15 日(五)前至各系完 成愛校服務。 4. 除重大事件或公假無法出席者,一般事假者仍要服勤 2 小時。 5. 當日曠課或逾期未完成請假手續或服勤務者---依「學生獎懲辦法第 七條第一款無故不參加日常集會者,警告乙次」議處。 國際學院 啟 Notice 2015 Spring Semester International College Assembly Date: April 15th 2015 Time: 10:20 a.m.-11:35 a.m. Venue: Room 60405 International Building 4th floor Participants: Freshmen of International College Program: Time Session 10:30~10:35 Dean’s opening 10:35~10:50 Office of Academic Affairs 10:50~11:05 Office of International Affairs 11:05~11:20 Center for Teaching and Learning Development 11:20~11:35 Career Development Center Please attend the Assembly at 10:20 a.m. and sign on the attendance sheet. Class leaders should submit the sheet to the instructor by 10:45 a.m. Anyone who does not come and sign before 10:45 will be considered absent. If you are not able to attend with a good reason, please submit leave application to Dean’s office at 60204-2 before 10:00 a.m. on April 15th. Students who do not attend the Assembly and without permission for absence will be required to conduct two-hour service at the department before May 15th. Anyone who does not finish service in time will have a warning marked on the individual record of behavioral conduct. Sincerely, International College
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