Do We Understand the PN K 4-47? Photoionization x Shock-Excitation Denise R. Gonçalves Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias (IAC - Spain) Collaborators: R. Corradi (ING) A. Mampaso (IAC) M. Perinotto (U. di Firenze) A. Riera (U. de Catalunya) L. López-Martín (IAC) Main (Large-Scale) Components of PNe halo rim The rim is the result of the interaction between the fast and slow winds. The density structure of the attached shell is determined by the ionization front. attached shell The halo is ionized AGB matter, and its edge is the signature of the last thermal pulse. Rims, shells and haloes are better identified in the [OIII] and Hα emission lines. NGC 2022 Microstructures (LIS) of PNe - very prominent in the low-ionization lines – [OII], [NII] and [SII]; - fainter in Hα; - almost absent in [OIII]. (Corradi et al.`00) (Corradi et al.`97) NGC 6337 IC 4593 [OIII] [NII] (Corradi et al.`99) NGC 6826 K 1-2 [OIII] [NII] (Balick et al.`98) [OIII] [NII] The Morphology and Kinematics of K 4-47 NOT data (Corradi et al.`00) K 4-47 Knot1 Core [OIII] 5007Å [NII] 6583Å Knot2 Radial velocities: Velocity separation (Knot1, Knot2): 105 kms-1 (Hα) and 115 kms-1 ([NII]). Its kinematics is similar to that of the H-H objects. Using planar and bow-shock models of Hartigan et al. `87 => Vexp = 150 – 200 kms-1 These high-velocity (highly supersonic) knots are likely to be shock excited! The Morphology and Kinematics of K 4-47 NOT data (Corradi et al.`00) K 4-47 Knot1 Core [OIII] 5007Å [NII] 6583Å INT – optical long-slit spectra (P.A.=41°): - 3700Å to 6750Å - 3.3Å/pix - 0¨.70/pix Knot2 Radial velocities: Velocity separation (Knot1, Knot2): 105 kms-1 (Hα) and 115 kms-1 ([NII]). Its kinematics is similar to that of the H-H objects. Using planar and bow-shock models of Hartigan et al. `87 => Vexp = 150 – 200 kms-1 These high-velocity (highly supersonic) knots are likely to be shock excited! (Gonçalves et al ´04) Ne, Te and Main Excitation Knot1 Knot2 Core Knot1 Ne and Te Core Knot2 Ne[SII] (cm-3) 4600 ±800 1900 ±400 2400 ±400 Te[NII] (K) 18900±2900 >21000 16900±2800 Te[OIII] (K) >21000 19300 ±2300 16100±4400 (Gonçalves et al. `04) Te are very high (104K, typical for PNe)! ⇒ the Core is mainly photoionized! Core is analysed using CLOUDY. ⇒ the high-velocity knots Knot1 and Knot2 are mainly shock heated! Knots are modeled using MAPPINGS Ic. Core: Pure Photoionization He/H Core O/H 1.39E-1(14%) 7.37E-5(32%) Type-I 1.3±0.018 (4.93 ±2.22)E-4 N/H 3.74E-4(40%) Ne/H 1.74E-5(66%) S/H 1.96E-6(48%) (5.32 ±3.34)E-4 (1.25 ±0.63)E-4 (8.08 ±6.19)E-6 From O, Ne and S (and the large height on the Galactic plane) ⇒ halo PN, Peimbert´s Type-IV. From He and N => extreme bipolar PN, Peimbert´s Type-I. CLOUDY Inputs: i) shape and intensity of the radiation source; ii) chemical composition; iii) geometry, size and density. CLOUDY Output: the “observe spectrum” after correction by extinction. Core Inputs D (kpc) Size (") Ne (cm-3) Teff (K) L (Lsolar) Dust grains 5.9 1.9 (opt)/0.25(radio) Chemistry Type-I PN 1900 (opt) up to 3E+5(radio) 120 000 K 550 ISM graphite + silicate (Gonçalves et al. `04) Important lines for diagnosis are well reproduced ([NII], [SII], [OII], [OIII], HeI, HeII, etc)! The [OIII] 4363Å and [NII] 5755Å are largely underestimated (by a factor around 3) ! This model implies a Core size of 4" (twice the optical size) ! Core: Pure Photoionization He/H Core O/H 1.39E-1(14%) 7.37E-5(32%) Type-I 1.3±0.018 (4.93 ±2.22)E-4 N/H 3.74E-4(40%) Ne/H 1.74E-5(66%) S/H 1.96E-6(48%) (5.32 ±3.34)E-4 (1.25 ±0.63)E-4 (8.08 ±6.19)E-6 From O, Ne and S (and the large height on the Galactic plane) Solution: ⇒ halo PN, Peimbert´s Type-IV. a strong density stratification! From He and N => extreme bipolar PN, Peimbert´s Type-I. An inner core of extremely high density (3 10+5 cm-3) and CLOUDY Inputs: CLOUDY Output:Nethedetermined “observe spectrum” an outerofzone the empirical from i) shape and intensity the matchingafter correction by extinction. the [SII] lines (2000 cm-3). radiation source; ii) chemical composition; Important lines for diagnosis are well iii) geometry, size and density. reproduced ([NII], [SII], [OII], [OIII], HeI, HeII, etc)! Core Inputs D (kpc) Size (") Ne (cm-3) Teff (K) L (Lsolar) Dust grains 5.9 1.9 (opt)/0.25(radio) Chemistry Type-I PN 1900 (opt) up to 3E+5(radio) 120 000 K 550 ISM graphite + silicate (Gonçalves et al. `04) The [OIII] 4363Å and [NII] 5755Å are largely underestimated (by a factor around 3) ! This model implies a Core size of 4" (twice the optical size) ! Knots: MAPPINGS Bow-Shock Model Bow-shock models are successful when applied to H-H objects (Hartigan et al. `87; Beck et al. `04). MAPPINGS Ic (Dopita et al. `84; Binette et al. `85). Te[SII] Knot1 Knot2 Vbol, to the right, from 50 to 300 kms-1 Te[NII] Te[OIII] MAPPINGS INPUTS: i) pre-ionization; ii) chemical composition; iii) geometry, size and density. MAPPINGS Output: the “observe spectrum” after correction by extinction. Knots move with 250 – 300 kms-1 They have Type-I PN abundances Knot´s Te[NII] = 17800 K The [OIII] (4959Å/4363Å) ratio is underestimated by 30% (Knot1) and 70% (knot2). Caution: the pre-photoionization of the knots was not considered! (Gonçalves et al. `04) Although our modeling pure photoionization for the core, and pure shock excitation for the pairs of knots …Do provide important clues… PHOTO: He and N typical of Type-I (Galactic disk) and an extreme O deficiency typical of the Galactic halo; - However, these abundances would not be valid, if the strong density stratification is proved… and also the Te [NII](6583Å/5755Å) [OIII](4959Å/4363Å) would be wrong, as the auroral and nebular lines involved would be formed in different regions. Note that, although unusual, such high density cores were found in other highly collimated PNe (Corradi et al. ’95). SHOCKS: K 4-47 is one of the few PNe in which the presence of shock-excited features is confirmed (M 2-48, M 2-16, KjPn 8; Gonçalves ’03). Note that, very interestingly, its H2 emission is shock-exited –despite the fact that in most PNe the H2 is excited by fluorescence (Lumsden et a. ’01). Do we understand the PN K 4-47? Not really… because photoionization shock Although our modeling pure photoionization for theand core, andheating are likely to be simultaneously present a real excitation nebula. Suck pureinshock for analysis the pairs needs: of knots ⇒ more sophisticated codes that are not available; provideofimportant clues… ⇒ to be supported by the…Do knowledge the nebular and stellar parameters. PHOTO: He and N typical of Type-I (Galactic disk) and an extreme O deficiency typical of the Galactic halo; - However, these abundances would not be valid, if the strong density stratification is proved… and also the Te [NII](6583Å/5755Å) [OIII](4959Å/4363Å) would be wrong, as the auroral and nebular lines involved would be formed in different regions. Note that, although unusual, such high density cores were found in other highly collimated PNe (Corradi et al. ’95). SHOCKS: K 4-47 is one of the few PNe in which the presence of shock-excited features is confirmed (M 2-48, M 2-16, KjPn 8; Gonçalves ’03). Note that, very interestingly, its H2 emission is shock-exited –despite the fact that in most PNe the H2 is excited by fluorescence (Lumsden et a. ’01). Shock excitation in other PNe with LIS Dwarkadas & Balick `98 X Soker & Reveg `98 (instabilities; evolution) None of the high-velocity pairs of LIS, imaged with HST, show either bow-shock structures or shock excitation. But, actually... FLIERs and SLOWERs of NGC 7662, analysed with the WFPC2 and STIS, are similar in terms of density contrast and main excitation mechanism. NO SHOCK-EXCITED LIS WERE FOUND! Perinotto et al. `04 One problem with at least two possible solutions… First: shock excitation in young PNe M 1-16 M 2-48 Hα [NII] C B A (Schwarz `99; Huggins et al. `00) -This is a young PN in with multiple ejections and with line ratios characteristic of shock-excited emission (Schwarz `92). Data from 2.2 and 3.5m telescopes (Vázquez et al. `99) -The pairs of knots are also shock-excited. Data from 2.1 and 2.2m telescopes M 1-16 and M 2-48 are very similar to K 4-47: - highly collimated bipolar PNe; - with high-velocity structures (100 up to 300 km/s); However, NGC 7009 seems to be more evolved them M 1-16, M 2-48 and K 4-47. ⇒ So, shock excitation can be found, with small and medium telescopes, but only associated with less evolved PNe! Note that PNe have weak shocks… Second: can large telescopes prove whether or not evolved PNe have weak (Perinotto et al. `04) shocks? ⇒ NGC 7662 (STIS) is the PNe with FLIERs analyzed with the highest spatial resolution; But Perinotto et al. argue “the perhaps the thickness of the shocked layer in FLIERs is too small to be resolved, even with HST…in spite of the brightness of the nebula”! ⇒ We do not know the size of the shocked zone (or the thickness of the working surface associated to the shock), simulation are under development (Leiden Group)… STIS spatial scale: 0.1x0.2 arcsec; 0.05x0.05 arcsec Could the NGST, the VLTI, with mas spatial scale, resolve shocks of evolved PNe? Perhaps even SALT, GEMINI, … could resolve these shocks… K 4-47’s Line Profiles K 4-47 INT – long-slit spectra: - 3700Å to 6750Å ⇒ LIS´s excitation; - 3.3Å/pix ⇒ LIS´s chemical abundances. - 0¨.70/pix ⇒ LIS´s Te and Ne; Knot1 Core [OIII] 5007Å [NII] 6583Å Knot2 K 4-47 has a pair of lowionization jets or a pair of knots (the tips of the jets). (Gonçalves et al.`01)
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