Your EIASM newsletter | View this e-mail in your browser In this issue: > Welcome to EIASM's Spring Newsletter > In Memoriam – Bertil Näslund > News from EIASM Academic Council Members > EDEN Doctoral Seminars - Upcoming Seminars & Deadlines > EIASM Workshops & Conferences 2016: Upcoming Events & Deadlines > IPDMC - 23rd Innovation and Product Development Management Conference > EAA Annual Congress 2016 & Other Activities > EARIE Annual Conference 2016 > EDAMBA Activities > EFA Annual Meeting 2016 & Doctoral Tutorial April 2016 > EIBA Annual Conference 2016 & Doctoral Events > EMAC Annual Conference 2016 & Other Activities > EURAM Annual Conference 2016 & Other Activities > EurOMA Annual Conference 2016 & Other Activities > Contact EIASM Welcome to EIASM's Spring Newsletter Dear Friends of EIASM, We hope you are well and would like to take this opportunity to thank you for the numerous messages and expressions of sympathy shared with us after the horrible attacks in Brussels last month. Although normal life is slowly returning, this does not mean that the victims and all those who suffered directly and indirectly have been forgotten – quite the opposite. Due to their great sacrifice, Brussels is now a safer place – and we are all working towards defeating this global threat by going about our lives and business as usual. We are pleased to send you our Spring Newsletter, informing you of forthcoming activities such as EDEN seminars & EIASM conferences / workshops, as well as some upcoming events of the Associations supported by EIASM – EAA, EARIE, EDAMBA, EFA, EIBA, EMAC, EURAM, and EurOMA. As always, the EIASM team remains at your disposal for any information or help you might need. Enjoy the reading, hope you are inspired to participate (or forward the info to students and colleagues), and see you again next time with more EIASM news and events! In Memoriam – Bertil Näslund Bertil Näslund Bertil Näslund, member of the first EIASM faculty 1971-1973, passed away on February 15, 2016, at the age of 82. His academic career started with the doctoral dissertation Decisions under Risk in 1964 at Carnegie-Institute of Technology in Pittsburgh. Only two years later he was appointed to the very first chair of Business Administration at Stockholm University. In this position he was able to build a creative research environment as well as to handle a strong undergraduate student growth. When he, after five years in Stockholm, was recruited to EIASM, he collaborated with Alain Bensoussan and Gerald Hurst on the emerging use of control theory in management, manifested in the volume Management Applications of Modern Control Theory (1974). Back in Sweden, he was appointed to a chair in managerial economics at the Stockholm School of Economics, where he created its now very well reputed Department of Finance. In so doing, he developed close cooperation with colleagues at New York University. The latter was quite natural for him, since he was a true international scholar, always working in the spirit of EIASM. Therefore, there are presently a large number of management scholars in the international academic community who remember Bertil Näslund with gratitude for his work as supervisor, source of inspiration, academic entrepreneur, and eminent scholar. His contributions to management science have been considerable. Lars Engwall Doctoral student of Bertil Näslund Professor emeritus at Uppsala University News from EIASM Academic Council Members HANKEN School of Economics – Accounting Tutorial – August 18-19, 2016 We are pleased to announce the annual Finnish Accounting Tutorial to be held on August 18-19, 2016, at Hanken School of Economics in Helsinki. The aim of the Accounting Tutorial is to bring together PhD students and Professors in the field of accounting to share their interests and views on student research projects. The Accounting Tutorial seeks to develop PhD students’ on-going research through supportive and critical discussion, and to provide a forum for debate of emerging ideas and developments in practice and research. Each PhD student will have a nominated discussant (a Senior Faculty Member) to give feedback on his/her paper. There will be sessions both in English and in Finnish. A Keynote speech will be given by Professor Per Olsson from ESMT European School of Management and Technology. More information HERE. EDEN Doctoral Seminars - Upcoming Seminars & Deadlines EDEN SEM I N ARS – UPCOM I N G DEADLI N ES & SEM I NARS NEW! EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Research Traditions in International Sales Management Kuopio, Finland, April 18-21, 2016 Read more ... EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Qualitative Methods in Business Research Brussels, Belgium, May 9-12, 2016 Read more ... EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Innovation Management and Economics: Theories, Methods, Empirical Evidence and Policy Challenges Brussels, Belgium, May 9-13, 2016 Application Deadline: Som e places still available - Contact N ina Payen - [email protected] A unique opportunity for PhD students to examine leading-edge issues in the innovation field in a truly inter-disciplinary fashion. Read more ... EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Social Network Analysis: Theory and Methods Santornini, Greece, June 13-17, 2016 NEW Application Deadline: April 19, 2016 This EDEN seminar introduces Social Network Analysis (SNA) theory, methods and techniques for doctoral students who aim at collecting, analysing and visualising network data for their research in diverse organisational settings and application areas. Read more ... N EW ! EDEN-CGMA Course on Quantitative Empirical Research in Management Accounting Shanghai, China, July 11-13, 2016 Application Deadline: May 12, 2016 This EDEN addresses issues related to designing, conducting, and evaluating quantitative empirical research on management accounting. This course will help participants gain a wider and deeper understanding of the research questions, theoretical perspectives, and research methods used in theory-based quantitative empirical research on management accounting Read more ... UPCOM I N G EDEN SEM I N ARS – M ARK YOUR CALEN DAR... EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Perspectives on Projects Lille, France, August 22-24, 2016 Application Deadline: June 18, 2016 A forum for doctoral students in project management from Europe and around the world, where they can share experiences in studying project management, exchange information, and explore new directions and new approaches for research in the field of project management. Read more ... EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Building Models for Marketing Decisions Groningen, Netherlands, August 29–September 2, 2016 Application Deadline: June 24, 2016 The seminar is intended for PhD students and young scholars interested in the implementation of rigorous methods and techniques in marketing. Students will be introduced to the model building process, will be trained in designing and testing descriptive, predictive and normative models, and will be exposed to time series analysis. Read more ... EDEN Doctoral Seminar on Empirical Financial Accounting Research Berlin, Germany, September 19-22, 2016 Application Deadline: July 15, 2016 The seminar will focus on several main research themes in contemporary empirical financial accounting research and will examine the historical origins, theoretical underpinnings and research methods used in leading research in each area. One of the main aims of the seminar will be to develop students’ abilities to identify significant research questions and appropriate empirical methods. Read more ... M ore inform ation on other EDEN Sem inars in 2016 can be found on our w ebsite w w w .eiasm .org. EIASM Workshops & Conferences 2016: Upcoming Events & Deadlines 31st Workshop on Strategic Human Resource Management Segovia, Spain, April 25-26, 2016 The workshop programme is available. Registration is still open 12th Workshop on Family Firm Management Research Zwolle, Netherlands - May 13-14, 2016 Theme of the workshop: "Bridging the Gap – Integrating Family Business Theory & Practice" Online registration open. MAR 2016 - Manufacturing Accounting Research Conference Lisbon, Portugal - June 15-17, 2016 Registration is still open Similar to the earlier MAR conferences, the Lisbon 2016 conference will consider the link between design, implementation, and use of management accounting and control systems, and their relevance to both theory and practice. The conference will consist of plenary presentations, concurrent sessions, and a special track for PhD students. Note that the best papers will be submitted to a special issue of the Qualitative Research in Accounting & M anagem ent (QRAM). These papers will be subject to the journal’s double-blind review process. 12th Workshop on Accounting and Economics Tilburg, Netherlands, June 23-24, 2016 The list of accepted papers is available Registration is still open 7th Workshop on Accounting and Regulation Siena, Italy, July 7-9, 2016 The exceptional workshop location is the Rock of The Monte dei Paschi Bank This Workshop provides a unique opportunity to offer new insights into these aspects of the regulatory processes, especially in the current economic climate A new development in this 7th International Workshop is the involvement of three academic journals in designing the call for papers and the eventual program. The journals and their respective editors are: • the I nternational Journal of Accounting (IJA), Rashad Abdel-Khalik (University of Illinois, USA), • the Journal of Accounting, Auditing & Finance (JAAF), Bharat Sarath (Rutgers Business School, USA) • the Journal of M anagem ent and Governance (JMG), Roberto Di Pietra (University of Siena, Italy). 6th International Conference on Tourism Management and Tourism Related Issues Krakow, Poland, September 22-23, 2016 Submission deadline: April 30, 2016 !!! For the Sixth International Conference on Tourism Management and Related Issues to be held at Cracow Universiy of Economics, Krakow, Poland. We invite contributions that focus especially, but not exclusively, on tourism, travel, leisure and hospitality management, with an emphasis on: Destination management, Hospitality management, Congress management, Air transportation management, Antecedents of tourism collaboration[au1] , Archeological sites, management, World Heritage and intangible cultural heritage management, Urban and regional tourism planning, Tourism policies, Inter-organizational dynamics (e.g., mergers and acquisitions, joint venture, strategic alliances, coopetitive strategies, etc.) in the tourism sector,Tourism marketing, Renewable sources of energy and tourism, Glocalisation: managing the global and the local in the tourism industry, Ecotourism and sustainable tourism development, ICT and tourism, Managing the skies: air transportation A new special track on "Convention and Event Management" is being introduced this year. This Sixth Edition of the conference will provide opportunities for publication of the presented papers. RENT 2016 Conference – Research in Entrepreneurship and Small Business Antwerp, Belgium, November 16-18, 2016 Submission deadline: May 15, 2016 The main theme of the conference this year is "Innovation, Relational Networks, Technology and Knowledge Transfer as Drivers of Global Competitiveness" The main topic of the conference is to focus on how networks and knowledge transfer can help firms increase their global competitiveness by fostering innovative and entrepreneurial behavior. Quantitative and qualitative papers are both welcome, especially if they are presenting research issues emerging from intersections of different knowledge pools. The list of possible sub-topics include is available on the conference web site. 6th Workshop on Audit Quality Florence, Italy - September 30-October 1, 2016 Submission deadline for full papers: May 24, 2016 The workshop is organised in collaboration with Bocconi University – Department of Accounting; the invited keynote speaker is Professor Mark DeFond. 11th Colloquium on Organizational Change and Development Vienna, Austria - September 9-10, 2016 Submission deadline: May 26, 2016 12th Interdisciplinary Workshop on Intangibles, Intellectual Capital and Information St Petersburg, Russia - September 22-23, 2016 Submission deadline: June 1, 2016 The workshop is organised in collaboration with the University of Ferrara and the National Research University Higher School of Economics (NRU HSE), the leading university in Russia in the fields of economics, finance and management. A number of selected papers will be published in: • a Special Issue of Scopus indexed journal “Foresight and STI governance” ( • an editorial book in the Springer book series “Science, Technology and I nnovation Studies” ( • the electronic journal “Corporate Finance" This year a PhD Workshop will take place on September 21, 2016. Young scholars are invited to present their dissertations and paper drafts, and receive reviews and suggestions for improvement from the team of conference leaders. (More details will be posted soon/) 13th Workshop on Corporate Governance Milan, Italy, October 27-28, 2016 Submission deadline: May 15, 2016 The 2016 workshop will be organized in the premises of the SDA Bocconi School of Management in Milan. The chairpersons will select the three best papers for publication in the Journal of M anagem ent and Governance. 5th Workshop on Talent Management Copenhagen, Denmark, October 3-4, 2016 Submission deadline: May 31, 2016 We invite papers from a wide range of disciplinary traditions that explore talent management issues from both theoretical and practical perspectives, and we encourage papers which are multi-disciplinary and cross-disciplinary in nature. 6th Workshop on Expatriation "New Trends of Expatriation" Catania, Italy, September 15-16, 2016 Submission deadline: June 1, 2016 Some of the best papers will appear in a Special Issue of a quality journal. 1st Workshop on Governance and Management of Digitization Brussels, Belgium, October 20-21, 2016 Submission deadline: June 1, 2016 The workshop on digital innovation and transformation will be organized along four themes: • Theme I: The strategy governance perspective • Theme II: The innovation governance perspective • Theme III: The IT governance perspective • Theme IV: The risk and legal governance perspective Papers selected by the group of chairpersons will be considered for publication in an edited book on “Governance and M anagem ent of Digitization” to be published after the workshop. 10th Conference on New Directions in Management Accounting Brussels, Belgium, December 14-16, 2016 Submission deadline: September 15, 2016 (full papers) IPDMC - 23rd Innovation and Product Development Management Conference • The 2016 IPDMC conference will take place at the University of Strathclyde, Glasgow, in the UK. on June 12-14, 2016. The conference web site is: The special theme for our 2016 conference is “Crossing Borders and Boundaries: The Changing Role of Innovation / Entrepreneurship” to reflect the current age of economic turbulence and dynamic, disruptive technological and social change. The nature of competition has been changed in a world of recession following the global financial crisis in 2007. Innovative and entrepreneurial activities are considered to be ‘key’ for a business sector which may risk becoming ‘trivial’ and, vice versa, ‘unknown’ innovations/entrepreneurs frequently emerge, shifting competition from closed to open and networked innovation systems spanning a variety of technologies, civic societies, markets and geographies. Innovation and entrepreneurship clearly constitutes one of the most central issues for management, as they directly speak to the competitive strength, sustainability and relevance of organisations and networks. Therefore, the crucial purpose of emerging, developing and developed economies is to promote entrepreneurship and innovation in order to enhance economic and social development. The list of accepted papers that will be presented at the conference is available on: • The Doctoral Workshop The Doctoral Workshop is an integrated part of the IPDMC conference (since Hamburg in 2008). It will take place the days before the conference. This year 21 PhD Students have been accepted. The Faculty is composed of 9 international Professors. • The Wall Street Journal features: "The Rise of Late Adopters: What do Late Adopters Know that We Don't Know?" During the IPDMC 2013 and 2014 Sara Jahanmir (Doctoral Researcher at Nova SBE, Lisbon, Portugal and Research Affiliate at MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA) and Luis Filipe Lages (Professor of Marketing and Innovation, Nova SBE, Lisbon, Portugal) presented two papers on the topic of late adopters and laggards. ... read more... EAA Annual Congress 2016 & Other Activities EAA 2016 – 39th Annual Congress Dates: May 11-13, 2016 Location: MECC, Maastricht, Netherlands Host: Maastricht University Congress Chair: Ann Vanstraelen Registration is still open. Full information on: The European Doctoral Colloquium in Accounting 2016 Dates: May 7-10, 2016 Location: Kasteel Bloemendal, Vaals (near Maastricht), Netherlands Full information on: EAA Newsletter If you are interested in finding out about the latest developments within the European Accounting Association, just take a few minutes to read the EAA Newsletter. EAA members and non-members alike can access the current and previous issues on the EAA website. EARIE Annual Conference 2016 EARIE 2016 – 43rd Annual Conference of the European Association for Research in Industrial Economics Date: August 26-28, 2016 Host/Location: Nova School of Business and Economics, Lisbon, Portugal The submission deadline (March 15, 2016) has passed. Conference website: EDAMBA Activities EDAMBA Summer Research Academy Athens, Greece, July 18-22, 2016 NEW Application Deadline: April 15, 2016 The EDAMBA Summer Research Academy is aimed at giving an analysis and some important perspectives on the challenges facing management and business research in a postmodern knowledge economy. It will position management and business research in relation to the moral and normative issues, the methodological issues and issues concerning new theoretical developments. EDAMBA Annual Meeting 2016 Kent, Canterbury, U.K. August 21-23, 2016 Theme: Beyond Academic Outputs? Research Impact and Multiple Doctoral Career Progression Paths in Business and Management - Should doctoral education focus exclusively on creating academic knowledge to be published in peer reviewed journals? - Should doctoral education instead create knowledge capacity that has a direct impact on policy, practice, and society? In this case, what type of specific training should be part of a doctoral studies curriculum? The purpose of this two-day annual meeting is to find answers to some of these questions by bringing together doctoral program directors, academics, business leaders, and doctoral students to reflect on the rapidly changing landscape of doctoral research, training, and careers in business and management Read more on the Website: EDAM BA 2016 EFA Annual Meeting 2016 & Doctoral Tutorial EFA 2016 - 43rd Annual Meeting of the European Finance Association Date: August 17-20, 2016 Location / Host: BI Norwegian Business School – Campus Nydalen, Oslo, Norway The submission deadline has passed. Conference website: The EFA 2016 Oslo conference will be preceded by the... EFA Doctoral Tutorial 2016 Date: August 17, 2016 Location / Host: BI Norwegian Business School – Campus Nydalen, Oslo, Norway The submission deadline has passed. Event website: EIBA Annual Conference 2016 & Doctoral Events EIBA 2016 – 42nd Annual Conference of the European International Business Academy "Liabilities of Foreignness vs. the Value of Diversity: Conflict or Com plem ent?" Date: December 2-4, 2016 Location / Host: WU – Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria Submission deadline: July 15, 2016 Conference website: | ► The EI BA 2016 Vienna conference will be preceded by two doctoral events... 30th EIBA Doctoral Tutorial "The John H. Dunning Doctoral Tutorial in I nternational Business" Date: December 2, 2016 Location / Host: WU – Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria Submission deadline: September 1, 2016 5th EIBA Doctoral Symposium Date: December 2, 2016 Location / Host: WU – Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria Submission deadline: September 1, 2016 EMAC Annual Conference 2016 & Other Activities EMAC Annual Conference & Doctoral Colloquium 2016 EMAC 2016 – 29th Doctoral Colloquium Location: Oslo, Norway Dates: May 22-24, 2016 EMAC 2016 – 45th Annual Conference Theme: "M arketing in the Age of Data" Location: Oslo, Norway Dates: May 24-27, 2016 Early-bird registration deadline: April 15, 2016 7th EMAC Regional Conference 2016 Theme: "W here the East kisses the W est: M arketing Convergence and Divergence in the New Europe" Location: Sarajevo, Bosnia, Dates: September 14-16, 2016 Submission Deadline: April 25, 2016 (noon CET Time) Other Activities 2016 EMAC McKinsey Dissertation Award 1st EMAC Junior Faculty & Doctoral Student Research Camp Location: University of Vienna, Austria Dates: September 1-2, 2016 Submission Deadline: April 30, 2016 For more information about the Junior Faculty & Doctoral Student reseach Camp and application, click HERE. EMAC Annual Conference & Doctoral Colloqium 2017 EMAC 2017 – 30th Doctoral Colloquium Location: Groningen, Netherlands Dates: May 21-23, 2017 EMAC 2017 – 46th Annual Conference Theme: Leaving Footprint! Location: Groningen, Netherlands Dates: May 23-26, 2017 EMAC Newsletter & Chronicle The EMAC Newsletter EMAC Members are invited to send their contributions for the monthly EMAC E-Newsletter to Anne-Laure Marteaux. Previous quarterly Newsletters are available on the EMAC website. As of September 2014, the EMAC E-Newsletter is sent each month to current EMAC members. The EMAC Chronicle An annual publication aimed at informing EMAC members, potential members, and other stakeholders about the Academy's activities, as well as providing insightful views and articles on what is happening in the Marketing discipline. The EMAC Chronicle is also available on the EMAC website (under Publications). EURAM Annual Conference 2016 & Other Activities EURAM Annual Conference 2016 Theme: "Manageable Cooperation?" Dates: June 1-4, 2016 Labs for all participants on May 31, 2016, followed by the welcome reception. Location: Paris, France For registration, click EURAM Doctoral Colloquium 2016 Dates: May 29-31, 2016 Location: Paris, France Deadline for Paper Submission: Closed EURAM-EFMED Research Leadership Programme - Cycle 6 Designed for Potential and Current Research Directors Dates: October 18-21 & December 7-9, 2016 Location: Brussels, Belgium For more information, contact [email protected] For more information on the above events and on others – organised with EURAM's Strategic Groups – see For the EURAM Newsletter, use the link Follow us on: EurOMA Annual Conference 2016 & Other Activities EurOMA Annual Conference 2016 EurOMA 2016 – 23rd International Annual EurOMA Conference "I nteractions" Date: June 17-22, 2016 Location: Trondheim, Norway The EurOM A 2016 conference will be preceded by the following events... • 15th EurOMA Doctoral Seminar June 17-18, 2016 • 9th EurOMA Workshop on Journal Publishing in Operations Management June 18, 2016 • 8th EurOMA Young Scholars' Workshop June 19, 2016 Other Upcoming EurOMA Activities 5th World Conference on P&OM September 6-10, 2016 Havana, Cuba Contact EIASM EIASM PLACE DE BROUCKÈRE-PLEIN 1000 BRUSSELS, BELGIUM Tel: +32 2 226 66 60 / Fax: +32 2 512 19 29 Comments on this e-newsletter are welcome and can be e-mailed to [email protected]. Please verify and update your personal profile in the EIASM online database: If you no longer wish to receive these e-mailings reply to this message with "unsubscribe" as the Subject.
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