ON THE RELEVANCE AND FUTURE OF UV ASTRONOMY Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro ¾The relevance of the UV spectral range for astrophysics ¾What is available now? ¾Instrumental requirements for the future ¾Network for UV Astrophysics (NUVA) Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro 1. The relevance of the UV spectral range for astrophysics The UV range supplies a richness of experimental data which is unmatched by any other domain for the study of hot plasma with temperatures in between 102K and 105K. ALL the resonance lines of ALL the elements are in the UV. Diffuse baryonic component of the Universe – warm/hot gas (the largest filling factor by volume) The electronic transitions of the most abundant molecules, such as H2, OH, or CO, are observed in this range which is also the most sensitive to the presence of large molecules such as the PAHs. Example: In cool stars you can get in a single shot (a UV spectrum) information from OI, CII, CIV, NV, FeXII, FeXXII and H2, CO Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro The UV spectrum of TW Hya (OI, Lyα, CII, CIV, NV, He II H2,CO) (Herczeg et al 2002) Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro Access to the UV range is required to make progress in astrophysics ¾ Planets and the origin of life: • • • ¾ ISM and Formation and Evolution of Stars: • • • • • • ¾ Accretion physics and disk instabilities Reverberation mapping and gas distribution around AGNs (High-redshift) Universe, Galaxies and Galaxy Evolution: • • • • • • ¾ hot stars atmospheres (and abundance determination) from white dwarfs to hypergiants cool stars atmospheres and magnetic dissipation phenomena formation of stars (from the epoch of planet building-up) and accretion physics Circumstellar material and shells in warm environments, jets, shocks and HH objects Chemical abundances in supernovae remnants and in the early phases of supernovae explosions the warm and hot components of the ISM AGN and Compact Objects: • • ¾ Planetary atmospheres, auroral variability, comets Circumstellar environment at the epoch of planet building-up Chemistry in the Early Solar System Stellar metallicity (0<z<2) Star formation rates SN light curves Intergalactic medium: distribution, physical properties included metallicity Galactic haloes High velocity clouds, magnetic buoyancy in galactic disks and disk-halo interaction Fundamental Physics and Cosmology: • Variation of fundamental constants with the gravitational field and redshift Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro ESA Master Themes for 2015-2025 horizon (Underlined themes: UV range provides instrumental information) ¾ Other worlds and life in the Universe: placing the solar system in context: • Formation of stars and planetary systems • Detection, census and characterization of exoplanets • Search for extraterrestrial life (biomarkers) ¾ The early Universe: • Probing inflation • Investigating dark energy • The observable Universe taking shape ¾ The evolving violent Universe • Black holes and galaxy evolution • Matter under extreme conditions • SN and the life cycle of matter Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro Key problems in astrophysics that cannot be solved without UV: ¾ The chemical evolution of the Universe during 80% of its lifetime ¾ The physics of accretion and outflow ¾ The chemistry in proto-solar systems at the time of planet building-up - Biomarkers ¾ The variation of the fine structure constant with z and the gravitational potential for 0<z<2 Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro 1. CHEMICAL EVOLUTION OF THE UNIVERSE (or THE COSMIC WEB) Geller & Huchra, 1989 Granada, Sept. 2004 VIRGO: Cosmological N-body simulations (with gas) JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro Specific targets: • • • • • Mapping the gas distribution Determination of sizes, topology and ionization fraction Helium re-ionization Primordial D/H value (and cross-checks with C/H, N/H, O/H) Undepleted elements (Zn,S,P,N) Why now? Paresce, 1984; mapped the ISM distribution The GALEX survey is expected to identify 105-106 QSOs in the magnitude range 18<mB<20 Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro 2. The physics of accretion-outflow Magnetically locked THE FRONTIER: COMPLEX & ATTRACTIVE PHYSICS Pulsars The CV´s World -Magnetic, -Diamagnetic blobs -Magnetic fields irrelevant What kind of magnetic interaction??? Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro PROTOSTARS Black holes, AGNs EXAMPLE: ACCRETION INTO A MAGNETIZED SOURCE Basic Assumptions: • Star & Disk good conductors • Star & Disk have different rotation velocities As a result: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. the field lines are twisted by the differential rotation toroidal magnetic flux is generated out of the poloidal flux. the toroidal field builds up and the associated field pressure tends to push the field lines outward and inflate them after the relative star-disk twist angle exceeds aroun1 rad the field lines start to expand faster (at an angle of 30o with the disk) the magnetic link between the star and the disk. Granada, Sept. 2004 Adapted from Lovelace et al 1995 (Uzdenski, 2004) JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro NUMERICAL SIMULATIONS Initial and final configuration B=100 G B=1kG Kueker et al, 2004 The results are robust: the star-disk-outflow system is self-regulating when various initial disk densities, stellar dipolar field strengths and primordial field associated with the disk are tested (see Goodson et al 1997,1999, Matt et al 2002) Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro Given the temperatures involved the output is in the UltraViolet Predicted profiles for UV semiforbidden lines Thermal pressure is a non-negligible component to load gas into the field lines and warm disk wind solutions are a reasonable approach to the disk outflow in region II. Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro Gómez de Castro & Ferro-Fontan 2004 The observed semiforbidden lines are broad Rotation signatures at the base of the wind (Gómez de Castro & Verdugo, 2002) These observations have done with HST/STIS. This instrumentation or equivalent are not available any longer in the whole world-wide astronomical community. As today, ESA has not taken any step to provide the community with a facility to replace the lost of the HST/STIS (or COS) capabilities. Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro 3. Chemistry in protoplanetary disks Magnetic reconnection is expected not only in the stellar magnetosphere but also above the disk up to some few stellar radii. Granada, Sept. 2004 High energy particles X-Ray radiation: Heats –up the inner part of the disk. As the density is high X-ray -> UV JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro Reconnecting magnetic fields will accelerate the electrons and heat the plasma Heating by radiation from shock waves Turbulence Onset: Electric fields accelerate particles Reconnection: particles are conducted to the chromosphere Heyvaerts, Priest, Rust, 1977 Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro This also implies that there is a strong and extended radiation field within the 1 inner AU s of protostellar disk Photodisociation, Photoionization (and Photoevaporation) processes will affect the chemistry in the protoplanetary disk leading to a Cometary-alike Chemistry Fluorescence emission from: CO, H2, OH, CS, S2, CO2+, C2 will be pumped by the UV radiative field. Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro A TOOL to study the circumstellar disk within 1 AU: variability and flaring. In the “star formation world” we use the word “flaring” just to indicate a sudden and short increase in the stellar luminosity often detected in: X-ray or UBV photometry. It is often assumed that flares are associated with magnetic reconnection events. However, in the solar system, a rapid release of energy is also observed in association with: ¾ Shocks between fast and slow components in the wind ¾ Shocks between the wind and the gas in the disk at the latest stages ¾ Mass ejections associated with instabilities Is it feasible to distinguish these different types of events??? Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro AB DOR “FLARES”: CIV [uv1] lines Gómez de Castro 2002 AB Dor Properties: Age 20-30 Myrs Rotation Period: 0.51479 d Surface field: >500 G Granada, Sept. 2004 Gómez de Castro 2002 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro The very broad wings are most probably related with the interaction of plasma flows along curved field lines with remnant gas in the disk... Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro “Normal” flares CIRs? Shock? Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro Technical-Advantages of the UV • 30 years of experience in UV instrumentation (from Copernicus to HST) • High spectral resolution is a well-known technology • Normal incidence is more efficient than grazing incidence • Electronic molecular transitions are significantly stronger than vibrational transitions Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro But… the future of UV astronomy seems rather dark…. Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro Instrumental Requirements for the future Firstly, A high resolution (R≈30,000) UV spectrograph with a sensitivity at least 10 times better than HST/STIS (COS, WSO/UV) in a mid-size (1.5m-2m) mission. and then…(2020) A 4m-6m space mission to provide enough effective area for high resolution efficient (echelle) spectroscopy. Imaging capabilities and mid resolution long-slit spectroscopy are necessary. Some overlap with the optical range is desirable (up to 5500Å) to guarantee a good overlap with the 10 m. ground-based telescopes cosmological studies Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro Actions: ¾ Creation of the Network for UltraViolet Astronomy (NUVA) to coordinate the efforts of the european community. • NUVA will map and review the instrumental performance of existing and near future capabilities in the UV on a global scale. • NUVA will assess for the future needs and develop a perspective for the future at European scale. ¾ International colaboration Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro Granada, Sept. 2004 JENAM2004-Instrumentation Ana I Gómez de Castro
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