GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction J. Torra, F. Figueras, C. Jordi, X. Luri, C. Fabricius, E. Masana, B. López-Martí, P. Llimona University of Barcelona Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 1 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Key Science Objective: To provide the first statistically significant census of our galaxy Origin, Formation and Evolution of the Galaxy • Structure and kinematics of our Galaxy • Stellar populations • Tests of galaxy formation Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 2 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction We want: • An unbiased, on-board selected catalogue of about 109 objects, containing: • Positions, parallaxes (ε ≈ 10 µas ) • Proper motions (ε ≈ 10 µas yr -1) • Radial velocities (ε ≈ 1 - 10 km s-1) • Photometry (wide (5) and intermediate (12) bands) Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 3 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction GAIA Data Analysis Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 4 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Data Analysis: Concept and Requirements Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 5 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Data Reduction processing characteristics • Global Iterative Solution • Run on a subset of about 100 million (GAIA) “well-behaved” astronomical objects • Process applied to: 9Raw data 9Calibration data 9Attitude data 9Science data • Instrument calibrations, satellite attitude and scientific results are simultaneously determined Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 6 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction • GAIA data analysis understood to be a complex task - Data volume: ≈500 TB data over 5 yrs, - 1020 flop - Numerical: 0.1 microarcsec = 10-13 of a circle - Complexity: Data ‘mixed’ in time and space due to scanning motion, very different types of data associated to a given object • Hipparcos approach (flat files/sequential processing) inappropriate • Major software engineering infrastructure required GAIA Data Analysis and Access System Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 7 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction GAIA Data Analysis and Acces Study (GDAAS) Objective: To define an efficient, scalable, maintenable and useable system for populating the GAIA database from the satellite data stream allowing not only the data storage but also the processing of scan data Challenge: Establish the technical baseline concepts for the system on realistic basis and prove the feasibility of the approach chosen for the reduction of the mission. Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 8 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction GDAAS1: First design. Ingestion and XM. Rough design of GIS. Jun 2000- Jun 02 GDAAS2: Implementation of new and more complex algorithms. Convergence of GIS. Running some shell algorithms. Aug 2002- Jan 05 GDAAS3: A deeper scientific validation plus a technical design of the operational concept Jun 05 - 07 Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 9 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Consortium Project team organisation ESA/ESTEC GMV Prime Contractor GMV Team UB Team CESCA Team •GMV: Management and Software development •UB: Scientific support and customisation of the GAIA simulator •CESCA: Hardware infraestructure, processing power and on-line support. Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 10 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Prototype Development • Design – Design of the GAIA database • Data Model Refinement • Data Manipulation Layer – Design of the Processing Framework • Implementation – Database Data Model and Database Manipulation Layer – Processing algorithms – Processing Framework • Testing – Integration and Validation at CESCA premises Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 11 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Data processing structure: prototype GASS simulator Sources Global Iterative Solution Telemetry Stream Ingestion & Initial data treatment - Raw Observations - Obs2Elem. - Centroiding Sept 13, 2004 The GAIA Database Attitude Updating Astrometric updating Calibration Global - Cross-Matching JENAM 2004 12 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction All the sources and observations in a given time Attitude updating All the sources and observations in a cal. unit GAIA Database All the observations of a given source All the sources in the mission time Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 Calibration updating Source updating Global updating 13 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Model Optics: LSF, no chromaticity Astrometry: α, δ, µα, µδ, π Calibration: CCD units Geometric: 2 variables Photometric: average Global Parameter: γ, Sun Orbit: L2 Attitude: Nom. Scan + Nom. Rot + noise pointing No improvement of observables. Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 14 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction GDAAS Phase I Conclusions •The approach chosen has proved quite succesfully •O-O + UML tools demonstrated its advantatges in the implementation of this complex system •Java has demonstrated to be ideal for the problems posed by the system •The choice of the DBMS has shown to be a key element •To get good concurrent performance on ingestion and CM was an expensive task •GIS complexity increased by the use of wrappers Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 15 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Test Results • A 4 year mission (up to 13th magnitude) would generate a DB of about 1.2TB. Assuming a scaling factor of 380 from 13th magnitude to 20th magnitude (ratio of total number of sources), the final database size would be around 460TB (not including Spectro data). • The average ingestion & cross-matching time consumption for a single processor is about 1.5 hours of processing per day of observation. Can be easily reduced using distributed processing. Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 16 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction GDAAS Phase II Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 17 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Objectives • The objective of the Phase II study is to provide complete confidence in the overall GAIA data processing approach, identifying interfaces with all foreseen data reduction steps, implementing and testing an agreed package of algorithms provided by the wider GAIA community, and demonstrating scalability to a final data processing system. Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 18 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Ingestion and Initial Data Treatment Raw (Telemetry) Data Decode, Cross-match, Timing, Ingestion First-look Tasks Asses. Payload health Science Alerts Core Tasks (GIS) Calib., attitude, Astrometry, global par. GAIA Database Shell Task n Shell Task 1 Sept 13, 2004 Off-line tasks: Pec. objects Shell Task 2 JENAM 2004 19 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Model Optics: LSF(t,x,y,l), PSF, Chromaticity Astrometry: α, δ, µα, µδ, π Calibration: CCD units, Pixel columns Geometric & Photometric at Large and short scale: millions of parameters LSF, PSF, Chrom. determined Global Parameter: γ, Sun and Planets Orbit: Lissajous L2 Attitude: Nom. Scan + Nom. Rot + noise pointing Improvement of observables. Raw data stored. Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 20 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Ingestion and Initial data Treatment: •Telemetry decoding, streams separation, •Initial centroiding and flux estimation •Cross-matching and source creation in the DB Core Tasks: •Provisional classification of objects •Global Iterative Solution: Attitude, astrometric solution, global parameters and Astro geometric calibration •Photometric raw data treatment and calibration (Astro & Spectro) •Radial velocity raw data treatment and calibration (Spectro) Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 21 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Shell •Double star analysis (visual, astrometric..) •Variability analysis •Exoplanets detection •Minor planets treatment (identification and orbit det.) •Derivation of Astrophys. Parameters for stars and QSO •Radial velocity analysis •Other.... First-look •Astrometric first-look analysis (great circle reduction) •Science alerts (supernova, microlensing, ) Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 22 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Recent GIS Test Results Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 23 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Second campaign of of GIS Testing Test-2 (June-September 2004+) Data: 18 months of mission data Model for telemetry data: measurement errors + nominal values for attitude, calibration, global and source parameters Processes: IDT, Source (α, δ, π & µ ), Attitude, Calibration & Global Parameters for GIS initialisation: •Raw attitude data: Gaussian random scatter (σ = 1 mas) •Geometric Calibration: Gaussian random scatter (σ = 1 mas) •Global: γ = 1.1 (10 % error, translates into about ∼1 mas) •10 % of primary sources (initial π = 0, absolute parallax): •Gaussian scatter (α,δ) = 10 mas ,(µα,µδ,µr) = 1 mas/yr Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 24 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Test-2: Preliminary Results Value of the global parameter γ after each GIS iteration. Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 25 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Test-2: Preliminary Results Mean difference between the updated and the theoretical value for the parallax after each GIS iteration. Blue symbols: primary sources. Red symbols: cross-matching sources. Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 26 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Test-2: First Results Conclusions: GIS is converging Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 27 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction GDAAS3 Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 28 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data Reduction Objectives for GDAAS3 1. To prove the GIS approach at a level enough to extrapolate (and validate the approach) to the full mission 2. To implement the shell algorithm GIS at a level enough to extrapolate (and validate the approach) to the full mission 3. To provide a design of the GAIA operational system Sept 13, 2004 JENAM 2004 29 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data General structure Reduction Verification MBP photometry Radial velocities Data Base and GDAAS system Core Algorithms Simulator Sept 13, 2004 Shell 4 Shell 1 GRID Shell 5 SW-HW asses. JENAM 2004 Shell 2 Shell 3 Shell n 30 GAIA Data Analysis: Modelling and Data TASKS Reduction Verification. TBD MBP photometry TBD Radial velocities. MEUDON Data Base and GDAAS system Shell 1 GRID UB, GMV Core Algorithms UB, GMV, CESCA Shell 5 CESCA Simulator UB and others Sept 13, 2004 Shell 4 SW-HW asses. ESAC JENAM 2004 Shell 2 Shell 3 CNES Shell n 31
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