3D SIMULATIONS OF TYPE IA SUPERNOVAE A. Hirschmann, J. Isern, E. Bravo Institut d´Estudis Espacials de Catalunya, (IEEC/CSIC/UPC), Barcelona, Spain A 3D Monte Carlo code has been built to simulate the gamma-ray emission during Type Ia supernova explosions in order to properly take into account departures from symmetry (Isern et al,1999; Isern et al, 2003) A 3D Delayed Detonation (DDT) model has been used as input for the simulation results presented further ahead. Two calculations of gamma-ray emission were carried out: one taking into account the whole structure of the DDT model, and the second carving out a conical hole from the sphere, where its density is almost negligible. The hole is representing the location of a secondary star. It is natural to wonder if this kind of situation will produce an observable feature in the γ-ray signature of the explosion. In the simple degenerate scenario, the debris of the explosion will collide with the secondary star and, consequently, a hole of some form will appear (Marietta et al., 2001) Figure 1 WHY A CONICAL HOLE ? SEC STAR WD We have computed the γ-ray emission assuming a conical hole in the debris. Figure 2 CONICAL HOLE ∆θ ∆θ In order to compare results, we have also computed the γ-ray by the entire expanding ejecta. Figure 3 ∆θ EJECTED MATERI AL FROM EXPLOSION ∆θ ∆θ ∆θ Figure 2 Figure 1 Figure 3 RESULTS FROM SIMULATIONS HOLE NOT INCLUDED GAMMA RAY SPECTRA SYMMETRY CONSIDERATIONS The spectra shown at day 20 as well as day 70 after the explosion emphasizes the almost perfect symmetry of the system. From any direction, there is no major variation of the flux as a function of the angle. In both cases, the red line represents the average radiation over the whole sphere. The small scale structure of the green line, noticeable more on day 70 than day 20, is mainly due to numerical noise. At day 20, two lines are seen: 812keV belonging to 56Ni and 847keV to 56Co. At day 70, the 812keV line is no longer seen since the lifetime of this radioactive element is of the order of eight days. For the DDT model, the intensity of the lines 56Ni 158kev and 56Co 847keV remains constant as a function of the viewing angle. Several days are plotted to show that the intensity flattens out with time. The 56Ni 158 keV is only present during the first days after the explosion (τ1/2~8.8days). This radioactive element decays into 56Co, which has a much longer lifetime (τ1/2~111days) and peaks approximately between 70-100 days after the explosion. The left figure displays the decrease of intensity of 158keV line vs θ with time, going from maximum at day 20 to minimum at day 300. In the right figure, the intensity of line 847 kev vs. θ increases with time till it reaches maximum at day 90 and then decreases until day 300. The intensity for both figures remains almost constant for any inclination. HOLE location: θi=154º θs=180º ϕi=0º ϕs=360º HOLE INCLUDED SYMMETRY CONSIDERATIONS GAMMA RAY SPECTRA As in the non-hole case, both 56Ni 158keV and 56Co 847keV line intensities are plotted as a function of the viewing angle. Contrary to the previous case, the intensities do show a dependence on the angle. The dotted line marks the beginning of the conical hole, at θ~ 154º. The intensity remains constant outside the hole (except for the day 20) but increases as the viewing angle approaches the cone. This phenomenon is seen for early days in line 158 keV and mid epochs for 847 keV. The lines eventually become constant, with time, both outside as inside the hole, since the medium becomes transparent, and thus, the system resembles non-hole model conditions.. Spectra of day 20 and day 70 for line 847keV 56Co are displayed in the figures below. The line 812keV 56Ni is prominent at early stages and stronger than the 56Co 847 keV, but for later days the lower energy line disappears, as seen in day 70. Evidently, there is a flux dependence with the viewing angle. The flux increases when observing the system right above the conical hole (green line). Since the density is much lower inside than outside the hole, the medium is less dense and hence, more photons will be able to escape. Notice also that the green line profile resembles a gaussian much more than the other lines. ● ● CONCLUSIONS ● In the case of having only one observation, it will be impossible to distinguish if the observation was from inside or outside the hole, since we do not have the possibility of viewing the system from different directions. A numerous database of SN Ia explosions with high resolution spectra is needed to be able to achieve such thorough analysis. However, if the observation was to measure the line profile, this could help to detect the presence of the hole. GAMMA RAY LIGHTCURVE The quasi symmetry of the system again is present in the lightcurve of the 56Co 847 keV line; the flux does not depend on the viewing angle. The lines are zoomed in at maximum to show that there is a slight variation, however small enough to be considered negligible. (∆E=0.84-0.88 MeV) GAMMA RAY LIGHTCURVE The asymmetry of the system becomes relevant when calculating the lightcurves. The intensity obtained when looking down the hole (green line) is considerably higher than the intensity obtained when looking from a line of sight outside the cone. The peak shown at day 20 represents the contribution of the 56Ni 812 keV line. This line disappears rather early in the explosion since 56Ni has a lifetime of ~8 days. For later times, the material becomes transparent enough both inside and outside the hole such that the line intensities converge for all viewing angles. (∆E=0.83-0.88 MeV) References: Gomez-Gomar, J., Isern, J., Jean, P., 1998, MNRAS, 295, 1 Isern, J, Bravo, E., Gomez-Gomar, J., & Garcia-Senz, D. 1999, Astro Lett & Comm., 38, 411 Isern,J., Bravo,E., Hirschmann, A.,Garcia-Senz, D., 2003, Seeon Proceedings Kasen D.,Nugent P., Thomas R.C.,Wang L., 2003, asto-ph/0311009 Marietta, E., Burrows, A., & Fryxell, B. 2000 ApJS, 128, 615
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