POSITRON GENERATION IN TYPE IA SUPERNOVAE A.Hirschmann, E. Bravo & J. Isern Institut d´Estudis Espacials de Catalunya, (IEEC/CSIC/UPC), Barcelona, Spain Various scenarios have been proposed to understand the emission of positrons from the galactic bulge : GRB-hypernovae (Bertone et al. 2004), Mirror matter (Foot & Silgadaze, 2004) and Type Ia Supernovae (SN Ia) (Cassé et al. 2004). This emission has been measured by ESA’s gamma ray satellite INTEGRAL. 1D simulations models have obtained a value for the rate of supernovae explosions rather similar to Cassé et al. results which follows up very well to the value of the 511 keV positron-electron emission line coming from the galactic center. 3D simulations are being conducted at the moment to achieve results on this matter. Possible Progenitors: ⇒ GRBs/Hypernovae (Bertone et al, 2004) ⇒ Type Ia Supernovae (Cassé et al, 2004) ⇒ Mirror Matter (Foot & Silgadaze, 2004) ANNIHILATION OF POSITRONS WITH ELECTRONS SUPERNOVA TYPE IA Positron GAMMA RAY BURST Positronium formation ~90 % POSITRONIUM Bound state with electron POSITRON GENERATION BY β+ DECAY OF RADIOACTIVE ELEMENTS Direct annihilation ~10 % Electronic Capture: β+ decay: (Z+1,A) ORTO-POSITRONIUM 75% cases (Z,A) + υe (Z+1,A) + e- e+ +υe +(Z,A) τ1/2 ≈ 111 days 56Ni 56Co Emission Line 511 keV Annihilation positron-electron 56Fe β+ decay 19% 2 γ rays with E= 511 keV Continuum Elec. Cap. 81% Elec. Cap. 100% τ =10-10s τ =10 s 3 γ rays with E< 511 keV Positron τ1/2 ≈ 8.8 days PARA-POSITRONIUM 25 % cases -7 56Fe Gamma rays are emitted in every radioactive decay since these particles decay into excited states and emit γ rays in order to reach the temporary ground state of the daughter nuclei. Only 19% of the 56Ni generated in the explosion can produce positrons since no positrons are produced during electronic capture (56Ni → 56Co) and only that 19% mentioned above is generated by β+ decay (56Co → 56Fe). e+ e- γγ 2 γ of 511 keV each When positrons are produced, they can annihilate with the electron either by direct annihilation( 10% of the cases) or form positronium (90%) previously. Direct annihilation produces 2 γ rays of 511 keV each. If the positron becomes bound with the electron, it will annihilate into 2 γ rays of 511 keV, in 25% of the cases (para-positronium) giving rise to the emission line, or into 3 γ rays of energies below 511 keV, 75% of the cases (ortopositronium), which will form the continuum below the emission line of 511 keV. OBSERVATIONS OF POSITRON-ELECTRON 511 KEV LINE 1D MODEL SIMULATIONS RESULTS MODELS MODELS DDTa Emission of the positron-electron emission line at 511 keV from the galactic bulge has been observed by INTEGRAL. The galactic bulge is emitting particles at this energy at a rate of: DDT(a-e): Delayed Detonation model PDD(a-e): Pulsating Delayed Detonation model DET: Detonation model SUB: Sub-Chandrasekhar model DEF(a-f): Deflagration model ACCUMULATED e+ 1.897x1054 ΓSN/cent Γe+ ~ 1.3 x 1043 e+s-1 The rate of supernovae explosions is calculated by means of the following expression: 0.023 DDTe 8.488x1053 0.048 PDDa 2.522x1054 0.016 PDDe 1.358x1054 0.031 DET 4.708x1054 0.009 SUB 1.507x1054 0.027 Γ SN = N (e + / s) N e+ / event The rate of supernova explosions occurring in the galactic bulge has been obtained by Cassé et al. 200, which is: The figure displays the accumulated positrons as a function of time. At early epochs, the expanding ejecta is very dense and thus, a small percentage of positrons can escape. As the ejected material becomes transparent, a larger amount of positrons will be able to escape and thus will increase drastically in the amount of escaped particles. By very late epochs, there are no more considerable radioactive decays that will generate positrons and thus the values reach a constant slope. CONCLUSIONS Positrons that escape the expanding ejecta are accumulated over the entire integration time (fesc is the fraction of escaped positrons as a function of time) ∞ Np = ∫N p ( t ) f esc dt 0 According to the values obtained for supernova explosion rates in the left table, we can reach several conclusions: 1) Since we do not know which theoretical model is the correct one, we can not discard that Type Ia Supernovae are considered possible progenitors of such emission. 3D MODELS SIMULATIONS The same procedure is being conducted for 3D simulations of Type Ia Supernovae models since these carry indeed more information related to possible asymmetries in the system, they can provide a more realistic scenario of the situation. 2) Type Ia Supernova can be possible progenitors but since the values obtained indicate a higher emission,for certain models, than that observed by INTEGRAL, it is necessary to analyze this scenario of positron emission in 3D. 3) The rate of supernova explosions obtained from the galactic bulge may be underestimated and would need to be re-calculated. References: Bertone et al. 2004, submitted (astro-ph/04050005) Cassé M., Cordier B., Paul J. & Schanne S., 2004, ApJ, 602, L17 Cassé et al. 2004, submitted (astro-ph/0404492) Foot R. & Sildagaze Z.K., 2004 submitted (astro-ph/0404515)
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