Multi wavelength analysis of Hα-selected star-forming galaxies @ z~0.8 V. Villar1, J. Gallego1, J. Zamorano1, D.C. Koo2, P.G. Pérez-González3 , A.Gil de Paz4 1 Universidad Complutense de Madrid (SPAIN), 2 Lick Observatory, University of California (Santa Cruz, USA), Observatory, University of Arizona (USA), 4 IPAC, California Institute of Technology (USA) 3 Steward The two narrow band filters used in this work: •Our own filter (green curve) centered at 11810 Å. • J-continuum filter centered around 12070 Å (blue curve). Building the sample The Hα universe project Selection technique The UCM has built several samples of Hα selected star forming galaxies. The main goal is to understand the properties of these objects and to compare with the universes in UV, FIR and other SFR tracers… Several samples were built at different redshifts to understand the way these objects evolve. Emission-line objects are selected from deep images taken with a narrow band filter tuned to the redshifted Hα emission line. Two narrow band filters are being used. A broad-band image provides the continuum of reference . The redshifts targeted are: • z=0 Local • z=0.24 Cuasi local • z=0.4 Transition epoch J band is used as broad band (purple curve) The OH skylines shown (red curve) Spectroscopic confirmation Our collaboration with the DEEP team at Lick Observatory (University of California, Santa Cruz) allow us to check the redshift of our candidates. Covered fields were selected within the DEEP survey areas. The DEEP team contributes with Keck spectroscopy and HST imaging. Our current redshift goal is z=0.8, where the SFR density is supposed to reach a maximum and a transition has been observed in the galaxy population. are also As part of the DEEP collaboration, 126 HST/ACS orbits have been already granted to cover the extended Groth strip. HST images will provide accurate multi-band photometry and structural parameters. GSS 073_4662 A pilot study: Two spectroscopically confirmed candidates at z=0.8 Here we show images in B, F606, I, UCM narrow band, IRAC 3.6µm and IRAC 4.2µm bands of GSS 073_4662. The redshift of this star forming galaxy is z=0.8095, provided by the DEEP team. Deep nIR images (21000s) of the deep HST/WFPC2 Groth Strip have been taken with the UCM filter in order to obtain star forming galaxies candidates at z=0.8. The candidates are selected by its color (narrow band minus broad band) excess. B F606W HST I NB 11810Å IRAC 3.6µm IRAC 4.2µm GSS 063_6706 Here is the second object confirmed by DEEP. This one is at redshift z=0.81520. The same information as for GSS 073_4662 is shown. Spectral Energy Distributions As part of the multi wavelength analysis we also use GALEX data for the UV and SPITZER data for the FIR. Here we show the spectral energy distributions taking into account B, R, I, J, K bands and SPITZER 3.6, 4.5, 5.8 , 8.0 and 24.0 µm bands. The green curve is the M82 spectrum redshifted to the object redshift. The fine fit of the SED of the two objects with M82 spectrum is clear. However, both objects present an excess in the 24.0 µm. B F606W HST I NB 11810Å IRAC 3.6µm IRAC 4.2µm GSS 063_6706 SED Detailed multi wavelength analysis Keck spectrum for GSS073_4662. The most prominent emission lines of HIIlike galaxies are clearly seen in the moderate spectral (R~5000) resolution spectrum obtained using the LRIS spectrograph at Keck I. Half-light radius (Re) vs. velocity width (σ) diagram for GSS073_4662 (black diamond). The typical locations of various galaxy types are shown, including E/S0 and spheroidal galaxies (Bender et al. 1992), spirals (de Vaucouleurs et al. 1991, RC3), irregulars (RC3) and local star-forming galaxies from the UCM sample (red dots). Dashed lines correspond to constant masses of 108, 1010 and 1012 M~. GSS 073_4662 SED Star formation rate for each object has been obtained by different tracers. We compare here the SFRs obtained through the UV continuum and IR flux with the one obtained with the Hα line flux. Diamonds are the objects of our sample at z=0.8. Triangles are objects around z=0.4 and the circles are objects around z=0.8, both selected by their IR flux. A FIR-based SFR excess has been clearly detected for GSS063. GSS063_6706 GSS063_6706 GSS073_4662 GSS073_4662 GSS063_6706 GSS073_4662 GSS073_4662 Ratio of SFRIR versus extinction-corrected SFRHα as a function of LIR. Diamonds are the objects of our sample. Filled triangles are galaxies around z=0.4 and filled circles are galaxies around z=0.8, both selected by their IR flux (Cardiel et al. 2003). Filled squares are galaxies in the HDF-S observed by Rigopolou et al (2000). Asterisks are the extinction corrected objects from Sullivan et al (2001). Open circles and stars corresponds to the local UCM sample. Our preliminary data tend to confirm the scenario where larger FIR-based SFRs are observed in more FIR luminous star forming objects.
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