WHITE DWARF DETECTION IN THE ALHAMBRA SURVEY S. Catalán, J. Isern, E. García-Berro, S. Torres, Alhambra Team Institut d’Estudis Espacials de Catalunya, (IEEC/CSIC/UPC), Barcelona, SPAIN A new high visual depth survey is presented. New cool white dwarfs will eventually be discovered, which will undoubtely increase the statistical significance of the white dwarf luminosity function. Moreover, by increasing the sample of known white dwarfs, we will be able to determine which ones are members of a binary system and which of those binary systems are detached and composed by a main sequence star and a white dwarf. Hence, comparison of their corresponding ages will provide tight constrainsts on the evolutionary models. THE ALHAMBRA SURVEY Figure 1. Fields chosen by the ALHAMBRA Team. Figure 2. Transmission of each filter versus wavelength The ALHAMBRA (Advanced Large, Homogeneous Area Medium Band Redshift Astronomical) survey will observe eight 1-squared degree fields, four in each galactic hemisphere to allow continuous observations throughout the year. Fig.1 shows the location of the proposed fields. Some of them have been chosen intentionally to overlap with other publicly available surveys for the sole purpose of verifying calibration methods and comparing results. The other fields have been selected close to the celestial equator to allow future follow-up in both hemispheres. Figure 3. Limiting AB magnitudes versus wavelength for different filters. The ALHAMBRA survey is a general-purpose survey whose primary aim is to provide a large-area (8 squared degrees), magnitude-limited photometric catalogue in 20+3 bands, which will include reliable and precise photometric redshifts for ~106 galaxies and AGNs. The system of filters (fig. 2) is composed by 20 marginally overlapping, mediumband, top-hat filters in order to provide a complete, contiguous spectral coverage in the optical wavelength range (35009700Å), and by filters JKH which will take images in the near-IR bands. In fig. 3, the limiting AB magnitudes are expressed as a function of wavelength for different filters in the optical domain. The goal of this survey is to reach, in the optical range, a constant flux, AB=25 at S/N=5, in all the filters covering from 3500 to 8300Å, and from AB=24.7 to 23.4 for the remaining filters. The exposure time necessary to reach the quoted limit has been computed for each filter and it is indicated in ksecs in each of the bins. COLOUR-COLOUR DIAGRAM Once the results of the ALHAMBRA survey become available, it will be necessary to place those objects of interest in a colour-colour diagram (fig. 5), which relates photometric values (magnitudes and colours) with physical properties (effective temperature and surface gravity). Figure 5 shows an example of a wide grid which has been plotted having considered the absolute magnitudes M1, M5 and M11. These magnitudes have been obtained taking into account the brigthness, b, collected within the filters 1, 5 and 11 from the photometric system of this survey. A set of different temperatures (7000 to 60000K) and surface gravities (107-109 cm/s2) DA white dwarfs theoretical spectra from the Koester database has been used to compute AB magnitudes for each spectra (red line). An example is shown in fig. 4, where a typical DA WD spectra can be seen. The Hydrogen absorption lines: Hα (6563Å), Hβ (4861Å), Hγ (4340Å) are quite noticeable as are some other transitions near 4000Å. M AB = −2.5 log(b) − 48.60 Figure 4. AB magnitudes and theoretical spectra versus wavelength for a DA WD with Teff=14000K and log(g)=8.0. b= Figure 5. Colour-colour diagram for a set of DA white dwarfs λ2 ∫ F ( λ ) Aλ ( z ) R ( λ ) d λ λ1 DISCUSSION WHITE DWARF DETECTION Assuming a standard intial mass function, a constant star formation rate and updated models of white dwarf cooling, the white dwarf luminosity function can be computed, and from it, the expected number of white dwarfs can be derived for each field. A total number of 300 WD is expected to be detected in the ALHAMBRA survey, 38 in each of the fields shown in figure 1. In this table it is shown the number of white dwarfs, in the galactic disk and in the galactic halo, that are expected to be detected in each of the fields proposed by the ALHAMBRA survey. Figure 6. Transmission of some of the Alhambra filters and the V filter versus wavelength. The V filter can be expressed as a combination of those Alhambra filters which fall within its wavelength range (fig. 6): TV = 0.64T1 + 1.79T2 + 1.41T3 + 0.78T4 + 0.24T5 - 0.13T6 where TV and Ti are the transmissions of filter V and of each filter, respectively. The visual limiting magnitude computed in this way turns out to be 25.5 and, hence, the ALHAMBRA Survey will provide a handful of faint WDs. FIELD CO SM O S H D F-N G RO TH ELA IS-N 1 A LH A M BRA -1 A LH A M BRA -2 A LH A M BRA -3 A LH A M BRA -5 D ISK 36 31 32 37 51 33 33 30 H A LO 2 1 1 2 3 2 1 2 COMPARISON WITH OTHER SURVEYS A comparison of the main characteristics of the ALHAMBRA Survey and those of some publicly available surveys is shown in the next table: SURVEY COSMOS HDF-N SDSS NOAO COMBO-17 ALHAMBRA IAB limit 27.0 28.0 21.3 26.0 24.0 25 AREA Spectral Resolution (º2) Range 2 gI 2.5 0.001 UVI 4 8000 Ugriz 6 18 BRIJHK 4 1 3650-9140 Å 25 8 3500-22000Å 25 The AHAMBRA Survey will provide observations over a large area, as well as very high resolution and deep visual detection. This is the most important aspect that distinguishes this survey from the rest. REFERENCES: Isern, J., García-Berro, E., Hernanz, M., Mochkovitch, R., and Torres, S. 1998, ApJ, 503, 239 Koester, D., private comunication to Jordi Isern.
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