INTERACTION BETWEEN MASSIVE STARS AND THE ISM IN GALACTIC H ii REGIONS Chapter I: Oxygen abundances in Orion nebula cluster stars S. Simón-Díaz Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Isaac Newton Group [email protected] A. Herrero Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Departamento de Astrofísica, Universidad de La Laguna [email protected] C. Esteban Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias Departamento de Astrofísica, Universidad de La Laguna [email protected] F. Najarro Instituto de Estructura de la Materia, CSIC [email protected] Abstract Using Fastwind, a state-of-the-art model atmosphere program, we derive new stellar oxygen abundances for the brightest stars of Orion nebula cluster that point towards values lower than presently assumed and very close to those obtained for the ionized gas phase. This has strong consequences for the dust content and the assumed total oxygen abundance of the nebula. These results are part of an ongoing project aimed at the study of ionising massive stars and the surrounding ionized gas in Galactic H ii regions. 2 Keywords: Stars: abundances – Stars: early-type – Stars: fundamental parameters – Stars: atmospheres – ISM: abundances – ISM: HII regions – ISM: Orion nebula Introduction Since their birth, massive stars, are closely related to the interstellar medium surrounding them and from where they are born. Being coeval, both objects must share the same abundance pattern, reflecting the very recent chemical composition of the zones where they are located. Until a few years ago, only nebular studies allow us to reach extragalactic distances for abundance determinations due to their big sizes and confined radiation in very luminous emission lines. Nowadays, the construction of very large telescopes has made possible to use the massive stars for abundance studies even beyond the Local Group. Some work has been done to show if the results given by both methodologies, nebular and stellar, give coherent results (see Urbaneja et al., ? and Trundle et al., ? as examples of the kind of studies that has been done). However, until now, there have not been systematic studies combining results obtained from nebular and stellar studies. In this paper we present new determinations of the oxygen abundance of the brightest stars inside the nearest H ii region, the Orion nebula. 1. The Orion nebula and its associated cluster Located in the Orion arm of the Galaxy, the Orion nebula is projected just toward the south of the three stars of the Orion’s Belt. It is an H ii region that appears like a thin skin of ionized material on the surface of a molecular complex. The Orion nebula has been extensively studied (see O’Dell, ?, for a review of the characteristics of this H ii region and its stellar population). Recently, Esteban et al. (?) have worked on a reappraisal study of the chemical composition of the ionised gas phase of the nebula. The main ionising source of the Nebula, θ1 Ori C (O7V) star is one of the brightest stars in the Orion nebula cluster (onc). It can be found in the socalled Trapezium Cluster, the central part of the onc, together with another three massive stars (θ1 Ori A, B and D). Near the so-called Bright Bar of the nebula there are two other massive stars, θ2 Ori A and B. Three of those stars (θ1 Ori A, D and θ2 Ori B) were included in the B stars survey associated with the Orion complex by Cunha & Lambert (?, ?). These authors obtained C, N, O, Si and Fe abundances in the stars of the survey. 3 Oxygen abundances in the ONC Table 1. Orion nebula cluster stars and the two standard stars selected for our study arranged by spectral type. Projected rotational velocities were derived through Fourier method. Stellar parameters were derived by means of an HHe analysis of the optical spectra with the latest version of Fastwind (see Simón-Díaz et al., ?). HD number Name SpT v sin i (km s−1 ) Teff (K) log g (dex) HD37022 HD37041 HD37020 HD37023 HD37042 θ1 Ori C θ2 Ori A θ1 Ori A θ1 Ori D θ2 Ori B O7V O9V B0.5V B0.5V B0.5V 24.0 ± 2.0 131 ± 4 55.0 ± 0.6 49.0 ± 0.9 34.0 ± 0.5 38000 35000 30000 32000 29000 4.1 4.2 4.0 4.2 4.2 HD214680 HD149438 10 Lac τ Sco O9V B0.2V 30.0 ± 0.8 13.0 ± 1.0 35500 32000 3.9 4.0 a This is the faintest of the sample stars, it has a high v sin i and is a binary. Its INT-IDS spectrum does not have enough quality for a good spectral study. 2. Spectroscopic observations The stellar spectra were obtained with the Intermediate Dispersion Spectrograph (IDS) attached to the Isaac Newton Telescope (INT) in the Roque de Los Muchachos Observatory. Two spectral regions were observed: from 4000 to 5000 A and the Hα region (Figure ?? shows the 4000-5000 region of the stars observed for this study). The hydrogen Balmer lines, together with the optical He i and He ii lines allow us to determine the stellar parameters. Table ?? resumes the spectral type of the five onc stars as well as another two standard stars selected for comparison. We have derived the v sin i and stellar parameters for all the stars of the table, however only three of them have been selected for the abundance analysis. 3. B0.5V stars. The perfect targets The optical spectrum of the early-B, late-O Main Sequence stars shows many C, N, O, Si and Mg lines. These lines become weaker when we go through earlier spectral types, as it can be see in Figure ??. So it is better if we consider B1 - 09 stars for the stellar abundance determinations. However, if the projected rotational velocity of the star is high, then metal lines will appear blended, making more difficult the abundance analysis. This is, for example the case of θ2 Ori A, an O9V star, similar to 10 Lac, but with higher v sin i. Metal lines, that can be perfectly distinguished in 10 Lac, appear blended in θ2 Ori A. 4 Figure 1. INT+IDS spectra of the sample stars. The best targets for the abundance analysis in the onc stars are: θ1 Ori A, D and θ2 Ori B, three B0.5V. Finally, we have selected the B0.2V star τ Sco as standard; its Teff is very close to those of the B0.5V onc stars. 4. The code: FASTWIND The analysis has been performed by means of the latest version of Fastwind (an acronym for Fast analysis of stellar atmospheres with winds), a code which was originally described by Santolaya-Rey et al. (?). See Repolust et al. (?) for the newest description of the code. The newest version uses a temperature correction method based on the energy balance of electrons. The technique used for the derivation of the stellar parameters is already standard and has been described elsewhere (Herrero et al., ?; Repolust et al., ?). Table ?? resumes the stellar parameters derived through the H - He i / He ii analysis. The details of the analysis will be published soon (Simón-Díaz et al., ?). Oxygen abundances in the ONC 5 Figure 2. Squematic representation of how does the curve of growth method work. See text for details. (Left) Curves of growth for the O ii λ4641 line in θ1 Ori A; the observed EW and its uncertainties are represented as horizontal lines. (Right) Each O ii line is represented by a point in these graphs; the microturbulence that makes all the lines give the same abundance (zero slope), as well as the abundance associated with that microturbulence is what we are looking for. 5. Stellar abundances Once the stellar parameters have been determined, we proceed to the abundance analysis by means of the curve of growth method. A set of well determined, not blended O ii lines are selected and their equivalent widths are measured (see Table ??). Then using Fastwind models we proceed as follows: fixing four values of the microturbulence, we construct equivalent width curves for each line varying the assumed O/ H ratio. Figure ?? illustrates the curve of growth method. By comparing the observed EW with the theoretical ones we can derive an abundance for each line and for each microturbulence. Then we construct an abundance - equivalent width graph for each microturbulence. We adopt the microturbulence that gives the same abundance for all the oxygen lines (e.g. the zero slope graph). Finally the oxygen abundance is calculated statistically with all the lines for that microturbulence. Several uncertainties have to be taken into account for deriving the final abundance uncertainty. Errors in the measurement of the observed EWs are due to the SNR of the spectrum. These affect the microturbulence determined through the zero slope and the individual line abundances. The uncertainty in the microturbulence propagate to the final abundance error. The uncertainties in the stellar parameters have to be taken also into account. All this sources of un- 6 Line EWo ²(O)a τ Sco (ξt = 9) O ii O ii O ii O ii O ii O ii O ii O ii O ii O ii O ii O ii O ii a 4638 4641 4661 4676 4319 4366 4416 4452 4941 4943 4956 4891 4906 85 127 90 79 86 80 100 37 38 60 17 24 34 8.80 8.70 8.76 8.77 8.73 8.65 8.67 8.74 8.68 8.66 8.78 8.79 8.67 EWo ²(O) EWo ²(O) EWo ²(O) θ1 Ori A (ξt = 6) θ1 Ori D (ξt = 8) θ2 Ori B (ξt = 6) 97 132 80 82 100 96 121 54 50 63 20 29 42 – – 74 68 71 77 93 32 35 55 13 18 31 93 — 88 82 95 103 117 60 44 62 21 27 43 8.74 8.63 8.44 8.59 8.67 8.64 8.68 8.72 8.68 8.54 8.66 8.70 8.62 — — 8.45 8.51 8.45 8.49 8.46 8.47 8.51 8.49 8.51 8.56 8.50 8.72 — 8.56 8.61 8.62 8.74 8.67 8.78 8.59 8.54 8.67 8.64 8.63 ²(O) = log(O/H) + 12 Table 2. Equivalent widths and derived line abundances for the suitable set of O ii lines in the four studied stars. Line abundances refer to the microturbulence given in brackets for each star (ξt in km s−1 ). Uncertainties in the observed EW are 5 mA (τ Sco) and 10 mA (Orion stars). Some lines in θ1 Ori B and θ2 Ori B were not used because are blended certainties (due to microturbulence, stellar parameters and statistics) are added quadratically for giving the final uncertainty. The resulting oxygen abundances for the three B0.5V stars of the onc, as well as the standard B0.2V star τ Sco, are presented in Table ??. There is agreement between the oxygen abundances derived for the Orion stars taking into account the uncertainties. 6. Comparison with nebular abundances Esteban et al. (?) have recently published a reappraisal study of the chemical composition of the Orion nebula. They derived a total oxygen gas phase abundance log(O/ H) = 8.65 ± 0.12. However, some oxygen could be depleted onto dust grains, so the total gas+dust oxygen abundance should have this depletion into account. In a previous work (Esteban et al. ?), these authors estimate the depletion onto dust grains by comparing Si and Fe nebular abundances with those obtained by Cunha & Lambert (?, 1994) in B stars in Orion (see Table 7 Oxygen abundances in the ONC Object N φt (km/s) log(O/H)+12 This work HD 149438 1 θ Ori A θ1 Ori D θ2 Ori B 15 8.9 ± 1.2 8.72 ± 0.06 14 13 13 6.7 ± 2.5 7.0 ± 4.5 6.0 ± 2.7 8.66 ± 0.12 8.58 ± 0.11 8.62 ± 0.12 Cunha & Lambert 1 θ Ori A θ1 Ori D θ2 Ori B 7 6 6 5.0 7.0 6.0 8.83 ± 0.12 8.87 ± 0.08 8.85 ± 0.06 Esteban et al. Gas Gas + dust 8.65 ± 0.12 8.73 ± 0.12 Table 3. Oxygen abundances for the three B0.5V stars inside Orion nebula and the reference star τ Sco. Oxygen NLTE abundances derived by Cunha & Lambert (?) for the Orion stars as well as the those calculated by Esteban et al. (?) for the nebula are also presented for comparison. ??). Taking into account that correction, the final gas+dust oxygen abundance Esteban et al. (?) propose is log(O/ H) = 8.73 ± 0.12. How well do these values compare with the oxygen abundance we derived? There are two points we may discuss: 1 Our O/ H ratios are systematically lower than those determined by Cunha & Lambert (?). 2 Our stellar O/ H ratios are in agreement with the gas phase oxygen abundance of Esteban et al. (?). Cunha & Lambert obtain higher values of Teff for these stars, and this produces larger oxygen abundances (the theoretical O ii lines become fainter when a higher Teff is considered, so we need a higher oxygen abundance for fitting the observed O ii lines equivalent widths). As gas phase nebular oxygen abundance is very close to what we derived, this suggest that the fraction of oxygen depleted onto dust grains could be lower than the previous estimation. However, the uncertainties in the stellar and nebular gas phase oxygen abundances do not allow us to estimate accurately the oxygen depletion factor. We are working in the Si and Fe analysis to further explore this possibility. 8 7. Conclusions We have performed an oxygen abundance analysis of three B0.5V stars located in the core of the Orion nebula: Our oxygen abundances are ∼ 0.2 dex lower than those derived by Cunha & Lambert (?) Our abundances are in agreement with those gas phase abundances derived by Esteban et al. (?) Our values suggest that the amount of oxygen depleted onto dust grains is lower than that assumed by Esteban et al. (?) taking into account the stellar Si, and Fe abundances in Orion B stars by Cunha & Lambert. 8. Discussion during the meeting J. Maíz Apellaniz: There is some confusion regarding θ1 Ori A. It is really an early-B star but in some places it is mistaken with θ1 Ori C, which is really the only O star. S. Simón-Díaz: This confusion can be easily solved if you have a look to the spectra. The optical spectrum of θ1 Ori C, classified as O7V is very different compared with the optical spectrum of θ1 Ori A. Acknowledgments SSD wish to thank M. A. Urbaneja, M. R. Villamariz, C. Trundle and D. Lennon for their help and useful comments on this study. This work has been funded by the Spanish MCyT under project AYA2001-0436 and the Spanish MEC under project AYA2004-08271-C02-00. References Cunha K., Lambert D. L., 1992, ApJ 399, 586 Cunha K., Lambert D. L., 1994, ApJ 426, 170 Esteban C., Peimbert M., Torres-Peimbert S., Escalante V., 1998, MNRAS 295, 401 Esteban, C., Peimbert, M., García-Rojas, J., Ruiz, M. T., Peimbert, A., Rodríguez, M., 2004, MNRAS 355, 229 Herrero A., Puls J., Najarro F., 2002, A&A 396, 949 O’Dell, C. R., 2001, PASP 113, 290 Repolust, T., Puls, J., Herrero, A., 2004, A&A 415, 349 Santolaya-Rey A. E., Puls J., Herrero A. 1997, A&A 323, 488 Simón-Díaz et al., in preparation Oxygen abundances in the ONC 9 Trundle C., Dufton P. L., Lennon D. J., Smartt S. J., Urbaneja M. A., 2002, A&A 395, 519 Urbaneja M. A., Herero A., Bresolin F., Kudritzki R.-P., Gieren W., Puls J., Przybilla N., Najarro F., Pietrzynski G., 2004, ApJ, in press
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